
 Qin Wan lowered her eyes and pursed her lips: "It's nothing, I just feel a little dizzy."

  "So are you going hunting tomorrow?"

  Qin Wan raised his head and looked at him with a pair of clear black and white eyes.

  Some other concubines did not participate in the hunting trip. In fact, it was okay not to go. There was no need to pretend to be sick.

  "Your Majesty, I am not good at hunting..."

  "I'll teach you."

  He said it without hesitation, holding her hand.

  "You are so good at riding and shooting, don't you want to practice in the forest?"

  But she still shook her head gently.

  Jiang Beiyu took a deep breath and said, "I want to hunt with you."

  "You can come with me...if you are scared, I will protect you."

  Qin Wan didn't know how to respond for a moment.

  "I don't want to. I don't want to. Does Your Majesty have to force me?"

  Jiang Beiyu was obviously stunned for a moment, his face darkened, but he did not get angry at her, and whispered:

  "It seems that you are indeed unwell today. Take a good rest first."

  At dusk, the large army returned from the mountains with a full load of prey, and cartloads of prey were transported out of the mountains.

  Concubine Zhang shot two deer and a dozen hares, and had the highest hunting score among the concubines; General Leng shot a brown bear.

  A bonfire was lit in the camp and the fresh prey was barbecued directly.

  Qin Wan came out of the tent when she smelled the aroma of barbecue. She saw everyone sitting around the campfire in groups of three or five. From time to time, someone would secretly glance at her.

  Because of her outstanding performance in the horse-riding and archery competition, everyone thought she would be able to wreak havoc in the hunting ground, but unexpectedly, she didn't show up in the hunting ground at all.

  Jiang Nange pulled her directly to her tent and wanted to roast a rabbit for her.

  "Why didn't you go to the autumn hunt today? If you didn't go, my brother would be distracted."

  Qin Wan didn't believe that if she didn't go, the dog emperor would be distracted.

  "I feel a little uncomfortable today."

  Jiang Nange turned the grill himself: "I saw that my brother was not in a good mood today. Did you have a fight with him?"


  Qin Wan said: "He wanted me to go hunting, but I didn't want to."



  Although lying is not good, sometimes a white lie can save you a lot of trouble.

  She stared at the rabbit roasting on the grill, bleeding slightly, and said:

  "I feel a little dizzy with blood..."

  Jiang Nange suddenly realized: "So that's how it is... I didn't expect that even though you are the general's sister, you would faint at the sight of blood."

  Qin Wan smiled.

  Believe this reason, Jiang Nange will let Jiang Beiyu know soon.

  Sure enough, after she left, Jiang Nange went to Jiang Beiyu's tent.

  "She's fainting from blood?" He thought for a moment. "Well, if that's the case, then she can just not go."

  On the second day, Qin Wan still did not go to the enclosure, and of course the Dog Emperor did not send anyone to ask her to go. Another peaceful day passed like this.

  However, some people couldn't hold back any longer.

  On the third day, Qin Wan walked out of the tent.

  The camp was deserted, as most people had gone hunting.

  It was nice to stay in the tent alone for the first one or two days, but I felt bored after two days, especially when I came out and saw that there was no one around. It was like when I was in elementary school and everyone went on an outing but she was still in the classroom.

  She also thought about adapting to local customs and wondered if she should give it a try, even if it was just to collect some wind in the woods. Just as she was thinking about it, a little eunuch suddenly ran over:

  "My lady, it's bad. Little Sesame was fetching water from the lake just now. It seems that she met a wild beast and was dragged into the woods!"

  "What?" She was a little surprised to see that the bucket in the tent was gone, and she hadn't seen Xiao Zhima for a while.

  "Didn't she call for help?"

  The young eunuch said, "I just heard the cry for help and ran over. I was far away, but when I got closer I saw that the person had been dragged into the woods. Can you see if Xiao Zhima is still there?"

  "Little sesame, little sesame?"

  She shouted twice, but no one answered. Logically, Xiao Zhima would not run far, so she ran to the lake and saw an overturned bucket lying on the ground.

  There were not many palace servants left in the tent area, and wild animals often appeared there, and there were also cases of palace servants being taken away.

  She immediately mounted a horse and went into the mountains with two guards.

  Most of the guards followed the emperor into the mountains to hunt, and she had few people under her control. When she entered the forest, she realized that she was not wearing any protective riding and shooting clothes.

  Just as I was about to go back, I suddenly found a torn piece of pink clothes at the edge of the woods.

  It looked like it was torn off in a panic and marked.

  The longer the time was delayed, the more danger Xiao Zhima would be in. Qin Wan checked and immediately realized that she had a bow and arrow and a quiver, and she also had a short knife for self-defense, so she resolutely continued to go into the mountains.

  This was the paddock, and rabbits shot by arrows could be seen everywhere on the roadside. They were shot in the throat with one arrow and were bleeding profusely. She felt uncomfortable, but at this moment, the most important thing was to find Xiao Zhima.

  She saw a man hunting in the shadowy bushes, so she immediately went up to him and asked, "Have you seen Xiao Zhima?"

  The man shook his head, as if he didn't know who Xiao Zhima was.

  She took out her cell phone, turned on the camera function, zoomed in, and searched around. After a while, she found another piece of pink cloth in front of her, stained with blood.

  She saw several people hunting in the mountains one after another, including ministers from the court and Mongolians. She did not recognize them and did not bother to greet them. She just wanted to find them as soon as possible. However, the news of her entering the mountains soon reached Jiang Beiyu.

  "Your Majesty, the Queen has gone into the mountains to hunt." A young eunuch hurried over to report.

  Jiang Beiyu's expression changed.

  "where is she?"

  The young eunuch only gave a rough direction, and Jiang Beiyu did not see anyone when he rode over.

  However, this did not pose a problem for him.

  He took off a whistle made of white jade hanging from his waist and blew it toward the sky.

  Not long after, a huge white eagle, which was circling in the sky, descended from the sky.

  He would bring Xiaobai with him when he went hunting in autumn. Xiaobai had excellent eyesight and could see everything in the forest clearly even from the sky. He would lead him to where there were more prey.

  Jiang Beiyu came closer and whispered a few words into the giant eagle's ear. The white eagle was somewhat unhappy and snorted.

  He reached out and rubbed the wings of the white eagle: "Well, you lead me to find her, and I will go back and find you a female eagle."

  The white eagle then flapped its wings proudly and soared into the sky.

  After circling for a while, it took him in one direction.

  At this time, Qin Wan had already discovered the third piece of cloth, and she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

  Because these strips of cloth pointed her in the direction of the restricted area.

  In order to prevent autumn hunters from mistakenly entering the restricted area, a colorful flag is planted every two or three meters at the edge of the restricted area as a reminder.

  The restricted area is an undeveloped primeval forest, which is more dangerous and full of unknowns.

  Just now she was hot-headed and worried about Xiao Zhima's safety. Now she suspected that someone deliberately led her into the restricted area.

  Although she has read many novels and TV dramas about palace fighting, this trick is just a cliché in them. If she were the protagonist, she would definitely be scolded by readers for continuing to go into this story, saying that she was "forced to be dumbed down".

  But she found that it was very difficult to make a decision when she was really in the situation because she did not have a bird's eye view.

  Maybe this is all a trap.

  But if it was really Xiao Zhima who was asking her for help, now that he had been dragged into the restricted area, his situation would undoubtedly be even more dangerous.

  She didn't want to gamble with Xiao Zhima's life.

  It only took her thirty seconds to think and make a decision, then she rode forward resolutely.

  The two guards beside him did not dare to move. They hesitated for a moment and reminded: "Madam, this is a restricted area."

  Qin Wan looked back and felt that there was no need to drag them into the danger. After all, they were also hard-working workers who had been sent to the palace by their families since they were young. So he said to them:

  "Wait for me here. If I don't come out in half an hour, report to the emperor immediately."

  Just as I was about to go in, a voice came from behind me:

  "Why report to me? Do you expect me to come and collect your body?"

  Hearing the sound, she turned around and saw a stern figure wearing a bright yellow, heroic hunting suit, riding on a horse, looking at her unhappily.

  She was surprised: "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

  Jiang Beiyu said, "Aren't you afraid of blood? Why are you here? I thought you didn't dare to hunt, but you came directly to the restricted area. Do you want to play a big game?"

  Qin Wan held the three pieces of cloth in her hand and said, "My personal maid Xiao Zhima is missing. She might have been dragged into the forest by a wild beast."

  Jiang Beiyu took a look and felt a little confused. However, although this forbidden forest was off-limits, he had actually sneaked through it alone when he was thirteen years old. Although it was dangerous, there were more prey in it, so he was not afraid at all.

  Although he had doubts, he thought this was a great opportunity to go hunting with her, and he might even be able to cure her blood phobia, so he said, "I'll go in with you."

  Qin Wan was surprised to see that the man had already ridden his horse to her side with an expressionless face.

  "Your Majesty, the restricted area is dangerous. You don't have to accompany me in danger. If you have extra troops, just lend me some."

  Jiang Beiyu's delicate and proud features looked nonchalant: "I passed through this restricted area when I was thirteen years old. I am very familiar with every plant and tree in it. I can help you find it. Bringing a large group of people will only make things difficult."

  He didn't want a bunch of people following him and disturbing him...

  Since the dog emperor said so, and it would take time to go back and gather manpower, he followed him in. However, the dog emperor still kept a watchful eye and said to the two guards:

  "You, stay here. You, go find Eunuch Xi and ask him to gather the guards to wait for me here. If I and Concubine Leng don't come out within an incense stick of time, come in and search. Do you hear me?"

  The guard said, "Yes," and turned to notify.

  This was Qin Wan's first time entering the mountains and forests. To be honest, if she was alone, she might be really scared, but she didn't expect to meet the Dog Emperor here. He was so kind that he was willing to help her find someone.

  Just as he was thinking about it, something suddenly fell into his arms. It was the protective gear he threw to him.

  "Why don't you even wear protective gear when you go into the mountains? Are you so confident in yourself?"

  Qin Wan explained: "I left in a hurry..." She found that the protective gear was taken off her body by him, and said quickly: "Your Majesty gave the protective gear to me, what should Your Majesty do?"

  "I don't need this stuff. You can save me trouble if you protect yourself."

  "Then thank you, Your Majesty."

  Looking at her putting on the protective gear, Jiang Beiyu curled the corners of his lips.

  Qin Wan continued to search with his cell phone camera and found the fourth piece of cloth at the entrance of a dark hole.

  She immediately stepped forward, and Jiang Beiyu followed and recognized him:

  "That place seems to be a tiger's den..."

  Qin Wan asked: "How do you know?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, a huge white tiger with drooping eyes came out of the cave on the ground.

  Qin Wan's pupils shrank.

  This was her first time to have such close contact with this kind of "big cat". In the past, she had only seen it in zoos, separated by extremely sturdy iron cages. Moreover, those raised artificially were not ferocious and were even a little cute.

  A deafening tiger roar was heard, and even the earth was shaking.

 "Oh my god!"

  She suddenly felt that she had been careless. Did she really think that she was a Mary Sue heroine with the aura of a protagonist, and dared to enter the forbidden forest?

  "Jiang Beiyu, run!"

  (Next chapter June 26, 20:00)

  Chapter 31 I seem to like you a little bit...

  "Jiang Beiyu, run!"

  In desperation, she simply called out his name, pulled the reins, turned the horse around and ran away.

  However, the tiger whose territory was invaded was in a state of rage at the moment. She only felt a chill on her back, and the white tiger suddenly jumped up and pounced on her with its claws open...

  This was the first time she saw a tiger jump.

  Cats have particularly good jumping ability. An adult tiger can jump as high as three meters. Even if she is on a horse, she can be torn to pieces in an instant!

  Her heart was beating rapidly in her throat, and she took out the dagger from her waist, ready to strike back!

  She had already felt the tiger's paw about to rest on her shoulder and was about to turn around when a huge white eagle suddenly swooped down from the sky, grabbed the tiger's shoulder blade with its powerful claws, and actually lifted the tiger up from mid-air and threw it down.


  The tiger let out an angry roar, rolled on the ground and jumped up again, raising its claws to hit it, but it pecked its head fiercely, knocking it unconscious.

  Jiang Beiyu remained calm from beginning to end. He watched Xiaobai fighting with the big white tiger, got off his horse and walked to her side: "Are you okay?"

  Qin Wan was still in shock, and his hand holding the dagger was still shaking.

  He simply carried her off the horse and calmly carried her into the tiger's den.

  In fact, even if Xiaobai was not there, he would not be afraid of another tiger. Usually, there are one male and one female tiger living in a tiger den, plus the little tiger. When one is in the cave, the other will go outside to find food.

  After entering the cave, Qin Wan realized that he had been held in his arms. He quickly jumped down and took out a fire to light the way.

  The tiger den was empty, but there were two hungry and cute little tiger cubs, just one month old.

  They searched around but couldn't find any trace of Xiao Zhima in the cave. It was obvious that she had been deceived.

  She was brought here deliberately.

  If she came here alone, the consequences would be disastrous!

  Jiang Beiyu obviously noticed it too, and his eyes became deeper:

  "Where is your maid?"

  "Go out first."

  Qin Wan has become increasingly aware that this is a trap and just wants to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible.

  When the two came out, they heard the roar of a tiger in the cave. Xiaobai was still fighting with the white tiger. Several hairs on Xiaobai's head were pulled out, and the white tiger also had several bite wounds on Xiaobai's body.

  Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes, took out a bow and arrow from his body, and was about to shoot the tiger, but Qin Wan grabbed his arm and shook his head at him.

  There were hungry tiger cubs in the cave. The tiger came out because she disturbed its territory.

  Remembering that he said she was afraid of blood, he put away the arrow. The two of them mounted their horses and rode away. Only after they had run far away did Jiang Beiyu blew the whistle, and the white eagle flapped its wings and flew up.

  Since it was a trap, the other party would not let her leave so easily. Even if she was lucky enough to escape, there would definitely be another danger in the forest.

  Qin Wan was highly focused and cautious along the way. Suddenly, he noticed a little reflection in the grass in front of him. Upon closer inspection, he found it was a silver thread.

  "Be careful!!!"

  She shouted, and Jiang Beiyu quickly reined in the horse, with its two front hooves raised high.

  She jumped off the horse and saw that the silver thread in the grass was connected between two trees, just a little bit away from the horse's hoof.

  If we had gone on like this, we would have been in chaos!

  "It's the silver thread that tripped the horse. The other party is really thoughtful and sinister!"

  At this moment, she suddenly heard a rustling in the grass again.

  "Qingqing! Come up quickly."

  Jiang Beiyu grabbed her waist and carried her onto the horse. Only then did she see that many densely packed black shelled poisonous insects were crawling towards her and were about to crawl to her feet in the next second.

  These insects are extremely poisonous and feed on the skin, flesh and bones of animals. If she had fallen off her horse just now, these poisonous insects would have burrowed into her flesh and eaten her!

  The thing Qin Wan feared the most since he was a child was this kind of large beetle. He felt his scalp tingling and his whole body instantly collapsed.

  Jiang Beiyu held him in her arms and rode the horse very fast. Even after they left the forbidden forest, her face was still pale.

  There were already dozens of guards leading horses standing quietly in front of the forbidden forest, waiting to go in immediately after the appointed time. They were relieved to see the Emperor and Concubine Leng come out safely.

  Looking at so many people in front of him, Qin Wan felt a little embarrassed and wanted to dismount, but he was held by the waist.

  He kept his arm around her as they rode slowly out of the woods and back to the camp.

  Everyone saw that the Emperor and Concubine Leng were riding on the same horse, but the Emperor did not look very well.

  He accompanied her to the entrance of her tent and said to her:

  "Go back and have a good rest. I will have someone investigate this matter."

  Qin Wan said: "The most urgent thing is to find Xiao Zhima first. I am still worried about her."

  Jiang Beiyu said, "I have already sent people to search the forest."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  He looked at her deeply and said, "You don't have to be so polite to me all the time."

  Having said that, he rode away on his horse.

  Qin Wan got off her horse and was about to return to the tent when she saw Xiao Zhima carrying a basin of water and walking out of the tent. She immediately stepped forward and asked, "Where have you been?!"

  Xiao Zhima was confused: "I went to the lake to fetch water, and was hit by a club for no apparent reason. Then I was put into a sack. When I woke up, I found that I was thrown into a pile of firewood.

  I shouted loudly, and someone came to rescue me."

