
Chapter 141 Wedding Night (1)

Qin Xiao came out and was stunned when he saw it: "Wow, a wild goose is used as a betrothal gift, there must be something..."

Because the wild goose is an animal that symbolizes chastity, and a wild goose has only one mate in its lifetime, which symbolizes loyalty to each other, so in ancient times wild geese were often used as betrothal gifts.

It's the 21st century now, and there are still people who use wild geese as a betrothal gift?

Wait, he and her mother haven't agreed yet, how come the betrothal gift is already given?

Jiang Beiyu didn't know much about modern wedding customs, and felt that they were much simplified, so he still followed what he was familiar with, the three books and six ceremonies. After all, the more rituals, the less blame.

He came here today to ask for marriage.

Ten gift boxes were carried into Qin Wan's yard, and he followed Jiang Rong in.

Qin Xiao came out from inside and said, "You're here, and you brought so many things... Hey, Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Rong looked at him cheerfully: "Are you back?"

Qin Xiao asked: "Mr. Jiang, are you a matchmaker?"

Jiang Rong remained calm: "This is my grandson."

Qin Xiao's expression changed immediately.

After all, everyone knows about the Jiang family's affairs. If his 20-year-old grandson were still alive, he would probably have learned to walk this year.

So this Jiang Beiyu not only has no father or mother, but also has a recognized relative here?

In front of Mr. Jiang, Qin Xiao did not show any emotion and welcomed everyone in politely.

Qin Wan, who was upstairs, saw him coming and went downstairs. When she saw the two fat geese, she felt that they were absurd yet somewhat cute.

The servant poured tea for everyone. Ge Manqi, who was wearing a light yellow cheongsam, also came out to greet the guests. Seeing the room full of gifts, she was stunned for a moment:

"Oh, what a big fuss."

She looked at the man sitting next to Old Man Jiang. He was tall and proud, with a graceful demeanor. Although she didn't know his background, his every move and gesture showed the noble air of someone who came from an upper-class family.

"Little Ginger"

She called out, half-jokingly saying, "Last time we met, you said you and Wanwan were just friends, how come you decided so quickly?"

Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "Fate is about the right time, right place and right people. Everything has its own destiny. When the time is right, everything will fall into place."

Qin Wan also sat down next to him and thought, 666!

Low emotional intelligence: "flash marriage".

High emotional intelligence: "Heavenly secrets".

With the dog emperor's eloquent tongue, it should be no problem for him to deal with her parents.

Ge Manqi said, "I've said it before, everything is based on Wanwan's own wishes. We don't object to your marriage. But after all, marriage is a big deal, and it shouldn't be taken lightly. I think the time is a bit rushed, so why don't the two parents sit down and discuss it again? Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Rong nodded and said, "Of course I should."

Ge Manqi said: "Then let's just treat it as a meeting today and have a meal together."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I have booked a restaurant, we can eat and chat at the same time."

Leng Leng and Ma Shushu, as Jiang Beiyu's relatives and friends, naturally joined the group today. Leng Leng, as a "relative" who was there to fill the room, followed Grandpa Jiang, while Ma Shushu arranged the reception in the restaurant early in the morning.

In a five-star restaurant, Jiang Beiyu led everyone into the VIP box.

During the dinner, everyone was talking about their parents. Qin's parents and Old Man Jiang were already familiar with each other, so there was no awkwardness in the conversation. However, it was mentioned during the dinner that it was Qin Wan who made the connection for Old Man Jiang to recognize Jiang Beiyu as his grandson.

The two parties did not agree on a wedding date, and after dinner, everyone went home.

In the past two days, Qin Wan's parents came back, and Jiang Beiyu naturally lived in the guest room of Ma Shushu's house. After he came back, he began to look worried.

"General Leng, I don't think Wanwan's parents like me very much."

He had never been so nervous before. Even when he first ascended the throne and faced the civil and military officials, he was not that nervous.

Leng Leng was sitting on the sofa eating a bag of potato chips and said casually:

"If the emperor wants to marry Wanwan again in her world, he will have to go through some hardships. From ancient times to the present, getting married is not a trivial matter. Moreover, the Qin family is not an ordinary family. Just wait."

the other side.

Qin Wanyi, Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi returned to the Qin family. After arriving home, Ge Manqi took Qin Wanyi to sit on the sofa, held her hand and asked:

"Tell me honestly, who is that man?"

Qin Wan answered with a stiff upper lip: "He is Mr. Jiang's grandson."

Ge Manqi said angrily: "Don't talk about this! Don't think I don't know that it was you who led the way for Mr. Jiang to recognize her as his grandson. It was all for your sake!

You said that his parents are both dead, and he has no other relatives except this newly recognized old man Jiang? Your father checked and found that he didn't even have an ID card before. We, the Qin family, may not be interested in his family background, but we can't ask someone with unknown origins to be our son-in-law, right? "

Qin Wan's heart sank.

"He is not someone of unknown origin..."

"Who is he?"

At this time, Mr. Qin walked in happily from outside dragging a suitcase and looked around: "Where is Xiao Jiang?"

Ge Manqi said: "After they left, we had lunch together at noon."

Mr. Qin said, "My flight happened to be late, otherwise I could have met them. Did you meet Xiao Jiang's parents?"

Ge Manqi looked at Qin Wan: "Let her speak."

Qin Wan: "......."

Could it be that he had to force her to reveal Jiang Beiyu's true identity?

"He is... He is..."

Qin Wan was determined.

"In fact, he is not from this era."

She took out her phone, opened his account, found the video he had posted of him attending the morning court, and showed it to them.

"In fact, this is a true portrayal of his life. He comes from a dynasty from a distant era, and he is the emperor there..."


Ge Manqi was confused for a moment.

Far from the mark.

She reached out and touched Qin Wan's forehead to make sure she was not talking nonsense before saying:

"The emperor?! Doesn't that mean he has three wives and four concubines? No, no, no."

"No wonder Xiao Jiang's calligraphy and painting are so accomplished. It turns out he is the emperor!" Qin Wuya suddenly realized.

"Before, Wanwan said that when she accidentally went to another time and space, it turned out that she brought the emperor back from there!"

Qin Wan held his forehead with his hand.

Ge Manqi's focus was somewhat peculiar: "If he comes to our side, what will happen to his country? Will he stop attending court? Will he stop caring about his people?"

Qin Wan said, "It doesn't matter. Twelve days here is one minute over there. Even if he stays here for a month, only a short while will pass over there. If you go from here to there, it's the opposite... So, in fact, Jiang Beiyu and I have known each other for more than a year."

The amount of information was so huge that Ge Manqi's CPU was almost burned out.

She held her forehead and said, "Wait, let me take it easy first."

"So, Xiao Jiang is fatherless and motherless because he is the emperor, but if he marries you, what are you?

Does he have other wives?

How will you live after you get married? Is he willing to be an ordinary person here with you?"

She said: "He is willing. Here, he is just like an ordinary man. He will spend half of his life here with me, and the rest will be left to his people. Now, he has adapted to life here."

Ge Manqi asked a tricky question: "What about your children in the future? Where will you raise them?"

Qin Wan was also confused.

Jiang Beiyu is the emperor. His country must continue and his kingdom must be passed on, so his child must inherit the throne, but she is also the only daughter in the family.

Qin Wuya on the side blurted out: "Wouldn't it be better to have two children, one to stay in his country and one to stay here?"

The two looked at each other and hit it off immediately.

Ge Manqi said: "Good idea!"

Qin Wan: "......."

Is this arranged?

Ge Manqi seemed to have opened the door to a new world and pulled Qin Wan: "Wanwan, what happened in the past year or so? Tell me quickly!"

On the other side, Jiang Beiyu was still waiting anxiously for news from Qin Wan.

He also didn't expect that even before he received the certificate, all the arrangements for his future children had been made clearly.

In the evening, Qin Wan came online and asked her, "Wan Wan, how is it?"

Qin Wan sat in the yard and poked Dayan's head: "Guess."

When Jiang Beiyu saw these two words, his heart hung in the air.

He called her and said in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Qin Wan said: "My mother asked me who you are. I had no choice but to confess your identity... My mother doesn't like the emperor. She said you have too many wives."

Jiang Beiyu's heart sank even more.

"Wanwan, you know me, I didn't..."

Leng Lie was just watching the show. When he saw the two people getting in touch, he tilted his ear and sat down on the other side of the sofa to eavesdrop.

Qin Wan said, "My mother is worried that I will be jealous of you and your concubines, so she said that if you agree to our marriage, you must promise me that if I am not happy there, you must let me come back unconditionally, and you can't continue to come here to pester me."

Jiang Beiyu said quickly: "I promise you! I will definitely promise you! And I promise that I will never let you get mad."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "My mother calculated that the third day of next month is an auspicious day. What do you think of this date?"

Jiang Beiyu heaved a sigh of relief and suddenly became ecstatic: "Agreed?!"

Qin Wan said casually: "Today, I chatted with them for an entire afternoon and told them about my experiences in Jiang Country.

I also mentioned General Leng to them. They were willing to adopt General Leng as their godson, so they could get General Leng's ID card."

On this side, General Leng, who was eavesdropping, was also overjoyed.

"Very good!"

Qin Wan was still teasing the two wild geese: "Jiang Beiyu, where did you get these two wild geese? We can't keep them at home, but we're afraid they'll fly away if we let them go. Can we eat them?"

"Don't!" Jiang Beiyu said quickly: "This is a hired goose, we have to keep it until it grows old."

Qin Wan said: "This is a protected animal. It's illegal to keep it."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Don't worry, this is artificially bred, it's okay."

"Okay, then I'll hang up."

The wedding is scheduled for half a year later, because the Qin family does not marry off their daughter casually. It will take at least half a year to prepare, and the marriage certificate will be obtained next month.

Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi will stay here for a few more days to help Leng Lie solve the household registration problem.

After all, he is actually Wanwan's biological brother. When Wanwan was in that place, he took care of Wanwan for more than a year. It is only natural for him to adopt him as his godson. It just so happens that they don't have a son either.

In this way, Leng Leng is not only her brother in ancient times, but also her foster brother in modern times.

Jiang Beiyu was sincerely happy for General Leng.

Because the two are not only king and subject, but also friends, relatives, and companions in another world.

Leng Lie was naturally happy as well.

Because it means that he also has an identity in this world and can give Shushu a status just like the emperor.

According to the etiquette of Jiang State, he came to meet Qin Wan's parents again and held a recognition ceremony. Just like Jiang Beiyu did last time, he went to the police station to register.

Leng Lie decided to wait until his ID card came out, and then he and Ma Shushu would go with Jiang Beiyu and Wanwan to get the certificate.

Finally, it's the third day of next month.

Early in the morning that day, when Qin Wan woke up, she found that her parents' room on the second floor was empty.

She looked around before she saw the message Ge Manqi had left for her on the greeting card on the dining table:

"Wanwan, the household registration booklet is in the second drawer of the safe in your father's and my room on the second floor. Your father and I went there first because of something urgent.

I wish you a happy wedding~(* ̄︶ ̄)"

There was also a beautiful red rose pressed on the card.

Qin Wan felt warm in his heart.

She found her family's ID card in the safe upstairs and sent a message to Jiang Beiyu: "Have you left?"

Jiang Beiyu replied immediately: "I'll be there soon."

Qin Wan went out and saw a red Ferrari parked at the door.

Jiang Beiyu got out of the car and opened the door: "My beloved queen, please get in."

Qin Wan bent down to get into the car and found a bouquet of red roses on the passenger seat. She picked it up and held it in her arms.

Leng Leng also got his ID card two days ago, and they agreed to meet at the Civil Affairs Bureau today.

When they arrived, Ma Shushu and Leng Leng had arrived first and were waiting for them at the parking lot in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Seeing the Ferrari stop beside them, Jiang Beiyu got out of the driver's seat, closed the door, and locked the car in one go. He rubbed his eyes coldly:

"Hey, why are you driving today?"

Jiang Beiyu directly took out a brand new driver's license from his pocket.

Leng Leng:!!!

Jiang Beiyu had been waiting for this scene for a long time, and he raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction.

Leng Lie was speechless: "You are so awesome! When did the emperor get his driver's license?"

Jiang Beiyu chuckled: "Yesterday."

Leng Leng's envy, jealousy and hatred!

"Let's go and queue up to get a number first."

Ma Shushu took the lead and walked towards the Civil Affairs Bureau, and Qin Wan walked beside her.

Two grown men followed behind him, giving him a cold and dark look. Jiang Beiyu curled his lips and said, "What's the point of General Leng buying a car first? I'd better drive it first."

Leng Lie smiled and smugly replied: "What's the point of the emperor getting married first? I'd rather be the father first."

This touched Jiang Beiyu's sore spot: "You."

Then, Jiang Beiyu said: "I am not in a hurry."

He and Wanwan have already obtained their marriage certificate, so how long will it take for him to become a father?

Tonight, he was going to hit the target with one strike.


Chapter 142 Wedding Night (2)

Tonight, he will hit the target with one strike!


The two walked into the lobby of the Civil Affairs Bureau and saw several young couples getting their marriage certificates in the lobby, taking photos standing against the background wall of the bureau.

Ma Shushu wore sunglasses and chewed gum while taking a number, but some fans still recognized her.

"Are you Ma Shushu?!"

Ma Shushu curled her lips and greeted politely. Soon, fans saw someone following behind:

"General Leng!"

Fans filmed them and posted TikTok :

"Today I saw Sister Shu and General Leng alive at the Civil Affairs Bureau. It turns out they are a real couple, and they are really serious!"

Ma Shushu smiled at them, took a number and sat in the waiting area with Qin Wan. She didn't care what the fans said about taking pictures. She sat there with her back straight and long, white swan neck, looking like a female star who was going to win an Oscar.

Qin Wan is relatively low-key, and most people cannot recognize that she is the eldest daughter of the Qin family and the CEO of Qin Chuan. They just think of her as a beautiful young lady.

