
Chapter 206 Qin Wan is about to give birth

"Princess, I have the responsibilities that a princess should have. I have changed my mind. I will marry Wei Chong."

When he heard this, Leng Ying looked at her in shock, feeling a dull pain in his heart.

He understood this logic when he was advising her, but when she made the decision herself and he heard her say it herself, he would be lying if he didn't feel sad.

But what does it matter? He was just a guard, and he knew that there was no way he could protect her and send her to the capital of the southern country safely. The only thing he could do was to protect her.

They traveled on the road like this for another two days, and all the way, the two were silent.

In one day, we will leave Jiang Kingdom and arrive at the border of Southern Kingdom.

At dusk, the team arrived at a border town of Jiang State, found an inn to stay in, and waited until dawn the next day before leaving the city.

The market in the town is lively and bustling with people, and there are many special products and snacks from Jiangguo and Nanguo.

Jiang Nange wanted to go shopping. After all, the princess was not a prisoner, so Leng Ying agreed and let him accompany her, with several guards following secretly behind.

The princess ate grilled shrimp skewers, coconuts, sweet and sticky bananas, and rambutans that she had never seen in Jiang Kingdom at the night market. She looked very happy.

But while she was eating, she suddenly cried out "ouch".

Leng Ying asked: "What happened to the princess?"

Jiang Nange said, "Am I eating the wrong things? I seldom ate these things before, but after marrying to the South Country, I may have to eat them every day. On the contrary, I will rarely eat the specialties of Jiang Country in the future. Should I eat our Jiang Country's food?"

Leng Ying's heart was touched, and he said, "From now on, I will send it to you every time I get my salary."

Jiang Nange smiled and said, "It will be smelly by the time you send it to me!" After saying that, she turned her back to him and looked at the moon in the sky.

Leng Ying stood behind her holding a sword and clenched his fists secretly.

He said, "Then let's go to that street later, and the princess can have some snacks from Jiangguo."

Jiang Nange touched his stomach and said, "No, I'm full. Let's go back."

As she said this, she turned around, with something still sparkling in her eyes.

After returning to the inn, everyone washed up and went to bed early. Leng Ying also took a shower, wiped his body clean, hugged his sword, closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep when suddenly, his bed curtain was lifted.

He suddenly opened his eyes and was about to draw his sword when he saw the princess in her pajamas, holding a soft white pillow in her arms.

She was familiar with her bed, and this pillow was the one she brought from the palace, and she had been using it all the way.

Seeing her, Leng Ying was shocked: "Princess, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Nange said, "I don't want to let Wei Chong, that lecher, get away with it. I want to give you my pure body. This way, I won't be at a disadvantage."

As she said this, she threw her pillow next to him.

His heart was beating fast, and his ears suddenly turned red: "Princess, this is not allowed. This is absolutely not allowed."

"You are the princess's daughter, how can you commit yourself to a guard like me? If the princess marries Wei Chong, and Wei Chong knows about it, the princess is not innocent, and I am afraid that she will be criticized for it, which will be disadvantageous to the princess."

Jiang Nange said, "He dislikes me? Besides, he has slept with so many women, and he still dislikes me? Besides, the rumors about Qi Yunxuan and I were all over the place at the time. Many people said that I was not innocent. He must have heard about it and would not mind."

As she spoke, she had already reached out to lift his quilt. Leng Ying covered the quilt with her hands in shock: "Princess, this is absolutely not allowed! Absolutely not allowed!"

Afraid that their movements would attract other people, Leng Ying could only harden his heart, take the scabbard, and knock her out again.

Just like last time, he carried her on his shoulders and prepared to carry her back to her room. When he opened the door, he saw a familiar figure outside.

Darkness without sorrow.

When he bumped into him, An Wushang touched his head awkwardly and explained, "I was getting up to go to the bathroom, and you were taking a walk?"

Leng Ying finally carried Jiang Nange back to the room.

The princess was also very cruel. In order to get over, she knocked Pumpkin down with a cup of tea laced with sleeping pills. When Leng Ying carried the person back, Pumpkin was lying on the table, soundly asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Jiang Nange found himself on the bed in his room.

When they saw Leng Ying again, they acted as if nothing had happened.

Let's set off.

In front of us is the last city gate between Jiang State and Nan State. Once you pass through this gate, you will be far away from your homeland forever.

Jiang Nange turned around and looked back, and saw An Wushang, Eunuch Xi, and several palace servants riding horses towards them.

An Wushang had clearly followed all the way, but he pretended to have just arrived and came with Eunuch Xi.

"Wait, Princess, please stay. The Emperor has an order." Eunuch Xi stopped her.

Jiang Nange got off the carriage, and only then did Eunuch Xi read out the imperial edict.

The general meaning is that for the sake of peace between Jiang Kingdom and Southern Kingdom, Jiang Nange went to Southern Kingdom in the name of Princess Jiang Kingdom to visit the Southern Kingdom Emperor Wei Chong and Queen Mother Wan.

He also brought a letter of credence stamped with a bright red imperial seal.

An Wushang coughed twice and stepped forward: "Princess, the emperor has another secret decree, please check it out."

After saying that, he handed him his cell phone, on which was a message sent by Jiang Beiyu ten minutes ago.

Jiang Nange was shocked.

After only a brief delay on the road, the team continued to move forward.

The city gate slowly opened.

When they arrived at the southern country opposite, Leng Ying handed over the letter from the Jiang Kingdom that Eunuch Xi had just delivered.

The gates of the Southern Kingdom were immediately opened.

Soon, the news spread to the palace in Xianggu, the capital of the southern country.

Although Guoshu wrote that he was here to visit, Wei Chong laughed proudly.

He knew that his beautiful daughter-in-law was coming.

Now the Jiang Kingdom needs his help and is afraid that he will join forces with the Northern Kingdom to attack, so they sent the princess to him, saying it is a visit, but in fact, he knows the meaning of this.

Jiang Beiyu was embarrassed and was afraid that the princess would not like him, so he could only ask her to come and visit. As long as he liked her and accepted her, she would be his wife.

Ψ( ̄? ̄)Ψ

Wei Chong was very happy and was waiting for the Jiang Kingdom's group to arrive.

the other side.

When Qin Wan felt that she was about to give birth, she suddenly covered her stomach and shouted:

"Someone come quickly, my stomach hurts so much! Go call the midwife!"

As soon as the voice fell, several palace servants immediately ran to tell each other:

"Someone come quickly! The queen is about to give birth!"

"Go and inform the Emperor!"

A palace maid ran to the imperial study, and several other palace maids went to find the imperial physician and the midwife.

The room was extremely lively.

When Jiang Beiyu heard the news, he left the ministers he was discussing with behind and rushed over here.

Peanut and Guiyuan said excitedly, "Your Majesty, the Queen is about to give birth!"

In fact, Qin Wan was still a little bit away from giving birth, but she was afraid that she would not be able to take care of anything when the baby was about to come out, so she deliberately poured warm water on her skirt to make it look like her water had broken. Several midwives came forward together, pulled up her clothes, revealing her round belly, and spread her legs apart:

"My lady, don't be afraid, just use force and it will be fine in a moment."

Qin Wan knew that she could just show her belly in front of everyone and pretend she was in labor, but when the midwife suddenly pressed on her belly, it hurt so much that she almost died, and there were signs that labor was already starting in her abdomen.

"Your Majesty, men are not allowed in the delivery room. Please leave first."

Seeing that the queen was about to give birth, several old maids and midwives drove Jiang Beiyu out. One of them had a flash of cruelty in her eyes.

Among the midwives, Huangfu Cuihua's last trump card in the palace is hidden.

Everyone knows that when a woman gives birth, she goes through the gates of hell, and the delivery process is the best time to take action.

She wanted her baby to die in the womb.

Even if the child is born, he will be crushed to death.

However, Jiang Beiyu stood as still as a pine tree.

"I won't leave. I want to stay here with Concubine Leng."

The midwife advised: "Your Majesty, the delivery room is unlucky, don't disturb the dragon's body!"

Jiang Beiyu glared at her: "I think you are the unlucky one! Help the queen with the birth and don't worry about me."

In folk customs, it is indeed a taboo for men to enter the delivery room, but he is the emperor, and no one dares to stop him if he insists on doing so. Several midwives were more cautious when they took action.

At this time, Qin Wan, who was lying on the bed, blinked at Jiang Beiyu, signaling him to get ready for action.

