
Chapter 111 Another "Leng Qingqing" appeared

At this time, Ma Shushu, who was on break, walked towards him and said, "Lie Lie."

Ji Bai was stunned to see the company's leading lady, Ma Shushu, the star anchor who would be happy for a long time just by talking to her, and whose whole body was sparkling, walking straight towards the big fool.

"Lie Lie, my live broadcast has been extended and will end at about seven o'clock. I ordered some fried chicken for you to fill your stomach first."

Leng Leng whispered, "Okay," and took the bag from her hand.

Ji Bai rubbed his eyes.

Is he hallucinating? Why does he seem to be hallucinating?

Leng Leng reached out and rubbed her head:

"Work is important. I'll wait for you."

Ma Shushu stood on tiptoe and kissed Leng Leng on the jaw. Ji Bai was even more shocked and spoke incoherently: "You, you, you...Sister Shu, this can't be your boyfriend, right?"

Sister Shu said, "No."

Ji Bai breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this kid couldn't be so lucky.

Then Ma Shushu continued, "He is my husband."

Ji Bai was petrified.

When he came to his senses, Leng Leng had already sat down and opened the box of fried chicken. A fragrant aroma wafted over.

He held the box in front of Ji Bai and asked him, "Do you want it?"

Ji Bai took a chicken wing and sat next to him.

"That's not right. With Sister Shu's financial resources, how could she let you make money from live streaming to buy diamond rings and wedding photos?"

Leng Leng said, "This is different. I am a gigolo, and I am using her money? There are some things that a man should do."

Ji Bai ate chicken wings and said, "No, I don't mean to offend you. Sister Shu, how could I like you? How did you win over Sister Shu?"

Leng Leng gently lifted up his clothes: "She is after my sex."

the other side.

Qin Wan got off work first.

Jiang Beiyu broadcast for three hours this afternoon and earned more than two thousand yuan. He is indeed suitable for this job. The money he earns will soon reach the monthly tax deduction standard. Fortunately, he will have an ID card soon.

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

She came out of the office swinging her bag, and when he followed her, he really looked like her little puppy.

Jiang Beiyu naturally took the bag from her and helped her carry it, then swiped his card and pressed the elevator button.

"It's all up to me. I'll eat whatever you want me to eat every night."

He still called her "Wanwan" because he knew she was used to and liked the name, and would correct her if she had any objections.

Qin Wan thought about it carefully for a while.

"Well, there is a very interesting delicacy that the emperor has absolutely never eaten. Do you want to try it?"

Looking at her bright and expectant eyes, he nodded.

She had indeed been craving for this thing for a long time, and she hadn't eaten it for a long time. Her mouth was watering just thinking about it.

Qin Wan took him to the food city in the basement of the company building.

There are many small food shops downstairs, selling all kinds of food, and there are a lot of people. Many white-collar workers who are off work and tourists who come here to eat come here, coming and going, shoulder to shoulder.

He held her hand, afraid of losing her.

After many twists and turns, she finally brought him to a store.


Qin Wan is actually a very down-to-earth person. She can eat at Black Pearl and Michelin restaurants that cost thousands of dollars per person, as well as at small restaurants that cost only twenty or thirty dollars per person. The main reason is that she loves to eat, and she will try anything as long as it tastes good. Many delicious foods are hidden in these small restaurants.

But as soon as he reached the store door, he couldn't help but cover his nose with his sleeve.

This was the first time in his life that he questioned Qin Wan's choice.

"Wanwan, why don't we go to another store? The hygiene of this store seems to be not very good. The smell of toilets permeates the store entrance."

Qin Wan couldn't help but smile.

"This is not the smell of a toilet, this is called snail rice noodle, and this is the smell itself. It's just like stinky tofu, it smells bad but tastes good."

Jiang Beiyu didn't understand, but was greatly shocked.

"Is there really food that tastes like this?"

If he hadn't seen that she wanted to eat it, he would have suspected that she was playing a trick on him on purpose, just like Mustard.

"Then, shall I try it?"

There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and if you wanted to eat you had to wait for a table. After sitting down, Qin Wan casually threw the Himalayan Birkin in his hand on the greasy table.

"What would you like to drink?"

He said, "Tea is good."

Qin Wan called out, "Boss, one bottle of Wang Xiaoji, one bottle of Bing Lei Bi, two bowls of original snail noodles, fried eggs, duck feet, and half a pig's trotter."


Seeing how familiar she was with ordering, you could tell she really loved it. At this moment, even the stinky smell in the restaurant seemed less bad.

Qin Wan found that the little puppy was looking at her with a smile, so she asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Stinky Wanwan. She loves to eat this. It stinks to death."

Qin Wan reached out and pinched his tall nose: "How about this?"

He actually leaned back and struggled free, then opened his mouth and bit her hand like a puppy.

Qin Wan was almost melted by the cuteness.

This guy is getting more and more outrageous. Do all the civil and military officials in the court know that their emperor is like this in private?

I remember when I first traveled to the ancient times, I saw this guy with a stern face every day, looking very old-fashioned. I had to be very careful when talking to him, and my heart was pounding. It was completely different from now.

"Jiang Beiyu." She called out to him.

He said "Hmm?"

She said, "You knew it stinks here, so why did you come with me to eat snail rice noodle?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I am very happy that Wanwan is willing to share her favorite food with me.

Just like loving someone, you should accompany her to do the things she likes. Everything you have experienced with her is valuable. "

At this time, the boss came over with two bowls of noodles, put them on the table and said, "Here, two bowls of original snail noodles. Be careful, it's hot."

Qin Wan took out two pairs of chopsticks from the chopstick cage, wiped them with a napkin, and handed a pair to him.

"Try it. If you don't like it, I'll take you to eat something else."


Jiang Beiyu took the chopsticks she handed him, picked up the noodles and took a big bite.

After eating, his expression froze.

He stopped chewing, opened the Ice King Xiaoji on the table, and gulped down a few mouthfuls.

Qin Wan saw that he didn't like the look on his face, but he put Wang Xiaoji down, picked up the chopsticks again and took a big bite. This time, his brows were obviously not as furrowed.

So he tried it and took a sip of the soup with a spoon, with a look of surprise and wonder in his eyes.

Qin Wan asked: "What's wrong?"

He said: "This thing is very strange. One bite smells bad, the second bite smells good, and the third and fourth bites are unstoppable. I have never eaten food that surprises me so much."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Then eat."

"From now on, when Wanwan returns to Jiang Country, she should open a snail noodle shop." Jiang Beiyu said casually.

Qin Wan, who was slurping noodles, paused.

Jiang Beiyu said, "Why? The Leng Mansion is your real parents and your real home. You won't really not go back after completing your six-month agreement with me, right?"

Qin Wan's expression suddenly became lonely.

She didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, she thought of something and narrowed her eyes dangerously for a moment: "You didn't deliberately conspire with General Leng to make up this story in order to make me stay, did you?"

Jiang Beiyu raised his hand and said, "I swear! I have no idea what General Leng said. Yesterday, I heard it for the first time, just like you."

Qin Wan lowered his head and slurped the noodles silently.

The person who is most happy about this matter is probably Jiang Beiyu.

In the end, she was still his cold concubine. Who wouldn't be happy to get a wife for free?

After eating, go home and take a shower.

After Jiang Beiyu returned, he washed himself twice with shower gel and washed his hair, and he still felt that faint eerie smell on his body.

It is true that the more you eat the snail noodles, the more you enjoy it. You will feel like you are in a crematorium after finishing it.

After washing, he went to find her again with his hair dripping with water: "Wanwan, blow dry my hair for me."

Sitting on the bed, chewing dried mango and reading a magazine, Qin Wan knew that he was doing that again, and without even raising his head, he said, "The hair dryer is in the bathroom, blow dry it yourself."

"But I'm not very good at using that thing. It's scary."

"Then you can stand on the balcony and let it dry by itself."

Seeing that she really had no intention of giving him a blowjob, he went to the balcony outside pitifully, then turned around and looked back at her.

It was really boring standing on the balcony, so Jiang Beiyu turned on the live broadcast and let the evening breeze blow his hair.