  "This is all a trick..."

  Qin Wan thought of the little eunuch who informed her that Xiao Zhima was missing, and her eyes turned cold.

  She told Little Guiyuan, "Go and inform the emperor that Little Zhima has been found."


  Qin Wan returned to the tent.

  She didn't tell Xiao Zhima what happened today, for fear that she would be frightened. She might not know that today, a huge storm was set off because of her.

  Now, she just wants to find out who is behind it.

  The little eunuch who told her that little Zhima was taken away by a wild beast was the key.

  As she didn't know which palace the young eunuch belonged to, in order not to alert the enemy, she drew a portrait of the man based on her memory.

  That night, she walked into Jiang Beiyu's tent with the painting.

  "This is the little eunuch who told me that little Sesame was taken away by a wild beast."

  Jiang Beiyu handed the portrait to Eunuch Xi, the chief eunuch of the Imperial Household Department, who was standing nearby.

  "Eunuch Xi, look, which palace does this belong to?"

  Eunuch Xi took it and looked at it carefully:

  "Your Majesty, this person is not a eunuch in the palace."

  Qin Wan's surprise was also expected.

  If he really used the eunuchs in his own palace, it would be too blatant.

  Jiang Beiyu's eyes were cold, and he said to Eunuch Xi: "Investigate."

  "Yes." Eunuch Xi stepped out.

  It was late at night. Jiang Beiyu glanced at the person under the lamp. The candlelight dimly shone on the delicate little face and the pair of pink lips. He inexplicably remembered the soft and sticky touch he accidentally tasted that day, and felt a burst of heat.

  Maybe the deer blood wine I drank tonight took effect. Staring at those lips, I was possessed by some strange desire to taste them again...

  He said sternly, "Since you have been targeted, why don't you stay in my tent tonight? It will be safer."

  Qin Wan was panicked when she heard this, and hurriedly said: "It is precisely because I am in danger that I cannot stay in the emperor's tent, for fear that it will implicate the emperor and affect his safety.

  I will take my leave now."

  After saying that, she left.

  As Qin Wan returned to the tent, a dark shadow appeared before him.

  It's a cold shadow.

  In fact, he had been secretly protecting her today and had sneaked into the restricted area with her, but because the emperor was there, it was not convenient for him to show up.

  He has already found that person.

  "My lady, that eunuch is a Mongolian in disguise."

  Qin Wan was surprised: "Mongol?"

  "I have no grudges against the Mongolians, so why would they frame me? Could it be that I won the game that day and made the Mongolians lose face? Or is there someone colluding with the Mongolians?"

  No matter what the result is, the matter has become complicated due to the involvement of the Mongolians. After all, the relationship between the Jiang royal family and those Mongolians is delicate and sensitive.

  Jiang Beiyu obviously found out about it, and told her about it the next day.

  "Since the Mongolians are involved, I will not interfere. Your Majesty has the final say on this matter."

  After a pause, she continued, "After all, I am not seriously injured, and my maidservant is not injured either. I have no opinion on how the emperor handles this."

  She made her position clear at the first opportunity, not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble because of her own affairs.

  Jiang Beiyu sneered: "Do you think I will tolerate this?

  How could I let you suffer injustice?

  How dare some Mongolian barbarians put themselves above me?"

  Soon, the man who had come to their camp disguised as a eunuch was brought before her.

  "Qingqing, look carefully, is it him?"

  Qin Wan was surprised at his efficiency. With the help of the portrait, he found the person in just one night and captured him directly.

  The man kept his head down, but even with that, she recognized him at a glance: "It's him!"

  With her words, Jiang Beiyu said in a deep voice: "Chuan Meng Khan."

  The next second, the man was about to bite his tongue to commit suicide. Qin Wan quickly picked up a fruit on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.


  Qin Wan knew that it was not convenient for her to interfere in political matters, so she said to Jiang Beiyu, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

  She believed in Jiang Beiyu's ability and would definitely give her justice.

  Soon, Meng Khan came to her tent to apologize to her and gave her some agate and beeswax as an apology gift.

  Across the tent, Meng Khan explained:

  "Your Majesty, you are frightened! I have investigated and found that the man is a local herdsman. In order to receive the emperor, they were short of manpower, so they asked him to work at the horse farm temporarily. He disguised himself as a eunuch because he wanted to fish in troubled waters and follow the emperor to the capital. He has no ill intentions.

  It is indeed my fault that I failed to discipline him properly. I have already dealt with him. I apologize to you on his behalf!"

  The more Qin Wan listened, the more she wanted to laugh. Did people in ancient times also use the term "temporary worker" to get away with it?

  Across the tent, she spoke slowly:

  "He really had no ill intentions. He simply wanted to kill me. You didn't say anything about the fact that he led me and the Emperor into the Forbidden Forest and set up a murder trap for us!"

  Meng Khan was shocked and said quickly: "This man is just pretending to be a eunuch, he didn't set up a plan to harm the emperor and the queen!"

  "Oh? What happened to me and the Emperor was all directed by him. Do you have any evidence to prove that he had nothing to do with it?"

  Meng Khan said: "He has no grudge against the queen, this is definitely not his doing!"

  "How did the Khan deal with him?"

  Meng Khan said: "I have already put him to death."

  Qin Wan suppressed his anger and said, "Very good, now he is dead and there is no evidence.

  I have no grudge against the Khan, so why does the Khan treat me like a fool?

  You're evading the main point in your apology and showing no sincerity. I will not accept your apology.

  Go back."

  At this moment, Meng Khan suddenly pulled out a knife. The palace people nearby were frightened, and the guards around the tent drew their swords and were on guard.

  Meng Khan said: "If your Majesty feels that my apology is not sincere, how about I cut off one of my arms to make amends to your Majesty?"


  Qin Wan shouted coldly in the tent: "You knew that I fainted from blood, yet you still set up this scene in front of me. Are you provoking me?"

  "I don't want your arm, I want an explanation, please leave."

  Meng Khan had no choice but to leave.

  Not long after, Jiang Beiyu came to her tent and sat down to drink tea.

  Qin Wan said, "Mong Khan killed him, and now he is dead and has no evidence."

  Jiang Beiyu said: "From his perspective, he had to do this. No matter if there were other instigators behind this, as long as he is a Mongolian, he cannot escape blame.

  Only by killing him, and leaving no evidence, can we deny that he had anything to do with the subsequent events and avoid getting involved in more troubles...

  We can only prove that he disguised himself as a eunuch to sneak into the camp, but there is no evidence to prove that he was also responsible for the assassination, so he only admitted to a lesser crime.

  This matter could be a big deal or a small one, I didn't expect you to take it too seriously."

  "Then Your Majesty, do you think I did something wrong? If it were Your Majesty, what would you do?"

  Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "Qingqing did nothing wrong. Just follow your heart and deal with it."

  Qin Wan discovered that ever since she accidentally called him "Jiang Beiyu" in the forest last time, he had unconsciously changed his name for her to "Qingqing."

  "I can make a big deal out of a small matter for the sake of the relationship between the two tribes, but if I tolerate him in this matter, he will think that I am afraid of him.

  The person who should be feared is him. I will not let my woman compromise."

  When Qin Wan heard this, he felt inexplicably relieved.

  Looking at that gloomy yet angular handsome face, I feel that the Dog Emperor is still quite domineering.

  As he was thinking, he suddenly looked at her and his eyes softened.

  "come over."


  Qin Wan didn't know what he meant, so she walked to his side.

  The next second, he pulled her and placed her on his lap.

  Qin Wan's mind was stunned for a moment!

  He wrapped his muscular wrist around her slender waist and said to her, "You once said that love is meaningful only when it is a two-way relationship. I am willing to wait until the day when I like you too."

  He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I, it seems a little..."

  Chapter 32: Her best friend came to save her.

  He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I, it seems a little..."

  Qin Wan's head buzzed.

  "It seems like there is something?"


  She turned her head in surprise and saw his long, dense eyelashes drooping down, and then she turned her well-defined face away with a little awkwardness.

  Looks like a little puppy!

  Observing his handsome face closely, she found that he was really good-looking. She became bolder and put her arm around his neck.

  "The emperor seems to be having some problem. He burps when he's talking or eating."

  She looked at him lazily and teased, but found that his narrow and long phoenix eyes were staring at her lips, and a certain interest was brewing in his deep eyes.

  "Do you really want to know the answer?"

  He slowly curled the corners of his lips, grasped her jaw with his bony fingers, and suddenly moved closer.

  Qin Wan's eyelashes trembled, and she subconsciously held her breath. The tip of his tall nose was almost touching hers. The next second, a voice suddenly rang out from outside the tent: "Your Majesty!"

  Qin Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up.

  The person who came in was her brother Leng Leng.

  "Your Majesty! News has come from the Northern Kingdom that the soldiers have recovered after using the antidote we sent last time. The Northern Kingdom's monarch, Lu Heng, said that the two countries should still maintain peace and will send an envoy to visit next month."

  Jiang Beiyu was a little displeased, but he quickly suppressed it, his face stern:

  "If they want to fight, they fight. If they want to make peace, they make peace. Is this Northern Kingdom monarch just playing house? Who knows what they are planning?"

  Leng Lie said: "If the emperor does not want to see you, then I will find an excuse to refuse."

  "No." Jiang Beiyu's eyes flashed with brilliance, "I'm waiting for them to come over."

  The young king was in high spirits, and his every move exuded confidence, elegance, and calmness.

  He stood up and followed Leng Leng to discuss state affairs. Not long after they left, Concubine Qi came with a basket of strawberries in her hand.

  "My maid picked these. She found a large patch of wild strawberries by the lake yesterday and picked so many that she couldn't eat them all."

  "Thank you very much. I love strawberries the most."

  She took the basket with a smile and said half-jokingly, "It won't be poisoned to death."

  Concubine Qi rolled her eyes at her, sat down directly, and said nonchalantly: "I heard that the emperor arrested a Mongolian."

  "Yeah, you are eating this melon too." Qin Wan blurted out.

  She frowned: "Eat melon? What melon? I didn't eat melon."

  Qin Wan explained: "It means watching a show."

  Concubine Qi said, "I don't mean to watch your drama, but I heard that this Mongolian used to work at a horse farm. I was wondering if the horse I chose in the competition suddenly had diarrhea and it might have something to do with him..."

  She played with the teacup in her hand, thinking, "Why is Concubine Zhang's horse fine, but my horse is in such a dead state?"

  This sentence undoubtedly opened up her mind.

  "Do you suspect that the Mongolian is Concubine Zhang's man?"

  If so, everything makes sense. Concubine Qi and Concubine Zhang were equally good at horseback riding, so Concubine Zhang bribed the Mongolian man to frame Concubine Qi's horse, causing her to be in an awkward position on the track.

  But she didn't expect that she would be defeated by her in the end. So, she was resentful and used the bribed Mongolian to lead her into the forbidden forest, wanting to get rid of her?

  However, all this is just speculation and they have no evidence.

  At this time, Peanut came running over:

  "Your Majesty, the Emperor asked you to go to the main account. There is new progress in the case!"

  Concubine Qi and Qin Wan looked at each other and walked over together.

  Entering the main tent, I saw a rough Mongolian man half-kneeling on the ground, and on the table there were ingots of official silver on the tray.

  It turns out that the man kneeling on the ground is Meng Khan.

  Meng Khan said: "Your Majesty, although I killed that criminal in a fit of rage, her wife is still alive. She couldn't stand the torture and confessed!"

  "His wife said that it was a palace maid who contacted her husband and asked him to do this. It seems that the person who did this was a maid of a concubine. He did nothing else. He took the money and buried it in the yard."

  "Your Majesty, this is official silver. We Mongolians usually use copper coins and ordinary silver coins. Official silver is rarely seen once a year. Therefore, the mastermind behind this incident is not us. If your Majesty wants to find the murderer, you should first conduct an internal investigation!"

  Hearing this, Qin Wan and Concubine Qi looked at each other.

  Jiang Beiyu was playing with a silver ingot in his hand, looking at it thoughtfully:

  "Although official silver is rare among the Mongols, it is not completely unavailable. With the Khan's ability, it is not difficult to plunder it. Who knows if you deliberately found this official silver in order to shirk responsibility?"

  Meng Khan immediately said: "Heaven and earth are clear, I am definitely not lying, if I say even a single lie, I am willing to be struck by lightning!

  I just don't want the emperor to be deceived, so I immediately informed the emperor of this matter. After all, the murderer who really wanted to harm the cold concubine is still at large and may threaten the safety of the queen again! "

  Qin Wan thought, I have to say, this Khan is quite eloquent. Will these official silvers be a turning point in this case?

  Meng Khan continued, "In order to help His Majesty find the real culprit, I am willing to offer ten hunting dogs. These dogs have been specially trained since childhood and have an excellent sense of smell. As long as they smell an object, they can find the person who touched it."

  Qin Wan heard this and said, "That's great. I have some torn pieces of cloth in my hand. They were left by that person. Let the hounds sniff them."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at Meng Khan expressionlessly: "I will follow your advice on this matter. Please leave now."


  Soon, Meng Khan had the hunting dogs brought over.

  Jiang Beiyu also ordered all the palace servants who stayed in the tent yesterday to be gathered.

  The order had just been given when the guards at the door hurried over.

  "Your Majesty. Yesterday, Nanny Sun went out to fetch water and saw the man who knocked little Zhima unconscious by the lake! She wants to come and testify against him."

  Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes and said, "Let her in."

  Not long after, a woman who was about forty or fifty years old and dressed in ochre-brown clothes came in quickly with small steps.

  "Your Highness."

  "No need to be polite."

  This Nanny Sun has been in the palace for many years and has been working in the imperial kitchen. She is usually very honest and dutiful.

  As soon as she came in, Jiang Beiyu stared at her: "Since you saw it, why are you saying it now?"

  Nanny Sun said: "I have been in the palace for many years, so I naturally know that it is better to have less trouble than more, but this matter has already involved the Mongolian people.

  My grandmother is actually from the Meng tribe. There have been disputes between the two tribes for many years. It was not until recently that the dispute was finally settled and the people are living and working in peace. I don't want to see the Jiang Kingdom and the Meng tribe have another dispute because of this matter, so I made up my mind to stand up and identify them."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her deeply: "Did you see who it was?"

  Nanny Sun said, "It's the first peach from Qixia Palace."

  Qin Wan was shocked.

  Qixia Palace is the palace of Concubine Qi, Chu Tao?

  "Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?"

  Nanny Sun said with certainty: "It is absolutely true, I am not mistaken!"

  Hearing this, Qin Wan's expression became complicated for a moment.

  She remembered that Concubine Qi had just said that a maid picked a lot of wild strawberries by the lake yesterday. Ah, this... ?

  Jiang Beiyu had a blank expression on his face: "Send Chu Tao."

  Soon, Chu Tao was brought over.

  When she was brought up, Chu Tao was still confused.

  Eunuch Xi beside Jiang Beiyu stared at her and said:

  "Did you go to the lake yesterday?"

  Chu Tao bit her lip and whispered, "I've been there."

  Eunuch Xi looked at her with sharp eyes: "Did you knock Xiao Zhima unconscious?"

  Chu Tao panicked and quickly shook her head: "How could it be this servant? I went to the lake to pick wild fruits, and I definitely didn't harm Xiao Zhima!"

  "you are lying!"

  Madam Sun stared at her and said, "I saw it clearly. What wild fruit? You took a laundry mallet and hid it in the basket you were carrying. After you knocked her out, you went to pick wild fruit as if nothing had happened. When you were far away, someone came and put her in a sack and carried her away.

  You thought no one saw it, but you didn't know that I was also by the lake at that time, relieving myself in the bushes, and I saw it clearly!"

  Chu Tao was just a little girl, and she had no words to say. She could only shake her head and keep saying, "It's unfair. I'm not a slave. I'm really not a slave!"

  "Stop pretending to be pitiful. If it's not you, then who else could it be?"

  Chu Tao suddenly had an idea: "So, you were also by the lake yesterday. Who knows if it was you who did it, and you're biting me back!"

  Nanny Sun could tell at first glance that these two were not good people. The aggressive one was an old nanny in the deep palace who had experienced many battles, while Chu Tao was like a little white flower.

  Qin Wan pinched his eyebrows.

  The CPU is burning out.

  Who is it?

  No matter who she loves, she doesn't want to stay in this damn place for even one more day, she wants to go home!

  Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Jiang Beiyu looking at her and said meaningfully: "It's your good sister again. This time, do you still choose to believe her?"

  Qin Wan said: "I dare not make arbitrary judgments. In the end, we still need evidence. Let the dog go."

  Ten hunting dogs were brought over, and Qin Wan let them sniff the strips of cloth he had picked up yesterday.

 All the palace servants who stayed in the tent yesterday had already gathered at the camp outside the tent. Before the hounds were brought to them, the ten hounds ran straight towards Chu Tao...

  The pink pieces of clothing that Qin Wan picked up yesterday were palace maids' uniforms. In the palace, palace maids of the same rank wore the same clothes.

  Chu Tao and Xiao Zhima were both concubines' attendants and wore the same clothes. During the critical moment yesterday, she thought Xiao Zhima was in danger, so she subconsciously thought that those strips of cloth were torn off by Xiao Zhima.

  Apparently, those pieces of clothing actually came from Hatsumomo.

  Jiang Beiyu's face darkened: "Send it to Concubine Qi."

  The matter was settled, proving that the luring and murder had nothing to do with the Mongolians, and Mongolian Khan breathed a sigh of relief.

  Regardless of whether Concubine Qi was the scapegoat or not, in the end, she was beaten with ten boards and demoted to Concubine Qi.

  Hatsumomo was also expelled from the palace.

  The autumn hunting was coming to an end, and the huge team returned to the capital.

  On the way back, Qin Wan stayed in Jiang Beiyu's carriage.

  There was no other reason. Ice was too precious in ancient times. Only the emperor's carriage had ice basins to cool down. The whole carriage was cool, much more comfortable than her sauna-like carriage.

  The dog emperor was quietly reading books and reviewing memorials in his carriage, while she was eating iced grapes and reading storybooks in his carriage. It was a harmonious scene.

  Qin Wan thought that he should look up ice-making technology after returning and open a store in the downtown area of ​​Beijing. He could sell drinks in the summer and hot pot in the winter, and he should be able to make a lot of money!

  The previous reward from the dog emperor plus the money earned this time are enough to buy a two-story shop.

  The original owner, Leng Qingqing, had saved some private money before, but she would not touch a penny of it. She wanted to use what she earned with her own abilities.

  Noticing that she was in a daze, Jiang Beiyu put away the book in his hand and looked at her:

  "what's on your mind?"


  Qin Wan came back to his senses.

  Of course, she couldn't tell the dog emperor that she was thinking of ways to secretly make money after returning, so she said:

  "Nothing. I can't wait to go back now."

  Jiang Beiyu said expressionlessly, "The journey is indeed tiring. If you are tired, you can lean on me and take a nap."

  "I am not tired."

  Qin Wan said: "Your Majesty has to deal with government affairs on the road, which makes him more tired than me. I should let Your Majesty lean on me."

  Qin Wan was just being polite, but she didn't expect that with a "bang", a head would rest on her shoulder.

  Still a bit heavy.

  She stiffened.

  He just rested his head on her shoulder without any hesitation, reading a book in one hand, and the faint scent of ambergris from his body spread in the carriage.

  Soon, the sound of even breathing sounded in her ears, and he gradually slid down and rested his head on her legs.

  The dog emperor fell asleep.

  The sun shone in from the car window, shining on the side of his face, and you could see each of his long eyelashes clearly visible.

  Is he an eyelash expert?

  Qin Wan couldn't help it and secretly took a photo of him. Under the original camera, his facial features were still delicate and his fair skin was without any blemishes.

  She was not idle during the journey. In addition to secretly planning her shop, she took many beautiful photos and selfies along the way.

  Finally arrived in the capital.

  It has been almost a month since she left the palace, and she still doesn't know whether her best friend Ma Shushu has replied to her messages.

  She took her cell phone and couldn't wait to go to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom.

  I've become familiar with him during this period, so I didn't have to wait for the card to be turned over. I just informed her and let her in.

  As soon as I entered the door, I received a new message notification on my mobile phone.

  I opened a message and found that Ma Shushu had replied!

  The last chat record was her plea for help: "I don't know how to get back. Help me find a way! Go to my living room right now and save me!!!"

  Ma Shushu: "666, is it so magical?"

  Ma Shushu: "Wait, my sister is coming."

  Then he posted an emoticon of a cat riding a skateboard.

  More than thirty days have passed in this world, and the message was replied three minutes ago. If she has already set out, she should be almost home now!

  Can the resentful best friend find a way to rescue her?

  She was looking forward to it, and her heart was beating violently.

  Chapter 33: The resentful best friend also came through?

  She was looking forward to it, her heart beating "boom boom boom boom".

  The second day.

  As usual, she slept until noon and vaguely heard the palace servants talking about something in the yard.

  "Have you heard? A strange woman inexplicably appeared in the emperor's bedroom this morning. She was not even wearing clothes and no one knew where she came from."

  "Is he an assassin? I heard he's quite good-looking."

  "I don't know, but the guards in Changqing Palace were all fined one month's salary and beaten with sticks. It was terrible!"

  Qin Wan's heart skipped a beat and he had a special premonition.

  Could it be...

  She quickly ran to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom.

  Jiang Beiyu was in the study. She looked into his bedroom and found it was empty.

  I asked the eunuch on duty in the bedroom, and he said:

  "Indeed, a strange stranger broke in this morning, but she has been taken to the prison. Madam, what can I do for you?"

  Qin Wan quickly said, "No."

  "Do you know how the emperor plans to deal with that woman?"

  The young eunuch scratched his head and said, "It seems so. Has he been handed over to General Leng for interrogation?"

  Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something.


  At this time, Tianlao.

  Leng Leng walked into the cell with a cold face and saw the woman on the ground.

  The woman looked young, with fair and pretty skin, an oval face the size of a palm, and delicate eyebrows and eyes. She was sitting on the ground with her knees hugged, looking confused and helpless.

  Because he was suspected to be a spy sent by the Northern Kingdom, he was handed over to him for trial.

  Leng Lie sat down, his face solemn: "What's your name?"

  "Ma Shushu."

  "Which country?"

  "Ah? The People's Republic of China."

  The man frowned, took off his cloak and threw it over her shoulders.

  Ma Shushu wore a black punk vest, revealing her slender waist and two white and slender arms. She wore black punk overalls and cool black Martin boots.

  In the eyes of ancient people, this attire looked like being naked.

  Ma Shushu thought he was giving her a cushion to sit on, and said with a smile:

  "Thank you, you are such a nice person."

  Then it was placed on the ground.


  Leng Lie was stunned for a moment.

  After all, the girl opposite him was younger than him, so he managed to control his temper.

  "I'll give you one more chance. Answer honestly. Which country are you from? How did you sneak into the emperor's bedroom? What is your purpose in coming to Jiang Kingdom?"

  "I am really from China. If you don't believe me, I will show you my ID card!"

  Ma Shushu took out his ID card from his trouser pocket and showed it to him.

  "As for how I sneaked into your emperor's bedroom, I have no idea. I just appeared here for no apparent reason. I came here to find my best friend. No offense, I really have no other purpose for coming here!"

  Leng Leng gave a look to the jailer beside him, and the jailer took the card from her hand and handed it to him.

  Leng Leng took the card and looked at it carefully, and found that there was a lifelike portrait of her on such a small card.

  The smiling face was exactly the person in front of him, and his name was written in very neat small characters: "Ma Shushu", and his nationality: Han.

  The nationality was exactly the long list she had just reported.

  He frowned and said in a deep voice: "I have never heard of this country. Where is it?"

  Ma Shushu thought to herself: Of course you haven't heard of it, this is thousands of years later.

  However, the ancients might not understand this explanation. If she said that she came from another world, she might be regarded as a monster.

  "Because that place is very, very far away."

  That was the only explanation she had.

  However, in the eyes of men, all this is:

  "you are lying!"

  The man's pair of icy cold eyes caught her, and the oppressive feeling of an iron-blooded general who had fought for many years came over her.

  "There is no country in this world that I don't know. Tell the truth and don't force me to torture you!"

  "I really didn't lie to you, handsome guy!"

  Ma Shushu was helpless. "I have shown you my ID card. It is sufficient to prove my identity. If you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

  It's all her fault, her best friend.

  It was after I went to her living room that I inexplicably came to this place. At first I thought it was a prank of hers, as if I had been transported to the set of a large-scale costume drama.

  After discovering that all this was true and that she had no way to go back, she was also confused.

  The man's cold face did not change at all:

  "It seems that you still don't intend to tell the truth. You won't cry until you see the coffin, and you won't give up until you see the Yellow River. Come on, torture!"

  Now is not the time to be gentle with women. He cannot be lenient with this woman who is suspected to be an assassin from another country and refuses to confess the truth!

  The jailer had already brought out the rack, on which were rows of dangling torture instruments. Ma Shushu's eyes widened.

  At this time, Qin Wan was rushing over here. Through the iron bars of the prison, Qin Wan could see him from afar.

  If that isn't her resentful best friend, then who is it?

  Well, she was counting on her to save her, but she came through as well? !

  It's outrageous.


  She shouted and ran over.

  The jailer was just about to whip her with a whip dipped in salt water from the bucket when Qin Wan ran to the prison door, panting and saying, "Wait a minute!"

  "She is my friend, Ma Shushu. She has a bad brain since she was a child. She is not an assassin."

  "You know her?" Leng Leng was surprised.

  Qin Wan nodded: "I know her. She came to the palace secretly, wanting to play with me, but she went the wrong way and ended up in the emperor's bedroom. You see, she's unarmed and can't even beat a chicken, so how could she be an assassin?"

  Ma Shushu on the ground also nodded. Her big black and white eyes were wet and as innocent as a little kitten.

  He frowned coldly.

  "I need to report this to the Emperor. But, since she came to see you, how did she get into the palace?"

  Qin Wan's little head was spinning rapidly.

  It's time to test the tacit understanding between besties!

  She said: "Yesterday the Emperor's autumn hunting troop returned..."

  Ma Shushu understood instantly: "I secretly climbed onto a carriage!"

  His cold eyes were deep and thoughtful.

  He glanced at Qin Wan and said, "I will report this matter to the emperor. Although you are my sister, I cannot show any favoritism towards you. It is up to the emperor to decide how to deal with this matter."

  Having said that, he strode away.

  Ma Shushu is still in prison for the time being.

  Qin Wan asked someone to send her a set of ancient clothes for her to wear.

  Not long after, Jiang Beiyu heard Leng Lie report the matter.

  He was a little surprised: "Are you saying that the unidentified woman is Qingqing's friend?"

  Leng Leng reported truthfully: "Yes."

  "You hid in a carriage and entered the palace to look for Qingqing, and accidentally broke into my bedroom?"


  "Did you find anything suspicious?"

  Leng Lie said, "No, she is not from the North. I deliberately arranged for people to speak in the North dialect around her to kill her, but her expression did not change. She probably did not understand."

  "How does the emperor intend to deal with this?"

  "Let Qingqing come over."

  Now he kept calling "Qingqing". Leng Lie couldn't help but look at him, but didn't say anything and stepped back.

  Not long after, Qin Wan walked in.

  Now she has to find a way to get her resentful best friend out of the cell. It all depends on whether this dog emperor will let her go.

  When she came in, the dog emperor was reviewing memorials at his desk. The parrot Jixiang greeted her again, jumping around in its cage and shouting in a hoarse voice:

  "The beauty is coming, the beauty is coming, beauty! Beauty!"

  Jiang Beiyu looked up at her with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

  Qin Wan didn't know how he had offended him.

  "Your Majesty~" she shouted.

  The man hummed, but he still didn't look happy.

  She was puzzled.

  What medicine did this dog emperor take wrong today?

  It was clearly him who called her over. I thought he wanted to ask her about Ma Shushu, but he didn't say anything. He just ordered:

  "These are the memorials I have read. Please stamp them for me."

  Qin Wan saw a pile of memorials on a small table, and next to it was a seal made of white jade with the words "I have read it" engraved on it.

  She knew about this seal. It was rumored that a few generations ago, there was an empress in the State of Jiang. This empress was very smart. She carved this seal to save her time. She was too lazy to review some unimportant memorials, so she just stamped the seal. So this seal was passed down from generation to generation.

  Qin Wan picked up the seal and started stamping one book after another, but she saw that the man in front of the desk was concentrating on reviewing the memorials and had no intention of paying any attention to her at all.

  My goodness, it turns out they are trying to force her to do hard labor!

  After covering more than half of it, her hands were aching, and she finally couldn't help but speak: "Your Majesty."

  "There is a woman in the prison, she is my friend. She sneaked into the palace to see me and accidentally entered the emperor's bedroom...

  I guarantee with my life that she is definitely not a bad person, could you please let her go, Your Majesty?"

  Jiang Beiyu raised his head slowly: "Do you think that my palace is a vegetable market where you can go in and out as you please? Or do you think that I have spoiled you too much during this period of time, and you can be arrogant in front of me?"

  Qin Wan's pupils shrank slightly.

  She didn't expect that asking Jiang Beiyu for help would end like this. No wonder he didn't say anything before. He was clearly playing the game of taking the initiative.

  But what he said does make sense. The palace is not a vegetable market. You can't enter or leave as you please. Why should she let people go just like that?

  Although she seemed to have become familiar with him during this period, she still seemed to think too highly of herself. This was in ancient times, where royal power was supreme and he was the emperor who held the power of life and death.

  "I can make an exchange with the emperor."

  She did not back down, otherwise her best friend might have really lost her life.

  "Letting her go is of no consequence to His Majesty, but as long as His Majesty lets her go, in exchange, His Majesty can ask me for any condition. As long as I can do it."

  "Oh?" Jiang Beiyu looked up with interest, watching her lower her head in front of him with a sincere expression.

  "But I don't seem to have any requests for you. But your idea is correct.

  If you want me to release them, you must pay or be punished. Otherwise, tomorrow Zhang San will come, the day after tomorrow Li Si will come, and the concubines in the harem will follow suit, and all the aunts and uncles will come, and my palace will really become a vegetable market. "

  He said lightly, thinking for a moment:

  "How about this? I will punish you to work in my study. For the next ten days, you will serve me, grind and brew tea for me, stamp documents, clean up Jixiang's poop, and take him for a stroll in the Imperial Garden every morning. Things like that. You will be at my service for ten days. Can you do that?"

  "Ten days?" Qin Wan felt that the time was a bit long. "Can it be five days?"

  Jiang Beiyu said expressionlessly: "The 15th."

  "Okay, okay! Ten days is ten days." She gritted her teeth.

  Jiang Beiyu said: "Then I will see how you perform within these ten days. When the ten days are up, I will let her out."

  That night.

  After obtaining consent, Qin Wan went to the Tianlao with some food and snacks.

  After being locked up for a whole day, Ma Shushu sat in the prison cell, looking dazed.

  Ma Shushu's cell was specially taken care of by Qin Wan, so it was not very dirty. It was spacious and bright, with a bed, a table and a chair.


  Qin Wan took out the food and placed it on the table. The tempting aroma of the food briefly brought Ma Shushu back to life.

  "These are made by the royal chef. Come and try them. I asked them to make your favorite dishes."

  "Qin Wan, I don't want to eat, I want to go home!"

  She grabbed her wrist and said, "What the hell is this? Why did I travel through time when I came to your living room? Also, other people who traveled through time became princesses and queens, but I traveled through time and ended up in a prison cell, and was interrogated by that vicious man. What the hell is this!"

  "Calm down." She could only comfort her a little, "Tell me what happened after you arrived at my house."

  Ma Shushu said: "When I first walked in, everything was fine. But when I heard you talking about the painting, I walked over and went straight to the painting. I found that the painting was actually glowing, just like the light paintings sold online now.

  I was staring at the light in the painting, thinking that it was a beautiful painting, and then I felt as if a ray of light came out of the painting, flashed before my eyes, and then I lost consciousness.

  This feeling was consistent with her original experience. They both came to this strange dynasty through this painting.

  Qin Wan said: "I was like this at the beginning, I came here inexplicably, so I asked you to save me, but I didn't expect you..."

  Ma Shushu cried, "You've almost screwed me over! What should I do now?!"

  Qin Wan said, "Don't worry, I have already negotiated with the dog emperor. I will serve the emperor for ten days, and he will let you out. You may have to stay in the prison for ten days...

  However, the manager of the prison is a subordinate of this body's brother. The one who interrogated you this morning was her brother. He will take care of you. If you need anything, just let me know."

  Ma Shushu discovered the key: "This body? What does it mean?"