Leng Leng was rather shy. He was not used to being secretly photographed, so he pulled Jiang Beiyu to face the wall and pretended to look at the words on the wall.

"If that person loves you, it doesn't matter whether you get married or not. If that person doesn't love you, the law can't protect you, because the law can't bind people's hearts." (Note: This sentence is quoted from the slogan wall of the Civil Affairs Bureau.)

Leng Lie read it once and asked Jiang Beiyu beside him: "Your Majesty, what do you mean by this sentence?"

Jiang Beiyu glanced at him dimly and said, "It probably means that you should take care of yourself, love your wife well, and keep her heart, otherwise the law cannot protect you."

Leng Leng nodded, not quite understanding: "Oh."

Finally it was their turn. They were lined up at two adjacent windows and the staff handed them two forms.

"Fill in the information first."

Not used to using modern pens, Jiang Beiyu took out an extremely fine wolf-hair brush and wrote beautiful small characters.

He was filling it out smoothly at first, but when he came to filling out his education, he asked Qin Wan next to him, "What are elementary school, middle school, and high school?"

Qin Wan said: "It's where you go to school, your school."

Jiang Beiyu thought about it and filled in the word "study room".

Afterwards, the staff collected their forms, checked their documents, started to register on the computer , took out two red books to print the information, and finally firmly stamped a bright red steel stamp on the couple's marriage certificate.

The whole process lasted less than five minutes, and the red book was handed out through the window.

The staff member said, "Congratulations."

Jiang Beiyu took the red book, took out two boxes of wedding candy from his bag and handed them in: "Congratulations."

After he left, the staff unpacked the wedding candies in the box and prepared to eat them. They accidentally found a golden peanut. They thought it was chocolate. They peeled it for a long time but couldn't get the candy skin. They put it in their mouth and took a bite, and exclaimed:

"Fuck, it's real gold!"

When Qin Wan got the red book, she stuffed it into her bag, her mind confused.

What's going on? She's getting married now?

In fact, I didn't think much of it before, but I realized it the moment I got the red book.

Is this how she finally says goodbye to being single?

Even after getting in the car, my head was still dizzy, but the man next to me secretly raised the corners of his lips in pleasure.

Jiang Beiyu started the car and drove for a while before Qin Wan realized something was wrong.

"Where are you going? You must have taken the wrong road."

The man stared at the road ahead and said with a smile: "Yes, now I'm taking you home. Back to our home."

Qin Wan:!!!

Reminded me of his beachfront villa.

So, she was packed up and carried away along with her? !

Then tonight...

My little ears suddenly felt hot.

Jiang Beiyu had just obtained his driver's license, and he drove quite smoothly. He held the steering wheel with a calm expression, and drove steadily and fast.

He was in the car when he received a call from General Leng .

"Your Majesty, why did you leave so soon? I wanted to have dinner together!"

Jiang Beiyu replied: "Maybe some other day."

Then, speed up towards the seaside.

After more than an hour's trek, we finally arrived.

The red sports car passed through the sunny beach, the sea breeze was howling, and the waves today were particularly hot.

Jiang Beiyu lowered the convertible top, and the sea breeze blew up her long hair. Qin Wan cheered "Woo--" towards the sea, and a few large white seagulls flew low over their heads.

Qin Wan has always liked the seaside, but has never tried the experience of settling down by the sea.

Back at the beachfront villa, everything was the same as when they left, yet a little different.

The house had obviously been cleaned. The pink flowers used for the proposal were replaced with red roses, and a big red "囍" character was pasted on the window.

In the master bedroom on the second floor, the bedding was replaced with a set of red sheets, which were washed and dried in the sun, and smelled pleasant, with freesia laundry beads mixed with the unique scent of seaside sunshine and sea salt.

There was a candlestick on the bedside table with three big red wedding candles on it, and several small plates filled with red dates, longans, peanuts and lotus seeds.

Qin Wan picked up a longan and ate it. It was quite sweet.

There is a white floor-to-ceiling gauze curtain in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. I lifted the curtain, pushed open the floor-to-ceiling window and walked out. Outside is the vast ocean that I saw just now. The golden sunlight falls on it, making the waves sparkle. The salty sea breeze blows in my face. I close my eyes and feel the soft and lazy sunlight falling on my face.

"Do you like it here?" Jiang Beiyu asked as he stood beside her. He quietly stretched his arm from her waist, circled her slender waist, and held her in his arms.

His arm seemed to be electrified, and Qin Wan felt her body go numb for unknown reasons. Perhaps it was because she had obtained the marriage certificate with him today, and her contact with him felt unusual, and her body was particularly sensitive to his touch.

"From now on, this will be our modern home."

He buried his chin in the crook of her neck like a puppy, and his hot breath sprayed on her ears, making her feel numb and lustful.

Her body trembled slightly again, and she felt a little nervous and expectant...

Chapter 143 Wedding Night (3)

She was a little nervous and expectant inside, when suddenly, she heard a "ding dong" sound in her ears.

The body behind her suddenly became empty, and she heard him shout, "I'm coming," and then he turned and went downstairs.

It's still early, just past noon.

Qin Wan followed him and saw him open the door. Several hotel waitresses in cheongsam came in one after another, each carrying dishes and tableware like a little palace maid. They placed the plates on the table, put flowers on it, opened the red wine, and lit the candles before leaving.

He is worthy of being the emperor. Even in modern times, the ceremony is still the same as in the palace.

Is this... a candlelight lunch?

"My princess, please eat."

Jiang Beiyu gestured to her and Qin Wan sat down.

The two sat face to face. Jiang Beiyu was wearing a black silk shirt today, with a refined short haircut, and a cool and noble temperament.

The table was filled with exquisite dishes and snacks. Jiang Beiyu sat opposite her and shook his red wine glass:


Qin Wan suddenly remembered the first time he clinked glasses with Jiang Beiyu over red wine. He was horrified at that time:

"You want me to die?!"

Today, he is adept at modern life.

Thinking of the past, Qin Wan smiled faintly and raised his glass: "Cheers."

Jiang Beiyu lowered his head and cut the steak elegantly, calmly and indifferently.

Qin Wan didn't think about eating meat for the time being, and was eating caviar pudding and fruit salad on the side.

After he finished cutting, he handed the portion in his hand to her and then took her portion of steak to cut.

Qin Wan was surprised at his gentlemanliness, which seemed to be something he learned without any guidance.

"Want to go to the beach after dinner?"

Qin Wan said "hmm".

Jiang Beiyu ate slowly and leisurely, very dignified and elegant. It took him an hour to finish his meal. After that, he made a phone call.

The group of waiters who had just come in came in again, took away the plates, and wiped the table.

Qin Wan was stunned.

"How come these waiters are always available?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I invested in a nearby western restaurant. These are the employees there. If we want to eat in the future, we can always ask them to deliver the food to us."

Qin Wan: 6!

As expected of an emperor, he even has his own "imperial kitchen"!

"It must cost a lot of money to invest in this restaurant."

Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "I borrowed 10 million from General Leng, and I will pay him back next time I come."

Qin Wan glanced at him: "Where did you get so much money?"

She thought that Jiang Beiyu's purchase of this villa was outrageous enough, but she didn't expect that he also bought a store.

Jiang Beiyu proudly kept the secret: "I have my own clever plan~"

Qin Wan thought that he finally understood that antiques could be exchanged for money, so he didn't say anything.

In the afternoon, the sun was very strong on the beach. There were a few tourists playing on the beach. Qin Wan changed into a red bohemian long skirt and black flip-flops in a holiday style.

Jiang Beiyu was still wearing the same black silk shirt, with his sleeves rolled up, revealing his firm and muscular arms.

He was holding a black box in his hand. Qin Wan didn't know what it was until she got there and opened it, and her eyes lit up.


He put it on the beach and started to assemble it. In less than ten minutes, it was completed. He took the remote control and controlled the drone to fly towards the sea.

The real-time images taken by the drone can be seen on the remote control.

The drone flew low over the sea, and you could see the waves surging on the sea. A few waves hit it, but it narrowly avoided them. With the ultra-high-definition camera, you could even see the fish beneath the waves.

The drone gradually rose from the sea, overlooking the entire beach and surrounding buildings.

Jiang Beiyu said: "I plan to take this thing back to Jiang State. When the two armies are fighting, I can secretly take pictures of the enemy camp."

"How do you play it? I want to try it, too."

Qin Wan discovered that she, a modern person, was not as good at modern technology as the ancients.

This is a limited edition ultra-high-definition and ultra-long-endurance drone. Jiang Beiyu was afraid that she wouldn't be able to operate it and might accidentally feed the Sea Dragon King. So when she first took it over, he held her hand and operated it step by step.

"Hey, hey, hey~" Qin Wan controlled the drone to circle the entire beach. He also took a picture of a small crab that had just crawled onto the beach, covered with crystal sand. He found it very interesting.

There was a white beach swing chair behind him. Jiang Beiyu sat on it wearing sunglasses. Not long after, two waiters brought freshly cut fruits and two glasses of iced drinks and placed them on the table next to him.

Qin Wan was tired from playing, so he came over to eat some fruit, and then built a castle with sand on the beach.

Jiang Beiyu just watched her play quietly while live streaming on the side.

As the sky gradually darkened, a few waiters brought a table and put out a grill with skewers of lamb and seafood on it.

The sunset was so beautiful. On the beach, with the sea breeze and the tide, the two of them drank iced cocktails and ate barbecue, until the sky turned into a velvety blue-black color, dotted with stars.

Qin Wan ate the last skewer. Jiang Beiyu, who was standing opposite her, looked at her with misty eyes: "Are you full?"


"Did you have fun today?"


"I'm going home."

He stood up, took her hand, and walked towards their beachfront villa.

The wind was very strong at the beach. Qin Wan was wearing a long skirt that reached her height. She had just been playing and her shoes had gone missing. She was walking on the beach barefoot. Sea water rushed up from time to time, splashing onto the beach, creating foam and washing over her insteps.

Jiang Beiyu picked her up and walked towards the villa.

"Wanwan." He said suddenly.


"Tonight is our wedding night."

Hearing this, her ears began to feel hot again. She glanced at him and saw the corners of his lips curled up.

Qin Wan was not willing to be outdone: "Jiang Beiyu."


"It's time to 'inspect the goods'. Remember what you told me before?"

Jiang Beiyu couldn't help laughing: "I remember."

His villa is right in front of us.

He carried him horizontally through the fence, through the yard full of roses, and came to the door.

The door of the villa was equipped with iris recognition, so when he carried her to the door, the door opened automatically. The whole house intelligent system automatically turned on the air conditioner and lights the moment the door opened.

He carried her straight up to the second floor and the door behind him closed automatically.

Qin Wan noticed that the wooden stairs in the house were covered with flower petals, and he just held her in his arms and went up step by step.

"I'm going to take a shower first, okay?"

He carried her to the sofa in the master bedroom on the second floor and went to the bathroom next door.

The master bedroom has a private bathroom, and Qin Wan also planned to take a shower. She opened the closet, which was filled with pajamas he had prepared for her.

There are all kinds of styles, including her favorite silk camisole and a few lace ones, divided by color, including wine red, black, dark green, pink, and white...

She picked up a burgundy one at random and walked into the bathroom.

It can be said that Jiang Beiyu is a detail-oriented person. The soap and shower gel in the bathroom are the same as those she uses at home. Even the towels are the same style and color as hers. So, although it is her first time living in this place, she has a sense of familiarity.

After taking a shower, Qin Wan changed into a wine-red suspender pajamas and blew her hair with a hair dryer. After drying her hair, she walked out of the bathroom.

Jiang Beiyu hadn't come yet, so she sat on the bed and watched Tik Tok for a while.

Not long after, Jiang Beiyu pushed the door open and walked in, wearing a retro silk burgundy nightgown, with black hair casually tied up with a hairpin.

He had long hair, so it took him a long time to blow dry it. Plus he was nervous, so he waited outside the door for a long time before coming in. After entering, he tried to keep his expression as calm as usual.

He walked to the bed, leaned over, struck a piece of wedding wood, and lit the red candle on the bedside table.

From Qin Wan's perspective, he could see the beautiful cold white chest muscles in his loose pajamas, and his throat rolled.


He shouted, and the silent night made people's heart tremble.


"Can I, please, turn off the lights in the room?"


Qin Wan simply reached out and dimmed the lights, and the entire bedroom was shrouded in soft candlelight.

A bright moon rose over the sea, and it looked very beautiful through the window.

He sat beside her silently, like a young bride in ancient times who had just finished the wedding ceremony and was waiting for her veil to be lifted.

"Would you like to see today's photos?"

Qin Wan thought, what time is it, and why are we still looking at photos?

"You took the photo?"

Jiang Beiyu took out his cell phone, and Qin Wan realized that he had been secretly recording everything from morning to night today.

From her holding a rose and sitting on his passenger seat, to the two red stamps under the window cover in the Civil Affairs Bureau lobby, to leaving the lobby,

Hold two red books under the blue sky and white clouds;

And he secretly took a picture of her looking at the sea outside the French window today...

A candlelight lunch for two, at the beach, she played with a drone, played with the waves, and built villas on the beach until the stars lit up overhead.

He recorded every moment of the day.

Qin Wan flipped through the pages one by one. When he turned to the last one, he took a deep breath and a kiss fell.

(Next chapter on October 21, before 18:00)

Chapter 144 Are you willing to give yourself to me?

Qin Wan flipped through the pages one by one. When he turned to the last one, he took a deep breath and a kiss fell.


He called out in a soft and tender voice, naturally put his phone aside, and lay down with his arms around her waist.

There was only the charming candlelight in the room. She turned her head and met his eyes.

The mattress was very soft, and her whole body sank into it. His silky black hair spread on the pillow, and she saw his eyes that were deep and bright like stars.

"Wanwan, you are finally mine. Today is the happiest day of my life."

Qin Wan smiled faintly, watching those eyes sparkling in the candlelight.

