
  Chapter 1: The Dog Emperor is Knocked Out at the Beginning


  When Qin Wan opened her eyes, she saw a man on top of her, with an expressionless face, doing indescribable actions on her.

  This man was actually wearing a dragon robe.

  I woke up too fast, I'll sleep a little longer...

  Three seconds after lying down,

  "I lost—"

  The dying woman sat up in shock, picked up the porcelain pillow beside her, and smashed it hard on the man's head.

  A trail of blood was running down the man's forehead at a visible speed, and he fainted. She was stunned as she looked at the scene in front of her.

  Why is she here?

  In front of her was an antique palace, and she immediately remembered the ancient painting that her grandfather had bought for three hundred million last week.

  Looking closely, the furnishings in this room are exactly the same as in the painting.

  She told him that the painting was weird, but he still insisted on buying it and hanging it on the wall? ?

  I remembered that half an hour ago I felt thirsty, so I went downstairs to get some water. I took a look at the painting, and I caught a glimpse of the moonlight shining on the painting in the living room. There was actually a light in the painting?

  Feeling inexplicably frightened, she quickly ran back upstairs.

  She has no memory of what happened afterwards, so did she travel through time???

  At this moment, there was a flash of lightning and thunder in her head, and a memory that did not belong to her came to her mind.

  It turns out that the owner of this body is called Leng Qingqing, an abandoned concubine in the cold palace.

  Leng Qingqing is a love-brained person who has always admired the beauty of Emperor Jiang Beiyu, but Jiang Beiyu hates her very much.

  One day, she finally got her wish and entered the palace and became his concubine. However, the good times didn't last long. She was vulnerable in the palace fights and was framed by other concubines in less than half a month and was banished to the cold palace.

  This dog emperor had never looked at her straight in the eye since she entered the palace, and had completely forgotten about her since then...

  So the question is, since the dog emperor disliked her, why did he turn over her card and ask her to sleep with him?

  The question is, the Leng family's ancestral graves suddenly became dark, and Leng Qingqing's elder brother made great achievements on the battlefield. He rose from a general to a famous general, loved by soldiers and civilians, and also held military power.

  Leng Qingqing's father, who is a businessman, is also very ambitious. He has been very successful in the past two years, became rich overnight, and made a fortune, becoming the richest man in Jiang State.

  As luck would have it, a war suddenly broke out in this country some time ago, so this dog emperor came just now.

  In order to win over the general and raise military funds, the dog emperor reluctantly turned over her card.

  This should have been the happiest day in Leng Qingqing's life, but why, at this moment, she suddenly took over Leng Qingqing's body?

  Qin Wan carefully looked at the fainted emperor.

  Well, she looks pretty good, not inferior to modern ancient idol stars, with cool and heroic eyebrows, thick and long eyelashes, upturned eyes, a high nose bridge, and a face with clear contours.

  Even though he was unconscious now, he still exuded the aura of an emperor who was intimidating without even getting angry. No wonder Leng Qingqing was so bewitched...

  But, ahem, she vaguely saw that in the emperor's sleeve, his slender, bony fingers were tightly clenching something...tsk tsk.

  How presumptuous.

  Since you are asking for help from others, can't you just focus on being sincere?

  Are you still using props?

  Is it because he is too disgusted with the original owner or does he think he is not good enough?

  Qin Wan didn't bother to care. She wasn't alone anyway. The most urgent thing she was thinking about was how to get back.

  But as soon as she jumped off the bed, her cell phone fell to the ground with a "bang".

  What... a cell phone? You're here too!

  Thinking back to when she went downstairs to drink water, she was indeed holding a mobile phone and watching videos. In other words, when she traveled through time, the things in her hands would also come with her? !

  She quickly picked it up and patted the phone case that said "Getting Richer Day by Day". Fortunately, the screen was not broken, but there was no signal. Time seemed to have stopped when she arrived.

  Just as he was about to run away with the phone, the man who was knocked unconscious on the ground moved his fingers and woke up.

  Chapter 2: She opened his mouth! .

  Qin Wan turned his head and looked at the tightly closed palace gate.

  With her many years of experience in idol dramas, she knew that at this time there must be a eunuch with great martial arts skills guarding outside the door, and countless guards, both open and secret, outside the palace.

  Although she has some kung fu skills, unless she is Dongfang Bubai, with her abilities, the probability of her escaping unscathed through the main gate is close to zero.

  what to do?!

  Her beautiful and cunning eyes turned around, and she immediately fell to the ground in a fainting posture, crawling towards the door and shouting:

  "Someone come quickly, there is an assassin, the emperor is injured!"

  With a "bang", more than a dozen palace guards rushed in from outside the door, and the man who was knocked unconscious on the dragon couch woke up completely.


  The head of the imperial guards, Han Biao, immediately went forward to check the situation and was shocked: "Quick! Call the imperial physician!"

  Jiang Beiyu frowned and opened his eyes, feeling a pain in his head. He reached out and touched his hand, feeling blood. His face was full of disbelief, and then he glared at Qin Wan angrily.

  "Leng Qingqing, you are so brave!"

  In order to survive, Qin Wan entered the state instantly. She was stunned at first, then burst into tears and shook her head:

  "Your Majesty, it's not me. I just saw an assassin attacking Your Majesty from behind, so I hit the assassin with this porcelain pillow. Who knew that the assassin still injured Your Majesty and knocked me unconscious...

  Your Majesty, you are my heart and my liver. I love you so much, how can I bear to hurt you?"

  Everyone: ...

  Jiang Beiyu also thought it was impossible.

  She knew how this woman felt about him. She had been so cold to her in the past, but she had always dreamed of sleeping with him. Now that he had finally chosen her, how could she not seize the opportunity?

  A pair of sinister eyes stared at her: "Where is the assassin you mentioned?"


  Leng Qingqing shook her head. "I was also knocked unconscious by the assassin just now. I don't know where the assassin escaped to."

  The guard leader Han Biao immediately shouted to the guards who followed him in, "What are you standing there for? Go search!"

  The palace guards dug three feet deep into the ground and actually found an assassin.

  When two countries are at war, it is inevitable that the enemy country will send assassins to assassinate. There really was one tonight, lurking outside Jiang Beiyu's bedroom. Who knew that he was hiding so well that he was caught before he could assassinate. He looked confused.

  The matter was covered up, and after much commotion for most of the night, Qin Wan was sent back to the cold palace.

  When she arrived, she was shocked. It was the first time she lived in such a shabby place. There were spider webs in every corner and the ground was bumpy. It felt like there was no place to even step.

  As soon as she entered the door, a maid ran out anxiously, looked up and down, examined her carefully, tears welling up in her eyes:

  "My lady, I heard that the emperor was assassinated while you were sleeping with him. Are you okay?"

  Qin Wan smiled in her heart, she was the assassin, what could happen to her.

  "I'm fine. I'll be fine after a rest. Go to bed now."

  The person in front of him is the maid Xiao Zhima, the dowry maid of the original owner and the only maid serving the original owner. She and the original owner depended on each other in the cold palace and she was the only person who was good to the original owner.

  After hearing what she said, Xiao Zhima immediately hugged her and cried:

  "My lady, I am so worried. If anything happens to you, I will die!"

  Qin Wan smiled and rubbed her head: "Silly girl, I'm really fine, go to bed."

  She was also sleepy. No matter what, she decided to go to bed first tonight, recharge her energy, and then think about whether there was any way to go back.

  Qin Wan arrived at the bedroom and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. Fortunately, Xiao Zhima was taking care of him. Although the place was shabby, the bed was still clean. But early the next morning, just after daybreak, he was woken up by the crowing of a rooster in the yard.

