
Chapter 76 If you are willing to fall in love with me, then you are my only one

I'm going to say goodbye to you...

Tonight is the best time to leave Jiang State.

Because of the banquet today, the Dog Emperor will definitely drink and will not return to the palace until very late at night. He will not go to the study again, which makes it convenient for her to do things.

"Send to the bridal chamber~"

Listening to the last words of the ceremonial officer, she watched Ma Shushu and Leng Lie, holding red silk, walk towards the bedroom together.

Not long after, Leng Leng returned to the table and drank with the guests.

At the wedding banquet, Leng Leng was toasting everyone. He first came over to toast Jiang Beiyu, and then was pulled by several colleagues to drink.

Ministers came one after another to toast Jiang Beiyu. Except for the one he drank with Leng Lie, Jiang Beiyu only took a symbolic sip from the others.

Many noble ladies in the capital also came over to toast Qin Wan.

Qin Wan looked calm and acted out everything perfectly. It looked like he accepted everyone who came to him, but in fact he secretly covered his face with his sleeves and poured out all the wine.

Jiang Beiyu turned his head slowly and glanced at her. Looking at someone who already looked a little tipsy, he vaguely felt that something seemed to be wrong.

No, something was wrong with her some time ago, but she couldn't tell what.

The banquet lasted from dusk until dark, and the guests were drinking heavily. Qin Wan held her forehead and said to Jiang Beiyu, "Your Majesty, I seem to be a little drunk. I want to go back to the palace first."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I will go back with you."

Qin Wan thought about it and said, "Okay."

Not long after getting on the carriage, Jiang Beiyu smelled a faint strange fragrance in the air, and then he lost consciousness.

The carriage entered the palace and she helped Jiang Beiyu get off the carriage.

Seeing this, An Wushang immediately stepped forward from the dark to check.

Qin Wan took the initiative to say to An Wushang: "The emperor is drunk. Can the dark guard lend a hand and help me carry the emperor to the bedroom?"

An Wushang didn't think much about it. He helped her to help the man over and helped him lie down on the bed in the bedroom.

Qin Wan also sat on the dragon couch, took off his cloak and bed curtains, and said to An Wushang with a clever smile: "I'm sorry to bother you today, An Guard. You've worked hard."

An Wushang was not a fool. Seeing this scene, he quickly retreated.

The candles in the bedroom were extinguished. Qin Wan just lay beside Jiang Beiyu's couch for a while, then immediately stood up and found the secret passage in the dark.

Since the secret room in the study leads to the Dog Emperor's bedroom, the Dog Emperor's bedroom also leads to the study.

Qin Wan turned the mechanism carefully, and a cabinet slowly opened.

The secret passage in front of me was pitch black.

She took a deep breath, turned on the flashlight on her phone and walked in. The door behind her slowly closed.

She suffered from claustrophobia and started to have tinnitus and felt short of breath just a few steps into the room, but she tried her best to control herself.

The long secret passage was pitch black and seemed to have no end, but she moved forward resolutely, for she knew that this was the path she must take.

Some roads, no matter how dark or rugged, are destined to be walked alone. As long as you persist, you will definitely reach the end.

Cold sweat kept oozing out of my palms and the hairs on my back stood up.

She didn't dare to look back, let alone look around. She held her breath and kept her eyes fixed forward, thinking of all kinds of happy things to divert her attention. Finally, she reached the end.

She turned the mechanism on the wall.


The door opened and the study was in front of me.

There was a dim candlelight in the study, and she slipped in quietly.

The guards were all standing guard at the door, and no one noticed this place. She tiptoed and relied on her memory to go to the secret room in the study.

Finally I arrived in front of the painting. It was hanging quietly on the wall, shrouded in a faint layer of moonlight.

She took it off carefully.

Last night, she had already written a letter to Ma Shushu overnight.

Ma Shushu and Leng Lie will set off for a trip to the south tomorrow. They will see it when they return.

"Shushu, I hope you can always be happy."

She hid the painting in her cloak.

Fortunately, in winter, people wear more clothes and cloaks, so even if a painting is hidden, it cannot be seen.

She returned the same way and walked out of the emperor's bedroom calmly.

Little did she know that when she returned to the bedroom and just unfolded the painting, she heard Xiao Zhima calling from outside the door, "My queen, Concubine Qi is here."

Qin Wan hid the painting and went out, smiling: "Hey, it's New Year's Eve, and you come here to look for the dog again."

She was not a fool, how could she not know that she had other intentions in raising this dog? Every day, under the pretext of looking for a dog, she had countless reasons to come to her place and learn about her movements.

Concubine Qi said: "I don't want to trouble you like this, it's because it's too late and Pudding hasn't returned yet..."

Qin Wan didn't say much to her. He picked up the little white glutinous ball that was sleeping next to Xiongba from the doghouse with one hand and threw it to her.

Concubine Qi caught it and held it in her arms, wanting to say something but finally deciding to speak:

"Qingqing, I think there might be some misunderstanding between us. Can you let me in and have a cup of tea?"

Qin Wan was a generous person. After all, she had once treated her as a friend and she had even celebrated her birthday with her. Since she had to leave tonight, it wouldn't hurt to stay with her for a while over a cup of tea. It would be considered a courtesy.

Qin Wan took out the best queshe tea and brewed a pot to entertain her:

"If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. You know I don't like beating around the bush."

Concubine Qi said calmly: "The Emperor did not visit me that day."

Qin Wan paused while drinking tea, his heart was shaken.

Concubine Qi continued lightly, "He did this just to anger you and make you jealous. He chose me because he knew that if necessary, I would explain to you and tell you the truth."

"Oh, childish."

It was as if a huge stone that had been blocking his heart for a long time was removed, and Qin Wan suddenly felt less uncomfortable.

Concubine Qi said: "The emperor's first child is very important. I think he wants to keep it with you and have it with you. You are the destined queen in his heart."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Why are you telling me this? Since it's a play he made with you, and you told me in advance, aren't you afraid that he will be angry?"

Concubine Qi also smiled and said, "I don't know why, but when I saw you just now, I wanted to tell you.

Well, now that I've said it out, I feel much better. "

She finished the tea in front of her, stood up and left gracefully.

Qin Wan stared blankly at the teacup in front of him.

"Oh, the dog emperor..."

You cunning bastard!

"Do you think I'd be jealous?"


"I won't be jealous!"


She stood up and went back to the inner room.

Even though Concubine Qi told her the truth, she was determined to leave.

Because this incident made her understand more clearly that the emperor is the emperor.

Now, he and Concubine Qi might be fake, but what if there are Concubine Zhang and Concubine Li in the future?

As an emperor, it is not wrong to have children and expand the royal bloodline. He does not need to remain chaste for her.

This was a place she shouldn't have come to. She went back and just put everything back to where it was.

She took out the scroll, unfolded it, and hung it on the bedside. Then, she opened the window and imitated Ma Shushu's behavior last time, standing by the window with a bronze mirror in her hand...

On the other side, there was the bridal chamber with candles, flowers and a full moon.

As the hour of Hai approached, the guests in the general's mansion finally dispersed.

