
Chapter 151 Let Concubine Leng continue to sleep with you tonight! .


"The Queen Mother."

Qin Wan's face darkened, but he had a feeling in his heart that "it's indeed her".

"you sure?"


Ye Wei said: "This morning."

Qin Wan recalled that when she paid her respects to the Empress Dowager this morning, Nanny Sun in the Empress Dowager's palace said that the Empress Dowager got up late today and made the concubines wait outside for half an hour. When she saw the Empress Dowager coming out with sleepy eyes, she didn't think much about it.

Good guy, really good guy.

"What did they talk about?"

Ye Wei said: "I don't know. The two of them only stayed for a cup of tea. My people just went in to serve tea."

Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something.

Yesterday, the King of Qi sent her a letter saying that he had decided to leave Jiang State and had set off for the Northern State, and had checked out of the supreme suite at "Comfortable Home".

It turned out that he did not leave immediately, but quietly moved into Ye Wei's inn and met the Queen Mother there?

Not long after he came to the North, the Queen Mother returned from Mount Wutai, so perhaps his purpose of coming to the North was not to see her, but the Queen Mother?

Qin Wan thought about it and was terrified: "Where is he now? Is he still in your inn?"

Ye Wei said: "I'll go ask again."

In the afternoon, Ye Wei told her, "I have checked out and left."

Qin Wan subconsciously felt that he should tell Jiang Beiyu about this matter.

Just as she was about to go, she suddenly realized that she had no evidence.

In Jiang Beiyu's heart, the Queen Mother was his respected adoptive mother, and apart from the few words Ye Wei said to her, she had no basis for her claims.

Moreover, Jiang Beiyu himself had some prejudices against Ye Wei, and he didn't know how much he could believe her words.

the other side.

Jiang Beiyu, who was sitting in the study reviewing memorials, covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and couldn't help coughing.

He sent a message to Leng Lie.

"General Leng, do you have any cold medicine or anti-diarrhea medicine brought back from modern times?"

Leng Lie replied: "What's wrong with the emperor?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I have caught a cold these past two days and my stomach feels uncomfortable."

Leng Leng: "Have you seen the imperial physician?"

Jiang Beiyu: "I've checked it out. The medicine I took doesn't work. It was fine yesterday, but it started again today. Whenever I sit in front of this desk, I get a stomachache."

Jiang Beiyu was too embarrassed to tell Qin Wan that he had diarrhea, so he could only turn to Leng Lie for help.

Leng Lie replied: "I'll ask Shu Shu."

Jiang Beiyu discovered that since they had traveled to the modern world together, General Leng's way of speaking had become strange.

This sentence should either be: "I'll ask my wife." or "I'll ask Ma Shushu."

But none of this matters.

Not long after, Leng Leng replied: "Yes, I will send it to you."

Although he has people he trusts around him, he still has to deliver things like medicine in person.

When Leng Leng saw Jiang Beiyu, he noticed that his face was a little pale, so he naturally reached out and covered his forehead with his hand.

"It's not hot..."

"It's probably the changing season now. Your Majesty, cover yourself with a blanket at night and drink plenty of hot water."

After taking the medicine sent by Leng Leng, Jiang Beiyu felt some relief and went to the Imperial Garden to get some fresh air.

From afar, one could see the Prince of Qi sitting in a pavilion, sketching with colored ink. He was surrounded by a circle of palace maids who were watching him paint. There were also two imperial concubines standing behind him, looking like little fangirls. They only dispersed when they saw him coming.

Jiang Beiyu walked over slowly and asked, "Is my brother sketching?"

Jiang Yuluo smiled lazily and said, "I'm just bored and killing time."

Jiang Yuluo is born dashing and handsome, with a pair of peach blossom eyes that curve when he smiles, which really makes many people fall in love with him.

He looked at his words: "What is this painting?"

Jiang Yuluo said: "I am designing my future mansion."

Jiang Beiyu compared it with a place not far in front of him and saw that he was clearly painting a palace in the imperial palace with some deletions and modifications.

He half-jokingly asked, "You used the imperial palace as a reference to design your mansion?"

Jiang Yuluo said: "All designs are interconnected. The garden architects of the palace must have their own unique features, which can give me some inspiration."

Seeing Jiang Beiyu didn't say anything, he continued with a smile:

"Why, Your Majesty, are you not angry? Your palace can't even give me a reference, are you so stingy?"

Jiang Beiyu looked at him and said half seriously:

"My brother and I have been brothers since childhood, how could I be angry? I don't care, I'm just afraid that if my brother makes up a story, other ministers will gossip about it, causing unnecessary trouble for my brother, and I'm afraid that others will misunderstand that my brother is suspected of treason.

After all, the imperial palace is the imperial palace, and the royal palace is the royal palace, don't you think so? "

Jiang Yuluo quickly explained: "It is my fault for being so presumptuous. However, I grew up here and am familiar with some of the landscapes here. I feel close to them and like them. I want to decorate them in my own residence. I have no intention of rebelling."

Jiang Beiyu had his hands behind his back, not smiling like he always did when they were young, his face was full of emotions:

"After all, everyone has their own expertise. For something like designing a mansion, it would be better for you to find a professional to do it. I will help you find a few garden and architectural designers, and I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

Jiang Yuluo studied his expression, and said quickly, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at him indifferently and left.

Since the return of the virtuous king, discussions in the court have intensified about the fact that he has been on the throne for more than three years but has no children. Ministers have come to the court to advise him, hoping that he would be more fair and allow his concubines to give birth to royal heirs as soon as possible.

Although the virtuous king had not yet married, he took two concubines and lived at the foot of the mountain. In three years, he had two sons and one daughter, which shows his fertility.

The ministers would privately compare him with him.

No matter how slow Jiang Beiyu was, it was impossible for him to be completely defenseless against this brother who was only one year younger than him.

He put his hands behind his back and returned to the study.

At dusk, Eunuch Xi came forward with the signs and he found that Leng Fei was not among those green signs.

"What about Leng Fei's?"

Eunuch Xi shuddered, "It was the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother said that the Emperor should treat all concubines equally. Before, he had always been dismissing the cold concubines, but he also wanted to give other concubines a chance."

Jiang Beiyu smiled coldly: "Let Concubine Leng continue to serve you in bed tonight!"


Not long after, Qin Wan received the news that he would have to sleep with the emperor tonight.

As she was worrying about how to tell him about the empress dowager, she also thought that the things Ma Shushu sent in the morning would come in handy.

Just thinking about it makes me nervous.

Ma Shushu said that it would definitely hurt for a while the first time, and asked her to be mentally prepared. The more she heard that, the more panicked she became.

Jiang Beiyu was also nervous.

Having missed several opportunities, he is determined to get serious tonight!

As long as he and Wanwan had a child, those ministers would not say anything irresponsible.

That night, after he had taken a shower and changed into clean pajamas, he read the script in the tent before she came, but he could not read a single word.

"The cold concubine has arrived."

I heard the message from the eunuch outside.

Qin Wan did the same as before and did not follow the rules by letting the eunuch carry him, but walked to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom by himself.

The palace maid opened the door for her automatically.

After she went in, the palace servants automatically left and closed the door.

The entire bedroom was empty except for them.


Jiang Beiyu called her.

He opened his arms, and Qin Wan sat down beside him, leaning into his arms.

Afraid of failing again this time, Jiang Beiyu glanced at her.

"This time, I can't be so cautious anymore. I might end up wronging you."


Qin Wan took out the bottle from his sleeve, hesitated for a moment, and handed it to him: "If it really doesn't work, use this and apply it yourself."

"What's this?"

Jiang Beiyu took the bottle.

"Read the instructions yourself."

Having said that, she turned her face away.

It was exceptionally quiet in the tent.

Jiang Beiyu looked at the instructions above and was confused and at a loss for a moment. Then, the tips of his ears turned red.

He coughed and said, "Okay."

After blowing out the lights, in the dark night, there was a sound of clothes rustling.

Qin Wan lay on the couch, closed his eyes, and subconsciously held his breath.



Jiang Beiyu applied the product himself according to the instructions. Looking at the woman lying quietly on the pillow with her eyes closed, his heart beat fast.

Her black hair lay flat on the pillow like silk.

He said, "Night."

"Last time you told me that once a person gets something, they will forget the feeling of climbing up the window to see it. I want to tell you that I won't.

You will always be my moon."

Hearing this, Qin Wan opened her eyes, and was kissed passionately the next second.

Everything is just right.

This time, with the help of the bottle, Jiang Beiyu didn't feel as difficult as last time. Everything was about to fall into place, when suddenly, he heard a gurgling sound coming from his stomach.

After taking the anti-diarrhea medicine brought by General Leng at noon, I had recovered. But after spending an hour reviewing memorials at the desk, the uncomfortable feeling came up again.

He frowned and originally wanted to endure it, at least not at such a critical moment, but he couldn't help it!

Next second.

"Sorry, Wanwan, I'm going to go out for a while!"

He quickly got off the bed, put on his clothes and went out.

Qin Wan: ???

A cup of tea later, when Jiang Beiyu came back again, the bed was empty.

His head buzzed.

Isn't this a huge misunderstanding?


He panicked instantly, chased after her, picked up his phone to send her a message, and suddenly saw a red exclamation mark.

"The message was successfully sent, but was rejected by the other party."

Jiang Beiyu stood stupidly in the moonlight in the yard.

Qin Wan returned to Ronghua Palace angrily.

Isn't this just insulting? Is he making fun of her?

"Jiang Beiyu, if I care about you again, I'm a dog!"

Qin Wan blocked and turned off her phone in one go, and instructed the palace servants not to open the door even if the emperor broke it down.

The palace maids didn't have the courage to stop him. When the emperor arrived, they ran over to Qin Wan in a panic and said, "Your Majesty, the emperor is here, he's outside."

Qin Wan said: "Release the dog!"

The door opened, and Xiong Ba barked at Jiang Beiyu, "Woof woof woof". He couldn't get in at all, so he had to go back.

Early the next morning.

Qin Wan woke up and had forgotten about it. But when he opened his eyes, he saw Ma Shushu sending a "side-eyed smile" expression:

"How is the effect?"

Qin Wan didn't want to talk and replied with a "smile" emoticon.

Ma Shushu quickly responded with a "roll of eyes".

it is more than words.

Ma Shushu understood and quickly comforted him: "It's okay. Modern medical technology is so advanced. If it really doesn't work, take him to the hospital next time you come back."

Qin Wan: "......."

No wonder, when she first came to serve the emperor in bed, the dog emperor was holding that thing in his hand.

She originally thought that he was such a chaste and clean man, but the fact proved that he was really not good enough.

┑( ̄Д ̄)┍


In the court today, the ministers once again felt the familiar low pressure.

When he looked up, he saw that his emperor had a cold face, an expression like the King of Hell, and he had two dark circles under his eyes.

Eunuch Xi said, "The emperor is not feeling well today. If you have anything to report, please report it. If not, please leave the court."

Several ministers looked at each other, and no one dared to light the powder keg at this time.

Leng Lie secretly recorded a video and sent it to Qin Wan: "Did you have a fight with the emperor?"

Qin Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and replied: "Nothing. He has his period."


After the court session, Jiang Beiyu went to Ronghua Palace first, but was turned away again. Xiongba was tied to the door, and as soon as he approached, he stood up from the ground.

He had no choice but to go back to the study.

Wanwan was practicing martial arts with Ye Wei in the yard at this time. At this moment, a drone flew over the courtyard wall, with nine roses just picked from the imperial garden hanging underneath.

The drone carried the flowers directly to Qin Wan.

Qin Wan snorted and turned his face away.

"Aunt~" The drone emitted Jiang Beiyu's voice.

"Last night, I lost my temper, but I am definitely not what you think. Give me another chance, okay?"

"Jiang Beiyu, you no longer have a chance."

God knows how determined she, a girl, was yesterday when she handed him the small bottle.

As a result, I was treated like that.

He explained: "I was not feeling well last night. If you don't believe me, ask General Leng. I just asked him for medicine at noon, and I was embarrassed to tell you."

"The Emperor is not feeling well and still wants to turn over the cards?"

Jiang Beiyu whispered, "I thought it was healed, but it recurred at night."

"do not talk."

It felt weird to talk to a drone alone, and Ye Wei and other palace servants were nearby.

She said: "Don't bother me today. Whether I can forgive you depends on your performance in the future."

The drone placed the flowers on the stone table in the yard, hovered, and flew away.

Behind Qin Wan was a cold, secretly watching gaze.

An old lady in the palace stood outside the courtyard wall, squinting her eyes and taking in everything that had just happened through a cross window.

She went back and told the Queen Mother about it.

"Your Highness, just now, the Emperor controlled a flying iron lump and humbly admitted his fault to Concubine Leng in front of the palace servants of Ronghua Palace, calling her little aunt. But Concubine Leng not only did not forgive him, she even called the Emperor by his name."

The Queen Mother sneered and snorted, "Witch! She is indeed a vixen!"

The Queen Mother looked deep and narrowed her eyes: "It seems that this witch has taken over the Emperor. The harem has become her world."

Nanny Sun added fuel to the fire and said, "The cold concubine is extremely charming and seductive. This is known to the entire harem. No one can compete with the cold concubine for favor. As long as she is around, other concubines will have no chance of being favored by the emperor."

The hostility and disgust between the Queen Mother's brows became stronger, and suddenly she smiled meaningfully:

"The old ones are all a bunch of rubbish, and the new ones are coming soon, aren't they?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 5)

Chapter 152 Taking the Dog Emperor for an MRI

The Queen Mother suddenly laughed meaningfully:

"The old ones are all a bunch of rubbish, and the new ones are coming soon, aren't they?"

This year marks the third year since Jiang Beiyu ascended the throne.

According to the custom of the Jiang Kingdom, every three years, a general election would be held after the beginning of autumn to fill the harem.

Now, it is the beginning of autumn and the time has come.

The court on the second day was extremely lively.

One after another, ministers proposed the idea of ​​selecting a concubine.

Jiang Beiyu has been on the throne for three years, and it just so happens that the once-in-three-years imperial concubine selection is here. In addition, he has no children in these three years since he ascended the throne, so all the ministers have urged him to start the general election as soon as possible.

Jiang Beiyu's face was very gloomy. He directly rejected the proposal of the ministers and said coldly:

"I think my harem is full, so I won't be selecting this year. Don't mention this matter again."

"Your Majesty! You absolutely cannot do that!"

A minister immediately said:

"Although His Majesty thinks that the harem is full, He is a man of few desires all day long. He has never summoned any other concubines except Concubine Leng, which proves that there is no one in the harem that His Majesty likes. Therefore, His Majesty needs to select more suitable concubines to join the harem, so that my Jiang family can have more branches and leaves and prolong the blessings for the future generations!"

Another one immediately said:

"Yes, Your Majesty! The crown prince is the foundation of the country. We still hope that a concubine can give birth to a child for Your Majesty as soon as possible to maintain the continuation of the royal bloodline!"

The ministers said one after another: "Your Majesty, having many sons and grandsons is a blessing for the country and the people!"

The ministers chattered, how similar was this scene to when they forced him to marry the princess of the Northern Kingdom? !

He would compromise at that time and hurt Wanwan's heart, but this time, he will never compromise!

Jiang Beiyu swept his cold eyes over the ministers, his attitude stern and resolute:

"No need to say more, everyone!

My great-grandmother also abolished the system of selecting concubines every three years and chose to live out her life with the regent. She only had two children, a son and a daughter. During her reign and that of my great-grandfather, the State of Jiang was the most prosperous. This shows that quality of royal heirs is more important than quantity.

Too many concubines in the harem will only distract my attention. In the first three years, when I ascended the throne, I struggled to handle state affairs. In addition, I had been at war with the Northern Kingdom for several months, and there were too many things that needed to be settled. I really did not have much energy to focus on the harem.

Now the country is peaceful and I am still young. There is no need for you, my dear ministers, to worry about me. I will definitely have offspring in the future.

I understand what you all mean. I have made up my mind and do not plan to hold another selection. If I still have no children in the next three years, I am willing to step down from the throne."

The last sentence was so powerful that all the ministers shut up.

After Jiang Beiyu left the court, he picked up his mobile phone and found that Qin Wan had released him from the blacklist, so he immediately went to Ronghua Palace.

Qin Wan had just woken up and was drinking her morning tea. There was a cup of coffee in front of her, which she was stirring slowly with a spoon.

Jiang Beiyu dismissed the palace maids and sat opposite her:

"Wanwan, are you not angry with me anymore?"

Qin Wan still lowered his eyes: "Are you feeling better?"