  She forgot that this was ancient times and everything was still original, but she did not get up so early. She found a hairband and tied the rooster's beak in the yard. Then she fell back to sleep and did not get up until noon.

  When she woke up and washed up, she was stunned holding the bronze mirror.

  I didn't see it yesterday, but she looked in the mirror today. What the hell is this makeup?

  There were two spots of blush on his face like highland red, his eyebrows were drawn thick and you could see two worms, and he had a bloody mouth.

  She was so scared that she washed it clean quickly.

  She looks much better without makeup, and her Leng Qingqing appearance is actually 80% similar to her original self!

  The foundation of this face is still good. Unlike modern people, we don't spend a lot of money on careful maintenance every month, and a facial mask can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. But the advantage is that she is young, only 18 years old, and has fair skin. The only problem is that she may have been malnourished for a long time, and her cheeks are too thin.

  This face was born in ancient times when makeup technology was backward. In addition, the original owner did not know how to dress herself up and did not take good care of herself. This face, which could have brought disaster to the country and the people, was wasted!

  She tidied up a little, and the little sesame beside her looked at her differently.

  "Madam, why don't you put on rouge today?"

  She said: "We have been reduced to living in the cold palace. There are only two of us. What is there to paint?"

  Little Zhima pursed her lips, thinking that maybe the emperor would come, and then closed her mouth again.

  The Empress was finally chosen, but the Emperor encountered an assassin. Perhaps the Empress will never have the chance to leave the cold palace again.

  Not noticing the sad look in Xiao Zhima's eyes behind her, Qin Wan swaggered around the yard.

  She thought that the entrance for her to go back should be the place she came from yesterday, and was about to go over to take another look, but she was stopped by the guards at the door as soon as she left the cold palace.

  Oh, concubines in the cold palace are not allowed to leave.

  So, unless that dog emperor summons her, she can't leave here at all?

  It doesn't matter......

  She quickly calmed down, and a subtle look flashed across her beautiful and clever fox eyes.

  If the mountain doesn't move, the water will.

  She could only make excuses for what happened yesterday. The emperor was no fool. He must have thought that it was wrong and would never swallow his anger and suffer this loss.

  Even if he swallowed his anger, hehe, she had a thousand ways to sneak out.

  Thinking of this, she lay down comfortably on the tattered bamboo lounge chair in the yard.

  the other side.

  Jiang Beiyu was asking the imperial physician to change his medicine.

  There were circles of white bandages wrapped around his forehead. Under the stimulation of the drugs, he gritted his teeth in pain, but he endured it without groaning, and his face was so black that it looked like ink was about to drip.

  The more he recalled what happened last night, the gloomier his expression became.

  That damn woman was lying to him!

  She was under him and hit him with a porcelain pillow, so he was injured on the forehead. If it was really an assassin who hit him, then the injury should be on the back of his head!

  Thinking of this, his face turned cold and he stood up with a whoosh:

  "Go to Zhaotai Palace!"

  Chapter 3: For his meritorious service in protecting the emperor, he was released from the cold palace?

  Zhaotai Palace is the palace where Leng Qingqing lives now, also known as the cold palace.

  Just as he was about to go out, he heard a voice outside the door: "General Leng is here~"

  The emperor's movement to leave the house stopped again.

  Why is he here?

  This General Leng is naturally Leng Qingqing's brother.

  Such a big thing happened in the palace yesterday, Leng Leng was naturally aware of it. He didn't care about others and only cared about his sister Leng Qingqing.

  He was against it when his sister wanted to enter the palace at first, thinking that marrying the emperor would definitely mean suffering grievances, but he couldn't help it because she liked him.

  But after she got married with great difficulty, less than half a month later, she received the news that she had made a mistake and was banished to the cold palace. As a court official, it was not easy for him to interfere in the affairs of the harem. He could only work hard to make achievements and become a solid backing for his sister!

  Now, the emperor finally felt a little wary of him, and his whole spirit and demeanor was different!

  He walked into the palace with his head held high, his steps brisk: "Your humble servant pays respect to His Majesty!"

  A tall and upright figure stood in front of Jiang Beiyu, and he bowed neither humbly nor arrogantly.

  Jiang Beiyu raised his hand expressionlessly: "No need to be polite."

  "I heard that the emperor encountered an assassin yesterday and was injured, so I came to the palace to visit the emperor." Leng Leng went straight to the point.

  Jiang Beiyu said in a deep voice: "As you can see. The assassin came from the Northern Country and dared to break into the palace to assassinate! Don't be too arrogant!"

  After all, he had no direct evidence that it was her sister who hit him, and he didn't want to provoke a conflict between him and Leng Leng. The Northern assassin found yesterday was also a fact, so he might as well provoke Leng Leng and test his attitude.

  We will slowly settle the score between him and her.

  Leng Leng didn't care whether he was beaten or not, as long as he didn't die, but he still had to say some polite words.

  "The northerners were indeed arrogant and shameless. Fortunately, the assassin was caught that night.

  However, I heard that when the emperor was assassinated, my sister was also present and was also attacked by the assassin. Can I see my sister?"

  Jiang Beiyu sneered in his heart.

  Okay, I'll let you see her. Anyway, he has to meet this woman, so why not confront her face to face and talk about what happened last night? He doesn't believe that the woman won't reveal her true colors!

  Once he finds out that it was his sister who hurt him last night, I'll see how you're going to plead with me!

  He ordered in a cold voice: "Come here, call Leng Fei!"


  On the other side, Qin Wan, who was lying comfortably in the yard, did not expect that this dog emperor would summon her so soon.

  But she was not in a hurry and followed a young eunuch to his study.

  "Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you!"

  Having watched so many palace fighting dramas, Qin Wan lowered his head and gave him a standard greeting.

  Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

  For some reason, she felt a chill in the hall, especially above her head, which seemed to be stared through by him.

  She looked up and happened to meet his cold and deep eyes, which seemed to see through her at a glance. There was a sneer and anger brewing in his cold eyes.

  There are circles of bandages wrapped around the forehead, which looks a bit funny.

  "Your brother is worried that something happened to you, so he came to see you. Tell me what happened last night."

  Qin Wan then noticed that there was a man standing next to him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  The man in front of him was Leng Qingqing's biological brother. He was wearing a chic purple robe, was tall and straight, with a slender figure, a handsome face, and an extraordinary demeanor.

  Oh my god, this brother is so handsome!

  But when I thought that this man was this body's biological brother, I suppressed my impulse.

  Can't knock, it's orthopedic...

  Jiang Beiyu felt a little weird when he saw the woman's surprised and weird expression when she saw General Leng.

  However, what surprised him even more was that he seemed to feel that she was different from before. Today she seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

  Pleasing to the eye?

  This damn woman hit him yesterday, and he actually likes her?

  He repeated in a cold voice:

  "Leng Fei, tell your brother what happened last night."

  Leng Qingqing thought, this wasn't asking her to say it again, it was obvious that she had realized that she had been deceived, and was digging up the past to interrogate her, she wasn't stupid.

  So he said to Leng Leng casually: "Thank you for your concern, brother. There was an assassin last night. Fortunately, the imperial guards arrived in time, and I am not seriously injured."


  Jiang Beiyu felt his head aching again.

  He stared at her.

  "I have always found it strange, if you are an assassin, why didn't you kill me directly, but just smashed my head?

  Also, since you saw the assassin at that time, why didn't you call for help when he hit me, but had to wait until he knocked me unconscious before calling for help? "

  Leng Qingqing's eyes flickered, and she had concluded that the emperor already knew that it was she who had opened his head last night, but because of her father and brother, it was not a good idea for him to get angry with her in the current situation.

  As long as she insists that it wasn't her, nothing will happen.

 She didn't want to shift the blame or lie, but saving her life was the most important thing right now, so she should blame the broken painting in the house!