He has a good-looking face, and his long hair gives him an androgynous beauty. More importantly, he is shirtless at the moment, and although only a little below his collarbone is exposed in the camera, it is enough to drive people crazy.

At this moment, a lot of "husband" and "husband" flocked to the comment section and barrage.

Qin Wan just received the live broadcast reminder, glanced at his phone and clicked into his live broadcast room. He slowly turned his head to look at the person who was blow-drying his hair outside the window, and inexplicably felt unhappy.

"Jiang Beiyu, get the hell in here!"

Jiang Beiyu quickly turned off the live broadcast and walked in.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Go and get the hair dryer from the bathroom."

There was a socket next to the bed. Jiang Beiyu plugged in the hair dryer and handed it to him.

He sat down on her soft bed and could vaguely smell the sweet peach scent coming from her.

Qin Wan took the hair dryer and turned it on, and he lowered his head in cooperation.

The warm wind blew his beautiful black hair, and his slender fingers stroked his hair.

Qin Wan was blowing the flute attentively. Suddenly, while blowing, he rested his head on her legs.

Qin Wan was stunned, but did not stop it.

He is really, so good and nice now, so good at poking her...

After blowing for about ten minutes, she said, "Okay, done."

The little puppy on my lap didn't move.

Fell asleep.

If it wasn't for this call...

Jiang Beiyu's cell phone suddenly rang.

He raised his head, it was cold.

Haha, General Leng now knows how to make phone calls.

After the call was connected, Leng Leng said excitedly, "Your Majesty, some friends will be coming over later. Do you want to come over for a barbecue?"

Jiang Beiyu made a sound through his teeth: "I, won't, eat."

Leng Lie asked again: "What about Qingqing?"

Before Jiang Beiyu could answer, Qin Wan came down and said to the person on the other end of the phone, "I'll be there soon."

She went to the coat rack, changed into a casual outer skirt, put on some lipstick, and came out to see that he had also changed his clothes and was following her silently.

Qin Wan said nothing and raised the corners of his lips.

The two walked into Ma Shushu's yard one after the other, and looked at him coldly in surprise: "Your Majesty, didn't you say you wouldn't come?"

Jiang Beiyu glared at him fiercely, wishing he could cut him into pieces.

Leng Lie looked confused, but still lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty, Shushu's friends will be here later, so I can't call you your Majesty. Let's just call each other friends for now."

Jiang Beiyu nodded.

The barbecue grill had been set up in the yard. Ma Shushu put the lamb skewers, oysters and eels on the charcoal brazier. Leng Lie got up and went into the house to get cups and drinks. At this time, the wind chimes in the yard rang.

Qin Wan turned around and saw a gentle and sweet woman, holding a gift in her hand, walking in from outside with a smile.

It's Meng Jiaojiao.

"I am here."

Ma Shushu came over, took the things in her hand, and asked her to sit down.

At this time, Leng Lie also took the drink and put it on the table and sat next to Ma Shushu.

Meng Jiaojiao glanced at the two men teasingly and said with a smile:

"I haven't been here for a few days. Your courtyard has changed a lot. You have a new baby so soon."

Ma Shushu introduced: "This is Leng Lie, Qin Wan's distant brother, and my boyfriend."

They are acquaintances who are well known to everyone. After all, in this world, they haven't had a wedding or obtained a marriage certificate yet, so this is the only way to introduce them.

Meng Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Good things should be kept within the family. No wonder, last time I told her I wanted to introduce you to someone, she immediately said you already have one."

Leng Leng lowered his head shyly.

His eyes fell on the person sitting next to Qin Wan again: "So, who is this?"

There was anticipation in Jiang Beiyu's beautiful phoenix eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Qin Wan pursed her lips and finally said, "Friend."

The light in Jiang Beiyu's eyes slowly faded.

Fortunately, no one noticed this.

Meng Jiaojiao continued to say to Qin Wan: "I asked my husband to find out about the matter you asked me last time, to see if there is anyone in their circle who needs to be adopted as a son. If you need to check his clan members, give me the information you have, and I can ask him to help check."

Qin Wan said, "No need. When my grandfather comes back, I will talk to him and see if he can be adopted into my family."

Leng Lie and Ma Shushu, who were standing by, only half understood what they were saying. They also realized that they were talking about Leng Lie's identity here. They didn't expect that she really cared about this matter. Leng Lie looked at her with gratitude in his eyes.

Everyone soon started talking about other things. The atmosphere was pleasant as they ate meat and drank wine. Jiang Beiyu drank beer silently, one glass after another.

Today was a happy day. We chatted until very late. Qin Wan was already half drunk when she returned home. She fell asleep as soon as she found her bed. She felt someone holding her waist and kissing her neck...

The next morning, when the phone rang, Qin Wan realized that she was being held in someone's arms, with a pair of strong arms tightly clasping her waist.

"Jiang Beiyu, your phone number."

She nudged him with her elbow and he woke up. He answered the phone and it was someone from the police station, notifying him to go collect his ID card.

I will soon be a person with an ID card in this era, and I can't help but feel a little excited.

Jiang Beiyu dressed up deliberately, wearing a shirt and tie, and shaved his chin with a razor. He went out with Qin Wan in a sophisticated manner.

Qin Wan sent him to a police station near his home and waited for him at the door, watching him come out happily and waving the brand new ID card in his hand.

As the two were about to leave, Qin Wan was suddenly attracted by a large notice posted on the bulletin board.

"Revelation of the corpse."

The moment she saw the photos clearly and the female corpse's personal belongings were displayed, she froze and her face lost all color.

(Next chapter on September 13, 18:00.)

Chapter 112 Qin Wan: I woke up in shock from my dying illness, and found out that I was the one who had no household registration?

The moment she saw the photo clearly and the female corpse's personal belongings, she froze and her face lost all color.

Parts of the female corpse were blurred, but she was very familiar with the clothes and accessories she wore.

A white cotton and linen long-sleeved nightgown, Miumiu earrings, Prada beige slippers, a sports bracelet on the left hand, and a handmade platinum butterfly ring on the right hand.

This was the clothing and accessories she wore the night she unexpectedly arrived in Jiangguo.

In addition, there is a pink sachet, which she should have brought from ancient times.

She stared at it intently and heard the policeman beside her say:

"This female corpse was fished out the night before yesterday. Somehow she fell into the river and stayed there for a week before floating up. Her features are no longer visible."

Qin Wan suddenly held Jiang Beiyu's hand, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"She is cold and lonely."

Jiang Beiyu also suddenly looked at the notice with surprise.

Half an hour later, Leng Leng and Ma Shushu also arrived at the police station.

Qin Wan sat on the steps, hugging her knees.

No one expected this to be the ending. The "Leng Qingqing" disappeared because he accidentally fell into the river.

Leng Leng was particularly anxious, because, although he knew that the woman was not his sister, they had been siblings for more than ten years and had lived in his sister's body for so long, so they had a blood relationship that was thicker than water.

He didn't expect that when he found his sister, she died unexpectedly.

Upon learning that he wanted to identify the body, the police immediately brought him in and asked him to show his ID card.

He was stunned for a moment.

He didn't.

And even if there is, they cannot provide proof of relationship with the deceased, and the police will not allow irrelevant people to enter the morgue.

At this time, Qin Wan took out his ID card.

She said, "I live nearby. She looks a lot like... a distant sister of mine. She also disappeared a few days ago. We want to identify her. Please help us."

The police looked at her ID card and confirmed that she did live nearby, so they told her, "Go ahead."

A group of four people entered the morgue.

Even though she was mentally prepared, she still staggered when she lifted the white cloth and saw the corpse.

Fortunately, Jiang Beiyu behind her supported her with one arm.

After just one look, she couldn't bear to look any further.

She has used this body for more than ten years.

How does it feel to see your body transformed into an unrecognizable corpse?

Leng Leng walked forward and took a closer look with a solemn expression. It was his last look at her and his final farewell to her.

Ma Shushu couldn't stop crying: "Wanwan, this really seems to be your previous body! Woo, what should I do now?"

Qin Wan picked up the phone and was about to make a call when Ma Shushu grabbed her wrist: "What are you going to do?!"

Qin Wan said: "This is my parents' real daughter. I have to call them and tell them about this. It's also good for them to see her for the last time."

