
Chapter 131 This is the first active kiss from Wanwan (*/ω\*)

"Hey, Mr. Qin, what brings you here?"

In the past, she couldn't be invited. Whoever has a new film wants to invite her to come and watch it. The eldest lady has spare money and resources, and she might invest if she is in a good mood.

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Of course it's the Dongfeng from Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Xianfeng took the opportunity to make an invitation gesture and said enthusiastically: "Come, come here and take a look at these children."

Qin Wan sent a message to Jiang Beiyu:

"Go back to the hotel first, I'll come find you later."

She sat between the director and producer and watched everyone audition.

There was a script in front of her, and she casually flipped through it. The actors auditioning on the stage performed one after another, and several of them were also competing for the role of Jiang Beiyu. Overall, she felt that Jiang Beiyu performed the best.

After a round, Jiang Xianfeng asked with a smile: "Who do you think performed well, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Wan said calmly: "I am just an outsider. My opinion is not important. I am here just to watch the fun. You decide."

Next, a few people in the front row discussed in whispers.

At this time, the screenwriter beside him lowered his voice and said to the assistant director: "I think No. 33 plays the role of the emperor best. What a pity."

Number 33 seemed to be Jiang Beiyu's license plate. She glanced at the information card on the screenwriter's desk, and the person on it was Jiang Beiyu.

So she asked, "Oh? Why is it a pity?"

The screenwriter lowered his voice and said, "This role has already been decided, and the others were just invited to join the running."

She was startled, but her face remained calm, and she even smiled and asked:

"What's the origin of this internal appointment?"

The assistant director said, "It seems he is the boyfriend of an investor's daughter. That guy invested 10 million."

She sneered: "Only 10 million?"

When Qin Wan returned to Jiang Beiyu Hotel, he had already packed his luggage. He took a shower, blew dry his hair, shaved his chin, and changed into a clean white shirt, looking refreshed.

He followed what Ma Shushu had arranged for him last time and even sprayed some men's perfume, then waited for her to come.

Leng Lie went to the Jewelry City again in the afternoon.

In order to avoid being cheated last time, he deliberately changed his stall.

It was the same routine as last time. He pretended to come to the stall to buy something else, deliberately showing the jade ring on his hand, staring at the counter, and moving the ring on his finger from time to time, looking nonchalant.

This time the stall owner's gaze was even more direct than last time.

The stall owner said: "This is a good thing in your hand!"

Leng Leng smiled and said calmly: "I received it. I just bought it last month."

The stall owner asked curiously, "How much do you charge?"

Leng Lie said, "Not much, one hundred and fifty."

The stall owner took a breath and said, "Good boy, Duo Shao?"

Fearing that the stall owner would mistake it for 150 yuan, Leng Leng added: "One million and a half thousand, what's wrong?"

The stall owner said: "You are getting a great bargain!"

Leng Leng vomited blood instantly.

Because the quality of the previous index was similar to this one, he sold it for 1.5 million. He also bargained with the boss and asked for a little more, but he still got cheated?

The boss said: "If you take this abroad, you will get at least this amount."

He held up five fingers.

"But this thing is not easy to get out of the country. If you look for a buyer in China, selling it for 300 yuan won't be a problem. How about this, you said you bought it last month, how about selling it to me for 2 million? You get 500,000 yuan for free, but I still have to find a buyer."

Leng Lie turned the ring: "Two hundred and fifty."

The boss said, "How can you say 250? It's an insult and unlucky!"

Leng Leng said, "It's just two hundred and fifty. I have other things on hand. If you want it, take it. If you don't want it, I'm too lazy to sell it. I don't mind the five hundred thousand."

The boss was determined: "Sell it!"

I used the same method to go around several floors of the jewelry city and sold three, leaving a few in my purse.

He immediately went to the car dealership to pay off the car, and still had a lot left. According to the prices here, this money could allow ordinary people to live in seclusion for three lifetimes.

It's great to be rich! In the future, I can live broadcast Buddha, do more trading, and bring some of the treasures that he had collected before from the General's Mansion, which are in better condition, and then I can buy a big villa here.

But there is no need, anyway, Shushu lives alone in this house, and she is used to it. Buying too much is a waste, unlike the emperor, who has to buy a wedding house to marry Wanwan...


When Qin Wan came again, it was already an hour and a half after they separated. When the doorbell rang, he ran from the sofa to open the door for him like a happy dog.

Qin Wan said, "I just saw an acquaintance. Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Jiang Beiyu said, "No hurry. We can have dinner together at this time. The western restaurant next to this hotel is good. I'll take you there."

It was already dusk when they left the hotel. In the twilight, he took her to the restaurant where he had eaten pasta last time and ordered pasta and steak for her.

He looked very happy, and said in high spirits: "When I get this role, finish filming, and make some money, I will take Wanwan to eat something even better."

Qin Wan looked at him calmly: "Are you sure you can get this role?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I practiced this scene for a long time in my room last night. This character happens to be an emperor. No one knows how to play an emperor better than me, the real emperor. Who else can do it?"

Then he said confidently: "Besides, I can read people's expressions. After the audition, I saw the expressions of those people. I didn't perform poorly. I saw that they were all immersed in the role."

Qin Wan took a deep breath.

He knows how to read people's expressions, but he doesn't understand the modern entertainment industry.

She asked calmly, "Do you really like this role?"

He said: "I don't like it. I am the king of a country. How can I be willing to be an actor? But I have nothing in this time and space. I must follow the rules of survival here. I want to marry Wanwan!

If I get this role, I can make more money, and I will be one step closer to marrying Wanwan."

Qin Wan's heart was touched again.

She changed the subject.

"Today, General Leng and I submitted the evidence to the Forensic Institute. We will have the results in about seven working days."

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

"Then we'll go back when the results come out."


After dinner, Qin Wan drove him back home.

Jiang Beiyu refunded the high-speed rail ticket he had bought earlier.

After returning home, Qin Wan walked to the terrace, holding a glass of iced lemonade with brandy in his hand, and made a phone call.

She called Jiang Xianfeng.


The call was connected, and before he could speak, she said, "I will invest 300 million yuan and let No. 33 play the role."

Jiang Xianfeng was stunned, and then suddenly delighted.

"I didn't expect this play to be favored by Miss Qin. Can I gossip about the relationship between No. 33 and Miss Qin?"

Not wanting others to misunderstand that Jiang Beiyu relied on her to get to the top, Qin Wan said calmly:

"No, I just happened to see his performance today and thought he was a promising talent. I just admire him. Three hundred million is just the money to shine my shoes to me."

"Okay, okay, got it. Don't worry, I'll make the arrangements. Thank you for your support, Mr. Qin."

Qin Wan said "hmm" lightly, then hung up the phone and notified Special Assistant Jian to transfer the money.

Jiang Beiyu and General Leng ran away at night, so they didn't know about the call.

After Qin Wan finished her phone call, she put on a facial mask and continued to work.

I haven't been to the company all day, so I have some work piled up, so I'll deal with it in the evening.

The little puppy came back and took a shower, but without her consent to sleep on the bed, he continued to sleep on the sofa.

Early the next morning, Jiang Beiyu received a call and said in surprise: "Wanwan! I passed the audition!"

"I know I can do it, I definitely can do it!"

Qin Wan smiled faintly: "Act well."

Jiang Beiyu accepted the script, and the role of the third male lead was neither too much nor too little, so he did not go to the company to live broadcast. He stayed at home reading the script, and broadcast for two to three hours every day when he was free.

When you have free time, review the questions from Subject 1.

He has signed up for the first part of the test, which will start in three days.

She had kept the fact that she had applied for a driver's license a secret from Wanwan, as she wanted to give her a surprise.

On that day, he got up early, took a taxi, and showed up at the examination hall early.

The exam is computer-operated, which is different from answering questions on a mobile phone, and requires the use of mouse clicks.

Except for being a little confused about the operation at the beginning, I gradually adapted to it. The 100 questions were all familiar ones that I had practiced in daily life. I concentrated and solved them one by one.

In the end, he finished the exam in less than twenty minutes and was the first to walk out of the examination room.

The results for Subject 1 were known on the spot, but he didn't look at it. In the end, he received an instant printed transcript in a small house outside the examination room.

The final score: 100!

Subject one, passed!

Jiang Beiyu was filled with joy and he carefully folded the report card and put it in his bag.

When I came back, Wanwan was still sleeping upstairs.

At 8:50 in the morning, he decided to make her breakfast.

Wanwan's breakfast is usually simple, usually toast, fried eggs and a glass of milk.

He had already poured the milk and put it in the microwave. He took the eggs out of the refrigerator, put them in the pot, turned on the fire, and while the pot was hot, he cracked the eggs into the pot.

Wait, did I forget something?

He looked at the oil bottle in the seasoning area thoughtfully.

It shouldn't matter if it's put later.

He poured in the oil, and crackling sounds began to be heard in the pan, with oil splashing everywhere.

He hurriedly used a spatula to scoop up the egg, but later found that the egg and the iron pan suddenly became "brothers" and fit tightly together. He tried his best to scoop up the egg but failed. Finally, he got angry and bought the egg at the bottom frantically. The true face under the egg was revealed, which was darker than Bao Gong's face.

Jiang Beiyu: ???

It's okay, failure is the mother of success, make a mistake and move on.

It threw the remaining egg into the trash can, poured out the oil in the pan, and continued.

This time, he remembered to add the oil first.

Wait until the oil pan is hot, then crack the eggs... I'll crack them.

The round egg slipped and rolled directly into the oil pan.

Jiang Beiyu: ???

No, is this appropriate?

He stared at the egg: "I order you to come out!"

The egg remained indifferent, and even many oil bubbles appeared around it in disdain.

He finally had to use a shovel to scoop it out, once, twice.


When he was about to fish it out, it fell into the boiling oil pan again, and oil splashed everywhere, splashing all over his hand.

A big blister formed on the back of his hand, and it was extremely painful. At that moment, he seemed to see his grandmother.



Cooking is so difficult. I originally wanted to give Wanwan a surprise.

But is he the kind of person who gives up so easily?

Jiang Beiyu prepared three fried eggs and took out the third one from the refrigerator.

There was another series of loud ding-dong sounds, and Qin Wan woke up from his sleep. He went downstairs in his pajamas, wondering if there was a thief in the house.

When he came down, he saw Jiang Beiyu standing in front of the stove, covered in dust.

There was a burning smoke coming out of the pot.

Qin Wan was confused: "You want to tear down my kitchen?"

At this time, Jiang Beiyu came out from behind and brought out a barely acceptable fried egg...

Jiang Beiyu said aggrievedly: "I wanted to make breakfast for Wanwan. How could I know..."

Qin Wan saw the fried egg in his hand, and also saw the red blisters on his hand caused by the oil.

She turned off the fire, put the plate aside, and took his wrist: "Come up."

She took him upstairs and first washed his hands under water. When the water and hand sanitizer touched the wound, he couldn't help but let out a hiss.

After washing, she helped him dry his hands carefully, applied burn medicine with a cotton swab, and then put on a Band-Aid.

She said, "Try not to let your hand touch water today."

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

"I'm so useless. I can't even fry an egg."

Qin Wan said: "Your Majesty is the ruler of a country. He controls life and death. He doesn't need to understand such trivial matters when governing the country."

He said: "But I want to take better care of Wanwan... In Jiang State, I am the king, but here, I am just an ordinary husband."

When he spoke, he lowered his head like a puppy, which made people feel pity for him. Qin Wan couldn't bear to listen any more, so he kissed him on the lips, silencing his words.

"Okay, I got it. I'll go downstairs now to taste your fried eggs. I'll go to the company later."

Jiang Beiyu froze completely as if his acupoints had been pressed.

This was the first active kiss from Wanwan.

Although it was only a brief touch, it was her initiative and came from the heart!

He pursed his lips, recalling the touch just now. The little man in his heart jumped for joy, as if a jar of honey had been overturned, and the sweet water spread all over his limbs!

However, Qin Wan in front of him was no longer there.

He also hurried downstairs and brought out the hot milk from the microwave, a fried egg, and a cup of milk. This was a simple breakfast and also the first breakfast he made for her.

Qin Wan got up after eating and prepared to go to work. Jiang Beiyu took out the transcript of Subject 1 from his bag.

"Wanwan, I have a surprise for you, look."

He handed her the report card, narrowed his beautiful eyes, and raised his chin, like a child waiting for praise.

Qin Wan glanced at it and smiled, "Not bad. You are worthy of it. There are still three more. Keep it up."

Then, Qin Wan took something out of her bag: "I have a surprise too..."

(Next chapter October 1, 18:00)

Chapter 132 Concubine Leng passed away!

Then, Qin Wan took something out of her bag: "I have a surprise too..."

Jiang Beiyu took a look and saw a shiny car key.

He recognized it at once: "Ferrari?"

Having been here twice, and since General Leng bought a car last time, he has also paid attention to the luxury car brands here. Looking at the car key, surprise appeared in his eyes.

Qin Wan said: "When you get your driver's license, this car will be given to you as a reward."

After the show, Qin Wan put the car keys in his pocket.

"Okay, I'm going to the company. You're at home alone reading the script. Be good."

After saying that, she rubbed his head and left.

Jiang Beiyu originally wanted to show off to General Leng, but he held back.

Leng Lie doesn't know yet that he is going to take the driving test. It would be bad if he knew and he also signed up for the test and got the license before him.

He must get his driver's license before General Leng!

General Leng has not gone to the company with Ma Shushu these days.

Because of the last time, Ma Shushu posted the wedding video before she left.

The video went viral the day they came back, and has continued to ferment over the past few days.

Because of this incident, the number of fans of General Leng's live broadcast account has almost exceeded one million. Everyone came to eat melons and wanted to know whether the wedding photo of him and Ma Shushu was a fake one.

Whenever he starts live streaming, people would come up to ask, so the popularity of his live streaming room remains high, with at least hundreds of thousands of people online in real time every day.

Some fans respected and sent their blessings, some thought it was just an ordinary business advertisement, and some thought it was a hype.

General Leng was very cunning and deliberately avoided the question.

Jiang Beiyu put the previously recorded video of his court session on the platform as a live broadcast.

Due to the realistic scenes, exquisite costumes, and the true and natural dialogues with ancient charm, the number of viewers has snowballed.

The comments section was also very lively:

【Wow, this is a big production! 】

[What is this about? A TV series? A live broadcast imitating the ancients going to court? ]


【666. A few hundred thousand fans do the work of ten million fans.】

Someone even recognized General Leng among the ministers: [Isn't that General Leng from next door? ]

【General Leng.】

[It must be fake. General Leng is live streaming next door.]

Jiang Beiyu saw the comment section and called Leng Leng to ask him to go off the air, and Leng Leng did so.