  Others who traveled through time became queens and princesses, and had good luck at the beginning, but why did she have to travel through time and space and become an abandoned concubine in the cold palace, and even have to sleep with the emperor at the beginning?

  As a woman of the new era, don't worry about whether others are powerful or not. You will do this as a conditioned reflex, right?

  She is a victim too!

  In order to save her life, she didn't care about tea or not. She was possessed by the spirit of acting, and her clear eyes were instantly covered with a layer of mist.

  "Why is the emperor questioning me like this... Are you suspecting that I am in league with the assassin?"

  She looked at Jiang Beiyu cautiously, then at her brother, and the corners of her moist eyes suddenly turned red.

  Leng Leng was furious and said, "Qingqing, what nonsense are you talking about? Why would the emperor be so suspicious? If he suspects you, he is probably suspecting our entire Leng family!"

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at Leng Leng with his narrow and long phoenix eyes. As he watched the two siblings singing the same tune, the coldness in his eyes deepened.

  "That's not what I meant."

  Leng Qingqing's eyes and nose were all red, and she lowered her head, looking helpless:

  "I was also frightened at the time, and I only thought about how to protect the emperor, but I was no match for the assassin. After I came to my senses, I thought about calling for help...

  I'm sorry, it's all my fault for being slow. If I hadn't reacted so slowly, the emperor wouldn't have been injured last night."

  Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her as if he saw a daring little fox. She had completely put the blame on him. She probably would not admit what happened last night.

  "My beloved concubine was also frightened last night. How could I blame you?"

  He reached out his hand and patted her shoulder heavily, still staring at her with an oppressive look:

  "If it weren't for my beloved concubine's timely cry, the assassin wouldn't have been caught so quickly. In the end, I still need to thank you."

  He secretly gritted his teeth, almost grinding his back teeth to pieces:

  "Since, my beloved concubine, you have done a great job in protecting the emperor, how about I grant you the privilege of leaving the cold palace and returning to your glorious palace?"

  Chapter 4 From now on, you are called Xiongba

  "Since, my beloved concubine, you have done a great job in protecting the emperor, how about I grant you the privilege of leaving the cold palace and returning to your glorious palace?"

  Hearing this, Qin Wan's eyes suddenly widened.

  She has been good at observing people's words and expressions since she was a child. She knew that the man was angry and was suppressing his anger!

  Letting her out of the cold palace was a trade-off to win over her brother. Although she urgently needed to leave the cold palace, because only after leaving the cold palace could she walk around in the palace openly and look for a way to go back, but!

  The man now knows that it was she who hit him on the head. If he asks her to come out now, isn't he going to kill her?

  "Ah no no no no no!"

  Her hands were shaking so much that they were about to take off:

  "The emperor's injury has already made me feel guilty, how can I take this opportunity to come out? Protecting the emperor is my duty, I don't want any reward!"

  Hearing this, Leng Leng looked incredulous, and Jiang Beiyu's expression also became weird: "You're not leaving?"

  "Let's go! Of course we have to go!"

  Qin Wan swore solemnly: "I was framed and punished by the emperor. Although the emperor doesn't believe it, since I want to go out, I will use my own ability to clear the grievances and walk out with dignity!"

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at Leng Lie and said, "If that's the case, then I have too much to do. It seems that Concubine Leng still prefers the life in the cold palace. I won't force you. Please leave."

  Qin Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll take my leave."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at the figure that slipped away quickly like a vole out of the door, and a deep meaning flashed across his eyes.

  Oh, a guilty conscience.

  He turned to look at Leng Lie: "General Leng also saw that Concubine Leng is alive and well, nothing is wrong. Now, can you rest assured?"

  Leng Leng was naturally relieved, but he still had to say some polite words:

  "I came here mainly because I was worried about the emperor. Now that I have seen him, I feel relieved. I will take my leave."

  Oh, hypocrisy.

  "Back off."

  When Qin Wan left, he looked back at the towering palace behind him.

  The golden glazed tiles sparkle in the sun, with a faint purple air, and it is obvious that this is a place with excellent yang energy and feng shui.

  The place she had just been to was the study, and the palace in the painting was the emperor's bedroom, which was next to the study.

  She tried to walk towards the palace, but a guard immediately stopped her:

  "My queen, you've gone the wrong way. The cold palace is in that direction."

  She had no choice but to return to Zhaotai Palace in embarrassment.

  When they arrived at the mottled and dilapidated gate with peeling red paint, "Quack, quack." Two crows flew into the sky from the dead branches.

  She pushed the door open, and with a clang, the door panel fell off.

  Qin Wan: ...

  Damn, she doesn't want to stay in this crappy place for even a day longer!

  As soon as I stepped into the bumpy yard, I saw little Zhima running out of the kitchen excitedly with a spatula in his hand, with a smear of dust on his little face:

  "My queen, you're back. You must be hungry. We can eat soon~"

  She followed her into the kitchen and looked into the boiling pot. It was a pot of thin porridge and next to it was half a plate of pickled vegetables that had been left over from who knows how many meals.

  "That's it? Is this what we're having for lunch?"

  Xiao Zhima was stunned: "We have always eaten this. If you are tired of it, I will go to the yard to dig some wild vegetables to make dumplings for you this afternoon."

  The corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch: "Isn't there a big rooster in the yard?"

  "Hmm? That's what the Ministry of Internal Affairs arranges for each palace to do, so that the queen can keep the good habit of getting up early."

  "Stew it."


  Under her strong request, Xiao Zhima had no choice but to stew the big rooster.

  In fact, she has been craving it for a long time.

  The two of them were in the yard, eating delicious chicken and drinking chicken soup, when Qin Wan suddenly heard a "wooooooo" sound coming from the woodshed.

  What the hell is going on?

  When she pushed the door open, she saw a little Tibetan mastiff in the corner, lying on the ground pitifully, skinny as a bag of bones.

  "This is......?"

  Another memory came flooding back to my mind.

  It turns out that this Tibetan Mastiff is called "Fa Cai" and is the pet of the original owner.

  It is said that "a dog relies on the power of its master", which is absolutely true. The original owner had no power. Even the dog was very cowardly. This was the first time she saw such a weak Tibetan Mastiff!

  Qin Wan threw a chicken leg to Fa Cai and looked at it with his arms folded:

  "From now on, you will be called 'Xiong Ba'."

  She thought it through.

  Since we can't leave for the time being, just treat everything here as a game.

  Life should still be lived comfortably. If you can practice this account well, then practice it well, and then look for a way to get back!

  She returned to the small table to continue eating when she suddenly heard some noise coming from the door.

  "The Emperor has arrived——"

  Before Xiao Zhima could react, Qin Wan immediately hid the chicken soup and served a plate of rotten pickles.

  Chapter 5: Your Kung Fu is so amazing that the emperor can't forget you?

  Before Xiao Zhima could react, Qin Wan immediately hid the chicken soup and served a plate of rotten pickles.

  Little Zhima was surprised: "Why does Madam suddenly want to eat this?"

  "I want to eat."

  That man already wanted to kill her. If he saw her enjoying the best food and drink in the cold palace, her life would become even more miserable.

  Qin Wan took a bite of the pickled vegetables that were so rotten and hairy with chopsticks, but he couldn't eat it anymore.

  Forget it, I have to pretend anyway.

  Just as he was about to put the pickles into his mouth, a tall, bright yellow figure walked in from outside the door.

  Qin Wan immediately put down his chopsticks and stood up: "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

  Jiang Beiyu sneered: "This is my own palace. I can come whenever I want and go wherever I want."

  He subconsciously glanced at the dishes on the table and said sarcastically, "Don't you like living here? Why did they even tear down the door for you?"

  Qin Wan was roaring in his heart: "That's poor quality, poor quality!"