"Are you willing to give yourself to me?"

Qin Wan said clearly: "I don't want to."

While he was stunned, she glanced at him and smiled, then reached out and covered his handsome face: "I want the emperor, give yourself to me."

The red tent fluttered, and he leaned over to kiss her again.

His light scent of cedar mixed with her peach-scented shower gel.

Qin Wan was kissed by him, her mind went blank, and she could only smell the two faint scents entangled in her nose.

Two pieces of burgundy clothing fell to the ground.

However, at the last step, Jiang Beiyu's movements suddenly came to an awkward stop.

Qin Wan: "What's wrong?"


Jiang Beiyu tried several times, and after hesitating for a long time, he was too embarrassed to say it out loud. Finally, he whispered three words in her ear.

Qin Wan:!!!

She glanced down and he explained quietly, "Like a wall."

"Leave it to me!"

She was vigorous and confident. She pushed him onto the couch and took the lead.

Finally, I lay aside, picked up my phone and silently checked Baidu.

It turns out that novels and TV dramas are all lies...

Seeing netizens say that it was normal not to be able to enter, she threw her phone away and said, "Go to sleep."

The second day.

Qin Wan didn't wake up until after ten in the morning, and it was still the waves outside that woke her up.

When I turned around, I saw that the pillow was empty. This man was used to getting up early.

She had put on her nightgown again while she was sleeping yesterday. She went downstairs in slippers and saw the man enjoying breakfast in the restaurant downstairs. A chef was cooking at the center island and a waiter was standing beside him, serving him by pouring tea and water.

Seeing her coming downstairs, he greeted her, "You've come just in time. You must be hungry. Come and have breakfast."

Qin Wan washed up and came to the dining table. The waiter immediately came over and served her a bowl of porridge. She took a look and found it was snow crab porridge. She took a bite and it tasted good.

Then the chef brought a small pot, which was a bowl of red dates and bird's nest specially stewed for her, and came with an exquisite pure gold spoon.

Wow, his modern life is getting closer and closer to the life of the emperor in the ancient Jiang Kingdom!

"What are your plans for today?"

He drank his porridge slowly and asked casually.

Qin Wan said: "I'll go to the company later."

"So curly?"

"And you?"

He said, "I'll take you there."


Qin Wan originally wanted to find a driver to pick him up, but then he thought that since he already had a driver's license, it would be okay to let him take him there.

Jiang Beiyu picked up his phone and took a look. When he saw a message, he suddenly laughed and showed her his phone:

"General Leng also signed up for the driver's license test yesterday, and is now looking at the questions for Part 1. He's complaining to me."

Qin Wan took a look and saw Leng Lie sent a screenshot of a question bank with more than 2,000 questions.

Then there was an expression of breaking down and crying,

"Knowledge, it can't enter my head!"

Jiang Beiyu directly sent Leng Lie his transcript with a perfect score in Subject 1.

Qin Wan lowered his head and drank the porridge, saying, "My brother is a military commander, not good at literature. It is certainly difficult for him to memorize things like this. In addition, he is not as familiar with the rules here as you are, so it is naturally even more difficult."

Jiang Beiyu was a little proud: "Then why don't you say that I am naturally intelligent and can understand things at once?"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Yes, yes, the emperor is very smart. Who can be as smart as the emperor?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Jiang Beiyu suddenly looked at her seriously and said, "Am I really that powerful?"

Qin Wan almost choked on a mouthful of porridge.

After breakfast, Jiang Beiyu drove her to the company.

After sending her downstairs to the company, he did not go upstairs and said to her:

"This afternoon, I have to go to the crew for a meeting. In a few days, I will start working on the crew."

The crew was in the next city, and Qin Wan felt a sense of emptiness in her heart, thinking that they were going to be separated just after their wedding.

However, it's good for everyone to pursue their own careers this way.

She opened the car door and got out. She looked like she was going to close the door and leave, but then she came back like a hurricane and kissed him on the face.

While he was stunned, she said:

"Come on. My Qin Wan's man must be the best."

After saying this, she closed the car door, turned around, and walked into the company building with the confident steps of a queen.

"Boss Qin."

"Boss Qin."

"Boss Qin."

The staff's greetings were the same as always.

Qin Wan entered the office and saw Ma Shushu who had just come out of the tea room with a cup of coffee.

Ma Shushu looked her up and down, a little bit unbelieving, and said with a teasing look:

"Oh, you're so hot! You came to the company on the second day after your wedding?"

Qin Wan said: "Isn't it the second day of your wedding too?"

Ma Shushu smiled and said, "You and I are different. Leng Lie and I got married half a year ago, but you are just newlywed now."

Qin Wan smiled nonchalantly: "So what if we're newly married? Men will only affect the speed at which I make money."

"What about him?"

Qin Wan said, "I went to the crew."

Ma Shushu clicked his tongue and said, "666, an emperor from ancient times, don't let him become the best actor in the end."

Qin Wan swiped his card and walked into the office: "I'll bring him in, but everything depends on him. I won't make the wedding public before the wedding, so it's better for him to experience the beatings of society."

Qin Wan received a message from Jiang Beiyu in the afternoon: "I'm at the crew and I'm training."

He sent me a photo with the training room as the background, a mirror behind and soft cushions on the floor.

The third male lead he plays is the emperor. The ancient emperor was supposed to be both civil and martial, so there are fighting scenes and he needs to receive martial arts guidance and training.

She vaguely knew that the Dog Emperor's martial arts seemed to be pretty good, but she had never seen him use them much, so it should be more than enough for filming.

The Dog Emperor knows how to grasp the traffic. During the break in the training room, he started the live broadcast diligently. He changed into the props and clothes of the crew and used his real hair to make the style of the crew. People coming and going behind him were all crew members, and occasionally two celebrity protagonists would come in, attracting many people to watch.

Qin Wan received a live broadcast reminder, clicked on it, and casually swiped a sports car. His eyes lit up instantly when he saw the little puppy.

"Thanks to my wife for the sports car! Thank you my wife~"

He made a heart shape gesture to the camera, which he had just learned in the past few days, and winked, and the camera was filled with love bubbles.

Wearing a dragon robe and winking, there is a kind of contrasting cuteness.

After delivering the message, she slipped away, exited the live broadcast room and continued working.

At this time, Jian Anlan hurried in from outside with his cell phone:

"Boss Qin, yesterday a netizen announced the news of Sister Shu's marriage. Now Sister Shu's account has lost a lot of followers. Should we initiate emergency public relations?"

Qin Wan took her phone and took a look.

Yesterday, the news that Ma Shushu and Leng Leng had obtained their marriage certificate was on the hot list, and the video of them getting their marriage certificate at the Civil Affairs Bureau, which was taken by fans, was liked and forwarded millions of times.

Fortunately, the video was relatively short, and she was blurred out as a "passerby". The only shot of Leng Leng and Jiang Beiyu was of their backs looking at the wall. Later, she and Jiang Beiyu ran away, and fans took another shot of her and Leng Leng holding hands and leaving.

A large number of fans flocked to the account of "General Leng". Surprisingly, not all of them came to send blessings. Many of them came to curse him, asking him if he had cast a curse on Ma Shushu.

The fans don't quite understand.

After all, Ma Shushu is a celebrity internet anchor with tens of millions of fans and a bright future. She was still single two months ago, but she inexplicably got married to a little internet celebrity who came out of nowhere.

Some people tried to look up information about "General Leng", but they couldn't find his whereabouts no matter how hard they tried.

Qin Wan handed the phone back to Jian Anlan:

"Don't worry about it. Ma Shushu did go to register for marriage yesterday. There is nothing to hide from the public. Let it go and delete the malicious comments."

Jian Anlan took the phone with a worried look on his face: "Okay."

Qin Wan called Ma Shushu with some concern: "There is another live broadcast tonight, is it ok?"

Ma Shushu's voice on the other side was as cheerful and cheerful as ever: "OK, everything is normal."

Ma Shushu knew that her account was losing followers like crazy, but she didn't care at all.

It's so funny. She came here just for a prenatal checkup. She doesn't care what the world is like. She doesn't care whether you are a fan or not.

In Jiang State, she is the envied wife of a general, and her husband is the famous and unyielding General Leng, who has made great contributions to the country. She does not need to explain or prove anything to the netizens here.

She decided to wait until the baby was 11 weeks pregnant, and then go back after doing the NT and Down syndrome screening.

Jiang Beiyu was bored and checked General Leng's account. He was not live streaming anymore. He clicked on his most recent video and found that he was being scolded a lot. He didn't know why.

Later, when I heard people from the same crew discussing this matter, I realized that in the eyes of the public, internet celebrities like Ma Shushu are public figures.

The spouses of public figures are easily discussed, so most people in the circle are married in secret or do not disclose their relationship status.

A senior in the circle patted his shoulder earnestly and said:

"Xiao Jiang, you have to be careful too. No matter if you are married or have a girlfriend, once you enter this circle, you must tell others that you don't have one. From now on, you have to be careful not to be secretly photographed. If you become famous in the future, the media will publish the photos."

Jiang Beiyu seemed to be thinking about something.

Then, the man asked tentatively: "How did you join the team? Which boss do you know?"

Jiang Beiyu replied: "I auditioned on my own and didn't know anyone."

The man glanced at him with a look that made him feel a little confused.

After a day of training, he was exhausted and returned to the hotel arranged by the crew. He was about to take a shower and go to bed when he suddenly heard the doorbell ring "Ding Dong, Ding Dong".


The voice outside the door said, "Waiter, the food is delivered."

Jiang Beiyu wondered, he didn't order any food, could it be a midnight snack sent by the crew? As soon as he opened the door, he saw a group of seven or eight people rushing in aggressively.

The leader looked familiar, so he stepped forward and grabbed him:

"You little bastard, you're the one who stole my role?"

(Next chapter on October 22, before 18:00)

Chapter 145 A mother-in-law descended from the sky???

The leader looked familiar, so he stepped forward and grabbed him:

"You little bastard, you're the one who stole my role?"

Jiang Beiyu lowered his eyes to look at the hand that was holding his collar, and his face darkened.


He didn't want to fight with anyone in Wanwan's world because it would have a bad influence, and also, these people were not strong enough for him to fight!

But the man not only did not let go, but also looked at his face: "You are a pretty boy, no wonder there are rich women willing to spend money on you!"

He tried to slap his face, but he narrowed his eyes coldly and with a "crack", the man's wrist broke!

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

The man screamed like a pig being slaughtered, and the thugs he brought with him all rushed forward.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed in the room. Within a few breaths, everyone fell to the ground, covering their bodies and crying out in pain.

The hotel room was already a mess, but Jiang Beiyu didn't even move a hair. He walked slowly to the leading man and picked him up by his tie.

"What did you mean by that? I stole your role, or rich woman?"

The man snorted coldly: "You still want to act noble after you robbed him? I'm the producer's brother-in-law. This role was definitely mine. How could it be yours if a rich woman didn't pay you for it?"


It was late at night, Qin Wan was feeling a little sleepy and decided to go to bed, when he suddenly received a phone call.

"It's me, open the door."

His voice came from the other end along with the cool night breeze, and she woke up immediately.

I leaned out to take a look and saw the red Ferrari in the yard.

She hurried downstairs and saw the tall, straight figure outside the door.

She was startled, but then slightly delighted: "Aren't you filming in the next city? Why are you back?"

In the darkness, she couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Did you throw money at me? Three hundred million?"

Qin Wan was stunned.

He already knew the answer from her stunned expression, and his face was full of disappointment.

He couldn't help but sneer:

"I thought they let me act because I fought for it with my own ability, and they saw my ability... I didn't expect that it was you who was behind it.

No, three hundred million, you bought me this crappy role? Do you know how much I get paid for the film? "

Qin Wan took a deep breath.

"Does it matter? There is no fairness in this industry. Even if the other party is impressed by your ability, they may choose another person for the sake of profit. You want to act, and I have the ability to help you get the role. Let them give it to you, what's wrong with that?"

Jiang Beiyu was angry and aggrieved, his eyes were red:

"Then why have you never told me? Do you know why I played this role? To prove to you that in this era, I can also earn money to support you, to marry you, to buy you bags, to buy you delicious food, instead of asking you to pay for me!"

He pronounced the last sentence with extra emphasis, and although he was usually calm, he became furious.

"I won't act anymore, you ask them to return the money to you!"

Qin Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"How did I lose money? This money is an investment. It's not like I can't get it back. If the movie does well at the box office, I can get dividends. Maybe I can make 600 million yuan with an investment of 300 million yuan."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her and said, "Don't try to lie to me! You might end up losing everything. Anyway, I don't want to act anymore. If I do, people will still say that I relied on women to get to the top."

Qin Wan rubbed his head like coaxing a child: "The money can't be returned. Knowing that I might lose everything, you have to act well and work hard. Only if the play is a hit can I make more money.

Beibei, do you think that someone else is more suitable for this role than you? The more others doubt you, the more you should act well and enter the performance circle! Prove that you got this role by your own strength. "

The man, who was originally angry, immediately became as obedient as a puppy after being coaxed by her.

He lowered his eyes and said "hmm".

It's quite late now, almost twelve o'clock.

She looked at him helplessly and said, "Come in first, have a good sleep, and go to the crew tomorrow."

Jiang Beiyu lowered his head and followed her upstairs.

He went to the bathroom, took a shower, and changed into pajamas. He saw that Qin Wan was still awake, lying on the bed playing with his cell phone, with only a bedside lamp on.

He quietly lifted the quilt and lay beside her.

The room was quiet and she had her back to him.

Thinking of what had not been accomplished last night, he turned off the bedside lamp with a "click", put one arm silently around her slender waist, and leaned over to kiss her smooth and delicate neck.

Just as she was about to unbutton her pajamas, Qin Wan's cell phone rang.

At three o'clock in the morning, Qin Wan showed up at the police station in the next city, accompanied by the top lawyer from the company's legal department. He was wearing a black windbreaker, black sunglasses, and big red lips, sitting on a chair with his legs crossed.