"You are stupid!"

Ma Shushu stopped her: "If this proves that this is 'Qin Wan', then your account will be cancelled and you will have nothing in this world! You can never go to Qin Chuan again! You are no longer the eldest daughter of the Qin family, and you will lose everything you have!

Moreover, the death of the eldest daughter of the Qin family is big news that will shake the stock market and is also bad for the Qin family. Be careful!"

Qin Wan woke up as if from a dream.

"Besides, you are the only child in your family, and your grandfather is so old, do you think they can bear such a blow?

You grew up in the Qin family, and have been with them for more than ten years. You are the daughter they have always known. Nothing happened to you, but you told them that you are not their child. Their child is dead. Wouldn't that make them sad for no reason? Why not just continue to make the best of it and pretend that nothing happened? "

Qin Wan was confused.

Ma Shushu said: "Anyway, the body cannot be identified. As long as no one claims it, no one will know about it. We can just bury her quietly and respectfully."

Qin Wan was completely at a loss.

She didn't know what to do.

After leaving the morgue, the police officer at the door asked her inquiringly: "How is it? Is this the person you are looking for?"

Qin Wan pursed her lips, not knowing how to respond.

Ma Shushu said: "Sorry, we can't see the face clearly."

The police let them go without asking any further questions.

After all, every year a notice is posted to identify a body, but there are too many people who come to identify the body but fail to do so.

Qin Wan was still in a daze until he returned home and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Jiang Beiyu poured her a cup of warm water and placed it on the coffee table.

She said, "Beibei, tell me, what should I do?"

He hadn't called him Beibei for a long time, and Jiang Beiyu was a little surprised.

Qin Wan hugged her knees and sat on the sofa: "I can't get over this... I always feel that hiding it from them is deceiving them, but I don't want to see them sad.

This is not fair to Leng Qingqing. She is the real eldest daughter of the Qin family, but she never recognized her parents until her death. No one recognized her after her death. She died alone in a foreign land..."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I think you should be more rational, just like Ma Shushu said, unless you don't want to stay in this world anymore, then no matter what you do, my principle is to leave a way out for yourself no matter what happens."

Qin Wan said, "I know the reason, but I still have a question, that is, how did Leng Qingqing die? Did she really fall into the river? Could there be other causes of death? And what is in the pink sachet she brought with her?"

Although the body was partially blurred in the identification photo, she was holding the pink sachet tightly in her hand and did not let go until her death.

Jiang Beiyu reached out and rubbed her head: "Don't think too much. She is new in this world and definitely doesn't have any enemies. She couldn't see the road clearly in the middle of the night and must have fallen into the river by mistake."

Qin Wan suddenly had an idea: "Why was she so flustered? Was someone trying to harm her when she came here?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Instead of thinking about it, you should think about how to deal with this matter. After all, she is using your original body now. If the police find out that it is Qin Wan, how will you explain your existence?"

Qin Wan just sat there hugging her knees, looking dazed.

In the past, she thought she was very smart, at least a little smart, but when faced with big problems, her mind went blank.

The phone was picked up and put down again and again.

Although Ma Shushu and Jiang Beiyu hinted to her to leave a way out, if she followed her heart, she would tell her parents and grandfather about it. It was up to them to decide how to deal with it.

Otherwise, even if she had been with them all these years, she would not be able to feel at ease and continue to stay with them as the eldest daughter of the Qin family.

Before she knew it, it was already dusk and she hadn't been to the company all day.

Jiang Beiyu was not there either. No one knew where he had gone. He probably went to Ma Shushu's house to be with Leng Lie.

After thinking it over again and again, she picked up the phone and dialed the familiar number.

"Hey, Grandpa..."

The first words she spoke were filled with tears, and she tried her best to calm herself down.

The grandfather over there was stunned: "What's wrong? My dear, who bullied my Wanwan?"


She cleared her thoughts and told the whole story in detail. She talked about how she had traveled to ancient times and came back to exchange bodies with Leng Qingqing. She omitted the love-hate entanglement between her and Jiang Beiyu, and did not say how long she had been gone. According to her grandfather's understanding, it was only seven days.

She told her grandfather that she had only come to the Qin family when she was six years old, and the person lying in the morgue now was his real granddaughter...

She thought that her grandfather would think she was ridiculous or even talking nonsense, but she had to say it.

There was silence on the other end for a long time, so long that she thought he had hung up, and then she remembered a voice:

"Got it. Grandpa will come and take care of this matter."

Just as I was about to hang up, my grandfather's voice rang again, and he said kindly:

"Don't be afraid, don't worry. If you feel sad, just stay at Shushu's house tonight."


Only after she hung up the phone did she feel relieved.

Night falls.

She stood up and was about to go out when she saw Jiang Beiyu coming in from the yard carrying some soup dumplings and wontons that he had packed from outside.

"You must be hungry, come and eat."

He placed the lunch box on the dining table, opened it, and said to her: "I just went to the police station to inquire. They are now checking the surveillance footage around the river for nearly a week, and they have also retrieved the female corpse's D..." He couldn't remember it for a moment.

"DNA." Qin Wan added lightly.

"Yes, that's what it's called. Extract it, and then compare it with the city's DNA database to find the source of the body."

Qin Wan listened to him while eating wontons, his expression remained calm.

Jiang Beiyu continued, "Wanwan, do you want to go and make some arrangements? In this way, will we be able to find the Qin family soon?"

Qin Wan's expression remained unchanged.

"Then let it be."

The second day.

Qin Wan got up a little earlier and put on some delicate makeup.

This morning, there was a meeting at the company. She stuffed her laptop into her bag and was about to go out when suddenly, the doorbell rang.

She opened the door and was slightly surprised to see many police officers standing outside.

The police were also surprised when they saw her, and looked confused.

The leading policeman showed her his officer certificate.

"Hello, is this the Qin family whose owner is Qin Xiao?"

Qin Xiao was her father's name. Qin Wan nodded.

The police said: "There are some things we need to investigate."

Qin Wan made way for him and said, "Come in."

Seeing this, Jiang Beiyu quietly walked aside and called Ma Shushu.

The policeman placed the computer on the coffee table, sat down on the sofa, and asked her: "Excuse me, where is the owner of the household now? What is your relationship with the owner of the household?"

Qin Wan said calmly, "The owner of the household spends most of the year abroad due to business. If you need any cooperation with the investigation, just ask me. I am the owner's daughter, Qin Wan."

Hearing this name, all the police officers present looked at each other with strange expressions.

Qin Wan, on the other hand, looked calm.

"Um, this..." The policeman sitting in front of the computer was also confused at this moment, and even felt a chill on his back. This matter was a little unreasonable, but the necessary procedures should be followed.

"We have a surveillance video here that you need to confirm."

Qin Wan said: "Okay."

The policeman pressed the play button reluctantly, and in the video, he could see a girl in a white nightgown hurriedly running out of the Qin family's villa.

Because it was night time, the picture quality was a little blurry, but it was still possible to make out that the woman in the picture looked very similar to the woman in front of him who was calmly watching the surveillance camera.

Qin Wan stared at the screen carefully and could even see the end of the picture. Ma Shushu was riding a balance bike from a distance and just missed her. If she had been a little earlier, she might have met her.

The police said: "Three days ago, we found a body in the river. Because the body had been in the river for a week, its features could no longer be identified. These days, we checked the surveillance cameras of all sections of the river within a one-kilometer radius of the body a week ago and found this video. The body came from Qin's house."

Another female police officer holding a folder next to her continued, "Based on the DNA extracted from the body and the data left by the household owner Qin Xiao in the city's DNA database, it was confirmed that the body is a child of the Qin family, Qin Wan."

When she said this, everyone glanced at her secretly.

Qin Wan silently took out her ID card from her bag and placed it on the table: "She is Qin Wan, then who am I?"

When they saw the ID card, everyone felt a chill run down their spine.

Because the Qin family has only one child, Qin Wan is the only daughter in the family. If the cold female corpse in the morgue is Qin Wan, then who is the living person sitting in front of them?

Some people even wanted to muster up the courage to touch her to see if she was a human or a ghost, but were stopped by Jiang Beiyu.