  But he looked well behaved: "Maybe they knew that the emperor was coming today and were very excited."

  Jiang Beiyu snorted. Why didn't he notice this woman's sweet talk before?

  In fact, he came here because he really couldn't figure out what was wrong with that woman. She clearly wanted to be his woman, but why did she knock him out when he was sleeping with her?

  Moreover, today he took the initiative to suggest releasing her from the cold palace, but she actually refused.

  Is this woman crazy?

  He looked at her with deep eyes and said, "I came here because of what happened just now."

  "I want to give you a reward, but you are embarrassed to ask for it, so I can't refuse to give it to you.

  I have thought about it for a long time. Since you don't want to leave the cold palace, I have decided to give you two more eunuchs to serve you. It is indeed a bit lonely here."

  After he finished speaking, two half-grown boys walked out from behind him. They had fair skin, delicate features, and were all wearing the same eunuch uniform.

  Jiang Beiyu said: "From now on, you are Leng Fei's people."

  The two said in unison: "Greetings to Her Majesty the Cold Concubine!"

  Qin Wan opened his mouth.

  This is not a reward, this is surveillance! Sly dog!

  "Then, thank you for your grace, Your Majesty."

  She gritted her teeth and bowed to him.

  "No thanks, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

  Having said that, he turned around.

  She'll leave these two people here and see what kind of magic she can come up with next.

  When he left, he paused slightly when passing the yard, glanced sideways, and saw a dog at the door of the woodshed, gnawing on a big chicken leg with its two front paws. He turned around and looked at the figure in the room, his expression became more subtle.

  However, the news that the emperor went to the cold palace today quickly spread throughout the palace.

  Yesterday, when the emperor turned over her card, many people were shocked. Who knew she would encounter an assassin? Many people gloated over her misfortune.

  But who would have thought that Emperor Zeng went to the cold palace again today, which made them uneasy.

  A woman who was banished to the cold palace. The emperor first turned over her name card, then summoned her, and then sent her directly to the cold palace?

  There are also rumors that the emperor agreed to release Concubine Leng from the cold palace, but Concubine Leng refused.

  This is just a joke.

  Concubine Zhang, Concubine Shu, and Concubine Xi, none of them believed it.

  Now is their afternoon tea time. On weekdays, when they have nothing to do, the three of them get together to drink tea, eat snacks, and chat about gossip in the palace.

  The emperor had been on the throne for less than two years. He had been working hard to govern the country, often reviewing memorials until late at night, and seldom summoned concubines to sleep with him. As a result, he had no children until now. If a concubine was picked, it would be big news in the palace.

  Among the three of them, only Shufei and Xipin had their names turned over. One of them suddenly fell asleep while serving the emperor in the bedchamber, and the other one was serving the emperor in the bedchamber when the lights in the hall were blown out and she was completely in the dark. She drank contraceptive soup after the ceremony.

  "Have you found out whether Concubine Leng succeeded in having sex with the emperor yesterday?" Concubine Zhang held a small silver spoon in her hand, scooped out a piece of soy milk cake, and spoke slowly.

  Her father was the highest official in the court, and the other two followed her lead.

  Shu Fei said: "I only heard that Concubine Leng had been sleeping with her for a while before the assassin showed up, and the Emperor didn't send her contraceptive soup afterwards, so could it be that she hadn't actually been sleeping with her yet?"

  Xipin asked, "Why did the emperor go to her place again today? Could it be that the little demon is so skilled that the emperor can't forget her?"


  Concubine Zhang scolded.

  "How can you not understand such a simple truth? The emperor turned over his card because of General Leng's face, right?

  The Northern Kingdom is almost on top of us, and now is the time when the Emperor is worried. Naturally, he hopes that General Leng will be loyal to him and fully cooperate with him in attacking the Northern Kingdom."

  Xipin suddenly realized, and Shufei smiled and said, "Sister is still smart!"

  In fact, she guessed it, but she didn't say it.

  "But I am afraid. Although the emperor turned over Concubine Leng's card for General Leng's sake, what if he uses this night with the emperor to release Concubine Leng? Or, what if Concubine Leng gets pregnant with the heir to the throne? What should I do then?"

  As soon as these words were spoken, the three of them stared at each other. Finally, Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu both looked at Concubine Xi at the same time.

  "Why are you all looking at me?"

  Concubine Zhang said, "Your palace is closest to Zhaotai Palace. Why don't you go and find out what happened last night?"

  Xipin couldn't help but laugh: "Are you kidding? I'm not that close..."

  Zhang Fei picked up the cup lid and scraped the teacup: "Oh?"

  Xipin hurriedly said: "I'll go, I'll go!"

  the other side.

  Qin Wan looked at the two handsome teenagers in front of him, who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old, with clear eyes.

  Knowing that they were on duty, Qin Wan did not make things difficult for them.

  "Does it have a name?"

  "We will call ourselves by whatever name our majesty calls us."

  "Okay, then you can call me Little Peanut." Qin Wan pointed to the one on the left, who had a rosy complexion, red lips and white teeth, just like a peanut.

  She pointed to the one on the right: "Your name is... your name is Xiao Guiyuan."

  There is no special reason for this, it's just easy to remember. She already has sesame seeds, peanuts and longans in her palace, and just a few more can make a pot of eight-treasure porridge.

  Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a voice coming from outside the door: "General Leng is here."

  Chapter 6 Did she disturb the beauty's nest today?

  "Why is my brother here? You guys should leave first."


  Soon, the majestic man strode in.

  Qin Wan went up to him and said, "Brother."

  Leng Leng was a little irritable: "What's going on with the door at the entrance?"

  "Ah? It's just... it's broken."

  "Brother will send you the gold fan tomorrow."


  Not allowing her to refuse, he added:

  "I asked the Emperor for a favor to come and see you. I may have to go to war next month."

  Qin Wan nodded: "Then take care of yourself, brother!"

  Leng Leng looked at her worriedly: "Qingqing, don't worry, you will be able to get out of here soon, and no one can bully you!

  You are my cold sister, I want that man to put you in a high position, so that everyone in the world will respect you!"

  Qin Wan felt touched.

  She is an only child in modern times and has never thought about what it feels like to be doted on by a brother, but love must be mutual.

  "Brother, the most important thing is that you take care of yourself. It doesn't matter what position I hold in the palace. To be honest, it's pretty good here. I just want you to come back safely."

  Leng Leng felt that the sister in front of him seemed different. She became sensible and caring, not as willful and unreasonable as before.

  He reached out and pinched his sister's thin face, saying, "Brother, I came here for another important matter."


  The assassination last night made him worried and alert. It was indeed unsafe for his sister to be alone in the palace. He was lucky yesterday and did not suffer any injuries, but it might not be the same in the future.

  "I have brought you a secret guard, who is very good at martial arts and has been with me for many years. From now on, he will protect your safety. Whether it is an assassin or someone who wants to bully you, he will appear at the first time!"

  Qin Wan looked around: "Where is it?"

  Leng Leng said: "It's on your roof now."

  "Oh, what's his name?"

  Leng Leng: "His name is Leng Ying."

  Qin Wan almost spit out a mouthful of salty soda: "Cold drink???"

  As soon as she finished speaking, with a "swoosh", a tall and slender figure fell from the sky like a sword and appeared in front of her.

  "I am here."

  Leng Ying was dressed in black and holding a sword in his arms. He was in his twenties, with a wisp of side bangs blowing in the wind, looking handsome and suave.

  Qin Wan was shocked. Did he mess with the handsome guy today?

  Leng Ying bowed to her respectfully and said, "From now on, I will serve you wholeheartedly. If you have any instructions, just call my name or blow this whistle, and I will appear."

  As he said this, he handed her a pigeon whistle.