  Qin Wan said: "When I came here, it was not my original body, but someone else's body, so I have another identity here, Leng Qingqing. From now on, just call me by this name, and don't reveal any flaws."

  As if she had thought of something, she continued, "It's strange. Why am I borrowing someone else's body when I come here, but you are the real body... did you see my body when you came to my house?"

  Chapter 34 Be good, baby, bear with it

  "By the way, when you came to my house, did you see my body?"


  Ma Shushu was stunned.

  She tried to recall, "I... don't think so?"

  Qin Wan was stunned.

  So where did her body go?

  Ma Shushu grabbed her wrist and said, "Wanwan, can we still go back?"

  "I guess...I think so."

  Qin Wan felt unconfident when speaking.

  Although she can contact people from her original world, she doesn't dare to ask them for help now, for fear of ending up like Ma Shushu.

  She could sense that the two worlds were connected, but she didn't know where the link was. If she could find it, she should be able to come and go freely.

  The most important thing right now is to get Ma Shushu out of the prison as soon as possible. She has been spoiled since she was a child and has never lived in a house like this.

  Ma Shushu, who hadn't eaten for a day, poked a steamed dumpling with chopsticks. Before she put it in her mouth, a background music started playing automatically in her mind:

  "Snow, flowers, and the north wind."

  She twisted her mouth and cried out, "Wanwan, I can't stand this injustice! Is this how people live?"

  Qin Wan reached out and hugged her, patting her on the back.

  "Be good, baby, bear with it. I'll buy you a Panamera when I get back."

  The second day.

  It was just dawn and Qin Wan was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly woken up by Xiao Zhima.

  "Your Majesty, Your Majesty. It's two quarters past noon. It's time to get up."

  She opened her eyes drowsily. No, she couldn't open her eyes at all!

  She pushed her away: "Don't make trouble, it's still early."

  Little Sesame reminded: "My Lady, have you forgotten that you have to go to the Emperor's study to be on duty today?"

  Qin Wan sat up with a somersault.

  This concerns her best friend's life, she can't sleep anymore!

  She was almost sticking toothpicks on her eyelids, but at least she got up. The Dog Emperor ordered her to be on duty at 3:15 am, and the first thing she had to do was to take his parrot for a stroll in the imperial garden.

  "Beauty, beauty~"

  The parrot woke up earlier than her and was full of energy early in the morning, and was extremely excited to see her.

  Qin Wan often walks her dog, but this is her first time walking her bird. However, she lived in the imperial capital for a period of time when she was a child. The uncles living near the walls of the imperial city there especially like to walk their birds. They also set out early in the morning with bird cages, and greet each other when they meet. After walking the bird cages, they put them aside and go to the breakfast shop to have breakfast. They do this every day and have an extremely leisurely time.

  She yawned all the way to the imperial study.

  In fact, she came out a little late today and the sun was a little hot, so the eunuch who raised the parrot handed her a fan.

  "My lady, this is what the Emperor asked me to give to you."

  I thought the dog emperor was worried about her and worried that she would get hot on the road, but who knew that the little eunuch said to her:

  "Your Majesty, the Emperor said that this parrot is very delicate and afraid of heat. Please block the sun and fan it a little on the way."


  "Also, the Emperor said that this parrot loves to eat grasshoppers. There are grasshoppers on the grass over there in the imperial garden. You can catch some for it. It doesn't need to be too many. Just ten will be enough."

  Qin Wan's eyes widened and he almost fainted.

  "Ten? Not too many?"

  The young eunuch bowed to her and said with a smile: "I have explained everything that needs to be explained. I will now leave Jixiang to Your Majesty."

  "I understand."

  So Qin Wan took the birdcage and went to the Imperial Garden.

  Look at that plump, light yellow bird jumping up and down in the cage, muttering something from time to time. It's quite cute.

  She is a person who loves small animals, so she shielded the animal from the sun and fanned it along the way as requested.

  This was a simple task, but when she got to the bushes, she was in trouble.

  You have to catch ten little grasshoppers!

  She is a mother, and being asked to lie on the grass and catch grasshoppers, is this allowing her to regain her childish innocence?

  However, she was a beautiful lady who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but she never caught a grasshopper in her childhood!


  No matter what, for the sake of her resentful best friend, she has to do it even if she has to be stubborn!

  "Hey, I caught it."

  "I also caught ..."

  She lay in the grass, catching one grasshopper after another, and finally collected ten grasshoppers. It took her a full half hour!

  When she fed the caught grasshoppers to Jixiang, she found that the back of her hands, arms, and ankles were all covered with small lumps!

  "Dog Emperor..." She couldn't help but mutter.

  Jixiang learned quickly. While eating the grasshoppers, he flapped his wings and shouted, "Dog Emperor~ Dog Emperor~"

  Qin Wan was shocked.

  This is terrible!

  But she couldn't cover the parrot's mouth, so she could only say to it, "Shut up, don't say anything."

  Jixiang: "I insist on saying it, I insist on saying it, dog emperor, dog emperor~"

  Looking at Jixiang now, the cute filter is gone and he looks like a naughty little kid.

  She took a deep breath and said, "If you say that again, I'll beat you up!"

  The parrot said triumphantly, "Hey, you don't dare, you don't dare."

  "I #%¥!&"

  Qin Wan was so angry that he wanted to swear, so he opened the cage and took the parrot out.

  I originally just wanted to scare it, but as soon as I took it out, my hand slipped and I lost my grip on its thin little claws, and the parrot flapped its wings and flew away.

  Qin Wanren was stunned and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

  She waited there for a long time, but Jixiang didn't come back, so she realized that the parrot had flown away.

  Just now, it flew away?

  It was not until noon that she came back carrying the empty birdcage, her legs feeling as if they were filled with lead.

  Jiang Beiyu had returned to his study room after court a long time ago and had been waiting for her. He looked up and saw her walking back absent-mindedly, and said, "You're back?"

  Qin Wan hid the birdcage behind him and didn't dare to speak at all.


  She pursed her lips and wanted to cry. She was scared, just like when she was a child and took home a failing test, not knowing what storm was waiting for her.

  "Jiang... Your Majesty."

  She found it difficult to speak and moved closer to him.

  "I want to tell you something...

  Good luck, good luck to him..."

  "What happened to Jixiang?" Jiang Beiyu still didn't understand at this time.

  She timidly took out the empty cage slowly from behind her, with redness in the corners of her eyes.

  "I'm sorry... I accidentally let Jixiang fly away."

  The next second, she felt like she was about to cry, but she held it in and tried hard not to cry.

  This was a big disaster for her. After all, this was the dog emperor's pet for many years, and she felt guilty. After all, this also concerned her best friend's life, and she couldn't afford to gamble.

  She was afraid that the dog emperor would get angry and not let Ma Shushu out...

  Jiang Beiyu was stunned. He looked at her expression and then at the empty cage before he understood what she was talking about. His phoenix eyes were filled with disbelief.

  Qin Wan was already waiting, waiting for him to rant to her, saying, for example, that she had agreed to work for him for ten days, but she let his parrot run away on the first day.

  Unexpectedly, he just said lightly:

  "You let my parrot run away?"


  "Don't be sorry." He said slowly, "Since you let it run away, you should take its place."


  Qin Wan was confused.

  "How can I replace that parrot?"

  Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "The function of this parrot is to say some auspicious words to me on weekdays to make me happy.

  There doesn't seem to be much difference between these words spoken by a parrot and by a human."

  Qin Wan was stunned, as if the door to a new world had opened.

  "this is okay too?"

  Jiang Beiyu's eyes became dangerous: "Since it's not possible, then..."


  Qin Wan gritted his teeth and said:

  "Then before the parrot is found, I will send my regards to the emperor on its behalf. What does the parrot usually say?"

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at Eunuch Xi who was standing beside her. Eunuch Xi smiled and explained to her:

  "Your Majesty, this parrot doesn't say much to the Emperor on weekdays.

  If he saw him in the morning, Jixiang would say: "Good morning, Your Majesty, good morning, Your Majesty~"

  If he saw her at noon, Jixiang would say: "Your Majesty, good luck to you, Your Majesty, good luck to you~"

  If he finished reviewing the memorials at night and the parrot was still awake, it would say:

  "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work. I love you~ I love you~ I love you!!"

  love you love you???

  Qin Wan's eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

  But, after all, it was she who let the parrot run away, so there is no doubt about it. As adults, they must be responsible for their own actions.

  It's noon.

  After dinner, Jiang Beiyu sat down at the desk in the imperial study, ready to review memorials.

  Eunuch Xi on the side coughed lightly as a hint.

  Qin Wan cleared his throat and quickly imitated the parrot's voice and tone, saying, "May the emperor be blessed, may the emperor be blessed~"

  Jiang Beiyu curled the corners of his lips in satisfaction.

  "Si Mo."

  Qin grinds it in the evening.

  Not long after, he said again: "Go make me a cup of tea, Longjing, with two pieces of rock sugar."


  After standing beside him for a whole day until dusk, when he was finally about to finish reviewing the memorials, Qin Wan waited for him to get up, but he said:

  "My waist is a little sore."

  Qin Wan could only grit his teeth and go forward to massage his shoulders.

  "And down there, it's sore too."

  Qin Wan felt from his shoulders all the way down his back and found that to be honest, this dog emperor had a really good waist, almost the same as Zhan Zhan's.

  After kneading for a while, his hands became sore. Finally, the dog emperor said, "That's enough. That's all for today. Go back and have a rest."

  Qin Wan was thinking about running away quickly when Eunuch Xi beside him coughed violently again.

  She remembered something and imitated the parrot again:

  "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work. I love you~ I love you~ I love you!!"

  This went on for two days. Qin Wan finally couldn't stand it anymore and said to Leng Ying, "I can't do it anymore. You are good at Qinggong. Can you help me find the parrot?"

  Leng Ying said: "I obey your command."

  However, Leng Ying searched the Imperial Garden for two days but still could not find any trace of the parrot. It might have already flown out of the Imperial City...

  Qin Wan was desperate.

  Next, you have to serve the Dog Emperor for six days.

  Day after day, every day I would whisper in the dog emperor's ear: "Love you! Love you! Love you!"

  No, which nice person trains a bird to say "I love you" every day?

  She returned home early today, and as soon as she got back to the palace, she saw Xiongba holding a dog leash in his mouth, and coming to her with a "wooooooo" sound.

  These days, Xiao Huasheng and Xiao Guiyuan have taken turns feeding Xiongba. Xiongba is getting bigger and stronger, and no one else in the palace dares to feed him, so most of the time, she tries to do it herself.

  By the way, I want to try my luck and look for good luck in the Imperial Garden.

  Before leaving, she picked up a feather that Jixiang had dropped from the cage, put it under Xiongba's nose and let him smell it, and then strolled in the imperial garden. Suddenly, she saw Xiongba running straight towards a place.

  Thinking that Xiongba had found Jixiang, she held the rope and ran with Xiongba. As a result, Xiongba stopped and she saw Concubine Qi standing in front of her.

  She and Concubine Qi had sneaked past Xiongba several times before, so it remembered her. It really did. She cried to death...

  Concubine Qi was also supported by her maid to take a walk in the Imperial Garden, and she was obviously surprised to see her.

  Since they met, Qin Wan smiled at her openly as a greeting.

  Concubine Qi had a complicated expression. This was the first time they met since the last incident.

  Feeling her coldness, Concubine Qi smiled bitterly: "Do you think it's me too?"

  "It's all over. Although all the evidence points to you, I can only say that I don't hope it's you. After all, I swear to God that I have never let you down. Even..."

  She wanted to say that she even considered her a friend, but, was there any real love in the harem?

  The key to survival is to be on guard against everyone.

  "Whether it's you or not, it doesn't matter now. If it's you, you've already been punished. If it's not you, then find evidence, find a way to clear yourself, and then pay it back double.

  I am not a saint. I can believe you once, but I cannot believe you wholeheartedly for the second time, because I also need to make a living in this place where people are eaten without leaving any bones. I am also afraid that I will be stabbed in the back if I am not careful..."

  Having said enough, she said, "Cherish every moment you have together." Then she took Xiongba's hand and left.

  Little Peanut and Little Longan followed behind her.

  Two hours later, what she said to Concubine Qi was relayed to Jiang Beiyu.

  "Cherish what you have at the moment?"

  He seemed to be thinking about something.

  It wasn't a rumor at first. Leng Qingqing had a brain injury when she was learning to ride a horse when she was a child. Was her brain not very good? She was sober and wise, how could she be mentally ill?

  It seemed that she was indeed different from the past. In the past, although he was not familiar with her, every time he saw her, she would smile at him like a crazy fan.

  Although she still keeps saying that she loves him, she doesn't have that silly greedy look as before. Could it be that she was replaced by someone through some disguise?

  Thinking of this, he broke out in a sweat.

  The second day.

  Qin Wan went to his study as usual.

  This time, I didn't see anyone else.

  Eunuch Xi handed over a piece of paper and said, "The emperor asked you to find him some books. He will come over to read them later."


  She was about to go to the bookshelf, but Eunuch Xi turned a porcelain vase and opened a secret door.

  "These books are not on the bookshelf outside. They are inside."

  Qin Wan didn't think much and walked in.

  The imperial study was much larger than she had imagined. This hidden study alone was almost one or two hundred square meters. These were all ancient books collected by the State of Jiang since its founding. Many of them were unique copies and extremely precious, so they were stored here separately. In addition, there were many precious antiques, calligraphy and paintings.

  Her eyes swept across the bookshelves and suddenly stopped at a wall.

  My breath was choked and goose bumps suddenly appeared all over my body!

  What did she see? ! !

  She saw the same ancient painting that was hanging in her living room!


  Chapter 35: Put her hands on her abdominal muscles and kiss her fiercely

  She saw the same ancient painting that was hanging in her living room!

  "Why is this painting here?"

  Qin Wan subconsciously stepped forward and looked at it carefully, and found that this painting was slightly newer than the one hanging at home. Another difference was that the light in the painting was not on.

  Could this painting be the key to connecting the two worlds?

  As she was thinking, she involuntarily stretched out her hand and was about to touch the scroll when she suddenly heard a light cough behind her.

  The sunlight outside the window fell on the tall figure. Jiang Beiyu was wearing a light yellow silk suit and holding a book in his hand. He walked slowly out from behind a bookshelf.

  "Have you found all the books I asked you to find?"

  "Look for it now."

  She retracted her hand and turned to look for a book, muttering to herself, "You only know how to order her around..."

  After checking the book list, she found that the book she was looking for had not only the title but also the bookshelf number, so it was very convenient to find. She looked along the bookshelf, and Jiang Beiyu came around from the other end of the bookshelf.

  Qin Wan was concentrating on finding a book, but she didn't notice that on the other side of the bookshelf, there was a large bronze mirror, the same size as a dressing mirror.

  Jiang Beiyu's gaze fell on the bronze mirror.

  Asking her to find a book was actually to let her look into this mirror.

  This bronze mirror is a treasure, called the "Magic Mirror". Even if one's appearance has changed, one's original appearance will be revealed in the mirror.

  Qin Wan continued to look for the books one by one. There was a book on the top of the bookshelf. She stood on tiptoe but couldn't find it, so she said:

  "Your Majesty, this book is too high for me to reach. Can you help me get it?"

  Jiang Beiyu came over and stood behind her. He easily took down a book from the top shelf and glanced at the mirror casually.

  All the books were found. Qin Wan held the pile of books and turned to leave. Only then did he see the mirror and just glanced at it.

  Although the person in this mirror is much clearer than the mirrors here, what's so special about mirrors? She was still thinking about the ancient painting just now.

 "Your Majesty, what is that painting?"

  As she passed by, she tugged at his sleeve and asked him.

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at him with an indifferent expression: "Why are you asking this?"

  Qin Wan said against her will: "I think this painting is quite beautiful."

  "You like it?"


  "This painting is a priceless treasure of the Jiang Kingdom." Jiang Beiyu explained lightly.

  "The appearance of my bedroom was built based on this painting. This painting contains the Feng Shui layout made by several masters at the founding of the country, which can ensure the prosperity of the Jiang Kingdom."

  When Qin Wan heard this, his heart sank.

  If it was an ordinary painting, she could still say a few nice words to ask the Dog Emperor to give it to her, and then she would go back and study it slowly.

  Now that she knows this painting is so valuable, how can she get it?