He was forced to drink a lot of wine by his staff and colleagues in the court today. He wore a bright red wedding gown and staggered towards the bridal chamber.

The closer I get to the bridal chamber, the more nervous I become.

With a creak, the door opened. Under the veil, Ma Shushu clenched her fists like a frightened bird.

However, the man just walked past her and walked away.

There was a bathroom in the bedroom. Leng Lie was afraid that the smell of alcohol on his body would bother her, so he decided to go to the bathroom to take a shower first.

He had forgotten to ask the maids to prepare hot water for bathing, so there was only a tub of cold water, so he simply picked up the ladle and poured it on himself.

It was just the beginning of spring, and the cold water poured on his body was so bitingly cold that even he was hissing.

Ma Shushu waited on the bed for a long time, but no one came. However, she heard the sound of water behind her, so she tiptoed out of the bed, secretly lifted the veil and took a look. She saw a vivid picture of a handsome man coming out of the bath.

The strong and full pectoral muscles were particularly sexy when the water flowed over them, and the lean and standard eight-pack abdominal muscles were all covered with water droplets.

I really want to see the sweat on these abdominal muscles.


It's a pity that the lower part is blocked by a water tank.

Ma Shushu swallowed hard, and the next second she noticed that the man who was bathing suddenly raised his head.

The moment their eyes met, she quickly put down her veil, turned around, and hurried back.

The man couldn't help but chuckle.

Finally finished washing, and felt a little more awake.

He put on a bright red nightgown and walked towards the woman with a red veil on her head who was sitting obediently on the bed.

"My lady, you must be getting impatient."

He chuckled and raised the scale bar.

Unexpectedly, under the veil, Ma Shushu made a face at him, which scared him so much that he almost threw the scale in his hand away.

"You naughty boy! See how your husband punishes you!"

He put down the scale and stepped forward.

The red tent is surging.

The night is long and lingering.


"tan 30°."

At this moment, Qin Wan was studying the bronze mirror in his hand.

I remember Ma Shushu said that when she saw it, the moonlight fell on the painting at an angle of about tan30 degrees with the horizontal line.

Next to it was the tripod that she and Ma Shushu borrowed.

As long as she adjusted the angle and placed the bronze mirror on the tripod, and then she could walk forward, she should be able to go home.

The angle was almost right when a voice suddenly came from outside: "The Emperor has arrived~" She was startled, her hand shook, and the bronze mirror fell down.

It was too late to leave, and even if she left, it would be hard to explain why the original owner was left here. So, she had to take down the painting as quickly as possible and throw it under the bed, then lay down on the bed and pretended to be asleep.


The bedroom door was pushed open, and Jiang Beiyu rushed in at an extremely fast speed. He subconsciously went to her bed, lifted the quilt, and was relieved to see that she was still there.

Just now, seeing her leave the bedroom, An Wushang ordered the palace servants to prepare sobering soup for the emperor, and found that the emperor was unconscious.

The emperor gradually regained consciousness after the imperial physician was called in.

An Wushang said that it was Concubine Leng who brought him back and stayed in his bedroom for a while.

He knew that he was not drunk just now, and he rushed to her bedroom because he felt something was wrong.

At this moment, her bedroom was dark and she seemed to be drunk. She was sleeping soundly with her back to him.

But he knew she was pretending.

He turned his back to her and slowly sat down on the wooden board beside her couch. He leaned against her bed and looked at the floor in front of him, which was covered with a layer of bright moonlight.

He said: "I know that you have been angry with me these days because I overthrew Concubine Qi."

"A few days ago, when we were in the carriage, you said I was stingy.

You said it yourself that you don't like children. I have so many concubines. If you want to have children, go find them. But, I overthrew Concubine Qi and you got angry. Who is stingy?"

In the bed, Qin Wan's hands were clenched tightly.

She could hardly retract her forty-meter-long sword.

But Jiang Beiyu continued to talk to himself:

"But do you know that nothing happened between me and Concubine Qi that night? I just want you to see your heart clearly, to see that you care about me..."

"I just want a child with you."

"Although I have so many concubines, I have never had sex with any of them, because I want to wait for a woman I truly love and spend my life with her.

Have I not told you the story of my great-grandmother yet?

She was the only empress of Jiang State, and the wisest monarch who surpassed her father. She led Jiang State to prosperity. However, from the time she ascended the throne to her death, she only had one husband. "

"I also want to be like her, to rule the world wisely, and to have a devoted person to stay with me till old age. If you are willing to fall in love with me, then you are my only one.

If you don't want to have a baby now, that's okay, I can wait for you, we can take it slow."

For some reason, "plop." A tear fell from her eye and landed on her pillow.

After saying this, he slowly stood up and walked out.

Qin Wan sat up, tears suddenly bursting out.

The little boy's heartfelt words actually made her, an eagle-like woman, cry.

Dog emperor, why did you tell her this? It's quite touching.

As expected, sincerity is the ultimate weapon.

After thinking all night, tossing and turning, Qin Wan thought,

If she really left, the dog emperor would cry to death!

Forget it, just stay.

However, she had to find a chance to return the painting first. Otherwise, the dog emperor had only told her the mechanism of the secret room in the study. If he found that the painting was lost, he would definitely suspect her first!

So she carefully put the painting back into the painting tube.

It is early morning now and the dog emperor does not have to attend court, so he should still be sleeping soundly.

She quietly slipped into his bedroom and saw that he was still asleep. She tiptoed to open the mechanism and slipped into the secret passage.

Having gone back and forth twice since last night, she is no longer as scared as she was at the beginning, and is becoming more and more familiar with the route.

Just as she was jogging and panting to hang the painting back, she found a person standing where the painting had been hung, watching her slowly turn around.

"Morning, Concubine Leng."

(A small spoiler: Wanwan will definitely return to the modern era, and the Dog Emperor will also go back, but not now~)

(Next chapter August 9, 18:00)

Chapter 77 Your Majesty, I am lazy and I don't want to work hard anymore...

One person watched her turn around slowly:

"Morning, Concubine Leng."

It was broad daylight, and Qin Wan took a breath of cold air.

A magical revelation? The Dog Emperor is indeed the Dog Emperor.

I clearly saw him sleeping in the bedroom just now, how come he appeared in the study in the blink of an eye?

Oh. It turned out that the two palaces were adjacent to each other, and it was faster to walk through them than through the secret passage. Did the dog emperor know that she would come here and deliberately block her?

Jiang Beiyu was originally not sure what the painting had to do with her, but now she is sure.

This painting is the secret of her return!

No wonder her eyes lit up when she saw the painting for the first time. Last time, before she and her best friend were about to run away, she even asked him to borrow the painting.

This time, she knocked him unconscious and then came to his bedroom.

He didn't think that she came to say goodbye to him. There was only one truth!

Her real purpose was not to drink, she came here just for the painting!

When all the clues were connected, he immediately rushed to the secret room in the study to check after returning from her bedroom yesterday.

Sure enough, the painting was lost! Lost!

But now that she secretly returned the painting, it should mean that she changed her mind and was willing to keep it for him.