  Leng Lie nodded at her and Qin Wan took it.

  Then, in the blink of an eye, the person disappeared.

  "Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first. You're alone in the palace, take good care of yourself."

  Leng Leng looked at her deeply, with some worry in his eyes, but finally turned and left.

  Qin Wan subconsciously followed him forward, sent him to the door, and watched the figure disappear into the sunset.

  At this time, Xipin came out from the side with two personal maids, Green Tea and Red Tea.

  When she saw General Leng leaving the cold palace in a drastic manner, she subconsciously hid under the branches of flowers, and looking at the handsome and tall figure, she couldn't help but blushing.

  There are not many opportunities to see men in the palace, especially a high-quality man like General Leng, so naturally I have to take a few more glances at him.

  After seeing Leng Leng off, Qin Wan leisurely lay down on the tattered recliner in the yard and took out his cell phone.

  Her mobile phone is the latest model and supports solar charging, so she can still use it even if she doesn't bring a power charger. The only difference is that there is no signal or network, and the time is still stuck at the time when she arrived.

  She turned on her camera, took a beautiful selfie, and then tried to search for a signal. Suddenly, she heard a voice at the door:

  "Empress Xipin is here~"

  Chapter 7 Raised his hand high towards her

  "Empress Xipin is here~"

  Hey, why is her little cold palace so busy today?

  Xipin? What the hell is that?

  The brain automatically starts searching, and when that face appears in front of you, the memory of this person automatically comes to mind.

 Oh~ it's her.

  The dog emperor's harem currently has four concubines, two concubines, two noble ladies, four imperial concubines, three maids, and two concubines. The positions of the queen and the noble concubine are vacant.

  Besides her who was still in the cold palace, the other four concubines were Concubine Qi, Concubine Zhang, and Concubine Shu.

  Concubine Qi is the daughter of the Prime Minister. Her family has the highest status among all the concubines. It is rumored that she will be the candidate for the future queen. She has always been arrogant and likes to be alone on weekdays.

  The families of Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu had a good relationship. After entering the palace, the two women also formed a group. The status of Concubine Zhang's family was slightly higher.

  Although the official position of this Xipin's father was not high, her grandfather's family owned a mine and was usually generous. He often gave beautiful jewelry to Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu, so the three of them played together.

  Although Xipin was only a concubine, she was very favored and was the one most frequently called upon by the Emperor among all the concubines. The original owner was banished to the cold palace because of jealousy, and she pushed Xipin into the lake.

  Xipin fell into a coma after drowning and woke up a day and a night later. The original owner was also banished to the cold palace.

  Although the original owner repeatedly denied that she was the one who pushed Xipin into the lake, she was the only one with Xipin at that time, and many people witnessed it with their own eyes.

  Qin Wan knew very well that no matter how stupid the original owner was, he would not do such a thing so blatantly. It was obvious that he was framed.

  As for the reason, it was because the original owner occupied this position of concubine.

  The four concubines are already full. Concubine Qi has a strong background and no one dares to mess with her. Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu are all in a group. If Concubine Xi wants to continue to climb up, she can only pull the original owner down from above.

  Unfortunately, the original owner had been banished to the cold palace for almost a year, and the emperor did not make Xipin Xifei the Xifei.

  Now that the emperor has started to pick her name, she must be getting restless.

  Well, he's here to cause trouble.

  When Qin Wan saw someone coming, he was still lying lazily on the bamboo chair, holding his mobile phone in his hand and photoshopping the selfie he had just taken. The only thing moving on his body was his eyes.

  "Cold sister~"

  Xipin's call was so cordial that I would have thought these two people knew each other very well.

  "Sister Leng is alone in the yard."

  "What's up?"

  "Yes, of course."

  Xipin was holding a basket in her hand: "I heard that Sister Leng was assassinated while serving the emperor last night. So I brought some snacks to calm Sister Leng down."

  Qin Wan smiled with a fake smile: "Things that shouldn't come will only scare people when they come. Don't you think so?"

  Xipin was stunned for a moment, then gave an awkward smile: "After all, we are sisters. Congratulations, sister, for being picked by the Emperor again. I believe that sister was careless about what happened back then, and I don't blame you. I hope sister can gain the Emperor's favor soon!"

  Qin Wan calmly turned on the video recording function on her phone and said to Xipin:

  "There's no outsider here, so you don't have to pretend. Was it me who pushed you into the lake?

  You said you choked when you were eating this morning, and I was kind enough to help you burp, but you jumped down as soon as I patted your back.

  Xipin. You acted a great role! No one in the troupe can act as well as you. You have caused me so much trouble, and I have been in the cold palace for so long. Today you come to see me again in a hypocritical manner. What are you up to? "

  Xipin didn't expect that she would open it directly to her, but because the emperor had turned over her card yesterday, she was afraid that she would revive and kill her when she came out, so she said innocently:

  "The river bank was so slippery, I didn't know how I fell in. I was in a coma after that, and I didn't know my sister was banished to the cold palace.

  The first thing I did when I woke up was to defend my sister. I said she didn't do it on purpose, but no one believed me! "

  Qin Wan sneered: "Are you defending me? You're still defending me when the shit is on my head."

  Then, a sly coldness flashed across her beautiful fox eyes, and she suddenly became extremely aggrieved, crying:

  "You said you hope that I can gain the emperor's favor as soon as possible. Is that possible? Yesterday, I finally waited for an opportunity to sleep with the emperor, but it was ruined by an assassin. I didn't even touch the edge of the emperor's clothes. What a torture I have done, oooo..."

  When Xipin heard this, she was very proud.

  It turns out that she didn't succeed in sleeping with him yesterday. It seems that this woman has no chance to turn things around!

  There was no need to pretend to be nice to such a stupid woman. She immediately changed her expression:

  "You deserve it, Leng Qingqing, you are just an idiot. You still want to serve the emperor, you don't deserve it!"

  She hid her face and smiled, looking very proud:

  "To tell you the truth, I jumped down by myself that day, so what? Do you have evidence to prove that I jumped down by myself? Do you have a way to get out of the cold palace? Your position will be mine sooner or later."

  Qin Wan pressed the recording completion button contentedly.

  "Oh? You want to come to the cold palace? I'll grant your wish. I believe this place will be yours soon."

  "How dare you curse me? Black tea, green tea, on!"

  A woman who was banished to the cold palace had a status even lower than that of a maid in the palace.

  Although her position was that of a consort and she was only a concubine, Xipin was not afraid of her.

  "You are just a lowly maid in the cold palace, but you really think you are so important!" Green Tea raised her hand high up and slapped her.

  Chapter 8: Got caught digging through a dog hole?! .

  "You are just a lowly maid in the cold palace, but you really think you are so important!" Green Tea raised her hand high up and slapped her.

  Qin Wan continued to lie lazily, not even moving, when a dog pounced on him like lightning from the darkness.

  After all, it is a Tibetan Mastiff. Although it is thin, some ferocity and wildness are engraved in its blood.

  It only knows how to protect its master, and it is more than enough to knock down a little bitch.

  Leng Ying, who was already holding a sword in the dark, saw a dog get there first.

  The dog pounced on her and bit off one of Green Tea's fingers, and also scratched her face.

  Green Tea screamed miserably and covered her face. Red Tea stood in front of Xipin to protect her. Just as she was about to draw her sword to kill the dog, Qin Wan picked up a small stone from the ground, flicked it on her elbow calmly, and said slowly:

  "Little Peanut, Little Longan, people are bullying us right up to the door, are you still watching the fun?"

  Little Peanut and Little Longan hesitated for a moment.

  They were actually sent by the emperor to monitor the cold palace.

  But the emperor also said in front of her that they were at her disposal, so were they also eunuchs in the cold palace?

  Thinking of this, two people appeared from behind.