Just now, Leng Lie sent her the video of today's court where he refused the ministers' request to let him choose a concubine. Only then did she intend to forgive him.

"Next time you go back, come with me to the hospital for a checkup. I've already found a hospital for you."

"I'm not sick!"

Jiang Beiyu was getting anxious.

"In order to stop appointing concubines, I promised all the ministers that I would have a child in the next three years. Otherwise, I would take the initiative to abdicate. If I really couldn't do it, how could I dare to make such a promise?"

Qin Wan raised her eyes and glanced at him suddenly.

Jiang Beiyu held her hand and said softly, "Wanwan. From now on, I can only work harder with you and try to have two babies in three years."

Qin Wan rolled her eyes at him.

"You wish. I can only give birth to one child at most."

Jiang Beiyu lowered his head and smiled secretly.

His tactic is called retreat in order to advance.

At least, Wanwan promised to give birth to a child for him.


"Then, tonight, I'll come to your place. Will you give me another chance?"

Qin Wan neither agreed nor refused. He picked up the coffee and took a sip in silence.

"The Queen Mother and the King of Qi met secretly the day before yesterday."

She thought about it and decided it would be better to just speak frankly.

Jiang Beiyu was obviously shocked: "Which King of Qi? The King of Qi from the Northern Kingdom?"


"How do you know? King Qi, didn't he leave the day before yesterday?"

Qin Wan said calmly, "He left 'Comfortable Home' and stayed in another inn for a night without anyone noticing. That inn happened to be the one I managed for Ye Wei earlier. He didn't know that the inn was also related to me."

"Where is he now?"

"I'm leaving now, but what do you think about the meeting between the Queen Mother and the King of Qi?"

Jiang Beiyu's expression became complicated.

Qin Wan said: "I have no evidence for this matter. Your Majesty can believe it or not. However, to obtain further evidence of the Queen Mother's collusion with the Northern Kingdom, the Emperor needs to take action."

She took out a miniature eavesdropping device that she had brought back from the modern era.

"The Queen Mother's bedroom is heavily guarded. It's difficult to set up a trap without anyone noticing. She's not prepared for you yet. You're the perfect person to set it up."

Jiang Beiyu took the bug, which was only the size of a fingernail, and looked at it carefully with a complicated and conflicted expression.

"Although I am not the Queen Mother's son, I was adopted by her when I was young, so she is also my stepmother. It is unfilial and inappropriate to spy on my stepmother's privacy."

After all, he was an ancient man with relatively feudal ideas and a foolish adherence to filial piety. Qin Wan expected that he might refuse.

She shrugged: "Then your Majesty, just wait for the Northern Kingdom to steal your home."

Not wanting to make her angry, Jiang Beiyu accepted the bug: "I'll think about it again."

After coaxing Wanwan, Jiang Beiyu returned to the study.

Strangely enough, when he returned to his desk and saw the pile of papers on it, he reflexively felt a palpitation and nausea. He felt much better only after walking outside to get some fresh air.

He returned to the bedroom and asked the imperial physician to take his pulse. The physician said the same thing as before, saying that he had a weak spleen and caught a cold recently, and needed to stay in bed and rest more.

He followed the imperial physician's advice and lay down for an hour, and indeed he felt much better.

After lunch in the afternoon, I returned to my desk. Not long after sitting there, I felt nauseous again, as if I instinctively hated these memorials. As long as I didn't review them, I would return to normal.

what happened to him?

He took off the "kabala" string from his waist.

Could it be that there is something wrong with this?

Just as I was confused, a young eunuch came running over:

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother is here."

"Let her in."

Jiang Beiyu looked up and saw the Queen Mother walking up to him in a hurry, staring at him with a cold expression:

"I heard that the Emperor rejected this year's selection of concubines in the court today, and also said that if there is no child in three years, he will automatically give up the throne?"

"Mother, it is true." He said frankly, and the next second, he saw the Queen Mother slam her crutch to the ground.

"That's ridiculous!"

"How can the emperor make such a promise in front of all the officials? Is the emperor really going to abdicate if he has no children for three years? I personally trained you, and you are my hope for the rest of my life. How can I watch the emperor give up the throne?

The emperor would rather take this solemn oath than choose a concubine. Which little devil has bewitched him? "

The Queen Mother's eyes turned red with anger. This was the first time he could remember her being so angry with him.

Jiang Beiyu's expression was very calm, and he said half seriously: "Even if I abdicate, the most suitable person to inherit the throne is the virtuous king, and you are still the queen mother."


The Queen Mother was extremely emotional: "You are the crown prince appointed by Grandpa Taizu himself, how could it be the turn of that brat Yu Luo! The Emperor is doing this to make everyone poke Yu Luo's spine. Those who don't know will think that Yu Luo wants to be the Emperor."

Jiang Beiyu said: "If I don't have an heir to inherit the throne, it's not a bad idea to pass the throne to Yu Luo."

"Your Majesty, don't even think about it! Yu Luo is not fit to be the emperor! Don't even think about handing this over to him! I will never agree to that!"

The Queen Mother stared at him and said righteously, "The Emperor must agree to select concubines and allow more outstanding women to enter the palace to continue the Emperor's incense. From today on, I must supervise the Emperor to summon concubines every day."

"Your Majesty is overstepping your authority. This is my private matter."

This time, he did not call her mother, and his voice was cold.

The Queen Mother said angrily: "This is not the emperor's private matter, it is the emperor's duty! I will take care of this matter!"

After saying that, she turned away.

Jiang Beiyu's face darkened.

He didn't expect that he could deal with the court officials but couldn't get past the Queen Mother.

However, Wanwan said that the Queen Mother had met with the King of Qi in private, which meant that she might be secretly colluding with the Northern Kingdom. If this was true, the purpose of doing so was nothing more than to help her own son, the virtuous king, gain power.

However, he had already promised in front of all the officials that if he had no children within three years, he would automatically abdicate the throne. At that time, the virtuous king could naturally inherit the throne. Why did she react so strongly to this matter today and force him to select a concubine?

An autumn breeze blew in from the window, and he couldn't help coughing again. This time, he suddenly saw a little blood on the handkerchief.

Although it was only sporadic, it was something he had never experienced before.

"Call the imperial physician!"


Qin Wan was checking the six large account books sent by Ma Shushu while pressing the calculator, when he suddenly received a message from Jiang Beiyu.

"Wanwan, I'm sick."

He showed her the bloody handkerchief, and Qin Wan's heart skipped a beat.

"The imperial physician couldn't diagnose me. He said I was just suffering from a deficiency of Qi and blood. I feel that my condition has been getting worse over the past two days."

"Come back with me right away." Qin Wan said without hesitation, "Let's go to the big hospital over there for a checkup. I'll notify Leng Lie and Ma Shushu, and we'll leave tonight."

It has been more than half a month since Ma Shushu last came back from Hyundai, and she is ready to go to the hospital for another ultrasound.

Because she felt something was wrong for the past half month, she felt like she didn't look like a pregnant woman at all, and she didn't have any morning sickness.

After dark, the four of them gathered again in Jiang Beiyu's bedroom.

Jiang Beiyu dismissed the palace servants, and Qin Wan controlled the bronze mirror. Soon, everyone returned to the sofa in the Qin family villa.

Back in modern times, Ma Shushu felt a strong nausea in his stomach and quickly ran to the bathroom, heaving.

Qin Wan immediately contacted the best hospital and brought Jiang Beiyu there overnight.

The two sides acted separately, Qin Wan took Jiang Beiyu to the internal medicine department, and Leng Lie took Ma Shushu to the gynecology department.

Qin Wan took him to the emergency room and performed a series of examinations including blood draw, laboratory tests, and MRI.

The doctor diagnosed poisoning!

"This is acute enteritis caused by poisoning, and it has caused mild hepatitis and nephritis."

Qin Wan asked: "What kind of poison was it?"

The doctor said, "Mercuric bromide."

Jiang Beiyu felt like he was hit hard, but he still couldn't believe it: "How could he be poisoned?"

The doctor said: "You must have accidentally come into contact with this kind of substance in your life, but you didn't know it. Fortunately, your poison is in the early stage. If it is delayed for a month, it will cause liver and kidney failure. It can't be cured in three months.

When you get back, check carefully to see if you have come into contact with mercuric bromide around you."

Qin Wan saw the skull bracelet on his wrist and angrily tore it off.

"I knew it must be this!"

She took the bracelet and went to the laboratory in a swift and decisive manner.

Half an hour later, the test results came out. Qin Wan held the bracelet in one hand and the report in the other.

"This is a bracelet made of human bones. In order to bleach it, it was soaked in a high concentration of potassium bromide. Potassium bromide was detected on the surface of the bracelet.

Soaking in potassium bromide is the process of making this kind of bracelet. This amount of potassium bromide is harmless to the human body, but once it comes into contact with tribute, it will produce highly toxic mercuric bromide. "

Jiang Beiyu had never taken a chemistry class, so he was confused, but he heard a key word: "mercury."

He suddenly understood.

"There's mercury in cinnabar!"

"I review memorials every day with a cinnabar pen! No wonder every time I sit at my desk, I have a strong reaction, feel nauseous, and begin to instinctively hate reviewing memorials."

Everything becomes clear.

Qin Wan walked towards him and took a deep breath: "Do you still think that the virtuous king and you are brothers?"

Jiang Beiyu stopped talking and his expression became gloomy.

"He must have been instructed by an expert to do this. He must have known that the emperor would come into contact with cinnabar on a daily basis. When two non-toxic substances meet, they become a highly toxic substance. This is a very classic routine.

Mercuric bromide is a chronic poison that can cause drug-induced enteritis and diarrhea. As long as the emperor lives in an environment that continuously releases mercuric bromide, he will inevitably die suddenly in three months, because the poison will continue to corrode the emperor's liver and kidneys. Moreover, in that environment, the imperial physician cannot diagnose that the emperor has been poisoned. He can only watch the emperor's liver and kidneys fail, and no medicine can help. "

Jiang Beiyu stood straight, but his eyes became increasingly gloomy and frightened.

Qin Wan turned around, took the prescription to the window and got a large bag of medicine, and said to him: "Let's go, it's fortunate that it was discovered early, it can be treated, and it will be cured after taking medicine for half a month. Let's go find Ma Shushu now."

The two got off the elevator and went to the gynecology department downstairs.

Ma Shushu also came out with a report, looking dazed.

"What's wrong?" Qin Wan looked at her, a little worried.

She handed her the report in her hand.

Qin Wan also stared at the report in disbelief.

Ma Shushu created a file, so from that folder, she could see the report she had made more than half a month ago. After comparing them, she couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Oh my God, how could this happen?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 6)

Chapter 153: You turned over the card for me?! .

"Oh my God, how could this happen?"

The two men looked at them in confusion, especially Leng Leng, who looked extremely nervous.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Wan said: "The two reports are almost the same, that is, the size of the baby is almost the same, both are eleven weeks. In the past half month in Jiang Guo, the baby has not grown in Shushu's belly."

Leng Leng was shocked: "What do you mean?"

Qin Wan said: "That is to say, in another time and space, our time in ancient times is basically stagnant. Not only is time stagnant in the popular sense, but also the time of our own body development is stagnant.

To put it simply, even if we stay in ancient times for ten years and then come back here, we will not age, because ten years in ancient times is only five hours in our modern time and space, and the age of our bodies is based on modern time. "

After a pause, she continued, "So, Ma Shushu's baby would hardly grow up in Jiang Country. It would only grow up in modern time and space. She raised the baby in Jiang Country for half a month, which is equivalent to only raising it for one minute. It was all in vain."

Ma Shushu: "......."

Leng Leng thought deeply and drew inferences from his experience.

"Then, is it the same for the emperor and Wanwan? Even if they get pregnant, the baby will have to grow up in this place?"

Qin Wan said: "Strictly speaking, yes."

Ma Shushu said: "I was worried that there would be a flaw, because I had set up a record in the hospital. If I counted the time I spent in Jiang Guo, the baby would have been more than 13 weeks pregnant. One day later, the baby went from 11 weeks to 13 weeks. The doctor would definitely think it was too much and think I was a monster.

It's fine now. No need to worry at all."

Qin Wan said, "You are fine now. If you are pregnant and go to Jiang Country with a big belly but can't give birth, it will be very painful."

Ma Shushu:!!!

Leng Leng looked at them and said, "So what are we going to do next?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "We have to hurry back tonight, because if we continue to wait here, I will have to join the group tomorrow."

This time they came and left as they said. They returned to Jiang Kingdom again, and only a breath of time passed there.

The skull bracelet had been carefully rinsed and cleaned with medicine to remove the mercuric bromide content, and was then put back on Jiang Beiyu's hand.

This time when he returned, he planned to use the opponent's trick against him and expose his true colors.

The second day.

It is said that the empress dowager knelt in the ancestral temple all night last night. There were gusts of evil wind in the royal temple. The ancestor was furious. A loud thunder came down and broke a crooked tree beside the temple.

The court, which had calmed down yesterday, was in turmoil again. The ministers once again knelt down and advised him to start the selection.

Jiang Beiyu directly ordered the guards to fork the people out, and anyone who spoke too much would be beaten with a stick. Today, outside the Golden Palace, the sounds of beatings could be heard one after another.

After court dismissal, Jiang Beiyu swallowed the medicine prescribed for him last night with warm water. After taking the medicine, he continued to review memorials.

The bracelet on his hand had removed the mercuric bromide, and he no longer had that nauseating feeling.

He read one book after another.

Qin Wanyi continued to use the calculator to check the account book that he had not finished reading yesterday. After lunch, Xiao Guiyuan hurried in: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother invites you to have afternoon tea in her palace."

Coming from the modern era, she is not too familiar with the deeper meaning of the word "drinking tea".

She knew that her relationship with the Empress Dowager was not close enough for them to happily drink afternoon tea together. If she went there, it would be like the Empress Dowager summoning Ziwei. If things went wrong, she might be locked up in a small dark room and given acupuncture.

But she had to go since the Empress Dowager had summoned her. Thinking that the Empress Dowager still had the script of "Xiao Qinshi" in her hand, she would not dare to do anything blatantly to her. After thinking for a moment, she stood up.

After entering Feng'an Palace, an old eunuch came out to greet her and said to her with a smile: "My Lady Leng Fei, the Empress Dowager has something urgent to do. Please follow me to the side hall and wait."

Qin Wan was a little wary, but still followed the old eunuch. He was taken into a dark side hall, where there were Buddha statues and incense burning. It was a Buddhist temple.

Wow, in novels and TV dramas, nine out of ten empress dowagers are Buddhists and one has become a nun. This empress dowager really has a standard empress dowager character.

"When will the Queen Mother arrive?"

She asked, and when she turned around she saw the old eunuch quickly retreating and locking the door.

She felt something was wrong, and before she could say anything, she lost consciousness the next second...

the other side.

Jiang Beiyu, who was reviewing memorials, heard the young eunuch hurriedly report: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is here again."

"not see."

Not long after, the young eunuch walked back in from outside and said in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, I can't stop you."

Jiang Beiyu slowly raised his head and saw the Queen Mother in front of him.

When I see her again today, my mood is different from before.

However, his expression did not change at all. He covered his mouth with a silk handkerchief and coughed:

"What's the matter, mother?"

The Queen Mother's eyes fell on the skull bracelet on his wrist, and a barely visible smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Last night, your father came to me in a dream. He disagreed with the emperor having only one child and said he would abdicate if there were no children in three years. He told me to persuade you well, otherwise, he would have a hard time facing the ancestors of the Jiang Kingdom in the afterlife."

"so what?"

"So, I've turned over a card for you today. Tonight, let Concubine Xuan come to sleep with you."

Jiang Beiyu was shocked: "You turned over the card for me?"

No wonder, when the time came today, I didn't see my father-in-law coming with the sign.

"No, how can you turn over the cards for me?"

The Queen Mother stood proudly and said leisurely:

"I know that the emperor only has Concubine Leng in his heart, and he neglects other concubines for her. However, her pregnancy is not going well. She has been favored by the emperor but has never conceived. Therefore, the opportunity to sleep with the emperor should be given to other concubines.

Concubine Leng has been taken to another place by my family for a short stay. Your Majesty, it is not appropriate for you to meet with her again for the next period of time."

Jiang Beiyu's eyebrows suddenly jumped:

"What did you do to her?"

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "I didn't do anything to her. I just wanted the Emperor to accept the advice of the ministers and treat everyone equally. Don't forget your responsibilities and duties as an emperor because of a momentary confusion and be criticized by the people of the world.