He said in a deep voice: "What are you doing?"

The policewoman next to him said, "Medical beauty technology is so advanced nowadays, having the same face doesn't mean anything. Whether you are Qin Wan or not, you can tell by taking a DNA test.

Are you willing to cooperate and let us extract DNA from you for testing?"

At this time, a clear voice sounded:

"No need to test, she is Qin Wan."

The one who spoke was Ma Shushu. She and Leng Leng hurried in from outside.

"I also live in this villa area. I have known Wanwan for more than ten years. Don't I know whether she is Qin Wan? How can you question someone's identity with just a blurry video?"

One person recognized that it was the internet celebrity anchor Ma Shushu and immediately said:

"Ms. Ma, we are also following the procedures. After all, the DNA of the woman in the morgue is definitely Qin Xiao's daughter.

If her DNA is not Miss Qin's, and she looks similar to Miss Qin, then she may be a major suspect in the crime."

Hearing this, Qin Wan looked up suddenly.

At this time, a policeman walked towards her: "Miss Qin, I just need a little hair from you, sorry for the offense."

(Next chapter on September 14, 18:00.)

Chapter 113 Leng Qingqing's Relics: "Save Me!"

At this time, a policeman walked towards her: "Miss Qin, I just need a little hair from you, sorry for the offense."

He was wearing rubber gloves and holding a pair of scissors in his hand, and was about to come over to cut her hair.

At this time, an old but powerful voice sounded: "Stop! I want to see who dares to touch my granddaughter!"

Qin Wuya took the earliest flight back to the Magic City and hurried here. He had just reached the door and saw the scene in front of him. He immediately walked over quickly with trembling steps.

His legs are fine, he usually walks briskly and is in good health. Yesterday he climbed hard in the mountains, which is why his legs are like this.

A policeman who was nearby stepped forward and helped him up: "Old man, please slow down."

Qin Wuya walked straight to Qin Wan and said, "Wan Wan, are you okay?"

Qin Wan shook his head.

Qin Wuya sat down next to Qin Wan.

Before coming, he had been to the police station and seen the child. He found out that the police station compared her DNA with Qin Xiao's, and found that Qin Wan's genes were not found in the gene bank.

So he said categorically:

"Comrade police officer, there's no need to check! Maybe my son made some mistakes when he was young, but the one in front of me is my granddaughter, there's no doubt about it!"

In order to prevent Qin Wan from having his account cancelled or even being suspected of committing a crime, Qin Wuya had no choice but to do this and let his son take the blame.

The policewoman said, "Mr. Qin, this matter is indeed strange. Are you really not going to check it out? Even if the person in front of you is indeed Miss Qin, there is no harm in checking it out."

Qin Wuya said: "Let me ask you, is it possible that a relative of yours, someone you spend every day with, could make a mistake? Do you still need to verify it?

So, for you, it's fine to test it, but for us, Wanwan, it's a humiliation! A great shame! I won't agree to you testing her DNA casually!"

When Mr. Qin was young, he was a powerful figure in Shanghai. Even when he was old, he was still a prominent figure. Seeing that he was so stubborn and refused to give the test, no one dared to act rashly.

The matter has reached a deadlock.

Old Master Qin is the elder in charge of the family. With him as a guarantor, it proves that the person in front of them is indeed Qin Wan, so everyone can only give up.

The leading policeman walked to Qin Wuya's side and said, "Mr. Qin, Miss Qin, sorry to bother you. We will continue to investigate the case of Qin... the drowning of that lady. We will notify you when there is any news."

Qin Wuya nodded.

The group filed out, leaving only Jiang Beiyu, Ma Shushu and Leng Leng.

Qin Wan lowered his head and said nothing.

Qin Wuya reached out and patted her shoulder, comforting her: "It's okay, Wanwan, don't be afraid. Grandpa will hold up the sky if it falls. I don't think anyone dares to question that you are not the daughter of the Qin family. Grandpa, and mom and dad will protect you."

Qin Wan raised his head in surprise, his expression gloomy, and opened his mouth but said nothing.

Qin Wuya knew what she wanted to say and rubbed her head.

"Good boy. You did nothing wrong. You were very brave to tell Grandpa these things yesterday. I have discussed with your parents and will adopt that girl as an illegitimate daughter. This is the best way to protect you.

You, who grew up beside us, will always be our Wanwan."


Qin Wan's nose felt sore and tears flowed uncontrollably.

"I thought you guys would not want me anymore."

Yesterday, she thought about the worst outcome, which was losing everything here, but she was open and honest.

"Silly child, you are the apple of our eyes. How could we not want you? How could we bear to not want you?"

Qin Wuya sighed: "That child is indeed a pitiful child. Just think of her as your sister. In the afternoon, accompany grandpa to the police station to identify the body."

Qin Wan nodded.

In the afternoon, the body was claimed by the Qin family and transferred to the hospital. It will be cremated in three days, and the personal belongings were also taken back.

Qin Wan picked up the pink brocade bag and opened it.

In addition to some change, there was also an exquisite rouge button and a handkerchief.

The rouge button is a pendant that ancient women wore on their chests. It looks like a pendant from the outside, but actually has storage space inside. Noble ladies would hide some rouge in it to touch up their makeup.

Qin Wan opened it curiously, but instead of finding rouge inside, she found a note.

Because the rouge button has good sealing properties, even after being soaked in water for a week, the note only had a few water stains.

The writing on it was from the Jiang State, which Qin Wan did not recognize.

So she took a picture and sent it to Jiang Beiyu.

Since grandpa came back, Jiang Beiyu and Leng Lie went to Ma Shushu's house.

Soon, Jiang Beiyu replied with two words: "Save me?"

Qin Wan's heart trembled.

It seems that Leng Qingqing's death is not simple?

Jiang Beiyu continued to ask: "What is this?"

She replied: "This was found among Leng Qingqing's belongings."

Jiang Beiyu replied: "Come here."

Qin Wan went to Ma Shushu's house immediately.

Jiang Beiyu, Leng Lie and Ma Shushu sat in the living room waiting for her.

Qin Wan directly took the pink sachet.

Leng Leng said, "This is Qingqing's brocade bag. This rouge button is what I gave her. I promised her that if there is any change in the palace, she can use this to send a message to me. This is her handwriting."

Leng Lie's face was gloomy.

"She must have been trying to find a way to get a message to me. Unfortunately, she never passed on the rouge button until her death."

Qin Wan said: "When she died, she was holding this sachet tightly in her hand, so she brought it here with her."

At this point, everyone had a look of sadness on their faces.

Qin Wan continued to think and said: "I have watched the surveillance video and can see that she was very panicked at the time. It should not be just because she came to a strange new environment, but it seems that someone is doing something bad to her.

That day was the first night she was chosen to sleep with the emperor. Who was trying to harm her?"

Leng Leng asked, "Have her autopsy results come out?"

Qin Wan said: "It came out. The forensic examination showed that he simply drowned. There were no external injuries or poisoning.

If there was anything unusual about her body, I would not be able to escape scrutiny, after all, she came out of my house that day."

Jiang Beiyu thought thoughtfully: "So, something happened to her in the palace, and someone wanted to ruin her sleeping with the emperor...

At that time, Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom were at war. If something happened to Concubine Leng while serving the emperor, then General Leng and I would definitely fall out... But the other party had planned everything, but he didn't expect Wanwan to appear at this time by accident."

Jiang Beiyu continued, "Actually, after careful recollection, I also feel that something was a bit illogical that day. For example, she was wearing a normal, complete dress, unlike the other concubines who only wore thin undergarments when they slept with me... So, Wanwan was not carried to my bedroom by the eunuchs."

After this story was told, everyone felt a chill down their spine and thought it was terrifying.

Therefore, the truth can only be found out by going back. However, it has been a year since the incident. Can it still be found out?

Qin Wan said, "After I go back, I will definitely investigate this matter and give Leng Qingqing justice."

Her identity was Leng Qingqing, but she died innocently for her. She owed her this.

Now that she is here, she will at least attend the Leng Qingqing funeral.

In the past two days, she handed over all the company affairs to her special assistant Jian Anlan, because she really didn't have the heart to go to the company.

