
Chapter 186 Took the black box and left

"Oh?" Huangfu Cuihua said, "Your Highness Prince Qi, what do you think?"

The King of Qi smiled and explained: "The black box you mentioned can be used to communicate even if you are thousands of miles apart. This is just a rumor. After all, seeing is believing. Your Majesty will not believe it unless he sees it with his own eyes.

Secondly, the black fat water and the strange books currently shown to the Ministry of Industry cannot prove that Jiang State's plan will pose a threat to the Northern State.

So, what I mean is, can you get a black box like the one you mentioned, and present it to the emperor in person so that he can take a closer look?"

Huangfu Cuihua felt as if the abacus beads were falling on her face, but she didn't know how to refute.

Usually, she contacted Lu Yan through King Qi. If she made him unhappy, she would have no way to see Lu Yan.

Huangfu Cuihua said worriedly, "But, I heard that there are only a dozen of those black boxes in Jiang State, and they are all assigned to the most elite and highly skilled guards. And they are strictly disciplined, and they regard it as more important than their own lives. How can I get it?"

"Well..." The King of Qi gave her an intriguing smile, "This is a bit difficult..."

He picked up the Gale and took a sip: "You can't even steal a black box, and you want to steal the day?"

Huangfu Cuihua's face suddenly turned into a big pumpkin.

She knew that the King of Qi had spent 100,000 yuan to get this black box but still failed. If he asked her to get it, wouldn't he be treating her as a sucker?

But she knew that she had to get the black box today, otherwise the wise king would not help her at all.

Fortunately, there are still some old palace maids in the palace who can obey her orders. Today, she will burn her boats.

She hardened her heart and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

"It's just that it's not difficult to succeed, but it's difficult to get him out of the palace. So, it's best to do it outside the palace. Fortunately, those guards also have missions outside, so you and I can work together.

The people I left in the palace know who has the black box. When they go out, we can point him out as your killer. Is that okay?"

The King of Qi thought about it. He had thought about robbing before, but he didn't know who had it, so he replied, "Okay."

A few days later, a letter was delivered to the Jiang Kingdom Palace via carrier pigeon.

At this time, a guard was standing under a tree, leaning against the trunk, watching the conversation among the guards with a big grin, and an old lady was squatting in the dark watching.

He was going to go out on a mission soon, so he left the palace with two steamed buns in his arms. When he left, he even said hello to the guards at the palace gate.

After him, the old nanny also followed out of the palace carrying a basket. The old nanny in the palace only needed to show the token to the guard.

The guard glanced at the token and said, "Madam Zhang, are you out shopping again?"

Aunt Zhang smiled and said, "Go buy some crispy candies for the Concubine Dowager."

The guard was walking in a wilderness, chewing a bun, stopping and starting, when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

When passing by a reed marsh, a dozen masked killers in black suddenly emerged from it.

He subconsciously turned around and ran, but more than a dozen killers rushed towards him. In the end, he was outnumbered and his neck was cut. He lay down in the reed field, looking at the sky.

The killer took out a black box from his clothes and walked away...

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 10)

Chapter 187 Jiang·Cuckold King·Beiyu

The killer took out a black box from his clothes and walked away...

Ten days later, the King of Qi looked at the black box in his hand with satisfaction.

"So, this is it, hahahaha! I finally got it! It's exactly this thing, it's exactly this thing!"

As he played with it, he suddenly felt more and more that something was wrong.

"Where's the dial pad?"

What he saw before him was just a bare flat plate made of glass, completely different from what he had used before.

He found a switch-like button on the side and pressed it. The screen lit up and he saw the big time.

The year, month and day are modern, and the time is not accurate with the present time.

After pressing for a long time, nine number buttons finally popped up with the prompt: "Touch ID or enter password."

Could this be the dial button?

He tried to dial his old home number, and the screen shook, saying, "Incorrect password."

He soon realized that the phone had a password and could not be opened without the password, making it useless as a piece of scrap metal.

The joy I just felt disappeared in an instant.

However, even if it cannot be used, he can disassemble it and study it, but he will not do so unless it is absolutely necessary.

After living in the supreme suite of "Comfortable Home" for more than ten days, Huangfu Cuihua went to the Prince of Qi's residence immediately after learning that the Prince of Qi had successfully obtained the small black box.

"Your Highness, Prince Qi, I have obtained the black box for you as I told you. Now, should I present it to the Emperor and persuade him to cooperate with the Northern Kingdom to send troops?"