A loving mother often spoils her son. Only I can be the evil person. Don't blame me. I am doing this for the emperor and for the foundation laid by our ancestors.

You two should be separated for a while. Later, as long as the emperor can repent, I will still let you meet again."

After saying that, she turned and left.

Jiang Beiyu immediately picked up his phone and tried to contact Qin Wan, but after making several video calls, no one answered for a long time.

He ran to Ronghua Palace, but her bedroom was empty. Little Zhima didn't know what had happened yet, and said in confusion, "Your Highness was invited to have tea by the Queen Mother an hour ago."

Jiang Beiyu's face immediately darkened.

He went to Feng'an Palace angrily. Nanny Sun stood in front of him and said helplessly:

"Your Majesty, please go back first. The Queen Mother will not do anything to Concubine Leng. She has no other choice but to resort to this desperate measure."

"Get out of my way!" Jiang Beiyu kicked him and said, "You think you can stop me? Let the Queen Mother hand over Concubine Leng!"

Nanny Sun was kicked to the ground and said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Leng is not in Feng'an Palace. It's useless for you to come here to look for her. For Concubine Leng, you should go back first."

Jiang Beiyu understood what the last sentence, "For the sake of Concubine Leng" meant.

After all, the person is in their hands...

He finally walked away in anger.

After Qin Wan woke up, he found himself lying on the cold floor, pitch dark.

Damn, I was careless.

After all, this was not the first time she went to Feng'an Palace. She originally thought that this time she came to pretend to be a phoenix with the empress dowager. Who could have thought that this old woman had no moral principles and knocked her down without even meeting her?

She stood up and looked around.

This should be a secret room under a palace.

She felt her body and luckily her cell phone was still there with two bars of battery left, and there was still signal on the portable wifi.

There are several unconnected voice and video calls displayed above.

If nothing unexpected happened, if he hadn't brought his cell phone, this place would be the kind that Jiang Beiyu wouldn't be able to find even if he turned the entire palace upside down.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother didn't know that she had this high-tech device on her that could contact Jiang Beiyu across the air.

She called back immediately.

the other side.

Since he had lost contact with her, Jiang Beiyu had been controlling the drone to search the palace for several rounds. Finally, the drone ran out of power and returned to his side tiredly.

He also lowered his eyes in frustration and sat on the ground leaning against the edge of the bed.

When the video invitation sounded again, he was as if hearing heavenly music. He immediately stood up, picked up the phone and answered it quickly.


It was pitch black on the other side.

His heart was in his throat, but when he heard her voice, he felt a little relieved.

"Jiang Beiyu." In order to prevent anyone from eavesdropping, Qin Wan whispered, "I've been locked up by the Queen Mother. Come and save me."

"Where are you?"

Qin Wan said, "I don't know where I am. It's pitch black around me. I should be in the basement of a palace. I'll send you the location later. See if you can find me."


Jiang Beiyu said guiltily: "I'm sorry for making you feel wronged. I'll send someone to find you right away."

Qin Wan said: "Where are you?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I am in the bedroom. The Queen Mother will send Concubine Xuan in later. I am worried that she will harm you, so I can only compromise temporarily."

Qin Wan remained silent.

Jiang Beiyu continued, "Before my people find you, I'll let her in first. I'll video you the whole process and promise not to touch her. Send me your location quickly."

Qin Wan turned off the video and turned on location sharing.

Since no one has uploaded a satellite map of the palace, we can only see the approximate distance between the two people.

Jiang Beiyu immediately took out the floor plan of the imperial palace and deduced her approximate location, while asking the secret guards to search according to the map.

it's getting dark.

The candlelight flickered in the hall.

There was a "bang" sound of the door being pushed open, and Lu Xuan, dressed in gorgeous clothes, was brought in from outside by the eunuch after taking a bath and changing her clothes.

After bringing her in, the eunuch closed the door of the bedroom again.

Lu Xuan was wearing a thin red silk pajamas. She glanced at Jiang Beiyu, and then at An Wushang who was standing beside Jiang Beiyu.

An Wushang lowered his head and said, "I will withdraw first."

Jiang Beiyu said, "Stop."

He then sent a video to Qin Wan, and the screen swept over Lu Xuan and An Wushang.

"Wanwan, look, there is someone else in this room. I won't touch her."

An Wushang: "......."

Lu Xuan: "......."

Qin Wan: "......."

After a moment, Qin Wan's voice came out from the phone: "Be careful, someone must have put aphrodisiac incense in the room."

Sure enough, when An Wushang looked up, he saw a blowpipe coming in through the crack in the door.

He quickly stepped forward, covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve with one hand, and pressed the hole of the blowpipe with the other hand.

Qin Wan said: "I won't talk to you anymore. I still have two bars of battery left. There's no light here and I can't charge it. You can handle it yourself." Then he hung up the video.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the room.

Lu Xuan looked in the direction of Jiang Beiyu curiously.

Just now, that impatient voice was from Leng Fei?

Why does her voice appear here?

Although, why could she speak to the emperor like this?

Instead of being angry, the emperor looked very frustrated, as if he felt that he had annoyed her.

And An Wushang glanced at her secretly.

She still has the emperor in her heart. She traveled thousands of miles and spent so much effort just to marry him. He is just a tool used by the emperor to humiliate her.

Thinking of this, he became sad.

What happened today was really upsetting. Jiang Beiyu put his phone back into his sleeve, anxiously waiting for news while sulking.

He looked at Lu Xuan and An Wushang:

"You guys chat, don't bother me."

An Wushang: "......."

Lu Xuan: "......."

it is more than words.

Lu Xuan spoke first: "Don't worry, Your Majesty. Although the Queen Mother has tried her best to bring me and Your Majesty together, I no longer have the same feelings for Your Majesty as I did in the past. I know that Your Majesty's heart is not with me either. Now that things have come to this, I am willing to cooperate with Your Majesty."

Jiang Beiyu felt that the sun had risen from the west today, and looked at her in surprise: "How do you want to cooperate with me?"

"It's very simple. I will tell the Queen Mother that I have successfully served her in bed today. If the Queen Mother wants to send me to bed again in the future, I can still say the same thing. This way, the Emperor won't have any trouble, and Concubine Leng won't become the target of public criticism because of the Emperor's exclusive favor."

"What are the conditions?"

Lu Xuan glanced at An Wushang beside him and said, "Give me your stinky guard."

An Wushang, who was distracted at the side, said: ???

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "That won't work. This is my most trusted personal attendant. I have trained him for many years, and he will always stay in Jiang State and stay by my side."

Lu Xuan didn't expect that he would actually refuse.

"Hey! He's just a guard, why are you so stingy?"

Jiang Beiyu smiled with interest: "This one won't work, how about you change it?"

"I want this!"

Jiang Beiyu teased her deliberately: "Is this so good?"

Lu Xuan stopped talking.

An Wushang remained expressionless, but the tips of his ears turned red.

Jiang Beiyu thought she had given up after hearing that, but after a while, she settled for the next best thing:

"Then when I need him, Your Majesty, please lend him to me, that's all right, right?"

He almost couldn't hold it in.

"You have to ask An Wushang. If he agrees to you, I will agree to you, okay? An Wushang?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 7)

Chapter 154: Rough Rush at Feng'an Palace

"You have to ask An Wushang. If he agrees to you, I will agree to you, okay? An Wushang?"

After a moment, An Wushang replied: "Your Majesty, I am a person with an independent personality."

Lu Xuan was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

But for the sake of the emperor, An Wushang said, "Princess, I hope you can cooperate with the emperor this time. When I am resting tomorrow, I can come to you and serve you."

Lu Xuan's brows twitched slightly.

This time, he called her Princess instead of Madam.

She said, "Okay, you said it."

An Wushang lowered his head and couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu's phone rang. It was Qin Wan. She spoke in a low voice, suppressing her anger:

"I'm out. Wait, I'm going to tear off the roof of Feng'an Palace tonight."

Qin Wan was imprisoned in the cellar of the palace where the queen of the previous dynasty lived, which was also the place where Jiang Beiyu's mother lived before. Because she died of illness there before, the current queen dowager felt it was unlucky and did not live there after she was crowned queen. Over the years, it has been a forbidden area.

The location of the mobile phone was only an approximate position, which was obtained by the secret guards who searched the surrounding palaces one by one.

If it weren't for the cell phone positioning, Jiang Beiyu would not have been able to find him for a while.

The eunuch who was left secretly guarding nearby saw the person being rescued and immediately returned to Feng'an Palace to report to the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother was also surprised that such a person was found so quickly.

After Qin Wan left, he immediately called Leng Lie, and then took Ye Wei, Leng Ying, Xiao Huasheng, Xiao Guiyuan, and a large group of palace servants to Feng'an Palace in a hurry.

These people were not all from Ronghua Palace. There were secret guards arranged by Leng Leng to be by her side, and there were also those who had become bandits in Qingfeng Hall and were arranged by Qin Wan one after another. As long as she raised her arms and called on these people, they could be used by her at the critical moment.

The group followed Qin Wan in a mighty procession towards Feng'an Palace.

It's so funny. She has never been afraid of anyone. Jiang Beiyu is her husband, and her family has the General's Mansion to support her.

Previously, she was able to live in peace with the Queen Mother for Jiang Beiyu's sake. Now that the Queen Mother dared to attack her openly, she would never let it go.

If she doesn't have a good life, no one else can have a good life!

It seemed that no one had expected that a concubine would come to the Queen Mother's bedroom in the middle of the night and go crazy. The two guards at the door and an old eunuch tried to stop her:

"The Queen Mother has gone to bed. If you have anything to say, please talk to her tomorrow."

The person who tried to stop her was pushed away by her!

Qin Wan led a group of people into the house and started smashing things as soon as they entered.

She took the guard's sword and swung it, knocking over a valuable vase in the room. It shattered with a "pop"!

Nanny Sun let out a sharp cry: "This is the Queen Mother's favorite vase!!!"

Qin Wan sneered: "Smash it for me!"

At her command, the people she brought started to smash and destroy things.

The maids in the Empress Dowager's palace were unable to stop them. Seeing everything in the room being smashed to pieces, Nanny Sun hurriedly shouted, "Go and call the Empress Dowager!"

The empress dowager was old and had already gone to bed at this time. She was awakened by a nightmare and vaguely heard the sound of something breaking. Then, the door of the bedroom was pushed open.

A little palace maid said in a panic: "Empress Dowager, it's bad, Concubine Leng has brought people to destroy Feng'an Palace!"

The Queen Mother thought she was being too aggressive at first. How could Concubine Leng dare to smash her palace? But she could hear the noise of chaos outside, so she didn't even bother to change her clothes and went out in her pajamas.

As soon as she arrived, she saw a scene that made her blood pressure soar.

The former flower hall had been smashed to pieces, with the ground in a mess. People from other palaces quietly came to the yard to watch the fun.

She shouted, "Who is making trouble here?"

Qin Wan, who was having fun smashing things, finally stopped the purple clay teapot in his hand that was about to hit the ground, and the surroundings became quiet.

"Oh, Queen Mother, you are awake."

Qin Wan glared at her coldly: "Didn't you ask me to come and have tea with you this afternoon? Where are you? How come you drugged me and threw me into a small dark room while I was waiting?"

The Queen Mother panicked: "You are talking nonsense!"

Qin Wan said, "Oh, you have the guts to do it, but not the guts to admit it. You are already old, how dare you do such sneaky things, stealing money and killing people, aren't you afraid of damaging your virtue?"

Nanny Sun shouted, "Concubine Leng, please show some respect. This is the Queen Mother! How dare you treat her like this and act wildly in her palace? This is disrespectful, extremely disrespectful! Someone, come and arrest her!!"

"I wonder who dares to touch her!"

The people who came in were Leng Leng and his wife, followed by two teams of soldiers.

Leng Leng was almost furious after receiving Qin Wan's voice message, and immediately brought people into the palace to support her.

"My sister, Concubine Leng, is always polite to the Queen Mother and never shows any disrespect. Because the Emperor favors Concubine Leng, today, the Queen Mother put Concubine Xuan under house arrest in an empty cellar of the palace in order to force the Emperor to visit her.

Does the Queen Mother think that the concubines in the harem are fish and meat that you can slaughter at will? You put them under house arrest today, but can you just kill them next time?"

"You are bullying Concubine Leng like this, do you think that all the Leng family members are dead, or do you think that I, Leng Leng, can't lift a knife anymore?"

"General Leng has many misunderstandings."

The Queen Mother explained, "Today, I did want to have tea with Concubine Leng and talk about family matters. Later, I went to see the Emperor for something, and he asked someone to take Concubine Leng to a side hall to wait for me. When I came back, Concubine Leng was gone, and I didn't know that Concubine Leng was secretly taken away!"

"You farted!"

General Leng directly retorted: "If you say that the dogs you keep in your palace are all mad dogs, it is understandable that they were bitten accidentally when their masters were not around. But since they are all human beings, who would dare to do it without the order of an old witch like you?!"

The Queen Mother choked.

She had planned everything, but she had never expected that she had hidden the little bitch so well, but she would be found by the emperor so quickly, and all her plans were ruined.

How come Leng Leng found out about this so quickly and entered the palace right away?

Seeing that the Queen Mother was speechless for a moment, he glared at her with a cold gaze and said, "This time, I will tolerate it for the sake of my friendship with the Emperor. If there is a next time, I will lead my troops to flatten this place! At worst, I will kill everyone here and then go to the Emperor to die."

After saying that, he pulled Qin Wan up and said, "Let's go!"


Before leaving, Qin Wan said slowly, "By the way. From now on, I will not come to pay my respects to the Queen Mother."

"People without moral integrity are not worthy of my respect."

The group of people smashed Feng'an Palace to pieces and then left.

The palace servants who were watching the fun made way for them.

The Queen Mother felt extremely humiliated and went to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom crying late at night.

The eunuch Xi at the door told her: "Empress Dowager, the Emperor and Concubine Xuan have gone to bed, please go back."

The Queen Mother looked at the tightly closed door of her bedroom and still couldn't swallow her grievance.

"Bei'er. I don't believe you slept! I was wrong, but it was for the sake of Dajiang. When you were nine years old, I was by your side taking care of you. When you were sick, I took care of you all night without taking off my clothes. Do you really want to abandon me for a woman?!"

With a "rustle", the door opened and Concubine Xuan, wearing a thin red nightgown, walked out.

"Empress Dowager, the Emperor has really gone to bed. He has not been in good spirits recently and has been sleeping soundly. Please come and see him tomorrow."

The Queen Mother didn't believe it at first, but when she saw Concubine Xuan really walking out of Jiang Beiyu's bedroom, she decided to endure it for the time being.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu was sitting alone in the tent of the bedroom, holding a jade pendant in his hand.

"Xiao Bei'er."

This is what his biological mother called him. When he was a child, his mother liked to call him "Xiao Bei'er" and then pinch his chubby cheeks.

His mother had always been in good health, and he couldn't understand why she suddenly fell ill.

He was too young at the time and didn't think much about it, but now, he has to think deeply about it.

Lu Xuan watched the Queen Mother leave, then turned around and returned to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom.

An Wushang said to her:

"Your Majesty, the Emperor has asked me to escort you back to the palace."

Lu Xuan said in a cold voice: "Why, you're calling me empress again?"

An Wushang was stunned.

Lu Xuan turned to look at him: "You have to call me princess from now on, just like you did just now."

An Wushang repeated: "Princess, please."

The two of them left through the back door of the bedroom and returned to Beiming Palace through a small path.

An Wushang was about to leave, and Lu Xuan said again: "Remember, tomorrow, at midnight."

An Wushang said "hmm" expressionlessly.

Lu Xuan was a little angry.

Look how reluctant he is.

If it weren't for the need to relieve the poison in her body, she wouldn't have asked for help from a guard.


When Jiang Beiyu was in a trance, he heard his cell phone ringing. It was a call from Qin Wan.

After the call was connected, she said, "I am back in the Palace of Glory."

Outside the palace, there were three layers of guards to protect them from the empress dowager's counterattack.

His voice was doting and helpless:

"Are you done with the trouble? Are you relieved?"

Qin Wan said, "I feel relieved. We have broken up. I don't have to go to her to pay my respects tomorrow. It feels good."

Jiang Beiyu said: "An Wushang has sent Lu Xuan back to the palace. She has reached a cooperation with us. Tomorrow, everyone will know that she slept with me last night."

Qin Wan said "Oh": "What conditions does she want?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Guess?"

"An Wushang?"