The few people in front of me had a bandage on their arm hanging around their neck, one had a bandage wrapped around his forehead, and each of them had bruises on their face.

"Breaking into someone else's home and illegally invading their home to commit violence is a typical case of legitimate defense."

The lawyer said: "The hotel room is also someone else's residence. From the surveillance footage, we can see that the other gang, a total of eight people, entered Mr. Jiang's room and violently beat him. Mr. Jiang's counterattack was legitimate defense."

The man with a bandage around his neck said, "We went into his room to discuss the script with him, but who would have thought that he would suddenly go crazy and beat us all up!"

The remaining few people also echoed: "Yes, yes."

This person was the original No. 3 male lead. After the role was given to Jiang Beiyu, the crew gave him the role of No. 4 male lead and he still joined the crew.

The remaining few people were actors in the group who had been following him.

They bet that the surveillance camera could only capture the scene in the corridor outside and there was no surveillance camera in the hotel room.

They were all actors in the same crew, and the footage in the corridor was not enough to prove that they had violently beaten him first, and there was no one else who could testify for him.

Qin Wan smiled coldly.

"Go into his room and act out the scene with him? Which scene? How did you act out the scene? Recreate it in front of everyone."

The man coughed dryly. "It's not convenient at night. Besides, I was injured by him. My mind is in a mess. What should I do now? The injuries on all of us are evidence and facts!"

Qin Wan took the script and said, "But in the script, you didn't have any scenes with him at all. Not only you and him, but all of you didn't have any scenes with him. Or did producer Jiang secretly add scenes for you? I'll call and ask."

As she spoke, she took out her cell phone.

The man hurriedly stopped him: "Don't bother Producer Jiang in the middle of the night with this matter."

Qin Wan had just picked up the phone when Jiang Xianfeng hurried in from outside.

She had called Jiang Xianfeng on the way here, so when Jiang Xianfeng came in and saw Qin Wan, he immediately said:

"Boss Qin, hey, I didn't expect this matter to alarm you."

Then he said to the police:

"Hey, police comrade, our classmate Xiao Jiang would not hit anyone. It's these guys who are looking for trouble. They are old hands in the crew. You just need to deal with them according to the rules."

The man couldn't believe it.

The police said, "Why didn't you come and tell me earlier? It's late at night, take him away!"

After a chaotic night, it was already 3:30 in the morning when the two men came out of the police station.

The driver was already waiting outside. Qin Wan opened the door and got in.

In the car, Jiang Beiyu said: "Actually, I have a scene opposite that character."

Qin Wan yawned and said, "I know. Ask Producer Jiang to delete it. Even if he says it is there, Producer Jiang will bring the deleted version of the script to prove your innocence."

Jiang Beiyu was surprised and hesitated to speak:

"Then weren't you just..."

Qin Wan said: "He himself didn't know about it, which means he hasn't even read the script. Did he really come here to review the script with you?

You have to have a way to deal with hooligans. This is the fastest way to get you out of trouble."

Originally, Jiang Beiyu was undoubtedly acting in self-defense. She had just expected that the gang would use such an excuse, so she informed Jiang Xianfeng in advance. Although the man had some relationship with Jiang Xianfeng, for the sake of three hundred million, Jiang Xianfeng could still recognize who the ancestor was.

Jiang Beiyu said: "Sure enough, it has been the same since ancient times. Rich people have the final say, and black can also be white."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Because this society is made up of people and human relationships, why do you think it is different?

It's over, don't think too much about it. I have an important meeting this morning and have to go back to Shanghai first. You go back and have a good rest."

The driver dropped Jiang Beiyu off at the door of the hotel and took her back to the Magic City.

After more than half a month of closed training, the crew took three days off. During these three days, the crew let everyone rest and regroup. After three days, they would return to the crew for a four-month filming.

Jiang Beiyu came back dragging his suitcase as soon as possible.

Qin Wan said to her, "Yesterday, Ma Shushu had the NT and Down syndrome screening, and the baby is developing normally. They want to go back. There are more people in the mansion over there, and they can take better care of her."

Jiang Beiyu said, "It just so happens that I am planning to go back as well. It may not be that convenient to go back after the filming starts. You should prepare in the next two days. If you have anything to bring, we can go back together the day after tomorrow night."

Qin Wan said "hmm".

In the afternoon, she went shopping with Ma Shushu.

She planned to equip Leng Ying with a mobile phone and a portable WiFi so that they could be in touch more easily. In addition, she also planned to buy an iwatch for Jiang Nange.

It has a positioning function, so there is no need to worry about her getting lost and it can prevent some accidents.

Jiang Beiyu planned to ask An Wushang to get one as well, and let Qin Wan help take care of it.

Leng Leng and Jiang Beiyu sat leisurely in a cafe.

Leng Leng now wears sunglasses when he goes out to avoid being scolded.

"The emperor is doing well now, why are you planning to go back?"

Jiang Beiyu took a sip of latte and said calmly, "I originally came here to marry Wanwan. We can go back after getting the marriage certificate. Besides that, I have a few important things to do when I go back."


Jiang Beiyu said: "You only know that gold can be brought from there to exchange for money here, but what you don't see is that there are more intangible wealth."

Leng Leng's heart skipped a beat. He thought that he had discovered more valuable things such as jade, antiques and collectibles, but who knew that he would say this slowly.

"All the history of Jiang State is missing here. From Jiang State to this era, I don't know how many dynasties have changed. There are also many brilliant cultural heritages of our era that have been lost until now."

He said calmly: "Wanwan can bring the high-tech here to Jiang Country, and I can also bring these lost civilizations back here. For example, the lost Longquan lotus silk ink, one gram is worth tens of millions, and no one knows the formula nowadays, and there are also secret color porcelain and so on."

Leng Lie was shocked.

Otherwise, how can we say that a person is the emperor? This height has risen immediately.

Jiang Beiyu picked up the coffee and took another sip.

"General Leng thinks about money. I think not only about money, but also about cultural heritage."

The day after tomorrow in the evening, everyone gathered again in the living room of Qin Wan's house.

After a familiar burst of white light, I returned to that quaint bedroom again.

Leng Lie and Ma Shushu returned to the mansion.

Qin Wan was also preparing to transport the things he had sorted back to Ronghua Palace. At this time, a young eunuch hurried in:

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother has returned!"

Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu looked at each other.

Only then did she remember what Jiang Beiyu had told her before, that his real biological mother had passed away, and this empress dowager was his father's new concubine, Concubine Xi.

Not long after he ascended the throne, the empress dowager went to Mount Wutai, saying that she would pray for him for three years. Now the three-year period has expired and she has returned.

In addition to the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother's biological son, the one-year-old King Jiang Yulo of Dajiang Beiyu, also returned.

Qin Wan immediately thought, before, it would be good to marry Jiang Beiyu. Both his parents are dead, and there is no bloody relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law like in modern times. Now a mother-in-law suddenly fell from the sky?

The news came in advance, and now the people are about to arrive in the capital, and are expected to arrive early tomorrow morning.

The next morning, a large number of civil and military officials and concubines arrived at the city gate to welcome the Queen Mother.

The guard of honor led the way, flags fluttered, and a bright yellow, very luxurious and majestic carriage slowly drove towards this side.

Riding on a horse, the wise king in a silver-white robe followed closely behind, well-dressed and full of vigor.

This was the first time Qin Wan saw the wise king Jiang Yulo, who looked 70% similar to Jiang Beiyu. It could be said that he was the one who looked most like him among all his brothers.

The carriage stopped in front of the palace gate, the curtain was lifted, and the empress dowager, who was dignified and dressed in complicated court clothes, got out of the carriage with the help of her personal maid Qing'er:

All the officials knelt down slowly and shouted in unison:

"Long live the Queen Mother!"

Qin Wan, who was standing in the corner with his arms folded watching the fun, secretly clicked his tongue.

This scene, this style, is even more grand than Jiang Beiyu's. Is this the empress dowager?

"Stand up."

"Thank you, Queen Mother."

People on the ground stood up one after another. For some reason, Qin Wan felt that the empress dowager's eyes were vaguely glancing at her face.

After all the officials received the empress dowager, she returned to the palace. Then, the concubines in each palace had to pay their respects to the empress dowager.

Qin Wan thought it was troublesome, but since it was a gift after all, he invited Concubine Qi to go with him.

She originally thought that she would just go through the motions like the other concubines, but when it was her turn, the Queen Mother looked her up and down and asked, "Are you the Leng Concubine?"

Chapter 146 Wanwan, tonight, can I turn over your sign? .

She originally thought that she would just go through the motions like the other concubines, but when it was her turn, the Queen Mother looked her up and down and asked, "Are you the Leng Concubine?"

Qin Wan still had a generous and decent smile on her face and said, "Good luck to the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother hummed faintly, and then turned her gaze to Concubine Qi standing beside her.

Ever since the last incident in the Prime Minister's family, the concubines in the harem have been avoiding her as much as possible.

But after she told Qin Wan that she had decided to stay in the palace, Jiang Beiyu did not demote her.

Because she was indeed not involved in the affairs of the Prime Minister's family, if she was demoted at this time, she might be bullied in the palace and her situation would become even more difficult.

The Queen Mother looked at her with a kind face and waved to her:

"Huaiyu is even more beautiful and charming now than when she was a child. Come here, come closer, let me take a good look at you."

She took two more steps forward, head lowered.

The other concubines behind had different expressions.

Doesn't the Queen Mother know what's going on in the Prime Minister's family?

Ah, that's right, the Queen Mother has been praying for the Emperor for three years in Mount Wutai, she must not care about worldly affairs, she must not know about this, the other concubines thought.

The Queen Mother looked at her and said, "I have watched you grow up. I have missed you a lot during your three years away. On the way back, I heard about your family's affairs...

Don't worry, as long as I am here, no one dares to bully you. If the emperor dares to wrong you, from now on, you will come to my side and accompany me."

When talking about family matters, Concubine Qi's eyes suddenly turned red.

Alarm bells immediately rang in Qin Wan's mind.

This Queen Mother is not an easy person to deal with!

The Emperor has already promised her that he will not punish Concubine Qi because of the Prime Minister's family affairs. It is actually possible for Concubine Qi to stay in the harem peacefully. But the Queen Mother suddenly intervened and wanted to be the good guy. I don't know what choice she will make next.

Concubine Qi took out a silk handkerchief and wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, Her Majesty. Everything is fine with me in the palace. However, I am naturally the Emperor's concubine, so I will obey the Emperor in all my decisions."

The Queen Mother still smiled lovingly: "It's okay, if you want to come, I can just tell the Emperor. The Emperor has been filial since he was young, and he has always been filial. Whatever I say is what it is."

Hearing this smug remark, Qin Wan started rolling his eyes in his heart.

Don't say you are not the dog emperor's biological mother.

Even if it was, she didn't believe that her Beibei was a mama's boy.

Next, Concubine Xuan also stepped forward to pay her respects to the Queen Mother.

Jiang Beiyu knew all about her little affairs, and he was just one step away from exposing them.

In fact, it would only take a few minutes to depose her, but he was concerned that she was a princess of the Northern Kingdom, and the relationship between the two countries would be closely linked, so he decided to instigate her to rebel.

The Queen Mother was very pleased with her when she saw her.

"The North is indeed a land of talented people and beautiful scenery. Look at how pretty this princess is. I was very happy when I saw her."

She also waved at her.

"Come forward."

Lu Xuan stepped forward with a proud look on her face.

The Queen Mother took something off her wrist and gave it to her as a gift.

One, a red agate bracelet.

The empress dowager had been away for three years. After returning to the court, she met with the concubines in the palace and only gave a gift to Concubine Xuan, which showed her honor and deep love for her.

The concubines all looked envious.

Lu Xuan accepted the gift and stepped back, with the corners of her mouth curled up.

The more Qin Wan looked, the more she felt something was wrong.

This Queen Mother is "pro-North"?

You can kiss me if you want, but why do you kiss me so blatantly?

After returning from the Queen Mother, Qin Wan went to Jiang Beiyu's study.

She told Jiang Beiyu that the Queen Mother wanted to keep Concubine Qi by her side.

Jiang Beiyu was holding a pair of small silver scissors in his hand and was trimming a spider plant with his own hands. His reaction was very calm.

"The Queen Mother and the Prime Minister are cousins. They were childhood sweethearts, but the Queen Mother entered the palace when she was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

When Concubine Qi was a child, the Prime Minister often brought Concubine Qi to the palace. He discussed matters with my grandfather in the study, so he asked Concubine Qi to accompany the Queen Mother in the palace. The Queen Mother knew her very well, so he wanted to protect her? "

Qin Wan said: "Your Majesty thinks this is a blessing? Isn't this just taking sides? The Queen Mother is letting her choose."

Having read too many palace fighting novels and watched too many TV dramas, Qin Wan must be very familiar with this plot.

Jiang Beiyu's gaze became profound.

Indeed, not long after he ascended the throne, the Queen Mother went to Mount Wutai to pray for her and had no sense of existence.

When his mother passed away, he was only nine years old. Later, he was adopted by the Queen Mother, who was then Concubine Xi. She had always taken good care of him and his sister. Thinking of her kindness in raising him, he never put her in opposition.

"Do you think that the Queen Mother came back this time to oppose me?"

Qin Wan sat down with his feet up, thinking:

"She didn't come back earlier or later, but she came back after the Prime Minister fell. Also, why did she take her son out to pray for you shortly after you ascended the throne? On the surface, it was a prayer, but in fact, wasn't it just escaping?

Because she is unwilling to see you, the emperor, every day. Or, this is a perfect alibi that can make your court a mess, but can perfectly hide in the dark..."


Unexpectedly, before she could finish, Jiang Beiyu interrupted her seriously: "Don't make assumptions without knowing the full story. It's disrespectful!"

Qin Wan was shocked.