Jiang Beiyu put his hands behind his back and glanced at her sideways, but there was an irrepressible smile and a hint of pampering in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

He narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Why did Concubine Leng not sleep in so early in the morning and sneak into my study to steal the painting?"

Qin Wan panicked, her beautiful fox eyes darted around, and she calmly explained:

"I really like this painting so much that I couldn't sleep last night and secretly took it back to admire it...Isn't it returned to me now?"

This cunning little fox exudes a sense of cleverness.

"Oh? Then guess, do you believe it?"

Qin Wan felt guilty, but could only pretend to be calm and turned around to hang the painting. With her height, there was still a little distance between her outstretched hand and the nail, so he took it and hung the painting for her. After hanging it, he did not move his hand away in a hurry, but supported it on the wall.

In this position, he held her in his arms from behind and leaned close to her little ear:

"If you really like me so much, then try your best to become my queen?"

Qin Wan thought, he was at her bedside yesterday, crying and begging her to be his only one, but now he wants her to work hard?

She turned around, looked up at him, and said slowly:

"But I am lazy and I don't want to work hard..."

She stretched out her hand, took the initiative to put her arm around his neck, opened her red lips slightly, and whispered in his ear:

"Then I have to ask Your Majesty to work harder for me."

His body stiffened, he had not yet adapted to her active intimacy, but she simply embraced him, turned around without making a sound, freed herself from his shackles, raised a bright smile on her face, and walked away.

She was free from beginning to end.

When she feels loved, she is willing to stay, but when the love disappears, she will choose to leave without hesitation.

Today is the ninth day of the Chinese New Year.

If nothing unexpected happens, Ma Shushu and Leng Lie have already set off for Jiangnan, ready to start their honeymoon.

Qin Wan suddenly felt bored.

But when he returned to the bedroom and just finished his breakfast, he saw the dog emperor walking towards him in black casual clothes.

"Hurry up and change your clothes and pack some valuables."

Qin Wan was puzzled: "What?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I will take you for a walk. If they walk, we will walk too."

Just like when she was a child and the adults suddenly said they wanted to take her out to play during the holidays, Qin Wan became inexplicably happy.

Because they were traveling incognito, they didn't bring many people with them. Apart from the secret guards, they only brought Little Sesame. At a glance from Jiang Beiyu, Little Peanut and Little Guiyuan also followed.

There were two carriages for the group, one for Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu, and one for Leng Ying, An Wushang, and the food group.

I heard from the Dog Emperor that we will go somewhere farther this time. I feel inexplicably excited.

She got up early today, and it was only 8:30 in the morning in modern time. She stuck her head out of the window, breathing in the cool morning breeze, and watching the sunlight shining through the clouds outside the window.

Jiang Beiyu made a pot of tea in the carriage and said to her:

"My grandmother, when she was in power, often traveled around the country, and went to the south of the Yangtze River five times. She often did not attend court for three months in a row. The court officials were used to it. She was so carefree, but it did not prevent her from pushing the prosperity of Jiang Kingdom to its peak again.

In fact, I also want to be like her, traveling incognito to understand the people's sentiments."

Qin Wan said: "Very good, this is possible."

It's so much fun outside, much more interesting than being stuck in the palace.

He sought out the sentiments of his people, and she explored her market to see if that place was suitable for opening a branch.

After the beginning of this spring, she will open a branch of the "Comfortable Home" inn in the capital of the north.

By the way, she had reached a cooperation with the King of Qi and secretly released him a few days ago.

Anyway, he was wearing a human skin mask on his face, so we could just find someone else to replace it.

On New Year's Eve, she had someone send a plate of dumplings to the King of Qi in the dungeon, and also used Ma Shushu's mobile phone to record a video of last year's Spring Festival Gala for him to watch.

I had a "heart-to-heart talk" with him on the first day of the new year.

He admitted that one of the important reasons why he came to Jiang Kingdom was Ma Shushu.

Because she was the proprietress of Uncle Milk Tea, and the dispute between Uncle Milk Tea and Wanfu Teahouse had turned the entire Wanfu Teahouse upside down. He felt that this was an extraordinary woman.

In addition, she worked for Leng Lie and lived in the general's mansion. If she was captured, perhaps she could steal the secret recipe for the antidote that was used to overturn the Northern Kingdom's military camp.

It was his spy who saw Ma Shushu showing a portrait of a man and expressing great joy. He thought that should be her lover, so he made a sculpture based on the man's face according to the description.

Qin Wan suddenly realized.

No wonder you can still see fake Yebo in ancient times, and he's actually a villain, which made her feel upset for a long time. It turned out to be a big mistake.

She said, "You are wrong. That is not her lover, that is her idol, and also mine, understand?"

"I never admire a person because of their appearance, but because of their talent and inner qualities. So if you want to confuse people by putting a face on them, that's pure nonsense, you know?"

The King of Qi smiled and nodded: "It is because I am superficial."

Then he said: "If you really have the ability to take me back, as long as you let me go, I am willing to cooperate with you, obey your orders, and follow your lead."

To show his sincerity, he took out his old Nokia: "This is the most important thing I have. I can give it to you. If I break my promise one day, you can destroy it."

Qin Wan looked down, confiscated it, and patted him on the shoulder: "Since it is the most important thing to you, it is best to keep it with you. I don't like to coerce people. I make friends based on my heart."

At this time, the King of Qi should have been on his way back to the north.

He came here early, so as long as we make sure he is not a threat, the Northern Kingdom still needs someone to restrain the current Northern Emperor. Otherwise, the Dog Emperor will have more troubles in the future.


the other side.

The sun was already high in the sky when a carriage slowly emerged from the general's mansion.

We were originally scheduled to set off at noon today, but we were too busy last night and didn't stop until the sky started to lighten and the roosters crowed outside the window.

Ma Shushu's waist and legs were sore and he dozed off for a while in a daze. He couldn't get up at Chenshi and slept until three quarters past Sishi. He woke up with difficulty and just got out of bed. He felt so sore and painful.

Later, Leng Leng picked her up and carried her to the carriage. When she was passing through the yard, the maids and the young servants in the mansion all covered their mouths and laughed. This was so embarrassing that she covered her face with her hands and buried her whole face in Leng Leng's arms.

The corners of his cold mouth were grinning the whole time, which wasted his previous aloof image.

That day he saw that the emperor and Qingqing were both wearing red, so he asked a tailor to make a few sets of couple clothes. Today, both of them were wearing light purple.

After getting on the carriage, he still couldn't let her go, so he held her in his arms and said to her, "Are you tired? Just sleep on me for a while?"

Ma Shushu responded mumbledly, rested her head on his legs, and fell asleep in the carriage.

The little girl's soft face was directly pressed against his legs. She pouted slightly while sleeping. At first, she looked cute and adorable, but when she fell asleep, she turned over in a daze, with her little face facing inward.

The warm breath sprayed evenly on his body through the robe...

Leng Leng's whole body stiffened. He picked up a military book and tried to divert his attention, but every word in the book seemed to be dancing on the page.

His mind was full of last night, the soft white waist, the long legs...

Pinching her waist, I was afraid of breaking her, but I was obsessed with her. She bit her lower lip and secretly endured it.