Seeing that he did not deny it, Qin Wan smiled and said:

"In the end, it was An Wushang who took on everything."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I feel a little ashamed of him..."

"I picked him up from the street when he was little. At that time, he was begging on the street. He was only a few years old and skinny. I saw that he was about the same age as me, so I threw him a piece of bread from the carriage. Later, he kept running after my carriage, begging me to take him in.

I was soft-hearted and brought him into the palace. Originally, the palace did not accept guards so young. If he was two years older, he would be taken to the cleansing room. Later, he worked hard to learn martial arts from the old guards in the palace, saying that he would always protect me, so he became my secret guard. "

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Do you see that he likes Lu Xuan?"

Jiang Beiyu was surprised: "Huh?"

Qin Wan said, "On your wedding night with Lu Xuan, you asked An Wushang to pick out the veil for you, right? Lu Xuan worked hard for three months to make the kneepad, and you just gave it to him. He wore it for a whole month during the autumn hunt and was reluctant to take it off...

Although I don't like her, she is the most beautiful girl in the North Country. She has a beautiful face and has been pampered since childhood. She is a pampered princess. Do you really think that boy has lost out?"

Jiang Beiyu seemed to be thinking about something, and the corners of his lips curled up with interest.

"So do you think my plan will work?"

Qin Wan said: "After all, there is a huge disparity between the two people's status. I am not sure. Let's wait and see."

The second day.

Last night, Qin Wan caused a big disturbance in Feng'an Palace and became famous. The news spread throughout the palace.

No longer having to pay respects at Feng'an Palace, she felt relaxed. She got up early and made a pot of scented tea in the yard, feeling refreshed.

The Queen Mother was waiting in the Imperial Study early in the morning, ready to complain as soon as Jiang Beiyu returned from court.

Jiang Beiyu said helplessly:

"Empress Dowager, your behavior yesterday was indeed inappropriate. You were the one who first placed Concubine Leng under house arrest. You were wrong first. General Leng has always had a bad temper and he loves his sister very much. This is not the first time he has gone crazy. Before, even I couldn't control him in the court!"

The Queen Mother said unconvincedly: "Even if I do something radical, it is for the sake of Jiang's country and people. No one in the court can persuade the emperor to select concubines, so I have to step in with my old body!

But even if I was wrong first, I only locked up Concubine Leng temporarily and didn't touch her at all. How could the Leng brothers and sisters disregard etiquette and smash my palace directly? Do you know how many treasures she smashed yesterday? This is simply lawless!"

Jiang Beiyu stopped walking and said, "You can mess with anyone, why mess with her?"

"General Leng commands a large number of troops and is also a highly respected general in the army. He has made outstanding contributions to the court. If I punish him for this matter, it may create a rift with him and chill the hearts of the soldiers.

I am more worried that the Northern Kingdom will take advantage of the situation and invade, which will truly shake my kingdom."

He turned around, looked at the Queen Mother, and said earnestly: "Yesterday, I followed the Queen Mother's request and let Concubine Xuan sleep with me. I hope this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."

After all, she was the empress dowager, so Jiang Beiyu arranged a team of palace servants to repair the empress dowager's palace.

From day to night, the messy Feng'an Palace was finally repaired and tidied up.

Back in the bedroom, Jiang Beiyu put on headphones, and the sounds from Feng'an Palace came clearly into his ears.

By means of repairs, he had successfully hidden the eavesdropping device that Qin Wan had brought last time in the Queen Mother's palace, behind a painting.

At every moment, the sounds there can be recorded, automatically recorded, and listened to at any time. The records of each time period can be viewed and played back through the software on the mobile phone.

At this moment, Nanny Sun's voice came from the headset:

"Leng Fei, this bitch, how about I find someone to poison her and throw her into the well?"

The Queen Mother said, "No, right now, if she gets into trouble, I will be the first person to be suspected. Besides, that woman has secret guards around her, so it will not be easy to kill her."

The more Jiang Beiyu listened, the more heartbroken he felt.

In the past, he always thought that the Queen Mother had a kind face, but now he realized that she was really a scorpion with a poisonous sting.

If Wanwan hadn't been by his side, perhaps he wouldn't have known her true identity until now.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was suddenly a commotion outside the yard.

A group of people came towards this side in a mighty procession...

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 8)

Chapter 155 Wanwan! I am not dreaming! .

Just as I was thinking about it, there was suddenly a commotion outside the yard.

He took off his headphones, walked to the window, and saw a large group of people walking towards him in the yard.

They are all from Ronghua Palace.

They were carrying boxes, dressing mirrors, coffee machines, solar panels, and even potted plants and dogs.

After a moment of confusion, he walked out.

In order to go against the Queen Mother and for her own future safety, Qin Wan simply moved into the Emperor's bedroom openly.

Qin Wan walked in front, came in front of him, and crossed his arms:

"From now on, I will live with you."

Jiang Beiyu suspected that he had heard it wrong, and was suddenly surprised and happy.

On the side, several guards from Changqing Palace tried to stop them, but Jiang Beiyu immediately said, "Let them in!"

So, these palace servants moved Qin Wan's things in happily without any hindrance.

Jiang Beiyu looked at Qin Wan with bright eyes: "Wan Wan! I am not dreaming!"

Qin Wan rolled her eyes at him and said leisurely:

"Your Majesty, I asked a fortune teller to tell me about your fortune. Your Majesty's palace is the most suitable for my fate and will bring me the most prosperity. From now on, I will live here."

Jiang Beiyu naturally agreed: "My beloved concubine, you can stay as long as you want!"

All the palace people in Changqing Palace felt it was magical.

How could a concubine and her dog live directly in the emperor's bedroom? The key point is that the emperor didn't have any objections at all and was just laughing foolishly.

The news soon spread throughout the palace.

The concubines in all palaces were discussing this. Those concubines who had been neglected by the emperor for a long time and had never had their cards turned over once were crying with envy.

When the Queen Mother heard the news, she almost vomited blood.

"Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Outrageous! That woman is outrageous!"

She was so angry that she had difficulty breathing and kept pulling at her collar. The two little palace maids serving her hurriedly fanned her.

Meanwhile, Nanny Sun at the side comforted her meaningfully:

"Just let her be proud. She won't be alive for many days."

After hearing this, the Queen Mother finally calmed down.


Now, he has already shown symptoms and will die suddenly within three months. Without his support, the woman won't live long.

The Queen Mother looked deep in her eyes and gnashed her teeth secretly:

When her son ascends the throne, the first thing I will do is kill that cold concubine!


Lu Xuan rarely did not participate in gossip. She didn't even listen to the palace maids' heated gossip discussions. She was completely absent-minded.

He will come to see her at midnight tonight. Why does she feel vaguely looking forward to it?

It's so funny, how could she have such expectations for a guard? !

This must be an illusion!

She tried her best not to think about this matter. Before going to bed, she dismissed all the palace servants and turned off the lights.

In the dark night, a figure sneaked in silently.

Lu Xuan heard the night watchman's sound and slowly opened her eyes, but the room was empty.

Did he break his promise?

Little did she know that he was secretly watching her from the beam directly above her, and when he saw her, she sat up in anger:

"Asshole! You stinky guard, you don't keep your word! I'll find someone to kill you!"

A dark figure floated down like a night bat.

"Who said I'm not trustworthy?"

Lu Xuan was startled. After he came down, she turned over and pressed him under her. Then, she quickly unbuckled his waist.

Every night, the poison would attack her and make her feel like she was being pricked by needles all over her body. But when she could not wait for the moment to come, all the pain would instantly disappear.

Lu Xuan slowly lowered her head and began to enjoy it leisurely. The man under her rested his head on his hands, closed his eyes, and didn't even look at her.

Lu Xuan was a little puzzled: "Why are you acting like nothing happened when we were both poisoned?"

An Wushang said: "Guards are tolerant. They have been living in the swordplay since childhood. This is nothing to them." What's more, he has the medicine given to him by the emperor.

After thinking about it, he took it out and handed it to her: "This white pill relieves pain, and this gray pill calms the nerves. After swallowing these two pills, you will fall asleep in a short while, and wake up the next day as if nothing happened."

Lu Xuan took the pill and suddenly slapped him in the face.

"You already had the antidote, why didn't you give it to me just now?" She said angrily:

"You know why I came to you. But you waited until now to give it to me. You just want to take advantage of me, right?!"

An Wushang was completely stunned.

I finally understand why there is a saying that goes "A dog bites Lu Dongbin, and he doesn't know the kindness of a good person."

She was the one who poisoned him. This was the medicine given to him by the emperor. He saved it and gave it to her, so he became a sinner?

He shouldn't be so kind!

He pushed her hard and put on his clothes neatly.

"Don't worry, I have absolutely no feelings for you. If I hadn't promised you yesterday for the Emperor, I wouldn't have come today!"

He suppressed his anger and said, "In this case, I hope that Your Majesty will not come to me about this matter again in the future!"

Lu Xuan was in a daze for a moment. She knew that he was a man of his word and also realized that he really had no interest in her, so she panicked.

When he was about to leave, she jumped off the bed and hugged him from behind:

"I'm sorry, I've had a bad temper since I was a child. I was spoiled by my brother and I don't know how to get along with others."

Even she felt like a lunatic, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you just now. These two pills won't work for long. You can't just ignore me like this."

An Wushang recalled the two slaps that fell on his face, one when he lifted her veil, and the other just now.

"You have a really bad temper then."

"I will change, I will change!" Lu Xuan found that she was sick. When a person didn't care about her at all, possessiveness began to take over. Suddenly, she wanted to get him.

She suddenly showed weakness, and An Wushang didn't know how to respond. He stiffened his neck and said coldly:

"I have completed my mission today. There are at least 20 days left before the Empress's poison will not take effect. Can you let me go?"

Only then did Lu Xuan slowly let go.

I thought that since it was interrupted halfway, it shouldn't be a big deal since it didn't reach the end, so I didn't drink the contraceptive soup.

The next day, Lu Xuan went to Jiang Beiyu's study.

If she had come to him in the past, Jiang Beiyu would have definitely turned her away without hesitation, but since the two of them had reached a cooperation, he let her in.

Lu Xuan held a set of black wristbands wrapped in silk and handed them to Jiang Beiyu. The wristbands were made of top-grain cowhide, with a silver-white basalt embroidered on them with silver thread, looking majestic and exquisite.

"What's this?"

Lu Xuan said, "This is the wristband I embroidered myself. Give it to the emperor's guard and tell him to consider it as an apology for yesterday."

Jiang Beiyu deliberately asked: "Which guard?"

Lu Xuan just smiled and said nothing.

"I understand." Jiang Beiyu said loudly, "An Wushang, come out quickly and get it yourself."

A tall and graceful person walked out of the darkness with his head lowered.

Jiang Beiyu pursed his lips, a barely visible auntie smile showing at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Xuan looked at him and smiled, but he didn't dare to look at her at all.

An Wushang took the wristband from the table and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Jiang Beiyu said: "It's not me who embroidered it, you should thank her!"

"Thank you..." An Wushang looked up, but didn't know how to start. Lu Xuan raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Thank you." Then she turned and left.

Jiang Beiyu found this interesting and told Qin Wan about it when he returned to the bedroom.

Qin Wan looked at him teasingly: "You're doing it now? Don't you feel like there's a little green on your forehead?"

Jiang Beiyu curled his lips and glared at her.

Qin Wan said: "Let your An Wushang resist the temptation and don't let the little princess take him down too quickly, because now it's just like a game for the little princess. For the competitive little princess, her desire for challenge has just been aroused.

It would be meaningless if he was captured too quickly. Your guard is so honest and simple, and he will be the one who gets hurt. Your plan will also be in vain. "

Jiang Beiyu looked at her teasingly: "Master of emotions. Lu Xuan must not have thought that there is a dog-headed military advisor behind him."

Qin Wan said casually: "I took some psychology courses in college. I am a businessman, so I must know something about psychology. In fact, most people's psychology is similar."

Jiang Beiyu was angry and arrogant:

"No wonder you always eat me up!"

Qin Wan said: "I don't want to take the blame. I never used any tricks on the emperor."

"I am the one who took the bait, right?"

Qin Wan nodded.

Sometimes, Jiang Beiyu really wanted to bite her to death.

Qin Wan picked up the Bluetooth headset next to his pillow.

The two of them, each holding one, listened to the sounds coming from Feng'an Palace.

Next is a crucial month.

Jiang Beiyu and the Queen Mother had to continue to maintain superficial peace. On the one hand, they secretly eavesdropped on the situation in Feng'an Palace to see what kind of deal she had with the Northern Kingdom. On the other hand, the next step would be to test their acting skills.

According to their plan, he would die suddenly from unknown reasons in three months. Now, more than twenty days have passed.

Next, his health will get worse and worse, and the Queen Mother will finally show her true colors.

When the court was in session the next day, all the officials saw that Jiang Beiyu looked pale, coughing and covering his mouth with a handkerchief. Several times, the ministers were interrupted by his coughing while reporting, and several elderly officials looked at him worriedly.

Leng Lie knew the situation in advance, but seeing him like this, he still felt terrified and thought that he might pass away soon.

As expected of an actor in the modern era, I can only silently give him a thumbs up in my heart: "6."

After the court session, Jiang Beiyu did not go to the study, but returned to the bedroom and lay on the couch. Not long after, a young eunuch said to him, "Your Majesty, the virtuous king is here."

Jiang Beiyu said weakly: "Let him in."

The wise king came in carrying a vermilion lacquered food box, with a worried look on his face.

"Your Majesty, today when I was in the court, I saw that Your Majesty couldn't stop coughing, so I ordered someone to make a bowl of Chuanbei loquat syrup to moisten the lungs and relieve cough. You can try it."

Jiang Beiyu was trying hard to sit up from the bed, and the wise king hurried forward to support him.

Jiang Beiyu said to him, "I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I always have trouble breathing, palpitations, nausea, and diarrhea. The imperial physician doesn't know what's going on either, so he said I caught a cold."

The virtuous king scooped a mouthful of medicine from the bowl and fed it to him: "It's probably the change of seasons. I seemed to have the same problem some time ago, but then I paid attention to keeping warm and not going outside in the wind, and it's fine. Your Majesty, you must take good care of your body."

As the wise king spoke, he fed him spoonful by spoonful and watched him drink it.

Jiang Beiyu took the bowl and said, "I'll do it myself."

Then, he picked up the bowl and drank it all in big gulps.

"You are so thoughtful. After drinking this bowl, I feel much better."

The wise king looked at him with a pair of smiling peach blossom eyes, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it to him.

Jiang Beiyu wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and said to him, "You go ahead and do your work. I'll take my time. I'll go to the study to review memorials later."

The wise king stood up and said, "Okay, I'll come see you later."

Jiang Beiyu nodded.

After the virtuous king left, Jiang Beiyu immediately pulled out the spittoon from under the bed and vomited until he was dizzy...

Qin Wan came from behind, patted his back, and looked at him distressedly: "Why are you doing this?"

Jiang Beiyu smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh. I felt like a fool in the past. I actually thought I could have true love in the royal family."

"It's not too late for you to know now." Qin Wan reached out and rubbed his head: "People always have to grow up."

Jiang Beiyu took a short rest and then went to the study to review memorials. Qin Wan picked up the Bluetooth headset and put it in his ears, continuing to listen to the movements in Feng'an Palace.

Nanny Sun said to her, "Your Majesty, the Emperor kept coughing in the court today. It seems that he is seriously ill."

The Queen Mother responded lazily.

"Let Luo'er go and visit him, bring him some medicine or something, don't act like a dead person. Although, because of Concubine Leng's matter, he and I are a little unhappy recently, but after all, it hasn't come to the final step."

Nanny Sun said quickly, "It has been sent. As soon as the court session was over, the prince boiled some medicine and sent it over."

The Queen Mother hummed and said calmly, "At present, the biggest obstacle is Leng Leng. Because of Concubine Leng, he has become the Emperor's diehard fan. I am afraid that he will come out to disrupt the situation in the end."

Nanny Sun said, "This is simple. Leng Leng is a general. If there is any unrest at the border, he must lead the troops to quell the rebellion. When he returns, the situation will be settled."

The Queen Mother said: "But I want him to die."

Nanny Sun smiled and said, "Then, don't let him come back..."

Qin Wan silently downloaded the audio.

During lunch, she quietly put the Bluetooth headset on Jiang Beiyu's ears and played the audio.

Jiang Beiyu was eating and listening at the same time, when the chopsticks in his hand broke with a "crack".