Qin Wan pushed away the midwife's hand that was pushing on her belly and said, "Don't touch me, I have to go to the bathroom urgently, all of you get out! Get out! Bring me the toilet bucket, I have to go to the bathroom!"

The midwife quickly explained: "My lady, you don't need to use the toilet. This is normal. You will feel the urge to defecate during childbirth. There is a cushion underneath. You can just push hard. Don't worry about it."

Qin Wan started to throw a tantrum: "Get out of here! Don't you understand what I'm saying? Bring me the toilet! I need to go to the bathroom! You guys get out first! No one should see me when I'm going to the bathroom!"

Several midwives were embarrassed and looked at the emperor.

Jiang Beiyu also looked anxious: "Which word don't you understand? The Queen asked you to leave first. You can come in after the Queen has finished her courtesy."


The palace maids carried up the toilet bucket, and the midwives and maids in the room filed out. They all said that the queen was very particular and didn't even want to poop on a mat when giving birth, and wanted to use a toilet bucket, so they sent all the midwives out.

After everyone in the delivery room left, Jiang Beiyu quickly hung up the painting.

Qin Wan held her belly with one hand, stood up with difficulty, and said, "Jiang Beiyu, hurry up, I was pressed by them just now, I'm really going to give birth now!"

Jiang Beiyu didn't dare to slow down, his hands were shaking.

Han Biao has been secretly keeping watch, and no one can enter the room without his order.

Fortunately, there was a moon today. He walked to the side, pushed open a corner of the window, and took out the bronze mirror.

A dark cloud just happened to blow in and block out the moon, and his hands were shaking.

"Hurry, hurry!"

Knowing that he couldn't stay in the room for too long, he became extremely anxious.

Fortunately, after a while, the moon came out again, and the cool moonlight shone on the bronze mirror and was finally reflected on the painting.

The palace maids and midwives waiting outside the door saw a sudden burst of light in the delivery room and wanted to go in curiously. Before they got close to the door, they were stopped by Han Biao.

After a brief period of losing consciousness, Qin Wan found himself back in the underground of the restricted area.

Damn, that was a bad idea!

Qin Wan forgot that he brought the painting with him the last time he came here to transport arms. He originally thought that when he returned, it would be in the living room of his home in Shanghai, but he didn't expect it to be on the island!

Under the current circumstances, it is impossible to return to the Magic City, and the child can only be born on the island!

Qin Wan quickly took out his cell phone, but found the bag was empty.

Just now in the delivery room, several midwives were lifting her clothes and taking off her pants. I guess she accidentally fell on the bed, and she didn't notice it when she came just now.

"It's over, the phone..."

At this time, Jiang Beiyu also appeared on the beach, sitting on the roof of the car with a can of beer next to him. The aroma of barbecue skewers wafted over.

He immediately took out his cell phone to contact Qin Wan. He called, but the number was out of service. He also called a voice call, but no one answered.

After a brief thought, he immediately jumped out of the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards the restricted area, while continuing to try to contact her, but the call could not be connected.

Soon, he drove the car into the restricted area. This time, as before, a row of soldiers in front stopped him.

Knowing that showing the QR code wouldn't work, he took out his phone and showed the soldiers his and Qin Wan's marriage certificate, letting them know that their eldest daughter was his wife. Still, the soldiers shook their heads.

Because of the language barrier, he anxiously gestured to the soldiers about his belly, trying to let them know that the young lady was about to give birth. The soldiers looked at each other, not understanding at all.

He tried to call Qin Xiao, but found out that he didn't have Qin Xiao's phone number at all.

Knowing that Wanwan couldn't afford to be delayed any longer, he quickly got into the car.

The soldiers thought he was going to leave as usual and turned back, but he just drove the car, turned the steering wheel, bypassed them and rushed into the restricted area!

"Oh hey! Shit! Stop!"

The soldiers ran after him, guns drawn.

The leading soldier even shouted at him in the awkward Chinese dialect: "Stop!"


The bullets really hit his car, coming in from the rear windshield and penetrating the front windshield. And more bullets continued to hit the car, sparking sparks.

Jiang Beiyu was fully focused and pushed forward, pressing the accelerator to the bottom, not daring to stop at all.


A bullet hit his steering wheel and bounced off, just a few millimeters away from his hand, and the bullet casing just grazed his face.

Sweat broke out on his forehead, and "bang", another bullet hit and directly shattered his rearview mirror.

In order to avoid bullets, his car moved in an S shape, and coupled with the speed being too fast, it felt like the entire car was drifting.

In front of him was the more than ten-meter-high iron gate of the restricted area. The car almost couldn't stop. Jiang Beiyu's car was already riddled with holes. When he was hesitating whether to stop the car or rush through the gate directly, the gate of the restricted area suddenly opened slowly.

Qin Wan covered his stomach and walked out of the car with one foot deep and one foot shallow. He quickly turned the steering wheel and stopped the car on the side with an emergency brake.

The soldiers who had just caught up with him also got on the car and chased after him. When they saw him stop the car, they surrounded her.

Qin Wan angrily scolded the soldiers and said in the language of South America: "He is my husband, why don't you retreat quickly?"

When the soldiers saw the young lady coming out, they quickly put away their guns and the gate to the restricted area behind her slowly closed.

Qin Wan walked to his side, the gurgling water flowing out from between his legs: "Quick, take me to the hospital."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 30)

Chapter 207 Father...A father's status depends on his son?

Qin Wan walked to his side and felt the gurgling water flowing out from between his legs: "Quick, take me to the hospital."

After saying this, she seemed to have used up her last bit of strength and fainted in his arms.

It hurts, it hurts so much. Just now, she endured the pain of contractions and ran out step by step.

Jiang Beiyu picked her up in his arms.

His car was already riddled with holes, but he didn't have time to change one. He simply brushed away the broken glass on the passenger seat, took off his outer robe and put it on top, then put her on top.

He drove her at full speed towards the hospital on the island. His palm was cut in the rush just now, and blood dripped down as he held the steering wheel.

Fortunately, the island has complete facilities and the hospital is equipped with obstetricians who are world-renowned. The delivery environment is no worse than that in Shanghai.

After Jiang Beiyu sent Qin Wan to the hospital, Li Wenhua learned about it and immediately contacted Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi are now in North America. They rushed here as soon as they heard the news. It was very quick, only a few hours' flight away.

When they arrived, Qin Wan had successfully given birth to a baby weighing seven kilograms, a boy, white, chubby, beautiful and healthy.

Like Ma Shushu, Qin Wan fell into a coma after giving birth.

Jiang Beiyu had several scratches from stray bullets on his body, which had already been treated with medicine, and the wound on the palm of his hand had also been bandaged. At this moment, he was staying with Qin Wan and had just closed his eyes for a short nap.

When Qin Xiao walked over, he sensed something and immediately opened his eyes and raised his head.

Qin Xiao naturally knew about his deeds of bravely entering the restricted area.

If the other party didn't know that he was Qin Wan's husband, he would have turned to ashes by now.

Qin Xiao was a little dissatisfied: "Knowing that Wanwan was about to give birth, why didn't you contact us earlier? And why did you let her run to the restricted area alone? How can you be a husband?"

Jiang Beiyu didn't dare to say a word, and could only explain: "It happened suddenly... I don't have your phone number."

"Give me your phone." Qin Xiao said, planning to save his phone number.

Jiang Beiyu took out his mobile phone. Just now, the screen of the phone was hit by a stray bullet and shattered.

Seeing such a shabby phone, Qin Xiao sighed and said to his assistant, "Xiao Li, go to the phone store on the island and get a new one."

Xiao Li said, "Yes."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Bring another suit."

The situation was urgent this time, so he didn't have time to change his clothes when he came, and he is still wearing the dragon robe.

The dragon robe has also become obsolete.

Qin Xiao sat next to him and asked, "Have you chosen a name?"

He said: "Yes, Wanwan got it, and his name is Jiang Wanlin."

"Wanlin Wanlin, what a nice name." Qin Xiao nodded, "Congratulations."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Congratulations to Dad too."

Jiang Beiyu found it really strange.

He is the king of a country, so why is he so cowardly in front of his father-in-law?

I wasn't that nervous in front of my royal grandfather before.

Qin Xiao said: "Wanwan, have you ever met your parents?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "My father passed away, and my mother also passed away when I was nine years old."