The number of viewers increased from tens of thousands to one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, and then to five hundred thousand.

The affairs discussed in the ancient morning court were complicated. He recorded for a full two hours from Chenshi to Sishi. During this time, he did not say a word. However, he received constant gifts and his number of fans increased.

Two hours after the live broadcast ended, he checked the backstage and saw that there were more than 100,000 tips and his fans exceeded 200,000.

It seems that everyone likes to watch the morning court. Jiang Beiyu is thinking about recording a few more episodes after returning.

In order to continue to increase his followers, he used the same routine as before and cooperated with Ma Shushu, asking her to help find a few marketing accounts to capture the content of his live broadcast and make it into short videos for further promotion.

Evening is the prime time for live streaming. After taking a shower and wearing a bathrobe, he just turned on the live streaming when he received a cold PK invitation.

When he clicked on it, his and General Leng's live broadcasts appeared side by side on his phone.

The two men took off their wigs, revealing long hair, tied up like the men in period dramas. This scene alone was very curious.

The identities of the two men were one emperor and one general, so Leng Leng saluted him as soon as they met: "Your Highness, I, Leng Leng, pay my respects to the Emperor."

Jiang Beiyu was calm and natural, holding a book in his hand nonchalantly: "No need to be polite. Why did General Leng involve me?"

Leng Leng said: "Many fans saw me in the Emperor's live broadcast today and came to me. I want to clarify with everyone that the person in the picture is indeed me, and the person in front of you is my Emperor."

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm" lightly.

"I think General Leng wants to challenge me."

Leng Lie said quickly: "I dare not!"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Then step back."

"I'll take my leave."

Then, Leng Leng respectfully exited the PK screen.

Netizens were shocked.

Dream linkage?

General Leng and the Emperor are actually from the same dynasty, and they are the emperor and his subject?

The script became more and more interesting.

Next, the internet celebrities who played ancient roles signed by Qin Chuan also joined in and took on the roles. They recognized Jiang Beiyu as the emperor and Leng Leng as the general. They went to court together every day, with several people connected online at the same time, making it lively and bustling.

the other side.

Seven working days finally passed, and Qin Wan received a call from the Forensic Identification Center.

"Hello, Miss Qin. The application materials you submitted last week have been appraised and the results are out. If it's convenient, come and get them."

"OK, thanks."

That afternoon, Qin Wan took Jiang Beiyu and Leng Lie to the Forensic Identification Center.

The staff received them in a conference room and handed them the report of the identification results.

"After our identification, we found that the fingerprints found on the mallet were from at least three people. They were rather messy, but after our professional processing, they have been extracted and peeled off separately.

No fingerprints from Mr. Rube were found on the evidence, but one of the fingerprints was highly consistent with the fingerprint submitted from Mr. Qi Yunxuan. "

Qin Wan was shocked. As expected, he turned around and looked at Jiang Beiyu.

The staff member smiled and handed a burned CD to Qin Wan:

"According to your request, we have recorded the identification process and results in a video, which contains detailed fingerprint comparison footage. Please check it out."

"Thank you. You've worked hard."

Qin Wan took the CD and information, put them in her bag, and left the appraisal center with Jiang Beiyu and Leng Lie.

Everyone was in a heavy mood.

This is the result that no one wants to see.

Leng Leng asked, "Is the Prime Minister's Mansion really colluding with the Northern Kingdom?"

Qin Wan was thoughtful: "We are the only ones who know about this matter. At present, this evidence can prove that Qi Yunxuan, the son of the Prime Minister's Mansion, committed murder, but it is not enough to implicate the entire Prime Minister's Mansion.

Qi Yunxuan could say that it was him who had conspired with Chu Tao to pursue the princess, and that he killed her afterwards because he was afraid that the conspiracy would be exposed.

Leng Leng analyzed: "But, Chu Tao can speak animal language, this is a key point. Last year, she used animal language to lure you to the forbidden forest and let the tigress kill you. What if she connects it to what happened last year?

Last year, you and Qi Yunxuan had never met before, and you had no grudges against each other. He had no motive to kill you, and the person behind it was obviously the prime minister. "

Qin Wan said: "The other party may have another explanation for this matter. As the elder brother of Concubine Qi, he helped his sister win favor, so he killed me. Besides, a year has passed, and the key evidence is gone."

After a pause, she said, "After we go back, we will use this incident to send Qi Yunxuan to prison. We still need to continue looking for evidence of the Prime Minister's collusion with the Northern Kingdom."

He said "hmm" coldly.

After Qin Wan returned, he watched the video on the CD, captured the most critical parts, and saved them in his mobile phone.

The sun was setting, and in order to find out the truth as soon as possible, they decided to return to Jiang State tonight.

Before leaving, Qin Wan remembered to take with him a bunch of snacks he had bought earlier.

Ma Shushu also went to the supermarket with Leng Lie and stocked up on two large bags of supplies.

The four of them gathered in the living room of Qin Wan's house. Qin Wan held the bronze mirror in his hand and opened the passage in the painting.

After a huge white light, several people appeared in Jiang Beiyu's tent.

At this moment, a commotion was heard outside the tent.

"Oh no! There's a fire in Concubine Leng's tent!"

Several palace servants ran around in panic to tell each other.

Qin Wan lifted the tent curtain and found that a raging fire had started in her tent not far away. The entire tent was on fire and flames shot up into the sky.

Outside the tent, several palace servants poured water from basins and buckets into the tent.

But it's just a drop in the bucket.

The fire was so fierce that even though pots of water were poured into it, the fire did not weaken at all. In the eyes of everyone, it slowly burned into a hollow frame and then collapsed into ashes.

Finally, a charred corpse was carried out of the tent.

The palace servants around put down the fire-fighting basins in their hands and cried and wailed.

"Empress Leng has passed away!"

When this news reached Jiang Beiyu's tent, Qin Wan had already changed into the eunuch's clothes and put on the human skin mask.

Jiang Beiyu stood up immediately: "How could this be?"

He followed the palace servants to the outside of Concubine Leng's tent. Qin Wan followed as well and saw that the burnt-out tent was still emitting smoke, and on the ground lay a charred corpse that was beyond recognition.

The tent was surrounded by concubines, palace maids and ministers who came to watch the fun.

"What's going on?" Jiang Beiyu asked in a deep voice.

Little Zhima knelt beside him and cried, "The queen came back from hunting with great success today. She was very happy to have killed a lot of prey and even shared some with us for barbecue in the evening. We also wanted to roast some for the queen, so we lit a bonfire in front of the camp.

The queen ate barbecue and drank some wine, then fell asleep in the tent. She said she felt a little dizzy and wanted to lie down for a while, so she asked me to find the imperial physician.

I went to find the imperial physician, and when I came back, I found the tent was already on fire."

As Little Zhima spoke, she began to cry heartbreakingly.

Qin Wan was also listening nearby, seeming to be thinking about something.

So, it might be a problem with the wine. The wine was poisoned, so the substitute "Cold Concubine" was lying unconscious in the tent. Finally, someone secretly set fire to it.

If the person inside wasn't a substitute, then she was the one who died!

However, the most crucial evidence was also burned to ashes in the account.

Jiang Beiyu asked: "Where did the wine come from?"

Little Zhima said, "The wine is osmanthus wine, given by the princess."

Qin Wan's heart skipped a beat.

Southern song?

No, Nan Ge knew that the person in this tent was a substitute, so even if he wanted to send wine, he would not send it here.

Moreover, even though this substitute knew that the wine was given to her by the princess, she would not drink it rashly!

What's the problem?

"you are lying!"

Jiang Beiyu shouted angrily, "Catch this slave girl for me!"

Qin Wan was shocked, but with his current identity, it was difficult to stop him. He didn't know what Jiang Beiyu was up to.

"Send the princess."

Soon, a palace servant came running over: "Your Majesty, the princess is missing!"

(Turn back, there is one more chapter~)

Chapter 133 I have a way to find the murderer

Soon, a palace servant came running in: "Your Majesty, the princess is missing!"

Qin Wan's expression changed.

How could Nan Ge also be missing? Is she in danger?

Many people watching the fun heard the conversation and had different expressions on their faces.

In these short ten minutes, the criticism was directed at Jiang Nange.

Jiang Beiyu's face darkened: "Why don't you send someone to look for him!"

Jiang Nange's maid Pumpkin was brought over, and Jiang Beiyu asked, "Where is the princess?"

The pumpkin was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said, "In the evening, the princess said she was going to the lake to relax, and she never came back."

Qin Wan secretly sent Leng Ying to check Qi Yunxuan's tent. Tonight, he had been reading peacefully in the tent.

The body of Concubine Leng was temporarily collected. Qin Wan decided not to show up for the time being, to watch the development of the situation secretly, and to hide and look for the murderer.

The palace servants searched by the lake all night and finally found Jiang Nange in a pile of grass by the lake the next day. She was pale, but had no wounds on her body.

She said she went for a walk by the lake last night, wanting to relax by herself, and she fainted while walking. Fortunately, she was not taken away by any wild animals.

The imperial physician diagnosed that it was the sequelae of the snake bite, the venom remaining in her body, because she had just been bitten by a snake a few days ago, her qi was weak, and it was cold at night by the lake. She caught a cold after being blown by the wind, and fainted. She needed to be properly recuperated after returning.

After waking up, Jiang Nange drank a big bowl of hot ginger soup. Jiang Beiyu lifted the curtain and entered her tent.

"You sent Osmanthus wine to Concubine Leng?"

Jiang Nange was stunned for a moment.


She said: "I felt depressed at the time, so I asked someone to go to town to buy two jars of wine, hoping to find my sister-in-law to drink with me. Later, I couldn't find her, so I went to her tent... I knew it wasn't my sister-in-law, but she warmly invited me to eat barbecue, so I left a jar of wine for her to drink. What happened?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "She died. She passed out after drinking last night and a fire broke out in the tent."

Jiang Nange was also incredibly surprised.

"Brother, do you suspect that there is something wrong with the wine I sent?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Whether it's because of the alcohol or not, you are now a suspect."

Qin Wan, wearing eunuch's clothes, walked on the ruins of the burned tent, lowered his head and carefully searched the ruins.

She had never lived in this tent for a single day, and there was nothing of hers inside. She searched for a long time with branches, but found nothing useful except the mess on the ground.

The substitute, Concubine Leng, was a skilled martial artist. If she had really fallen asleep, she would not have been unaware of the fire in the tent.

The fire was so big last night, it must be because someone poured wine in the tent and then set it on fire.

How can I find that person?

As he was frowning and thinking, he looked up and suddenly saw a white figure slowly walking towards him from afar.

It's Concubine Qi.

Silently, she bent down and placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums in front of her tent. With a solemn expression, she stood silently for a while, then turned and left.

Two little eunuchs stood behind her.

She is still under secret house arrest by the emperor, and there are people following her wherever she goes, so Concubine Qi can be ruled out this time.

Unexpectedly, she was the first person to come and pay her respects after her death. Qin Wan felt slightly touched.

Her mind moved, and suddenly she remembered something, so she returned to Jiang Beiyu's tent.

"I've thought of a way that might help me find the murderer."

Jiang Beiyu asked curiously: "What method?"

(Next chapter October 2, 18:00)

Chapter 134: Concubine Leng's coffin lid can no longer be held down! .

Jiang Beiyu asked curiously: "What method?"

Qin Wan leaned over and whispered in his ear for a while, and Jiang Beiyu's expression slowly changed.

After Concubine Leng passed away, Jiang Beiyu banned hunting for three days. He and General Leng both looked extremely sad. They stayed at home and rarely went out.

Several concubines lowered the curtains and gathered together to party.

"That woman, she is finally dead, hahahaha. God has eyes, letting her be burned to death in the tent." The person who spoke was Shupin.

Concubine Xuan also showed a look of delight.

"You deserve it! It's true that people who are mean will be punished by heaven. Don't be too cocky."

Noble Lady Liu, Concubine Wan, and several imperial concubines looked at each other, all with expressions of gloating.

At this time, Concubine Zhang spoke slowly: "Do you really think that Concubine Leng's death was an accident?"

There was a sneer on her lips, and she looked unfathomable.

Concubine Mu was curious: "Could it really be the princess? Aren't they on good terms?"

Zhang Fei said: "I don't know who it is, just wait and see."

Outside the tent, a young eunuch secretly listened to the conversation between the ladies in the tent.

Not long after, Shupin's personal maid Xiao Subing suddenly came running over:

"Your Majesty, the latest news is that the Emperor found a Mongolian witch doctor from somewhere, who claims that he can bring the dead back to life!"

After these words came out, all the concubines looked at each other:

"Ah? It's burned to charcoal, but it can be resurrected?"

This news was undoubtedly shocking, and no one believed it until they saw an altar set up in the center of the tent.

The coffin of Concubine Leng was placed in the center of the altar, surrounded by flowers. Several witch doctors dressed like priests were around the altar, chanting something.

They scattered a handful of talisman paper on the altar. It is said that if the front of the talisman paper is facing up, it means a normal death, and if the back of the talisman paper is facing up, it means death by murder.

After the talisman papers were scattered, all of them were facing up. The witch doctor reported to Jiang Beiyu:

"Your Majesty, the talisman paper has fallen, with the back facing up. The Queen has been wronged!"

Jiang Beiyu issued an order, asking everyone to drop a drop of blood into the vessel in front of the altar in front of Concubine Leng's coffin.

It is said that by collecting the "blood from the fingertips of a thousand people" and using this method, the soul of Concubine Leng can return on the seventh day and find the murderer who murdered her.

Everyone stood in front of the altar. Jiang Beiyu looked solemn. He was the first to cut his finger with a knife and drip blood into the vessel.

The vessel was a transparent cylinder with water in it. A drop of bright red blood fell and danced in the water like a red butterfly.

Leng Leng followed closely behind and dripped blood into the vessel.

Next came the concubines in each palace, then the ministers, their relatives, and finally the palace maids.

Everyone lined up and dripped the blood from their fingertips into the container one by one. The emperor's personal eunuch, Eunuch Xi, stood by and supervised everyone.

Finally, the water in the transparent container turned visibly blood red.

The priest covered it with a black handkerchief, placed a yellow seal on top of it, and continued to jump around and mutter to himself.

Everyone treated this matter as a joke, as if it was just the emperor's obsession.

It was not until midnight that the song of "Lost Rivers" was sung from the altar.

The sound of the vast grassland, along with the wild wind blowing outside the tent, reached my eardrums and was particularly creepy.

Someone passed by the altar and saw the moment the wind blew up the cloth covering the blood vessel, Leng Fei's pale face was faintly revealed!

The altar took three days to set up, and "Lost Rivers" was played for three nights.