It was almost dusk when I received a screenshot of the plane ticket from my mother.

She and her father will rush back from abroad, taking a flight at around 9 o'clock tonight and arriving at the Shanghai Airport at around 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.

After grandpa came back, the live-in nanny also came back and cooked for them.

After dinner, she went upstairs to rest and glanced at the empty sofa.

Tonight, Jiang Beiyu stayed in the guest room of Ma Shushu's house.

Without the little puppy, I always feel empty, like something is missing.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Beiyu sent him a message.

"I have already taken a shower and am resting."

Next is a video of her taking pictures of the room he lives in. The is the one used in many TikTok videos of cats sleeping:

"It's time to go to bed, it's time to go to bed, good night."

He replaced the cat with himself.

Qin Wan couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

She recalled that during dinner today, her grandfather asked her, "You have a friend named Jiang... the one who played chess with you and beat you, right?"

Qin Wan said "hmm".

Grandpa smiled and said, "What about the child?"

Qin Wan was stunned.

I didn't expect that grandpa still cared about me.

Could she tell him that he had been there this morning but hadn't noticed?

Grandpa smiled and said, "Bring it home if you think it's appropriate. It just so happens that your parents will be back in a couple of days."

Qin Wan's heart was beating fast.

"This incident just happened at home these two days, so it's not a good time. When the time is right, I'll bring him here."

Grandpa said "hmm".

"Why didn't he contact me later? Ask him to add me using his own account and play a few games with me when he's free."

Qin Wan said "hmm".

Thinking of this, she sent him her grandfather's chess game account and asked him to register an account using his own mobile phone number and add friends.

Jiang Beiyu, who had already gone to sleep, immediately replied with an emoticon of a cute little bear jumping up and saying "ok".

The second day.

After breakfast, Qin Wan went to the airport with the driver to pick up the plane.

Standing at the airport entrance, I saw the two people from a distance.

Her father, Qin Xiao, was wearing a plaid shirt, beige denim trousers, and a pair of sunglasses.

Her mother, Ge Manqi, wore a white long with a waistline and had retro black curly hair. She looked a bit like a Hong Kong star from the 1980s. She was still slim in her early forties.

Two assistants were standing on their left and right, dragging their suitcases for them.

In the real world, they hadn't seen each other for four months, and combined with the year they had spent in ancient times, it felt like a lifetime ago when they saw each other again.

Seeing them, she didn't say anything. Ge Manqi came closer and pinched her little face:

"Oh my dear, you've gained weight."

Qin Xiao, who was standing by, said indifferently, "That's not the body she had before."

Ge Manqi's hands suddenly froze.

Mothers can feel these subtle changes, and tears flash in their eyes.

She said: "It's okay, this is also our Wanwan."

After getting in the car, Qin Wan sat with them in the back seat and listened to what they said.

"Actually, we noticed changes in you when you were a child. You were quiet and liked to play with building blocks in a small corner by yourself. When I took you to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed you with autism." Qin Xiao said.

Ge Manqi said: "At that time, I felt like the sky had fallen. It was hard to imagine that our little girl was actually a 'star child'."

Qin Xiao continued, "In order to help you get well, Dad gave up his job and took you to many hospitals and did a lot of treatments, but to no avail.

Then one day, you suddenly got better, became lively and cheerful, and everyone loved you. "

Ge Manqi said: "We thought that you had finally recovered and become wise, but we didn't know that, from that day on, you..." As she spoke, her expression became lonely.


Qin Wan said this and turned to look out the window.

Ge Manqi reached out and held her hand.

"Child, you can come to our home and be our child. You are our child. This is fate. You have been our child since you were six years old. You will always be mom and dad's baby, as long as you don't mind in your heart."

Qin Xiao said, "After we have settled the child's funeral, this matter will end here and no one should mention it again. Mom and Dad have bad memories and will forget about it soon."

Two days later was the "cold and lonely" funeral.

She was named "Qin Qing" and buried in the Qin family's cemetery, perhaps hoping that she would be sunny and cheerful down there.

The weather was fine on the day she was buried. Dad, Mom, and Grandpa watched solemnly as soil was filled on her urn.

Qin Wan, Jiang Beiyu, Ma Shushu, and Leng Leng, each dressed in black, stood in the back row and saw her off for the last time.

After the funeral, Leng Qingqing placed the pink sachet and a crabapple flower on her grave and said to her:

"I'll find the murderer for you."

Mom and Dad will stay in Shanghai for another half a month.

Jiang Beiyu secretly wanted to meet them and had no plans to go back for the time being. Leng Leng and Ma Shushu were going to take a set of wedding photos and had already scheduled a date, so they also had no plans to go back for the time being.

After the funeral, everything returned to normal and Qin Wan returned to the company to deal with the accumulated affairs.

In order to avoid suspicion, Jiang Beiyu was no longer in her office. She opened a separate office for him next to her. He live-streamed or checked his phone in it like other internet celebrities. It was up to him to do whatever he wanted. At noon, she let him, Ma Shushu and Leng Leng have lunch together in her office.

She was busy these past two days and didn't go to his live broadcast room to check the data. But when she was eating, she always saw some little internet celebrities secretly looking at him through the glass door.

Just as he was feeling puzzled, Ma Shushu said with great excitement: "Wanwan, did you know that your emperor had a live broadcast that went viral the day before yesterday?"

Qin Wan was confused: "I don't know."

Ma Shushu said: "The data of that live broadcast reached over 100,000 in real time online, because a master of Chinese studies came to fight against him. The master of Chinese studies felt that he was just a show-off with no real talent and knowledge, and that he made many common sense mistakes about ancient literature, so he criticized him in the live broadcast room."

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing: "Then he got the better of me. Someone even recorded the screen at the time. That live broadcast was so cool."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her secretly.

(Next chapter on September 15th, 18:00.)

Chapter 114 Qin Wan: Come to my house the day after tomorrow and I'll take you to meet my parents

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her secretly.

Ma Shushu added: "He is now the fastest growing fan in the company. In less than half a month of broadcasting, his fans have exceeded 100,000. He is even more powerful than me at that time."

Hearing this, Qin Wan inexplicably felt a little bit of pride rising in his heart. He turned around and looked at him. He was eating slowly and calmly with a calm expression, but the barely visible curve of his mouth could not be hidden.

Waiting to be praised.

Qin Wan said to Jiang Beiyu: "Why haven't I heard you tell me this?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I have no idea about your data. I think everyone is like this. I just work hard on the broadcast. When I make money, I buy delicious food and beautiful clothes for Wanwan."

Leng Leng felt like an arrow had hit his knee.

What a great tea!

It's not like he didn't see that there were hundreds of people in his live broadcast room, thousands when things were good, and only dozens when things were bad.

How can he have the nerve to say that? Does he think everyone is like him and makes over 100,000?

If there were no difference between the emperor and his subjects, he would have overturned the table long ago. Now he can only eat in silence, pretending that he is deaf.

Qin Wan said: "Not bad, keep up the good work. It proves that the emperor still has a skill. Even if he is in a foreign country, he will not starve to death."

Jiang Beiyu thought, is this considered praising him?

However, when Ma Shushu said "your emperor" just now, she did not refute, which proves that she agreed. Is the relationship between him and Wanwan getting closer?

Qin Wan didn't seem to care at all. He sucked his chopsticks and said to Ma Shushu, "Do you have a live broadcast this afternoon?"

Ma Shushu said: "No."

Qin Wan said: "Okay, come with me."

Ma Shushu said, "Okay."

She has always been like this, she won't tell you where she's going, all you have to do is follow her.

After dinner, Qin Wan drove Ma Shushu across half of the city to a place similar to a cinema.

Only after I went in did I realize it was an auction.

Qin Wan said: "I put the things we bought from ancient times at the auction. I'll let the client sell them and see how much they can fetch."

This pile of treasures was not the treasures from the palace. It was a large sack that she and Ma Shushu bought at an antique shop on the street for 750 taels of silver that day. She wanted to test the waters by throwing a stone to ask for directions.

Those were all ordinary antiques from that dynasty, but when they were brought to modern times and identified by experts, it was found that the craftsmanship and materials were indeed from ancient times. They were genuine antiques, and they were in new condition. When the first treasure appeared under the light, it amazed many people.