  When Xipin saw this, her face changed slightly. She didn't expect that there were the emperor's men and the vicious dog here. She couldn't get any advantage, so she said, "Red tea, green tea, retreat first!" Then, they scattered like birds and beasts.

  Qin Wan curled the corners of his lips, stood up, picked up Zang Ao's two front paws, curled up his fingers and scratched its nose, his beautiful fox eyes sparkling:

  "My Xiongba just cooked a great meal. I'll add chicken legs to dinner."

  Xiongba whined twice, avoiding her gaze and actually being a little shy.

  In the evening, Qin Wan took a large meat bone and placed it in front of Xiongba.

  Next, she will work hard to fatten Xiongba up and make him tall and mighty.

  Little Zhima was a little surprised: "My lady, where did you get the meat?"

  Qin Wan smiled.

  She would never say that she arranged for Leng Ying to steal it for her from the imperial kitchen.

  In fact, he could buy it on the street, since he could come and go without a trace with his lightness skills. But ever since the assassin incident, the palace has been under martial law, and entering and exiting has become complicated, and there is danger every time he goes in and out. It would be better to get it directly from the imperial kitchen.

  Anyway, she is the dog emperor's concubine, which means she is his wife. After all, the palace is her home. What's wrong with going to the imperial kitchen to get some food?

  Little Peanut and Little Guiyuan were also puzzled, but they saw her take out roast goose, pork in a stuffed bun, osmanthus cake, big steamed buns, and even a jar of wine, set up a small table in the yard, and called them: "Come and eat, it will get cold if you don't eat it now."

  Little Peanut and Little Guiyuan were a little embarrassed, so she went over and pulled them over, stuffing a pair of chopsticks into each of them:

  "Eat quickly, we are a family now! How can I let you go hungry?"

  The two of them sat down.

  The four of them were eating around a small table. Xiongba was digging his front paws on the ground, gnawing on a bone. The moonlight shone quietly in this small courtyard, creating an inexplicable harmony.

  On the other side, Xipin, who had returned in defeat, ran to Zhang Fei's palace crying with the injured Green Tea.

  Green Tea's hands and face were simply bandaged, but one could still see how miserable she was. Zhang Fei was just about to have dinner, and when she saw that face in front of a table full of delicious food, she immediately lost her appetite.

  Looking at Xipin's miserable expression, she was furious at her for not fighting back, the word "idiot" already on the tip of her tongue, but she controlled her temper for the time being and listened to her tell her everything that had happened.

  "You mean, where are the emperor's people?"

  "Yes, they were two young eunuchs who had worked in the inner palace before. They had no intention of coming out, but came out because she called them. They didn't say anything."

  Concubine Zhang frowned slightly: "Okay, got it, I'll send someone to inquire about it later."

  Xipin was angry and unwilling, so she looked at the bitten green tea: "What about this matter?"

  "Tell me how I will solve the problem for you? Do you want me to rush to Zhaotai Palace to seek justice for you? Go tell the emperor!

  You said she let the dog bite people, how can there be vicious dogs in the palace? Just this alone is enough to bring her down!"

  Xipin's eyes lit up: "Thank you for your advice, Your Majesty."

  She turned and left with the injured Green Tea.

  Zhang Fei raised the corner of her lips, looked at her back, and mouthed "idiot."

  Looking at the table full of dishes, she still had no appetite and called out, "Lianqiao."


  Late at night.

  Qin Wan was lying on the bed, fiddling with his phone.

  The afternoon video has been saved in the album. It depends on when she wants to get out of the cold palace.

  She continued to search for the signal, but still failed.

  A mobile phone without wifi and signal is like a piece of scrap metal. You can't watch videos or chat...

  Forget it, let's go to bed early.

  Soon, she fell into a deep sleep. At midnight, two figures appeared in the imperial study.


  Little Peanut and Little Longan appeared in front of him.

  Jiang Beiyu was still reviewing memorials without even raising his head.

  "What's wrong with that person in the cold palace today?"

  The two of them said in unison: "There's nothing wrong with the queen!"

  He raised his head and looked at the two teenagers with deep eyes: "Oh? Nothing happened?"


  They hesitated for a moment, then told the story of Concubine Xi causing trouble, and explained clearly that it was Concubine Xi who ordered her servants to beat people first, Concubine Leng was bullied, her dog fought back, and Concubine Xi's servants were bitten.

  Jiang Beiyu seemed to be thinking about something.

  Just now, Xipin had come to him to cry, saying that Concubine Leng had a vicious dog in the palace that bit one of her people.

  He sensed something was wrong and said directly: "She is in the cold palace, and the vicious dog is also in the cold palace, how did she hurt your people?"

  Xipin's expression froze for a moment, and she said, "I went to visit her and was bitten by her vicious dog."


  The word "Oh" sounded meaningful to him, and he looked up at Xipin.

  Xipin felt inexplicably frightened, as if all her thoughts were seen through by that man, and she quickly knelt down.

  "I deserve to die. I shouldn't have gone near the cold palace. I just heard that my sister, the cold concubine, was attacked by an assassin yesterday, so I went to visit her out of worry. I won't go next time!"

  Jiang Beiyu sneered: "You are quite friendly... How about this, I will go and take a look tomorrow."

  Xipin never expected that her complaint would give that bitch another chance to visit her. She only hoped that the emperor would kill that bitch's dog when he saw it tomorrow!

  Thinking of this, she looked at him with tearful eyes, feeling extremely wronged:

  "Then your Majesty, I will take my leave."

  Jiang Beiyu recalled what Xipin had said just now, and then thought of the big chicken drumstick. He asked the two young eunuchs in front of him: "What did you eat tonight?"

  Little Guiyuan was happily reading out the menu until Little Peanut quietly tugged at his sleeve, and then he realized something was wrong.

  However, the menu had already been reported, and the emperor in front of him saw his eyes becoming more and more profound.

  Where on earth did she get so much food? She is such a mysterious woman...

  The second day.

  Qin Wan still slept until noon.

  While washing her face, she played music on her mobile phone, which was the recently popular song "Flower".

  Xiao Zhima, who was helping her wash her face, was so frightened that he almost dropped the basin.

  "Who is making noise here?!"

  Qin Wan couldn't help but smile.

  "No one. Just a little toy of mine."

  She took out the cell phone that was playing music, and Xiao Zhima breathed a sigh of relief only after she was sure that the sound came from this flat black thing.

  "I'm so scared, but why is there a noise in here? Is there someone imprisoned in there?"

  Qin Wan really admired her imagination.

  "You wouldn't understand even if I told you. Anyway, this is not a living thing. It's just a small object for people to entertain themselves."


  Since it was the queen's treasure, although Xiao Zhima found it strange, he did not ask too much and continued to help her wash and dress.

  After washing up and having breakfast, Qin Wan felt it was time to go out and find a way to get back, so he arranged for Xiao Guiyuan and Xiao Huasheng to build a doghouse in the yard, and he sneaked behind the house.

  She set her sights on the dog hole behind the house.

  There are guards guarding the main gate, so she can just sneak out through the dog hole, right?

  Yesterday she asked Leng Ying for a map of the palace layout.

  Although Leng Ying didn't have one, he often went in and out of the palace and drew one for her based on his impression.

  She put the blueprint of the palace in her arms, changed into a palace maid's clothes, pushed aside the weeds beside the dog hole, and crawled in.

  I have to say that the quality of ancient walls was really good. The wall was thick and it took her a long time to drill through it. The main reason was that the dog hole was too narrow and it was difficult for her to move out bit by bit.

  Finally, her shoulders, elbows, and waist came out. Oh yeah~ She supported herself on the ground with her elbows and was about to crawl out when she suddenly saw a pair of bright yellow soap boots parked in front of her.