The King of Qi would never give this thing to Lu Yan, so he said to Huangfu Cuihua:

"I got this little black box, but I found another secret inside it. The box has a password. If you don't know the password, you can't open it. In my hands, it's like scrap metal! I suggest you find a way to get the password for this thing, or find me another little black box. This time, be careful to get the password first."

The Queen Mother was immediately furious.

She could tell that this was just the King of Qi's excuse. He didn't want to give the things to Lu Yan, he wanted to keep them all for himself!

So he said with a sullen face: "If His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi feels that this item cannot be used and it is inconvenient to explain, you can give it to me and let me meet the emperor and explain it to him!"

The King of Qi laughed again.

"The Queen Mother means that she doesn't trust me, right?"

Then he simply said, "If the Queen Mother has this intention, you can find another small black box and demonstrate it to the Emperor. However, this one was obtained by the assassin I sent after going through untold hardships. This, I, need to keep for myself."

Huangfu Cuihua was so angry that she choked: "You... this thing was clearly obtained by the cooperation of you and me."

The King of Qi said, "I got this thing by my own ability. What does it have to do with you? Oh, by the way, I still have to thank the Queen Mother for providing the clue. However, it is not realistic to think that you can share it with me just by sending someone to provide the clue."

Huangfu Cuihua just felt her forehead throbbing.

She had been shrewd and calculating for half her life, but she never thought that she would be schemed by the King of Qi. But now, she needed the King of Qi to be the middleman, and she couldn't turn her face against him. She could only suppress her anger and said to the King of Qi:

"You don't know, ever since this incident happened in Jiang State, Jiang Beiyu has been furious. He has put the whole city under martial law and sent Jinyiwei to investigate the matter. All the guards equipped with the little black box are temporarily prohibited from leaving the palace. It will be extremely difficult for me to get another one!"

The King of Qi remained unmoved.

Huangfu Cuihua continued meaningfully, "Isn't it for your great cause that you were able to persuade Lu Yan to send troops?"

She knew better than anyone what the King of Qi was planning.

Just like her son Jiang Yuluo, the wise king also coveted the throne of the Northern Kingdom.

"While the snipe and the clam quarrel, the fisherman gains. If Lu Yan is willing to send troops to attack Jiang, after his troops are exhausted, that will be your chance, right?"

As expected of her...

The King of Qi's eyes gleamed, and he said calmly:

"However, Lu Yan is a suspicious and cunning person. How difficult is it to get Lu Yan to send troops?"

Huangfu Cuihua was confident: "It's not difficult, Lu Xuan, you can become a fuse."


Overnight, the rumor that the baby in the belly of Princess Lu Xuan of the Northern Kingdom was not from Jiang Beiyu spread like weeds in the capital of the Jiang Kingdom.

Not only were there rumors rife in the palace, but even people in the streets were talking about it.

According to rumors, the Emperor discovered Concubine Xuan having an affair with a guard, so he threw the guard into death row in anger. The guard would be executed in more than a month.

Originally this matter had been kept secret, it was just a palace secret, the emperor, considering the peace between Jiang Kingdom and Bei Kingdom, did not dare to do anything to Lu Xuan. Now that this matter has been exposed, everyone is speculating about the emperor's attitude.

Ten days ago, the body of the guard was found in the reed marsh, and the emperor was furious.

Based on the date when the guards left the palace, all those who left the palace on that day were arrested and investigated.

Nanny Zhang, who followed the guards out of the palace that day, was a major suspect and was quickly arrested.

Under severe torture, Nanny Zhang confessed everything and was immediately hanged. Her head was hung on the guard's grave. However, after the guard was killed, his cell phone had been stolen, which was irreversible.

As the saying goes, one wave has not yet settled when another wave arises. Ever since the guard died tragically in the reed marsh, Jiang Beiyu knew that someone was behind the trouble.

A big storm in Jiang Kingdom should be coming soon.

Qin Wan looked down at his bloated belly.

There are still more than two months.

The thing stuffed in the clothes has changed from a small neck pillow to a hug pillow. Although it is tied tightly, I am always worried that it will fall out, which is terrible.

Even though she lives in seclusion and rarely sees visitors, as if she were imprisoned, there are still pairs of eyes around her that are always watching her.

Especially after Concubine Xuan's affair was revealed.

Two maids were whispering in the corner in front of the Ronghua Palace:

"You said that the baby in Concubine Xuan's belly is the guard's, so the baby in Concubine Leng's belly is the emperor's. Why is the emperor so indifferent to Concubine Leng? It's been several months, and the queen has been pregnant for the whole time, but he didn't even come to see her?"