Everyone rushed to raise their signs.

The bid started at 100,000 yuan, and soon someone raised a sign: "150,000 yuan."

"Two hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred and twenty thousand!"

An ordinary bottle was finally sold for 320,000 yuan. It was just an extremely common piece among the pile of antiques.

Next, Qin Wan saw the cup on the booth.

It was the chicken-glazed cup she bought when she was having a fight with Lu Xuan. It cost ten taels of silver each. She remembered it very clearly. She bought ten in total, and the boss who broke the cup had not yet paid her.

Finally, the cup was taken away by a businessman in the front row at a price of 200,000 yuan for one, or 2 million yuan for ten. He seemed to be reluctant to let it go and was very pleased with himself. He really liked the cup.

Ma Shushu obviously recognized this cup with a story and looked surprised.

She lowered her voice and said to her, "If we bring things from ancient times to sell in modern times, a cup that was bought for ten taels can be sold for two hundred thousand?!"

Qin Wan said: "These are of average quality. The better the things are, the more valuable they should be."

Ma Shushu was shocked: "Wanwan, you have an amazing brain! Why didn't I think of selling ancient things in modern times?"

Qin Wan said: "I'm here to give it a try too."

This time she was testing the waters and only took half of the things she bought from the antique shop. When she left the auction, the money was in her account, and after deducting taxes, it was 15 million.

If I sell all that pile, I estimate it will fetch 30 million.

I still remember that I spent 750 taels of silver to buy antiques, and it was the emperor who was cheated.

This means a net profit of 30 million yuan.

These are antiques of average condition bought casually on the street.

If the jade articles and calligraphy and paintings previously bestowed by the dog emperor were auctioned, the price would be even better, probably a few million.

Qin Wan took the money and walked out of the auction happily. Passing by a pastry shop, he packed a snack for the Dog Emperor.

I returned to the company and went to the Dog Emperor's office. He was not broadcasting live. He was sitting on the bay window, staring at the traffic below in a daze, looking lonely.

She walked over, put the snacks on his desk, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

He said: "Wanwan went out to play and left me alone in the company. I was counting the cars just now. A total of 1,800 cars passed by here..."

Qin Wan: "......."

Jiang Beiyu continued, "Someone contacted me today and gave me 80,000 yuan to shoot a video. They will be responsible for the script and filming. After the video is finished, I will post it on my account."

Qin Wan said, "You don't have to go. Your account is just starting out, so you have to be careful with your reputation. People hate it most when someone promotes products as soon as they become a little popular. But if you want to go and have fun, go for it."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I also refused, because I want to go to the History Museum with General Leng tomorrow to see the historical changes of this land over the years and see what my Jiang Kingdom will look like in the future.

There is also a weapons display warehouse, and we plan to go take a look at it as well."

Qin Wan said: "I'll ask the driver to take you there tomorrow."

Jiang Beiyu said, "No need. General Leng has already checked the bus routes. We can find our own way. In the past half month, General Leng and I have adapted to life here and are familiar with the rules here. We can act independently now."

Qin Wan nodded: "Then go ahead. If there is anything, call me immediately."

Early the next morning, Jiang Beiyu and Leng Lietian got up at dawn, walked out of the gate of the villa area, went to the street outside, and took the earliest bus.

Qin Wan slept until early morning before going to the company. When it was time for lunch, she and Ma Shushu were the only ones there, and she suddenly felt empty.

"Your emperor and Lie Lie went to the museum. They took the bus together early in the morning." Ma Shushu thought it was funny. "The two of them are just like good friends now."

Qin Wan vaguely remembered that when they first came, the relationship between the two was not very good, but because of her and Ma Shushu, and this trip to modern times, their relationship changed.

She also found it interesting, so she picked up the phone and asked him, "Where are you?"

He replied immediately, took a picture of a bowl of noodles and sent it to me: "I'm eating beef noodles with General Leng in a noodle shop. I'll be in the shop this afternoon."

She wondered, "Why did you arrive so late?"

Jiang Beiyu: "General Leng, that stupid ass, took the subway the wrong way (#smile)"

He patted Leng Leng, who was studying a map in his hand, just like people who went on a trip more than ten years ago. He probably wasn't used to the maps on the mobile app.

The weather was too hot, and the two of them walked for the whole morning and even took off their wigs.

However, this world is very tolerant. Even though the two of them had ancient hairstyles, passers-by looked at them normally.

Seeing some tourists taking pictures at the entrance of the museum, Jiang Beiyu stuffed his phone into Leng Leng's hand.

"General Leng, take a few pictures for me too."

Jiang Beiyu imitated the pose of tourists and made a "yeah" gesture to the camera.

He found that among the tourists entering the museum, some not only wore ancient hair accessories, but also ancient costumes, and everyone looked at them normally.

The two were still excited when they first entered the museum, but at nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Wan suddenly received a call from Ma Shushu.

"Something big has happened, Wanwan, come and take a look."

Qin Wan was confused, but he still changed his clothes as quickly as possible and rushed over.

When I arrived at Ma Shushu's house, I saw Jiang Beiyu and Leng Leng sitting on the sofa in the same posture, motionless, without saying a word, so stiff that they didn't even blink, like two stone statues.

Qin Wan stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Jiang Beiyu.

"Is this... a ghost? Or has my soul been taken away?"

Ma Shushu said: "Could it be that someone stabbed his kidney?"

Qin Wan was startled and lifted up Jiang Beiyu's T-shirt. She was relieved to see the familiar abdominal muscles intact.

"Jiang Beiyu, what's wrong with you? Stop pretending to be dead and speak!"

Jiang Beiyu said: "The order of civilization in this world is Xia, Shang, Zhou, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing. What about my Jiang Kingdom? What about the Jiang Kingdom that has lasted for hundreds of years in my generation? There is not even a single record of it in history, so what is the era I live in?

I have even made preparations to see which generation my kingdom will be destroyed, because the rise and fall of any dynasty is inevitable in history, but what does it mean that there is no such dynasty?"

"Uh, this..."

Qin Wan didn't know how to explain or comfort him.

"Perhaps, Jiang Kingdom is in another parallel world, or perhaps, in a historical fault?

It's not just Jiang Kingdom, the North Kingdom, the South Kingdom, and the Qing Kingdom all have none of that either! Everyone is treated equally."

Jiang Beiyu has become more emo.

He said: "This makes me feel that the world I live in is fake..."

Leng Leng standing next to him is also emo.

"Then tell me what is real and what is true?!

It turns out that in this world, a missile can cross the territory of a continent and attack the territory of another country. Without a single soldier, a single artillery shell can instantly turn a city into ruins. I still think that this world is an illusion. "

Qin Wan and Ma Shushu looked at each other and shrugged.

The two men were emo for a while, then turned their grief into appetite and ordered takeout with their mobile phones.

Pizza, barbecue and fried chicken, they are so delicious.

Leng Lie decided to return to Jiang Country after taking wedding photos with Ma Shushu. Their photo shoot date was set for next week.

In the past half month, Leng Leng has been working hard on live streaming every day. Although the data is neither good nor bad, he has saved enough money for the deposit for wedding photos.

When he paid the money online and saw the words "Payment successful" pop up, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

He sent a screenshot of the order to Jiang Beiyu.

He immediately replied with a "Yo Yo Yo" emoticon.

He also wanted to shoot, but his relationship with Wanwan had not yet started.

Several times, when he saw Qin Wuya taking a walk in the neighborhood in the morning, he wanted to go up and say hello, but he was afraid that Wanwan would feel offended, so he could only hide under the eaves.

One day, Qin Wuya was in the study room, he picked up his reading glasses and put them on, just as he was about to appreciate and play with his precious calligraphy and paintings, when he suddenly discovered that there were a few more paintings.

In addition, there are a few new faces on the antique shelf.

They are all good things!

He picked it up and examined it carefully, and his hands couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Wanwan went to the company. He was alone in the study and recounted his treasures. He found six more antiques and three calligraphy and paintings.

He still couldn't help but make a video call to Qin Wan.

Qin Wan was confused when she received the video call because her grandfather rarely called her.