Qin Xiao said: "He is a poor child...Who will take care of Wan Lin from now on?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Dad, don't worry about this. There are plenty of maids in the palace. From now on, Wanlin will have the best education. There will be the most knowledgeable and learned tutor in Jiang country to teach Wanlin."

Qin Xiao glanced at him and said, "What should we teach him? The Four Books and Five Classics?"

Jiang Beiyu nodded: "This is the most basic, and then, it is about governing the country and the world."

Qin Xiao got a headache when he heard this, thinking that his little grandson would have to work hard.

"In the future, how often will you bring it back?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "It depends on Wanwan."

Qin Wan finally woke up at night. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Beiyu and Ge Manqi beside him.

"Mom." Qin Wan called out.

Ge Manqi said, "Baby, you're finally awake. Mommy asked someone to make you some chicken soup with ginseng from the island. Are you hungry? Get up and drink it."

Qin Wan propped himself up and said, "I'm not hungry now. Where's my child?"

Ge Manqi smiled and said, "The baby is fine. The nurse took him away to feed him. I'll bring him over to you later."

Qin Wan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's better to be here, it's safe.

She drank the soup only after she knew the baby was fine. Ge Manqi fed her mouthful by mouthful. Jiang Beiyu tried to take over: "Mom, let me do it."

Ge Manqi fed him two mouthfuls and handed it to him, then said to Qin Wan, "I'll go next door and bring the baby over for you."

Ge Manqi left. Jiang Beiyu fed her with a spoon and kept looking at her: "Wanwan, you've worked hard."

Qin Wan said: "Fortunately, this time there was no danger. When I appeared in the restricted area basement alone, I felt dizzy and dark. I thought that this time, my baby and I were doomed.

Later, I realized I didn't bring my phone with me, and I was even more disappointed. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to find me, so I tried my best to get out. At that time, my stomach hurt so badly, my eyes went dark, and I almost couldn't hold on any longer. "

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyu pulled her into his arms with a look of heartache.

Qin Wan continued, "Later, when I was almost at the door, I heard gunshots outside. I wondered if you had gotten into a fight with someone. Do you know how worried I was about you?"

Jiang Beiyu patted her on the back and said, "It's all over. Good night, good luck to you, the child is fine, and I am fine too."

Ge Manqi came over holding the child. When she saw this scene at the door, she deliberately took a step back and continued walking in the corridor holding the baby.

Half of the hospital corridor is a wall, and the other half is a glass curtain wall for landscape. Outside are tropical plants with large leaves, and the sun is shining brightly.

After holding the child for a while, she brought him in. Qin Wan had already finished drinking the chicken soup and took the child.

After ten months of pregnancy, this is the first time I see his appearance clearly, a completely unfamiliar little face, sleeping soundly with his eyes closed. He was just born, his skin was still a little red, and his facial features were small and delicate.

"Is this really my child?"

It's a wonderful feeling that's hard to describe.

Ge Manqi was amused by her: "You gave birth to her, so if it's not yours, then whose else could it be?"

Jiang Beiyu also came over. The moment he saw the baby, he suddenly felt the joy of being a father for the first time. He reached out and couldn't help but touch the baby's face. The flesh was very tender and soft, as if it would be punctured with a little force.

Looking at this only son, Jiang Beiyu said with a little disappointment: "My ancestors had twins. My great-grandmother gave birth to a son and a daughter. If it were later..."

Ge Manqi rolled her eyes at him and interrupted him: "How can there be so many twins for you? Do you think you are the hero of a novel? In novels, everyone has twins. How many can there be in reality? Wake up, baby."

Qin Wan couldn't help but be amused by her.

"Anyway, some people have so many concubines. If you want twins, go find someone else to have them. Don't waste your ancestors' twin genes."

When she heard that there were many concubines, Ge Manqi looked at him.

Jiang Beiyu couldn't help but glared at Qin Wan: "What nonsense are you talking about? How dare I?"

They realized they had spoken out of turn, but they didn't care.

Qin Wan said, "I want to drink something sour. Go see if there is any yogurt around here."

Jiang Beiyu immediately said, "I'll go downstairs and buy it for you."

There is a convenience store downstairs in the hospital, which sells a lot of food, including yogurt and some refreshing fruits. Jiang Beiyu took a look around and bought yogurt and a box of sliced ​​star fruit. When he was paying, he remembered that his Qindao QR code seemed to be unavailable for consumption.

However, when he clicked it, he found that his QR code had turned into the same golden color as Qin Wan's.

He tried to show the QR code to the cashier and the payment was successful quickly. The clerk looked at him with a respectful expression when he packed the items in a bag and handed them to him.

My goodness, only after the child was born did his status become official and he became a member of the Qin family. Could this be called "a father's status depends on his son"?

Jiang Beiyu went upstairs and handed her the yogurt and fruit in the bag. Ge Manqi said, "Okay, Xiao Jiang, go back and have a rest. You must be tired after guarding here all day. Go back and take a shower and have a rest. I'm here."

Jiang Beiyu looked at Qin Wan, and Qin Wan said, "Go ahead. You're still injured, go back and change the medicine yourself."

After all, giving birth is very detrimental to one's health, so Qin Wan decided to wait until she was done with the confinement period before going back. Anyway, the baby wouldn't grow much in this month and would still be the same size as if it had just been born.

Qin Xiao was busy with business, so he stayed on the island with his little grandson for a few days and then returned to North America after spending a few days with her.

Ge Manqi stayed with her for a month.

A month later, when she felt everything was settled, Qin Wan changed into the clothes she had worn when she gave birth that day, chose a moonlit night on the island, and returned to Jiang Country with Jiang Beiyu.

Back to the delivery room again, back to that chaotic night, a loud baby cry cut through the night sky.

"The Queen has given birth!"

The delivery room doors were opened and all the midwives and maids outside rushed in.

First they saw the light, then they heard the baby crying. The queen sent everyone out to the delivery room to relieve themselves, and in less than half a cup of tea, the baby was born in the toilet?

When they really saw Qin Wan holding a big fat crying baby in his arms, all the midwives said: 6!

In order to make the fake look real, Qin Wan even got a blood bag from the crew and smeared it on the baby's face and her skirt, and used some butter to disguise it as vernix caseosa. The child looked the same as when he was just born.

The first midwife to arrive checked and shouted, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, on the birth of your prince!"

The maid who was among the midwives looked at this scene, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked as if she was doubting her life.

How come Concubine Leng gave birth so quickly? She didn't even have a chance to do it! What should she do if she fails to complete the mission of the Empress Dowager?

Everyone tried to help Concubine Leng hold the little prince, but the little prince was held tightly in Concubine Leng's arms. The imperial physician first checked the little prince's condition, and then felt Concubine Leng's pulse. When feeling the pulse, he was suddenly startled.

Concubine Leng's pulse was very steady, without any of the weakness of a woman who had just given birth. But just now, Concubine Leng was clearly belly-big, so this child was also just born by her!

Just as he was wondering, he met Concubine Leng's calm yet stunning eyes, and suddenly he dared not say anything.

He said to Jiang Beiyu beside him: "Congratulations, Your Majesty. Concubine Leng's pulse is normal, and both mother and child are safe."

Jiang Beiyu hummed and said, "Your Majesty needs to rest. Everyone, please go down. You have all worked hard today. We will go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to receive the reward later."

Everyone thought, the queen gave birth to the baby so quickly, and everyone's coming was just a formality, not a big deal.

But it's always good to have reward money, and everyone took the money and left happily. When they left, they were all saying that Concubine Leng was so amazing that she gave birth to a child in the toilet while she was going to the toilet.

Only one person is still lingering in the Palace of Glory.

With the little prince, there are more people serving in the palace, and one more person coming to help won't be noticed.

Just in case, Qin Wan placed the crib next to her bed. Even when the nurse fed her, she would squeeze the milk into a bottle and feed it to her personally.

Since she couldn't take care of the baby, she taught Xiao Zhima how to change diapers so that she could help her.

Little Zhima is very clever and can learn it quickly. She can do it after just one try. But it was her first time seeing it and she thought it was very magical: "Madam, where did you get this thing from?"

Qin Wan said casually: "I bought it."

Little Zhima had never seen these things sold on the streets of the capital city in her life, and the empress seemed to be very skilled in changing them. However, she had been in the palace for so long that she naturally knew that some things were not convenient to talk about.

"Okay, it's nothing, you can go down first and have a good rest. I can take care of it here."