Another maid said, "Haven't you heard that Concubine Leng was colluding with the enemy? She secretly contacted a prince from the Northern Kingdom. This is a serious crime. The emperor didn't kill her directly because of the child in her belly."

The nanny clicked her tongue when she heard this: "Could it be that the child in Concubine Leng's belly is not the emperor's?"

Seeing the two people whispering to each other, not knowing what they were talking about, Xiao Zhima brought a basin of water to the door and splashed it at them.

Jiang Beiyu turned a deaf ear to the rumors that were growing in intensity in the palace. After leaving the court, he hurried to a place.

Three months have passed since I last visited the Ministry of Industry.

It is said that these people study hard every day, and use magnifying glasses and reading glasses when they cannot see clearly.

Jiang Beiyu asked Eunuch Xi to send a physics and chemistry test paper for the third-year junior high school final exam to the ministers in the Ministry of Works.

The answering time is divided into morning and afternoon, one hour for each subject. Physics is tested in the morning and chemistry is tested in the afternoon.

Two examiners who were specially trained in marking imperial examinations were invited to supervise and mark the papers for the ministers.

Since the test paper was the same as the textbook, with only tiny characters, it was inappropriate to answer the questions with a brush, so each person was given a fountain pen.

This is really difficult for those adults who are used to writing with a brush. It seems that after changing a pen, they can't even write a single word. Some of them clench their fists to hold the pen, while others puncture the test paper as soon as they start writing, and they are extremely anxious.

After the exam, the examiner will mark the papers on the spot, and candidates will be considered passed only if they score above 60 points in both subjects.

After the examination, Jiang Beiyu went to the Engineering Department again to check the results. Among the 22 people in the Engineering Department, only five had scores of more than 60 in both subjects. Some had more than 60 in one subject and none in the other, while some had scores of less than 60 in both subjects, and the lowest was only 20 or 30.

But there was one person, named Han Qiong, who got 96 in two courses and 92 in the other, and his handwriting was also very beautiful.

The reason for me getting a poor score on subject 92 was because I couldn't really use the pen, I wrote slowly, and I didn't have enough time to answer the last big question, so I got full marks on all the questions before that.

Jiang Beiyu looked gloomy after reading the results. He was slightly relieved when he saw Han Qiong's test paper. He looked around at the ministers in the Ministry of Industry and asked, "Who is Han Qiong?"

A man in his twenties, with a fair complexion and a scholarly air, walked out of the crowd.

"I am here."

Jiang Beiyu looked at his paper with satisfaction.

"Did you answer these questions independently?"


"Let me test you on the physical principle of 'If you don't move forward, you will move backward.'"

Han Qiong said calmly: "When the water resistance is greater than the power of the boat, the boat will move backwards."

Jiang Beiyu nodded: "What is the power of the ship?"

Han Qiong said: "It is the force of the water pushing on the oars."

"Where does the force of the paddle come from?"

"It comes from people. Internal energy is converted into mechanical energy."

"What if this is a steamship?"

Most people in the Ministry of Industry were confused. Han Qiong thought for a moment and explained clearly:

"It is to convert the heat energy generated by burning fossil fuels into steam to boil water, drive the piston movement, and convert the mechanical energy into the propulsion of the ship forward."

Jiang Beiyu nodded with satisfaction.

This proves that he has really absorbed the book and understood the principles, and will be able to promote the industrial development of Jiang State in the near future.

"Come here, I will give you a thousand taels of silver. From today on, you will be the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of Works."

Everyone was shocked.

This person joined the Ministry of Industry only last year. He was originally just a nobody in the Ministry of Industry, but now he has been promoted three levels.

The former Minister of Works, a minister in his forties, looked at Jiang Beiyu with wide eyes: "Your Majesty, what about me?"

Jiang Beiyu recognized this man. He glanced at his test paper and saw that he scored 48 points in chemistry and 61 points in physics. He then said directly, "Dismissal."

Since most people failed the exam, some of them failed because of pen problems, Jiang Beiyu said:

"The pens I just gave you will be used in the Ministry of Industry from now on. You can continue to apply for more from the Ministry of Internal Affairs after you use them up. In view of the fact that there are pens for this exam, I will give you another chance to take the make-up exam in seven days.

This is the last chance I give you all. If you fail again, you will all be kicked out!"

The Ministry of Industry then became tense.

It is said that everyone in the Ministry of Industry worked late into the night. The lights in the Ministry of Industry were on for seven days. Those people kept practicing and doing exercises, and sparks came out of the tips of their pens.