He picked up the military book, lowered his head and secretly glanced at his beloved wife, took a deep breath, but did not dare to move for fear that she would wake up.

Finally, at noon, when it was almost time for lunch, she finally woke up.

I had a good sleep and it replenished my energy a little.

Ma Shushu stretched and held her stomach and said, "I'm so hungry, what are we going to eat for lunch?"

After all, it was noon, Leng Leng suppressed the darkness in his eyes and said, "We have already left the capital. We will find an inn on the street to have a bowl of noodles later."

Then he said, "I see you didn't get enough rest last night. How about having a bowl of noodles and then finding a room to rest for a while?"

Ma Shushu didn't think much about it and said, "No, I just had a good sleep and now I feel fine. It's important to hurry on."

Leng Leng felt a little disappointed but did not give up the idea.

The carriage stopped at a larger inn on the street.

In most of the inns here, you eat on the first floor and stay overnight upstairs.

Leng Lie ordered two bowls of noodles. They had just sat down when they suddenly saw Ma Shushu pointing excitedly at a table in the distance: "Look, isn't that Qingqing and the emperor? Why are they out too?"

Leng Lie took a look and found that it was true. They had arrived first, ordered a table of dishes, and were almost finished eating before leaving. He quickly covered his face with his sleeves.

"You're wrong, that's not it."

Ma Shushu asked curiously, "No, then why are you covering your face?"

Leng Lie thought, why did this noisy little fool bring those people here? He just wanted to go out for a trip with his wife.

o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

"Be good, cover your face too."


Ma Shushu didn't know why he did this, but she thought it was quite fun and followed his example by covering her face.

Little did they know that both of them were wearing the same style, intricately embroidered lavender robes, which were already eye-catching, and when they both covered their faces with their sleeves, it made it even more conspicuous.

On the other side, Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu were about to leave after dinner, but Jiang Beiyu spoke:

"Wait, I think I saw Leng Leng."


Qin Wan looked around and followed Jiang Beiyu's gaze to see two sleeves covering their face.

They are indeed a couple, their movements are exactly the same.

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "Come over and say hello?"

Qin Wan quickly pulled him back: "Don't."

They are a young couple on their honeymoon, don't be so mean to them. The other party obviously saw them first and they didn't want them to find out, so they did this.

She was just curious: "He covered his face, how do you know that's my brother?"

Jiang Beiyu leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Did you see the glass crown on your brother's head? It's a limited edition, there's only one in Jiang Country. Your brother is really vain and likes to wear it the most."

Qin Wan suddenly realized. She had some impression of what he said. The hair crown was very shiny in the sun.

"Sir, the noodles are here."

The waiter quickly brought two bowls of steaming noodles and placed them on their table.

Leng Lie didn't eat, and asked Ma Shushu quietly under his sleeve: "Has the person left?"

Ma Shushu took a sneak peek and saw the two people on the opposite side whispering to each other, and said, "No."

But she was very hungry and couldn't bear it. Her sleeves were wide enough, so she covered her face with her sleeves and ate the noodles under them.

In Leng Leng's eyes, his wife is adorable no matter what. Looking at her, the love and doting in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows are overflowing.

What he wants most now is Shushu.

Fill your stomach first, recharge your energy, and eat later, hmm.

He concealed the darkness in his eyes and picked up the chopsticks, his eyes never leaving her.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a gust of wind passing by, and then something seemed to be pulled out from my waist.

His purse!

By the time he reacted, the figure had already arrived at the door of the inn.

He was shocked.

He had just left the capital, at the feet of the emperor, and he, a majestic general, had his money bag stolen by a petty thief? !

If I tell this to others, people will laugh to death!

He chased out, and Leng Ying beside Qin Wan also chased out at this time.

Leng Ying's lightness skills were excellent, and he chased to the door in almost one breath. However, what was unexpected was that the thief threw the contents of his purse out like flowers from the sky as soon as he walked out of the store. A dozen people who looked like ordinary people rushed over, picked up the broken silver on the ground, and quickly scattered, running away in different directions and disappeared.

Even if Leng Ying came out to chase him, he would only pick up an empty purse.

Leng Ying also felt very embarrassed and slowly handed him the empty purse: "General."

Leng Leng's face looked very ugly.

In order to chase a money bag, his identity was exposed and the money was lost.

I shouldn't have chased you if I had known.

The key point is that there was not only small change in the purse, but also several expensive agate rings and jade rings.

Leng Lie came back empty-handed, and Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu were both very shocked.

But when he looked again at the people eating in the restaurant, he saw that theft and robbery had just happened right under their noses, but they all continued to eat as usual, obviously they were used to it.

Now that he had seen him, Leng Leng slowly walked up to Jiang Beiyu and bowed.

Jiang Beiyu seemed to be gloating over other people's misfortunes, and said with a sly smile, "General Leng, are you out of money?"

(Next chapter August 10, 18:00)

Chapter 78 Did you just call me a pig?

Jiang Beiyu seemed to be gloating over someone else's misfortune, and said with a sly smile, "General Leng, have you run out of money?"

Leng Lie just wanted to draw his sword and kill someone at this moment, but he didn't dare to do it to the emperor.

He could only muffle his words and say, "This is the Emperor's territory. I never thought bandits would be so rampant."

The subtext of this sentence is: "You can't even manage the situation right under your nose, and you still have the nerve to laugh at me and outwit him."

Sure enough, when Jiang Beiyu heard this, the smile on his face froze instantly.

He asked Leng Leng in a cold voice: "Who is the county magistrate here?"

Leng Leng: ???

He is a man who leads troops to fight in wars, ask him?

I didn't dare to confront him, so I just said, "I'll check it out later."

Jiang Beiyu looked at Leng Ying and said, "You didn't catch up with her either?"

Leng Ying said, "My Lord, this seems to be an organized gang of robbers with a clear division of labor. One person robs and then scatters. There are also people lurking at the door, all dressed as ordinary people, picking up the money and running away."

An old man eating noodles nearby said calmly, "He must be from out of town. This gang of bandits only robs people from out of town. This young man is dressed elegantly, and his hair crown is so shiny. He looks very rich. He must have been targeted as soon as he entered the store."

Qin Wan asked: "Does the government not care about this?"

The old man ate noodles while leisurely saying, "Guan, you have to report to the police. The official will ask, 'Who robbed you? What does he look like? You have to describe him. Did this gentleman see him clearly?' Without any evidence, how can the government help you arrest someone?"

Leng Lie frowned and shook his head gloomily.

Qin Wan didn't expect that he would encounter such a dirty thing when hanging out with the dog emperor.

Ma Shushu also came over when he learned that Leng Leng's money bag had been robbed. After listening for a while, he said, "Do they steal and rob in this inn every day? Wouldn't it be better to let the government officials lurk nearby and catch people?"

The old man said, "Do you think they are stupid? Shoot once and move to another place."

After saying this, the old man finished his noodles, left the money on the table, and got up to leave.

Leng Leng had a bad feeling in his heart.

He didn't want to investigate the matter. He was newly married and on vacation. If he had known, he would have just suffered in silence and let them rob. Otherwise, after the case was investigated, how could he take Shushu to Jiangnan?