Qin Wuya swept his phone across the ground, his voice becoming excited:

"Wanwan, where did all this come from?"

Qin Wan looked at these. These were all brought by her from the palace. They were part of the treasures given to her by Jiang Beiyu as a reward. She also brought some of them with her when she came back last time. She thought her grandfather would like them, so she put them directly in his study.

"This is... I bought it from an auction. Do you like it, Grandpa?" This is the only way to avoid unnecessary complications.

Qin Wuya said excitedly: "Grandpa likes it! He likes it very much, especially this one."

He unfolded a painting, which was a painting of a thousand miles of rivers and mountains by Jiang Beiyu himself, with his personal seal on it.

"Did you buy this at the auction, too?"

Qin Wan was stunned when he saw the painting.

I guess he put it here secretly himself.

She remembered Jiang Beiyu once said to her, "Wanwan, I am serious about you."

"I look forward to the day when you can forgive me, eliminate the barriers between you and me, and personally take me to see your world and your family.

So, I drew this picture. If you are angry and mind, let this picture go to see him on my behalf..."

She said: "This is Beiyu... Jiang Beiyu drew it for you personally."

Grandpa was even happier, his eyes sparkling:

"I didn't expect that boy to be so talented! Wanwan, when can you bring him home and show him to us?"

Qin Wan thought about it and gritted his teeth: "The day after tomorrow."

She didn't know why she agreed. It seemed as if her tongue was one step faster than her brain. But the words had been spoken and it was difficult to go back on her word.


Grandpa was happier than if he had drunk several kilograms of fake liquor. When his face was flushed, he kept saying, "I can finally meet that boy. I want to see who this boy is and whether he can defeat our Wanwan!"

Qin Wan: "..."

She took a deep breath and went to Jiang Beiyu's office. She saw him and Leng Leng together, seemingly discussing weapons and drawing pictures on paper with a pen.

She stood at the door: "Jiang Beiyu, after get off work, come with me to the mall."

Jiang Beiyu didn't think much about it: "Okay."

After get off work, he came directly to see her.

Qin Wan said nothing, took him to the mall and asked him to try on a suit.

With his tall and slender figure, he was born to wear clothes. Putting on the black suit that she had carefully selected, he looked dignified and as beautiful as a god.

She tied his tie herself, finishing the knot, adjusting it, and gently pulling it down until it was perfect.

"Jiang Beiyu, come to my house the day after tomorrow. I'll take you to meet them."

(Next chapter on September 16, 18:00.)

Chapter 115 My body is pure and innocent. If you don't believe me, I will check it every night.

"Jiang Beiyu, come to my house the day after tomorrow. I'll take you to meet them."

Hearing this, his eyes suddenly lit up in disbelief, and he even blinked, trying to confirm whether what he heard was an illusion.


Qin Wan lowered his eyes and adjusted his suit: "My grandfather saw your painting and wanted to meet you."

As soon as she finished speaking, "Pa." A kiss landed on her forehead.

His eyes were as bright as stars, and he said happily: "Wanwan, you are finally willing to take me to meet your family."

Qin Wan said: "Don't drift. My grandfather wanted to see you, so he brought you there.

When you meet them, don't talk nonsense. If they ask you who you are, just say you are Mr. Jiang's grandson. If they ask you what you do, just say you are working in my company now."

Jiang Beiyu nodded.

Qin Wan used his credit card to buy the suit and asked the clerk to pack it. Jiang Beiyu changed back into his original T-shirt and walked out of the dressing room.

"Wanwan, what do you want to eat tonight? I made some money and I just cashed it out today. I can take you out for a nice meal!"

Qin Wan thought that she could think of some precautions to tell him while they were eating, so she just randomly chose a steak restaurant in the mall.

"What would uncle and aunt like? I'll go to the mall and buy some gifts later."

Qin Wan said casually: "No need to spend money, I'm just coming to my house as a guest in the name of a friend."

Jiang Beiyu thought to himself, the ghost is with you in the name of friend, you must seize this opportunity.

Must get approval from uncle and aunt!

So, after dinner, he wandered around the mall and bought tea for his uncle and a silk scarf for his aunt as a gift. This is the most expensive mall in Shanghai, and it basically spent all his income for the past half month.

When he returned to Ma Shushu's house, he had already started looking at wedding dresses, hotels, diamond rings, and the wedding customs of this era. He also looked through the auspicious days in the past six months and looked at the houses around here.

Since I have promised Wanwan that I will spend half of my life here with her, I will definitely need to buy a house when we get married, and it cannot be worse than the one Wanwan lives in now.

But when he checked, the housing prices left him stunned.

He took the phone and went to the next room, and said to Leng Leng: "General Leng, please take a look at me. Is there something wrong with my eyes? Where is the decimal point? How many zeros are there?"

Leng Leng helped to look at it and counted: "Tens, hundreds, millions, tens of millions... 1.3 billion? The house that Wan Wan's family lives in now, 1.3 billion?"

Then he said, "From this perspective, Wanwan's family should be a top-tier wealthy family in this era... The emperor wants to buy a house?"

Jiang Beiyu's eyes darkened. "I have been here for half a month and have earned 39,000 yuan. Miss Ma said that this is already a very good number. With this income, when will I be able to afford a house worth 1.3 billion yuan?"

Leng Lie immediately picked up his phone, opened the calculator, and found that he couldn't figure out the answer after pressing it for a long time because there were too many zeros.

Leng Leng also fell silent.

He had been broadcasting hard for half a month, and the money he earned was just enough to pay the deposit for the wedding photos, and he was still far from getting a diamond ring. It would be even more difficult for him to buy a house.

Jiang Beiyu said: "Anyway, let me prepare for the present. The day after tomorrow, I want to meet the elders of Wanwan's family."

Leng Leng heard it and said, "Congratulations."

The day after tomorrow is Saturday.

Time flies by.

On this day, Jiang Beiyu woke up early as usual and changed into the black suit that Wanwan prepared for him.

I don't know how to tie a tie, so I asked General Leng to come over. I looked for tutorials online, but I was still clumsy and tied it like a salted fish.

Fortunately, Ma Shushu stepped in. Her slender fingers flew and she got the job done in no time. She gave him a nice cleanse and sprayed him with some of the men's perfume endorsed by her idol, which had a light scent of the ocean.

Wanwan agreed with her family to meet at 11 o'clock. At 10:45, Jiang Beiyu set off from Ma Shushu's house.

Leng Lie and Ma Shushu both stood at the door and watched him leave. Ma Shushu put his hands behind his back, turned around and looked at Leng Lie with a smile.

Jiang Beiyu moved almost at a snail's pace, and the closer he got to the building, the slower he walked.

At ten fifty-five, he finally reached the door, looked up, and saw a pretty figure in a black dress standing under the eaves waiting for him.

He was startled, and when she saw him, she smiled faintly.

"Let's go."

She stood beside him and followed her into the door.

"Grandpa. Dad, Mom, Jiang Beiyu is here."

She shouted, and Qin Wuya immediately ran out of the study, followed by Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi and his wife also coming down from the stairs.

Jiang Beiyu placed the gift box in his hand at the door, a little reserved, and called out, "Grandpa..."

"This is Xiao Jiang! He looks familiar. The painting is just like him. He is so handsome!"

At this time, Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi just came down from the stairs.

"Dad...Uncle, Aunt."

Ge Manqi seemed not to have heard his slip of the tongue, and said with a smile: "Come on, Xiao Jiang, come in and sit down."

Jiang Beiyu was surrounded by them on the sofa, and Qin Wan sat quietly beside him.

The enthusiasm in front of him made him feel a little at a loss.

I thought they would ask about his family, occupation, how he met Wanwan, etc., but they didn't.

Ge Manqi stood up: "I'll go prepare some fruit for you."

Qin Xiao asked with a smile: "What kind of tea do you drink on weekdays?"

He said, "Longjing."

Qin Xiao nodded: "Longjing is a good tea."

Then he asked, "How did you get here?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "A friend of mine happened to live nearby, so I stayed at his house and walked over here."

Qin Xiao continued to nod and said, "We spend half of the year abroad, and at home, we rely on Wanwan to be self-reliant. She has to manage the company, so she has a strong personality and rarely makes male friends except for business partners."