Seven days later, the Ministry of Works held a make-up exam. However, when the ministers of the Ministry of Works were taking the make-up exam, Han Qiong had already come to Jiang Beiyu's side.

The two walked together on the stone bridge of the Imperial Garden. Jiang Beiyu said to Han Qiong as they strolled, "You have been reading books for more than three months, and you have already gained some insights into the knowledge. As you know, I have already started to dig for oil. In your opinion, how long will it take for Jiang to enter the industrial society?"

Han Qiong only said four words: "There is a long way to go."

Jiang Beiyu said: "The Ministry of Industry needs to recruit more talents. Judging from the current number of people, it is not enough. If ten people can pass the supplementary exam this time, I will burn incense."

Han Qiong said: "The main reason is that half of the people in the Ministry of Industry are old, and it may be difficult to let them accept new knowledge."

Jiang Beiyu said: "According to your opinion, what should we do?"

Han Qiong said: "We still need to find some young people to start with. Select some talented people from the public."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I'll leave this matter to you. I need someone like you."

He turned his head and looked at him with a smile in his eyes: "Lord Han, just use yourself as the standard and come and find it for me."

Han Qiong: "Ah?"

Jiang Beiyu put his hands behind his back and continued, "If you find one, I will reward you with 100 taels of silver, as long as you can pass the exam."

Han Qiong:!!!

"I will give you six months. Within six months, bring at least twenty people to me. During this six months, you don't have to go to the palace or attend court. You will receive your salary as usual. I will let you find people wherever you want. Once a month, send me a letter to report your progress."

After saying that, Jiang Beiyu left, leaving Han Qiong alone in confusion.

Seeing that the news had spread and Jiang Beiyu had no reaction, Huangfu Cuihua felt more and more that Jiang Beiyu was a ruthless person.

The cuckoldry has covered the whole sky and the earth, but he could still bear not to punish Lu Xuan. Then who can tell the difference between him and Han Xin?

But Jiang Beiyu was a very proud man. Based on her understanding of his personality, this shouldn't happen...

Could it be that he had known about this for a long time and that he was the one who instigated this matter?

My thoughts opened up immediately.

Soon, new rumors emerged in the North.

There is a new version of the rumor:

"Ever since the princess of the Northern Kingdom married into the Kingdom of Jiang, she has been treated coldly because the emperor favors Concubine Leng.

In order to humiliate her, Jiang Beiyu actually instructed the guard to flirt with the princess and perform the Zhougong ritual on his behalf, so the princess became pregnant with the guard's child..."

Just like in Jiang Kingdom, rumors were spreading like weeds in the Northern Kingdom's capital.

Huangfu Cuihua just didn't believe that Jiang Beiyu and Lu Yan could tolerate this matter.

Sure enough, Lu Yan became furious when he heard about this.

When he first heard Lu Xuan say that the child in her belly was the guard's, he was shocked. He racked his brains but couldn't understand why his sister, who was so proud, would be pregnant with a guard's child.

Unexpectedly, there was another hidden story behind this matter. Her sister had suffered such a great injustice!

He wrote a letter to Jiang Beiyu, angrily questioning him: "How should this matter be explained?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 11)

Chapter 188 Concubine Leng is innocent, I accept the blame

He wrote a letter to Jiang Beiyu, angrily questioning him: "How should this matter be explained?"

It is said that Lu Yan has begun to station troops on the border, and the situation between the two countries has suddenly become tense.

Jiang Beiyu replied to Lu Yan: "How can rumors be true? The baby in Lu Xuan's belly is indeed my child."

Lu Yan thought, don't I know if the baby in her belly is yours? Lu Xuan once wrote a letter to tell him that the baby in her belly was born to her and the guard. So, it was obvious that Jiang Beiyu was guilty and wanted to cover up his tracks!

He immediately sent an envoy to the State of Jiang, asking them to take Lu Xuan away.

Jiang Beiyu asked the envoy to go see Lu Xuan himself.

The envoy met Lu Xuan and said to her:

"Princess. The Emperor is about to attack the Kingdom of Jiang and has sent his subordinates to pick you up. Please follow him as soon as possible."

Lu Xuan was confused: "Why did my brother suddenly attack Jiang Kingdom?"

The man said: "The emperor knows all the grievances you have suffered. Don't worry, the emperor will definitely seek justice for you.

The emperor said that when you return to Jiang State with me, you will still be a princess, and he will choose a consort for you."

If, a few months ago, when she was hesitating and wavering, the envoy had come to see her, she would have gone back with the envoy without hesitation.

But at this time, there are still ten days before An Wushang will be executed.