Outside, An Wushang was eating lunch hurriedly under the eaves while getting some fresh air. Suddenly, he saw Lu Xuan's maid, whose name was Cha, walking towards him, holding a paper-wrapped roast duck in one hand and a can of Bamboo Leaf Green Wine in the other, which she placed in front of him.

The little palace maid's charming voice rang out:

"This is what our princess asked someone to buy for you on the street. Enjoy it."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 9)

Chapter 156: I found the dagger tempered with arsenic under the pillow

"This is what our princess asked someone to buy for you on the street. Enjoy it."

He was chewing a steamed bun when he froze.

As a secret guard, he always eats quickly when on duty. He has no time to drink wine or eat roast duck.

He wanted to call her, but he couldn't remember her name and she had already turned and left.

Under the eaves, another secret guard, Leng Ying, came over holding a sword and said teasingly:

"Oh, oh, oh, someone brought us food. How blessed."

An Wushang opened the fragrant roast duck wrapped in brown paper and found it was still hot. He tore it into two halves with his hands and handed the other half to Leng Ying generously.

Leng Ying had treated him to hotpot and lollipops outside the palace, and he remembered them all.

The two of them ate roast duck under the eaves. Leng Ying said:

"I know, this is hush money, don't worry, I will never tell anyone."

An Wushang said: "It doesn't matter if you say it."

Anyway, he cheated on the emperor, and this was something the emperor tacitly approved of.

If Leng Ying told it, it would be hard to tell who would lose their head.

Out of courtesy, An Wushang said, "I won't tell you about your relationship with the princess."

Leng Ying was completely stunned.

"Don't talk nonsense. What's going on between me and the princess?"

An Wushang said: "You still say it's nothing, I saw it all."

Leng Ying panicked: "What did you see?"

An Wushang came to an abrupt halt.

The two of them finished a roast duck quickly, wiped their hands, and went back to their respective places to take up their duties.

Leng Ying was still feeling resentful about it.

What on earth did this guy see?


In the afternoon, the virtuous king came to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom again with a food box. At this time, Qin Wan came out to greet him.

"The emperor is not feeling well and is taking a nap. Give it to me directly."

The virtuous prince looked at her with a half-smile: "As expected, Concubine Leng has moved into the emperor's bedroom. This is really unusual."

Qin Wan's bright and delicate appearance, coupled with her somewhat arrogant and cool temperament, just suited his taste. He couldn't help but take a second look at her, sizing her up with his pair of sparkling peach blossom eyes, as if he had already anticipated that she would cry and shed tears in two months.

Well, by then, she will have lost all her support and may even be buried with his emperor. Will he accept her reluctantly?

Qin Wan didn't know what dirty thoughts he was having at the moment. She just felt that his eyes were no different from those of the rich playboys who stared at him at cocktail parties in the modern business world. She instinctively felt disgusted.

She half-jokingly sarcastically asked, "Why, Your Highness is envious, Your Highness wants to move in too?"

The wise king handed over the food box. Qin Wan was about to take it when he found that the other end was still in his hand.

He stretched out his hand and moved closer to her:

"You can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want."

Qin Wan exerted force, seemingly trying to grab the food box, but suddenly let go. The wise king, who originally wanted to tease him, staggered and took two steps back involuntarily.

Qin Wan smiled and said, "It seems that you can't eat anything randomly. The emperor is taking the medicine prescribed by the imperial physician now, so he won't drink the Chuanbei prescribed by His Royal Highness the Virtuous Prince, for fear that the medicine will conflict with him. I will accept the emperor's kindness, and I will tell him when he wakes up."

"Little Guiyuan, show the guest out."

The wise king smiled wickedly and looked at her meaningfully.

"This woman is quite interesting..."

the other side.

Lu Xuan was in the yard, trimming flowers with scissors and putting them in a vase, looking like she was living a peaceful and tranquil life.

At this time, Matcha came in and whispered to her, "Your Majesty, the wizard who can remove the poison that you asked the emperor to find in the northern country some time ago has been found for you."

Lu Xuan looked up and saw a thin and short old woman wearing a black cloak and a black hat standing in front of her.

The old woman was in her twilight years, her skin was dry, wrinkled, and waxy, almost skin and bones.

"Do you have a way to cure the love poison?"

The old woman said, "There is a way."

"any solution?"

The old woman said in a cold voice: "It's very simple. Just take a silver dagger coated with highly toxic arsenic and stab it into the heart of the person who was poisoned by the love Gu with you. As long as the other person dies, the poison in your body will automatically disappear."

Lu Xuan was suddenly stunned.

The old woman handed her a silver dagger from beneath her black cloak.

"Princess, this is what I prepared for you. The poison has already been tempered."

Thinking of the days when the poison gnawed at her bones and heart, leaving her sleepless nights, Lu Xuan tightly grasped the dagger.


The sun sets, but Leng Ying is still worried.

Looking at An Wushang standing under the eaves on duty, he moved over secretly.

"What on earth do you see?"

An Wushang glanced at him and still said nothing.

Finally, Leng Ying gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't you notice that something is missing from you?"

An Wushang lowered his head and touched himself, only to find that the purse hanging around his waist was burnt.

Leng Ying took out An Wushang's purse from his sleeve and raised it: "Will you tell me or not?"

An Wushang was helpless, and finally said expressionlessly: "I saw that you gave the princess a big cunt."

Leng Ying: "......."

An Wushang said, "That day, after you fought with the princess outside the palace, you knocked her out with your scabbard. Was it you? But when you came back, you said that the princess fainted on the street by herself."

That day, he was actually ordered by the emperor to go out of the palace to look for the runaway princess, and he saw this scene.

Leng Ying: "......."

Naturally, he didn't dare to tell this matter. Even to the princess, he said that she fainted suddenly that day.

He simply crossed his arms and acted like a rogue: "Do you have any evidence?"

An Wushang suddenly glanced at the side beside him: "Princess!"

Taking advantage of his panic, he snatched back his purse.

Leng Ying didn't expect that An Wushang, who looked honest and upright, would also use this trick. The two started fighting and jumped onto the roof together.

Qin Wan created a group chat and added Jiang Beiyu, Leng Lie, and Ma Shushu to the group.

She was the first to send a dog head emoticon.

Leng Lie received the message and jumped out: "What is this?"

Ma Shushu replied with a dog head emoji.

Leng Leng was very surprised and asked Ma Shushu: "You are in there too?"

Qin Wan changed the group name to: "The Four Musketeers of Jiang Kingdom".

Ma Shushu explained: "This is a group chat where several people can chat together. If one person sends a message, everyone can see it."

Qin Wan said: "We will discuss things here in the future. Now, we are facing an unprecedented challenge. In the next month, a mutiny may occur."

She posted the recording from Feng'an Palace.

Qin Wan: "From now on, everyone should be careful. The Queen Mother is a difficult character. Three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang. We have four of us. Next, we must unite. If there is anything, send it to this group."

Ma Shushu listened to the recording and said: "Oh my god!"

Leng Leng: "How do you order this?"

One of them was in the study and the other in the bedroom.

Ma Shushu: "I'll come over."

After listening to the recording, Leng Leng replied with six points.

"Where's the Emperor?"

Jiang Beiyu also showed up and gave a dog head like Qin Wan.

Leng Leng replied: "Your Majesty, I only know how to fight, not how to plot. Since you know that the virtuous king has evil ambitions and the queen mother intends to rebel, why don't you send assassins to kill them all in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "The Queen Mother and the Wise King are involved with the Northern Kingdom, and many ministers in the court support them. I want to take this opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Moreover, given the Queen Mother's alertness, their chambers are naturally filled with numerous secret guards, and you can't just kill them if you want."

Leng Leng suddenly remembered something.

"The prime minister readily admitted his guilt and confessed everything he had done. Could it be that the person behind him was the queen mother? So, the person who hid in the dark and murdered Qingqing in the beginning was the queen mother?"

Qin Wan: "Not long after the Prime Minister was beheaded, the Queen Mother returned to the palace in a hurry, and on the first day she arrived, she supported Concubine Qi. So, perhaps, she returned to the palace to avenge the Prime Minister?"

Leng Leng: "The Prime Minister deserves his punishment for colluding with foreign enemies, and she still has the nerve to seek revenge for him?! It turns out that she was the one who killed Qingqing, I will never let her go! (#Angry) (#Angry)"

Qin Wan glanced at Jiang Beiyu who was not far away. He lowered his eyelashes and looked lonely.

He is probably the most frustrated one here.

A few days ago, the Queen Mother and the Wise King were still relatives whom he respected. But when the mask was shattered, revealing the naked sin and greed underneath, the family affection he once had became the first sharp knife that stabbed him.

Lu Xuan held a dagger in her hand and stabbed the scarecrow in front of her fiercely.

As a princess of the Northern Kingdom, she has practiced martial arts since childhood. This is not the first time she has used a dagger, and she can also find the location of the heart quickly and accurately.

But she was facing the most skilled secret guard beside Jiang Beiyu.

But that's not a difficult thing.

Although this man was cold to her, he was not on guard against her. He would eat whatever she asked Matcha to bring him. As long as he made it a habit to feed her, and occasionally gave him some medicine, it would be successful.

The second day.

When An Wushang was on duty, Matcha walked towards him again. This time, she was holding a fragrant beggar's chicken and osmanthus wine in her hands.

This time, he didn't answer.

"Don't ask your princess to bring me anything. I'm on duty and don't have time to eat."

Matcha said: "I can't say this to the princess. I am just fulfilling the princess's mission. If I don't come to deliver it, I will be punished. If you don't want to eat it, just throw it away."

Matcha put it down and left again.

A figure holding a sword jumped down lightly from the roof.

An Wushang knew that he was craving for his chicken, so he told him to take it if he wanted, and then left.


Leng Ying called out to him, threw the beggar's chicken and the brown paper inside it into the sky, chopped it in half with his sword, and handed one half to him.

"I have to be on duty too. How can I finish the meal by myself? Besides, this chicken is yours."

An Wushang took it, and Leng Ying took out a few beautiful candies from his pocket and handed them to him.

"The chocolate was given to me by Concubine Leng. Try it. It's rude not to return the favor. I feel bad to follow you and eat and drink for free."

An Wushang took the chocolate.

Just like yesterday, the two of them sat on the rooftop eating beggar's chicken together.

Leng Ying sighed, "It feels so good to have a girl thinking about me. When will a girl like me?"

An Wushang didn't say anything. He ate the chocolate and looked into the distance. He didn't say anything, but he inexplicably felt a sweetness in his heart.

"There will be."

After eating, he jumped off the roof and continued on duty.

After Qin Wan moved to Changqing Palace, the two of them were on duty together. In the next few days, Matcha continued to feed him every day, and Leng Ying followed An Wushang to eat and drink.

Jiang Beiyu went to court as usual every day, but all the civil and military officials in the court watched helplessly as his condition deteriorated day by day. His face became paler and paler, and he kept coughing every day.

Finally one day, Eunuch Xi started with:

"The Emperor is not feeling well today. If you have anything to report, please report it. If not, please leave the court."

Looking at the man on the dragon throne again, he slowly raised his eyes and looked at the ministers. He was skinny, his eyes were dull and his face was haggard.

Everyone was extremely concerned about the situation in Changqing Palace. Although no one dared to say it openly, everyone knew that the emperor had contracted a strange disease that even the imperial physician could not cure.

Leng Ying and An Wushang clearly discovered that in the past few days, there were more palace servants wandering in front of Changqing Palace, looking inside furtively.

That evening, Matcha came over with a food box in her hand, and the side dish she brought today was fried quail.

Leng Ying followed him to eat as usual, and the two went to the rooftop and had a drink under the moon. While Leng Ying was eating, something suddenly hit his teeth, and he took something out of his mouth.

"Why is there a small note inside the quail?"

An Wushang quickly snatched it away, and using the moonlight, he could clearly see the small words on it.

She asked him to go to Beiming Palace in an hour.

After counting on her fingers, she realized that twenty days had passed since they were last together. Tonight, her poison was about to break out again.

An hour later, it will be time for him to go off duty.

Originally, he should have refused, but after all, he felt guilty for the food he had been fed for more than half a month, so after thinking about it, he decided to go meet her, give her medicine, and then ask her not to let Matcha send her food anymore. After all, in the palace, it would not be good for anyone to see this.

An Wushang pinched the small piece of paper with two fingers, and it turned into powder.

Leng Ying glanced at him secretly and said nothing.

After leaving his shift, An Wushang turned into a shadow and disappeared into the night.

He had already thought about what to say when he saw her, and he even considered his words, hoping not to make her angry. However, as soon as he pushed open the door of her bedroom and walked in, she kissed him passionately.

It was not the first time that they had been intimate. She kissed him tightly, hugged him and turned around, pushing him back step by step until she pushed him onto her couch.

The scent of her bed was very strong, even stronger today, but he, who was always alert, was lax today. She didn't say anything, and after letting go, she couldn't wait to undress him.

He couldn't stand it at all, and his originally firm stance was shattered in an instant.

He remembered that he had not reported to the emperor when he came to see her today. He originally did not want to have an intimate relationship with her. He just wanted to deliver medicine and ask her to stop sending him food. But she was too familiar with it. When he was rational enough to stop her, it was too late...

Lu Xuan was on him, thinking that this should be their last revelry. It was a shame for her to have had an affair with a guard. Killing her would end all the pain that the poison had brought her.

She observed his expression in the moonlight, and then secretly reached for the arsenic-tempered dagger hidden under the pillow.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 10)

Chapter 157: "Puff" spit out a mouthful of blood

She observed his expression in the moonlight, and then secretly reached for the arsenic-tempered dagger hidden under the pillow.

An Wushang suddenly found himself becoming limp and powerless.

This had nothing to do with what was going on, because it wasn't the first time he had done this with her, and even at the height of his excitement he had never felt this way.

The only answer is that he was poisoned.

The combination of the medicine put in the fried quail and the scented powder in the tent would slowly make him lose his strength. He slowly closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath and finally took out the dagger hidden under the pillow.

Outside the window, a man in black stopped, quietly spit on his finger, poked a hole in the paper window, and looked inside.

Looking at the dagger Lu Xuan raised high, he was shocked.

However, she raised it high but only raised it for a moment.

Lu Xuan had already mustered up a lot of courage, but she just couldn't stab with the knife. She hated herself and even wanted to slap herself.

She glanced at the man lying on the bed.

What's so good about him?

He has a sour face every day and ignores her.

She didn't know why, but she just couldn't do it to him.

Could it be that she really fell in love with him? In love with this stinky guard?

Just as I was thinking about it, the man on the bed opened his eyes slightly.

His physique was different from that of ordinary people. As the emperor's bodyguard, he often encountered situations where he was drugged. After training, he had a high resistance to drugs. In addition, he and Leng Ying ate the fried quail together in the evening, and Leng Ying made half of it for him. Therefore, he was not drugged that deeply and only woke up after being unconscious for a while.

When he opened his eyes slightly, he saw her holding a sharp dagger and stabbing it towards his chest. In the moonlight, the edge of the dagger was particularly bright.

He was startled, but remained calm. After a moment, he saw her put down the dagger.

Ye Xuan stood up, walked to the window, pulled her pajamas closer, and sighed.

After a while, Ying Buli sat up from the bed.

"Why did I fall asleep?"

Lu Xuan didn't answer and said, "You can go back."

An Wushang quickly put on his clothes and left in a moment.

Leng Ying also came in front of Qin Wan.

"Your Majesty, today, An Wushang met with Empress Xuan in private."

Qin Wan's expression was not surprised: "I know."

Today was the day when Lu Xuan's poison took effect, so it was within her expectations that the two would meet.

During this period, Leng Ying stayed by An Wushang's side not to covet An Wushang's food, but to follow her orders and keep track of his movements at all times.

After all, An Wushang is a straight man, and she is afraid that he will lose control and betray her in the end.

Leng Ying seemed to want to say something but stopped himself.

Qin Wan said, "What else? Tell me."

Leng Ying said: "I saw that Concubine Xuan drugged him, and then took a dagger and tried to stab him to death.

The subordinate was about to rush in, and she put the knife down again. "

"Oh?" Qin Wan was surprised and puzzled.

"This Lu Xuan actually wanted to kill him?

As expected, roses all have thorns, and the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is."

Jiang Beiyu soon learned about this matter.

He now spends half of his day on the couch, even reviewing memorials on the couch. On weekdays, he draws the curtains so that no one knows what he is doing.

The second day.

He called An Wushang to the bedside, the curtains were still drawn. He asked, "Where did you go last night?"

An Wushang fell to his knees with a plop.

"Your subordinates deserve to die!"