She remembered what the Queen Mother said, and said proudly that Jiang Beiyu listened to her very much. Could it be true?

He seemed to rarely look gloomy towards her, but today he scolded her for the Queen Mother's matter.

Her voice turned cold: "I'm just reminding you to be on guard. Don't let yourself be sold out and still follow others to count money!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside: "The wise king has arrived~"

Jiang Beiyu softened his tone a little: "Wanwan, I understand. You go back first. I will come to find you later."

Qin Wan glanced at him, picked up the phone on Jiang Beiyu's desk, called himself, put it back, and then walked out of the imperial study.

When she came out, she just passed by the virtuous king.

It is said that this wise king has not yet married. From this point of view, he has sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and is born with an exceptionally handsome and elegant appearance.

He looks similar to Jiang Beiyu, but when Jiang Beiyu is outside, in order to maintain the aura of an emperor and hide his clear stupidity, his expression is extremely cold.

And this wise king Jiang Yulo had a pair of affectionate peach blossom eyes, a smile on his face all the time, and walked with the wind.

Compared with Jiang Beiyu, his aura is more sophisticated and smooth.

When they were almost gone, the virtuous king seemed to have just realized what was happening. He turned aside and saluted her with a smile: "Greetings, Queen Consort Leng."

Qin Wanyi returned his greeting and smiled faintly: "Your Highness the Wise King."

After walking away, Qin Wan put on the Bluetooth earphones, and the sound from them came clearly into his ears.

At this time, the virtuous king should have entered the study and shouted to him enthusiastically: "Royal brother!"

"Royal brother?!"

There was a hint of excitement in his voice, and Jiang Beiyu stood up from his desk.

After not seeing each other for three years, the two hugged each other when they met, and then patted each other on the back.

Jiang Yuluo took out a bracelet wrapped in a silk handkerchief from his arms and handed it to Jiang Beiyu:

"Your Majesty, this is what I have been praying for for three years. It is the magic weapon of Master Jin Chan. It contains thirty-six skull bones of Buddha. It can drive away evil spirits and keep Your Majesty safe!"

Qin Wanxin smiled.

What a brotherly relationship!

It seems that the dog emperor has a good relationship with the queen mother and her son. No wonder he defended her just now.

But in the royal family, where are the true brothers and true feelings?

Is she too sensitive, making assumptions based on past habits, or are these two people truly a rare surprise?

"My royal brother is thoughtful!" Jiang Beiyu happily took it over: "What is Kabala?"

Jiang Yuluo came over and whispered, "It's the brow bone of the enlightened master."

Jiang Beiyu's hands trembled and he suddenly felt scared.

"Then I don't want it anymore."

Jiang Yuluo said quickly: "Holy object! This is a holy object.

The brow bone is the purest and most spiritual bone in the human body. In addition, it was taken from a great monk. The thirty-six Buddha bones came from thirty-six great monks. Such a holy object is hard to find in the world."

The more Jiang Beiyu listened, the more frightened he felt, so he stuffed it back into his pocket.

"Well, since you asked for it, you can wear it yourself!"

Jiang Yuluo was a little angry: "From the beginning, I told the abbot that this was for the emperor. I worked day and night and meditated for three years to get it for the emperor. The abbot was willing to give it to me because it was through me that he gave it to the emperor!

Besides, if I were to wear this, how could I possibly suppress it?"

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyu had no choice but to wear it around his waist.

Qin Wan listened all the way, and then the two of them sat down to drink tea and reminisce about the past. She hung up the voice message and returned to Ronghua Palace.

Half an hour later, Jiang Beiyu came over. She glanced at the "Kabala" hanging around his waist and didn't say much.

Jiang Beiyu is a very sentimental person. Even if he is afraid, because this is a string of brow bones and he doesn't want his brother to be angry, he will still wear it.

He sat down beside her and said to her:

"I know Wanwan's concerns, and I know that all this is for my sake. I will also be prepared."

She said, "You're on guard? Have you ever tested for drugs? You take whatever people give you."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I have tested it, and the imperial physician said it is non-toxic."

Qin Wan stopped talking.

Jiang Beiyu continued:

"You don't know them well enough. Perhaps it's hard for ordinary people to believe that there can be true love among the royal family. You will know after spending some time with them."

Qin Wan said: "Okay, I'll take a look."

Jiang Beiyu hugged her in his arms.

"I know how much concessions you made to my concubines when you married me and followed me here. I will definitely protect you here."

Qin Wan said, "I don't want to listen, you are just a tortoise chanting sutras. Whatever happens, I can handle it myself. I will be very grateful if you take good care of yourself."

Jiang Beiyu was dissatisfied: "In your heart, am I that weak?"

Qin Wan stretched out his hand and pinched his mouth like a duck: "Go, go and review your memorial."

Jiang Beiyu walked away angrily, stopped at the door and turned back:

"Wanwan, can I turn over your card tonight?"

Qin Wan: "Get lost."

This scene was seen by Concubine Qi who came to the yard to look for her.

She stood there, secretly frightened, and it took her a long time to come to her senses and pay her respects.

Jiang Beiyu saw her and walked away without looking at her.

After he left, Concubine Qi came in.

Qin Wan adjusted his sitting position. He happened to have a gift for Concubine Qi, so he asked Xiao Zhima to bring it over.

A box of chocolates, a box of instant milk tea, a box of puffs, and a kindle.

She had downloaded many novels for her in advance, and a full charge of the battery would allow her to read them for a month, which could help her relieve her loneliness when she was bored.

Concubine Qi glanced at her and said, "The Queen Mother told me privately that she wanted me to go to her place..."

Qin Wan's heart was as calm as water, and there was no change on his face: "So what are your plans?"

Concubine Qi said: "I think this is unreasonable, and I am failing you in your previous help to me."

Qin Wan said calmly: "I respect all your decisions, because everything is in your own hands."

Concubine Qi said, "Concubine Leng, I believe you. Since you promised me that you would keep me safe in the palace, I naturally believe you and don't need to rely on the Queen Mother anymore.

Besides, I think you will be unhappy if I choose to stay with the Queen Mother."

Qin Wan was very pleased and smiled and said, "To be honest, I will be unhappy, but I will still choose to respect you."

No matter how dumb Concubine Qi was, she knew that this was a matter of taking sides, and she hoped that her bet was right.

She said, "Thank you."

The matter just passed, and Qin Wan didn't worry too much about it.

In the afternoon, she rode a balance bike and walked her dog in the imperial garden.

Today, she arrived two hours earlier than usual because a palace banquet was to be held in the evening.

Jiang Beiyu set up a banquet in the Imperial Garden to welcome the Queen Mother and the Virtuous King.

Watching her figure riding a balance bike through the imperial garden, two old maids and several servants hid behind the dark branches and leaves and watched. Then, they turned around and went to Feng'an Palace.

Feng'an Palace is the Queen Mother's palace. She took most of her former trusted old slaves and maids to Mount Wutai, and brought them back this time. Therefore, on the way, Qin Wan discovered several older unfamiliar faces.

"Your Majesty, the Leng Fei, I don't know what she stepped on, like a hot wheel, leading a vicious dog, wandering around in the Imperial Garden!"

The Queen Mother's face was cold: "Why are you making such a fuss? Isn't it because she is spoiled by the Emperor? Now she walks sideways in the palace!"

Then she narrowed her eyes.

"But now that I'm back, things are different. Just wait and see how I'll deal with her!"

Chapter 147 A figure climbed up in the dark of night

That night, the lights were turned on and the Imperial Garden was brightly lit.

This was a welcoming banquet hosted by the Emperor for the Queen Mother and the Virtuous Prince. Like all the concubines, Qin Wan naturally attended in her best attire.

With the help of modern big-name cosmetics, Qin Wan's already majestic face became delicate and dazzling. She sat there sparkling, and could be seen from a distance. She was not on the same level as the other concubines.

The Queen Mother and the Emperor both sat in the upper seats, with the concubines and royal relatives sitting on both sides. Qin Wan's seat was closest to Jiang Beiyu in the concubines' area, and opposite him was the Wise King.

The Queen Mother had not arrived yet, and there was singing and dancing in the Imperial Garden, the atmosphere was full of joy.

Qin Wan was eating the pudding that the imperial chef had specially prepared for her when she suddenly felt a gaze from not too far away falling on her face.

She looked up and saw the virtuous king looking at her, with a half-smile in his peach blossom eyes.

The first time she looked away, but the second time, her eyes met his, and he showed no intention of looking away. She directly picked up the phone on the table, opened the chat box with Jiang Beiyu, recorded a video and sent it to Jiang Beiyu.

It seemed like she was just casually scanning the scene, but she could record the wise king staring at her from the opposite side.

"I'm here, why aren't you here yet?"

"I am on my way. I was just in the study with a few ministers and was delayed."

Jiang Beiyu took out his cell phone to answer the call while walking towards this side quickly.

He clicked on the video sent by Qin Wan and his face darkened slightly.

Not long after, Qin Wan heard a voice: "The Emperor has arrived~"

Jiang Beiyu sat down at his desk, diagonally opposite her, and Qin Wan glanced at him.

The wise king opposite him also picked up his wine glass and greeted him: "Your Majesty." He glared at him fiercely, puzzled.

Qin Wan smiled secretly.

She secretly sent a message to Jiang Beiyu.

"Why does the wise king still live in the palace?"

Jiang Beiyu replied: "The virtuous prince has not yet married, and he has been living in the palace as a prince. Later, not long after I ascended the throne, he followed the queen mother to Mount Wutai for three years, and he has not yet built a mansion outside the palace."

Oh? It's been three years, and you haven't found time to build a mansion?

In this way, the dog emperor can easily be cuckolded.

Even as a modern person, Qin Wan felt that this matter was unreasonable, but if she continued to talk about it, she would be suspected of sowing discord. She silently sent a green spinach and stopped there.

At this time, the seats were almost full, and the old eunuch shouted in a long tone: "The Queen Mother is here~"

Everyone's eyes turned in one direction.

The maid Qing'er was walking towards this side, supporting the old empress dowager who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, and was surrounded by seven or eight palace maids and eunuchs.

Although the Queen Mother's hair was mostly white, she still looked elegant and graceful when she walked. It must be said that this woman knew how to show off. Knowing that today was her home court, she came at the latest and had a meal like she was ascending the throne.

The Queen Mother sat down leisurely at another seat next to Jiang Beiyu, her face dignified and majestic, with a royal demeanor.

The protagonist arrived and the emperor ordered the banquet to begin.

Qin Wan lowered his head to eat his meal while listening to Jiang Beiyu briefly telling the Queen Mother and the Wise King about what had happened in the Kingdom of Jiang over the past three years.

The Queen Mother listened carefully, starting from the year she left and ending with the war between the Kingdom of Jiang and the Kingdom of the North.

The Queen Mother paused and said, "Your Majesty."

She said with great interest: "I heard that last year, when Jiang Kingdom was at war with the Northern Kingdom, it was Concubine Leng's advice that allowed Jiang Kingdom to turn defeat into victory?"

Qin Wan was showing off his meal and eating it with relish. When he heard his own name, he paused in chewing.

Looking up, he saw the Queen Mother looking at him with a smile.

Jiang Beiyu said: "That's true."

The Queen Mother looked at her and continued, "Cold Concubine. I like to study the art of war. Can you tell me what strategy you used at that time?

Qin Wan's face was dazed for a moment.

Good man, there are so many people here, why is she asking her in public? Is this queen mother a naive person? Isn't she afraid that there are spies from the Northern Kingdom among them?

She looked at Jiang Beiyu.

"Oh, it's been so long, I almost forgot about it. Your Majesty, do you still remember?"

Jiang Beiyu seemed to think hard for a moment, then slapped his head.

"Look at my brain... I am so busy with state affairs that I have forgotten what Concubine Leng suggested!"

Qin Wan raised the corner of his mouth.

As expected, he is Jiang·Actor Beiyu, well done.

The Queen Mother looked unhappy, but she quickly said:

"My son is really open-minded. Back then, when I was a concubine, I also wanted to offer advice to your father, but he rebuked me with one sentence: 'It is not in accordance with the ancestral system for the harem to interfere in government affairs.'

I was very angry at first, but then I thought, I am a concubine in the harem, why should I be so prominent? If this plan is good, wouldn't it make the emperor and the ministers look useless? It's the turn of a woman to envy the plan. If it's not good, won't it bring trouble to myself? "

Qin Wan smiled and said loudly: "Every man has a share of responsibility for the rise and fall of a country. In times of national crisis, it doesn't matter if a woman is a woman or not. Even if she is a woman from an ordinary family, she should devote herself to the cause of saving the country, not to mention that she is the emperor's concubine?

I will not think about those twists and turns in my mind. I will just do my best to contribute to the country. Even if the plan fails, I am willing to bear all the consequences openly. "

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone in the audience was so excited that they almost shouted "Great!", but they did not dare to say anything out of consideration for the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother's expression was obviously frozen, and then she smiled and said, "Yes, Concubine Leng's pattern makes me very happy. No wonder the Emperor dotes on you, it is indeed unique."

She did not continue talking about this topic, and continued to look at Jiang Beiyu with a smile:

"Your Majesty is busy with many things every day, so you should also pay attention to the balance between work and rest. You can't rely on your youth and work too hard.

In the past three years, when I had some free time to pray for the Emperor, I embroidered a few pieces of clothing for him. Someone, bring them up for the Emperor to see!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen young eunuchs filed in and showed off the things the empress dowager had embroidered, including shoes, belts, robes for spring, summer, autumn and winter, and even pajamas.

There was a lot of amazement from the audience, and they were all praising the empress dowager for her exquisite embroidery skills. After all, when the empress dowager was young and was still Concubine Xi, her embroidery skills were famous in the palace.

These embroidery works not only demonstrated her exquisite embroidery skills, but also showed her love for the emperor in front of everyone.

Amid the admiring gazes of the crowd, the Queen Mother slowly picked up the cup lid and drank the soup gracefully.