Jiang Beiyu pondered for a moment.


"...I am here."

"It's all over for you. Go eat some noodles. If you don't eat now, the noodles will clump together."

Then, he took Qin Wan and his group out of the inn.

Leng Lie was stunned.

He was most afraid that the Emperor would ask him to investigate the case, but why did he feel uncomfortable when he was not asked to investigate the case?

His job is to be a general leading troops in battle, and investigating cases is not his area of ​​responsibility. But for some reason, at this moment, he actually feels damn guilty?

When he looked up, he saw that the emperor and his entourage had already walked far away outside the store.

He returned to his table and sat down. As expected, the noodles had clumped up and were inedible. He put down his chopsticks with a snap.

"You dare to bully me, Leng Leng, you are seeking death!"


Outside the inn, Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan wandered around the street but did not get on the carriage.

Qin Wan turned to look at him: "How does the emperor plan to deal with this matter?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "It is not convenient for me to come forward. I don't want the news of my secret visit to be exposed as soon as I leave the capital. I plan to hand this matter over to Ying Sanqian to investigate first."

After all, when he was a prince, he would be punished by his father even if he sneaked out of the palace. His father taught him to be cautious since he was a child. Due to his special identity, if his whereabouts were exposed, he would likely be assassinated.

Qin Wan said: "Your Majesty, have you noticed something very strange?"


"That's right. The people here seem to be used to this. No one came up to stop it or help catch the bandits."

"You mean, no one came forward to do the right thing?" Jiang Beiyu asked.

"Yes, the table my brother was sitting at was actually close to the inside. Just now, the guests at the tables near the door were fully capable of stopping it, but no one did so. Even after the incident, the people in the store acted as if it had nothing to do with them and didn't care, as if they didn't see it at all."

Jiang Beiyu thought thoughtfully: "After all, this is a group of organized bandits. Perhaps the people are afraid of retaliation?"

Qin Wan vaguely felt that there was something else.

Half an hour later, Leng Leng loudly struck the drum of the county government office.

Local officials in Jiang State were on holiday from New Year's Eve to the seventh day of the first lunar month. Unless there was an emergency, they would not go to court or work. But they would go to court as usual after the eighth day of the first lunar month. Leng Leng knocked for a long time before an old man who looked like a gatekeeper from the county government came out and said to him:

"The government office is closed. If there is nothing important, we can wait until after the fifteenth day of the lunar year."

Leng Leng sneered and said, "Why, the government office here is different from other places?

Then is theft of more than 1,000 taels considered a serious case? Let your county magistrate come to court quickly!"

Cao Wangzu, the magistrate of Songzhou Prefecture, is nearly sixty years old. He played bridge all night last night and is now bleary-eyed.

He squinted at the people in the audience. Although they were dressed in gorgeous clothes and had extraordinary bearing, they looked young. He thought they were the sons of ordinary wealthy families. He asked lazily:

"Who is here? Why are you beating the drum?"

Leng Leng recounted the entire incident, and the county magistrate lazily said:

"What evidence do you have to prove that you lost more than a thousand taels? Did you see the man who robbed you clearly?"

Leng Lie said in a cold voice: "How can I prove it when my money has been stolen? The robbers ran too fast and I didn't see them clearly."

The county magistrate said with a half-smile, "Then how can we help you arrest people? Also, since there is no evidence, you said you lost more than a thousand taels, so you lost more than a thousand taels?"

The county magistrate in the court not only did not look like he was handling the case seriously, but he was actually sneering.

The cold expression froze for a moment, staring at him coldly:

"I have the evidence, do you want to see it?"

The county magistrate continued to sneer at the bailiff: "If you have evidence, why didn't you present it earlier?"

Leng Leng tore off his badge and threw it over. The county magistrate was still laughing a second ago, but when he saw the badge falling on the table, his eyes almost popped out.

He couldn't believe it, so he picked it up and took a closer look. His hands were shaking and even his voice was trembling.

"You...you are General Leng?"

Leng Leng raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "So, you think that this general seems bored to come here to fool you during the New Year, and someone robbed your wallet?"

"This... This matter has been learned by this humble official... Your humble official will deal with it immediately!"

The county magistrate wanted to slap himself twice for what he had done just now, and his voice was still trembling as he spoke.

After all, the official position of the man in front of him was many levels higher than his own, and he was also a favorite of the emperor. Relying on his outstanding military achievements, he was notoriously domineering in the capital. If he offended this master, he would have to go straight to the countryside to farm.

He sent the county magistrate to briefly explain what had happened to him, and before dusk, the matter had been resolved.

Several petty thieves were brought before Leng Leng and confessed to stealing the purse.

Leng Leng felt very strange.

The man kneeling in the front looked like the person who had robbed his purse today, wearing clothes that made him look like the one who had robbed his purse today.

But he didn't even describe the thief's appearance or his clothes. How did the government catch him?

Even the money that was robbed from him was now returned intact.

The county magistrate bowed and nodded before him:

"General Leng, please take a look. Are these the silver coins you lost?"

Leng Leng looked at the silver and money that he had lost and found, and the flattering smile of the county magistrate. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He suddenly slammed his palm on the table and glared at him:

"How dare you, Cao Wangzu! As a senior official of the people, you actually colluded with the thieves and robbed the people!"

Cao Wangzu originally thought that if he could get the silver back for him, the matter would be over happily, but he didn't expect that the general would take it seriously.

He took out another gold ingot from his sleeve, secretly stuffed it into his hand, and said with a smile:

"I heard that General Leng got married yesterday. This is my gift to express my gratitude."

Leng Leng was furious and pushed the gold ingot away directly:

"Ridiculous! You actually want to bribe this general!"

Cao Wangzu's expression changed: "This is just a gift from this humble official to General Leng. What is General Leng thinking?

"I have no idea what General Leng is talking about. I just want to do my best to help the general catch the thief and recover the loss. If I help General Leng catch the thief, then it is my fault?"

He narrowed his eyes coldly and said, "I have never described the thief's clothing or appearance to you, so how come you were able to catch him so quickly?

Obviously you knew about it and were in collusion with the thieves. You wanted to make the matter less serious by sending the thieves here as quickly as possible. If you were an ordinary citizen, I'm afraid you would have nowhere to turn to for help!"

"Okay, now that you have caught the thief, you must investigate this matter further, including eradicating the organization behind the thief. Within three days, I will give you an explanation!"

After saying this, Leng Lie turned away.

When they returned to the inn, it was almost dark. When they saw Ma Shushu, Leng Leng's eyes were full of guilt.


He finally took care of the matter.

He said, "I'm sorry, Shushu, we should have arrived in Tongzhou according to the plan."

Ma Shushu said: "It's okay. You are a great general, you have the world in your heart, and you can't tolerate any injustice. We are here to eliminate evil and promote good, which is much more interesting than going to Jiangnan."

Leng Lie didn't expect her to be so considerate, and he pulled her into his arms.

the other side.

Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan also found an inn to stay temporarily. The secret agents sent out by "Shadow Three Thousand" had already received news.