"You deserve to die!"

Jiang Beiyu coughed violently in the tent.

"Why didn't you report to me when you went there? Has it become a habit, or did you think I was really going to die soon?!"

"I dare not!"

To be on the safe side, Jiang Beiyu kept it a secret from An Wushang. Anyway, when the curtains were drawn every day, An Wushang could see inside. Even he thought that Jiang Beiyu was seriously ill and could not recover.

An Wushang, a tall and strong man, lowered his head and shed tears.

"I have never thought that there would be such a day for the Emperor! I have never intended to disrespect the Emperor!"

He choked up and said, "Since the day the emperor brought me back to the palace, my life has belonged to the emperor. Without the emperor, it would have been difficult for me to survive that winter!

If His Majesty were to encounter any mishap, I would follow Him!"

Jiang Beiyu understood his loyalty, but he also knew that if he indulged his subordinates once, they would develop a habit of deceiving him again next time. He said calmly:

"But you did meet Concubine Xuan yesterday without informing me. Think about how to punish her."

An Wushang said: "I am willing to receive thirty beatings."

Jiang Beiyu said, "Hmm," and said, "Go and accept your punishment."

An Wushang stepped back silently.

In a moment, in the courtyard, several guards brought a bench, pressed him in the courtyard, and beat him with the cane one after another.

For an ordinary person, ten beatings would be enough, but he took thirty without making a sound.

After receiving the board, he went back to his room to simply treat his wound, took off his bloody robe, changed into clean clothes, and continued to return to his seat to work on the list.

Except that his face looked paler than usual, he stood straight and looked no different from usual.

Not far away, Leng Ying glanced at him silently.

He sighed: "Since ancient times, love has been the most difficult thing to overcome."

Matcha did not appear again at noon today.

An Wushang was standing shakily. Leng Ying walked to his side and handed him a fragrant braised pork elbow wrapped in oil paper.

An Wushang asked: "Where did it come from?"

Leng Ying said: "I just stole it."

An Wushang laughed, obviously not believing it.

Leng Ying said: "Before I became a secret guard, I was just an ordinary person on the street. One day I stole General Leng's money bag, and the gears of fate began to turn."

After saying that, he took out a piece of pickled mustard greens pancake from his arms and took a bite.

So, when he first followed Concubine Leng, she had nothing to eat or drink in the cold palace, so he went to the imperial kitchen to steal food for her, and he was back to his old job.

An Wushang said: "I want to eat the pork elbow in soy sauce, and you want to eat the cake?"

Leng Ying said: "Eat what you need to replenish what you have. If you have injured your skin, eat some pork elbow."

An Wushang didn't think much about it and started eating. Halfway through, he suddenly felt drowsy and passed out.

Qin Wan ordered people to carry him to his room and asked the imperial physician to give him medicine.

He woke up when the doctor was halfway through the treatment. The doctor said, "Don't move. I am here on the orders of Concubine Leng to apply medicine to her. The skin and flesh on your back are all rotten. Rest well today and don't go on duty."

He tried to get up, but the imperial physician held him down, saying, "This is the imperial decree of Concubine Leng. She will tell the emperor."

After the imperial physician had administered the medicine, he returned to Jiang Beiyu's bedroom to report to her.

After the doctor left, Jiang Beiyu said to Qin Wan: "Thank you, I know he is a stubborn person. From my position, I can't say anything today."

Qin Wan smiled and said, "It's a small matter. In fact, you shouldn't blame him too much. He almost died yesterday and he was completely devastated. He must not have been able to think about anything else."

Jiang Beiyu was a little puzzled: "Why did Lu Xuan go crazy last night? Why did she suddenly want to stab him to death?"

Qin Wan thought for a moment and said, "Maybe it has something to do with the poison?"

At this time, Lu Xuan stood by the river and threw the dagger in her hand into the river in the imperial garden.

It's strange to say, I wanted to attack him yesterday but couldn't bring myself to do it, but today I threw the dagger into the river without any hesitation.

Perhaps, for some things, she has already made a choice.

She sighed.

At this time, a voice came from behind:

"Such a beautiful dagger, it's a pity to lose it."

She was subconsciously startled and her shoulders shrank.

The person behind him is Qin Wan.

She turned around and saw her smiling at her.

Having fought with her several times, she was very familiar with Qin Wan's smile, the kind that hid a dagger behind a smile.

Lu Xuan said nonchalantly, "Oh, it's rusty. I'll throw it away if I don't need it anymore. Do you understand the concept of letting go?"

Qin Wan said: "Aren't you afraid of polluting the river?"

Lu Xuan said: "This river is so big, can throwing a dagger pollute the river?"

Hardly had he finished speaking when he saw a few small fish floating up from the place where he had thrown the dagger, their bellies turned up.

It can be seen that the dagger was poisonous. If she had really used it to stab An Wushang yesterday, even if she did not stab his heart, even a god would not be able to save him.

Lu Xuan was suddenly embarrassed.

Qin Wan smiled and said meaningfully:

"It's okay. Fortunately, the life of a fish is not worth much. If it were the life of someone else, you might not be standing here today."

As she spoke, she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Lu Xuan felt inexplicably frightened.

Is she here to criticize her? It feels like she knows something.

She panicked: "What do you mean?"

Qin Wan said: "If you don't want others to know, then don't do it. I don't mean anything."

After saying that, she left.

Lu Xuan stood by the river for a while and heard two palace maids passing by saying that An Wushang, the guard beside the emperor, was beaten with a stick by the emperor yesterday.

"Thirty lashes of cane. The skin and flesh on his body are all rotten."

She was startled.

At noon, she continued to arrange for Matcha to feed the chickens. Matcha quietly came to the corner. It was another young guard in black clothes. He held a piece of grass in his mouth, crossed his arms and said:

"Don't come to deliver food to me in the future. The secret guard almost lost his life because he was caught stealing food. From now on, he will never eat anything from you again."

Matcha told Lu Xuan what the guard had said. Lu Xuan understood that there was something else behind his words, and she also knew that the news that the stinky guard was injured was true.

She didn't understand. Since Jiang Beiyu had acquiesced to the relationship between her and An Wushang, why should he be severely punished?

Although she was angry, she also knew that the heart of an emperor was as unpredictable as a needle in the sea. Jiang Beiyu was an emperor, and like her brother, he often did things that were difficult for her to understand.

In order to see him, she spent a large sum of money to bribe the guards of Changqing Palace, disguised herself as a palace maid, and sneaked in through the back door.

The moment she opened the door, she saw the man lying on the couch.

He was very alert. The moment he saw her, he immediately turned over and sat up, covering himself with the quilt. Even though he was grimacing in pain, he still endured it: "Why are you here?"

She said, "I came to see you. Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

An Wushang said: "From now on, I will not see you again without the emperor's permission. Go back."

Not only did she not leave, she sat down beside his couch and said to him, "Lie down, lie on your stomach."

She pulled out a medicine bottle from her sleeve. "This is the magical medicine from the North that my brother brought me when I got married. It's priceless. It can relieve pain and speed up wound healing. I'll give you some, and you'll be fine in two days."

"This is inappropriate, please go back, madam."

Lu Xuan said, "What's inappropriate? I've seen every part of your body. If you don't let me apply the medicine, I won't go back and will stay here with you."

This is Changqing Palace, and next door is the emperor's bedroom. An Wushang didn't dare to let her stay here any longer, so she could only lie down.

Lu Xuan lifted his quilt.

Even though she had prepared herself mentally, she was still shocked when she saw the scene of flesh being torn apart.

As a delicate princess, where have I ever seen such a scene?

An Wushang knew that she must feel disgusted and disgusted, and sneered: "I am disgusted, please go back."

Just as I was about to cover myself with the quilt, she said, "Don't move!"

Then he felt her apply the ointment on her fingertips, applying it carefully.

This is ointment, not powder. You can only rub it a little bit around the wound and apply it on.

An Wushang's body trembled, not only because of the pain, but also because of something else.

She applied medicine to him and carefully wiped the pus around him with a handkerchief. She had never done this since she was a child. But she found that when she really did it, she was naturally good at it. She didn't feel disgusted, but only felt distressed for him.

After applying the medicine, she leaned over and kissed him on the back.

"I am leaving."

An Wushang's bony fingers tightly grasped the bed sheet beneath him, and then slowly loosened their grip after she left.

He didn't understand why this woman kissed him when she clearly wanted to kill him.


The situation in the court became increasingly tense.

On the second day, Jiang Beiyu was discussing state affairs with officials in the court when he suddenly coughed violently, and then "pu" spat out a large mouthful of blood.

All officials were in an uproar.

Eunuch Xi, who was standing by, screamed in panic, "Quick... call the imperial physician!"

Several palace servants hurriedly carried the emperor away, and the morning court session was forced to be suspended.

Everyone knew that the emperor was terminally ill.

After the court session, all the officials went to visit, but they saw that the door of the emperor's bedroom in Changqing Palace was tightly closed. Only the imperial physicians were busy coming in and out. The emperor did not allow anyone else to enter except the imperial physicians.

The concubines in the harem also got the news and became anxious.

The emperor is still so young, and they have only been in the palace for three years. What if something happens to the emperor? What will they do? Will they become concubines or be buried alive with him?

Lu Xuan also knew the news, but she was not in the mood to listen to gossip.

After all, this is Jiang Kingdom's internal affairs. Even if Jiang Beiyu passed away, Jiang Kingdom would have to fight internally for a while, which would also benefit the North Kingdom. With her status here, no matter who the new monarch of Jiang Kingdom is, he would not dare to touch her. The worst case scenario would be to send her back to the North Kingdom.

For some reason, I felt a little nauseous when I woke up this morning and couldn't even eat a few bites of breakfast.

She immediately asked Matcha to find a royal physician for her.

When the imperial physician felt her pulse, she was still yawning, and suddenly she heard the imperial physician congratulate her: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you are pregnant."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 11)

Chapter 158 Congratulations, Madam, you are pregnant! .

"Congratulations, Madam, you are pregnant."


She felt herself awake and suddenly no longer sleepy.

"You said, I have a baby in my belly?"

She had only had sex with that stinky guard a few times, and she drank contraceptive soup after she recovered. How was that possible?

After thinking about it carefully, she pinched her thigh suddenly.

One time he left in the middle of the night and she didn't drink. Unexpectedly, she got pregnant at that moment.

No, this is also possible?

When she heard the news, she felt dizzy and her mind went blank.

what to do?

She's pregnant with that stinky guard's child?!

The imperial physician was delighted: "I will report this news to His Majesty right away!"

Although the emperor was seriously ill, Concubine Xuan was pregnant at this time, so the emperor had a successor. This would help the emperor's condition, and this great happy event would definitely bring him a reward.

The imperial physician left happily. Matcha, who heard this, looked at her worriedly:

"Princess, what should I do?"

Lu Xuan fell into deep thought.

On the other side, the imperial physician went to the emperor's bedroom with a smile on his face and reported the matter to him.

Through the curtains, he said in a low voice:

"Got it. Reward."

The imperial physician received the reward and left. The entire palace knew that Concubine Xuan was pregnant.

Feng'an Palace.

The previous second, the Queen Mother was still immersed in the joy of Nanny Sun reporting to her that the Emperor vomited blood during the morning court session. The next second, she received the news that Concubine Xuan was pregnant.

Everyone knew that Concubine Xuan had slept with the emperor not long ago, so the child was undoubtedly his.

Originally, Jiang Beiyu had no descendants and died suddenly at this time, so the throne should have been inherited by his peers, that is, the princes of the previous round. Suddenly this child appeared, and everything became delicate and awkward.

The Queen Mother's face suddenly turned livid.

The reason why Concubine Xuan was asked to sleep with him was to repay a favor to Emperor Lu Yan of the Northern Kingdom. It was also to disgust the cold concubine. Who knew that Concubine Lu Xuan's belly was so good that she gave birth to a child at this time.

She would never let this child be born!

On the other side, Lu Xuan put her hand on her lower abdomen and made a decision.

"I want to give birth to this child."

An Wushang had been lying on the couch for two days, and today he has returned to duty.

After Lu Xuan applied medicine to him yesterday, the wound healed quickly. Today, the emperor vomited blood during the morning court session. Now is a critical moment and he must stay by the emperor's side.

He was in the dark, and when he heard what the imperial physician had just said, his mind buzzed.

After the imperial physician left, Jiang Beiyu called him out: "Did you hear everything?"

An Wushang fell to his knees with a plop.

"Your subordinates deserve to die!"

Jiang Beiyu said: "What's the point of dying? This child is mine, and has nothing to do with you."

An Wushang was stunned for a moment before he realized that what he said should be nominal.

Jiang Beiyu needs this child right now to consolidate his kingdom.

An Wushang lowered his head and said, "Yes."

For the whole next day, he felt dizzy, as if his feet were walking in clouds and mist, and his mind was in a trance.

It was not until he finished his shift and returned to his room that he saw Lu Xuan waiting for him in his room. He didn't know how long she had been waiting.


He didn't dare look at her.

"Why are you here again?"

Lu Xuan put it succinctly:

"I am pregnant, the child is yours."

"be mine......"

An Wushang murmured, and only after hearing her say it in person did the joy of knowing it surge in his chest and mind. He smiled and murmured:

"I'm going to be a dad."

Lu Xuan was very satisfied with his reaction.

"Come back to the Northland with me. You take me and our child back with you and become my consort."

An Wushang seemed to be pulled back to reality all of a sudden, and the smile on his face instantly disappeared: "No."

"Now is the time when the Emperor needs me the most. I cannot leave. Besides, I was born a Jiang national and plan to stay in Jiang for the rest of my life. There is no way I can go to the North with you."

The smile on Lu Xuan's face disappeared in an instant.

"What if you don't come with me and I get rid of this child?"


An Wushang hurriedly tried to stop her, but didn't know how to persuade her.

If she hadn't had the baby in her belly, and asked him to go with her, he would have definitely rejected her righteously and firmly stayed in Jiang State. But now that she had this baby, it seemed like she had been caught at his weak spot.

"Give me a little more time, okay? We'll discuss this with the Emperor. Besides, everyone knows that the baby in your belly is the Emperor's. How are you going to leave?"

The journey to the north is long and steep, and you are pregnant, so it is inevitable that you will encounter some accidents."

Lu Xuan also calmed down. The latter sentence, about the safety of the child, did make her think.

"But do you think the emperor will let us go?"

An Wushang could only continue to coax: "Whether to let him go or not, the emperor and I are now grasshoppers on the same line."

He knew that the emperor's original intention in letting him contact Lu Xuan was to make her turn against him and use her for the Jiang Kingdom.

It can be said that this is a "beauty trap".

Although he thought he had no charm to make this little princess bow down to him, but now it seemed that he really did it.

Lu Xuan stared at him, as if she was really coaxed.

It's rare for him to speak in such a nice voice.

"Grasshoppers on a line?"

Even she didn't know that she and Jiang Beiyu were on the same boat.

However, after all, Jiang Beiyu was his master, and it was not wrong for him to be loyal to him. For his sake, should she accept this setting for the time being?

She snorted, looking proud.

"That's it for now, I'll think of a solution."

Her eyes fell on the face of the stinky guard again:

"Stinky guard, you haven't told me yet, how do you feel after hearing this news?"

An Wushang lowered his head: "I feel like I'm dreaming."

Lu Xuan smiled, stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face: "I'm leaving."

An Wushang didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He thought about the first time he met her.

At that time, he was picking up the veil for the emperor. When he lifted the veil and saw the woman wearing a phoenix coronet and a bridal gown, with a smile as bright as a peach blossom, he was stunned by her beauty.

At that time, I was thinking, it would be nice if she was really my wife and the person I lifted was her veil.

However, he was just thinking about it at that time, a fleeting thought.

The sudden slap in the face woke him up. He knew that it was the Emperor's new concubine Xuan. He shouldn't have any such thoughts. It was a great disrespect to the Emperor. He really deserved to die!

Later, when he saw her again, she was disgusted every time she saw him, because she despised him as just a lowly guard. He never dared to have any thoughts about her again, and never thought that one day, he could truly possess her...

To this day, it doesn't seem like a dream.

He touched his cheek, pursed his lips, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

However, just across the wall is the emperor's bedroom.

The bedroom was quiet, the candles were extinguished, and the bed curtains were drawn tightly.

Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan were inside the bed tent, each holding a cell phone.

Today, what Jiang Beiyu vomited in the court was a blood bag that imitated the props used by the crew. The scene of vomiting blood had been rehearsed when Jiang Beiyu joined the crew for training, so it looked particularly realistic.