In addition, late at night, you can hear the sound of pushing the coffin of Concubine Leng on the altar. The lid of Concubine Leng's coffin is almost unable to be held down!

"Lost Rivers" is a piece of music carefully selected by Qin Wan.

For this purpose, she went back to the modern era alone, quickly bought a speaker, and hid it under the altar.

The ancients were more superstitious and believed in ghosts and gods than modern people, and the effect is obvious.

In broad daylight, there was no one in the camp. Everyone huddled in their tents, not daring to come out.

Finally, on the night of the sixth day, a black masked figure appeared outside the altar and tried to knock over the vessel containing blood, but was caught by the lurking guards.

Gather the blood of a thousand people from their fingertips, and after seven days, the witch doctor can revive the dead. The solution is to break the vessel that holds the blood.

This person was eager to smash the utensils to prevent Concubine Leng from coming back to life. It was obvious that he was the one who murdered Concubine Leng in the first place.

Several guards stepped forward and took off the man's mask, and he turned out to be a Mongolian!

The same approach as last year, in order to prevent their people from being caught and exposed, they bribed the Mongolians to do the work!

Seeing that the man was about to bite the poison hidden in his teeth to commit suicide, An Wushang was quick-witted and pressed the man's acupoint.

"Your Majesty, the person has been captured."

He went to Jiang Beiyu's tent to report.

Jiang Beiyu put down the book in his hand and sat up straight.

He said cautiously: "He is a Mongolian..."

Jiang Beiyu was a little surprised, but he also felt that everything was within his expectations.

It is still a bit difficult to make the old fox really show his tail.

An Wushang continued, "That person refused to confess who ordered him to do this, but he has been controlled by us and cannot die."

Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "Well, continue the trial."

On the other side, Meng Khan heard the news and hurried over.

This year he has to take the blame again and he is very nervous.

After all, he had a feud with Concubine Leng last year, so it was difficult to get out of this situation.

"Your Majesty, the cold concubine passed away unexpectedly. This Khan feels deeply sorry and mourns, but the death of the concubine has nothing to do with this Khan!"

Jiang Beiyu looked calm:

"Don't worry, I won't doubt the Khan just because the person who was ordered by someone is a Mongolian. Tomorrow, the spirit of Concubine Leng will return and personally identify the murderer."

Meng Khan looked surprised: "Can the queen's spirit really come back?"

The second day.

On the altar, several witch doctors began to chant spells again.

In the camp, everyone was afraid and curious. They quietly leaned out of their tents and looked towards the altar over there.

From day to night, several witch doctors chanted spells all day long, and watched helplessly as the blood in the transparent container suddenly formed a vortex along with the spells!

That night, Jiang Beiyu ordered everyone to stand in front of the altar.

Tonight is the seventh day after Concubine Leng's death. At midnight, Concubine Leng will come back to life and personally identify the murderer.

Everyone stood in front of the altar as instructed, feeling nervous, excited, and afraid.

The concubines stood at the front, followed by the civil and military officials, and then the officials' families and palace maids.

Nearing midnight, a cold wind blew up from the ground, and the sound of "Lost Rivers" rang out again. Everyone shrank subconsciously, huddled together, and took a step back. Suddenly, they heard "creaking" and "creaking" sounds, and the sounds actually came from the coffin on the altar.


Several concubines screamed and huddled together.

The weather was very favorable. Suddenly there was thunder, and several flashes of lightning appeared in the sky. Then it started to rain.

Everyone retreated in fear and tried to flee. In the wind and rain, Eunuch Xi shouted, "Don't leave! Anyone who dares to leave will be treated as a murderer!"

Only then did the concubines calm down.

The "creaking" and "creaking" sounds became louder and louder, and suddenly there was a "click" and the coffin lid that had been nailed was suddenly pushed open. At this time, a person sat up upright from the coffin.


A flash of lightning in the sky just illuminated the pale face.

In the rain, a woman with disheveled hair staggered out of the coffin like a zombie, with her eyes staring straight ahead. The woman in white looked exactly like Leng Fei!

The cold concubine had a pale face and staring eyes as she slowly walked towards the crowd.


The concubines couldn't remember how many times they screamed. They were drenched in the rain, wanting to escape but unable to leave. The timid ones were already scared to pee their pants.

Qin Wan was like a zombie, his head moving stiffly and slowly in an extremely unnatural position, his eyes carefully scanning the faces of each concubine, and his hoarse voice rang out:

"No, retreat."

The concubines standing in the first row felt relieved and scattered like birds and beasts.

The minister stood in the second row, staring straight at her face with hawk-like eyes.

Qin Wan continued to move forward stiffly like a zombie, walking past the ministers until he was less than three feet away from the prime minister. He slowly met his gaze with his:

"The one who killed me is..."


Just as she was about to say the name, a hidden arrow stabbed at her from the dark.


Jiang Beiyu's heart was in her throat, but luckily she turned her head and avoided it.


The prime minister suddenly drew his sword and was about to stab her, but Leng Ying rushed forward and quickly blocked the sword.

There was a commotion around. Everyone dispersed, and a group of guards stepped forward to capture the prime minister. The prime minister's secret guards also came out from the dark, and the two sides fought each other.

An Wushang went to capture the person who shot the arrow, while Leng Ying escorted Qin Wan to retreat.

Jiang Beiyu stood on a high ground and took in all of this.

In the end, the prime minister and his entourage were captured and imprisoned in the Sky Prison.

On the second day, Qin Wan changed back to his usual attire and returned to his tent.

When everyone saw her, they backed away as if they had seen a ghost.

If I tell this story to a ghost, I'm afraid even the ghost won't believe it:

On the seventh day after her death, Concubine Leng was brought back to life by the Emperor using witchcraft.

And the Prime Minister was accused of murder by the Cold Concubine herself on the seventh day after her death and was imprisoned by the Emperor?

Qin Wan returned to her tent, and Xiong Ba jumped up and down around her with joy.

Little Sesame, Little Longan and Little Peanut looked at her, standing far away and watching her, very happy but not daring to get close.

Qin Wan sat down in the tent and said, "I'm thirsty. Why don't you come over and serve me some tea?"

Little Sesame's eyes were red: "My queen, are you really our queen?"

Qin Wan said unhappily: "I'm not, then who are you?"

Hearing this familiar tone, Xiao Zhima knew that she was the one who did not run away: "My Queen, we have cried our tears dry, how come you are resurrected again?"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Then I'll go die again?"

"don't want!"

Little Zhima wiped her tears and went to make tea. Little Guiyuan and Little Huasheng also quietly ran to her side, looked at her, and waved their hands in front of her.

Qin Wan smiled and turned to look at them: "You guys are very free today, have you seen enough?"


Several concubines who were watching the show gathered together again:

Lady Liu said, "Damn it! I had a nightmare all night last night! Did that woman really come back to life after she climbed out of the coffin?"

Speaking of this, everyone took a deep breath again.

Wanpin said: "I saw Concubine Leng from a distance this morning, and I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat!"

Shupin said, "It's so scary! It's just like that. Even if it's burned to charcoal, it can be resurrected. Isn't this a pure evil?"

Concubine Xuan gnashed her teeth and said, "He can't even die. He is indeed a scourge that has plagued the world for thousands of years!"

Concubine Mu looked at Concubine Zhang, who was drinking tea calmly, with curiosity: "Was Concubine Leng really killed by the Prime Minister? Why did the Prime Minister kill her?"

The surroundings suddenly became quiet and everyone looked at Concubine Zhang.

Zhang Fei picked up the tea and was about to drink it when she found a pair of eyes staring at her. She said angrily: "Why are you looking at me? How would I know?"

Lady Liu said, "If it really is the prime minister, then that person will be in trouble, right?"

"That person", everyone naturally knows who he is talking about.

The Prime Minister's daughter, Concubine Qi, is independent and always keeps to herself, never staying with them.

Lu Xuan once wanted to get along well with her, but she eventually gave up because she was too cold.

"There is no such thing as resurrection from the dead. It's just that a poor substitute died." After drinking her tea, Zhang Fei suddenly said sarcastically, "Only you will take it seriously!"

Everyone was curious: "A substitute?"

"Moreover, the emperor must have had a premonition that the prime minister would take action against Concubine Leng, and he arranged a substitute early on. Before Concubine Leng was killed, Concubine Qi had already been secretly placed under house arrest by the emperor. Don't you find it strange?"

After hearing this, Wanpin also said, "Yes, in the following few times, Concubine Qi did not participate in the autumn hunt. I passed by Concubine Qi's tent several times and found someone guarding outside. I didn't think much about it at the time."

Concubine Liu whispered, "If the Prime Minister falls, will Concubine Qi not be far behind?"

After hearing this, everyone had different thoughts.

If Concubine Qi is deposed or demoted, there will be a vacant concubine position...

the other side.

Qin Wan walked into Concubine Qi's tent.

Concubine Qi was actually drawing in the tent, and she looked very calm when I saw her.

She painted a picture of a spring morning, with green branches, red crabapples, and an oriole. From the painting, we can see that her mentality is also very calm.

Qin Wan sat down directly opposite her, looked at her and asked:

"Are you not afraid?"

The original intention was to ask her if she was afraid that she was a ghost, but who knew that she understood it as asking if she was afraid that the prime minister was caught.

Concubine Qi said calmly: "You promised me that as long as I cooperate with you, you would spare my life no matter what. What am I afraid of?"

Qin Wan smiled.

"Thank you. I saw you gave me flowers that day. I didn't expect you would give me flowers again."

Concubine Qi then raised her head and said, "You really died once, and your soul saw it?"

In order to tease her, Qin Wan deliberately said seriously: "Yes, it's true."

Concubine Qi put down her pen and took a deep breath: "Actually, I am a little curious about what the world below is like, but after I die, the emperor will not collect the blood of a thousand people for me, so forget it."

Qin Wan handed her a lollipop and said, "I can do it!"

Concubine Qi looked up in surprise.

The two of them looked at each other, and Qin Wan paused: "But the blood of a thousand people is actually useless, and I don't want you to die."

"What's this?"

"Sugar, sweet."

Considering that she didn't know how to peel it, she peeled off the candy wrapper for her and put the candy into her mouth.

(Next chapter October 3, 18:00)

Chapter 135 What is she thinking? Give Jiang Beiyu a child?

Considering that she didn't know how to peel it, she peeled off the candy wrapper for her and put the candy into her mouth.

"Sweet, indeed, very sweet."

Just like the first time she came to her place to drink coffee, she was still defenseless towards her.

Qin Wan looked at her quietly, and a thought came to his mind.

Maybe, I can help her solve her future destination in the future.

She definitely has no future following the dog emperor, and will probably waste her whole life in the palace. This is too unfair for a girl.

"I still have a lot of delicious food. I can't finish it all. You can come to my place when you have time."

The words seemed familiar, and Concubine Qi smiled and said, "Okay."

Qin Wan stood up and said, "Let's go."

After returning to the tent, she selected lollipops, chocolates, potato chips, two bottles of Lei Bi, and a bottle of Lao Gandie from the snacks she brought back, put them in a package, and ordered someone to deliver it to the King of Qi.

This place is adjacent to the border of Jiang State and even closer to the Northern State. It can be received by express horse in no less than six days.

These modern snacks are cheap in modern times, but they were hard to come by in ancient times.

Knowing that he misses home very much, let him feel the taste of his hometown.

Friends should keep in touch.

The prime minister was imprisoned and the people who secretly wanted to murder him were eliminated. Now, she could finally hunt with peace of mind.

She and Ma Shushu rode into the mountains together, and everyone found that their riding postures were exactly the same, both sitting upright on the horses, and even their hunting clothes were the same.

The two of them were wearing sister-style knight costumes, slim and upright, and wearing knight hats together. From a distance, they looked like two beautiful figures, looking heroic.

Ever since Jiang Beiyu told her that most of the prey here were farmed, she no longer felt guilty when hunting.

"Swoosh." She aimed an arrow at the pheasant on the tree, and the pheasant fell straight from the tree.

Ma Shushu aimed at a hare in the grass.

Jiang Beiyu and Leng Lie followed them from a distance, hunting and chatting, without taking their eyes off them.

Jiang Beiyu took out a piece of mint-flavored chewing gum from his pocket and handed it to Leng Leng.

Leng Leng politely took it and said, "Thank you."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at his hand and said casually, "Why did General Leng change his ring again?"

Leng Leng was afraid that he knew the secret that the ring could be exchanged for money in modern times, so he said, "It's a lot anyway, just wear it for fun."

Jiang Beiyu still noticed something different.

"In the past, General Leng often changed his hairpins, but he was so used to wearing the rings on his fingers that he would not change them for three to five months. This is the third ring I have seen General Leng change. General Leng wears so many rings when he goes out hunting?"

His cold eyes were blank for a moment, then he looked ahead:

"Your Majesty seems to be very concerned about me."

After a pause, he said confidently, "Now that we're married, I naturally pay more attention to it than before. I wear clothes of different colors and match them with rings of different styles."

Jiang Beiyu didn't doubt anything else and sneered, "You're so conceited." Then he whipped the horsewhip.

"I haven't raced with anyone for a long time. Why don't you have a race with me, General? Let's see who gets to the chestnut tree first."

Leng Leng said cheerfully: "Okay, what's the bet?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I won. When I go live, you give me ten carnivals."


Two black horses galloped over the grass, leaving the crowd in a cloud of dust.

Jiang Nange sat alone by the lake, throwing stones into the lake.

Qi Yunxuan came to her side.


Jiang Nange, who was in deep thought, was startled. When she saw that face, panic appeared on her face.

It was okay when she was sick a few days ago, so she could hide in the tent and pretend to be nice to him, but now, she can't pretend anymore.

Qi Yunxuan's face was full of hurt: "You are hiding from me?"

He smiled bitterly and murmured, "That's right. Now everyone treats me like a rat crossing the street. It's okay for you to hide from me. It's okay..."

He suddenly raised his voice again: "But do you also think that my father sent someone to kill Concubine Leng? Why would he, a prime minister, kill a concubine who has nothing to do with him?"

Jiang Nange was startled by him, but still said calmly: "But that day, in front of everyone, everyone saw that it was your father who stabbed Concubine Leng with a knife."

She also remembered that before, after she had someone buy osmanthus wine, Qi Yunxuan also came to her tent. When he saw the wine in her tent, he took it up and smelled it, then said with a smile: "Hey, there is wine, are you buying it for us to drink together tonight?"

She casually said at that time: "No, it's for Concubine Leng."

At that time, I didn't pay much attention to it because I saw him put it down. But now I think about it and it's really scary.

But he suddenly said excitedly: "That's a Gu! A very powerful Gu insect that controlled my father. This is a frame-up, this is a frame-up!"