An Wushang reported to Jiang Beiyu:

"We found out that there is indeed a bandit organization entrenched here, called Qingfengtang.

They were originally a group of bandits. Later, a mudslide occurred on the mountain and their village was destroyed, so they came down the mountain and established Qingfengtang.

This Qingfengtang robbed the rich and helped the poor, and they specifically robbed wealthy businessmen from other places and other countries who passed through here. Since this place was on the only way to the capital, there were many wealthy people coming and going.

After robbing the rich, Qingfengtang used part of the money to build bridges and roads in Songzhou, set up private schools to provide free education for some local children, and even often distributed porridge on the streets.

In the government's annual fundraising, Qingfengtang donated the most money, so the local people and the government turned a blind eye to Qingfengtang. "

Jiang Beiyu was shocked as he didn't expect this result.

Qin Wan said, "Qingfengtang? This name is quite good, it means clean hands. So half of the money they robbed was returned to the local people?"

Besides being surprised, Jiang Beiyu also suddenly understood.

"No wonder, today when I was walking on the streets of Songzhou, I saw many flat and wide roads, as well as neatly built private schools. It turned out that these were built by Qingfeng Hall.

Songzhou is a barren land with few lakes and arable land. It has no special advantages except being close to the capital, and the people have little income. The existence of Qingfeng Hall has indeed changed the lives of the local people..."

Qin Wan shrugged: "This is hard to judge. Your Majesty, how do you plan to deal with it?"

"If I deal with Qingfengtang, although on the surface I am punishing evil and catching the rampant bandits, the local people may not appreciate it. Maybe they will even call me a tyrant."

Jiang Beiyu frowned.

"But if I don't deal with it, wouldn't that be condoning these people's crimes? What's wrong with those wealthy businessmen who were robbed?"

An Wushang also felt that this matter was difficult to handle, so he revised his report and left.

Jiang Beiyu pondered: "I suddenly understand why my grandmother likes to go on incognito tours. If I had stayed in the palace, I would not have seen these things.

Qingqing, if you were me, how would you handle this?"

Qin Wan crossed his arms and said, "Why not recruit them? These bandits are all very fast. Wouldn't it be great if General Leng could recruit them and let them serve on the battlefield in the future?"

As for the emperor's belief that arresting these people would lead to the local people's criticism, doesn't this reflect the court's dereliction of duty?

Building bridges and roads, and establishing private schools are what the court should do. It is precisely because of the vacancies in the court that these people filled the positions, so the people think these people are good.

If the court could do these things for the people on their behalf, why would the emperor worry about being cursed by the people? "

Jiang Beiyu looked surprised.

No one would dare to say these words in front of him, but she dared to say them because she was not afraid of him, was smart and had brains.

"you're right......"

Jiang Beiyu's eyes dimmed, "But Songzhou is a barren land. How can we get rich without robbing?"

Qin Wan's eyes widened in shock again.

She couldn't help but reach out and knock on his head: "Pig: Are you Jiang Beiyu?"

"Even bandits know that they should 'rob the rich to help the poor', so how could the emperor not know this? Wouldn't it be enough to transfer some of the income generated by the rich places like Jiangnan? This is called 'national macroeconomic regulation'."

She suddenly became the representative of the political class, speaking fluently and logically:

"The backwardness of a place's economy is a long-term problem. We need to build, develop and govern, but we cannot make the people suffer.

In economic development, we can use some support policies to first improve people's lives, then through governance, steadily improve economic development, and ultimately achieve a well-off society for all, um, common prosperity."

Jiang Beiyu was confused by what he heard, but he also felt that it seemed to make sense.

Qin Wan coughed and said, "I feel thirsty after talking so much. Beibei, go get me a glass of water."


Jiang Beiyu's eyes were deep with a smile in them. He stared at her lips and moved closer to her, as if he wanted to kiss her.

Qin Wan was scared to death. He, he, he, couldn't be that perverted!

She quickly tilted her neck back, but his powerful hand grabbed the back of her head...

(Next chapter August 11, 18:00)

Chapter 79 Your Majesty, Show Me Your Abdominal Muscles

She quickly tilted her neck back, but his big, strong hand grabbed the back of her head...

He grabbed her mochi-like face with his other hand, and at this moment, he had the evil thought of biting her hard.

The tips of their noses were almost touching. He suppressed his desire to tear her apart and swallow her whole, staring at her fiercely:

"You just called me a pig?"

It was really hard for him to imagine what kind of person she would become if he continued to spoil her. If he didn't establish his authority, he would probably be suppressed by her for the rest of his life.

"You flicked my head again, called me a pig, and you want me to pour you some water?"

Qin Wan admitted that she was a little arrogant just now. After all, he was the emperor who was above everyone else!

But it doesn't matter, she can be coaxed.

She rubbed his high nose bridge with the tip of her upturned nose, as if she was rubbing a Hakimi.

"But, isn't a husband meant to be scolded and ordered around? If the emperor is unhappy, I will try my best to control my temper, and I will pour the water myself."

He knew clearly that she had started again, so she acted weak and pretentious on purpose, but he had to admit that she had him under her control.

When she called him "husband", his heart was filled with sweetness.

He also knew that if he didn't drink this glass of water today, it would end up being a disaster, so he asked coldly, "Do you want it cold or hot?"

Qin Wan said: "Warm."

There was no hot water in the room, so Jiang Beiyu went downstairs himself and asked the waiter for a pot of hot water. When he came back, he asked her, "Are you going to take a bath tonight? If so, I'll ask the waiter to prepare more hot water."

Qin Wan, who was drinking water, almost choked.

I almost forgot that I was staying in an inn with the Dog Emperor today, and we both wanted to share a room.

Unlike the presidential suite I stayed in last time, this room only has one room and one bed.

This is already the best room in the inn. At most there is a screen blocking the view when taking a shower.

She washes every day because she feels uncomfortable if she doesn't wash. But today, what should she do?

If I don't want to wash, I'll be away from home and staying in an inn for the next few days. The conditions there may not be as good as here. Will I not wash?

After a moment's hesitation, she said, "Wash."

For some reason, when she said "wash", the Dog Emperor's expression was a little subtle.

His voice was charming and pleasant: "Oh? You first or me?"

"Me first."

She won't be polite to a stinky man.

"Okay, then you wash first, I'll wait for you."

Unlike her presidential suite which has a bathtub, this one still has an old-fashioned wooden barrel.

Seeing the Dog Emperor sitting on the couch, she moved the screen over and placed it between the wooden barrel and the bed.

The room was that big, and the wooden barrel was placed in the middle of the room. Soon, the waiter poured two large buckets of hot water into it.

After the waiter left, Qin Wan reached out to test the water temperature.

Because of the embarrassment last time, she remembered to bring her pajamas this time and hung them on the hanger next to her. She looked back.

Just now I saw the Dog Emperor sitting on the bed reading a book. He shouldn't suddenly come over while she was taking a shower. It doesn't matter, just get it over with quickly.

She quickly undressed and climbed into the tub.

"Hoo, hoo, so comfortable~"

The most comfortable thing is taking a bath before going to bed after a busy day.