Xiao Zhima saw that the little prince was very well behaved and thought there was nothing for the queen to do, so she went downstairs first.

Outside the door, an old lady was hiding in the dark.

She knew that a woman who had just given birth was the most vulnerable. She was lucky because she gave birth quickly, but she would not be so lucky after giving birth.

There is a depression on the top of a baby's head called the fontanelle, which will close when the baby is six months old. If you press it hard before it closes, just once, the child will either become mentally retarded or stupid.

After Xiao Zhima left, the old lady opened the door and sneaked into the room.

Qin Wan was taking a nap with his eyes closed. When he saw someone approaching, he immediately opened his eyes: "What are you doing?"

The old lady smiled and explained, "My lady, I will carry the little prince to feed him."

Qin Wan sneered: "I've already eaten, you can leave now."

But the old lady showed no intention of leaving.

"Your Majesty, if you don't feed him enough, the little prince will be hungry in the middle of the night and will easily cry. Let me carry him and feed him a little more." As she said this, she was about to reach out to hold him.

Qin Wan's cold voice sounded: "Stop!"

The old lady's movements did not pause at all.

Qin Wan rushed to pick up the baby, but saw the old lady took out a knife from her sleeve and stabbed him.

"Someone come quickly!"

Qin Wan dodged quickly while holding the child. The old lady was surprised that Concubine Leng was still so agile even though she had just given birth to a child.

However, she came prepared today and had no intention of walking out of the door alive. She was determined to kill Concubine Leng and her son to repay the Queen Mother for her kindness.

"Prepare to die!!!" The man suddenly raised his leg, and the hidden weapon hidden in the sole of his shoe shot towards Qin Wan with a "whoosh".

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 31st)

Chapter 208 Jiang·Daddy·Beiyu

"Prepare to die!!!" The man suddenly raised his leg, and the hidden weapon hidden in the sole of his shoe shot towards Qin Wan with a "whoosh".

It happened in a flash. There was a gunshot and a bullet hit the old lady right between her eyebrows.

The old lady stared with her eyes wide open, and she never figured out until her death what could have happened so quickly to kill her in an instant.

The "ring" Qin Wan was wearing on her hand was the one she brought from the island. It was a mini gun disguised as a ring, which she used for self-defense in the palace. Unexpectedly, it came in handy as soon as she arrived.

The guards rushed in from outside at this time, and the ring on Qin Wan's hand was still smoking.

She said indifferently: "Drag him away."

This nanny was someone the Empress Dowager rescued when she was performing outside the palace. In order to repay her gratitude, she entered the palace to work in another palace. On the surface, she had no connection with the Empress Dowager, so she escaped the last purge.

After this incident, Jiang Beiyu strengthened the protection inside and outside Ronghua Palace.

Even though there was no news of the murder of Concubine Leng and her son in Jiang State, the war between the Northern State and Jiang State finally reached a climax.

The two armies faced each other. Leng Leng led thousands of troops with new weapons in their hands. Behind him were more than a dozen Katyusha tanks that were filled with diesel and loaded with ammunition, looking very majestic.

The enemy's commander, Sun Jian, looked at the rusted car paint behind him and sneered, "General Leng, have you changed your profession to collect scrap? What are you doing bringing these bulky pieces of copper and iron to the battlefield? Hahahaha!"

Leng Leng's expression was as calm as a mountain. He smiled faintly and said, "This little bit of scrap metal is enough to deal with you."

The other party was full of ambition and raised the long sword in his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, let's fight and see who is the real strength!"


The elite troops of the Northern Kingdom came charging forward with great momentum, their fighting spirit surging and their ambition overwhelming.

Leng Leng sat on the horse motionless.

At this time, the Katyusha behind him moved slowly forward, its wheels rolling and raising bursts of yellow smoke.

He covered his ears.

At this moment, with a loud "bang", more than a dozen Katyushas fired at the same time, and nearly a hundred shells were fired in an instant. The enemy was instantly defeated and the position turned into a scorched earth in an instant.

Yellow sand filled the sky and cries shook the fields.

After only one round of firing, Leng Lie raised his hand to stop it.

The enemy had never seen such a powerful weapon and they all fled in panic. Leng Leng easily occupied the position.

The news of the Northern Kingdom's defeat and the loss of a city reached the Southern Kingdom within a few days.

At the same time as the news came, another piece of news also came: Jiang Guo had extremely terrifying heavy weapons in his hands.

At this time, Jiang Nange and Leng Ying's team had arrived at Elephant Valley.

A guard ran up to Wei Chong and hurriedly reported: "Your Majesty, Princess Jiang is here!"

At this time, Wei Chong was already deeply confused.

Since the Jiang Kingdom already has ways to deal with the Northern Kingdom, why did it send the princess?

On second thought, just because Jiang State has ways to deal with the Northern State doesn't mean it can defeat the alliance between him and the Northern State. It seems that Jiang State is still somewhat wary of him.

So he said, "See you."

Not only did he want to see her, but he also wanted to verify the identity of the Princess of Jiang. So Wei Chong notified Huangfu Cuihua and asked her to be ready when she went to the palace.

Huangfu Cuihua will go to the palace by herself, she has been waiting for a long time.

First of all, she didn't believe that Jiang Beiyu would really send her own sister. Secondly, at this time, the Jiang Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom had already gone to war, and the Southern Kingdom was only one step away from joining the war. She would never watch Jiang Nange interfere with this matter. Even if the one who came was the real Jiang Nange, she must be fake.

Thinking of this, she rushed to the main hall with high spirits.

At this time, Jiang Nange had arrived at the main hall to pay a visit to Wei Chong. She stood proudly in the hall, wearing a luxurious and exquisite princess dress, with a dignified manner and extraordinary demeanor, showing the style of a princess of a great country.

She bowed to Wei Chongying:

"Princess Jiang Nange of the Jiang Kingdom is on a diplomatic mission to the Southern Kingdom under the order of my brother, the Emperor, to meet His Majesty."

"Quick, excuse me, excuse me!"

When Wei Chong saw the delicate features and outstanding temperament of the woman in front of him, he thought that the beauty of this princess was indeed as rumored. He was extremely satisfied for a moment, and his eyes were as bright as titanium alloy.

However, he still had to put on a show, so he asked in a pretentious manner, "I wonder why the princess is visiting me?"

At this time, Huangfu Cuihua had come to the hall, beside Wei Chong.

Wei Chong asked her in a low voice: "Look, is this the Princess of Jiang State?"

Before Huangfu Cuihua could speak, Jiang Nange answered loudly and calmly: "This princess, on the orders of my royal brother, has come to pay a visit to His Majesty and Empress Dowager Wan. Secondly, there is another important matter."

"What is it?"

"The former Queen Mother of the Northern Kingdom has been bothering the Emperor for a long time in the Southern Kingdom. This princess is following the order of my brother to bring her back."

Huangfu Cuihua:!!!

Oops, this is directed at me???

As he spoke, Jiang Nange's gaze naturally turned to Huangfu Cuihua who was standing beside him.

"My Queen Mother, please come back with me."

Huangfu Cuihua narrowed her eyes, glared at her, and said in a loud voice: "You are not Princess Jiang Nange of Jiang State. What is your intention in impersonating her? What is the intention of Jiang State sending a fake envoy to the Southern State to pay a visit to the emperor?"

Jiang Nange said calmly, "It's only been a few months and the Queen Mother doesn't recognize me anymore. It seems that you are seriously ill."

She asked someone beside her to present an object: "This is this princess's phoenix seal. If it's not this princess, who else could it be?"

Wei Chong looked at the seal, then looked at her, and actually believed that she was the princess.

Huangfu Cuihua insisted: "The seal can be given to anyone at will. Jiang Guo's purpose is to send you to impersonate the princess."

Jiang Nange laughed angrily, not wanting to fall into the vortex of self-proof again, so he said: "Jian Yin Ruren, no matter who I am, I am here to visit the Southern Kingdom on behalf of the Jiang Kingdom, and I am here to bring you back on the orders of my royal brother."

She looked at Wei Chong neither servilely nor arrogantly: "For the sake of peace between Jiang Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom, please, Your Majesty, hand over the former Queen Mother of Jiang Kingdom to me."

"For the peace between Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom..." Wei Chong came to his senses after chewing on these words and looking at the young but powerful woman in front of him.

Jiang Guo never said from the beginning to the end that he wanted to marry the princess in front of him. She just came here to ask for someone, and what deceived him were the gossips brought by the spies.