In order to prevent the walls from having ears and to prevent any sound from being made, the two sometimes chatted via mobile phones even when they were face to face.

The group chat of four people was particularly lively.

Leng Leng did something stupid today and posted an emoticon of a man wearing a green hat.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, on the birth of your son."

Jiang Beiyu posted an emoticon that said "Don't force me to slap you".

Ma Shushu followed with an expression of eating melon.

Then, he added a few emojis of villains to join in the fun: "Fight, fight."

Qin Wan: →_→

Leng Leng: "Will the Emperor attend court tomorrow?"

Jiang Beiyu: "Go ahead."

Cold: →_→

Leng Leng: "Your Majesty, I just received news that there is harassment on the border between us and the Southern Kingdom. Soldiers from the Southern Kingdom have clashed with civilians on our border."

Jiang Beiyu: "This should be their plan. The conflict will escalate and cause unrest. Next, I will send you to quell the unrest."

Leng Leng: "If everyone unanimously elects me to quell the rebellion, what should I do?"

Jiang Beiyu: "General Leng was suffering from a serious illness and suddenly had a stroke and fell to the ground."

Leng Lie: "But I don't have such good acting skills as the emperor."

Jiang Beiyu gave Leng Leng two reference books in the txt compressed package: "Self-cultivation of Actors" and "Basic Training of Actors' Performance Skills"

Leng Leng: "..."

Ma Shushu: "Then why don't you just not go to court tomorrow and just claim to be sick."

Qin Wan: "Calling sick at this time is too strange, and it will easily make the other party suspicious. Even if you say you are sick, the other party can replace the generals and transfer General Leng's troops away."

Jiang Beiyu: "What do you think, Wanwan?"

Qin Wan: "Now we have a change, that is, Concubine Xuan now has the emperor's 'child'."

Qin Wan: "Issue an edict to make the baby in Concubine Xuan's belly the crown prince. No matter what agreement the Queen Mother reaches with the Northern Kingdom, it is not as beneficial to the Northern Kingdom's emperor as having his own sister's child become the future emperor of the Jiang Kingdom. Now, the baby in Concubine Xuan's belly is the ultimate winner."

Jiang Beiyu: "You want me to make a child who is not of my bloodline the crown prince?"

Leng Leng once again sent an emoticon of a man with a green hat on his head in a mean manner.

Qin Wan: "This is only a temporary measure. It is the South Kingdom, not the North Kingdom, that is harassing the border of Jiang Kingdom. Even if General Leng avoids sending troops, the harassment of Jiang Kingdom by the South Kingdom will still exist. There is no guarantee that the South Kingdom will not take advantage of the turmoil in Jiang Kingdom. If the emperor can reach a cooperation with the North Kingdom, the South Kingdom will have to think twice."

Ma Shushu: 6.

The second day.

Because Jiang Beiyu vomited blood in front of all the court officials yesterday, when he attended court today, there was a curtain between him and the other officials, and a couch was placed there, on which he lay weakly.

A weak voice came from behind the curtain:

"I am suffering from a serious illness today. Fortunately, God has mercy on me and Concubine Xuan is finally pregnant with my child."

All the civil and military officials congratulated him and said in unison: "Congratulations to the Emperor on the birth of his son."

Jiang Beiyu continued weakly: "Because I am suffering from a serious illness, I am afraid that I will not live long. Therefore, I have drafted an edict to make the child in Concubine Xuan's belly the crown prince to inherit my throne."

Then, let Eunuch Xi read the imperial edict.

Eunuch Xi read it aloud and then showed the edict to the ministers.

The imperial edict was written by Jiang Beiyu overnight. The handwriting was crooked, but it was stamped with a bright red jade seal.

There was an uproar below.

One of the ministers said, "No! The baby in Concubine Xuan's belly has not been born yet. Even if it is born, how can a baby who is only one month old inherit the throne?"

"I'm not dead yet, what are you worried about?"

This one sentence left the minister speechless.

Yes, only the Queen Mother and her party knew that he would die suddenly within a month, but he is still hanging on, who knows when he will die?

Another minister said, "But the baby in Concubine Xuan's belly has not yet been born. How can the emperor be sure that it is a prince?"

This sentence hits the point.

Jiang Beiyu said: "This is simple. I have already asked the imperial physician to check. Concubine Xuan is pregnant with a boy."

Next, he said, "Summon the Imperial Physician Hu and Concubine Xuan."

Eunuch Xi raised his voice and said, "Summon the Imperial Physician Hu, Empress Xuan."

Doctor Hu, with his white hair and untidy beard, and Concubine Xuan were brought to the throne room.

Doctor Hu was the most respected old doctor in the palace. He was well-known and all the ministers knew his medical skills.

Doctor Hu said, "I know a secret medical skill that can determine the gender of a pregnant woman's baby. It should not be used in unusual circumstances. Yesterday, I was entrusted by the Emperor to help Concubine Xuan to check it."

He ordered someone to bring a porcelain bowl filled with water, and then brought a note.

He said to his ministers, "I have processed this piece of paper in a special way. Now I need Concubine Xuan to drop two drops of blood into the bowl. If the paper turns blue, the baby is a boy. If it turns purple, the baby is a girl."

Then, another palace maid came up and handed a dagger to Concubine Xuan. In front of all the ministers, Concubine Xuan cut her finger and dripped two drops of blood into the bowl.

Doctor Hu dipped the paper into the bowl dripping with blood. The ministers stared at the bowl with bated breath. They saw Doctor Hu slowly take the paper out of the bowl. At a speed visible to the naked eye, the paper turned light blue!

"What a boy!"

Several ministers in the front row exclaimed.

Doctor Hu bowed and left, and Concubine Xuan stood beside him.

A lazy and weak voice came from behind the tent again:

"Well, everyone, do you have any doubts?"

Just yesterday the news of Concubine Xuan's pregnancy came out, and today the Crown Prince was appointed. All the ministers felt like they were being let down. They looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Then let's adjourn the court." Jiang Beiyu said, and then several palace servants carried the couch together and carried him away from the Golden Palace.

the other side.

When the Queen Mother heard the news from the court, she was so angry that she gnashed her teeth.

"Bitch! It's fake, it must be fake!"

Perhaps from the moment Concubine Xuan came out of the emperor's bedroom to stop her that night, she should have realized that Concubine Xuan was no longer on the same boat with her.

That bitch turned against her after she sent her to the emperor's bed. She even got pregnant with the emperor's child. Now she is helping the emperor and going against her!

She sneered and said, "I want to see whether this child is real or fake. Madam Sun, let's go."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 12)

Chapter 159: She must not give birth to the baby in her belly! .

"I want to see whether this child is real or fake. Madam Sun, let's go."

The Queen Mother, accompanied by Nanny Sun, came to Beiming Palace in a grand procession.

Lu Xuan had just finished a bowl of bird's nest. When she saw her, she slowly put it down and stood up to greet her.

"See you, Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother smiled, but said with a fake smile:

"I just learned about your pregnancy today. I never thought that you could bear a child for the emperor when he was seriously ill and dying. This is really a blessing for the Jiang Kingdom and the emperor!

This child is extremely important to the fate of our Jiang Kingdom. In order to investigate the child's condition, I have brought a royal doctor to diagnose your pulse."

Lu Xuan calmly placed her hands on the table.

The imperial physician then took her pulse.

The imperial physician carefully examined the patient's pulse, not wanting to make any mistakes, and then excitedly said to the empress dowager:

"Queen Mother, this is a happy pulse. This is really a happy pulse!"

The Queen Mother couldn't believe it and her face changed instantly.

Concubine Xuan raised the corner of her lips and said, "Thank you, Queen Mother, for your concern. Both I and the baby in my belly are doing well."

The Queen Mother's eyes immediately became ferocious and resentful.

"Aijia, I have something to say to you."

She dismissed everyone.

Only Lu Xuan, the Queen Mother, and Nanny Sun were left in the room.

The Queen Mother took out a brocade bag from her sleeve, placed it on the table, and said in a cold voice:

"This child cannot be left behind."


"Because the emperor is already seriously ill and will die in less than a month. Are you sure you want to take care of this child alone and spend the rest of your life in the harem of Jiang Kingdom?"

Lu Xuan glanced at the medicine thrown on the table: "What if I decide to keep it?"

The Queen Mother said, "You can't protect him."

Lu Xuan raised her eyes slowly: "If I can't protect him, then the huge Northern Kingdom can't protect him either? Or does the Queen Mother want to force me to take this abortion pill today?"

The Queen Mother did not dare to challenge the Northern Kingdom for the time being and could only look at her with a stern expression and sharp and resentful eyes.

"A mere infant, even if he is made the crown prince, does not have the ability to control the government. Are you planning to use this child as a puppet to control the Jiang Kingdom?

You are from the North, and this child has half the blood of the North. You are ambitious and want to control the Jiang Kingdom in this way. Let me tell you, I will not let you succeed!"

Lu Xuan smiled brightly: "Whatever you say, the baby is in my belly anyway, I won't abort if I say so, let's see what you can do to me."

"Madame Sun!" the Queen Mother shouted sternly.

"The servant is here!"

In her mind, she weighed the pros and cons in the fastest possible time.

We must not let her give birth to the baby in her belly!

In this way, everything she has done for a long time will be in vain, and the cooperation with the Northern Kingdom will collapse in an instant. The Emperor of the Northern Kingdom will definitely do everything he can to support the child in Lu Xuan's belly and establish a puppet regime, and she will be in vain.

Even if she killed Lu Xuan, the consequence she faced was the lesser of two evils! She killed Lu Xuan and blocked all the news, so that the Emperor of the Northern Kingdom would not know about this. Next, she just had to speed up and let Luo'er successfully ascend the throne. Even if the Emperor of the Northern Kingdom eventually knew about this, he would not dare to do anything to them.

She gave Nanny Sun a look, and Nanny Sun immediately picked up the medicine on the table and forced it into Lu Xuan's mouth.

When Lu Xuan wanted to resist, she found that her hands and feet were limp. It turned out that this cunning old woman had asked the imperial physician to secretly give her anesthesia when he took her pulse!

Lu Xuan pursed her lips and teeth tightly, struggling with what little strength she had left. Nanny Sun grabbed her hair with one hand, tilted her face up, and at the same time pried her lips open with force with the medicine bottle!

This child must disappear! The Queen Mother squinted her fierce eyes and looked at her with murderous intent.

"This little bitch is really tight-lipped!" Nanny Sun said through gritting her teeth. The medicine bottle directly pried open the corner of her mouth, causing it to bleed. Finally, her mouth was pried open.

Just as he was about to pour the medicine down his throat, a voice suddenly came from outside the door: "The Emperor has arrived~"

With a "bang", the door was broken open first.

"I'll see who dares to touch my Concubine Xuan."

Jiang Beiyu was sitting on a couch and was carried in. Two teams of guards rushed in hurriedly.

A black shadow rushed in at an invisible speed and kicked Nanny Sun right in the heart. Nanny Sun spat out blood and the medicine bottle in her hand flew out.

When the Queen Mother saw this scene, a look of panic appeared on her face for a moment.

But the person sitting lazily on the couch looked pale and weak, yet he inexplicably had an imposing aura.

Just now, Jiang Beiyu heard from the bug that the Queen Mother was coming to Beiming Palace, so he rushed over immediately. The Queen Mother was really up to no good here.

It was almost time for something big to happen.

Jiang Beiyu looked at her disdainfully: "Queen Mother, why are you here?"

The Queen Mother said, "I'll bring the imperial physician to check Concubine Xuan's pulse, and then I have a few words to say to you."

"Is that so?"

On the other side, An Wushang stood beside her, handed her the water bag and asked her to rinse her mouth. Looking at the blood stains at the corners of her mouth, he felt so distressed that he wanted to kill someone.

The moment Lu Xuan saw him, she couldn't hold back her tears, but she knew that she had to restrain herself for the moment.

After feeding her water, An Wushang handed her a handkerchief, wanting to help her wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, but in the end he just handed the handkerchief over.

Jiang Beiyu looked at Lu Xuan calmly: "Really? Queen Mother, are you here to talk to you in private?"


Lu Xuan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and finally came to her senses. She pointed at the Queen Mother and said, "She wants to murder the baby in my belly!"

The Queen Mother quickly said, "She is slandering me!"

"Someone come."

With just a few words, the guards immediately captured the empress dowager.

"How dare you! Who dares to touch the Queen Mother?" Nanny Sun on the ground struggled to get up, but was also grabbed and carried away by the guards like a chicken.

Jiang Beiyu said: "Pass on my decree. From today on, the Queen Mother will be under house arrest. Without my permission, you are not allowed to step out of Feng'an Palace."

Then he continued, "Empress Xuan was frightened. You should have a good rest today. Call the imperial physician to treat you again. Don't disturb the fetus."

After that, Jiang Beiyu was carried back to Changqing Palace, and the farce ended just like that.

Although he showed up today, everyone in the palace saw that he was on the decline.

There are rumors that the emperor will not live long and will die of old age.

All the concubines in the harem were worried.

As soon as the emperor's couch was carried back to the bedroom, the door of the bedroom was kept tightly closed, and even the usually high-profile Concubine Leng no longer showed up.

In the following few days, after the imperial edict on the establishment of a crown prince was read out in court, the emperor stopped attending court and became bedridden.

Several ministers in the court opposed making Concubine Xuan's child the crown prince and stood outside his bedroom door wanting to see him, but he closed the door and refused to see them.

It is said that Princess Nan Ge came to visit twice out of concern, but was turned away.

"My royal brother, what happened to him?" This time, Jiang Nange finally couldn't help it and pulled the little guard to the corner.

"This..." Leng Ying's eyes were a little flustered and he didn't know how to answer at all.

"I'm not sure either."

Jiang Nange glared at him and said, "You're lying! You knew it, but you didn't tell me!"

He is Concubine Leng's secret guard. Concubine Leng is with the emperor's brother now, so he must be aware of the emperor's brother's situation.

Leng Ying sighed: "Princess, please accept my condolences."

Jiang Nange was stunned.

"Mercy" is a word of comfort said to the relatives of the deceased when someone dies.

So, my royal brother really doesn't have many days left?

Why did everything happen so suddenly and so quickly?

In the dark, someone heard these words, and a black shadow flashed by in the bushes.

Even though the emperor was seriously ill and avoided seeing guests, the ministers who opposed making Concubine Xuan's unborn child the crown prince still gathered outside the Changqing Palace.

There were about twenty or thirty people in total, standing in a neat row.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xuan is a princess of the Northern Kingdom. The child in her belly is half of the Northern Kingdom's bloodline. You must not make Concubine Xuan's son the crown prince!"

"Your Majesty, if anything happens to you, Concubine Xuan's son is still young, and she can rule the country from behind the curtain in the name of the Queen Mother. Jiang Kingdom will be controlled by the Northern Kingdom. The throne of Jiang Kingdom must not fall into the hands of a prince with the royal blood of the Northern Kingdom. Think twice, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty! If Your Majesty feels that his time is running out, His Royal Highness the Virtuous King is in his prime, upright and wise, and loyal to the country of Jiang. He is also the legitimate prince of the previous dynasty, and is the only candidate to succeed the throne. I beg Your Majesty to pass the throne to the Virtuous King!"

Then, everyone knelt down in unison and said loudly: "We beg the Emperor to revise the edict and pass the throne to the virtuous king!"

On the door of the bedroom, there was a recording mobile phone.

At this moment, Jiang Beiyu was inside the door, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and he could see everything that was happening outside the door.

"They are here, all of them are here, waiting for me, to force me to give up the throne to the wise king."

Jiang Beiyu pressed the screenshot button hard, capturing the faces of all the ministers.

"None of you can escape..."

These people are all the Queen Mother's followers, and they are also the ones who have secretly communicated with the Queen Mother and the Northern Kingdom. He wants to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Jiang Beiyu ignored the ministers kneeling outside the hall. At this moment, there was a commotion outside the hall.

The empress dowager came in tremblingly with a cane, followed by Qing'er and Nanny Sun on her left and right. The officials in front of the Changqing Palace automatically made way for her.


She said this in a resounding voice, handed the crutch to Qing'er, and knelt down with a plop.

"For the sake of Dajiang's kingdom, I beg you to revoke your order and change the edict!"

"The baby in Concubine Xuan's belly is still young and currently does not have the ability to inherit the throne. Moreover, Concubine Xuan is a princess of the Northern Kingdom, and the child she gives birth to will also have half Northern Kingdom blood, so she is not suitable to be the crown prince."