  A voice came belatedly from my ear: "The Emperor has arrived~"

  Chapter 9 Your Majesty, I am hungry! .

  After the morning court session, Jiang Beiyu originally planned to go directly back to the imperial study to review memorials, but suddenly an idea came to his mind, and he turned around and walked towards the cold palace with his hands behind his back.

  At the gate of Zhaotai Palace, the palace servants he sent to repair the gate had not arrived yet, and the dilapidated gate just lay on the ground.

  Although there was no door, the guards at the door were loyal to their duties. She could not leave the cold palace unless she was summoned. The guards at the door also reported that she had never left.

  So how did she get all those delicious foods? Was there another entrance to Zhaotai Palace?


  The eunuch Eunuch Xi who was following him was about to pass on a message, so he raised his hand and walked around the Zhaotai Palace.

  He also didn't expect that he would be able to see such a scene in his lifetime.

  That woman...she actually crawled through a dog hole?!

  Qin Wan slowly raised her head and looked at the man in the dragon robe, who was looking down on her with a cold expression. There was a newly changed bandage wrapped around his head, and next to him stood his personal eunuch, Eunuch Xi.

  "I received a report that Concubine Leng kept a vicious dog in the palace. I didn't expect that this vicious dog was actually you."

  Qin Wan was a little angry.

  Isn't this an insult?

  Although she was lying on her stomach, her aura was not weak at all. She looked up and said to him, "Your Majesty, you are the emperor, the highest authority in the world. Personal attacks are not very nice."

  Jiang Beiyu was a little confused: "What ginseng? What rooster?"

  He said with a stern face: "Concubine Leng, shouldn't it be you who should explain your behavior to me now?

  Violating palace rules and leaving the cold palace without permission!

  You are a concubine, why do you want to crawl through a dog hole? How can this be considered decent? "

  Qin Wan's mind worked quickly, and she knew that now was not the time to confront him. Suddenly, she cried out in grievance:

  "Why should I dig a dog hole? Do I want to dig one? If there is no other way, who would want to dig a dog hole?

  You have become an abandoned concubine in the cold palace, and you are still so dignified. You can't even eat. What can I do?

  "You feed me rotten pickles and porridge every day. Yesterday, two more people were sent to my place, so I have to provide food! Ah!"

  Jiang Beiyu finally understood: "You dug the dog hole to get some food?"

  Qin Wan was getting more and more excited as she performed. Her beautiful fox eyes were full of tears, and she wiped her tears with her sleeves:

  "Your Majesty, I am so hungry! There is no rice left in Zhaotai Palace. I cannot let others starve with me! Wuuwuwuwuwuwu!"

  Seeing her face rubbed into a kitten-like mess, his heart softened a little, and he leaned down and extended a hand to her.

  "Cry, cry, cry, why are you crying? Come out now!"

  Qin Wan hesitated for a moment, then seeing that he looked good, she reached out and held his hand.

  His palms are big, his fingers are long, and his palms are warm.

  Eunuch Xi, who was standing by, took a look and couldn't help but snicker.

  Jiang Beiyu quickly pulled her up from the ground, still glaring at her angrily: "I asked you to come out yesterday but you didn't. Now you want to crawl through the dog hole to get out today. You asked for it!"

  Qin Wan lowered his head and said nothing. He followed him and entered Zhaotai Palace with him.

  Little Zhima was very surprised to see her: "My lady, when did you go out?"

  When he saw the man in the dragon robe again, he was startled and quickly saluted.

  Jiang Beiyu raised his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be polite, and sat directly on the stone table in the yard. Xiao Zhima said, "I will go and make tea for His Majesty."

  Qin Wan followed her to the kitchen and saw that she was about to take the tea leaves that her brother had secretly given her yesterday. He quickly stopped her and asked her to serve two glasses of water directly.

  Jiang Beiyu caught a glimpse of Little Guiyuan and Little Huasheng who were building a doghouse with firewood sticks in the yard.

  This woman was quite smart. She arranged for all the people she was monitoring to do hard labor when they came to her place.

  "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. There's only water in the cold palace, no tea. Please make do with it."

  Qin Wan brought over two glasses of boiled water.

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at the half-built doghouse in the corner: "What is that?"

  Qin Wan said directly: "Doghouse."

  Jiang Beiyu picked up the water cup and took a sip, expressionless: "Xipin said you kept a vicious dog. Yesterday, your dog bit one of her people."

  Qin Wan suddenly realized, wow, why did he come again today, is he here to seek justice for Xipin?

  She smiled coldly: "I live in the cold palace and can't go out anywhere. My dog ​​is also staying with me in the cold palace. How could my dog ​​bite Xipin's people?"

  Just like what he said to Xipin, Jiang Beiyu curled the corners of his lips calmly: "She said she was worried about you and came to see you."

  "Do I need her to see me? I was sent to the cold palace because of her. She said that I pushed her into the lake and she almost died. Logically, she should be incompatible with me, so why would she worry about me and come to visit me?

  I have been behaving myself in the palace, and it was she who came to provoke me. The two eunuchs saw everything that happened when she came yesterday. I believe that the emperor is a man who can distinguish right from wrong and is sensible. He will never be biased because of a few words from some people!"

  Jiang Beiyu thought to himself that he had never realized before that she was quite smart and eloquent.

  He deliberately said, "You mean, if I don't side with you, I am unreasonable and biased? In any case, there can't be vicious dogs in the palace."

  "A vicious dog?"

  Qin Wan carried Xiongba directly out of the woodshed and held him in her arms like a child. At this time, the dog lowered his eyes, and his expression was the same wet and pitiful as hers.

  Jiang Beiyu's eyelids twitched and he thought he was hallucinating.

  This woman actually held the Tibetan Mastiff in her arms?

  That's a Tibetan Mastiff!

  Qin Wan grabbed one of its big paws and rubbed it: "Don't look at its size, my Xiongba is very well behaved and never bites anyone, right, Xiongba?"

  Xiongba cooperated and uttered two low "嘤嘤嘤" sounds.

  "Besides, this is my brother's favorite dog."

  At the critical moment, her brother had to be brought into the picture.

  "He gave me this dog because he often had to go out to fight, and he also wanted it to protect me. If he came back and found that it was gone..."

  Her voice became lower and lower. Jiang Beiyu listened and felt that he was an unforgivable tyrant. The general was fighting outside, but he killed his beloved dog...

  Jiang Beiyu felt a surge of irritation in his heart, so he decided to turn a blind eye: "Just keep it, and tie it up well."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Qin Wan found that this man was quite humane and not a dog at all.

  She said happily, "Would Your Majesty like to stay for lunch?"

  Jiang Beiyu looked disdainful: "Do you have any?"

  "Well, I am just being polite."

  Jiang Beiyu remembered that there were still a lot of memorials in the study that were giving him a headache, so he got up and left.

  Soon, the imperial kitchen delivered food, including several pounds of beef, pork, a few cabbages, a bag of eggs, a bag of rice, a bag of flour, a meat bone, and a can of tea.

  For the time being, Leng Ying doesn't need to steal food. Although the cold palace is shabby, there is still a small kitchen where she can cook by herself. Xiao Zhima's cooking skills are pretty good. Every time she cooks, she will ask her to leave a separate portion for Leng Ying and put it in the kitchen. When she is hungry, he will come and eat it.

  After a good meal and a good drink, Qin Wan lay down on the bed and prepared to take an afternoon nap. Just as he closed his eyes, Xiao Zhima suddenly ran out excitedly:

  "Your Majesty, please come out and see. The general has sent someone to bring you a door. It's a new door made of gold!"


  Qin Wan felt that he had heard wrongly, so he stood up and followed Xiao Zhima out.