When he looked at Jiang Beiyu again, he was obviously moved.

"You have worked so hard, Queen Mother. Let the embroiderer do the rough work. The Queen Mother is so old and her eyesight is not good, yet she has done so much for me!"

The Queen Mother said: "A loving mother's hands sew clothes for her son. The meaning of sewing by the palace maids and sewing by me is different. While I can still move, I will sew a few more clothes for my son. When I am older, there will be no more way."

Qin Wan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Wow, this queen mother is worthy of being the champion of the last palace fight. She has mastered the essence of "Xiao Qinshi"! Her level is really high!

If these things were given by the Queen Mother privately, she would not think much about it at all. But it is difficult to comment on it when it is given so publicly in front of everyone.


When she said this, others would think that she was the emperor's biological mother.

But her biological son is a wise king!

The virtuous king watched from the side with a smile, without a trace of jealousy on his face.


The wise king suddenly spoke in a loud voice:

"I have something to report to the Emperor!"

Jiang Beiyu turned to look at him: "What's the matter?"

The wise king smiled and said, "As for my mansion, I have already chosen a location and will choose an auspicious day to start construction. When the mansion is completed, I will move out!"

Qin Wan was shocked again.

Wow, this is another example of retreating to advance.

From the start of construction to completion, it will take at least two or three years, right?

She thought of a movie she had seen before, in which an emperor ascended the throne by improper means and incurred the wrath of heaven. A fortune teller said that unless the emperor offered sacrifices to heaven, all the people in the world would suffer heaven's punishment and die.

So the emperor said sanctimoniously that he was willing to offer sacrifices to heaven, but he had to build an altar.

So he spent a huge amount of money to build this altar, and made it extraordinarily grand. However, after ten years of construction, he never offered sacrifices to the heavens...

So, from now on, this wise king can still live in the palace legitimately, the only question is whether his mansion is under construction???

She glanced at everyone, but no one reacted, and Jiang Beiyu didn't say anything either.

The palace banquet was over and everyone went back to their own place.

Qin Wan also returned to Ronghua Palace.

The only thing she was thankful for now was that her Ronghua Palace was relatively far away from the Empress Dowager's Feng'an Palace, otherwise there would be chaos in the future.

After washing up, I got on the couch and prepared to watch some short videos and go to sleep, when a figure climbed up in the dark of night...

Chapter 148 Do I have to flip the cards when I go to sleep with my wife?

Qin Wan washed up and got on the couch, ready to watch some short videos and go to sleep, when a figure climbed up in the dark...

Jiang Beiyu didn't turn over the card today, so she guessed she could only do it secretly.

Qin Wan just felt like a puppy crawled into the bed, and then, the whole person was embraced in a refreshing embrace.

"Wanwan wife."

The dog emperor actually learned the word "wife", but she still felt it was quite awkward when he hugged her in ancient costume in such an antique bedroom.

Qin Wan struggled: "You didn't turn over my sign, what are you doing here?"

Mr. Jiang said confidently: "Do I need to turn over the cards to sleep with my wife?"

Qin Wan said expressionlessly: "This is Jiang State. Your Majesty, please abide by the palace rules."

Jiang Beiyu still held her slender waist and said with a smile: "I'm shocked. I actually heard Concubine Leng discussing palace rules with me?"

"The entire palace belongs to me. I am the head of the family here. What's wrong with breaking some rules? I just want to be close to my cold concubine."

As he spoke, he covered her lips, and his other hand reached into her pajamas, but touched her sleeping pants.

He was struck by lightning: "Here?"

Qin Wan said "Hmm." and chuckled, "It's almost there."

Jiang Beiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He just collapsed and fell asleep, staring at the ceiling.

"It's so difficult for me..."

Even getting married is so difficult.

"What's so difficult about it?"

Qin Wan turned around and took advantage of this opportunity to rub his hill-like abdominal muscles, smiling charmingly and saying:

"Your Majesty, I have been here all along. Don't talk nonsense with your eyes open. Sometimes you should look for your own reasons. After so many times, have you tried your best? Is the emperor capable of this?"

Jiang Beiyu grabbed the reckless little hand and gnashed his teeth, "Just wait for me!"

He had to go to bed early as he had to attend court tomorrow. Suddenly he remembered something.

"By the way, according to palace rules, starting tomorrow, you will go to the Queen Mother to pay your respects to her every morning."

Qin Wan knew about this. The concubines in the harem had to go to the Queen Mother to pay their respects to her every morning.

She immediately flattened her lips: "I know."

She knew about this and it gave her a headache just thinking about it.

She can't get up!

She had just married the dog emperor and originally thought that she could do whatever she wanted in the palace. How come she only found out now that there was an old queen mother in the palace? !

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she pinched Jiang Beiyu's thigh in anger.

The second day.

Qin Wan was woken up by Xiao Zhima while he was drowsy.

"Your Highness, you need to go and pay your respects to the Queen Mother."

Qin Wan had a splitting headache and couldn't even open her eyes. It felt like there was a chainsaw sawing her stomach and waist.

She occasionally suffers from dysmenorrhea, which occurs intermittently and makes her feel like she is dying.

She said weakly, "You, ask Xiao Guiyuan to ask the Queen Mother for leave for me, and tell her that I am not feeling well today."

Then he turned over and hugged the pillow in pain.

Little Zhima was a little worried: "My queen, do you want me to invite a royal doctor for you?"

Qin Wan said: "No, just go make me a cup of hot milk tea with sugar."


Xiao Zhima went to make milk tea for her. On the other side, Xiao Guiyuan also ran to Feng'an Palace to ask for leave for her.

When Xiao Guiyuan arrived, the last concubine had already paid her respects and came out. There was no sign of Concubine Leng for a long time, and the empress dowager's face looked very gloomy.

Little Guiyuan went in carefully and said:

"Your Highness, Empress Leng is not feeling well today. I am afraid she is unable to come and pay her respects to you. I asked this servant to come and inform you."

Before the Queen Mother could speak, Nanny Sun beside her sneered:

"She's putting on airs. The Empress Dowager waited for a long time but no one showed up, and now a servant has shown up. Is she trying to intimidate the Empress Dowager? She really deserves to be the Emperor's favorite concubine."

Little Guiyuan was immediately embarrassed and hurriedly explained: "Please forgive me, Queen Mother, Concubine Leng is really not feeling well today!"

The Queen Mother smiled faintly and said:

"Madame Sun, I believe that Concubine Leng will not curse me with her own body just to avoid paying respects to me. The General's Mansion cannot support such an ungrateful person. In this case, please go visit Concubine Leng on my behalf and bring some supplements and fruits."

Nanny Sun quickly let out an "Ah".

"Father-in-law, let's go."

Little Guiyuan was so embarrassed that he dug his toes into the ground. He didn't expect that Nanny Sun would really follow him.

When Nanny Sun arrived at Ronghua Palace, Qin Wan had just sat up, rinsed his mouth with difficulty, asked the maid to wipe his face with a hot towel, and was drinking hot milk tea in big gulps.

Milk tea contains sugar and tea polyphenols, which can stimulate the secretion of estrogen in the ovaries and relieve pain. It is much more effective than taking medicine. In the past, she drank tons of milk tea.

Nanny Sun saw that she was fine, so she walked over and said in a loud and sarcastic voice, "Hey, Concubine Leng, are you drinking tea? The Queen Mother heard that you were not feeling well, so she asked this old servant to come and check on you."

Qin Wan knew what she meant at a glance. This Nanny Sun was the empress dowager's confidant, and the other concubines in the palace all respected her very much. She didn't want to confront her as soon as she came.

Her face still looked a little pale. She said, "Thank you for coming here, Madam Sun. I am not feeling well today. I did not mean to neglect the Queen Mother. Tomorrow, I will personally apologize to the Queen Mother."

Nanny Sun said, "I happen to know some medical knowledge, so I can help you."

Then, he walked up to her and grabbed her wrist without saying a word.

"You." Qin Wan felt a little rude, but endured it for the time being.

She knew at a glance whether she was pretending to be sick or not. Nanny Sun pinched her wrist confidently and said, "Your Highness, you are having your period."


Nanny Sun sneered and said, "How can you say that you are sick with just sunflower water? Your Majesty shouldn't curse yourself like this."

Qin Wan was very surprised. Nanny Sun continued to speak louder:

"I have been in the palace for so many years, but I have never seen any lady come to her period without paying respects to the Empress Dowager. There is no such rule in the palace!

Your Majesty may not have understood this before, but don't do this again in the future. There are so many concubines in the harem, if anyone doesn't go to pay respects to the Queen Mother when they have their period, then where does the Queen Mother stand? Wouldn't the palace be in chaos?"

Qin Wan was already in a bad mood when she had her period. She was about to burst because of the stomachache and the old lady in the palace was talking down to her.

She pulled her wrist out of her hand:

"Madame Sun, you haven't seen it before, but you saw it today. Don't say you have no experience.

This is the first time I have seen a servant who dares to discipline his master. I have never heard of a concubine who did not pay her respects to the Queen Mother due to illness, and the harem was in chaos. "

"You!" Nanny Sun glared at him, "I am the housekeeper of the Queen Mother's side, and I have been supervising the rules of the palace on behalf of the Queen Mother. Naturally, I have the right to manage you!"

"Really? Someone, slap him!"

Soon, a guard came forward and grabbed Nanny Sun. Qin Wan covered her aching abdomen with one hand and glared at her coldly:

"Madame Sun, you may have forgotten your identity. You are just a slave, and you think you are the one who can discipline me?! Beat me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the guard slapped Nanny Sun twice on the face.

Nanny Sun covered her face in disbelief: "Concubine Leng, how dare you!"

Qin Wan smiled and said:

"I am here to teach you a lesson on behalf of the Empress Dowager. I hope you won't be misunderstood as the Empress Dowager ordering her servants to come and act bossy and bully others.

The Queen Mother is kind and sensible, so she is definitely not that kind of person. It must be you, a cunning servant, who is trying to sow discord between me and the Queen Mother by taking a feather as a token of authority."

She wants to follow Xiao Qin's path and leave her with no way to go.

Qin Wan knew that Nanny Sun was sent by the Queen Mother to discipline her. If she chose to be tolerant today, she would be suppressed by the Queen Mother in the future.

She wanted to let her know that she was not to be messed with.

After Nanny Sun slapped him twice, she was forked out. Qin Wan knew that there would be chaos and confusion afterwards. Would the Queen Mother run to Jiang Beiyu crying and complain?

However, the sea was calm after that afternoon.

She sent someone to inquire and found out that after Nanny Sun returned, the Queen Mother punished her by making her kneel at the gate of Feng'an Palace for an hour.

"Good guy." Qin Wan couldn't help but say.

It has to be said that in her heart, the Queen Mother's level has risen to a higher level.

It's high, really high!

That night, Jiang Beiyu came to see her after reviewing the memorials and sat beside her couch:

"Does your stomach still hurt?"

She held a newly published comic book in her hand and said, "It's better."

"Did you drink the brown sugar ginger tea I sent you this afternoon?"

Qin Wan didn't even raise his eyes: "I don't like to drink, so I didn't drink."

Jiang Beiyu then said, "I heard...you beat up Nanny Sun who was beside the Queen Mother?"

"Good fellow."

Qin Wan couldn't help but sigh in his heart again.

This is the purpose of making Nanny Sun kneel outside the gate of Feng'an Palace.

Even if he didn't run to Jiang Beiyu crying and complaining, he could still let him know it himself.

Moreover, this way of letting him know is much more effective than telling him crying.

Qin Wan knew what was going on and said, "Yes, she was the first to disrespect me. The Queen Mother clearly asked her to come visit me, but she used the excuse of visiting me to mock me and even bully me to discipline me, so I punished her."

Then he added calmly, "Queen Mother, isn't she being punished for this?"

Jiang Beiyu couldn't help but be amused by her. He reached out and rubbed her head and sighed.

"You grew up in the modern world, so this is not your thing. I will tell the Queen Mother tomorrow that you don't have to pay respects to her anymore."

Qin Wan said, "No, I will go tomorrow. Don't ask for special treatment. This is Jiang Country. I will abide by the rules of Jiang Country. Don't worry."

Jiang Beiyu heard these sarcastic words and knew that she was unhappy. He reached out and pulled her into his arms:

"I'm sorry to have wronged you."

Qin Wan said: "I'm not wronged. Just like you, as the king of a country, still have to abide by modern rules in modern times and work hard to find a job to support me, when I accompany you in Jiang Kingdom, I will also adapt to the rules here.

Everything works both ways."

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyu was shocked.

"My evening..."

The second day.

Qin Wan did as he was told. He got up early, washed up, and went to Feng'an Palace to pay his respects. He also learned the rules.

Paying respects actually means going over to pay respects, offering a cup of tea, and chatting with the Empress Dowager.

Of course, serving tea does not have to be done every time. There are so many concubines in the harem, if you serve tea to them all, wouldn't the empress dowager become a water buffalo?

When Qin Wan met the Queen Mother again to pay her respects, the Queen Mother looked at her with a smile, and Qin Wan also performed all the necessary formalities.

Nanny Sun, who was beaten yesterday, was standing beside her.

The Queen Mother said, "This old servant has been with me for many years. She speaks her mind. Please don't be shy. I have already told you about her."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "How could that be? I just don't want to cause any misunderstanding between me and the Queen Mother. Someone should not take advantage of his age and bully others.

If I were the concubine, I would be so angry. Why did I send someone to visit her, but that person was sneering and making comments. Fortunately, I don't believe that the queen mother is such a person, so I just taught this servant a lesson. Otherwise, wouldn't the relationship between me and the queen mother be affected by the instigation of this servant? "

Qin Wan said every word with a smile, and the Queen Mother also had a smiling face.

"Time will tell, so don't worry too much, Concubine Leng. I know better than anyone who dares to play tricks in front of me."

The scene was so warm and harmonious that the concubines who came to pay their respects later found it magical.