However, it is not too late to understand now. He is the king of the Southern Kingdom. If he gives the other party who comes to ask for someone, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

So he smiled and said to her, "That won't work. She is my guest. My way of treating guests is to be polite. Whether she leaves or not is entirely up to her own will."

Or, the princess can stay here for a while, and when she gets tired of playing here, maybe she will be willing to go back with you?"

With Wei Chong speaking to him like this, Huangfu Cuihua straightened his back again.

Jiang Nange sneered in his heart.

Even her grandmother in heaven must have heard what she was thinking.

"To be honest," she said, "Just now, I was too polite to Your Majesty. In fact, she is a criminal of treason in my Jiang Kingdom. Please, Your Majesty, allow me to take her back."

Although the word "please" was used, the last sentence was powerful and uncompromising.

"This princess is following orders and does not want to embarrass the emperor. I believe that the emperor is not willing to become an enemy of the Jiang Kingdom for this criminal."

Wei Chong found it funny.

The State of Jiang is now at war with the State of the North, and Jiang Beiyu is imprisoned. He doesn't even pray to God, hoping that the State of the South will not join. Can the State of Jiang still attack him because of this?


At this moment, suddenly a guard hurried into the hall.

"Your Majesty, the Jiang Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom fought for the second time. The Northern Kingdom was defeated again. Part of the Jiang Kingdom's troops moved and came to our side!"

"This..." Wei Chong was suddenly embarrassed and looked at the Princess of Jiang State in front of the palace.

His back was very straight.

Obviously, this was a threat from Jiang Guo. However, he was not afraid, because the princess of Jiang Guo was right in front of him. If Jiang Beiyu dared to take action, he would be a ready-made hostage. Anyway, his Nan Guo had never been a martial arts country.

"It seems that your brother is provoking me. Let me think about this matter before we discuss it. Come on, send the princess to the room I have prepared."

The cleaning of the palace last time finally took effect.

Jiang Nange and his group were taken there.

Jiang Nange came here and realized that this was the harem, but it was in a secluded corner.

She knew that Wei Chong wanted to control her temporarily, but there is no risk without risk.

This journey is dangerous, and her brother wants to train her, but he has also transferred his own secret guards to protect her. An Wushang and Leng Ying are both excellent martial arts, and with these two people escorting her, she is not afraid.

Leng Ying was vaguely worried.

He sensed the emperor's ill intentions.

Just now when they were in the palace, he was standing next to the princess, and seeing the way he looked at the princess made him very uncomfortable.

Now, the princess was placed in the harem instead of the inn or palace for entertaining envoys.

He whispered, "Princess, be careful. Don't eat the food they send. Just eat what we brought. Or if there's anything you want to eat, I'll steal it for you."

Jiang Nange was amused by him.

The emperor's brother once told her that he had checked Leng Ying and found out that before joining the Leng family, he was a commoner on the street, but she didn't care at all.

At that time, he was an orphan and had no one to rely on. At such a young age, he could only raise himself by stealing food. In order to avoid being caught and beaten, he trained himself to have swift hands and feet. Later, he was fortunately noticed by General Leng, who took him to the Leng family to learn kung fu and became a bodyguard of the Leng family.

She smiled, her eyebrows dancing with joy: "This princess naturally knows that this place is dangerous, so what? I accidentally let this person escape at the beginning, this time, I must catch her back with my own hands.

One more thing, do you know why I work so hard? "

Leng Ying asked: "Why?"

Jiang Nange looked at him with her beautiful eyes: "My brother told me that if I complete this mission, he can promise me one thing after I return. No matter how outrageous what I say is, he will promise me."

Leng Ying felt something in his heart. He looked up at her and met her bright eyes. He felt that the world was bright again.

Leng Ying's ears turned slightly red: "Then Princess, what do you want to ask the Emperor?"

Jiang Nange knocked on his head and said, "Why would I tell you this, Popsicle? You've overstepped your bounds."

"My name is Leng Ying."

Jiang Nange spread his hands: "Is there any difference? There is no difference."


the other side.

Jiang Beiyu held Wanlin in one hand and the bottle in the other.

The battle reports from the front were all good news, and the Jiang army was invincible, but he was still a little worried.

Nan Ge is still in the southern country thousands of miles away.

Wei Chong is moody and Nan Guo has always been unprincipled. I don't know whether her decision to send Nan Ge to gain experience is right or wrong.

An Wushang just sent him a video of Jiang Nange meeting Wei Chong in the main hall. Because it was a secret video, he couldn't see her face, but could only hear her voice. After listening to it, he felt that this sister had grown up and didn't embarrass him.

But after all, we are under someone's roof, and we feel both relieved and worried.

"Jiang Beiyu, if you keep wandering around in front of me, do you believe I will throw you out?"

After walking back and forth in the room for a few times, Qin Wan finally couldn't help it.

Jiang Beiyu could only whisper in defense: "I found that my son drinks faster when he walks around like this."

"Drink so fast, your son fell asleep because of you."

Qin Wan took the half-empty bottle of milk from him and rolled her eyes at him.

Jiang Beiyu felt aggrieved.

After having a son, he was often scolded.

Have you ever seen an emperor who changed his son's diaper after court? He was probably the first one in history.

After what happened with the nanny, Qin Wan was extra careful when taking care of the child. She almost never left the child's side, and only occasionally let Xiao Zhima help her. Most of the time, she let him and she take care of the child by themselves.

Sometimes when he was talking to the ministers in the study, he could be seen sniffing. He smelled like milk...

"Wanwan, in half a month, Wanlin will be one month old. I want to grant amnesty to the whole country and make you the queen at his full-month banquet. What do you think?" Jiang Beiyu gently carried her son to the crib and sat beside her to discuss.

Qin Wan said: "Forget about the general amnesty. I don't understand your custom. Why does the emperor release all prisoners whenever he feels like it? There may be many people who have committed arson, murder, looting, and great crimes. The victims may have had a hard time sending them to prison, and now you release them all of a sudden. Is this fair to those who have been hurt?

You are not doing good for your son, but making him bear the sin when he is still young and ignorant."

Jiang Beiyu thought it made sense and nodded, "What about the matter of making you the queen?"

Qin Wan said, "Let's talk about the title of queen later. You're putting a lot of pressure on me."

She naturally knew that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. After being crowned as the queen, she had to take charge of the harem and take care of the trivial matters in the harem.

Also, the queen must always maintain the image of a queen. The concubines have to come to pay their respects to her every day. How can it be decent for her to sleep until noon every day?

Jiang Beiyu: "...Oh."

Both proposals were rejected. Jiang Beiyu was sitting there awkwardly. He wanted to get up and go to the study to review memorials, but then a little eunuch suddenly ran over and said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Xuan is about to give birth!"

(Tomorrow is New Year's Day, I wish you all a happy new year (*^▽^*), the next chapter will be before 18:00 on January 1st)

Chapter 209: Difficult labor, this time it's more likely to be dangerous! .

A young eunuch suddenly ran over and said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Xuan is about to give birth!"

Jiang Beiyu stood up suddenly.

He knew that the baby in Concubine Xuan's belly was not his, but he had to play the whole game. Upon hearing this, he immediately walked towards Beiming Palace.

Qin Wan also wanted to go and watch the fun, but in the eyes of outsiders, she was still in confinement and it was not appropriate for her to run around.

She was able to escape punishment and restore her status because Concubine Xuan "took the blame" for her. As for Lu Xuan, Jiang Beiyu issued an edict saying that considering she was pregnant and about to give birth, she should stay in the palace to wait for the birth of the baby. After she gave birth to the baby in the palace, she would be demoted to a commoner and expelled from the palace according to the law.

In other words, after giving birth to this child, she will be able to leave the palace and reunite with An Wushang. I believe she must be very happy.

At this time, bursts of screams of pain were heard in Beiming Palace.

Lu Xuan's face was pale and her forehead was covered with sweat. She tightly grasped the sheets under her. Several midwives surrounded her.


The contractions were so fierce that it felt like someone was poking her stomach with an awl and her pelvis was about to split.

She had been a pampered princess in the palace since she was young. How could she have ever suffered such great pain?

Her personal maid, Matcha, didn't know what to do and could only wipe the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief.

"My queen, push harder!" There were two midwives, one pushing her belly and the other prying her legs apart.

The harder she pushed, the more the pain became. Her body was soaked in cold sweat, as if she had been fished out of the water, but the child did not come out at all. She cried out in pain.