  Just as I was thinking about it, I heard him say with a half-smile, "Before I appoint a queen, this painting must be hidden. After I appoint a queen, this painting must be hung in the queen's bedroom."

  After Qin Wan finished listening to this, the remaining half was also cold.

  So, to get this painting, you have to become the queen of the dog emperor?

  Then she definitely won't be able to get it.

  After leaving the secret room, she handed the book in her hand to him, but Jiang Beiyu said, "I found these books for you to read."

  These past few days, you've been standing next to me, and when you dozed off, your saliva almost dripped onto my desk. So, I'll find these books, and when I have nothing to tell you, you can just watch by the side, and you don't have to stand by my side.

  "Oh. Thank you, you are such a nice person."

  Qin Wan said this lightly, with a thousand horses galloping through his heart.

  So many books!

  According to the agreement, she only had five days left in the Dog Emperor's study to do whatever he wanted. How could he find so many books for her to read?

  "No need to thank me, I want to watch the black box tonight."

  Qin Wan: ???

  Jiang Beiyu had already sat down at the desk, opened a memorial and said nonchalantly:

  "I haven't seen it for a long time since I went on the autumn hunt. Tonight, you come to my bedroom."

  Qin Wan felt like crying but had no tears.

  For the sake of her resentful best friend, she has been clocking in every day these days and has taken an unpaid secretarial job.

  She was looking forward to getting off work early, so she had to see him again after get off work?

  "What's wrong?"

  Seeing that he didn't respond, the man looked up.

  "Ah, nothing, nothing."

  She thought to herself, sitting up in shock from her dying illness, I am the one who was wronged...

  The pile of books that the dog emperor found for her turned out to be the three-million-word "Zizhi Tongjian" and "Shan Hai Jing"? There were also a few books that she had never heard of in modern times, and they must have been lost.

  With a try-it attitude, she found that one of the books was about her handsome and charming ancestor, Qin Shi Huang, and several others were about some bizarre stories of ancient people encountering aliens. As she read, she became fascinated.

  At dusk, a young eunuch brought over the ladies' names as usual.

  "Your Majesty, it's time for you to turn over the cards."

  She looked up, yawned, and watched him flip her card.

  No one knew what the rumor was in the palace. It was said that the emperor had directly asked Concubine Leng to go to his study and spend every day with her.

  Many ministers advised the emperor not to interfere in government affairs and not to allow the concubine to enter the emperor's study. They also suggested that the emperor should "treat everyone equally."

  Jiang Beiyu wanted to flip her card on purpose to show those gossiping ministers who the emperor was. He could do whatever he wanted and favor whomever he wanted.

  That night, Qin Wan came to his bedroom.

  Everything was the same as before. She opened Tik Tok. The dog emperor held a phone in his hand, acting as her human phone holder and pillow. After watching a few videos, she felt sleepy.

  She only felt the man pause as he was brushing, then slowly turned his eyes to look at her:

  "Cold and quiet."


  I was about to fall asleep, and I heard him say in a daze: "I saw a place called "Like". Why are there so many indecent men in it?"

  Qin Wan was so shocked that he woke up from his sleepiness and looked at the screen. Aren't these the bunch of male Bodhisattvas that he usually collected?

  "Ah, this..."

  She subconsciously wanted to take the phone, her little head spinning rapidly, thinking about how to explain, no, to quibble, but she saw the man pinching her phone between two fingers, raising his arm high with a sneer on his face.

  "I have studied it. When you watch it, just click the red heart on the right, and the picture will stay and appear in that place, representing your preference."

  There was already gnashing of teeth in his voice:

  "Is this what you like?"

  Qin Wan's head buzzed.

  It's over. It's over.

  She even thought of where she was buried. Looking at the man in front of her with a face as dark as ink, her CPU turned to the spot and took off.

  Before she could control the man's anger, she hugged him desperately.

  The man's body stiffened.

  "Do you know Wan Wan Lei Qing? Every one of these has the shadow of the emperor!"

  She reached her hands into his robe and squeezed his tight abs.

  "In the past, the emperor ignored me, and I could only look at these people to comfort my longing! These are all fictional characters, and I will never see them in my lifetime. If the emperor minds, I will delete them all!"

  Jiang Beiyu gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you keep it? Delete it now!!!"

  Qin Wan took the phone and could only reluctantly say goodbye to these male Bodhisattvas one by one, his heart bleeding.

  She thought to herself, for her best friend, she had paid a heavy price this time, these were all her treasures for many years! All gone, gone, oooo...

  After deleting it, the man's expression eased a little. He stared at her, suddenly grabbed her wrist and placed it on his abdominal muscles.

  "I am right beside you now. As long as you coax me well, I can touch you whenever I want. But if I find out that you collect those videos again, I will break your legs..."

  Qin Wan nodded tremblingly, her long eyelashes trembling.

  The next second, my lips felt numb, and he kissed me fiercely.

  Qin Wan's eyes widened. One of her hands was even pressed on his abdominal muscles. She instinctively wanted to retreat, but his other hand was tightly clasping the back of her head. His handsome face, as handsome as a god, was close to her nose.

  The lingering breath was flowing, and Jiang Beiyu found it difficult to describe his current emotions. He was furious when he saw it just now. If he knew that other concubines had secretly hidden portraits of men, he would definitely chop off their heads in rage, but she didn't have so many!

  He suppressed his anger and wanted to hear her explanation, but she said yes, because they were like him... In the past, he ignored her and she was alone in the cold palace. Only in this way could she love so humbly. God knows how she got through it.

  The kiss was so violent that it made his heart surge. It was as if his heart was stung by a bee, causing a subtle tingling sensation. He originally wanted to kiss her and then bite her hard to teach her a lesson, but as they kissed, he couldn't bear to do so.

  The woman exuded a delicate fragrance, like the scent of peach blossoms blooming in March, faint, but lingering. He had tasted countless delicacies and fine wines, but none of them was even one-tenth of what he tasted at this moment.

  After a long while, he pushed her hard.

  "Don't think that I forgive you just because I kiss you. I am making you understand that you are my concubine and you are not allowed to have any thoughts about other men!"

  The woman's foxy eyes were wet, brewing with shame, anger and grievance.

  This was her first kiss, and it was taken away by this dog emperor, who even treated her harshly after the kiss!

  After saying that, before he could react, she turned and ran out of his bedroom.

  It's so funny. Why don't you run away quickly? Are you waiting to be eaten?

  She ran back to the bedroom in one breath, and when she was lying on the bed, she remembered that her cell phone was left on the dog emperor's dragon bed, and she actually forgot to take it!

  Fortunately, it needs to be unlocked to open it, and even the dog emperor couldn't open it, so he fell asleep angrily.

  The second day.

  She felt uncomfortable at the thought of working in the imperial study again.

  I finally understand why everyone hates "office romance".

  I had an argument with my boss, but I still had to meet him the next day and continue communicating for work. How embarrassing!

  The most hateful thing is that she has to shout to him on behalf of the parrot: "Love you, love you!"


  When I saw Jiang Beiyu again, he had just finished his morning court session. His expression was no different from usual, as if nothing had happened.

  She shouted expressionlessly: "Good morning, Your Majesty, good morning, Your Majesty."

  He hummed, glanced at the small table beside him that was piled with documents, and said, "Go and stamp that pile."

  Qin Wan went to stamp it.

  While sealing it, she suddenly discovered the memorial impeaching her.

  One, two, three, a bunch...

  She was a little surprised and glanced at the dog emperor who was reviewing memorials not far ahead. Then she remembered that the harem was not allowed to interfere in government affairs, so she pretended that she saw nothing.

  After finishing, she stood up and walked to his side:

  "It's covered."

  "Well, continue reading."

  "Um... Your Majesty, this concubine's treasure..."

  Jiang Beiyu raised his eyes and looked at her with a half-smile: "What treasure?"

  Qin Wan was shocked. Could it be that he was planning to do something shady? !

  She explained: "Last night, I forgot to take the black box with me, which fell on the dragon couch."

  Jiang Beiyu took her cell phone out of her sleeve.

  "Stand next to me and take a photo with me."

  He held up his phone, she pressed the unlock button, turned on the beauty camera, and took a selfie with him.

  Then, this dog emperor opened a certain audio app and changed her profile picture to their photo!

  Qin Wan was shocked.

  She never taught him how to change his profile picture, so how did he know how?

  After changing his profile picture and returning to the screen of his phone, he said expressionlessly, "Change this too."

  He remembered that someone had secretly passed him a note saying that Concubine Leng had secretly kept a portrait of another man.

  Come to think of it, another man was indeed released at the beginning, but this cunning woman replaced him in advance.

  Qin Wan thought of her best friend who was still in prison, so she could only bear it and changed the screen of her phone to a photo of the two of them...

  After doing all this, he returned the phone to her contentedly.

  Today, several ministers wanted to come to his study to discuss matters. The dog emperor felt guilty and let them go back at Shen Shi.

  After returning to the bedroom, she secretly changed into the eunuch's clothes and left the palace with Xiao Zhima.

  Concubines need to report to the emperor before leaving the palace, but palace maids do not need to. They just need to take her palace badge and tell the guards at the door that she is leaving the palace to help the empress purchase things, and the guards will let her in.

  She had planned to open a shop on her way back from the autumn hunt and had made plans on the way.

  This is nothing more than having multiple aliases and multiple paths. If she can't find a way to go back and is unhappy staying in the palace, he can just run away and have a place to settle down outside the palace.

  In one afternoon, she looked at three shops waiting to be sold and immediately decided on the last one. This shop was slightly off the beaten track than the first two, but it had a secret room. There was a private room in the corner of the second floor. When the inconspicuous cabinet was opened, there was a secret room inside...

  She paid the full amount directly using the money she had earned during this period. The moment she got the title deed, she suddenly felt a small sense of accomplishment.

  In ancient times, she was considered a person with a house!


  Chapter 36 The Dog Emperor's long eyelashes fell down

  After the shop was purchased, the decoration matters were entrusted to Leng Ying.

  Leng Ying has a lot of people under him. She pays the money and finds a few people to do the decoration. It is just a matter of him saying a word. Moreover, these people are quite reliable. They will not say anything they shouldn't say and will not ask anything they shouldn't ask.

  As night fell, she returned to the palace.

  Although autumn has arrived, the capital's autumn heat is still raging and the evenings are still hot and humid.

  Following the method found on Baidu, she began to try to learn how to make ice.

  The first one is making ice with saltpeter.

  Prepare a large basin, fill it with water, put the saltpeter into the water, and then put a small basin filled with water inside.

  Using the principle that saltpeter absorbs heat when dissolved in water, the water in the small basin will freeze.

  When I read novels before, those time-traveling women amazed everyone by making ice with saltpeter, and then started a business to get rich. Now it's finally her turn.

  Come on, show it.

  o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

  She had prepared the tools as required and put a large spoonful of saltpeter into the large basin, but there was no change in the small basin.

  She stretched out her little finger and dipped it into the water in the large basin. The saltpeter had melted and the water felt only slightly cooler.

  So she continued to put a few spoonfuls of water into the big basin. After a moment, she felt that the water in the big basin had turned cold, but the water in the small basin remained unchanged.

  She didn't believe it, so she reluctantly put half a bag of saltpeter into the large basin. After a while, as a large amount of saltpeter slowly melted, the water in the small basin finally began to freeze!

  She waited and waited until the ice formed a few small pieces, but soon it all melted again.

  She was dumbfounded.

  The price of saltpeter is not low. In other words, only when the saltpeter is mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio can ice be formed. And the ice formed is only a tiny bit.

  If she wants to make ice from saltpeter and sell drinks, she will lose everything, pass, pass.

  The second method is deep well ice making.

  Pour boiling water into a sealed jar, seal the jar with gauze, and throw it into a deep well. After three days, the boiling water in the jar will freeze.

  Note: The depth of the well needs to be fifty meters.

  Her brows twitched.

  Fifty meters?

  Where could she find a well that was fifty meters deep?

  Moreover, the labor cost is too high. It takes three days to make a little ice? Pass.

  The third method is to make ice by evaporating ether.

  Wha...what? Ether???

  There was no need to try this, her eyes went dark.

  She was trying to find a way to start a business in ancient times and make some money, not risking her life.

  Qin Wan was Emo, lying on a lounge chair in the yard, looking at the moon in the sky.

  She was thinking of opening a milk tea shop so that she could drink iced milk tea herself. She had bought the shop and spent a huge amount of money. She couldn't let the business fail halfway, right?

  What exactly is the problem?

  On the second day, I counted down to three days of working in the study, and I finally felt that the end was almost here.

  Jiang Beiyu had just sat down at the desk when she saw a palace servant carrying up a brass ice jar, which was slowly emitting cool air.

  He started using this thing in the early summer and continued until late autumn, year after year.

  Fruits are stored in the ice jar and will turn into ice after a while. The palace servants can pull the bellows and the cool air inside will be blown out, which is equivalent to a refrigerator with air conditioning.

  The ice in the ice jar was dug from the river in the winter, cut into large pieces and transported to the palace. There was a large underground ice storage room in the palace, but by summer every year, only one third of it would remain.

  Qin Wan held her rosy cheeks and looked at Bingjian thoughtfully.

  "Just get whatever you want to eat." Jiang Beiyu's voice floated slowly to my ears.

  "No need." Did he think she was greedy for the fruit inside?


  But he said calmly: "I got a mango bamboo tube milk tea that day, and ordered the imperial study to make the same one."

  Qin Wan:!!!

  Looking at her surprised expression, he curled the corners of his lips calmly and said:

  "There's a durian in it."

  Qin Wan:!!!

  How did he even know that she liked to eat durian?

  This was in ancient times! In ancient times! There was actually durian?!

  She opened the ice container and found that in addition to a pile of lychees and grapes, there was actually a durian as big as a pillow, golden and round, not yet opened, and even the stem was still fresh.

  "Where did this come from?"

  "It's a tribute from the southern country. It was sent here all the way on a thousand-mile horse, kept cold, and just arrived this morning."

  Jiang Beiyu said calmly:

  In previous years, they always sent me jade and agate. This year, I told them that I wanted to open a durian blind box, and they sent me more than a dozen."

  Qin Wan: "666."

  Her eyes fell on the two cups of bamboo tube milk tea beside her.

  At first glance, it is a freshly split bamboo tube with a straw made of two reeds inserted in it, topped with a snow-capped soy milk smoothie, and garnished with sliced ​​mangoes and small cherries. After all, he is a royal chef, and he has recreated the internet-famous bamboo tube ice cream that he saw that day very well.

  Seeing her staring at him, Jiang Beiyu smiled dotingly and said, "Eat if you want to, or it will melt if you don't."

  The two snow-topped cups had different colors, so they must be of different flavors. Qin Wan chose one cup, took the other cup, and handed it to the Dog Emperor.

  The dog emperor didn't take it and said, "I won't drink it. Both cups are yours."

  Qin Wan had already stretched out his hand, and was too embarrassed to retract it, so he said, "Try it."

  Unexpectedly, he actually took a sip from her hand.

  Qin Wan brought two cups of bamboo tube milk tea to where she was sitting.

  The dog emperor arranged a small table for her next to his desk, the same one where memorials were piled before, and let her sit down and read when he didn't give her any instructions. She had been free for the past two days, so she just stamped a few seals, ground some ink, and served him tea every day.

  Qin Wan took a sip. Her cup was matcha milk flavored, with milk tea, red beans and grass jelly at the bottom.

  The other cup that the Dog Emperor had drunk was a light yellow snow-topped cup. She leaned over to smell it and found it tasted like durian. After hesitating for a while, she still took a sip and found that there was tapioca pearls and coconut milk underneath!

 At this time, a guard came in:

  "Your Majesty, the Prime Minister requests an audience!"

  "Let him in."

  Soon, the Prime Minister came in from outside.

  "Your Majesty, the Northern Kingdom's envoys have arrived. They are less than a hundred miles away from the capital and are expected to arrive in the capital within three days. Who should I send to welcome them?"

  The Prime Minister was entangled and said:

  "General Leng has been dealing with the Northern Kingdom and is quite familiar with it, but he is a warrior and not good at speaking, so he might be impolite. Lord Su from the Ministry of Rites is good at making friends, so he usually goes there, but Lord Su is not familiar with the Northern Kingdom..."

  Jiang Beiyu slowly raised his eyes:

  "You asked me this question...

  Is there a feud between General Leng and Lord Su over murdering their fathers?"

  The Prime Minister hurriedly shook his head: "There is no contradiction between the two of them!"