He knelt down in front of Jiang Nange and said with red eyes:

"Princess, I beg you, please save my father. My father would never harm Concubine Leng. Please talk to your brother and ask him to show mercy. My father has worked diligently for the Jiang Kingdom for decades, and the foundation he has built cannot be destroyed in one day!"

He cried and said, "If anything happens to my father, then everything between us will be over!"

Jiang Nange felt heartbroken when she saw him. This was a man she once admired, and now he was kneeling in front of her with tears in his eyes.

When he was hunting with her hand in hand, she had sweetly fantasized about their many futures.

But a voice in her heart was telling her that he might also be a murderer and he had been lying to her.

She said calmly, "You don't have to beg me. It's useless to beg me. The Ministry of Justice will give the answer to whether it is a Gu worm or not. Your father is the prime minister of a country. I don't need to tell you. The emperor will naturally investigate it carefully."

After saying that, she stood up and was about to leave.

Qi Yunxuan's face was slowly filled with gloom.

He knew that the emperor had someone take away the club that killed Chu Tao from the government office. Although he didn't know what it was for, it was obvious that he had become suspicious of the matter.

Since you won't help me, I can only...


Leng Ying stepped forward.

"The Emperor wants to see you."

Just as he was about to take action, a tall and slender black figure walked out from the darkness.

Qi Yunxuan could only watch them leave.

After walking for a while, Jiang Nange did not see his brother, so he turned around and asked him:

"You don't want to tell me, my brother wants to see me for something?"

Leng Ying said: "I was ordered by Concubine Leng to secretly protect the princess these days. Just now..."

Jiang Nange understood and said coldly, "Thank you."

Qi Yunxuan was by the lake. Not long after, a group of soldiers came to the lake and took him away.

He panicked and struggled: "Let go! Why are you arresting me?! Let go!"

The Ministry of Justice intervened and the case of Hatsumo was retried, using the local court.

Originally, Qin Wan planned to deal with this matter when he came back, but he didn't expect that after he came back, he was forced to "die", so it was delayed for some time.

But it doesn't matter, the truth will come late.

When she and Ma Shushu returned from hunting, she happened to hear that the government was re-examining the case, so she immediately pulled her over.

Outside the yamen, there were many Mongolian people who came to watch the fun, as well as people from the Jiang state who came over after hearing that the prime minister's son had been arrested.

Qin Wan saw Concubine Qi and Jiang Nange in the crowd.

The Mongolian county magistrate sat in the main seat, the officials from the Ministry of Justice sat in the deputy seat to supervise the trial, and the Mongolian Khan also sat aside to listen to the trial.

The suspect in this case, Lu Bu, and his white-haired mother Cai Yinhua were kneeling in the hall, with Qi Yunxuan, who had just been captured by the soldiers, next to them.

Qin Wan had submitted the detailed evidence to the county magistrate this morning, so the county magistrate looked directly at Qi Yunxuan and said seriously:

"After investigation by our county, it was found that you were responsible for the death of Chu Tao and framed Lu Bu. Do you plead guilty?"

Qi Yunxuan looked puzzled and spread his hands: "Absurd! Chu Tao and I have nothing in common. What does Miss Chu Tao's death have to do with me?"

The county magistrate snorted coldly: "Don't cry until you see the coffin!"

He ordered someone to take out the mallet in a transparent plastic bag: "Are you familiar with this thing?"

In order to prevent the evidence from being contaminated by other people's fingerprints, the yamen runners only displayed it in the plastic bag outside.

Qi Yunxuan continued to be stubborn and said with a smile: "How should I know this?"

The county magistrate pressed on, his eyes cold and stern: "You don't know what this is, so why are there your fingerprints on it?"

In ancient times, fingerprints were also recognized. For example, a contract was signed with fingerprints, which were an important symbol to identify a person, but there was a lack of technology to extract fingerprints.

The county magistrate ordered someone to put down a white screen and turn on the small projector that Qin Wan brought.

Qin Wan silently clicked the video play button on her mobile phone. The video was transmitted via Bluetooth and appeared clearly on the white screen.

The onlookers all exclaimed in surprise.

The video shows the entire process of extracting fingerprints from the mallet. In the end, all the fingerprints extracted from the mallet are enlarged and displayed on the screen.

Qi Yunxuan folded his arms and sneered: "Even if you can extract it, there are so many fingerprints, how can you say that mine is one of them?"

At this time, another contract appeared on the screen.

Qi Yunxuan put down his arms, stared at the screen, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

The county magistrate said in a cold voice: "Master Qi, your name is on it. You must have signed this contract yourself. The fingerprints on it are exactly the same as the fingerprints extracted from this. How do you explain it?"

Qi Yunxuan's gaze gradually turned cold.

He remembered the scene when the princess asked him to sign the contract.

She was lying to him, lying to him! He didn't even realize it at that time!

The two fingerprints were enlarged and compared on the screen and were exactly the same.

Qi Yunxuan's face turned pale.

Jiang Nange was also among the crowd, staring blankly at the screen.

The glaring red shattered the last bit of fantasy I had about him.

He really is a murderer.

The county magistrate said in a cold voice: "Qi Yunxuan, you are the young master of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Chu Tao, she was once a maid in the Prime Minister's Mansion. You took advantage of her ability to speak animal language and deliberately instructed her to let a poisonous snake bite the princess, and then showed off your heroic act in front of the princess. In order to prevent the matter from being exposed, you killed her after taking advantage of her. Do you admit your guilt!"

Qi Yunxuan stood there blankly, pursing his lips but unable to utter anything.

The guards stepped forward and caught him.

At this time, Qin Wan stepped forward and said loudly:

"Last year, it was Hatsumomo who led me into the forbidden forest and killed me. Was it you or the Prime Minister who did it?"

Qi Yunxuan said: "At this time last year, I was still on scientific expedition."

"Oh? That means it was the Prime Minister who did it?" Qin Wan said.

"Last year, the Prime Minister wanted to kill me but failed. This year, he tried to kill me again. What deep hatred does he have against me? Is it because I am General Leng's sister? Killing me will alienate the Emperor and General Leng, and open up a door for the Northern Kingdom. Wonderful, wonderful!"

"You're talking nonsense!"

Qi Yunxuan panicked and said loudly:

"What does this have to do with the Northern Kingdom? Leng Fei, you are the only one favored by the emperor in the harem but you have no children. You have made it so that other concubines have no chance to sleep with you. Do you want the emperor to have no descendants?

My father was born as the prime minister. For the sake of the country, he naturally couldn't stand it and wanted to get rid of you as soon as possible! Leng Fei, you are a demon concubine who is ruining the country! Demon concubine! "

Qi Yunxuan was very smart and knew that she would have to plead guilty in the end. Treason is a serious crime punishable by the death of nine generations of the family, while the charge of murdering a concubine was obviously much lighter. In the end, he still made a confident statement and put the blame on her.

He was quickly dragged away, but his words still fell into the ears of everyone present.

He was right, she was indeed the favorite concubine in the harem but she had no children. This was considered a big deal by the ancients...

Back in Jiang Beiyu's tent, he was busy reviewing memorials.

He didn't even raise his head when he felt her come in.

"Has the court finished the trial?"


"Qi Yunxuan was arrested?"


He put down the red pen, looked up at her and smiled, "Then why are you so depressed?"

Qin Wan was curious: "The emperor didn't see me, but he knew that I was unhappy?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Of course, a person's aura is different when he is happy and when he is unhappy. Tell me, who offended you?"

He looked up at her, his bright and beautiful eyes shining like stars.

She said, "No one, nothing."

Her mind was still a little confused.

The problem Qi Yunxuan mentioned can be solved as long as she gives birth to a child. It's not a big problem, huh.

Wait, what is she thinking? Giving birth to a child for Jiang Beiyu?

At this time, the cell phone rang and Ma Shushu called her.

"Wanwan, General Leng shot a deer. Do you want to come over and have a barbecue to celebrate?"

Qin Wan said, "Okay. I'll be there in a minute."

Anyway, I'll be there in a while.

Soon, she and Jiang Beiyu went to the cold tent.

There was an oven on the table, and a large piece of fresh venison on a plate. She and Ma Shushu each had a cup of butter tea, and there was wine in front of the two men.

The traitor in the court was successfully removed, and they toasted to celebrate like modern people:


After drinking a cup, she saw Leng Leng pour the fresh deer blood into the cup, mix it with some wine, and soak two pieces of deer antlers. He asked with a teasing smile:

"Your Majesty, would you dare to have a drink?"

Qin Wan had never seen this way of drinking before: "This blood is raw, can we drink it directly?"

Leng Lie said: "If you add wine to disinfect and remove the fishy smell, it can strengthen the body and be a great tonic."

Jiang Beiyu said, "Drink! I saw those Mongolians drinking like this after they killed a deer. What's there to be afraid of?"

Leng Leng also poured him a full cup.

Qin Wan was curious, so he took it and took a sip. After he swallowed it, he felt his face getting hot.

Leng Lie took a sip and said with a smile: "I have seen them drink like this before, but I didn't dare to drink before I got married."

Qin Wan discovered Huadian: "Why don't you dare drink before getting married?"

(Next chapter October 4, 18:00)

Chapter 136 Half Sober, Half Drunk

Qin Wan discovered Huadian: "Why don't you dare drink before getting married?"


Leng Lie glanced at Ma Shushu with a teasing look, while Jiang Beiyu, who had drunk more than half a cup of deer blood wine, seemed to suddenly realize something. He choked on a mouthful of wine and started coughing violently.

General Leng is trying to trick him again!

Ma Shushu understood immediately. She looked at Qin Wan and then at Jiang Beiyu with a sly and playful look, as if she was just watching a show.

Because it might make you "angry."

Qin Wan didn't understand at first, but after seeing everyone's silent reactions, he finally understood. He didn't know if it was the reaction to the wine, but he felt his earlobe getting hotter and hotter.

She dug a Balala Magic Fairy Castle out with her toes, and silently picked up the butter tea on the table, took a big gulp, and pressed it down.

"Because before getting married, you are still a child, and children can't drink alcohol casually."

Ma Shushu added some cold words to ease the awkwardness, then picked up the tongs and started flipping the meat on the grill.

There was still a small half cup of wine left, but Jiang Beiyu didn't dare to drink it, so he poured it on the ground: "This deer blood still tastes fishy even with wine. I can't get used to drinking it. I can't get used to drinking it."

General Leng couldn't help but snickering and poured him some ordinary barley wine:

"I heard that the Prime Minister's son was also arrested today?"

Jiang Beiyu said, "Yeah."

"The Prime Minister and his son have been escorted back to the capital, and the trial will continue in the future. All those who are close to the Prime Minister will be investigated. I will see how many people can be exposed this time."

Having watched too many melodramatic costume dramas, Ma Shushu, who was eating peanuts, asked worriedly: "Will someone break into the prison on the road?"

Jiang Beiyu smiled: "With 'Shadow Three Thousand' secretly escorting us all the way, I don't know who dares."

Qin Wan said faintly: "The flag cannot be raised, so be careful in everything."

Jiang Beiyu was complacent: "Don't worry, I have divided my troops into 16 groups. Except for the real one, the remaining carriages are all loaded with explosives. I will blow them all up."

Qin Wan gave a thumbs up: "Dog, it's really a dog!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Leng Lie raised his glass and said, "I hope that the haze in the court will dissipate and the sky will be clear."

I was happy today and drank heartily. When I came out of the cold tent, it was already late at night and Jiang Beiyu was staggering.

The evening breeze felt cool on his face. Qin Wan supported him all the way into the tent and made him sit down on the couch.

"You take a good rest, I'm going back first."

Previously, Qin Wan lived in Jiang Beiyu's tent. After she regained her status as Leng Fei, she returned to her own tent.

"Don't go!"

He grabbed my wrist precisely and pulled me into his arms.

"Stay here tonight, don't even think about going anywhere! I can't sleep without you..." He muttered, and after being drunk, his tone seemed very cute and even a little coquettish.

"I've been suffering from insomnia these past few days. I'm getting dark circles under my eyes, you see."

Jiang Beiyu pointed to the bottom of his eyes.

The light in the tent was dim, but he obviously didn't have any dark circles under his eyes, and his cold white skin was clearly visible. However, he pointed at it seriously and insisted that she look at it.

Qin Wan looked at his drunken state and smiled. He reached out and covered his forehead, and found it was very hot: "Are you drunk, huh?"

He seemed to think seriously for a moment: "If I get drunk, will you stay?"

"Of course not. Who wants to be with a drunk?"

"Then I don't!" he said decisively.

"So what is this?"

She held up a finger.

Jiang Beiyu tried hard to identify: "Two!"

"Fuck you!"

Qin Wan stretched out her hand and tried to leave, but saw him frowning and closing his eyes, and then she was hugged by him again.

His body was hot, like a furnace.

"Why can General Leng hug his own wife, but I can't?"

As if he was angry, he held on tightly and refused to let go.

"I am married now and no longer a child, but I dare not continue to drink that half glass of wine."

Qin Wan looked at him, pitiful and cute. The way he hugged her and mumbled angrily, he looked at most six years old.

She reached out and pinched his face, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Who told you not to drink? Did I forbid you to drink?"

In fact, up to now, she has calmly accepted her life experience and fate. In fact, she is the real Leng Qingqing, Leng Leng's sister, and Jiang Beiyu's concubine.

If what happened when she was six years old had not happened, because of her family background, she would have eventually married Jiang Beiyu and become his concubine.

The time after the age of six was actually stolen by her, and she owed it to Qin Wan. If she hadn't had that experience, she would have been his cold concubine and fought to the death with the concubines in the harem...

So, Jiang Beiyu is her husband.

"General Leng drank with Miss Youma, but what if I drank it?" Jiang Beiyu said aggrievedly.

Instead of answering, she took a deep breath, kissed him, and told him the answer with her actions.

The kiss from her undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

Jiang Beiyu's body stiffened, and following his instinct, he deepened the kiss and pinched her slender waist.

Half sober, half drunk.

Feeling his clothes being taken off, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Through the dim candlelight, he saw Wanwan standing right in front of him.

Her cheeks, slightly tipsy from the kiss, were as rosy as pink peaches, and her pair of beautiful fox eyes were closed at first, then slowly opened and looked at him.

Their eyes met, and he suddenly stood up and staggered out of the tent.

There was a large water tank outside the tent. He scooped up a bucket of cold water and poured it over himself.

Qin Wan: ???

I tilted my head back and poured bucket after bucket of cool water onto my face and chest until the heat was cooled down.

When he came back again, his body was still wet with moisture. Then, without even looking at her, he fell asleep.

Qin Wan felt puzzled and even shocked.

Seeing that he was asleep, she returned to the tent.