  When I looked over there, my eyes were almost blinded by the light.

  The midday sun shines on the big golden gate, sparkling and emitting an intoxicating fragrance!

  She curled her fingers and knocked on the door. The sound was dull, it was really made of pure gold!

  This... When you are out of money, just pick a nail from the door and it will last for a long time!

  Qin Wan thought to herself, the ancients were really generous. Her family was considered a top wealthy family, but she had never seen such a big piece of gold in her life!

  She leaned against the door and said, "My dear brother, this is really my dear brother!"

  On the other side, Jiang Beiyu also went to the study after lunch.

  "Good luck to the emperor~ Good luck to the emperor~"

  Seeing him coming, Jixiang jumped up, flapped his wings and called out to him happily twice.

  Jixiang is a light yellow cockatiel and one of Jiang Beiyu's pets. He has been with him for almost three years.

  There are two round little blushes on the parrot's cheeks, which are very beautiful. I feel very happy when I see them.

  If he saw him in the morning, Jixiang would say: "Good morning, Your Majesty, Good morning, Your Majesty~"

  If he saw him at noon, Jixiang would say: "Your Majesty, good luck to you, Your Majesty, good luck to you~"

  If he finished reviewing the memorials at night and the parrot was still awake, it would say:

  "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work. I love you~ I love you~ I love you!!"

  Jiang Beiyu opened the cage and personally poured a can of millet into its feeding trough, making a few "slurp slurp" sounds.

  Looking at the parrot pecking at its food happily, for some reason, I remembered the woman with her fox eyes filled with tears, lying on the ground pitifully saying, "Your Majesty, I'm hungry."

  The throat rolled.

  I can't really tell what's changed, but I just feel like she's different than before.

  What exactly has changed?

  Just as he was thinking, Eunuch Xi came running over: "Your Majesty! General Leng sent a door to Zhaotai Palace. It's a golden door!"

  "What's the big deal about a door?" he blurted out, then reacted: "Gold?"

 Leng Leng had actually reported to him about sending the door to her. At that time, he just said that he saw that the door of his sister's palace was broken, and there happened to be an unused door at home, so he wanted to send it to his sister.

  He thought it was just an ordinary door, so he agreed. Unexpectedly, Leng Leng sent him a golden door.

  This is a bit subtle.

  This not only showed the Leng family's financial strength in an extremely arrogant way, but also showed Leng Leng's determination to protect her.

  Although she is in the cold palace, it doesn't matter. What matters is that she is his cold sister!

  Suddenly thinking of something, the man's eyes became as cold and deep as the abyss.

  Did he go out through the dog hole to find food? Did this woman think he was easy to fool?

  He gritted his teeth a bit.

  Leng Lie had just visited her yesterday. How could he give her a big golden door and let her starve?! This cunning little girl played him in her hands time and time again!

  Leng Qingqing, you wait for me...

  I will take care of you tonight!

  Chapter 10: Madam, the Emperor has picked your card again!

  Because this door was so shiny, the news that a golden door was installed in the cold palace spread throughout the harem in just one afternoon.

  The concubines in the harem formed a "sightseeing group" and came to the entrance of Zhaotai Palace like a revolving lantern to see the legendary golden gate.

  When Concubine Qi arrived at the gate of Zhaotai Palace with her maid Chu Tao, they saw Concubine Leng personally holding a brush and painting the gate.

  A golden door was actually painted with vermilion lacquer, and it suddenly turned into ordinary vermilion, which made her a little dazed.

  Concubine Qi is the daughter of the Prime Minister. Her family has the highest status among the four concubines in the harem. She is the unspoken leader of the four concubines and has been arrogant since childhood.

  When she heard about the Great Golden Gate incident, she was initially dismissive, thinking it was just a way to attract attention. However, she felt lonely in the deep palace and had nothing to do in the afternoon, so she went to watch the fun.

  She didn't expect to see such a puzzling scene as soon as she arrived.

  "Why do you paint this golden door with vermilion?" She couldn't help but walk forward and ask.

  Qin Wan glanced at her and knew that she was a concubine, but she did not feel any aggression at the moment, so she said calmly:

  "You misunderstood. How can this door be made of gold? Everyone is spreading rumors.

  This is just an ordinary door painted with gold. I didn't like the color, so I changed it."

  She knows very well that only by keeping quiet can one make a fortune. The most important thing in life is to be low-key and learn to "hide".

  Her brother had good intentions in supporting her, but she couldn't cause trouble for her beloved brother. If the court officials knew that her brother was setting up a big golden gate for her, they would definitely impeach him.

  Concubine Qi obviously didn't believe it and reached out to knock, but Qin Wan grabbed her wrist and reminded her with a smile:

  "Be careful, the paint is wet."

  She looked down at the pair of slender white fingers, her beautiful fox eyes like hooks: "Your hands are so white and beautiful, it would be bad if they were stained with paint."

  There was a daze in Concubine Qi's eyes for a moment, and she pulled her hand out from her wrist.

  "If you don't want me to touch it, then don't touch it. What's the big deal?"

  Qin Wan smiled and continued painting, ignoring her.

  Concubine Qi was very unhappy to see her arrogant and indifferent look:

  "Don't you recognize me?"

  Qin Wan said as she was painting: "Concubine Qi. I recognize her, but I'm not familiar with her. What's the matter?"

  After all, the original owner had been in the cold palace for nearly a year, and she had never spoken to her before, and she had no special impression of her in her memory.

  Concubine Qi opened her eyes.

  Everyone in the harem fawned on her, even Concubine Zhang, who had big eyes and long heads, was polite to her.

  How could he speak to her in such a nonchalant tone if he knew who she was?

  With a dark face, she reiterated: "I am Qi Huaiyu, the daughter of the Prime Minister."

  Qin Wan was already a little impatient: "I know, what's wrong with you?"

  Concubine Qi froze for a moment.

  "Nothing, just passing by and came to say hello. Hatsumomo, let's go."

  Concubine Qi was very angry because she did not get the respect she deserved, but then she thought that she was just an abandoned concubine in the cold palace, so why should she be angry with her?

  Finally, after finishing painting the entire door with Xiao Huasheng and Xiao Guiyuan, Qin Wan was so tired that he sat in the yard.

  Xiao Zhima pulled up a large ice-cold watermelon from the well, cut it and gave her a piece.

  This big watermelon was stolen by Leng Ying from the imperial garden.

  Now that he didn't have to steal vegetables from the imperial kitchen, he was not idle either. He thought that since the weather was hot now and each palace had watermelons, he should arrange one for his young lady.

  A big watermelon was still shared by everyone. Everyone in Zhaotai Palace got a share, even Xiongba got a piece.

  Little Peanut and Little Guiyuan felt that their lives had been so good since they came to the cold palace!

  When they were on duty before, they had to watch their masters eat. They didn't expect that when they came to the cold palace to work, they could eat together. This feeling of being respected was something they had never experienced before.

  Qin Wan was eating cool watermelon while taking out his cell phone and placing it on the stone table to charge with solar energy in the sunny day.

  In fact, I haven't used it much from yesterday to today, but all of a sudden, the screen lit up, indicating that the battery was fully charged.

  Little Guiyuan glanced, saw it, and pointed:

  "There's someone in here!"

  Peanut also looked at her phone.

  The emperor asked them to observe whether the empress had any abnormalities. He felt that this black box was quite unusual!

  Little Zhima got goose bumps all over her body, and even her voice was trembling: "My lady, didn't you say that there is no one here?"

  "There's no one there, just a portrait."

  Qin Wan turned on the screen and showed them her phone screensaver, which was her idol Wang Yebo.

  Peanut said: "This painting is so lifelike!"

  Little Guiyuan whispered: "Why is it a man..."

  Peanut secretly kicked him on the table.