Soaking in hot water, I feel like all the pores on my body have opened up.

She scooped up some water and poured it over her body, originally thinking of a quick and easy solution, but who would have known! It was such a cold day, and soaking her whole body in the hot water was so comfortable that she didn't even want to get up!

Little did he know that behind him, Jiang Beiyu, who was reading a book, looked up slowly.

The screen was made of white silk, with only a few orchids painted on it, and some brush calligraphy on the corners. There were a few candles lit on her side, which was bright. He was sitting on the bed, and the light was even dimmer.

So, on her side it looked like a serious screen, while on his side it looked almost transparent, and yet there was a hint of interest in the haziness.

The woman was sitting sideways in the bathtub, playing with the water.

Jiang Beiyu raised his eyes and glanced at her, then lowered them again, thinking it was inappropriate to look at her. But then he thought, how could he not look at his concubine? So he began to admire her openly.

Her breasts were round and smooth, whiter than snow, with a slender goose neck. Half of her pride was hidden in the water, but deep grooves were visible. As she washed, they popped out from the water surface again, constantly testing.

Finally, she finished washing.

A jade foot slowly stretched out of the bathtub and hooked the pajamas hanging on the rack. She put on the pajamas and leaned out of the bathtub. A slender waist and long straight legs swayed before my eyes.

Although it was only for a moment, the erotic feeling before him washed over his brain.

He vaguely felt a warmth under his nose, his brows slightly wrinkled, and he quickly took out the handkerchief he carried with him.

Qin Wan put on her pajamas carefully after getting out of the bathtub, and rubbed some fragrant rose essential oil on her body.

When she walked around the screen, Jiang Beiyu had returned to normal.

"Did you finish washing?"


"Then I'll go wash it."

There was a bucket of unused hot water nearby, which he added directly into the bathtub.

Qin Wan was sitting on the couch after taking a nice shower. She was in a good mood and took out some homemade skin care products from her small bag and applied them on her face. But when she raised her eyes casually and saw the scene behind the screen, she felt like she was hit hard.

So, this is how she took a shower in front of that bastard?

Why didn't he remind her that the screen was see-through!

My goodness, last time I just accidentally dropped the bath towel in front of the Dog Emperor, this time I was actually broadcasting a bath live in front of him!

But he was reading a book just now, so he shouldn't have looked at her. Besides, the dog emperor has seen all kinds of women, so he shouldn't be interested in her body and stare at her.

He didn't see it, he didn't see it, he didn't see it.

Qin Wan covered his face with the quilt, twisting and crawling on the soft couch like a worm...

Until he finally finished washing.

He came over with only a bath towel wrapped around his waist.

There were water droplets on his wet abdominal muscles, shining brightly in front of her eyes, and his body smelled of the fragrance after a bath.

His abdominal muscles were almost rubbing against her little face as he leaned over to get the pajamas on the bed.

Qin Wan had reason to suspect that the Dog Emperor was deliberately seducing her, and she had sufficient evidence!

So she secretly stretched out her finger and flicked the abdominal muscles.

Have you ever played a mango? That's the feeling.


It's so exciting to just play and run.

Qin Wan ran about ten feet away before he heard the dog emperor gnashing his teeth: "Cold, clear, clear!"

She turned her head, put her hands on her ears, and made a face at him.

He didn't get angry but laughed: "Come here, I won't beat you."

She would not be fooled. She had already slipped to the door and was about to open it, only to find that it was locked from the inside. An extra lock was added? ? ?

Shit! That was a bad idea.


With bony fingers, he slowly put on his pajamas and sat on the couch.

Jiang Beiyu stopped pretending and smiled.

"Come here and let me bang you. I'll bang you twice. If I catch you, I'll bang you ten times."

Qin Wan looked at him pitifully: "I...but I don't have abdominal muscles, where are you going to stretch?"

"you guess."

After a stalemate, Qin Wan walked back.

He smiled, reached out and tapped her on the head.

She closed her eyes subconsciously.

Just when she thought he was going to hit her a second time, a kiss came unexpectedly.

Although it lasted only a second or two, it was extremely sweet and soft, and just when she was beginning to feel it, it came to an abrupt end.

When I opened my eyes, I heard a voice floating in my ear: "It's arrived."

I have to say, the little girl is getting better and better at kissing. Just now, she actually wanted the kiss to continue?

After all, when she planned to stay for a while, she already considered him as half a boyfriend in her heart, so she was not so averse to being intimate with him.

She approached him slyly, tilting her head: "Well, next time I want to play, can I still use a kiss to offset it?"


the other side.

The night is charming.

After tasting the sweetness, Leng Lie has been waiting for a long time today. That is, the time when the door is closed and only he and his wife are together.

As they were just married yesterday, they were still a little shy. Today, he was bathing in the tub, and when he was almost done he deliberately called her over.

"Shushu, the water is a little cold, can you give me some more hot water?"


Ma Shushu didn't suspect anything, she walked over, picked up the ladle, and added it in one ladle at a time, but she didn't notice that he was looking at her intently.

When he added the third scoop, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed the slender white wrist.

His silly little wife tried so hard to flirt with him before they got married, so how come she became so innocent after they got married?

Ma Shushu didn't know how she was pulled into the bathtub. Before she could stand firmly, his soft lips covered hers.

Wrapped in warm water, his arms felt hot. When she was suffocated by his kiss, he would relax a little to let her breathe.


He carried her horizontally out of the water, and the two of them lay wet on the bed. Leng Leng hugged his sweet and soft wife with rare affection.

Ma Shushu was so regretful. Why did she dare to marry a hot-blooded general with such great physical strength?

This place is nothing like the general's residence. Ma Shushu held onto the shaking bed rail with one hand, fearing that the people next door would hear the noise. But before the bed rail shook a few times, she suddenly felt a lightness beneath her body.

There was a loud "bang!!!"

The bed.

The two of them fell to the ground.

The cold face turned dark in an instant.

He immediately checked her condition:

"Are you hurt?"

Ma Shushu shook her head.

Fortunately, the mattress is thick enough this winter.

Fortunately, she and Qin Wan were not in the same inn...

Taishe is dead.

"What kind of a shitty bed is this?!"

Leng Leng put on his clothes, covered her with a blanket, and went downstairs angrily to find the innkeeper.

Later, the waiter changed their room, but he had to pay two hundred taels for the bed.

This was obviously blackmail, but the shopkeeper recognized him.

"Hey, isn't this General Leng? General Leng is wise and brave, but please don't make things difficult for our small business. If we break something, we have to pay for it."

Fearing that his boss would make the matter public and he would be ridiculed, Leng Leng finally decided to spend money to avoid disaster, but he still lost money.

The second day.

He met with Jiang Beiyu and told him what happened yesterday.

Jiang Beiyu already knew that he had reported to the police yesterday, and he also told him what "Ying Sanqian" had found out and his arrangements.


Leng Lie was surprised: "You want me to go and recruit Qingfengtang?"

Jiang Beiyu glanced at him and said, "I know that General Leng just got married and is on vacation now. Don't worry, General Leng, if the recruitment is successful, I will give you the vacation time."