In the middle of the night, Qin Wan sat up from his bed while sleeping: "No, is he sick?"

Recalling the scene when they first met, she felt like she was struck by lightning.

No, is it really that he can't do it?

The second day.

Qin Wan was reading a novel on his mobile phone in the tent and didn't go anywhere.

In the morning, Jiang Beiyu came over after sobering up, sat down in her tent, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Qin Wan glanced at him suddenly and said nothing.

She wanted to see what explanation he could give her today.


Jiang Beiyu found it difficult to speak and was hesitant to talk.

"You may not believe it, but last night..."

Qin Wan raised his eyes suddenly, "Hmm?"

"Last night, a female ghost suddenly came into my tent. She had evil intentions towards me and she looked exactly like you!"

Qin Wan smiled: "And then?"

"Then, I pushed him away! I belong to Wanwan, and I must remain faithful to her!"

Qin Wan held the phone in his hand and sneered.

"A female ghost?"


Jiang Beiyu took a big sip of tea and said, "I'm still scared when I think about it now. It was a close call!"

Qin Wan walked up to him and took the teacup from his hand.

"Your Majesty, would you like to think carefully about who sent you back last night? Was it also a female ghost?"

As she leaned over, the teacup fell on the table with a "ding" sound. Jiang Beiyu's expression tensed and he was suddenly startled.

"Could it be..."

Qin Wan stood up and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. From now on, no female ghost will bother you anymore."

After saying that, he turned and walked out.

Jiang Beiyu regretted his decision: "Was it really you last night?"

He chased out, and Qin Wan was already riding a fast horse.

She called Ma Shushu and asked her to go out for horse racing.

"Are you up?"

Her clear voice came from the other side: "Hey, Wanwan, got up early. Going for a walk."

"Can you come out to race horses?"

She replied seriously: "The horse has been washed and hung up, and the broccoli is not my phone."

Qin Wan: ???

At this time, Ma Shushu was still lying on the couch with her eyes closed. After answering the voice call, she put the phone back under the pillow.

I did it three times last night and I was exhausted. I didn't fall asleep until dawn.

It was only when I woke up in the afternoon that I vaguely remembered Wanwan's voice call in the morning.

What did she say?

At this time, Jiang Nange was sitting alone by the lake, skipping stones on the water.

She didn't know how to do it at first, but after sitting by the lake for a few days, throwing stones into the water, she gradually learned it.

It seems that only by sitting by the lake and feeling the breeze can one feel calm.

As she was throwing, she suddenly saw a small stone that was thrown farther than hers. It jumped lightly on the water a few times and passed over her stone.

She turned her head and saw the black figure holding the sword again.

She said: "Qi Yunxuan has been captured now, no one will harm me anymore, you don't have to protect me, go protect your own master."

He said, "I was just passing by. Your Majesty and Concubine Qi went to the horse race and didn't want me to follow them."

She hugged her knees and smiled bitterly: "I am a failure, I don't know how many people laughed at me, I brought shame to the royal family."

He said: "No, it's not the princess' fault. The princess is very brave. If the princess hadn't finally obtained the key evidence, he wouldn't have been arrested so quickly."

She sneered, "Because when I gave that evidence to my brother, I still believed him, hoping that it could clear his name. Who knows, haha."

Jiang Nange stood up and jumped into the lake with a "thump".

Leng Ying panicked: "Princess!"

At dusk, Jiang Beiyu sat in Jiang Nange's tent and fed her medicine.

I poured the medicine into her mouth with a spoon, and I saw big tears rolling down her big eyes.

Jiang Beiyu was very angry: "It's only been a few days, and you're already trying to kill yourself for him?"

Jiang Nange looked straight at him and said, "Brother, you don't understand. I'm just angry. You and sister-in-law told me before that he is not a good person, but I still fell into it. I feel stupid."

Jiang Beiyu said, "Will you listen if I tell you? You won't turn back until you hit the wall. I'll just let you go. Otherwise, you'll be even more desperate. I'll let you hit the wall once. You'll know when it hurts."

Jiang Nange cried even harder: "Woo——"

Qin Wan came in with a bag of cold medicine and rolled her eyes at Jiang Beiyu: "How can you persuade others like this? Nan Ge is still young, wasn't it normal for him to be fooled last time? Men are all bad anyway."

Jiang Beiyu's eyelids twitched. Why did he feel that her words had a hidden meaning?

"No..." Qin Wan felt as if she had scolded her brother as well, and added, "Except for my brother, all men are bad anyway."

Jiang Nange felt something was wrong, so he stopped crying and sniffed, "What about my brother?"

Qin Wan rolled her eyes at him and asked, "Is he?"

There are two meanings to this question: Is he a man? The other is, is he a good person?

Qin Wan came to deliver the medicine anyway, and left after delivering it. Jiang Beiyu stood up again and chased after him.

"Wanwan, I know it was you yesterday, right? I'm afraid it was someone else pretending to be you again." Then he lowered his head and said shyly:

"After all, I don't think you are the kind of person who would do such a thing to me. I wouldn't even dare to believe it in my dreams..."

Qin Wan was furious and sneered, "Who is that? He said he would recognize me even if I turned into ashes?"

A bullet hit him right between the eyebrows, so Jiang Beiyu simply revealed his cards:

"Wanwan, even if I knew it was really you yesterday, it's still not appropriate.

Last night, I was in a daze and you were drunk. I didn't want to spend my first time with you in such a half-asleep and groggy state, and I didn't want to do it casually in that simple tent.

I value the sense of ritual, and I hope that day will be an unforgettable experience for me, rather than a blank memory afterwards. Besides, you also drank the wine, and you may have had a physical reaction driven by the wine, rather than having a clear mind to communicate with me. "

He glanced at her furtively:

"If I really go with you... I will just take advantage of the opportunity.

I'm afraid you'll regret it..."

Qin Wan stood there and listened to every word of his explanation.

Good job.

It turned out that he knew it was her that night, but in order to avoid embarrassment, he made up an excuse the next day that he thought it was a female ghost.

She snorted and muttered, "It's as if I took you by force. What do I have to regret?"

After saying that, she left.

Jiang Beiyu stood there, stunned for a moment after hearing her words, and then the corners of his lips almost stretched to his ears.

A few days later, King Qi received a package sent by Qin Wan from the State of Jiang.

Lollipops, chocolates, potato chips, two cans of Lei Bi, and a bottle of Lao Gan Die...

When those familiar things were taken out of the package one by one, his fingertips could not help but tremble and tears welled up in his eyes.

Especially that bottle of Lao Gandie, I remember that he often used it to mix with noodles when he was a child.

It was drizzling outside. He sat by the window, tore open a bag of potato chips and opened a can of Lei Bi.

I took a sip and swallowed it.


A sigh of satisfaction.

The long-lost yet familiar taste awakened the memories of that time and space. The long-lost bubbles danced on the tip of his tongue, with a spicy yet refreshing taste, which made him feel emotional and unable to let go for a long time.

A few days later, before leaving for the capital, Qin Wan received a package sent back from the King of Qi.

Inside was a check for 10,000 taels, which could be withdrawn at Kyushu Bank. It was the dividend from the "Comfortable Home" North Country branch in the previous quarter.

There was also a letter.

"Next month, I plan to come to Jiang Country. Can we meet and have a chat?"

(Next chapter October 5, 18:00)

Chapter 137: Brother is here?

"Next month, I plan to come to Jiang Country. Can we meet and have a chat?"


When she let the King of Qi go, she had already reached a cooperation with him. If she was able to bring him back, he would cooperate with her, obey her, and follow her lead.

Moreover, the two jointly opened a branch of the "Comfortable Home" inn in the capital of the Northern Kingdom. The King of Qi provided the venue and people, and she provided a full set of management systems, internal decoration design drawings, and internal daily necessities and consumables. The profits were split in half.

It has been more than half a year since the two of them started working together. Since they are partners, it is normal for them to meet each other.

She wrote him back with only one word:


The autumn hunting is coming to an end, and the huge army will return to the capital in three days.

Qin Wan seized the last bit of time and drank coffee with Ma Shushu by the lake, enjoying the beautiful scenery, taking photos, occasionally racing horses, and hunting in the mountains, treating this pure time as a vacation.

In the evening, we went to General Leng's tent, and the four of us played Landlord together. It was so much fun.

The two secret guards were so idle outside the tent that they were swatting mosquitoes.

During the day they have to accompany their masters into the mountains to hunt, and at night they have a rare leisure time.

Leng Ying took out a lychee-flavored lollipop from his pocket, peeled off the candy wrapper and put it in his mouth. He then rummaged through his pocket and took out an orange-flavored one, handed it to An Wushang, and asked him, "Do you want one?"

An Wushang took it without hesitation, peeled off the paper and ate it.

Leng Ying was sharp-eyed and noticed the new knee pads on his knees. They must have been worn during the autumn hunting in the daytime and he forgot to take them off.

He nudged him:

"Where did you buy these beautifully embroidered knee pads?"

An Wushang discovered it, pulled it off, put it in his arms, and said in a calm voice: "Someone else gave it to me."

At midnight, the noise gradually died down. The master returned to the camp, turned off the lights, and they could rest.

An Wushang returned to the tent and lifted the curtain, but felt someone in his tent.


With quick eyes and hands, he grabbed the black figure's throat with one hand and pressed the person down on the couch. He pulled off the veil on the person's face and took a look at him in the moonlight, but was stunned.

"It's you......"

He loosened his grip slightly, but she quickly covered his mouth to prevent him from making any sound.

"Hush! The poison will break out every twenty days. If it doesn't, we will all die."

He asked coldly: "What?"

"You know the answer but you still ask."

"Your Majesty, please go back. This is not the place where you should be. Your Majesty, um..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Do you think I am willing to give you a stinky guard?"

As Lu Xuan spoke, she took off her outer cloak and wore only a thin nightgown.

"Stinky guard?"

An Wushang was annoyed, and he easily threw her onto the couch with a "rustle". There was the sound of her thin nightgown being torn into pieces.

"How do I cure the poison?"

"I don't know." Lu Xuan gritted her teeth.

If she didn't think he was capable, she wouldn't have looked for him. She would just treat him as a lover, and she wouldn't suffer any loss anyway.

The next day, An Wushang knelt in front of Jiang Beiyu.

You must be absolutely loyal to your master and not hide anything. This is the first quality of a secret guard.

Yesterday, he made another mistake in a moment of impulsiveness and regretted it deeply when he woke up in the morning.

He held the sword in his hand and raised it: "Your Majesty, please kill me!"

"She came to you again?"

Jiang Beiyu stood with his hands behind his back, looking interested, as if thinking about something.

"Do you have the ability to capture her? Let her fall in love with you, and let this princess of the northern country be used by us. Isn't it exciting?"

An Wushang thought, sleeping with the emperor's concubine and making the emperor wear a cuckold, wouldn't it be exciting?

"...I will do my best."

Jiang Beiyu patted his shoulder and said, "Get up."

The huge army set out to return to the capital.

The journey lasted half a month. Qin Wan sat in the carriage, showing off his snacks non-stop. Fortunately, these snacks made it less boring.

After eating, continue to place an order, choose a one-hour direct train, go back, pick it up after it is delivered, and then come back.

There were four buckets of steaming instant noodles on the carriage.

Jiang Beiyu and Leng Leng sat face to face.

Jiang Beiyu skillfully picked up the white plastic fork stuck in the noodle bowl, opened the lid, and a rich aroma of braised beef wafted out.

"The Prime Minister and his son have been successfully escorted to the capital, and are now being held in the Ministry of Justice's prison."

Leng Lie asked: "No one robbed the prisoners on the road?"

"Three of them were blown up."

Jiang Beiyu was eating noodles with a fork, and suddenly stared at Leng Leng:

"Why does General Leng's noodles contain boiled eggs and ham?"

Leng Leng took a closer look at the instant noodle bucket: "It was given to me, I don't know, I just took it casually."

Jiang Beiyu stretched out his fork to grab the ham sausage in Leng Leng's noodles, but Leng Leng directly took the bowl away.

Jiang Beiyu was a little bit hesitant, while Qin Wan on the side was laughing secretly.

She took out a bag of beef jerky from the bag, opened it and poured it into Jiang Beiyu's instant noodles.

"I still feel sorry for you every night."

Qin·Master of Keeping Balance· took out another bag of pickled pepper chicken feet from his bag and threw it to Ma Shushu: "You two, eat it."

"This noodle is very good." Jiang Beiyu said to Leng Lie, "General Leng, what do you think of turning this noodle into military rations?"

Leng Lie said: "Although the taste is good, I am worried that the soldiers will not have enough to eat."

Qin Wan said: "You can increase the amount, or pair it with compressed biscuits."

"What about the production process?"

Qin Wan smiled slyly: "Don't worry about the craftsmanship. If the emperor thinks it is feasible, then I will open a factory to make this kind of noodles, how about it?"


Jiang Beiyu knew that this little money-grubber wanted to make money again and would not miss any business opportunity!

After eating and playing along the way, we finally arrived in the capital.

The first thing Qin Wan did was to go to the Ministry of Justice prison.

The Prime Minister's residence was ransacked, and letters between the Prime Minister and the Northern Kingdom Emperor Lu Yan were discovered inside.

A lot of valuables were found in the basement of the mansion, including countless gold, silver and jade artifacts piled up like mountains, many of which came from the North.

At this point, the Prime Minister confessed to his dealings with the Northern Kingdom.

He admitted that he was the one who sent people to burn down Leng Fei's tent, and also admitted that he was the one who instigated Chu Tao to lead her into the forbidden forest to be torn apart by a tiger last year.

However, he did not admit that it was he who sent people to murder Concubine Leng when she was first selected to sleep with him more than a year ago.

"That was definitely not what I did."

The Prime Minister sat in the prison, closed his eyes, and said slowly, "I am so disappointed.

"This time, it was the Northern Kingdom's royal family's order to kill you. Because of your existence, the Northern Kingdom Princess cannot get any favors. Moreover, you have offended her before, so the Northern Kingdom's royal family naturally cannot keep you.

However, what happened last year was not my fault. At that time, the two countries were at war, and I was well aware of the stakes involved. Even if I had dealings with the Northern Kingdom, it was only for money. I was still aware that I was a Jiang countryman, and I would not do such a thing that would stab the country in the back and have no bottom line at that time. "

Qin Wan's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Looking at the Prime Minister's desperate expression, it doesn't seem fake.

His current crime carries the death penalty, and he has admitted to everything else, so there is no reason for him not to admit this.

If not the prime minister, then who else could it be?

"Just for money?"

Qin Wan found it unbelievable: "You are the prime minister, and your salary alone is enough to support your family. In terms of power, you are already at the pinnacle of power in Jiang State. Why would you take such a risk for money?"