There were many palace servants outside the Beiming Palace.

The birth dates of the two concubines were only half a month apart, but everyone knows that if one child is born, she will be greatly favored and will soon reach the pinnacle of the palace, while if another child is born, she will be expelled from the palace and end up in misery.

Everyone listened to the noise inside and gathered around to watch the excitement and whisper. At this moment, they suddenly saw a bright yellow figure.

No one expected the emperor to come. Everyone was surprised and quickly dispersed.

Jiang Beiyu walked in a hurry, without looking around, and just lifted his robe and walked in. After entering, he saw the tightly closed delivery room.

He asked the palace servants at the door:

"How is the queen?"

The palace maid looked unhappy and said, "The queen has been calling for a long time, but it seems that she can't give birth."

Seeing him coming, a palace servant came in and reported: "The emperor is here, sitting in the courtyard!"

Upon hearing this, the two midwives worked even harder to assist with the birth.

The screams of pain from inside were getting louder and louder.

Jiang Beiyu sat at the stone table outside. A palace servant served him tea and his brows were tightly furrowed.

When he sent Wanwan to the island hospital, Wanwan was immediately lifted onto a stretcher by the doctor and pushed into the delivery room. He stood outside the delivery room because it was soundproofed and he could not hear any movement inside. He could only sit on a chair in the corridor.

He only knew that it took Wanwan more than three hours to give birth. She could have had a less painful extraperitoneal cesarean section like Ma Shushu, but in order not to reveal her flaws, she chose a natural birth.

So, that day, was his Wanwan also in such heart-wrenching pain?

After sitting for a while, the tea had gone cold, but the baby was still crying. However, the crying became quieter and quieter. He had no choice but to call out an imperial physician and ask:

"How's it going in there?"

The doctor said, "It's a difficult birth. Your Majesty doesn't have the strength to give birth. This time, I'm afraid it's more dangerous than safe."

Basins of bloody water were brought out from the delivery room. Lu Xuan's face had lost all color, and was as pale as a piece of paper. Her hair had long been wet with sweat. She held Matcha's hand and cried, "I don't want to have a baby anymore. I don't want to have a baby anymore. Go tell the emperor and ask him to find someone to stab me to death and then bury me, okay?"

Matcha also burst into tears: "My queen, hold on!"

Outside the door, Jiang Beiyu frowned when he heard the imperial physician say "it's more likely than not to get better".

Although the baby in Lu Xuan's belly is not his, the father of the child is a guard who is willing to give his life for him. Now, he is fighting for him outside, and he has to guard the child for him and ensure the safety of his wife and children.

Thinking of this, he stood up and walked towards the delivery room.

Originally, men were not allowed to enter the delivery room, but the emperor had already gone through it the last time Concubine Leng was giving birth, so the midwives were no longer surprised.

Seeing that the woman in front of him was in a bad condition, Jiang Beiyu dismissed everyone in the room and only left Matcha.

"Lu Xuan, hold on. I'll let you take a look at An Wushang."

The woman on the bed opened her eyes slightly.

Jiang Beiyu took out his cell phone and made a video call to An Wushang.

At this moment, An Wushang was still sitting on the rooftop basking in the sun, watching the people in the Southern Palace bathing the elephants. After receiving the video from Jiang Beiyu, he immediately sat up straight.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Jiang Beiyu's expression was very serious.

"Lu Xuan gave birth."

An Wushang's mind was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Beiyu continued, "I'm in the delivery room now. She's having a difficult delivery. Please talk to her."

After saying that, he immediately turned the phone screen towards Lu Xuan's face.

Looking at the familiar man in the small black box, Lu Xuan's eyes instantly lit up.

"Stinky guard?"

An Wushang hadn't come back to his senses for a while, and he hadn't come back to his senses looking at Lu Xuan like this.

Seeing him, I felt a little stronger, and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Damn guard, it hurts so much, come back soon!"

An Wushang's eyes turned red, and his face was full of heartache:

"Xuanxuan, hold on, I'll be back soon."

Although he was far away in the South, this was the only way he could comfort her.

"I'm afraid I can't hold on any longer. I feel so useless. I can't give birth to him. I'm so tired and in so much pain." Lu Xuan cried and said to him.

An Wushang could only say to her: "Hold on, try harder, you will definitely get out. Xuanxuan, when I come back, I will come to pick you up and take you to our house. We will live a good life as a family of three." As he spoke, he wiped away the tears that flowed involuntarily, his heart aching.

Listening to An Wushang's words, beautiful visions ignited in Lu Xuan's heart, and she seemed to have strength back in her body. She tried again, exerting great force.

A baby's cry echoed through the sky.

On the other end of the video, An Wushang heard it and burst into tears.

Later, the imperial doctors and midwives came in. Jiang Beiyu calmly hung up the video and walked out of the delivery room.

Those two midwives were also the ones who had participated in Concubine Leng's delivery. When they watched the Emperor leave, there was a hint of doubt in their eyes.

Every time, the emperor entered the delivery room and the empress's child was born not long after. Could it be that the emperor had some other special profession that was more professional than theirs?

On the other side, Leng Ying was sitting at the other end of the roof, holding a lollipop in his mouth. He looked at An Wushang, who was usually cold and icy, crying like a 200-pound child, and walked over to pat him on the shoulder.

An Wushang burst into tears: "I'm a father now!"

Leng Ying was startled: "Congratulations."

Then he asked, "Are you a man or a woman?"


He didn't ask that.

An Wushang glanced at his phone and thought that the emperor would probably tell him later.

After giving birth, Lu Xuan fainted completely. The midwife wiped the newborn clean and put it in a swaddle, then handed it to Jiang Beiyu: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, it's a little princess."

Jiang Beiyu took it and saw a cute little baby, as delicate as a piece of jade.

"Chirp, chirp~" Jiang Beiyu held her familiarly, teasing her, and carried her all the way to Ronghua Palace.

"Wanwan, look quickly."

He held the baby in front of Qin Wan, who was immediately surprised: "Oh, it's out."

She took it and held it in her arms, looked at the newborn girl, then looked at her own fat boy who was stretching in the cradle with a pacifier in his mouth.

"Her baby is a little thinner and smaller than ours. Have you given it a name?"

Jiang Beiyu said, "No." He thought for a moment and said, "Now, we are in the midst of war. I hope the world will be peaceful. How about calling him Ning'an?"

Qin Wan read it again: "Princess Ning'an? What a good name."


Lu Xuan woke up with a start from a dream in which she had died in childbirth. She only breathed a sigh of relief when she opened her eyes and saw the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes beside her pillow. She immediately hugged the baby in her arms, tears filling her eyes.

I almost lost sight of her.

She almost fainted at that time, but somehow she managed to find the strength to give birth to her. She is still very grateful.

She made it through.

From now on, their family of three will be reunited. She needs to take good care of herself and wait for him to come back and take her out of the palace.

At this time, the South.

An Wushang checked his cell phone eight hundred times a day, but he never received any message from the emperor, let alone saw any photos sent by the emperor.

From the guards, I learned that Concubine Xuan gave birth to a girl, who was named "Princess Ning'an" by the emperor.

Princess? He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Now that she has been conferred the title of princess, does that mean the emperor doesn't intend to let her leave the palace?

Recalling carefully, the emperor promised him that he would let Lu Xuan leave the palace after she gave birth, but he never promised to let her take the child with her.

I was feeling very nervous and could only hope that things here would be over soon.

It was already late at night, and he was still guarding on the roof, not daring to slack off.

Suddenly, I saw a sneaky figure not far away.

Wei Chong was walking towards this side, wearing a set of autumn-scented nightgown.

He felt that since Princess Jiang had come all the way here and had come right to his doorstep, it would be a shame if he didn't do something for her.

He decided that he wanted to make the matter a fait accompli!

That's why he placed her in the harem, so that it would be easier for him to take action.

He added some medicine to the dinner he sent to the princess, which would make her throw herself into his arms.

Little did he know that Jiang Nange didn't eat any of the food he sent in. He pretended to have eaten it and asked Leng Ying to feed the food to the cats and dogs in the palace.

He was about to push the door open when a hidden arrow pierced through the back of his hand and a cold voice came from the darkness.

"The princess has already gone to bed, so it's inconvenient for her to see guests."

The guards around Wei Chong wanted to step forward and head towards the direction where the sleeve arrow came from, but were stopped by Wei Chong.