"I am not here to help the virtuous king seize power, but the virtuous king is indeed the only one who is suitable to inherit the throne. I am the virtuous king's biological mother. In order to avoid suspicion, I should not come forward. But as the queen mother, I cannot watch the great Jiang kingdom being stolen!"

She spoke each word with great force, and finally, she said with full vigor, "Your Majesty, please pass the throne to the virtuous king!"

The two rows of ministers in front of the palace knelt down in unison, as if they had rehearsed it, and shouted loudly, "We sincerely ask the emperor to revise the edict and pass the throne to the virtuous king!"

At this time, a voice sounded:

"Your Majesty, aren't you also from the South?"

Qin Wan came around from the other end of Changqing Palace and stood in front of the palace, while Leng Leng, leading another group of ministers, came from behind. Almost all the people in the court had gathered.

The two groups of ministers looked at each other.

The Queen Mother's eyes dimmed, and then she glared at Qin Wan: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"The Queen Mother must know what I am talking about. Madam Huangfu Cuihua."

As soon as these words were spoken, the ministers were shocked.

Cuihua was the Empress Dowager's maiden name, and very few people knew about it. Everyone only knew that the Empress Dowager was born in the common people. Who knew that she was from the South?

Qin Wan said: "Come here, bring the person up."

Two elderly servants dressed in southern clothes were brought up, an old man and an old woman. Qin Wan spoke:

"Take a closer look. Is this your young lady from back then?"

The old man carefully identified it and immediately said:

"Yes! It's our young lady! When our master came to the North to do business, he met a singing girl who played musical instruments in a restaurant. Later, he had a child with the singing girl, but our master had a family in the South, so he couldn't take the child back, so he sent us to take care of them. It was fine in the first few years, but gradually, the master forgot about the mother and daughter, and life became more and more difficult.

Later, the village held a selection of beautiful girls, and the daughter of a high-ranking official was to be sent to the palace. That young lady refused to go, so she spent some money to buy our daughter, and asked her to recognize the high-ranking official as her goddaughter and enter the palace in her place.

"You are talking nonsense!" The Queen Mother pointed at her, her eyes red with anger. "Do you think you can just find two people to make up a story about my life? What is your intention?!"

Qin Wan said: "Just based on the sudden invasion of the South Country this time, it means that the South Country is cooperating with you. You usually act close to the North Country, but you don't know that the South Country is your backer.

After you successfully entered the palace, you contacted your scumbag father Huangfu Shang, because he was a famous businessman in the Southern Kingdom, and his financial resources could pave the way for you in the harem. Through your scumbag father, you contacted the Southern Kingdom's emperor Wei Chong. "

These were the clues she had obtained during this period by eavesdropping on Feng'an Palace, and the results obtained by asking "Shadow Three Thousand" and the spies from the Leng Mansion to investigate separately.

The Queen Mother sneered: "What evidence do you have?"

"The evidence is the documents you have been communicating with Wei Chong for more than ten years hidden in the secret compartment under the couch in your bedroom. The key to open that secret compartment is hanging on your waist now."

Qin Wan waved his hand and pointed to an exquisite brass key hanging next to the sachet on the empress dowager's waist.

The Queen Mother's eyes became incredulous.

Unless there is a ghost in this world, or someone betrayed her, the Queen Mother's eyes looked around and finally landed on the face of Nanny Sun beside her:

"You slut, you actually betrayed me!"

She stretched out her hands and grabbed her throat. Nanny Sun was pinched so hard that she sat down on the ground. She wanted to explain, but she couldn't utter a word.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 13)

Chapter 160 I punched one of the crying monsters ('O?)o! .

Now that things have come to this, everything has become clear.

Qin Wan swept his sharp eyes across the ministers and sneered, "So, now that things have come to this, do you still want the virtuous king whose biological mother is from the South to inherit the throne?

We have worked so hard to push him to the throne, but he will turn against us and give Jiang Kingdom to Nan Kingdom. All your efforts are in vain!"

The faces of some ministers who understood what was said instantly turned into nine-turn large intestine emoticons.

At this point, the Queen Mother simply gave up and stood up, smugly: "At this point, even if we don't support the virtuous prince to be the emperor, what else can we do? The emperor is about to die. Do you think the child in Concubine Xuan's belly can wait until nine months later?"

"Who said I'm going to die?"

At this time, the door of the bedroom opened with a thump. Jiang Beiyu, wearing a dragon robe, stood at the door. Except for being a little thin, his complexion was no different from that of an ordinary person, and he was very energetic.

"You!" The Queen Mother couldn't believe it.

Jiang Beiyu frowned and said, "The Queen Mother is colluding with the enemy, secretly communicating with the Southern Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom, and even conspiring with the Virtuous King to poison me and murder me. Capture her!"

"Master Zhang, Master Li, Master Guo..." He forgot about it for a moment and looked at the screenshot on his phone. "And Master Du, Master Zhu, Master Tao... They are all secretly communicating with the Northern Kingdom, and they are all thrown into the Heavenly Prison!"

A group of guards stepped forward and captured the Queen Mother and the ministers.

"The Queen Mother."

Jiang Beiyu stepped forward with his hands behind his back and said, "I am very confused. After I ascended the throne, you have been the Queen Mother, second only to the emperor and above all others. I remember your kindness in raising me and treated you like my own mother. Why did you collude with other countries and rebel?

Just because I am not your biological son? "

The Queen Mother sneered, "After your mother passed away, I ascended the throne. My son Yu Luo is also a legitimate son. He is very intelligent and one year older than you. Why can't he inherit the throne? Is it because Taizu designated you as the crown prince?

He is the first emperor. Can he decide who among his sons will inherit his throne? Can he also designate who will inherit his throne among his grandchildren?"

This sentence was originally a rebellious one, but now that things had come to this point, she just wanted to speak out the words that had been weighing on her heart for so many years and making her angry, and to seek justice for Luo'er.

Jiang Beiyu couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this. He thought to himself that it was indeed true and immediately felt it was ridiculous.

At this time, Qin Wan spoke up. In front of all the civil and military officials present, she raised her voice and said:

"Is it possible that the Grand Ancestor decided to pass the throne to the late emperor because he was attracted to the emperor?

Previously, the late emperor was just an insignificant prince, and he was also weak and sickly. Why did the wise Taizu give the throne to such a prince? Wasn't it because he knew that he was weak and sickly, and he couldn't be the emperor for long, and he could hand over the country to the emperor later?

The late emperor got that position thanks to the emperor, and you also got to be the empress dowager thanks to the emperor. Now, you actually want to usurp the throne, and you are indignant and wonder why your son is not the one who inherits the throne? You are so shameless!!!"

The Queen Mother looked disdainful.

"Even if it's because of Taizu's designation, so what? Whoever has the ability will be the emperor. The winner will be the king, and the loser will be the bandit. It's too early to say anything!"

At this time, the sound of killing was deafening.

The wise king, who had been lurking in secret and preparing to force the emperor to abdicate, personally led another troop of royal guards and attacked with a desperate move.

The scene was very chaotic.

Jiang Beiyu held Qin Wan with one hand and retreated back to the bedroom. Leng Ying and An Wushang drew their swords and stood together at the door to guard the emperor's bedroom.

Outside the window, the sounds of fighting and weapons clashing were endless, as were screams, cries, and the sound of knives piercing flesh and spurting blood.

The ministers rolled and crawled on the ground, trying to escape. Through the door, Qin Wan smelled an increasingly strong smell of blood coming from outside. Suddenly, a blood stain more than half a meter long appeared directly on the white window paper outside the door.

This is the real palace fight, and the real killing is happening outside. Qin Wan, who grew up in a peaceful world, is trembling with fear.

Jiang Beiyu held her cold hand.

At this time, several assassins came in from the back door of the bedroom. Qin Wan drew his sword alertly: "Be careful!"

She and Jiang Beiyu started fighting with the assassins. At this time, Ye Wei came over with a spear in her hand and escorted them away.

The night before, Jiang Beiyu's drone quietly circled the entire palace and found out where the King Xian's soldiers were ambushed. The chief of the guards, Han Biao, had already prepared for it and defeated them.

An hour later.

The virtuous king was defeated and fled the palace on horseback with a group of remnants of his army, but Leng Leng's troops had already surrounded the palace.

Catch the turtle in the jar.

In the end, the wise king was arrested in dismay.

A farce came to an end.

The Queen Mother and Nanny Sun were imprisoned in the Sky Prison. Among the ministers nominated to be arrested, some escaped during the recent palace coup, some were stabbed to death, and the rest were also imprisoned in the Sky Prison.

Letters between the Queen Mother and the Northern Kingdom were indeed found in her bedroom. The evidence was irrefutable, and she and the virtuous king were scheduled to be executed in the autumn.

That night, the corpse in front of Changqing Palace was carried away by palace servants, and the blood on the ground and walls was cleaned. The night wind in late autumn and early winter was lonely and damp, and the yard was quiet. If it were not for the faint smell of blood lingering in the air, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Beiyu stood at the door with his hands behind his back, not knowing what he was thinking.

He sighed softly and said to Qin Wan, "I will make the final conclusion of this matter in the morning court tomorrow. I want to return to the modern times for a while to adjust. My play will also start filming."

Qin Wan said: "I want to, too."

The shadow was so huge that her heart was still beating fast. Thinking about how so many people had died here in the afternoon, she didn't know how she was going to sleep tonight.

In modern times, if a woman knew that someone had died in a place, she would not dare to pass by that place for three months.

She coughed and said, "Then tonight, I will stay in Ronghua Palace."

Jiang Beiyu turned and looked at her: "Then I will go too."

"A follower." Qin Wan said.

However, it didn't matter if the follower went with her, because she really didn't dare to sleep alone tonight.


The two returned to Ronghua Palace together and told the group that they were going back tomorrow night. Leng Leng and Ma Shushu also said that they wanted to go back.

Shushu had to go back to modern times to take care of the baby. The baby was really suffering in the belly, not moving up or down, and it didn't dare to move, and it didn't grow at all, which was very embarrassing.

Jiang Beiyu was very confused and asked Qin Wan secretly: "You said, since Ma Shushu's child can't grow in this time and space, how did that child grow to seven weeks?"

Qin Wan said, "It's very simple. We had it before. Ma Shushu and Leng Lie had been with us for several times before. They had been with us for more than seven weeks. We didn't feel the baby in our belly because it was too young."

Jiang Beiyu suddenly realized.

The second day.

The entire court was empty.

Yesterday, more than twenty ministers were thrown into the Tianlao, and several people were accidentally injured in the palace coup and took leave.

Jiang Beiyu looked at the empty court in front of him, feeling relieved.

This was a thorough cleanup, which eliminated most of the Northern Kingdom's spies hiding in the Jiang Kingdom. Although there were fewer people left, everyone was working together, and the effect would be better than before, and his kingdom would be more stable.

Those vacancies will be filled up slowly later.

"Long live the emperor." All the officials knelt down in unison.

"Stand up." He stretched out his hand and all the officials stood up.

After the coup, the emperor's expression was different when all officials looked at him. He looked calmer and more determined than before, with a feeling of having seen a lot.

After the court session, Jiang Beiyu returned to Changqing Palace and began to pack up.

The script, take it with you. A pile of gold bars, take it with you. Two pajamas that are quite comfortable to wear, take them with you, and the small bottle that Wanwan gave me last time... well, take it with you.

Take some antique paintings and calligraphy for Qin Wan's grandfather. Take the driver's license and Ferrari keys.

I turned around and looked at Jixiang who was pecking at millet in the cage. Well, I'll take him over to see the world.

He packed his things into a suitcase and was ready to go at any time.

On the other side, Leng Lie and Ma Shushu were also packing up and preparing. They didn't know how long they would stay this time, but they took with them everything they thought would be useful.

At dusk, everyone gathered in Jiang Beiyu's bedroom, ready to go.

After a flash of white light, everyone came to the familiar living room again.

Jixiang, who was standing on Jiang Beiyu's shoulder, tilted his head and said, "Gujiguji?"

It was already past nine in the evening. Everyone went home. Leng Lie and Ma Shushu went home. Qin Wan went upstairs lazily: "If you want to drink water, pour it yourself. If you are hungry, there is food in the refrigerator."

He will be back on set tomorrow, and months of filming will follow.

Probably because they were about to part ways, he could tell that Qin Wan didn't want to pay attention to her.

Qin Wan went downstairs, took a shower, dried his hair, then sat on the bed with his laptop to sort out the company's affairs.

I haven't been back for a long time and I forgot some things. I have to go to work tomorrow, so I have to sort out the company's recent projects, check the schedule, memo, and email.

Jiang Beiyu took a shower in the guest bedroom next door, cut a fruit plate, brought it up and placed it on her bedside table.

"What time is the flight tomorrow?" Qin Wan's eyes did not leave the computer screen.

"Two o'clock in the afternoon."

She said "hmm" lightly.

Most of the filming locations for the movie took place in a movie studio thousands of miles away from Shanghai.

He observed Qin Wan's expression and said, "I will come back to see you when I have a rest."

She didn't say anything, he reached out and hugged her coquettishly.


Qin Wan got goosebumps.

He had never called her that before.

He put his arm around her waist and buried his face in her shoulder.

"I didn't expect to be separated from you as soon as I came back this time."

Qin Wan said: "Don't you know that when you left last time, you were going to the crew?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Or, I won't go?"

Qin Wan turned her head and looked at him: "You want me to pay you 300 million? Not only do you have to go, you have to make me angry!"


Although he was hesitant for a moment, but thinking about Wanwan's 300 million, he decided to persevere!


He picked up a strawberry and fed it to her: "Eat fruit tonight."

Qin Wan opened her mouth and ate one, finding it very sweet. She turned around and saw him looking at her eagerly, with that wet look like a puppy.

Qin Wan felt something was definitely not right while she was eating. Why did the way he looked at her feel like he was looking at food?

She coughed and said, "Jiang Beiyu, if you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to fart, just fart it."

He said weakly: "Wanwan, can I sleep with you tonight?"


Qin Wan almost choked to death on a mouthful of strawberry juice.

Then, she smiled and put his hand under the quilt.

Just as he was wondering why she was so proactive today, he touched the familiar, damn, pajamas again.


On the second day, Qin Wan returned to her former self as the female boss and drove the silver-gray Cullinan back to the company. Ma Shushu and Leng Lie also followed her to work. One of them was the traffic leader in the company, and the other was a new internet celebrity in the company.

After lunch, Jiang Beiyu went to the airport with his suitcase.

Tomorrow, the filming will start in earnest. The crew has booked a hotel near the film and television city for several months. As soon as he arrived, the production assistant took him into the hotel and arranged a room for him.

He was wearing a baseball cap and pushing a suitcase very low-key. When he entered, he saw many people with cameras gathered at the hotel entrance. These people were reporters and paparazzi who specialized in stalking celebrities. They were stalking the male and female protagonists of this drama.

The male and female protagonists of this drama stayed in the presidential suite, the other actors stayed in standard rooms, and the extras and crew members stayed in double rooms.

The room where Jiang Beiyu lived was right next to the presidential suite.

After he settled down, he took a photo of Qin Wan's room.

Qin Wan, who was in a meeting, took a glance and felt it was a bit shabby.

It's only a dozen square meters in size, and has the facilities of a chain hotel. A person who lives a life of luxury and has a sleeping palace of more than 2,000 square meters suddenly has to live in a small house like this, and have to live there for several months. Wow.

She asked, "Can you get used to it?"

He replied: "I miss Wanbao."

"Thinking of Wanbao."

"Thinking of Wanbao."

He typed three sentences in a row, followed by an emoticon of a little man looking aggrieved and with tears in his eyes.


Qin Wan replied with one word and realized something was wrong. Why were all the executives looking at her? Then she found out that her computer was projecting the screen. Although she replied with her mobile phone, the chat content was synchronized with the computer.

Although the assistant Little Bee switched back at the speed of light after discovering it, everyone present saw it.

Everyone's expression was very subtle, with a muffled smile.

Qin Wan coughed, feeling lucky that he hadn't posted the words "Finish the shooting and come back to sleep with me."

"Does everyone know the goal for this month? Do you have any questions?"

Everyone was immersed in gossip just now, where did the questions come from?

Seeing that no one mentioned it, she said, "The meeting is adjourned."

Suddenly I found myself to be very similar to the Dog Emperor. I adjourned the meeting as freshly and naturally as I adjourned the court.

Humph, why are you thinking of that guy again?


She almost made a fool of herself, so Qin Wan deleted what he had just said and replied: "I'll kill each crying monster with one punch (;`o?)o!"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 14)