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "Wanwan is very nice. I met her by chance. I..."

He wanted to say that he and Wanwan didn't want to be more than just ordinary friends. As he was saying this, the maid placed a cup of Longjing tea in front of him.

Qin Xiao looked at him with a smile: "Try it."

Jiang Beiyu pushed the tea to him out of courtesy. Qin Xiao shook his head: "I don't drink Longjing, I like yogurt."

Then, the servant placed a bottle of Wahaha yogurt in front of him. He calmly poked the straw in and took a sip.

Jiang Beiyu opened the lid of the cup and the aroma of tea wafted into his nose.

He knew this was a test. The etiquette of drinking tea reflects the upbringing of the family. Whether one knows how to taste good tea can also reflect the family background.

After all, since ancient times, tea has been divided into different grades, corresponding to the class divisions, and people from ordinary families cannot drink good tea.

He had been living a life of luxury since childhood, and he always used Longjing tea to gargle. Even though the taste of modern tea is different from that of that time, he can tell whether the tea is good or not as soon as it touches his tongue.

"This is Longjing before the rain. It tastes sweet and has a long aftertaste."

Qin Xiao saw that his tea drinking etiquette was just like that of a young master from an ancient scholar-official family, elegant and noble, and he immediately had a better impression of him.

He smiled and said, "Let me ask you, what does the rain in Longjing before the rain refer to?"


"Where is the origin?"

Jiang Beiyu put down the teacup, smiled faintly and said, "Long Hong."

At this time, Qin Wuya on the side spoke.

"Xiao Jiang, did you really paint that painting 'A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains'?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Yes."

"How long did it take to draw?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I am not talented, it took me five days to draw."

"Five days?!" Qin Wuya's eyes widened. "I thought you had been painting for at least a month! Your brushwork is sophisticated and domineering. You can tell at a glance that you have been painting for a long time. Are you interested in joining the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Okay."

Qin Wuya took out his phone and added a group for him: "This is a private group for members of our association. I'll add you in first. There are calligraphy and painting enthusiasts in it. Your level is at the master level. Every day, many people wait in the group and buy the paintings they like. You can also share the paintings you have on hand for everyone to appreciate together."

When Jiang Beiyu heard this, it seemed like an opportunity to make money.

Old men of Qin Wan's grandfather's level must be very rich. He has so many calligraphy and paintings on hand. Next time, you can take one of his paintings and throw it into the group to test the waters.

After thinking about it, I find it ridiculous.

He is the king of a country, but he has fallen to the point of selling calligraphy and paintings to make money?

Next, I chatted with them for a while and they seemed to have a good impression of him.

After we finished lunch together, he left.

Qin Xiao wanted the driver to take him back, but he said it was not necessary as they lived in the same community.

Qin Wuya heard this and said, "Then come over and play often in the future!"

After he left, Ge Manqi immediately came over and said to Wanwan:

"Where did you find this treasure? He's quite an outstanding boy. How come I've never heard of him? Who in the Magic City has such a young man?"

Qin Wan said: "He is not from Modu."

"Where is he from? We don't want to marry someone far away!"

Qin Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This is more than just marrying far away, this is too far.

"Anyway, you are abroad, and you won't be able to see me whether I marry you far away or not."

Ge Manqi said: "We still spend half a year in China every year. At least I can see you every day during this half year."

Qin Wan said seriously: "If I marry far away, I can spend half of my time outside and half of my time in the Magic City, how about that?"

Ge Manqi and Qin Xiao looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Ge Manqi said: "If you really like him, you can consider it."

Really like it?

There seemed to be a thin layer of mist in Qin Wan's eyes.

Does she like him or not?

"Why don't you ask about his family background?"


Ge Manqi said: "As long as it's someone Wanwan likes, it's fine. Our Qin family doesn't need to rely on others. If you want to find someone rich, we don't need so much money. As for power, our Qin family is well-known in the Magic City. As long as we don't commit suicide and offend the people in the upper level, we can basically rest assured. No matter how powerful we are, it will be useless.

The most important thing for a son-in-law of our Qin family is to be clean and honest. For a boy, it is good enough to be upright. "

Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while, Qin Wan received a message on his mobile phone.

"What is your impression of me, uncle and aunt?"

Followed by a well-behaved emoticon.

Qin Wan said: "My mother said that if you want to be the son-in-law of our Qin family, the most important thing is to be clean and honest."

This sentence had a hidden meaning, and Jiang Beiyu naturally understood it.

As soon as these words were spoken, the other side fell silent.

Qin Wan's heart sank.

After a while, I received the message:

"My body is naturally clean. If you don't believe me, I will check it out later."


Seeing that expression, Qin Wan couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips.

But she replied: "How can I verify this?"

Jiang Beiyu: "When the time comes, you will naturally know."

Jiang Beiyu returned to the guest room of Ma Shushu's house and placed an errand order to buy pens, ink, paper and inkstone.

He spread out a piece of rice paper and prepared to paint live.

Ma Shushu said that the way to stimulate the platform to increase the volume is to have a stable live broadcast time every day. Live broadcast every day, the longer the better, it is better than those who fish for three days and dry the net for two days.

He live-streams his painting and earns part of the money from the live-streaming. After a painting is finished, he posts it in the group to see if anyone is interested in buying it.

In this way, I am one step closer to marrying Wanwan and buying a house.

He painted from noon to night, and broadcast from noon to night, and a bright and vivid picture of flowers and birds gradually took shape. The number of people watching the live broadcast increased from 30,000, 50,000, to 100,000, and then to over 100,000.

He was devoted to painting, occasionally looking up to answer questions from netizens, and he received many gifts.

Leng Leng, who was also broadcasting live next door, was so angry that he just stared blankly.

When he was in the company, he live-broadcasted a military training exercise. Since it was impossible to create such a big scene in the room, he live-broadcasted a lecture on military tactics. With only a wall between them, his throat was almost smoking from talking, but there were only a few dozen people watching.

Just then, his door opened.

Ma Shushu came in wearing a black lace suspender nightgown, holding a glass of honey water in her hand.

"Lielie, drink some sugar water before you go back to the show."

She deliberately glanced at the lens and smiled.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to fluctuate, and question marks began to float in the comment section.

[Qimeng, did you see Ma Shushu? 】

[Is that person Ma Shushu? ]

[Ma Shushu? ]

[This seems to be Ma Shushu's home. She live-streamed here last time and also filmed a video.]

Leng Lie noticed that she came in and took a look around. The number of people in the live broadcast room had risen to over a hundred, and then soared to three hundred.

He continued to talk. After a while, she came in again, stood behind him and pinched his shoulder: "Lie Lie, you must be tired, do you want to take a break and continue?"

Leng Leng said frankly: "No need, I will end the broadcast after I finish this speech."

Ma Shushu stood behind him and pinched him for two minutes before leaving. This time, the number of people watching the live broadcast reached over a thousand.

He continued to talk about the art of war and the Thirty-Tael Strategy without changing his expression. Ten minutes later, when he was talking about the Beauty Trap, the door opened again. Ma Shushu walked slowly to his side from behind and kissed him on the cheek.

"Lie Lie, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."

Her soft voice and her warm and fragrant breath sprayed in his ears. His chest rose and fell, and he whispered, "Don't make trouble, it's live broadcast."

"Oh? Live broadcast, so you won't eat in the evening?"


After hearing this, Ma Shushu reached out and closed the live broadcast room.

Leng Leng was immediately surprised: "What are you doing?"

Ma Shushu stood by, crossed his arms and smiled, "Why don't you try to open the live broadcast again after ten minutes?"

She naturally knew that Leng Lie had recently suffered a setback in his live broadcast, and he had a very strong self-esteem, so she could only use this method and use her own traffic to help him cheat.

Leng Lie understood instantly, suddenly picked her up and put her on the table, and pulled the curtains shut.

"You seem to have some misunderstanding about me. How can ten minutes be enough?"

He took out his cell phone, turned on the timer, and placed it on the table.

Ma Shushu was shocked: "You are crazy, the emperor is next door."

But his lips were already blocked...

(Next chapter on September 17, 18:00.)