  Jiang Beiyu pinched his brows and said, "Then I have stipulated that only one person can go?"

  The Prime Minister said: "No!"

  Jiang Beiyu just looked at him silently.

  The prime minister suddenly realized: "Then I will arrange for these two to go together!"

  Jiang Beiyu said, "Hmm," and said, "Let these two know each other before they go. As long as they work closely together, we can achieve the effect of 1+1 being greater than 2."

  The Prime Minister immediately said, "Your Majesty is wise! But usually, only one person is sent. I didn't understand for a while. I have been hesitating and struggling. I understand!"

  "Well, back off."

  Qin Wan listened at the side, thinking about something, and suddenly an idea came to his mind:

  1+1 is greater than 2?

  What if she combined the first ice-making method with the second?

  The principle of deep well ice making is not because the temperature in the deep well can reach the freezing point, but because of the use of air pressure.

  Pouring boiling water into the well causes the water vapor in the water jar to solidify rapidly, forming a vacuum in the jar. The freezing point of the water is lowered, and it can freeze at two or three degrees.

  The depth of an average well is ten meters at most, but the water temperature here is already lower than normal water, at around ten degrees.

  The reason why a fifty-meter-deep well water is needed is that only such a deep well can reach a low temperature of two to three degrees. The reason why it takes three days is that although the well water is only two to three degrees, it has not yet reached the extremely low temperature, so it takes a long time.

  If we add saltpeter to ordinary well water to make the temperature of the well water lower than that of a deep well, can we speed up the freezing time?

  Thinking of this, she was eager to try it out and couldn't wait to go back and experiment with the results.

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at her and saw that her expression suddenly became mysterious and excited. He was a little puzzled, wondering what kind of trick she was secretly planning.

  "So silly and cute..." He couldn't help but laugh.

  Finally, it was dusk again and the two cups of bamboo tube milk tea were finished.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw the dog emperor put down the last memorial, and she immediately stood up impatiently and walked over to him:

  "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work. I love you, love you, love you!"

  Then she ran away, with the wind blowing up her skirt behind her.

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her hurriedly leaving back with a subtle expression.

  Qin Wan returned to the bedroom and immediately ordered people to find a well-sealed jar and half a bag of remaining saltpeter. According to the method of making ice with boiling water, the sealed jar filled with boiling water was thrown into the well, and then the saltpeter was sprinkled in.

  She squatted by the well and observed. After an hour, she found that the jar was covered with a layer of white saltpeter crystals.

  She immediately took out the jar and found that it had become cold and hard. After opening the jar, the water poured out of it froze the moment it came into contact with the air!


  Qin Wan's little face was full of excitement.

  Since the temperature of the jar is lower after it freezes, the saltpeter will recrystallize after being cooled. Therefore, seeing crystals appear around the jar means that the water in the jar is still frozen, and the saltpeter can be scraped off and reused!

  "What succeeded?"

  At this time, a mellow and magnetic voice came from behind. It was Jiang Beiyu.

  He had always been curious about what she was doing in such a hurry to go back, so he secretly came to her bedroom.

  Seeing the jar on the table, he recognized it at a glance:

  "You're actually learning how to make ice?"

  He frowned slightly: "If you need ice, just tell me. There is plenty in the warehouse. Why do you need to make it yourself?"

  Of course Qin Wan couldn't say that she opened a milk tea shop outside and needed ice, so she said:

  "I was just playing around..."

  When he heard that she was just joking, he relaxed his expression and immediately asked someone to bring a large block of ice.

  A whole big piece, like an ice bed.

  A large piece of ice fell from the sky, but she had no use for it for the time being, so she had it temporarily stored in the cellar.

  There were still two days left for her to work in the Imperial Study, and she went to the Heavenly Prison to visit her best friend who had been robbed of her life.

  I originally thought that my best friend was living a life of poverty and hardship in the prison, but I didn't expect that before I even entered her cell, I could hear bursts of electronic music from a distance.

  When she got closer, they were all stunned. They saw Ma Shushu holding a bass, no, a pipa, in her arms, sitting on the ground and playing it. The people around her in the cell were making a noise and throwing silver coins and jade rings at her.

  Most of the prisoners in the Tianlao were royal relatives and some criminals, and they were all very rich.

  Ma Shushu shouted: "Everyone come with me, where is the applause?"

  The people in the surrounding cells were even more excited.

  Qin Wan was stunned.

  In modern times, my best friend is an internet celebrity with millions of fans. When she has nothing to do, she just live-streams at home, sings and chats. She can't sit still at all.

  She could play the pipa as a bass and electronic music. She never expected that she could hold a concert in the prison.


  When he saw her, Ma Shushu paused in his singing.

  After playing this song, she said, "Okay, that's all for today."

  The prisoners in the surrounding cells then dispersed with a lingering feeling.

  When Qin Wan entered, Ma Shushu excitedly picked up the money on the ground and made room for her to sit.

  Qin Wan was holding a cup of iced bamboo tube milk tea that she brought for her.

  "In two days, if nothing unexpected happens, you should be able to come out."

  Ma Shushu was in high spirits: "Ah, I'm not in a hurry. I found that I can make some money here, so when I get out, I won't be starving to death on the streets."

  She poked the reed she used to drink milk tea in and said to her in a low voice, "Although the people here are all prisoners, they are quite wealthy."

  Qin Wan's eyes were slightly red: "With me here, you're still worried about starving to death on the streets! When you get out, I'll find a way to let you stay in my palace."

  "Stay in your palace? Is that okay? What if the emperor disagrees? Can you still confront him? You have to be prepared for both sides. I'll save some money here first."

  Qin Wan was so upset that she cried so hard that she took off the purple jade bracelet from her hand and gave it to her. She lowered her voice and said:

  "I bought a shop outside the palace. If it doesn't work out, I can let you manage it. I won't let you live in the open. I will do my best to help you fight for the emperor to stay by my side."

  Two days later.

  The last day of the agreement with the Dog Emperor has finally arrived. After today, she will be free. She also hopes that the Dog Emperor will release her best friend who was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison as agreed.

  She lived cautiously all day long until dusk came, and only when she saw the dog emperor finish approving the last memorial did she breathe a sigh of relief.

  Qin Wan clocked out and walked up to him: "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work. I love you, love you, love you~"

  "Well, go ahead."

  She did not leave, but stood beside him and reminded him: "Your Majesty... Today is the tenth day."

  Jiang Beiyu understood and said, "Come here, pass on my order to bring the man named Ma in the prison..."

  "Ma Shushu."

  "The woman named Ma Shushu was released."


  "Then I will not come tomorrow."

  Seeing the dog emperor's long eyelashes drooping and looking a little disappointed, she mustered up the courage to speak again:

  "Your Majesty, I have an unwelcome request..."

  Jiang Beiyu: "If you know it's an unreasonable request, then there's no need to say it."

  Qin Wan: ???

  Chapter 37 The cream on the little mouth covered his mouth

  Jiang Beiyu had a blank expression on his face: "If you know it's an unreasonable request, there's no need to say it."

  Qin Wan: ???

  This dog emperor is really a dog!

  Qin Wan could only bite the bullet and said, "Then I have a small request, and I hope the emperor can agree to it."

  "you say."

  Qin Wan said: "That Ma Shushu is my good friend. She has no relatives or friends in the capital. Can I let her stay in my palace?"

  The man's expression changed:

  "Leng Qingqing, this is someone who broke into my bedroom and is suspected of trying to assassinate me. Do you want to keep her in the palace?"

  Qin Wan pursed her lips and said, "I am willing to guarantee with my own life that what happened last time was an accident. She will never assassinate the emperor!"

  The man looked at her deeply.

  She guaranteed it with her own life?

  I still remember that when he asked her to sleep with him, she inexplicably smashed his head with a porcelain pillow. This behavior was no different from that of an assassin. Now she wants to vouch for others?


  Qin Wan didn't expect that he would refuse so decisively.

  She reached out and gently pulled his sleeve, but saw that his expression was still cold and hard.

  Thinking of what he said, if she wanted to ask him for something, she would have to come up with the conditions for exchange. She gritted her teeth:

  "As long as the emperor is willing, I will continue to stay in the emperor's study for ten days. How about that?"

  Jiang Beiyu turned around and looked at her with a half-smile: "Aren't you looking forward to these ten days being over soon? Are you sure you can handle being on duty in my study for another ten days?"

  She can't bear it!

  Qin Wan wanted to cry but had no tears. If it wasn't for her best friend who didn't want to live on the street, why would she sell herself for fame?

  She forced out a smile that was uglier than crying: "It is my honor to be able to accompany the emperor! It is what I look forward to. How could I not be able to bear it?"

  The Dog Emperor looked at her with his deep phoenix eyes, which were full of brilliance:

  "Since this is what you are looking forward to, how can you use this as a condition to exchange with me?"

  Qin Wan:!!!

  This is really... shameless!

  Jiang Beiyu pursed his lips and continued, "Don't worry about her sleeping on the street. During this period of time, in order to observe her, I arranged for her to stay in the residence of your brother, General Leng.

  I will have him thoroughly investigate her background. If she is truly innocent, I have no objection to you bringing her into the palace or making other arrangements."

  At this point, Qin Wan knew that it would be futile to say anything more, and it would only make her look unreasonable, so she said, "Okay. That's fine."

  "I will take my leave now."

  After leaving the imperial study, Qin Wan did not feel the relief he had expected, but instead felt a mix of emotions.

  Was it because the dog emperor did not immediately agree to let Ma Shushu stay in her palace? But from the dog emperor's point of view, he did nothing wrong.

  The second day.

  She used to sleep until noon, but now she has become accustomed to opening her eyes at 2:15 am and getting up subconsciously.

  However, after she got up, washed, and got ready, she found that she didn't have to go to the dog emperor's bedroom to be on duty today.

  Habit is a terrible thing.

  The man in dragon robe came home from the morning court and hurried to the study. He looked at the empty table with a sense of loss.

  "Where's Concubine Leng? Why didn't she come today?"

  Eunuch Xi said, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten? You and Concubine Leng agreed to come back in ten days, and now ten days have passed. Concubine Leng does not need to come to your study to be on duty today."

  Jiang Beiyu said, "I know. But Concubine Leng let my parrot go. She said she would greet me on behalf of the parrot every day. Why didn't she come today?"

  Eunuch Xi suddenly realized: "I will have someone notify Concubine Leng right away."

  Qin Wan studied the varieties of milk tea in the shop and was just about to go back to take a nap when she saw a little eunuch walking towards her.

  "Mrs. Leng Fei."

  "What is it?"

  The young eunuch found it difficult to speak, but he was just a servant and could only follow his master's instructions and convey his intention.

  Qin Wan's eyes widened.

  How could she have forgotten that?

  No, he must be sick. He even asked her to go to his study and imitate a parrot and call out, "May the Emperor be blessed?"

  Can I have one more piece of meat?

  Can he achieve immortality or something if he listens to these words every day?

  However, she could only bury these dissatisfactions in her heart.

  After all, she was just a concubine, and he was the boss of the entire imperial city.

  She smiled and said to the young eunuch, "Thank you, eunuch. I was planning to go there right away...

  Eunuch, please go back first and tell the Emperor that I will be here soon."

  As soon as her father-in-law left, her expression changed immediately and her brows frowned.

  This can't go on. Do I have to go to his place to punch in every day from now on?

  She blew the whistle: "Cold Shadow."

  A tall black figure fell from the sky.

  "Go to the flower and bird market in Beijing to find a talking cockatiel for me. Price is not an issue."


  Qin Wan smiled.

  As the saying goes, money talks. She could compensate him with one and then train it to say those words, wouldn't that be enough?


  She had to punch in today, and she wanted to borrow the book he hadn't finished reading a few days ago, so she went to his study:

  "Good morning, Your Majesty. May Your Majesty be blessed~Good morning, Your Majesty. May Your Majesty be blessed~"

  She saw a serving of durian mille-feuille on the dog emperor's table.

  "Well, back off." He said indifferently.

  Qin Wan glanced at the pile of books she had read before, still on her small table, and said, "Your Majesty, I haven't finished reading the books you asked me to read before. Can you let me take them back to the bedroom and return them to you after I finish reading them?"

  The dog emperor scooped a mouthful of durian mille-feuille with a pure gold dessert spoon and said slowly, "Those books are unique and cannot be taken out of the study."


  Qin Wan hated the feeling of being controlled by the dog emperor. Just as he was about to give up, a young eunuch rushed in:

  "Your Majesty, the envoys from the Northern Kingdom come to see you."


  The Dog Emperor didn't let her leave, so she stood beside him and watched Leng Leng walk in from outside with a few northerners.

  The two leading men were northerners, one with a hooked nose, about thirty years old, and the other, at most twenty years old. They were not tall, but had fair and delicate complexion, red lips and white teeth.

  A good-looking appearance always makes people notice it in a crowd at a glance, and Qin Wan was attracted not because of his appearance, but because this person is very special.

  She looked at him carefully and saw that although the man was wearing moon-white men's clothes and looked handsome, his shoulders were obviously narrower than the man next to him, and he had a prominent Adam's apple. He had a thin waist and long legs. Although his chest was flat, he had no beard and there was a fine layer of hair on his lips.

  Yoshi, ?!

  After reaching this conclusion, Qin Wan, a bystander, became noticeably interested, while the Dog Emperor, feeling her gaze on the man, instantly turned dark.

  Qin Wan inexplicably felt the temperature around him suddenly drop, and the envoys on the opposite side also felt confused.

  They had just arrived and hadn't said a word yet, so how had they offended the Emperor of Jiang?

  "Your Majesty, this is the Northern Kingdom's Minister Xu Guangyi, and Lord Lu Xuan, they have come to pay a visit to you." Leng Leng introduced on the side.

  The two men and the people who followed them saluted Jiang Beiyu.

  Jiang Beiyu hummed, and his eyes swept across Lu Xuan's face indifferently.

  He has delicate skin and tender flesh, and he is a bit girly. He is exactly the type that woman likes!

  Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "Why did your emperor send you to Jiang Kingdom?"

  His calm, young and handsome face showed no emotion, but the powerful aura he released invisibly made everyone present feel oppressed.

  The Northern State Minister Xu said with a smile: "It's nothing serious. Our emperor sent us here to investigate.

  After all, the two countries are neighbors, and peace is the most precious thing. Our emperor wants to see if we can establish some economic cooperation with your country and jointly build friendly diplomatic relations."


  Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "In the past few years, you have sent hundreds of spies every year, if not thousands. I thought you already knew everything, so why did you send so many?"

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across Lord Xu's face. "Since the Emperor ascended the throne, we have been the only envoys sent to your country. These things are unheard of by me. I guess there must be some misunderstanding?"

  Jiang Beiyu said: "It's okay, just think of it as a misunderstanding. Anyway, a few more of you won't make much difference, and a few less of you won't make much difference either."

  Then he said lazily: "I already know what you are here for. I will send someone to assist you throughout the inspection."

  Qin Wan was listening at the side and thought, wow, this is just a show of force, directly mocking them as spies who came to Jiang Kingdom openly, just short of writing the words "Not welcome, don't come here forcefully" on their faces.

  The pretty woman dressed as a man seemed a little embarrassed and said:

  "Although there were some unpleasant things in the past, our emperor sincerely wants to make friends with your country! Otherwise, he would not have sent us all the way here."

  Jiang Beiyu glared at her with a pair of eyes that were so cold that they had no warmth at all, and said coldly: "I know. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing in front of me alive now."

 Then he said to Leng Lie: "General Leng, please arrange for these guests from the Northern Kingdom to stay in the palace."

  "You!" The woman was so angry that she wanted to say something, but was secretly stopped by Lord Xu beside her.

  Lord Xu remained calm and said, "Then Your Majesty, we will take our leave now."

  Leng Leng said expressionlessly, "My Lords, this way please."

  Qin Wan looked at the woman's departing back with great interest, and was secretly guessing her identity. Suddenly, a voice sounded beside him:

  "Everyone is gone, but you still miss him?"

  Qin Wan turned to look at him and said, "Your Majesty, do you think there is anything unusual about this person?"

  The man said angrily: "I don't stare at people all the time."

  Sure enough, this is something straight men can't detect. She smiled and didn't expose it.

  After a while, he said again: "Did you notice it?"

  "Your Highness, I have noticed..."

  Qin Wan looked at him with a teasing expression, and then suddenly snatched the durian mille-feuille on his table.