Leng Lie understood what the emperor meant.

He cannot disobey the order, and will only be given compensatory leave if he succeeds. Does that mean he must succeed?

"I accept your order."

Jiang Beiyu looked at him with deep eyes, full of trust and expectation: "I will leave this matter to you."

Qingfeng Hall is located in the north of Songzhou. It is said that there are more than one hundred people in the hall, half of whom are former bandits and the other half are common people who joined later.

These people are all bandits now. It is easy for him to lead his troops to wipe them out, but it is difficult to recruit them.

After settling Ma Shushu in the inn, Leng Lie led a team of elite guards summoned from the capital to Qingfengtang.

On the way here, he also got some basic understanding of Qingfeng Hall. What shocked him most was that the head of Qingfeng Hall was a woman named Ye Wei.

Ye Wei knew about this matter since Leng Leng made a scene in court yesterday. It was Cao Wangzu who gave her the news, and she was also the one who sent the person to the government, intending to settle the matter peacefully. She did not expect that the other party intended to investigate the matter thoroughly.

This was considered unlucky, and she repeatedly warned everyone to keep their eyes open and not to provoke officials, even if they were from other places.

The man who accidentally stole Leng Leng's wallet yesterday looked innocent and said:

"Master, I have been observing for a long time. That person was eating noodles with his sleeves covering his face, just like a silly roe deer. I just thought he was an unlucky kid from some landlord's house. Who could have seen that he was actually the legendary General Leng who was so powerful and decisive in killing people?"

Ye Wei didn't believe it at all. She had also heard of Leng Leng's reputation. It was said that this person had a rebellious and cold personality and an extraordinary demeanor. He would never be like what that person described. Perhaps he was afraid that she would punish him and so he lied.

Anyway, no matter what, Qingfengtang is in trouble this time, but she is not afraid.

When the enemy comes, we will fight him; when the water comes, we will block it with earth. Ye Wei is waiting!

At this time, a brother came running over.

"Master! General Leng is leading his men to attack us!"

She didn't even frown: "How much did you bring?"

"There are only a dozen or so I've seen so far."

"Don't take it lightly, block Qingfeng Hall and be ready to fight at any time!"


Leng Leng rushed to the gate of Qingfeng Hall and saw the door was tightly closed.

Qingfengtang used to be a mountain stronghold, and it knew how to defend itself. There was a door shield with thorns in front of the gate, and horses could not pass through at all.

However, he brought with him Cao Wangzu, the magistrate of Songzhou County.

Cao Wangzu dismounted and shouted inside:

"Master Ye! General Leng is here to recruit you! He will not attack Qingfeng Hall! As long as you can wash your hands of evil and submit to the imperial court, all this can be forgiven! Everyone can receive a monthly salary after being recruited."

"Can you please open the door?"

There was no movement inside.

Cao Wangzu could only continue to shout: "Master Ye! If you don't cooperate, General Leng will have to follow the court's laws and destroy Qingfeng Hall. When the time comes, everyone will go to jail!"

Lord Cao's voice was heard inside, and everyone in the hall heard it. Ye Wei was sitting on the armchair in the main hall of Qingfeng Hall, holding a handful of pumpkin seeds in her hand and cracking them in a casual manner.

(Next chapter August 12, 18:00)

Chapter 80 If you are not afraid of her death, then come in

Everyone heard this sentence, and Ye Wei was sitting on the armchair in the main hall of Qingfeng Hall, holding a handful of pumpkin seeds in her hand and cracking them in a casual manner.

"Recruitment? Why do they always like to use this trick? It's worse than being in jail than being a slave to him. They call it recruitment, and the beads on the abacus are really noisy."

The deputy hall master Ye Wen'an asked respectfully, "Keren is outside now, how do you plan to deal with it?"

Ye Wei was cracking melon seeds:

"Let's drag him first and make him squat outside. Isn't his newly married little wife in the inn we built? Tie her up."

Ye Wenan was surprised.

"As long as his little wife is in our hands, Leng Leng will let us do whatever we want."

A bright light flashed across the corners of Ye Wei's eyes: "I'll just see if he has the guts to tie me up if I don't surrender."

the other side.

Ma Shushu was sitting alone in the inn.

Such an embarrassing thing happened last night. I had originally planned to change inn today, but Leng Lie went to see the emperor early in the morning and was assigned an errand, so I didn't change for the time being.

She was planning to go to the inn on the next street to find Qin Wan, but unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door.


"it's me."

Outside the door was the waiter, holding tea and snacks.

She opened the door.

The waiter said, "I'm really sorry for what happened last night. Here are some tea and snacks sent to you by our shopkeeper to express our apologies."

Ma Shushu took the tray and the waiter left.

"That's more like it."

Ma Shushu thought to herself as she placed the snacks on the table. They were a few pieces of fresh meat crispy cakes, similar to the modern Su-style fresh meat mooncakes, baked to a fragrant taste.

She picked up a piece and was about to taste it when she suddenly remembered that Leng Leng came up to complain last night and they made him pay two hundred taels of silver.

The inn clearly thought it was his fault and made him pay for it, so why did they change their attitude today and bring snacks to apologize to her?

Feeling something was wrong, she put the biscuit down again.

Little did she know that at this moment, a hand poked open the window paper and a pair of eyes were secretly looking at her inside.

Seeing her pick it up and put it down, the people outside the window were a little disappointed.

She had been from a wealthy family since she was a child. She had eaten all kinds of delicacies from land and sea. She didn't need these cakes at all, so she just put them aside.

She just wanted to wait for Leng Lie to come back.

The shopkeeper downstairs was from Qingfengtang. Seeing that his plan had failed, he had to find another way.

Ma Shushu decided not to go out for the time being. Firstly, she was unfamiliar with the place, and secondly, there were bandits lurking there, making it somewhat dangerous.

But the kettle in her room was empty, so she had to carry the kettle downstairs to get some water.

When she went downstairs carrying the pot, for some reason, she felt that two waiters were looking at her and whispering.

Instinctively sensing something was wrong, she immediately ran out the door.

Seeing this, several people quickly rushed out of the store:

"Catch her!"

Ma Shushu is good at parkour, and no one can outrun her in serious running. But she still loses because she doesn't know how to do light work.

When passing through an alley, a shadow somersaulted over her head and blocked her way. Then, four or five people chased after her.

Sensing that the visitor was not friendly, she looked alert.

Several people surrounded her.

the other side.

He had been waiting outside Qingfeng Hall for two hours. Seeing that the other party still had no intention of opening the door to negotiate with him, he finally gave the order: "Attack."

If they don't surrender, we will fight until they do.

Another army of several hundred men had gathered behind him, and at a command, they surrounded Qingfengzhai.

At this time, another person hurried over and said, "General! It's bad! Madam has been captured by the Qingfeng Hall!"


At this time, Leng Lie unexpectedly looked at Qingfeng Hall again with the door closed in front of him.


At this moment, he felt extremely angry!

At this time, a voice came from the door: "Leng Leng, your newlywed wife is in my hands now. If you are not afraid of her death, just come in."

(Next chapter August 13, 18:00)