The Prime Minister smiled and said, "Who would complain about having too much money? Even if I don't need so much, I still have my descendants to look after."

Qin Wan just felt it was ironic:

"I remember that before, your second daughter Qi Huaijue soiled the general's wife's skirt, and it was Concubine Qi who came forward to pay the compensation. The reason was that she felt that her father was an honest official... and couldn't afford so much money. She said that in her impression, although her father was the prime minister of a country, his silk stockings were patched again and again."

The Prime Minister suddenly opened his eyes and sighed: "Huaiyu really doesn't know about these things...

She's a good kid. Once, I wanted to use her to get in touch with you, but she refused.

I was wrong, but she was not. I hope that Your Majesty will give her a chance to live, considering the relationship between you and her!"

Qin Wan had promised Concubine Qi that he would spare her life, so naturally he didn't need to say much.

Qin Wan looked at him coldly without saying anything, and asked someone to hand him a piece of white paper.

The prime minister sighed, picked up the pen helplessly, and wrote a string of names.

After coming out of the Ministry of Justice prison, she handed the paper to Jiang Beiyu.

"The Prime Minister said that he didn't do that."

Jiang Beiyu was surprised, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

"Could it be that someone is hiding deeper than the Prime Minister?"

Now, Qin Wan finally felt the treacherousness of the harem. It seemed calm, but in fact, there were deep currents in the still waters. If you were not careful, your life would be in danger.

The prime minister was sentenced to beheading and was scheduled to be executed ten days later. In addition to him, a number of ministers on the list he provided who had close contacts with him were also found to have evidence of contacts with the Northern Kingdom in their homes.

Jiang Nange was in a very low mood these days because Qi Yunxuan was also on the execution list.

In addition to Concubine Qi and her mother and sister, most of the male members of the Qi family were also implicated.

In fact, according to the laws of the Kingdom of Jiang, if the prime minister colluded with the enemy, his entire clan would be executed. Because Qin Wan had promised Concubine Qi to save her life, and the prime minister took the initiative to submit the list, there was an unexpected amnesty.

In the harem, everyone was secretly curious about how Concubine Qi would be dealt with.

If she stepped down, there would definitely be a vacancy for the position of concubine, and the concubines below were all secretly looking forward to it.

In the darkness of night, Qin Wan arrived at Qixia Palace.

Concubine Qi knew that the reason why she had not been dealt with yet was because how the emperor dealt with her depended on Concubine Leng's attitude towards her.

She knew she would come, and when she saw her, she tried her best to stay calm, but her fingers couldn't help shaking.

For the whole day, ever since she learned that her parents, brothers, uncles, and some cousins ​​were about to be executed, she had been trembling all over, unable to drink a sip of water, and felt cold all over.

Qin Wan knew that she probably had no appetite today, so she asked Xiao Zhima to bring a lunch box when she came. Inside was a bowl of pearl taro milk tea that she had someone prepare, as well as a few egg yolk pastries and small puffs.

Girls know girls, when they are in a bad mood, eating some desserts will make them feel much better.

When she saw her, Concubine Qi turned pale and forced a smile at her.

Qin Wan took the bowl of milk tea out of the food box and placed it in front of her: "Eat something first."

Concubine Qi tried to pick up the spoon, but her hands were shaking and she couldn't even hold the spoon.

"It's fine."

Qin Wan reached over, took the bowl, and fed her spoonful by spoonful.

"The Emperor has promised to spare your life, and this matter will definitely not implicate you. If you are sad for your father and brother, then there is no need to be sad. They are collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, and they have brought this upon themselves."

Concubine Qi drank a few sips of the sweet soup. She was still a little dazed, but at least she had recovered a little. She took the spoon from Qin Wan.

"I never thought that this day would come so soon..."

"In the past, I thought I was the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion. I was very lucky. Everyone envied me. My parents and brothers all doted on me...

But it was not until I entered the palace that I realized that I was just a tool he used.

I must follow their requirements and work hard to climb to the position of queen, consolidate their status, and continue the glory of the family. But once I lose hope of winning their favor, I may be abandoned at any time, and they may even ignore my life or death. "

Qin Wan said: "It's all in the past. You should be thankful that you have been sober and have not been reduced to a tool. That's why you have not been implicated. From now on, this is your new life, and you will only live for yourself."

"I can give you two choices. One is to send you out of the palace and make you a commoner. From now on, you will hide your identity. However, I can give you enough money to make a living."

"Second, you can stay in the palace, but your status may be lowered, and you can only maintain a nominal status. From now on, you will not be able to receive the emperor's favor."

Concubine Qi asked, "Can I continue to stay in the palace?"

Qin Wan was surprised.

Concubine Qi said, "I know that my father confessed many ministers who were involved with the Northern Kingdom during his imprisonment. If I go out, the families of those people will not let me go. The Qi family was raided, and I have nowhere to go after I leave the palace. Favor? I don't want favor either. It's enough for me to keep a status."

Qin Wan said: "Okay, I understand."

Ten days later.

The day of execution of the Prime Minister's family finally arrived.

On that day, many people crowded around the execution ground outside the Meridian Gate, surrounding it in three layers. The group of people were wearing prison uniforms and kneeling on the execution platform with their heads bowed.

When the people learned that these were traitors who had collaborated with the enemy, they were extremely indignant.

Jiang Nange mingled among the people, looking at the man kneeling on the execution platform.

The man on the stage was no longer as handsome and elegant as before. His long hair was disheveled, and his chin and lips were covered with stubble. He kept his eyes down, allowing the people to throw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves on his head and face.

She suddenly remembered that day in the cave, his smiling eyes looked like stars.

Thinking of how he had kissed her passionately, her tears began to fall.


The wooden signs with names engraved on them were taken down and thrown on the ground.

A bony hand covered her eyes from behind.

On the same day, a man wearing a human skin mask and dressed in the clothes of a young eunuch hurried into the palace and sneaked into the Ronghua Palace from outside the palace.

Pushing open the door, the air conditioning was mixed with the aroma of coffee. Qin Wan put down the coffee cup in her hand elegantly: "Are you here?"

(I may take a day off tomorrow, the next chapter will be on October 7th, 18:00)

Chapter 138 Back to Modern Prenatal Checkup

Pushing open the door, the air conditioning was mixed with the aroma of coffee. Qin Wan put down the coffee cup in her hand elegantly: "Are you here?"

The King of Qi was stunned.

This long-lost feeling and breath.

"You've installed air conditioning in the bedroom?"

"I'm afraid of the heat."

She sent all the palace people away and ground a cup of coffee for him using a coffee machine.

"Do you want some sugar?"


The King of Qi used tweezers to put the sugar cube into the coffee, looked at the air conditioner that was emitting cool air and said, "When I was a child, except for the rich and powerful, only banks had this thing. I still remember that in the summer I liked my mother to take me to the bank to withdraw money. At that time, I would stand under the vent to enjoy the cool breeze. The air conditioner at that time was like a wardrobe."

Qin Wan said, "Basically every household has one now. It's not a rare thing. What do you want from me?"

The King of Qi stirred his coffee with a spoon and said, "First of all, congratulations, you have pulled out a nail, Prime Minister, but it will be a great help for Lu Yan to control the State of Jiang.

Secondly, I want to report to you that the first branch of 'Shufujia' in the north has been doing very well since it opened in April this year. I plan to open another one in October and have already chosen a location. The dividends will still be calculated as we agreed before."

Qin Wan nodded.

She knew that the big things would definitely be discussed at the end, the finale.

"And then..."

He lowered his head and thought for a moment before saying, "You once said that if I cooperate with you, you can take me back. I wonder when is convenient for you?"

Qin Wan smiled when she heard this: "I did promise you. We have indeed cooperated very happily in the past six months. I can take you back."

The King of Qi was very pleased when he heard this.

Qin Wan continued, "However, I promised to send you back, but I didn't promise to send you back again. Once you choose to go back, everything here will have nothing to do with you."

The smile on King Qi's face suddenly froze.

Qin Wan is not a fool.

The King of Qi is from the north. Once he goes back and brings modern technology back to the north, he will become a strong rival of the State of Jiang.

So you can help him go back, but don't think about coming back again.

"Of course, next time I go back, I'll visit you once in a while."


The King of Qi thought about it carefully. Indeed, from the beginning, she had promised to send him back, but she didn't say that she could send him back again. He was just too envious of her ability to come and go freely.

To be honest, if he didn't know that she could come and go freely and that she had the ability to send him back again, he should be very grateful to her.

He said, "But if I go back and never come back, wouldn't you lose a great helper in the North Country?"

Qin Wan took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "Now that you are going back, I will find someone to replace you in the North Country. I said, when you go back, everything here will have nothing to do with you."

The King of Qi was shocked.

How scheming this woman is!

He said, "I'll think about it."

Qin Wan said: "Okay, think it over carefully. If you want to go back, I can send you back in a minute."

The King of Qi left temporarily and lived in the supreme suite of the Comfortable House.

As soon as he left, she took off the phone that was hidden beside them and was filming.

She went to Jiang Beiyu's study and showed the video to Jiang Beiyu.

"The King of Qi is here."

Jiang Beiyu watched the entire video.

He was surprised by her honesty and touched by her thoughtfulness.

She is now completely considering things from his perspective, otherwise she would not have proposed not to allow the King of Qi to leave, and to have someone replace him after he leaves, in order to prevent any hidden dangers for him.

"I know about this."

Considering that the King of Qi and she are now in a cooperative relationship, he did not say anything. He also knew that Qin Wan let him know about this matter just to let him know.

He said: "Let him live here for a while and see what he chooses."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Guess what he will choose?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "From your description, he has an ordinary family in that world and has his own family, but here, he has power second only to the first person and a lot of wealth. It's hard to choose, really hard to choose...

Maybe he...well, maybe he shouldn't go back."

Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something.

Originally, she wanted to make a bet with Jiang Beiyu, but now that she thought about it, she and he had the same idea.

Jiang Beiyu asked curiously, "What do you want him to choose?"

Qin Wan smiled slyly: "I don't care what he chooses...Everything that happens is for my benefit."

At this time, a palace servant rushed in from outside:

"Report - Your Majesty, the Prime Minister and his son, as well as other officials who collaborated with the enemy, have been beheaded outside the Meridian Gate!"

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

Then he asked, "Where's the princess?"

Qin Wan said: "Nan Ge sneaked out of the palace this morning. Don't worry, I asked the secret guards to follow him."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her and said, "You are really thoughtful."

Qin Wan smiled faintly: "I always have to worry about my own sister."

Hearing the word "own", Jiang Beiyu felt deeply happy again and curled the corners of his lips.

the other side.

On the busy street.

Jiang Nange felt as if he had lost his hearing, and then his body went limp and he lost consciousness.

After a while, several distant voices came:

"Princess. Princess?"

Jiang Nange slowly opened his eyes.

Just now, at the execution ground, she felt someone covering her eyes with hands. When she woke up, she found herself in the inn, with the tall, straight black figure standing in front of her.

"why is it you again?"

"I am following your Majesty's orders to protect the princess' safety."

She said, "You don't need to guard me. Go away. I want to be alone and I will return to the palace later."

Leng Ying remained motionless and said, "I must send the princess back to the palace safely. This is my mission. If the princess feels disturbed, I will be there in secret."

Jiang Nange stood up and walked out.

She walked on the busy street, and because she practiced martial arts, she could always distinguish the footsteps behind her.

She caught a glimpse of a horse nearby, so she quickly got on and rode away.

The horse's owner reacted and chased after him: "Hey! My horse!"

A black figure quickly stepped forward, stuffed a piece of silver into the horse owner's hand, and disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Jiang Nange rode his horse around the main street of the capital three times. He felt much better, but he could still feel that figure following him closely.

She muttered quietly, "The horse is almost exhausted, why is she still following? Why is this person so stubborn?"

Under a sour jujube tree, she finally stopped, jumped off the horse, and said, "Come out."

After running for so long, I felt that the figure was just breathing a little unevenly.

She said: "You said you were ordered to protect me, but I also know martial arts, so I don't need you to protect me. Who knows, you may not be as powerful as me!"

He said: "No matter how skilled the princess is in martial arts, it is my duty to protect her."

Jiang Nange took off the soft sword from his waist and said, "Let's compete. If you can't beat me, then don't follow me anymore, okay?"

How could a guard dare to fight with the princess? Leng Ying said, "I dare not."

Jiang Nange has already drawn his sword: "Watch out!"

Leng Ying retreated step by step, using his scabbard to block her fierce attack.

"You're quite capable." Jiang Nange said with a smile, "I order you to draw your sword and fight me with real weapons."

Leng Ying thought, in this day and age, money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat. If he met a savage little princess, how could he dare to fight her with real knives and guns? Even if the little princess had a small cut on her body, all his years of work would be in vain, and he would just let him go back home.

"Princess, look, there seems to be something in the sky?"

He looked at the sky behind her seriously.

Jiang Nange turned around curiously, and he knocked her out with a blow from his scabbard and carried her back to the palace.


The sun was setting and Jiang Beiyu was marking documents in his study when suddenly the door of the study was pushed open with a bang.

"General Leng, please slow down, slow down!"

A eunuch hurriedly chased after him and there was no time to stop him.

"Your Majesty, can I borrow a painting? Can I borrow a painting?" Leng Leng ran in from outside. The usually calm man was so excited that he was incoherent.

He held a pregnancy test stick in his hand.

"Shushu seems to be pregnant!"

Jiang Beiyu's eyes changed slightly and he dismissed the people around him.

"What is that? Bring it up."

Leng Leng handed him the pregnancy test stick. Jiang Beiyu took it and looked at it carefully. When he saw the two lines, one dark and one light, and then saw the excited General Leng in front of him, his eyes were full of jealousy.

Why does all the good things happen to him?

He said calmly, "My paintings are being taken away for maintenance. It's not convenient to borrow them now."

Leng Leng knew it was an excuse as soon as he heard it. He had only heard of cars being taken for maintenance, but how could a painting be taken for maintenance?

Leng Lie said anxiously, "Your Majesty, I want to take Shushu to the hospital for a prenatal checkup. This is a matter of urgency for her health. I hope, I hope your majesty will grant my wish!"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Isn't there an imperial physician?"

Leng Leng said: "After all, the imperial physician's diagnosis is still a little wrong. Nowadays, there are professional instruments that can check the development of the fetus, and you can even see the fetus through the belly."

"Can you still see the fetus through the belly?"

Jiang Beiyu became a little curious and tapped the table with one finger, as if thinking about something.

It would be better to let General Leng go first, so that when he and Wanwan have a child, he will have experience.

"If I agree to lend you the painting, I can do that...