  "I noticed that the emperor was jealous."

  She took a bite with extra arrogance and said with a smile: "That man is not as handsome as the emperor, why would the emperor be jealous of him?"

  "Leng Qingqing, you are so brave, give my cake back to me!"

  Although the man still looked livid, he was obviously no longer angry. It was originally prepared for him, and he felt inexplicably happy when he snatched it away.

  "No." Qin Wan stuck out her pink tongue and made a face at him arrogantly, "No, no, no, no~"

  The man looked at the pink little tongue, his eyes darkened, but in order to maintain the dignity of the monarch, he still deliberately kept a straight face and said in a deep voice: "I count to three, two, one."



  When he was about to count to one, Qin Wan didn't know why, but her brain suddenly jumped, and she pressed her little mouth covered with durian and cream against his mouth, smearing the cream on his mouth.

  The man felt something hit his heart, and there was a softness and sweetness on his lips. Although it was separated at the touch, it was enough to arouse him to the point of confusion.

  The secret part of his heart beat rapidly for a few times. He had always been calm since he was a child, and could face thousands of troops calmly, and could remain calm even when the sky was falling. He had never felt such a shock in his chest.

  "I'll give it back to you!"

  Seeing the man's deep black eyes staring at her, she ran away.

  I ran out of the study and found that I was still holding the durian thousand layer in my hand...

  Naturally, she ate all the way back to the bedroom.

  In the afternoon, Leng Ying came back and appeared in front of her, lowering his head, looking a little embarrassed:

  "Your Majesty, I have searched all the flower and bird markets in the capital, but have not found any similar cockatiels...

  I have inquired about it and found out that the one the emperor originally owned was of top quality and cost him nearly 10,000 taels."

  "How many??"

  Qin Wan's eyes went dark.

  Ten thousand taels, you bastard! That man spent ten thousand taels on a broken bird?!

  As a result, she can't even afford the compensation now.

  So now, she has no other way out except to find the bird?

  "However, I have some good news," he said. "I have been asking people to look for this parrot for a while. Today, someone told me that they saw it in the Imperial Garden. It should not have flown away."

  He took out a brocade bag from his bosom, which contained something similar to water chestnuts.

  "This is a parrot bait fruit. It emits a scent to attract it to come and eat. Put this in the trap cage and see if you can catch it."

  She immediately set up a bird trap in the imperial garden, and to enhance the effect, she also caught a few small grasshoppers and placed them around the bait fruit, and asked a palace servant to guard the surrounding area.

  An hour later, the palace servant who was standing guard nearby came running over and said excitedly, "Your Majesty! The parrot has appeared!"

  She immediately ran to the imperial garden.

  The cunning parrot pecked away a grasshopper and left just as the birdcage fell, landing on the tree with a provocative look on its face.

  Qin Wan ordered someone to bring a ladder and climbed up the tree calmly.

  After a commotion, Qin Wan went to the imperial study.

  The sun is setting, and it's time to say "I love you, I love you" to the Dog Emperor.

  "You still dare to come?"

  Qin Wan smiled and took out a cage from behind him, inside which was the tender yellow parrot.

  Jiang Beiyu was a little surprised and a little amused: "How do you prove that this is mine?"

  Qin Wan poked the tender yellow creature with her fingertips through the cage and said, "Quick, say hello to your master."

  The parrot quickly spoke, flapping its wings and shouting: "Dog Emperor~ Dog Emperor~"


  Chapter 38: What are you doing in my bedroom in the middle of the night?

  The parrot quickly spoke, flapping its wings and shouting: "Dog Emperor~ Dog Emperor~"

  The air stagnated at this moment.

  Qin Wan was stunned, wishing he could disappear right there. He watched Jiang Beiyu's face turn pale with shock at that moment, and then quickly turn black, as black as ink.

  "You taught me?"

  He suppressed his anger.

  "No...it's not me!"

  Qin Wan really didn't expect why it still remembered it after ten days even though she only said it once!

  "If it's not you, then who else?"

  Jiang Beiyu gritted his teeth and said, "This parrot disappeared in your hands for the last time, and you were the one who found it. You are the only one who had contact with it..."

  As he spoke, he was slowly approaching her.

  "Leng Qingqing, tell me, if it wasn't you who taught me, who else could it be?"

  A strong sense of oppression swept over her with anger. At this moment, Qin Wan even thought clearly about what to write on the epitaph.

  And the whole village is unlikely to be able to enjoy the feast, because the whole village is likely to play Candy Crush with her...

  "Yes...it is self-taught!"

  Qin Wanfu was so moved that he imitated the parrot's voice for the last time and shouted, "Your Majesty, good luck~ I love you, I love you, I love you~"

  Then, run away.

  Returning to the bedroom, he was already out of breath, and Leng Ying immediately stepped forward:

  "My lady, I will investigate the matter you asked me to investigate."


  "The Northern Kingdom does have several princesses between the ages of 18 and 20. The most favored one is named Lu Xuan, and she is nineteen this year."

  Qin Wan's eyes were cunning and sparkling, with an expression that said, "As expected."

  There were no women serving as officials in the Northern Kingdom, so it was obvious that the woman was not an official.

  At such a young age, she could walk side by side with the high-ranking Shangshu, and could make the Shangshu be polite and restrained to her. Obviously, her identity was not simple.

  "Lu" is the surname of the Northern Kingdom. The woman's surname was Lu, and she first suspected that she was a princess, and an extremely favored princess, otherwise the Emperor of the Northern Kingdom would not agree to her willful act of disguising herself as a man.

  as expected.

  "Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan, heh."

  She pondered with great interest, "I wonder why this delicate princess came to Jiang Country?"


  "I'm furious!"

  As soon as Lu Xuan arrived at the palace, she couldn't help yelling and cursing. She slammed the table with a dark face and said:

  "Who does the Emperor of Jiang think he is? We have come all the way here, and yet he treats us like this. He is simply looking down on us!"

  Lord Xu at the side reminded: "Princess, calm down. Be careful, there are ears behind the wall."

  Lu Xuan was still snorting angrily: "My royal brother still wants to... still wants to take me... take me... Humph!"

  When the two countries were negotiating peace, the emperor's brother had such an idea. Later, she cried, made a fuss, and even hanged herself, but she just refused to marry.

  There is peace between the two countries now, but the Jiang Kingdom has a deadly poison in its hands that can cause large-scale casualties in the Northern Kingdom, and it has not made the antidote formula public, which is like strangling them by the neck.

  So she compromised and decided to go to Jiang State to see him in person first, and then reply to her brother whether to marry him or not. If possible, she hoped that she could successfully obtain the antidote formula during this trip to Jiang State.

  "Everything is based on the princess's wishes. If the princess disagrees, the emperor will not force her."

  Lord Xu said,

  "Princess, you can take this opportunity to inspect the Emperor of Jiang. Leave the rest to me."


  Lu Xuan narrowed her eyes, thinking: "The woman standing beside the Emperor of Jiang today, I heard them call her Concubine Leng, it seems that she is General Leng's sister, and the antidote was developed by her...

  She was the one who poisoned us, wasn't she?"

  Lord Xu said: "Yes, it is her."

  "However, this is in another country's palace after all. You are under someone else's roof, so please don't act rashly, Princess!"

  "Don't worry, I have an idea in mind..." The corners of her beautiful lips curled up, and her pair of almond-shaped eyes turned slowly twice, no one knew what she was thinking.

  the other side.

  Concubine Zhang, Concubine Shu, and Noble Lady Mu gathered together again.

  Shu Fei hasn't been here for a long time, because during the autumn hunt, the emperor punished her by leaving her tent alone in the woods, and she was bitten by poisonous insects on her face, so she has been applying facial masks these days.

  A few days ago, Concubine Zhang gave her a jar of wild honey, which cured her face. This time she came to express her gratitude.

  "Look at you, we are sisters, why are you being so polite?"

  Princess Zhang ordered her maid Lian Qiao to keep the donkey-hide gelatin she had brought, and at the same time ordered someone to serve her a bowl of iced mung bean soup.

  Shu Fei sat down and just took two sips before she couldn't help but say, "Have you heard? The emperor turned over the sign of that witch again yesterday!"

  "Turn it over, turn it over."

  Concubine Zhang said nonchalantly, "No flower stays red for a hundred days, but it will stay red for ninety-nine days. That witch has many tricks, so let the emperor have a taste of something new. After a while, it will be fine when the emperor gets tired of it."

  Shu Fei said: "There are only three concubines left. I wonder if there will be any sisters who can take the position next."

  When she heard this, Concubine Mu's eyes lit up and were full of anticipation, while Concubine Zhang had a leisurely and casual expression.

  Unexpectedly, she said:

  "Sister, you killed two birds with one stone. It was really beautiful. You finally kicked that bitch Concubine Qi out. It's a pity that the witch was too lucky. I didn't kill her!"

  Concubine Zhang's expression changed immediately, and she glared at her fiercely: "You can eat whatever you want, but you can't say anything you want! What does that have to do with me?"

  Shu Fei was a little confused: "No...wasn't it my sister who did it?"

  "I'm your big head ghost!"

  Princess Zhang gave her a fierce look.

  "Did I get kicked in the head by a donkey when I dealt with her at that time? It was all Qi Huaiyu's own fault. She was too clever and even tried to divert the blame."

  Shu Fei was surprised: "Is it really her?"

  "If it's not her, then who else?"

  Princess Zhang uttered a "huh".

  "She knew she couldn't beat me in horse racing and archery, and was afraid that I would beat her, so she deliberately fed her horse with croton seeds to create the illusion that she was also framed, so that she could sympathize with her and clear herself of suspicion.

  Imagine if she cleared herself, who would be the biggest suspect? Wouldn't it be you and me? Especially since you had a conflict with her before."

  Shu Fei suddenly realized: "Qi Huaiyu, this bitch, is so bad!"

  Zhang Fei continued with a sneer, "She has a good relationship with that woman. She must be secretly guiding her to make her suspicious of you and me. She wants to use that woman to deal with you and me.

  In the end, even when the evidence was irrefutable, they still tried to play the emotional card.

  It's a pity that the woman is not stupid. I believed her the first time and I will never believe her the second time. She deserved to be demoted from the position of concubine. She deserved it!"

  After hearing this, Shu Fei's face was full of admiration.

  Zhang Fei picked up the mung bean soup on the table and said nonchalantly: "People should learn to go with the flow. Why should I be so anxious to deal with her? If I have to sacrifice myself to deal with her, it would be too worthless. As long as the green mountains are there, there will be no shortage of firewood."

  After saying this, he changed the subject:

  "If you must deal with her, now is a great opportunity."

  Concubine Shu and Concubine Mu were curious at the same time: "What?"


  Qin Wan has been trembling with fear since she returned to the palace, fearing that the dog emperor would come to kill her, and also afraid that the dog emperor would turn over her.

  This certainly seems like something he could do.

  Fortunately, when she finished dinner, no news came.

  She was just about to take a shower and go to bed when she suddenly saw the big golden door of her palace slowly open, and a little eunuch walked in with a big red food box in his hand, smiling.

  "Empress Leng, is Empress Leng asleep?" the little eunuch shouted outside.

  Qin Wan came out after hearing the voice: "What's wrong?"

  The young eunuch handed her the food box in his hand and said, "Here, the emperor asked me to personally hand it to you. Drink it while it's hot."

  Qin Wan was puzzled: "What's in here?"

  It was late at night and she was almost going to bed. What did he send her?

  The young eunuch said, "The emperor didn't say what it was, but he said that the queen would understand after seeing it."

  She took the food box, and the little eunuch left after completing his task.

  Qin Wan entered the room, put the lunch box on the table, opened the lunch box and took a look, his pupils trembled.

  He stewed the parrot?!

  That's ten thousand taels, and you just made her a bowl of soup?

  Looking at the little body in the bowl, which had been plucked of its hair and shrunk into a small ball due to the high-temperature stew, her nose felt sore.

  "I fought for him!"

  When she thought of the tender yellow, furry little one with two cute blush cheeks, she couldn't stop crying.

  He would rather punish her! What could a little parrot do wrong? How could he be so cruel!

  She ran to her bedroom in one breath, and was stopped by the guards at the door when she tried to go in, so she shouted inside: "Jiang Beiyu, come out!"

  The guards at the door were all terrified, but she was the empress and the emperor's favorite concubine, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

  A guard went in to report: "Your Majesty, Concubine Leng is here."

  Jiang Beiyu walked out with a gloomy face: "Who gave you the courage to call me by my name?"

  She struggled against the guard who held her arm. Jiang Beiyu frowned and said, "Come in."

  After entering, he spoke:

  "I don't think I turned over your card today. What are you doing here?"

  Qin Wan stopped pretending and said angrily, "Why did you kill Jixiang? And you stewed him into soup for me to drink?"

  Jiang Beiyu stood with his hands behind his back and said slowly, "You came here in the middle of the night just for this matter? Did you drink the soup? How did it taste?"

  Qin Wan really wanted to hit him, so he stepped forward and grabbed his collar:

  "Jiang Beiyu! You are a dog emperor! You have no humanity! I hate you, hate you, hate you!" Still not satisfied, she slapped his chest with both hands, crying and saying, "Give Jixiang back to me, give it back to me, give it back to me! If you don't want it, give it to me!"

  He just let her hit him like that, looking at her with his eyes downcast, and felt that she was much more lovely in this lively state than the hypocritical and false her of the past.

  After a moment, he couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips and said, "Who told you that bowl of soup is auspicious?"

  Qin Wan paused for a moment.

  The dog emperor continued, "I stewed a young chicken for you because you worked so hard to catch parrots for me this afternoon. Why are you so crazy to come to my place in the middle of the night?"

  There were still small teardrops like ice crystals hanging on her beautiful long eyelashes. She sniffed and said, "You mean, Jixiang is not dead?"

  "Come with me."

  He took her hand and went to the imperial study.

  The lights in the imperial study had been blown out, and the palace maid lit another one. He took her to the auspicious cage.

  "look by youself."

  Jixiang was sleeping with his head tucked under his wings. He felt the light and the voices, so he took his furry head out from under his wings, opened his sleepy eyes, saw her, and tilted his head in confusion. He said sleepily, "Beauty?"

  "That's great, Jixiang is fine." Qin Wan almost burst into tears.

  The man next to her glanced at her and said leisurely, "Jixiang is fine, you have it."

  I just scolded him and beat him, and the price I paid was that I followed him to his bedroom...

  Qin Wan kept his head down all the way.

  She figured it out. This was all the dog emperor's trick! He wanted her to take the bait and fall into his trap!

  The dog emperor is a real dog, bah!

  In order to make up for the disrespect she had just shown him, the price for beating and scolding him, was that she had to hit her arms and legs to calm him down.

  He leaned lazily on the couch, while Qin Wan was patting his shoulder and grinding his teeth secretly.

  The second day.

  When Qin Wan woke up, he found himself on the Dog Emperor's dragon couch again, but the pillow was empty because the Dog Emperor had already gone to court.

  She stood up, and immediately a palace maid came to help her wash up. Chun Tao said:

  "Your Majesty, the Emperor has prepared breakfast for you."

  After washing up, Qin Wan walked to the dining table and found that since the Dog Emperor came into contact with the Internet world, even breakfast had undergone earth-shaking changes.

  This time the breakfast is milk, fried eggs, and... rosemary fried steak?

  It was because the royal chef didn't control the heat well and cooked the steak too well.

  After eating, she returned to her bedroom.

  Concubines are allowed one day every month to leave the palace to visit their families. Today, she asked for leave and prepared to go out of the palace to visit her best friend and to see how her milk tea shop was decorated.

  This was the first time she had returned to the General's Mansion under this identity, but when she looked at the towering, connected mansions in front of her, she was stunned.

  I finally understood what the meaning of overwhelming wealth was. The golden glazed tile roofs in front of me were shining like gold.

  If it weren't for the fact that the official residence of a minister cannot be larger than the imperial palace, I'm afraid the Leng family would have built an imperial palace.

  Knowing that she was coming back today, the door of the Leng family was open. Leng Jianfeng, wearing a brown robe, was already standing at the door to greet her with some maids and servants.

  The carriage stopped in front of the door. Qin Wan got off and saw the rumored business genius, his father who was thriving in business and became rich overnight. He had his hands in his sleeves. He was not fat like a middle-aged man of his age. He was very thin, but looked elegant and full of energy.

  Leng Jianfeng looked at her and his eyes suddenly became moist.