Is the relationship between the Queen Mother and Concubine Leng so good?

After Qin Wan greeted everyone, she came out and returned to Ronghua Palace. At this time, Leng Ying came in from outside and said to her in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, the King of Qi requests an audience."

Qin Wan then remembered that the last time she left here, King Qi just came from the North to find her.

He asked her to take him back.

She said that if she went back, she would never be able to come back here again. The King of Qi said he would think about it again and checked into the Supreme Suite of Shufujia Inn.

It has been exactly three days and three nights since we last met, and he has thought it through now?


Because of the King of Qi's status, it was inconvenient for him to go to the palace frequently, so Qin Wan went out and went to Shufu's Inn.

There is a tea room on the second floor of the inn, and two new drinks are available: freshly ground coffee and hot chocolate, each costing ten taels of silver.

King Qi ordered a cup of coffee for her and a cup of hot chocolate for himself.

He played with the cup in his hand, took a sip, smelled it, and said with a smile:

"Galgo? You are really good at business."

Qin Wan smiled and said: "A can costs a few dozen yuan. It can be used here for half a year. I can sell more than 30 cups and make a profit of more than 300 taels.

Do you like to drink it? I still have a can that has not been opened. I will bring it to you when you return to the Northland. "

The King of Qi smiled and said, "No need. I have decided to go back."

This "go back" obviously refers to returning to the modern era.

Qin Wan looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, his choice was to go back.


She nodded, respecting, blessing, and keeping her promise.

"When are you going to go back?"

The King of Qi smiled and said, "Wait for ten days. During these ten days, I will deal with the unfinished business here."

"Okay." Qin Wan picked up the cup cheerfully, "Contact me then. I wish you a happy return home."

The King of Qi clinked glasses with her.

After meeting King Qi, Qin Wan returned to the palace and went to Jiang Beiyu's study.

Jiang Beiyu was also surprised that King Qi would choose to go back.

"You gave up all the wealth and power here, and returned to a place where you have almost nothing after more than a decade away?" He narrowed his deep eyes.

"Is there a trick? Maybe after he goes back, he will find another way to come back?"

Qin Wan said: "The painting that came back is in my house, how can he come here again?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Then how did he get here in the first place?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 2)

Chapter 149 "Are you ready?" "Ready." "Nervous?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Then how did he get here in the first place?"

Qin Wan felt something was wrong and opened his eyes wide.

She seemed to have never asked him this question before.

Jiang Beiyu stood by the window, his eyes deep, his hands behind his back:

"Perhaps, he knew how to get here before, but never knew how to go back, so he stayed here. After he went back, he came into contact with the new world with advanced technology, and what if he came back again?"

Qin Wan said succinctly: "Then kill him."

Jiang Beiyu turned his head and looked at her.

It seems that I didn't expect that a person who came from a modern rule of law society would now talk about killing.

"When you send him back, be careful not to let him steal the painting. When the time comes, I will let An Wushang protect you together."

Qin Wan said "hmm".

She needs to make preparations for both scenarios.

First, after the King of Qi returns, he must find someone to replace him and make good use of his position in the Northern Kingdom. Second, if the King of Qi changes his mind, he must be prevented from stealing the painting.


With the support of the empress dowager, Lu Xuan became complacent in the harem again.

She often accompanied the Queen Mother in her palace and talked with her, or took her to stroll in the Imperial Garden. Anyone could see how much the Queen Mother loved her.

Although she had never been called upon to sleep with the emperor since she got married, the concubines in the harem all saw that she was adopting a roundabout tactic. If she had dealt with the empress dowager, how long would it take for her to sleep with the emperor?

Qin Wan just looked at him and said nothing.

She knew that her poison would break out every twenty days, and she would definitely go find An Wushang at that time.

Today is exactly the twentieth day since the last attack.

Because of his identity as a secret guard, An Wushang lived in a room close to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom, separated from his bedroom by a wall, and it was difficult for ordinary people to get close to this place.

In the afternoon, An Wushang received a note from a young eunuch. Lu Xuan asked him to go to the cold palace at the westernmost part of the palace at three o'clock in the morning, where there was usually no one.

An Wushang received the note, clenched it in his hand, and presented it to Jiang Beiyu immediately.

Jiang Beiyu read the note with an expressionless face, except for a faint smile at the corner of his lips.

"Do you know what to do?"

"have no idea."

Jiang Beiyu: "......."

He placed the note on the candle flame and lit it.

"Don't even think about going anywhere tonight."

An Wushang said honestly: "Yes."

Jiang Beiyu gave him an ibuprofen pill and a melatonin pill, which were medicines Qin Wan brought from modern times and had the effect of relieving pain and promoting sleep.

"If the poison attacks you tonight, just swallow these two pills and you will feel better after a good night's sleep."

An Wushang took it and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

That night.

Everything was quiet.

It is autumn in the capital, and the nights are chilly.

Lu Xuan was wrapped in a cloak, and only had a personal maid, Matcha, by her side. In the cover of night, she went to the place where she had agreed to meet with him.

This cold palace was where Qin Wan lived before. The big golden gate was demolished and there is not even a door. No one has lived there for a year and the grass in the yard has grown very tall.

She asked Matcha to stand guard at the door and she walked in, lifting her skirt.

But the house was empty.

The poison in her body made her feel uncomfortable, as if countless bugs were crawling in her bones. She just wanted to find him immediately and then be with him...

She was obviously a princess, and she didn't know how she had fallen to this state. She could even shoot herself in the foot by poisoning a lowly guard. But she couldn't think of so many things in her mind now.

"An Wushang, come out!"

She shouted loudly, walking around the deserted room with a lantern in her hand like a headless fly.

"Damn guard, come out here!"

It was pitch black all around, and the only answer she got was the silence of the night.

An Wushang obediently took two pills and went to bed, sleeping until dawn.

This was a plan Qin Wan came up with.

She wants to use a steel bar to lock these two people up!

Since Beiguo sent Lu Xuan here to confuse Jiang Beiyu, she wanted Lu Xuan to fall head over heels in love with Jiang Beiyu's guard.

In this way, they can use Lu Xuan to work for them through An Wushang, and also let An Wushang get a wife for free. Why not do it?

"Since you want Lu Xuan to fall head over heels in love with An Wushang, why do you still stop them from meeting?" Jiang Beiyu was a little puzzled.

Qin Wan said: "Because people often don't cherish things that can be easily obtained. Even if it's just a guard, she must experience the feeling of being out of reach and not being able to get it just because she wants it.

What you can't get will always cause you trouble. The more a person can't get something, the more important it will be in her heart."

Jiang Beiyu was deeply touched and suddenly realized something.

"Leng Fei, you have been rejecting me in the same way before. Are you trying to trick me in the same way?"

Looking back, she had been rejecting him like this since she confessed. Gradually, she became different in his heart. The harder it was to win her heart, the more of a challenge it became for him, and eventually he fell deeper and deeper for her.


Qin Wan didn't expect how his dream connection was linked to himself.

"I didn't deliberately trick you. I just kept hesitating whether I should accept you."

She sighed:

"Once a person obtains something, he or she will forget the feeling of climbing up the window to see it..."

"But I won't." Jiang Beiyu put his arm around her shoulders. "In order to get you, I have fallen from your window several times, not to mention climbing up the window on tiptoe. It is so unforgettable, how can I forget it?"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "I hope you won't forget it."

Next, she started a transformation plan for An Wushang.

She asked An Wushang to go to the barber shop in the east of the city to create a new hairstyle, trim his eyebrows to a more suitable shape, and asked Jiang Beiyu to give him money to buy him some luxurious new robes.

In addition, he was given an electric shaver, asking him to pay attention to his appearance every day when he went out, and a bottle of perfume, asking him to spray on his clothes when he went out every day.

After some operations, they felt that An Wushang had changed, but they didn't know where he had changed. It seemed that he looked refreshed and his temperament had improved a lot.

After returning to the palace, the young palace maids secretly looked at him with shining eyes.

An Wushang was passing by a secluded corner of the palace when a man came out from the side and pushed him hard.

The person in front of him was Lu Xuan, who was tortured by the poison and was also angry. She had not slept all night and her face was pale.

"Yesterday, I asked you out, why didn't you come?"

An Wushang looked puzzled: "I am the emperor's guard, not yours. Do I have to come just because you ask me to?"

Lu Xuan said: "But, if the poison takes effect and you don't fight me... you will die. Are you really not afraid of death?"

An Wushang said: "But if the emperor finds out, I will still die. Why should I choose to have an affair with you?"

Lu Xuan was furious. He would rather be executed by the emperor than be with her. She was a princess, but was she really so lowly in his heart?

"You have already committed adultery with me. If I tell the emperor about this, you will still be dead!"

An Wushang shrugged indifferently: "I will die anyway. Since the day I became the emperor's secret guard, I have never been afraid of death. If your majesty does not care about your reputation and your identity as the princess of the Northern Kingdom, then you can say whatever you want."


Lu Xuan was so angry that she broke down and wanted to bite someone.

And he was leaving.

Seeing that tall and straight figure, she hugged him, but he pushed her away:

"My lady, please respect yourself."

Lu Xuan was completely dumbfounded and just stood there in a daze.

As the most noble princess in the North, she was also known as the most beautiful girl in the North. At that time in the North, many princes and sons of noble families wanted to marry her and loved her so much that they were going crazy.

When she came to Jiang State, not only did the emperor not even look at her, she couldn't even get a guard?

She even gave her most precious thing to that stinky guard, but he not only didn't cherish her at all, but also treated her like a piece of trash? !

She rolled her eyes, staggered, and then fainted.

Matcha, who was helping to keep watch, quickly stepped forward and hugged her:


None of this escaped Qin Wan's eyes.

Leng Ying recorded this scene in the dark with his mobile phone and sent it to her.

Qin Wan was very satisfied with An Wushang's performance.

He is worthy of being the personal bodyguard of the Dog Emperor.

Even though the other party was a beautiful princess, he was still not bewitched by her.

What she didn't know was that after An Wushang left, she stood under a tree and secretly clenched her fists.


He had been living in peace with the Queen Mother for the past few days, and finally, the day arrived as agreed with the King of Qi to send him back to the modern era.

It was a sunny and windy day, and Qin Wan thought it was just an ordinary day.

The two agreed to meet in the supreme suite of "Comfortable Home". Mainly, this is her territory, and she has her people inside and outside. Leng Ying and An Wushang are both protecting her in secret, so they can deal with emergencies and prevent King Qi from snatching the painting away.

It just so happens that the King of Qi is currently living here and has been here for almost half a month.

When Qin Wan walked in, she was carrying a painting bag on her back, and Xiao Zhima was standing beside her.

The King of Qi opened the door, saw him, and took a deep breath.

Qin Wan looked at him and smiled faintly: "Are you ready?"




"Has the room payment been paid?"

King Qi: "......."


"Then let's get started."

Qin Wan took down the painting and observed King Qi's reaction.

The King of Qi pointed at the painting on her back and asked, "Did you go back through this?"

Qin Wan nodded: "Yes."

She found a place and hung the painting. The King of Qi looked at the painting with bright eyes.

"By the way, I still don't know how you got here." Qin Wan said casually.

The King of Qi shook his head and said, "I don't know. It seems like I woke up here and everyone calls me the King of Qi."

Qin Wan asked again: "How old were you when you came here?"

The King of Qi recalled: "When I was about twelve or thirteen years old."

Qin Wan nodded: "Let's start."

She drew aside the curtains and stood by the window, holding a bronze mirror in her hand.

The King of Qi observed her gestures carefully.

"Can you let the moonlight outside shine on this painting and send me away?"

Qin Wan said: "Yes."

A beam of light passed through the mirror and reflected the outside light onto the painting, presenting a special angle. Just as the line was about to overlap with a certain position on the painting, the King of Qi suddenly stretched out his hand and shouted, "Wait!"

As soon as Qin Wan's hand stopped, he suddenly gasped nervously and stared at the painting.

"You... let me think about it again."

He tugged at his collar and slowly sat down, as if making a difficult decision.

Qin Wan felt confused.

Hasn't he been thinking about it for more than ten days?

After a while, the King of Qi stood up and said to her:

"I've decided. I'm not leaving."

Qin Wan turned his head to look at the painting, then looked at him, his eyes gradually becoming profound.

She suddenly remembered what the Dog Emperor had analyzed before she left today. The King of Qi might not want to go back, but wanted to know how she got back. As long as he got what she brought back, he would be able to come and go freely in the future.

The King of Qi smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I still can't make up my mind... Today, I think you may have made a wasted trip."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "It's okay."

She took down the painting hanging on the wall without changing her expression.

This painting was not the one they usually saw in modern times, but an ordinary landscape painting.

Before, she just wanted to test whether the King of Qi really wanted to go back. Once he made up his mind, she would ask Leng Ying to send the real painting.

And if his desire to go back was fake, she would not reveal their secret.

The King of Qi smiled and said to her, "From now on, I will continue to be the King of Qi of the Northern Kingdom. Don't worry, our cooperation will continue as before. When the day comes, when I really let go of this place, I will still need you to send me back."

Qin Wan put the painting back into the painting bag and said, "It's okay. Our agreement is still valid. It's getting late. I have to go back to the palace."

The King of Qi sent her out the door.

Qin Wan left with the painting in his arms, and only said, "Old fox," after he got on the carriage.

Fortunately, I had a trick up my sleeve, otherwise it would have been exposed!

After returning to the palace, Qin Wan found Jiang Beiyu sitting in her bedroom, studying a script in his hand.

"The King of Qi is gone?"


Jiang Beiyu sneered: "I knew it."

Qin Wan took off the painting he was carrying.

"Fortunately, I kept it a secret and didn't let him see the real painting."

Jiang Beiyu said: "In the future, be careful with this person."

Qin Wan said "hmm".

Judging from the situation, he must be staying overnight today. However, just as Qin Wan sat down, he saw Jiang Beiyu got up and left with the script.