Wei Chong smiled and said, "I have been busy all day, and I only have time now. I have to have a candlelight chat with the princess. Please, notify her for me."

He naturally knew that there were secret guards around the princess. Once they came out, he would immediately control the secret guards, and then the princess inside would allow him to do whatever he wanted.

Who knew, a voice came from inside.

"This princess is not asleep yet, please come in, Your Majesty."

Wei Chong immediately pushed open the door happily.

Inside, Jiang Nange was indeed fully clothed, sitting at the table drinking tea.

She brought this tea from Jiang State, and Leng Ying also fetched water from another well to prevent the other party from drugging her.

"Your Majesty, please sit down."

Jiang Nange asked him to sit down generously.

Under the lamp, the candlelight flickered, and that delicate face became even more charming.

Wei Chong immediately sat opposite her, dismissed his attendants, and asked his men to guard outside.

Jiang Nange poured him some tea and said openly, "Whether you give me the man or not depends entirely on the emperor's words. The climate in the south is hot and humid, and there are many mosquitoes. This princess is not used to the climate here, and she doesn't want to argue with the emperor anymore."

"I don't want to beat around the bush with the princess." Wei Chong looked at her with a smile, "I can give her to you, but I have to negotiate a condition with the princess."

Jiang Nange pushed the poured tea to him and said, "You go ahead."

Wei Chong still stared at her and smiled: "One, change for another. How about you stay here and be my concubine, and I will give her to you. In this way, Princess can not only successfully complete the task given to you by your royal brother, but also the Southern Kingdom and the Jiang Kingdom will be forever united, and it can also become a good story."

Faced with such offensive words, Jiang Nange just smiled and said, "I just said that I am not used to the climate and soil of the South. I am afraid that I don't have the blessing to be the emperor's concubine."

Wei Chong said: "It's okay, you will get used to it slowly. To be honest, I was deeply fascinated by the princess the first time I saw her. Just now, I had already gone to bed, but I missed her face and couldn't sleep at night..."

As he spoke, he reached out to touch her hand, but she hid behind the tea stove, causing him to touch the scalding hot teapot, scalding him to death.

Jiang Nange thought, why would she tell her brother that she wanted to marry this thing when she was completely hopeless? If she really married him, it would be a hell from which there would be no return.

But she remained calm on the surface, lowering her head to drink tea:

"The emperor wants the Southern Kingdom and the Jiang Kingdom to form a Qin-Jin alliance. Shouldn't he let my brother see his sincerity first? Otherwise, how would I know if the emperor is lying to me?"

Wei Chong said directly: "What use do I have for that old woman? If you are willing to marry me, I will let her go immediately."

Jiang Nange put down the teacup and said, "Let him go first."

In order to calm her down, Wei Chong said, "Okay, okay."

"But Huangfu is my aunt after all. It would not look good if I handed her over to you. How about you kidnap her yourself?"

He gave her advice on his own: "Well, as long as you agree to marry me, I will hold a banquet in the palace and invite Huangfu to attend. Your people can take advantage of the opportunity to ambush. I will deliberately relax the guards and let you successfully kidnap her. How do you think?

Wait until you see your people take her away, and then marry me, isn't that enough to show my sincerity?"

Jiang Nange finally understood that Wei Chong was indeed a man of age.

This old pervert used all kinds of persuasion and trickery just to trick her into becoming his concubine.

Wei Chong was busy calculating in his mind...

(Happy New Year to everyone~ Next chapter will be published before 18:00 on January 2)

Chapter 210 Do you remember what you promised me?

Wei Chong was calculating so well that the beads on his abacus were smoking...

Seeing Jiang Nange talking to him so lucidly, he knew that she was on guard against him and did not eat the food he had sent her.

But it doesn't matter, sooner or later, she will be his.

Huangfu Cuihua was definitely not a useless old woman to him, because he had not yet acquired the considerable property in her hands and the mine that was said to be in the South.

He promised her that he would let her watch with her own eyes as her people successfully kidnapped Huangfu Cuihua. At best, he would succeed in getting her to leave the palace, but it was hard to say whether he could successfully get her to leave Xianggu.

The South Country is so big. Unless someone has wings, how could someone kidnap someone right under his nose?

And after she saw the man being kidnapped with her own eyes, the next step was that the rice had been cooked and she would obediently become his concubine.

Wei Chong was thinking smugly in his mind, his mouth almost reaching his ears, but he didn't know that at this moment, Leng Ying's cell phone was secretly hidden in Jiang Nange's sleeve.

Just now, when Wei Chong came in, she dialed the voice and talked with her royal brother in secret. Jiang Beiyu could hear every word she said to Wei Chong clearly from thousands of miles away.

He replied: "You said you wanted to discuss it with my brother."

Jiang Nange was not a fool either. After glancing at Jiang Beiyu's reply, she said to Wei Chong:

"But, this is not right. For Jiang Guo, we are chasing after a fugitive, but it's like we are stealing. This is not appropriate.

Unless the emperor is willing to personally issue an order to hand over Huangfu to us, I will consider becoming his concubine. How about that? "

As she spoke, she winked at him, which immediately captivated him.

Wei Chong thought, that's fine, since it's his territory anyway, he can just say he wants to release the person and then find someone to kidnap his aunt back. If he tells his aunt in advance, she will probably be willing to cooperate.

So he said, "Okay."

Jiang Nange said calmly, "Then I will send a letter to my brother first. After all, it is the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. My marriage is not something I can decide alone."

Wei Chong nodded: "It should be."

After saying that, he finished his tea, then stood up and left.

On the other side, Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan heard the conversation between the two clearly.

While changing the diaper, he said, "Unless Wei Chong agrees to release the people or is willing to cooperate, it will be extremely difficult for Nan Ge and his small team to bring the Queen Mother back to the South Country."

Qin Wan said: "I think Nan Ge's safety is the most important. Since Nan Ge is visiting the Southern Kingdom as an envoy, we can withdraw our position after it has been made clear. If the Southern Kingdom refuses, we will attack it."

Jiang Beiyu's eyes were deep: "Although we have advanced weapons, which are more than enough to deal with the Northern Kingdom, it will be a bit difficult to allocate troops to attack the Southern Kingdom.

The reason why I want to capture the Queen Mother is, firstly, because she was so restless and instigated the war between the Northern Kingdom and the Jiang Kingdom. I must make her die to atone for her crime.

Secondly, she has a considerable fortune. If this money becomes the military pay of the Southern Kingdom, it will increase the threat of the Southern Kingdom to us."

He exhaled lightly and threw the changed diaper into the trash can:

"Of course, even if she returns empty-handed, I will not blame her. Nan Ge's mission to the Southern Kingdom has, to a certain extent, stopped the Southern Kingdom from sending troops and also hindered the Queen Mother's actions. As long as he deals with Wei Chong in the Southern Kingdom, he can buy us time."

The next day, Jiang Nange pretended to write a letter and had someone deliver it to Jiang State.

Wei Chong secretly asked someone to stop him and checked the content of the letter, which was the content of their conversation last night. Jiang Nange asked Jiang Beiyu if she could marry Wei Chong.

Wei Chong was very satisfied and asked someone to send it to Jiang State as quickly as possible.


The third war between Jiang and Beiguo ended in Beiguo's defeat. Beiguo lost nine cities, and Huangfu Cuihua once again asked Wei Chong to send troops.

Huangfu Cuihua said anxiously, "Your Majesty! According to the alliance, we should have sent troops to help the Northern Kingdom when the two countries first fought, but you kept delaying because of the visit of the Northern Princess. Do you know that this is exactly a delaying tactic of the Jiang Kingdom?"

She said earnestly, "Jiang Beiyu will never marry Princess Nange to you. He just wants to stabilize you and keep you hanging. Now, the military strength and weapons of Jiang Kingdom are already very strong. Only the South Kingdom and the North Kingdom can have a chance of victory if they unite. Once Jiang Kingdom annexes the North Kingdom, it will be too late, Your Majesty!"

Wei Chong said confidently: "Don't worry, the Northern Kingdom is not as fragile as you think. Now, we really have no reason to intervene. Let the Northern Kingdom fight with the Jiang Kingdom first. The later we enter the game, the smaller the loss. When the Northern Kingdom is in a desperate situation, Lu Yan will definitely send a letter to ask me to take action. In that way, the initiative will be in my hands.

"The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind it." I want to be the oriole. Have you ever seen a sparrow eating a cicada together with a mantis?"