  He hasn't seen his daughter since she entered the palace.

  She had been in the cold palace for the previous year, and after she was released, she had this and that kind of things happen to her and didn't think about going home. Then she went out for the autumn hunting for a month or two.

  But the old father Leng Jianfeng was looking forward to it day and night.

  Qin Wan felt a little guilty.

  If it weren't for her best friend, she might not have thought of leaving the palace to visit the Leng family. Fortunately, she arrived late.

  "Dad." She called out to him, and when she got closer and saw his face clearly, she was stunneD

  Chapter 39 Jiang Beiyu: Love is a light, so green that I panic! .

  "Dad." She called out to him, and when she got closer and saw his face clearly, she was stunned.


  Although it was their first meeting, she suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, as if she had seen this person a long time ago, but he was younger.

  "Qingqing." In her memory, when she was still a little kid, she was sitting on a wooden horse. The man in front of her was shaking a rattle in his hand, teasing her, and the crabapple flowers in the yard fell to the ground with a "plop".

  That didn't seem like Leng Qingqing's memory, but rather like something she had experienced personally. She had long since forgotten anything before the age of six.


  She murmured something and when she tried to remember more, she felt dizzy, then her eyes went dark and she lost consciousness.

  When she woke up again, she was lying on the couch. This was Leng Qingqing's boudoir before she got married, and the room had always been reserved for her.

  The first person she saw was her resentful best friend Ma Shushu, who was already wearing ancient clothes, a purple quicksand skirt with pearlescent shadows on the hem that looked like fine quicksand.


  Ma Shushu said, "You finally woke up. The doctor came to see you and said that you probably had a heat stroke because you were too hot in the carriage. After all, the autumn heatwave is raging in the capital."

  Qin Wan felt a slight chill around her, and when she got up, she saw five ice basins placed around her bed.

  "No wonder it's so cold."

  She knew she didn't have heatstroke, and she didn't know why she fainted.

  "Are you okay here?"

  She sniffed the snot that was about to freeze out.

  Ma Shushu said: "Oh, that's it, we don't have to worry about three meals a day. There was nothing in ancient times, it's so boring."

  Then he sighed sadly: "I haven't live-streamed for so long, my little cuties must be missing me so much, I don't know if they've been seduced by some other bitch..."

  "Don't worry about this."

  Qin Wan found a handkerchief and wiped his nose: "Twelve days here is equivalent to one minute there. In our original world, you were only away for one minute."

  Ma Shushu was excited: "Will we grow old then? Will our time still be calculated according to the original world? If so, then we will make a lot of money!"

  Qin Wan shrugged: "I don't know either."

  "You've been here for so long, tell me about you and the emperor."

  Ma Shushu grabbed her arm with a gossipy look on his face, looked around to see if there was anyone around, and said to her in a low voice, "You've become the emperor's concubine, have you done that with her?"

  Qin Wan rolled her eyes at her: "What are you thinking about! Am I that kind of person? Will I lose my virginity in this inexplicable dynasty even if I become a concubine? People should have brains, okay?"

  Ma Shushu looked at her teasingly: "This isn't your body anyway, don't you want to experience it? You've been solo in the womb for so many years. Anyway, the original owner is the emperor's concubine, so it's legitimate for you to do it with him, and it's a natural thing."

  Qin Wan suddenly covered her mouth: "Cui Zui, I'm going to smash your fruit!" He was afraid that she would say something crazy again.

  At this time, Leng Lie just walked in from outside with medicine and knocked on the door: "Qingqing, take the medicine."

  "Let me feed it."

  Ma Shushu took the wooden tray from his hand and found that there was a sweet date on it because he wanted her to feel bitter.

  "General Leng is so considerate and thoughtful. He cares about my daughter Qingqing so much that he even gave her sweet dates." Ma Shushu praised.

  Sheniu Ma Shushu had a nickname back then: "Flirting with all three realms."

  She has a cold heart but a sweet mouth. When her skills are awakened, she can even knock the birds down from the trees.

  Who knew that Leng Lie would say, "When did Qingqing become yours? Qingqing is my sister, what does she have to do with you?"

  Qin Wan, who was taking medicine, almost choked.

  "Brother. She is my sister. We are sworn brothers."

  In order to help Ma Shushu save face, Qin Wan explained.

  Anyway, they are good sisters. They can sleep in the same room, drink the same bowl of milk tea, and eat the same bowl of rice for many years. It is no different from being sworn sisters.

  Leng Lie then looked at her, as if wanting to confirm.

  Ma Shushu immediately turned on the sweet girl mode and winked at him sweetly: "Yes, brother."

  Leng Leng's ears turned red, and a trace of discomfort appeared on his face: "Don't shout."

  Ma Shushu said: "No, you are Qingqing's brother, which means you are my brother if you round it off."

  Qin Wan swallowed the medicine in one gulp, and then stuffed the candied date into Ma Shushu's mouth.

  As she is used to drinking a cup of iced American coffee every day, she didn't think the medicine was bitter. On the contrary, Ma Shushu likes sweets, and she knew that she had been craving for this candied date with icing for a long time.

  "It's delicious." Ma Shushu looked at Qin Wan eagerly.

  Seeing Qingqing doting on her, Leng Leng had no choice but to decide to love her and her dog as well: "There's still some in the kitchen. Do you want me to get you some more?"

  Ma Shushu didn't hesitate and said sweetly, "Okay, thank you brother, you have worked hard."

  Leng Lie ordered a maid to get candied dates. Qin Wan asked, "Where's Dad?"

  Leng Lie said: "He was watching over you just now, but you didn't wake up, so he went out for something."

  "Oh, I'll take Shushu for a walk in the garden first."


  Not far from the deserted room is a courtyard with a pavilion and a small lotus pond. Standing next to them, you can feel the cool breeze.

  The Leng family was expanded on the basis of the original one. The original Leng family was not that big. Later, after Leng Jianfeng became rich in business, he expanded the mansion and expropriated the houses and shops around the mansion at a high price, which led to the current specifications. However, some of the original appearance was retained, such as the rockery. She remembered that she seemed to have played hide-and-seek in Li when she was a child.

  The feeling is very subtle, especially when the afterglow of the sunset falls on the rockery, it seems to awaken old memories, and the feeling of déjà vu becomes even stronger.

  Qin Wan stood by the fence, squinting at the lake, letting the setting sun fall on his face.

  "Tell me, since I am the one who has taken over Leng Qingqing's body, where is Leng Qingqing now?"

  Ma Shushu said, "You look good like this. Wait, don't move. I'll take a picture of you."

  Then he took out a pink cell phone.

  Qin Wan was shocked: "Did you bring your cell phone with you?"


  Ma Shushu took a photo of her first before saying, "Yeah, luckily I bought the solar charging model with you, but it's useless. There's no internet here, so it's just like scrap metal."

  Qin Wan stared at her blankly and said, "The dog emperor's bedroom is... connected to my living room."

  "What?! Your living room?!" Ma Shushu got excited. "My home is not far from yours. Tell me, is it possible for me to find the wifi in my living room?"

  "This...why don't you try it?"

  "I have a master key installed on my phone. Even if there is no copy of my house, I can check if there is one for someone else's house."

  Ma Shushu opened the settings and started searching.

  However, when I turned on the wireless LAN, everything was blank.

  She didn't believe it and continued searching with her phone. Qin Wan accompanied her around the house. Suddenly, she froze.

  "Hey? Got it, got it, got it. Cat Chenchen Pork Trotter Rice?"

  At first it was just an extremely weak signal. She followed the signal towards a maple tree, and then climbed up the branches of the tree.

  "The signal is stronger here."

  She used the master key and started to crack it.

  The moment she saw the wifi icon pop up on her phone, she couldn't help but get excited: "I'm connected to wifi!"

  Qin Wan looked over. She was sitting on a tree branch, and opposite her, by chance, was her brother's study, facing the window...

  He was changing his clothes in the window and getting ready to go out.

  It was almost time for dinner when Leng Jianfeng appeared, bringing guests with him.

  However, among the guests at his banquet, Qin Wan found a familiar face...

  He was wearing a moon-white robe, waving a paper fan, and looked very elegant and dashing.

  Isn't this the Northern Princess Lu Xuan who is disguised as a man?

  Lu Xuan smiled at her as a greeting.

  Leng Jianfeng introduced: "This is Mr. Lu from the Northern Country."

  Originally, Qingqing rarely came home today, and Leng Jianfeng had no intention of bringing outsiders home. However, this Mr. Lu was an important client and said he wanted to come to his house for tea.

  We were drinking tea until it was almost time for dinner, but I didn't feel comfortable asking them to leave.

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "Yes, I have. I didn't expect that Lord Lu actually knew my father."

  Lu Xuan said calmly, "The Emperor sent me here to investigate and seek opportunities for cooperation. Master Leng is also a leader in the Jiang State Chamber of Commerce, so naturally I have to pay him a visit. I gained a lot from talking with Master Leng today."

  As she spoke, she raised her glass and said to Leng Jianfeng, "Master Leng, this glass is for you."

  "You're welcome." Leng Jianfeng also picked up the wine glass.

  She had been accustomed to all kinds of flattery and false phoenixes in the business world since she was a child, but she didn't expect that it was also the case in ancient times.

  Fearing that this princess from the Northern Kingdom had ill intentions and would secretly set up a trap to harm the Leng family, Qin Wan asked, "What does Lord Lu want to cooperate with my father on?"

  Lu Xuan said: "We are still in the negotiation stage. I still need to report the details to the emperor."

  If it were an ordinary family, the father would definitely scold the girl and tell her not to care so much, but Leng Jianfeng just smiled and said:

  "Mr. Lu wants to import a batch of copper furnaces and iron pots."

  "Oh? Copper, and iron?"

  Qin Wan said innocently, "These are all important materials for making weapons. Could it be that the copper and iron in the North have been used to make weapons, so they need to import them from us?"

  Next, will you use these copper furnaces and iron pots to refine weapons?"

  This sentence really alerted Leng Jianfeng, and his expression changed immediately.

  Lu Xuan's expression suddenly turned cold, and she said in a moment:

  "Your Highness Leng is worrying too much. We northerners love hot pot. I planned to introduce it to the Jiang Kingdom because I heard about the delicious copper furnace hot pot stewed meat. Since Your Highness Leng is suspicious, I will just refuse to cooperate."

  The amount she ordered from Leng Jianfeng was not a small sum, and the price was much higher than the market price. She originally thought that Leng Jianfeng would be angry and scold her because of Leng Qingqing's interruption and missed the cooperation. Unexpectedly, Leng Jianfeng acted as if nothing had happened and even smiled and picked up some food for Leng Qingqing:

  "Qingqing, eat more food. Daddy specially asked the kitchen to make your favorite braised beef."

  "Thank you, Dad~"

  Qin Wan also said something sweetly.

  Looking at the scene of loving father and filial daughter, Lu Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and suppressed the unhappiness in her heart.

  "The Jiang Kingdom is indeed different. In our northern kingdom, women never interfere in family affairs. Especially married women."

  Ma Shushu on the side immediately said: "Then why don't you go back to your northern country?"

  Lu Xuan was embarrassed by her retort, but she still suppressed her anger: "Who is this?"

  Ma Shushu said slowly and leisurely:

  "Oh, I'm not from the Leng family. I'm here as a guest, too. But I know that when you're a guest, you have to behave like a guest. How can you criticize someone else's family?"

  Leng Jianfeng's face turned awkward, but he didn't know how to speak to Ma Shushu who was also a guest.

  Qin Wan curled the corners of his lips and said indifferently: "Shushu, eat your food, even the food can't stop your mouth."

  The two of them work together in an invincible way. On the surface, this sentence is talking about Ma Shushu, but it actually implies Lu Xuan.

  Lu Xuan was obviously even angrier, but she couldn't show it.

  She knew that a little impatience would ruin a big plan, and she couldn't let the relationship with the Leng family become too strained, so she remained calm on the surface and said with a smile: "Oh, I'm talking about our Northern Kingdom, Madam Leng, please don't misunderstand me."

  Qin Wan said magnanimously: "No."

  After eating and drinking, Lu Xuan stood up from the table.

  Qin Wan thought she was leaving, but she said to her, "Are you planning to go back to the palace, Madam? I'm planning to go back to the palace too, so why don't we go together? It's on our way."

  Qin Wan decisively refused: "Well, it's not convenient for men and women to touch each other."

  Lu Xuan was stunned for a moment and said, "That's right."

  Leng Jianfeng said to a servant, "Go and prepare a carriage for Lord Lu."

  Qin Wan's carriage was also at the gate of the mansion, and Lu Xuan made a "please" gesture to her.

  Qin Wan wanted to see what she was up to, so he walked forward with her.

  The two of them walked towards the gate of the mansion together. Lu Xuan suddenly smiled and said to her:

  "From the first time I saw the queen, I felt that she was extraordinary."

  "Oh? Where?"

  "Nowhere is ordinary."

  Qin Wan smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes: "Lord Lu, why don't you just speak frankly? Don't say such ambiguous words that may lead to misunderstandings."

  Lu Xuan said: "Empress Leng, do you have any misunderstandings about me?"

  "Lord Lu is overthinking."

  Lu Xuan opened her folding fan and shook it: "I'm just worrying too much. If you hate me, I'll be very sad."

  "Actually, I'm a girl..." Lu Xuan suddenly spoke.

  She discovered that this man's identity made her wary, so she decided to just be honest with him and have a chance to get close to her.

  Qin Wan turned to look at her in confusion.

  What? Are you going to reveal your true colors now? Are you going to stop pretending?

  At this moment, a low-key and gorgeous carriage stopped quietly at the door.

  A man came down from the carriage. He was wearing a dark-colored robe. He was tall and straight, with a handsome appearance.

  The man was holding a black folding fan with gold edges in his hand. He shook it and got off the carriage. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was suddenly stunned.

  The woman and the man in the exquisite white robe were walking out side by side. She turned to look at him, and he suddenly reached out and held her hand.

  She placed her hand on his chest...

  Chapter 40 The Dog Emperor doesn't look like a thin dog either ("ω")

  Jiang Beiyu found it difficult to describe the feeling he had when he saw this scene and the impact the image before him brought to him.

  He was completely stunned.

  For more than a year, she had never thought about returning to the Leng Mansion. No wonder she suddenly wanted to go back today.

  Last time I saw her flirting with that man, it turned out that she came out today to meet that wild man! In broad daylight, she was flirting with him in front of the Leng Mansion gate!

  It's a good thing that he still wanted to come and pick her up back to the palace in person today!

  Heartbroken! Disheartened!

  Qin Wan felt as if struck by lightning the moment she looked into Jiang Beiyu's eyes, but she didn't expect that the Dog Emperor had so much in his mind.

  She quickly withdrew her hand.


  Jiang Beiyu's gloomy face seemed to be dripping with ink. He gritted his teeth:

  "I was just passing by. What a coincidence."

  Qin Wan knew that he had misunderstood, so he took two steps at a time and ran towards him.

  He stood with his hands behind his back, and his sharp, deep cold eyes looked past her and straight at Lu Xuan behind her, as if he wanted to stare through him.

  If not, he was an envoy from the Northern Kingdom, and killing him might provoke war between the two countries, I'm afraid he would have been torn into pieces by now.

  "You stay here today and don't have to come back."

  He glanced at Qin Wan coldly, then turned and got on the carriage.

  Qin Wan followed him upstairs:

  "Your Majesty, you misunderstood. There is nothing wrong between Lu Xuan and me. This is not what you imagined!"


  Jiang Beiyu sneered, "Is it a misunderstanding that you were holding hands with him, or is it a misunderstanding that you put your hand on his chest? Do you think I'm a fool?"

  He felt really wronged and heartbroken.

  "I don't want to see you, you make me sick!"

  "Your Majesty is extremely wise, how could he be a fool? I want to say that some things are not what they seem on the surface. Even if the emperor saw me being intimate with her, it is not a big deal, and the emperor can rest assured, because..."

  Jiang Beiyu found it funny: "You are not going to tell me that she is a woman."

  Qin Wan was surprised and slapped his thigh: "Your Majesty is so smart, she is really a woman!"

  Jiang Beiyu's face became even darker: "Leng, Qing, Qing! Get out of here!"

  Leng Qingqing explained: "It's really like this! She put my hand on her chest just to explain this matter, just like now..."

  After she finished speaking, she realized that she had actually placed the Dog Emperor's hand on her chest!