"It's getting late, I have to go back too."

Qin Wan: ???

Suddenly I remembered something. This was what she taught me: playing hard to get.

Okay, okay, let's play it this way, okay?

She did not try to persuade him to stay. When she saw him walk to the door, she gritted her teeth and stamped her feet in anger.

The second day.

When Qin Wan went to pay his respects again, he saw a group of concubines gathered in the Empress Dowager's palace, chatting and laughing with the Empress Dowager and drinking tea together. Among them were Concubine Zhang, Concubine Xuan, Concubine Qi, Concubine Shu, Noble Lady Mu and other familiar concubines.

She greeted slowly: "Good luck to the Queen Mother."

All the concubines looked at her.

Only then did she realize that the Queen Mother was distributing jewelry.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 3)

Chapter 150: Have a baby soon with the help of modern black technology?

Only then did she realize that the Queen Mother was distributing jewelry.

The Queen Mother took out all the jewelry boxes from the bottom of the box, and the concubines were very proud of themselves holding the earrings, necklaces and rings given by the Queen Mother.

Since her return, the Queen Mother has been very kind to the other concubines and palace maids. When talking about the Queen Mother, everyone feels that she is amiable and has never scolded the palace maids. She often gives them rewards. She is simply a "living Bodhisattva" in the palace.

After Qin Wan paid her respects, the Queen Mother was still chatting and laughing with the concubines until someone "reminded" her that she didn't see her.

He replied calmly, "Okay, get up."

Seeing that she had no intention of staying for tea, she stood up and left in style.

It's so funny. It's a child's trick. He deliberately has fun with other concubines in front of her to isolate her.

This empress dowager is really funny. She used some old jewelry that she didn't like and was gathered with dust in a box to win over the concubines. Did she think that this would stimulate her?

Qin Wan smiled and shook his head, not caring at all.

He came on a balance bike, and left on a balance bike, with the drone remote control in his hand.

She controlled the drone to hover over the palace, and everything inside the palace was in full view.

You can see the assassin being shot in the corner of the palace and climbing over the wall, you can see the palace maids and guards having a secret meeting in a small corner, you can see the imperial chef in the imperial kitchen slaughtering pigs, and you can also see a little palace maid being thrown into a well by two little eunuchs.

After letting the secret guards rescue the little palace maid, the drone finally flew through the imperial study and hovered in front of the desk where Jiang Beiyu was reviewing memorials.

Jiang Beiyu looked up helplessly and stared at the drone.

"Little aunt."

Qin Wan's voice came out of the drone's speaker: "Boring, take me out to play."

"Where do you want to go?"


Jiang Beiyu reluctantly put down the red brush he was using to review memorials and said to the drone, "Go back and change your clothes. I'll come find you right away."


The drone flew up and down happily, then turned around and went back.

Although Jiang Beiyu felt a little unwell today, he still got up, changed into casual clothes and went to Ronghua Palace.

When I pushed the door open, I saw her wearing a moon-white robe, looking elegant and graceful, with a paper fan gently waving, she had dressed herself up like a modest gentleman.

Jiang Beiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you going to go out with me like this? Standing next to me, it's like we're brothers."

Qin Wan said, "Brother Jiang, why not? Do you know what the phrase 'holding your hand and growing old together' originally meant?"


"That's right."

Jiang Beiyu was naturally accommodating and gestured to her: "Brother Qin, please."

He liked the color black and wore a luxurious black robe, which matched perfectly with the moon-white dress she was wearing. They walked side by side, and from behind, they looked like two elegant noblemen.

Jiang Beiyu reached out, hooked his hand around her shoulders, and put his arm around hers.

Qin Wan turned around and found that he didn't look good today, but he forced himself to be energetic in order to accompany her.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Did you figure it out? I've been feeling a little uncomfortable in my stomach these past few days. I think I caught a cold because of the cold weather."

Qin Wan was a little puzzled: "Why do you feel uncomfortable in your stomach? Have you taken medicine?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I ate it. I asked the imperial physician to check it yesterday. I drank it once when I first came out."

After getting on the carriage, Jiang Beiyu took out a handkerchief and coughed.

Qin Wan felt something was wrong.

Jiang Beiyu was usually as strong as a bull, and he had never caught a cold or felt unwell before.

Fortunately, the symptoms were relatively mild and disappeared after I came out.

Qin Wan took him to a two-story shop and said, "Look."

The shop sign reads "Braised Beef Noodles." A KT board was printed with a modern instant noodle advertisement.

As I came in, I smelled the familiar aroma of instant noodles.

Jiang Beiyu recalled that when Qiu Shou and General Leng were eating instant noodles together in the carriage, she had said that she intended to develop instant noodles into military rations. Unexpectedly, she opened the shop so soon.

The shop has two floors and is crowded with people. Several people are eating noodles. Because this kind of noodles is chewy and fragrant, and the noodles are golden and curly, they are similar to the noodles in ordinary noodle shops. People all want to try it.

In addition to eating in the restaurant, you can also take it away, imitating the modern way of putting a piece of noodle and three packets of seasoning in one package. If you like the food in the restaurant, you can pack it up and take it home to cook it yourself. One packet is slightly cheaper than eating in the restaurant.

Jiang Beiyu looked around and said, "Not bad, this is the nth store you have opened here?"

Qin Wan said: "This is opened by a friend of mine."

Anyway, with Ma Shushu as the "backstabbing hero", Jiang Beiyu was too lazy to expose her.

Next, he took her out incognito, shopping, eating snacks, and traveling around the capital city until sunset before returning to the palace.

It was obvious that his complexion had recovered a lot after being out for some fresh air, so she didn't think any more about it.

When they came back, the entire palace knew that the emperor had taken Concubine Leng out for a whole day.

Qin Wan felt secretly a little proud.

The Queen Mother and those concubines can stick together as long as they want. As long as she has the Emperor, that's enough. It will make them mad.

That night, the empress dowager was indeed angry. She came to the outside of the imperial study with a cane and a solemn expression.

Eunuch Xi stopped her and said, "Empress Dowager, the Emperor is discussing matters with several ministers!"

The Queen Mother said coldly: "It's so late at night, how could the Emperor still be discussing matters with the ministers? Are you hiding something from me?"

Eunuch Xi did not hide the truth from her, because Jiang Beiyu had been out for a drive with Concubine Leng all day, so the ministers who came to discuss matters with him in the afternoon would have to wait until the evening.

After the Queen Mother came in, Jiang Beiyu and the ministers in the room, including Jixiang in the cage, all looked at her.


It can be seen that the Queen Mother was very angry. Even though there were several ministers in the room, she still said solemnly in front of them:

"Your Majesty, you indulge Concubine Leng and favor her exclusively, leaving the other concubines to me. But how can you put aside your government affairs and take her out to travel and enjoy the scenery just to please her, neglecting the affairs of state?

Aren't you afraid that she will be called a beauty who brings disaster to the country and a concubine who brings disaster to the country, and be criticized by everyone?"

Jiang Beiyu looked puzzled, and said confidently: "Mother, how could I go out for fun? I am clearly going out of the palace with Concubine Leng to observe the people's sentiments!"

"To understand the people's sentiments?"


He said seriously: "I have been in the palace all the time, and what I can see is limited. Didn't my grandmother often go out incognito with her husband from time to time, go out of the palace for inspection, and go to Jiangnan several times?

Therefore, during her reign, officials performed their duties and no one dared to deceive their superiors or conceal the truth from their subordinates. Even though she often did not attend court for two months at a time, the country was still governed in good order.

I dare not compare myself to my grandmother, but I think her legacy is worth learning and emulating!"

When the empress from previous dynasties was mentioned, the ministers all nodded and praised her.

It's so funny. Everyone knows that when that empress was in power, the ministers often didn't have to go to court for months at a time, but they still received their salaries. They were so happy!

It would be best if the emperor were just like his grandmother!

Since the empress had been brought up, the empress dowager naturally couldn't say anything. Seeing those ministers praising her repeatedly, her face turned green.

"In this case, I hope that Your Majesty can keep his original intention. If he can really do as he said, he should not disappoint the people and ministers."

After saying that, she sighed, turned around and left with her crutches.

Jiang Beiyu coughed.

He continued to discuss government affairs with his ministers, looking at the Queen Mother's departing back thoughtfully, with a somewhat worried expression.

She knew clearly that there were other ministers in his study, but she came in despite being stopped and accused the ministers in front of them. He felt that she was targeting Wanwan.

But why can't someone who has always loved him love him as much as he loves his family?

At this time, Qin Wan was leaning lazily on the couch and eating an apple.

The Dog Emperor had arranged Little Guiyuan and Little Peanut to be by her side, so there must be people of hers around the Dog Emperor.

Less than an incense stick of time after the Queen Mother left, she found out about this.

"He's really not a good guy. Luckily, Xiao Beizi is smart..."

Qin Wan secretly felt lucky, but she also knew that the Queen Mother was different from the other concubines she had fought with.

Jiang Beiyu and Jiang Nange were brought up by her when they were young, and they have feelings for her. He remembers her kindness in raising them.

Once she had a direct conflict with the Queen Mother, Jiang Beiyu would inevitably be caught in the middle, which would wear away his feelings for her.

This is the modern world. No matter how loving a couple is, if they encounter an evil mother-in-law, they will eventually part ways and live their own lives.

So, what will happen to her and the Dog Emperor in the end?

Tonight, Jiang Beiyu was busy dealing with government affairs that had piled up during the day and didn't come over. Before going to bed, he sent her a "good night."

Qin Wan gave a dog head reply.

It was already midnight, and it was all because he had been busy until so late today because he had accompanied her out to play.

He had an early court session the next day, so I thought he would go to bed, but then I received another message from him.

"Did you have fun today?"


"Next time you feel bored staying in the palace, I will take you out to play."

(#kiss) (#kiss)

Qin Wan felt his heart tremble.

He did not mention at all the fact that the Queen Mother came to see him for this reason.

She replied with two kiss emojis.


Jiang Beiyu gave him a starry look.

"This is the first kiss emoji Wanwan sent me!"

He is now like a love-brained person. Qin Wan feels sweet but helpless:

"Go to sleep."

Qin Wan was about to watch a few videos and go to bed, but he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep when he saw Ma Shushu's online notification.

This night owl is still so playful even when pregnant.

She immediately sent her the video.

Ma Shushu answered immediately.

"Are you still asleep?" Qin Wan asked.

"can not fall asleep."

Ma Shushu's portable wifi was out of battery, so she was sitting in the tree house using the internet. There was a plate of pastries and cherries on the small table in front of her.

Qin Wan lay down, ignoring the camera and facing him: "Are you feeling okay now? Are you having morning sickness?"

Ma Shushu picked up a cherry and said, "No, it's strange. I used to feel it from time to time in modern times, but now I don't have any pregnancy reaction at all. I feel very comfortable."

Qin Wan was a little worried: "Have you seen a doctor? Don't let the pregnancy stop."

Ma Shushu said: "I took my pulse at noon today. It's fine. Now every noon, Leng Leng will ask the doctor in the mansion to take my pulse and stew pig's trotter soup for me every day. I am tired of it."

"I'm glad you're okay."

Ma Shushu suddenly smiled slyly and looked at her:

"What about you? Get pregnant someday, so the two babies will have a companion."

Talking about this, Qin Wan laughed: "Me? It's too early for me."

Ma Shushu was puzzled: "You and him got married in modern times, you are not still avoiding him, right?"

Qin Wan got angry when he thought about it: "I'll get out of the way!"

She hasn't even successfully consummated her marriage yet, is there any need for her to avoid it?

She was too embarrassed to say this to her, because she would definitely be mercilessly ridiculed by her.

Ma Shushu looked at her expression and understood instantly. He looked at her in surprise: "You...you haven't done it yet?"

Looking at Qin Wan's expression, she became more and more confident.

If it were in the past, she would have to mock Jiang Beiyu and ask if he was not good enough, but now, when she really felt that there was something wrong with him, she didn't dare to say it.

For the happiness of her best friend, she whispered:

"Do you need my help?"

Qin Wan's eyelids twitched.

"Need not."

Ma Shushu knew that she was shy, so she said to her: "I am an experienced person, you can ask me if you don't understand something. Your brother and I have been going well from the beginning.

Who are we talking to? Hang up the video and start typing. "


The next day, Ma Shushu hurried into the palace and handed Qin Wan a small bottle.

"This is a gift from when you bought me a small umbrella. We haven't used it yet, so there's no need. Just apply it on him. It's strawberry flavored. Try it again tonight. Come back to me if it doesn't work."

Qin Wan was instantly embarrassed from her hair to her heels.

Ma Shushu smiled and winked at her:

"Sometimes, we need to use modern black technology. May you have a baby soon~"

Qin Wan was holding the bottle, her whole body was stiff, but she couldn't refuse it. After all, it was a gift from her best friend. She quickly put the bottle into her sleeve.

Next, Ma Shushu took out several thick account books from her bag.

Ma Shushu was the nominal owner of her shop outside the palace, and they split the profits 50-50.

Ma Shushu left only after settling the accounts.

Ye Wei had been standing beside her, seeming to be hesitant to speak, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

After Ma Shushu left, Ye Wei stepped forward and said, "My lady, I have something important to tell you."

Ye Wei was the bandit leader whom she and Jiang Beiyu brought back from their incognito trip. She was the orphan daughter of a general from the previous dynasty. After she was brought back, she was raised in her palace. Qin Wan learned martial arts from her every day. In order to help her settle down in the capital, he helped her invest in an inn.

Because Ye Wei's identity was sensitive, the people who managed the inn were her former subordinates from Qingfengtang. No one could have imagined the relationship between this inn and Qin Wan.

Ye Wei pulled Qin Wan aside and whispered, "My people just reported to me that the King of Qi from the Northern Kingdom secretly met someone in my inn."


Qin Wan already had the answer in his mind, but when he heard Ye Wei say it, his heart still skipped a beat.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 4)