Huangfu Cuihua was secretly shocked.

Wei Chong's actions were against the rules. Perhaps he had been trying to take advantage of something he hadn't gotten from the beginning. He never thought of cooperating with her to push her Yu'er to the throne, but instead hoped that the State of Jiang would be destroyed directly!

It's a pity that she realized this truth too late, and she couldn't come back.

Wei Chong suddenly rolled his eyes.

"Aunt, if you want me to send troops, that's fine, but there's one thing I need your cooperation on."

Huangfu Cuihua asked: "What's the matter?"

Wei Chong said: "I have a crush on the princess of Jiang, but Jiang asked me to hand over my aunt. In order to trick her into marrying me, I decided to pretend to hand over my aunt, and then kidnap her back when she becomes my concubine."

He said cunningly: "Jiang Beiyu has lost his sister and his troops. He will surely be furious and will definitely send troops to attack me. How about the Southern Kingdom taking advantage of this opportunity to join the battle?"

Huangfu Cuihua thought for a moment and said unhappily, "It's hard for you to come up with such a plan. What if they take me back directly?"

Wei Chong laughed and said, "Aunt, you are overthinking. This is the Elephant Valley, the hinterland of the Southern Kingdom, and the Southern Kingdom is surrounded by the sea. How difficult would it be for them to take Aunt away?"

Although this method is a bit dangerous, it can at least worsen the relationship between Jiang Kingdom and Nan Kingdom, and also disgust Jiang Beiyu. She finally agreed.


On the fifth day after Lu Xuan gave birth, Qin Wan went to Beiming Palace to see Lu Xuan.

She brought Lu Xuan a lot of baby supplies, such as bottles, pacifiers, a large box of diapers, changing pads, baby cream and cotton wipes.

She personally demonstrated in front of Lu Xuan how to change the baby's diaper.

"Using this is more convenient, it is highly absorbent and can keep the baby's bottom dry. Change it every two or three hours, or use it alternately with diapers."

Lu Xuan watched her change Ning An's diaper and said, "The last time I saw the child, he was wearing this. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I thought it was quite exquisite."

Qin Wan explained: "This is called a diaper. I brought it from somewhere else. Babies there all use this."

Lu Xuan nodded, not quite understanding: "The place you are talking about is your hometown, right? Are you from the same hometown as the King of Qi?"

Qin Wan was stunned.

Lu Xuan had already known that she was not "Leng Qingqing", and she had told Leng Lie about it, but was ridiculed.

But, does she also know about the King of Qi?

Qin Wan straightened up and deliberately said, "King Qi, isn't he your uncle? He was born and raised in the north, how could he be my fellow countryman?"

Lu Xuan glared at her: "It seems that you know nothing about the secret history of the North Country."

After seeing Qin Wan change Ning An's diaper, she held Ning An in her arms, patted his back and coaxed him to sleep while saying:

"My little uncle was once the most beloved brother of the late emperor, but he was weak and sickly since childhood. When he was in his teens, he had a high fever one night and died.

The late emperor was extremely sad and held a funeral for the young uncle. Later, not long after the body was buried, the young uncle appeared in his bedroom again.

This little imperial uncle, or rather the little imperial uncle, looks exactly like the deceased little imperial uncle, except that his hair has been cut off, he speaks a strange language, and he doesn't recognize my father.

This matter was very strange. Everyone was advising my father to be careful, but my father's eyes were filled with tears. He insisted that it was the young uncle who had come back to life and came back to find him, so he replaced the original King of Qi.

Someone risked his life to dig up the tomb of the little uncle and found that the dead little uncle was lying there. So, that person could not be the original little uncle. But my father did not allow anyone to mention this matter and insisted on recognizing him as his younger brother. Later, he also made him the King of Qi. "

Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something.

In this case, everything made sense. She was still wondering how he had managed to hide his true identity in the North Country.

Lu Xuan continued, "When this happened, my brother and I were still young, but we both remember it. We have been living together as relatives for so many years, and he was named the King of Qi by the late emperor, so after my brother ascended the throne, he was also at peace."

After hearing so much gossip, Lu Xuan felt at peace with the matter and no longer felt threatened. Qin Wan openly admitted, "The King of Qi and I are indeed from the same hometown."


At this time, the Northern Kingdom was in a state of defeat. In order to save the situation, the King of Qi went to the battlefield himself.

He looked across through his homemade telescope and was secretly shocked.

Unexpectedly, the other party not only brought back mobile phones, but also brought back hot weapons, modern armaments such as guns and rocket vehicles. How could the Northern Kingdom win with cold weapons?

If this continues, and the Kingdom of Jiang continues to expand like this, the Northern Kingdom will inevitably be destroyed. In the future, this continent will be dominated by the Kingdom of Jiang, and it may even be able to unify all the countries.

Not daring to delay, he quickly went back to report to the Northern Kingdom's Emperor Lu Yan.

The Northern Kingdom suffered a series of defeats, and Lu Yan was already overwhelmed. When he heard the report from the King of Qi, his heart sank.

"So, the North has no chance of winning?"


The King of Qi said: "The Northern Kingdom now has only two options. One option is to surrender, cede territory and pay compensation, and try to get the Jiang Kingdom to cease fire and stop losses."

Lu Yan stood with his hands behind his back, his face grim: "I will never surrender, what about the other way?"

"burn one's boats."

The King of Qi said: "The Northern Kingdom cannot win by relying on military strength and weapons, so it can only use weather weapons, the weather, and the terrain.

A cannon shot would hurt a few people at most, but if a natural disaster happened in Jiang Country, the casualties would be tens or even millions."

"Oh?" Lu Yan was curious: "How do you make a natural disaster happen in Jiang Kingdom?"

"this is very simple."

The King of Qi said: "The terrain of the North Country is above that of the Jiang Country. The largest river on this continent connects our land with that of the Jiang Country. Now, this river is about to reach its flood season, and the water is fierce. As long as we destroy our dam at the junction upstream, the flood will submerge large areas of villages and farmland in the downstream Jiang Country."

He also showed Lu Yan a map. Indeed, the terrain of the Jiang State downstream was low-lying. Once the flood was released, a large area of ​​the Jiang State's land would be lost.

"This is a land of fish and rice, the richest place in Jiang State, and also the granary and lifeblood of Jiang State."

Lu Yan hesitated a little: "But the people are innocent. If hundreds of thousands of Jiang people are displaced and lose their lives because of a war, will it damage my virtue? Even if I win, future generations will scold me for hundreds of years."

The King of Qi said: "When Jiang Beiyu used modern thermal weapons against us and killed several or even dozens of soldiers with one shot, did he think about the loss of virtue? We have already lost nine cities, and we will lose more next. The whole country of Beiguo will be destroyed, and the emperor is still here showing mercy?

Now, we have the advantage of time and place, and we still have a chance to turn defeat into victory. Once the opportunity passes, or when Shangdu falls, we will never have a chance to turn the tables! "

These words made Lu Yan's blood boil.

Indeed, the Northern Kingdom is no match for the Jiang Kingdom today. If he does not take advantage of the right time and place, the foundation laid by his ancestors will be destroyed in his hands!

As long as he can keep his power stable, what does it matter if he is scolded for hundreds or thousands of years?

So he said to the King of Qi: "Let's use this strategy. Go and prepare."

The King of Qi said, "Yes."

Not only does he want to defeat the Jiang Kingdom, he also wants to plunder the Jiang Kingdom's weapons!

At this time, there were only fifteen days left before the flood season of the river! He immediately sent a team of people to Shangdu to dig the dam!

Although this matter was carried out in top secret, it was eventually reported to the Kingdom of Jiang by spies hiding in the North.

Jiang Beiyu was shocked when he heard this.

All those heavy weapons were sent to the main battlefield, so they could only send tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers to the city opposite Shangdu, bordering the Northern Kingdom.

He must stop the madness of the North Country!

The Northern Kingdom had been well prepared and stationed tens of thousands of troops in Shangdu to prevent the Jiang Kingdom from attacking.

The main generals of the Northern Kingdom are all on the main battlefield, so here, Lu Yan is personally wearing armor and leading the army in person!

Lu Xuan, who was feeding Ning An with a bottle, also learned about this. She knew very well the consequences of Lu Yan's action. The dam would be destroyed and thousands of people in Jiang State would die.

Jiang Beiyu came to Beiming Palace: "Do you remember what you promised me?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on January 3)