But I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

He looked at Leng Leng and smiled slyly: "General Leng must tell me how you make money in modern times."

the other side.

Qin Wan also received the pictures sent by Ma Shushu.

When I saw the parallel bars, my heart subconsciously skipped a beat.

Have a baby?

Is she going to be promoted to an aunt?

Will there be fragrant little milk buns to rub in the future?


She immediately replied: "Congratulations!"

"When do you plan to go for a checkup?"

Ma Shushu replied: "General Leng went to the palace to borrow a painting from the emperor. The child was so happy that he held me and spun around three times, almost bumping his head against a pillar. When he heard that I wanted to go back for a prenatal checkup, he went into the palace with a pregnancy test stick without saying a word."

Qin Wan had a picture in his mind when he listened to it, and he felt happy too.

"I'll go back with you!"

Everyone's time in modern times is tied together, so if they are going back, they must go back together. Ma Shushu is going back for a prenatal check-up, and she naturally has to accompany her at such an important moment.

When she excitedly went to Jiang Beiyu's study, Leng Lie had just left. When he looked up, they both knew what the other was going to say.

"General Leng is pregnant." His tone was sour, and he glanced at her faintly: "He just showed it off to me, I can't tell you how happy he is."

Qin Wan walked up to his side and asked, "Are you jealous?"

"I'm not envious." Jiang Beiyu snorted, a little arrogantly, "I will have it sooner or later."

Qin Wan chuckled: "Who did you give birth to?"

Under his gaze, he slowly turned his head. Behind him, Jixiang flapped his wings and said excitedly:

"Follow the beauty, follow the beauty!"

Qin Wan was also made to feel a little embarrassed.

"You agreed to lend my brother the painting?"

Jiang Beiyu said, "Hmm," "He should go back and prepare, and bring Ma Shushu over when it gets dark."

Qin Wan said: "I want to go too... are you going?"

He said, "Hmm." "I've been here for almost three months. I only went back for seven days last time. According to my promise to you, I should have taken you back to live with me for a while. This time, we can stay longer."

In fact, he said he would stay longer this time because he was preparing for something big...

Qin Wan was surprised.

Unexpectedly, the promise he made was more than just talk.

Even though he knew that she was from here and that she was lonely, he still remembered and kept his promise to live with her in modern times half of the time.

"Okay, I'll go back and prepare some things, and come back later."


After she left, Jiang Beiyu immediately went to the secret room in the study.

He held a sack in his hand.

There was a box in the secret room, which contained many gold bars and ingots, each of which was very heavy.

General Leng told him.

Gold is 500 yuan per gram in modern times.

A pound of gold costs 250,000.

One hundred kilograms is 25 million.

More than 100 kilograms of gold were packed in a sack, which was heavy. He tied it up with a random rope.

He came out carrying the sack, panting with exhaustion, but feeling particularly happy in his heart.

Use this pile of gold to marry Wanwan.


If this pile of gold was converted into money, it would be enough to buy a diamond ring, a wedding dress, and hold a wedding.

Leng Lie didn't tell the truth to Jiang Beiyu.

For one thing, he hated being controlled by others, and he felt secretly happy when he thought that he only needed to bring back a few light jade ornaments or rings, while the emperor had to carry a heavy bag of gold.

Secondly, his family was in business, so he naturally knew that things are valuable because they are rare.

The emperor must have as many good things as he does. Once he tells his secret, the emperor will also take out the treasures in his hands. Then his treasures will not be sold at such a high price.

When the four met again, Leng Leng glanced at the sack in Jiang Beiyu's hand with a mocking look.

Jiang Beiyu saw that Leng Lie also had one in his hand.

Qin Wan saw the sack in Jiang Beiyu's hand and asked curiously, "What's in the sack?"

Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "Nothing."

Leng Leng looked like he understood everything and said teasingly, "Your Majesty is worthy of being the Emperor. Even a sack is bigger than this humble minister's."

Jiang Beiyu also said: "General Leng is worthy of being called General Leng. General Leng also has a sack in his hand. Why don't you take a look at what's in his sack?"

(Next chapter October 8, 18:00)

Chapter 139: Proposal: Wanwan, will you marry me? (1)

"General Leng also has a sack in his hand. Why don't you take a look at what's in his sack?"

Hearing these sudden words, Leng Leng looked up.

Otherwise, why do you say this dog emperor is so smart?

Leng Lie knew that the emperor didn't actually believe him, so he took this opportunity to take advantage of the situation and check his sack.

Qin Wan also looked at the cold sack.

"Oh yeah, brother, why did you also take a sack? What good stuff is in it?"

Leng Lie imitated Jiang Beiyu's behavior just now and said calmly, "Nothing."

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "Why, now that we are so familiar with each other, why is General Leng still hiding something from us?"

Leng Lie smiled and said, "It's nothing. If you want to see it, I'll show it to you."

He bent down and opened his sack.

Jiang Beiyu stared intently until he saw him open the sack.

"These are all the tonic medicines I prepared for Shushu, such as thousand-year-old ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, rhodiola rosea, etc.

I went to a modern pharmacy and found that any ginseng that was a few decades old was extremely expensive and had been polluted by industry, so it is definitely not as good as our pristine ginseng."

"General Leng is such a good husband." Jiang Beiyu said quietly with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Leng Leng said without hesitation: "Of course it is necessary."

"Let's go, the sooner we go, the sooner we'll be back."

Qin Wan, holding the bronze mirror, couldn't wait to go back and sleep on her soft big bed.

After so many times, everyone knows what will happen next with their eyes closed.

The white light came on, and everyone picked up their luggage and walked into the light.

After regaining consciousness, he once again appeared in the familiar living room of Qin Wan's house.

Leng Leng had already made an online appointment for a prenatal check-up the next day, and after arriving there, he carefully escorted her home.

Ma Shushu wanted to ride her balance bike back, but Leng Leng wouldn't let her, fearing that she might fall accidentally.

Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu looked at each other, Qin Wan took his luggage upstairs and said lazily: "I'm going to take a shower first."

Jiang Beiyu's sack of gold was too heavy to be carried up and down, so he placed it in the corner of the living room.

He sat on the sofa and searched for places to recycle gold on the map on his mobile phone.

Knowing that all eggs should not be put in one basket, and selling too much gold in the same place would arouse suspicion and attract the attention of the court, he copied down the addresses and contact numbers one by one, wrote them down in a notebook, and prepared to visit each house one by one.

In this era, those who recycle 500 grams of gold are considered big players, and at most a few kilograms can be exchanged in one store.

Early the next morning, he went there when other shops were opening, took out three chubby gold ingots and placed them on the counter.

"Boss, change the money."

The boss felt that he was really impressive. How could such a large business come in so early in the morning? He first weighed the goods and then put them into the purity tester behind him.

After confirming that it was all real gold, the boss asked cautiously, "Where did it come from?"

He covered his mouth with his hand and coughed: "It's inherited from my ancestors."

The boss's eyes lit up: "Oh, you are a wealthy family! Do you have any more at home?"

Jiang Beiyu thought it was better to be cautious and said, "No more. When it came to me, I got three."

"Okay, give me the account."

Jiang Beiyu asked him to scan the code, and the boss quickly transferred the money to him and said enthusiastically: "Come back to me next time you have money!"

After he walked away, the boss cursed him behind his back: "Prodigal son."

This antique gold ingot is not the same price as ordinary gold. This is the first time I see someone recycling antique gold ingots as gold.

He quickly put the things away, fearing that he would come to his senses and regret it.

Jiang Beiyu quickly received the transfer from his boss.

Those three gold ingots were twenty taels each, totaling sixty taels, and one hundred and fifty taels were easily received.

He always feels suspicious when anything goes too smoothly. Just now, seeing the look in his boss' eyes, he felt that recycling this product would be risky, but he accepted it readily anyway, which means the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Why?

He decided to change this order today and took a taxi to the hospital.

Today, General Leng accompanied his wife to a prenatal checkup, and he happened to see for himself what it meant to see the fetus through the belly.

When he arrived at the hospital, Qin Wan was already there, sitting in the family chair in the waiting area with General Leng. Seeing him, he asked, "Where did you go so early in the morning?"

He said, "I didn't go anywhere. I just went out for a stroll. Did Miss Ma go in to check?"

Qin Wan said "hmm".

"She's been in there for a while. She doesn't have to wait in line for the specialist appointment, so she should be out soon."

Sure enough, not long after, Ma Shushu came over.

Seeing her solemn face from afar, Leng Leng stood up suddenly:

"How about it?"

Ma Shushu lowered his head and whispered, "It seems, it seems that I misjudged it. After all, the bar is very shallow..."

Although Leng Leng felt disappointed, he felt that she must be sadder than him, so he reached out and rubbed her head:

"It's okay. The little guy is playing hide-and-seek with us. He will come out after a while."

Ma Shushu nodded: "That makes sense." She sniffed, "Then knock on the door and call him out."

In the busy hospital, in order to comfort her, Leng Leng cooperated by squatting down and reaching out to tap Ma Shushu's lower abdomen gently.

"Hey, brat, stop hiding and come out here!"

Ma Shushu held back her laughter and said seriously, "It came out."

Leng Leng looked up in astonishment. Her eyes suddenly became bright and she smiled as she threw the report hidden behind her to him: "Leng Leng, look at your son!"

Leng Leng was immediately overjoyed. He took the report and sat down, reading it carefully word by word. The other two heads also came up curiously.

"Early intrauterine pregnancy, seven weeks pregnant!"

Leng Leng read it out in surprise.

"The echo of the myometrium is uniform, and a gestational sac can be seen in the uterine cavity, which is about 2.2x2.4x1.4cm in size. A fetal bud and primitive heartbeat can be seen inside, and the fetal bud is about 0.5cm long..."

Jiang Beiyu saw a picture on the report and pointed at it:

"Is this what a fetus looks like in the belly? This little peanut-like thing is a fetus?"

Ma Shushu smiled and said: "Yes, this is the embryo bud, and the fetal heartbeat has been detected. The baby already has a heartbeat!"

Hearing this, Leng Lie's face lit up with joy. He couldn't help but stroking the tiny peanut with his fingers, smiling like a fool from the next village.

Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan were also watching. Qin Wan was trying hard to identify signs of life in this small ball, and a subtle feeling surged in his heart.

Jiang Beiyu looked at Ma Shushu's belly and was amazed:

"It's amazing, without cutting open the belly, you can actually see the fetus through the belly?

If Wan Wan gets pregnant later, should she do the same thing? "

Qin Wan was so embarrassed that she dug her toes into the ground.

Ma Shushu smiled and said, "Of course."

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"That's good......"

Jiang Beiyu smiled with relief, as if he saw how he would accompany Wanwan to the prenatal checkup in the future...

Ma Shushu said: "We still need to create a file, you guys go back first."


Leng Leng carefully protected Ma Shushu and went to create the file, leaving Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan alone.

"Let's go." Qin Wan stood up, and Jiang Beiyu immediately followed, walking beside her.

"Why have you been so secretive lately? What are you doing behind my back?"

"Nothing." Jiang Beiyu lowered his head.

There was a man pushing an operating cart passing through the corridor. He took her hand and pulled her to the side, and then kept holding it.

"Uncle and aunt...when will they come back next?"

"Why are you asking that?"


"They came back once last time, and they probably won't be back in the short term. What's going on? Do you have something to do with them?"

Jiang Beiyu was thinking that if he wanted to get married with Wanwan and get the marriage certificate here, he had to see them again.

Forget it, let's wait until the proposal is successful.

He snickered and asked, "Which house does Wanwan like?"

Qin Wan thought for a moment and said, "Beachside."

"I like the feeling of being able to feel the sea breeze and fall asleep to the sound of the waves, but the beach is too far from the city, which is inconvenient for work."

Jiang Beiyu took note of it silently.

Villas by the sea are not expensive. You can buy one to propose and use it for vacation in the future.

Qin Wan turned around and looked at him alertly, just catching the smile on the corner of his lips: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Beiyu suppressed the smile on his lips: "It's okay."

Next, Qin Wan drove back to the company and continued to change the gold recycling point.

This time, he was more careful and asked the price first.

He took a picture of the gold and walked in.

"Boss, I have a friend who has this thing, it's 20 taels, how much do you think it's worth?"

The boss took it and looked at it: "Oh, this is an antique gold item! If it is real, it must be worth a lot of money, one, it must be worth millions."

When Jiang Beiyu heard this, he realized that a twenty-liang gold ingot was worth millions, and he only earned one and a half million when he sold three in the morning. Wasn't that a huge loss?

"Then boss, do you accept this?"

The boss smiled and said, "You have to go to an antique shop for this. I buy it at the recycling price of gold. For something like this that looks new and is in good condition, I can sell it for two or three times the normal gold price."

Jiang Beiyu secretly gritted his teeth.

Troublemaker! This morning was a huge loss!

The boss observed his expression and said, "However, it may be troublesome for your friend to sell this kind of thing by himself. I know someone who can help you sell it and I'll take a 3% commission."

A few days later, the sack of gold turned into more than 50 million in his account.

With money in his pocket, he walked into a real estate agency.

Listening to the agent's exaggerated introduction of several sea view villas, he remained calm as a mountain, looking at the information calmly and comparing them carefully.

These houses range from 30 million to 50 million, which is within his current budget.

"I want a ready-made house, fully furnished, is there one?"


Leng Leng had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he was drafted by him to accompany him to look at the house.

Neither of them had a driver's license, so they had to take a taxi.

The beach is indeed far from the city. It took a long and winding road to get to the beach, and both of us were about to vomit when we got off the car.

Fortunately, the seaside scenery is really nice.

White clouds are floating comfortably in the blue sky, the blue sea is boundless and connected to the sky, and the waves hit the beach from time to time, making a "splashing" sound.

There is a circle of newly built sea view villas along the beach. An agent in a dark blue suit was standing there waiting for him early with a key plate in his hand.

Seeing that they came by taxi, the agent didn't have much hope for this order, but he didn't show any sign on his face, just treating it as exercise.

Jiang Beiyu walked into each room one by one and chose a three-story Western-style building.

This house has a terrace and a garden. The master bedroom has a floor-to-ceiling window. You can see the sea by opening the curtains and hear the sound of the waves while lying on the bed. It is exactly the feeling she wanted.

In addition to the three floors, there is also a basement and a garage, which is more than enough for self-living. The key is that it is fully decorated and you can move in right away.

The agent said: "This is the most expensive unit in this area, it costs 5,800 yuan."

Jiang Beiyu took out his bank card from his pocket and said, "Swipe the card."

Leng Lie and the agent were stunned.

This was the first time the agent saw someone buying a house like buying cabbages.

Leng Leng was also surprised.

The last time I weighed the emperor's sack, there was at most a little over 100 kilograms of gold in it. Where did the 50 million come from?

The agent counted the commission on his fingers and was stunned by the sudden happiness: "You still have to come with me to the store to sign a contract."

The two of them sat in the back seat of the agency's car and went to the store to sign the contract. Leng Leng asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, do you have 50 million?"

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "I don't have it, can you lend it to me?"

Leng Lie said: "I don't have 50 million either!"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Then I will sell you."

He went to the store, signed the contract, paid the full amount directly, and got the key.

The house is done, and all that's left is the wedding dress and the diamond ring.

That night, Qin Wan had just finished taking a shower and was sitting on the bed when he received a link from Ma Shushu.

"Wanwan, I have a friend who is getting married soon. She asked me to help her pick out a diamond ring. Which of these do you think looks good?"

"No. It's not like I'm getting married, so what if I think it looks good?"

She typed this line and was about to send it, thinking that this must be part of the "I have a friend who is me" series.

Shushu is pregnant now, so she will probably have a wedding with General Leng.

She was secretly envious in her heart and deleted the line of words. She clicked on the links and looked at them carefully one by one. Finally, she was hesitant between two diamond rings, so she took a screenshot and sent it to her.

"These two are both okay."


Ma Shushu: →_→

"Do you feel that there is something wrong with your emperor recently?"

Qin Wan glanced at the empty sofa beside him and replied, "Yeah."

The last time she came back, he was as well-behaved as a puppy. He went to the company with her every day, stayed around her, and even made breakfast for her.

This time when he came back, he didn't go to the company with me and was not seen all day.

However, he has been learning to drive and has also taken on an acting role recently, so it is understandable that he is a bit busy?


Qin Wan suddenly came back to his senses.

There are no classes at night in the driving school, and his drama hasn't officially started filming yet!

The second day.

Qin Wan went out early in the morning.

Seeing Qin Wan's car leaving, Jiang Beiyu also went out, walked to the road outside the villa area, and hailed a taxi.

Little did I know that just as the taxi left, an ordinary car parked under the tree started...

(Next chapter October 9, 18:00)

Chapter 140 Proposal: Wanwan, will you marry me? (2)

Little did I know that just as the taxi left, an ordinary car parked under the tree started...

Qin Wan narrowed her beautiful fox eyes, and there was indeed something going on.

The first time he came here he was unfamiliar with the environment so he was well behaved. Now, he has basically adapted to the life and social rules here.

So, was he finally deceived by this world?

Qin Wan felt a little disappointed, but still decided to follow through.

This car was used by the company. She asked Jian Anlan to drive it here early in the morning. He had never seen this car before, so it was safe for him to follow.

She followed his taxi all the way from the busy urban area to the increasingly remote suburbs, where there were fewer and fewer cars on the road.

She suddenly realized, what was she doing?

Do I really care about him that much?

He is free.

If he really had second thoughts, she could just let him go. Why did she have to follow him secretly?

Before the next intersection, she called him: "Where are you?"

The other party was silent for a moment, and then replied: "I'm practicing driving."

"Okay, okay."

She said nothing and hung up.

Then, he turned the steering wheel and drove away from him.

Jiang Beiyu put down his phone, and the taxi driver said, "It seems like someone is following us."

He looked in the rearview mirror.

The driver said, "Hey? Turning around again."

In the rearview mirror, he saw an ordinary white car turning around.

He seemed to realize something, looking at the strange ordinary car, but felt it was unlikely.

When he arrived at the beach villa, he began to arrange balloons on the walls of the room.

Ma Shushu said that there is a professional team that specializes in this, but he feels that it would be more ceremonial if he does it himself.

He was not clear enough about the aesthetics of this era, so he searched for reference pictures on the Internet again and again, and before he knew it, a whole day had passed.

When Qin Wan came home from get off work, he saw that the house was still empty. He ordered some takeout, ate, and went upstairs.

After dark, Jiang Beiyu woke up on the sofa, holding a pillow in his arms. The wind blew up the white gauze curtain behind him, and the warm yellow colored lights flickered.

In the afternoon, he felt sleepy and wanted to take a nap, but he didn't expect to sleep until now.

When he arrived at the beach, it was late and it was hard to get a taxi, so he hurried downstairs and left, thinking that Wanwan must be worried because he didn't come back so late. He took out his cell phone and found that it was empty, without a single missed call.

He walked for more than half an hour to the main road, and waited for more than half an hour before he saw a taxi. It was already past eleven o'clock when he got home.

Qin Wan's bedroom door was locked.

The next morning, Qin Wan saw him on the sofa in the living room.

After thinking about it, she took out a blanket from the closet in the guest bedroom and threw it on him.

He opened his eyes immediately: "Wanwan."

She said coldly: "Let's go, I'm going to work."

He sat up and immediately grabbed her hand. He opened his eyes half asleep, looked at her like a puppy, and said coquettishly, "Wanwan."

"Yesterday..." He wanted to explain.

"Where did you go yesterday?" Qin Wan asked calmly, waiting for his answer.

His eyes suddenly darkened. He felt like giving her a surprise, but he held back and couldn't say it.

Anyway, in three days, almost three days, his engagement diamond ring will be ready.

"Wanwan, give me a little more time, I will give you an answer."

Qin Wan said: "Next week, my grandpa will be back from his trip, then..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Beiyu excitedly said, "That's great!"

His eyes sparkled.

He was just worried about the proposal, but there was no elder to witness it, so grandpa came back at the right time!

Qin Wan really didn't understand his train of thought and felt that he was always acting weird recently.


After getting into the silver-gray Cullinan parked at the door, Leng Leng and Ma Shushu sat in the back seat. Ma Shushu was putting on makeup in front of the mirror, while Leng Leng was concentrating on reading a professional book on live streaming techniques.

Leng Leng now accompanies Ma Shushu in live broadcasts at the company every day. With the help of Ma Shushu, his account has become more popular. The two often live broadcast together, with more than 100,000 people online.

On the other hand, Jiang Beiyu was far more popular than Leng Leng at the beginning, but recently he has been inconsistent. He lost some stock videos recorded during the autumn hunt and was reported by someone.

At this moment, Ma Shushu's cell phone rang. She didn't know what message she received. She pulled Leng Leng over and took his arm to read the message together.

The two looked at each other, and then looked at the phone screen together.

"What a beautiful ring! And what a huge diamond!"

Hearing this, Qin Wan felt a little sad.

Ma Shushu suddenly said to him: "Wanwan, do you want to go to the beach for a barbecue this Saturday?"

Qin Wan thought about it and said, "Okay."

On Saturday, Jiang Beiyu disappeared early in the morning again. Qin Wan was a little annoyed because she originally wanted to go with him.

But then I thought again, wouldn't the earth stop rotating without him?

She put on beautiful makeup, put on a pretty little dress for vacation, and set off alone in a sports car.

She and Ma Shushu were driving one after the other, in a pink Lamborghini and a purple Rolls-Royce Phantom, speeding on the road.

Qin Wan felt vaguely familiar.

Why is this road similar to the place Jiang Beiyu went last time? But she didn't think much about it, she got angry when she thought of that person.

Finally we arrived at the place, with blue sea and blue sky, and a vast expanse in front of us. The sea breeze blew on my face, and the sound of the waves made me feel relaxed and happy.

Ma Shushu took her to a holiday villa.

Qin Wan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This house is nice, are you renting it?"

Ma Shushu and Leng Lie looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go in first."

There are large areas of lilac and roses planted in the yard, which were planted later, one by one by hand. On the side, in addition to tables and chairs for afternoon tea, there is also a white swing.

As you enter the door, you are greeted by a light scent of cedar, and in front of you is a spacious and comfortable living room with clean windows and desks.

The decorative paintings in the house are unique, and the walls are decorated with staghorn ferns. From tablecloths to carpets, to even coffee cups and placemats, everything looks exceptionally delicate and tasteful.

Ma Shushu said: "I can't imagine how lively and cheerful I will be living in this house."

Qin Wan looked around and felt that this house was particularly warm. It was her favorite color scheme, and even the brand of the coffee machine was the same as the one she was using now. For some reason, she felt a sense of familiarity.

"This house is so big, let's go up and take a look."

Ma Shushu pulled Leng Leng upstairs excitedly.

Not wanting to be a third wheel, Qin Wan didn't go upstairs. Instead, he made himself a cup of black tea and sat quietly downstairs.

She opened the chat software, clicked on Jiang Beiyu's avatar, typed a few words: "Where?" and deleted it again.

After waiting for a long time, Ma Shushu and Leng Leng did not come down. It was quiet upstairs without any sound, so she went upstairs.


As soon as she came up, she heard the sound of fireworks. She was startled. Before she could come to her senses, she saw flower petals scattered all over the ground upstairs.

The room was filled with flowers and balloons. Large and small white, pink and transparent balloons formed an arch bridge, with white and pink flowers piled underneath and warm white colored light strips dotted around.

Jiang Beiyu, wearing a white suit, held a huge bouquet of roses in his hand.

He slowly knelt on one knee in front of her: "Wanwan, are you willing to marry me?"

In his other hand he held a ring box, and inside it was the ring she had carefully selected a few days ago.

Qin Wan thought about the past few days' experience and asked abruptly, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I have been here all this time, preparing for the proposal to Wanwan. I bought this villa because Wanwan said that she likes houses by the sea. The whole house is decorated by me inside and out, because I want to rely on my own ability to give you a warm home...

Wanwan, are you willing to marry me? "

Ma Shushu and Leng Lie were watching from a distance, knocking their heads hard.

A noble emperor is willing to kneel down on one knee for his beloved woman. This is so good~


Qin Wan slowly bent down and raised his chin.

She thought this pretty boy had run off with someone, but it turned out he was deliberately giving her a surprise.

She said, "I don't like this kind of surprise. Don't you have a mouth? Do you have to make me misunderstand you first? Also, why did you lie to me when I asked you where you were? You know very well that I hate being lied to the most."

She then picked up the diamond ring and said, "And this diamond ring. Since you bought it for me, why didn't you ask me in person? Why did you have to ask me in a roundabout way like Ma Shushu? Can what I choose for myself be the same as what I choose for others?"

Jiang Beiyu panicked when he saw that something was wrong.

"Wanwan, don't be angry. If you don't like it, I'll help you pick another one."

Qin Wan snorted: "You put on this show, do you think that I will be so moved that I cry and say "I do"? "

She said angrily: "Jiang Beiyu, let me tell you!"

"I...I...cough cough."

The last two words were spoken in a low voice.


When Jiang Beiyu heard these two words, it was like the sound of nature!

He stood up from the ground and picked her up.

Leng Lie and Ma Shushu saw this scene, and Ma Shushu said, "Wan Wan, by the way, it seems that the gas at home was not turned off when I left. Lie Lie and I will go back first!"

Having said that, he pulled Leng Lie up and ran away without caring about Qin Wan's answer.

Qin Wan glanced at Jiang Beiyu: "It seems that the gas in my house is not turned off either."

After saying that, he also wanted to slip away.

But he hugged her.

"Don't you use an induction cooker at home? Where does the gas come from?"

Jiang Beiyu hugged her from behind and slowly pushed the ring into her hand.

You can see the sea outside the floor-to-ceiling window in front of you.

The waves pile up on the beach, and the sound of the waves can be heard in the quiet room.

It's her favorite house.

Qin Wan originally thought that since he had decided that she was his concubine, he would marry her once. Unexpectedly, this ancient emperor came to the modern era and knew how to propose marriage.

"I've seen that next Monday is an auspicious day. How about we get the certificate?"

Having a marriage certificate has a different meaning, as it means that in modern times, the two are also legally husband and wife.

When Qin Wan heard the word "get the certificate", his heart skipped a beat.

A little panicked.

"It's too soon. I think we should at least inform Mom and Dad."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Okay."

Qin Wan sat down and called Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi.

It was night on the other side. Ge Manqi answered the phone in a daze. Qin Wan mustered up the courage: "Mom. I've decided to get married."

Ge Manqi was still in a sleepy state: "With whom?"

"And...Xiao Jiang, the man you met last time."

"Who is it?"

On the side, Qin Xiao reminded quietly: "It's the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains."

"Oh, the one who draws, right? Is it that fast?"

Qin Wan reacted.

She forgot the time difference between the two sides!

For them, it has been less than a month since they last met!

She said "hmm".

Ge Manqi said, "Okay, your dad and I will be back in a couple of days, you can ask Xiao Jiang to invite his parents, and we can have a meal together."

Qin Wan was confused.

He turned and looked at Jiang Beiyu.

"He has no parents."

Ge Manqi was silent for a moment.

"Is Xiao Jiang's life so miserable? Then you must not bully him in the future... Are there any elders still alive in his family?"

Qin Wan was suddenly embarrassed.

It would be hell if there is.

"Yes...there is another grandfather." Just recognized.

Ge Manqi said: "Okay, then ask him to ask his grandfather to come."

After hanging up the phone, the two looked at each other.

Jiang Rong was very happy when he heard the news.

He said with a vision that saw through the world:

"When Wanwan brought you to me for the first time, I knew there was something going on between you and her. I watched this girl grow up. She never brings anyone here casually. Grandpa is very happy to see you two succeed."

Qin Wan said: "Thank you, Grandpa."

Jiang Rong said, "No need to thank me. I got a grandson for free, so I still have to thank you. When my grandson is getting married, I naturally have to help him. But I'm already very familiar with your parents. Will they be surprised to see me?"

The last sentence was said in a joking tone, and he laughed out loud after he said it.

Qin Wan was vaguely worried.

Old Master Jiang and her family are acquaintances. They all know that Old Master Jiang's grandson died young. How come such a big grandson suddenly appeared?

But it's better to have Mr. Jiang speaking for him than nothing.

After Ge Manqi woke up, she pushed Qin Xiao and said, "I had a dream last night. I dreamed that Wanwan said that she was getting married."

Qin Xiao said, "Is it possible that this is not a dream, and your cabbages are really going to be eaten by other people's pigs?"

Ge Manqi: !!!

Qin Xiao held the phone in his hand and said, "I have already bought the earliest flight ticket. Hurry up and wash up. Let's go meet that brat."

On Sunday morning, the two of them came back from the other hemisphere and made an appointment to meet him on Monday morning.

Early in the morning, when Qin Wan woke up, he heard a "creaking" sound coming from downstairs.

Jiang Beiyu was dressed in a suit and tie. He hired ten people to carry in boxes of betrothal gifts, and leading the way was actually a pair of wild geese.

The wild goose had a big red silk flower tied around its neck, and stretched its neck: "Quack."

Qin Xiao came out and was stunned when he saw it: "Wow, a wild goose is used as a betrothal gift, there must be something..."

(Next chapter October 10, 18:00)