She has reached an agreement with Jiang Beiyu that she will stay in Jiang Country. As long as An Wushang passes the final test, Jiang Beiyu will release him and make them happy.

So she shook her head and said, "Tell the emperor not to believe the rumors. I am living very well here. Besides, war is costly and laborious. I hope the two countries can maintain peace."

The envoy's purpose is to bring her back, so why would he care about all the ins and outs?

"Princess, please follow me back. Do you remember why you came here? The emperor loves you and has forgiven you. Why do you still want to be trapped in this quagmire?"

Lu Xuan was at a loss.

Yes, does she still remember why she came here in the first place? It's really ironic just to think about it!

But if she left, An Wushang in prison would be dead, and the child in her belly would be born without a father.

She said, "I am pregnant now and will give birth next month. It is inconvenient for me to travel by boat. You should go back first and convey my words to the emperor."

The envoy had no choice but to send a letter to Lu Yan and wait for a reply.

The day when An Wushang was to be executed finally arrived.

On the day he was about to be executed, the prison door opened and he saw her again.

Three months later, her belly had grown very big. The moment he saw her, his eyes immediately brightened. There was light around her, and the morning glow enveloped her. Even though she was pregnant, she was still so beautiful.

In the past, he never dared to look at her carefully, he only knew that she was very beautiful, but now, on the last day of his life, he could finally see her features clearly.

He wanted to remember her.

Hot tears flowed instantly.

The three months in the dark prison seemed like years to him. When they met again, a lot had changed. He knew that today was their farewell.

Lu Xuan looked at his thin appearance, walked up to him, held his hands tightly, and tears flowed down her face.

She said: "The emperor asked me to come and see you for the last time."

He replied, "I know," and then tried to pull his hand away from hers.

After all, she is still the empress, and this is not good for her or the emperor.

However, she took out a large piece of silver and gave it to the jailer next to her: "Sir, please give me half a cup of tea to be flexible. I have something to say to him. Just half a cup of tea."

The jailer weighed the silver in his hand and said impatiently, "Hurry up!"

After the jailer left, she stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear, "An Wushang, run. I know it's not difficult to escape with your ability. I have arranged for someone to pick you up. Later, the jailer will not lock your shackles. There is a sky blue carriage parked at the entrance of the prison. The horse is a thousand-mile horse. Later, when the jailer escorts you out of the prison, you quickly break free from the shackles and run to the carriage. There will be someone behind to cover your retreat."

An Wushang said: "Don't waste your energy anymore. I won't run away."

Lu Xuan said anxiously, "This is your last chance. Do you want to be separated from me forever? I don't mind. I'm going to give birth next month. Don't you want to see your child with your own eyes?"

This sentence was indeed a huge shock to him. An Wushang closed his eyes in pain: "I'm sorry, I failed you. After I die, you come to my grave with the child in your arms!"

At this time, the jailer came back again and pushed her away.

"We are ready to hit the road."

Lu Xuan looked anxious.

The jailer put wooden shackles on his head and hands, and he found that they were not really locked, but just loosely fastened.

A dozen jailers escorted him out of the prison, and under a tree on the side of the prison entrance, he indeed saw the sky blue carriage.

Very eye-catching color.

Thinking of her tear-stained eyelashes and her bulging belly, he had an idea to break free from the shackles and go towards the carriage. However, he just glanced at her and left quickly, his hands clenched into fists, his nails digging deep into the flesh.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu was sitting in the carriage, drinking tea and fanning himself with a folding fan.

If he had chosen to break free from the shackles and run onto the carriage, then the first person he saw would be him.

One thought makes you a devil, one thought makes you a Buddha, one thought brings life, one thought brings death.

After they left the carriage far behind, Lu Xuan knew that he had passed the test. She followed him, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

An Wushang dragged the shackles on his feet and walked step by step. He felt that the sunlight today was particularly hot and dazzling, and his eyes were turning white.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the sky blue carriage coming over, and suddenly it turned a corner and stopped in front of him. He looked up and saw that the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and inside sat a man in a bright yellow robe, like a god.

The man inside said to him, "An Wushang, come up."

An Wushang was slightly stunned because this was the emperor's order, so he got on the carriage.

He got on the carriage and was about to kneel down, but Jiang Beiyu motioned for him to sit down.

An Wushang sat down, Jiang Beiyu poured him a cup of tea and asked, "Do you hate me?"

An Wushang said: "No hatred, I have already said that my life belongs to the emperor. If it were not for the emperor, I would have died in the winter more than ten years ago."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Take off the shackles on your body."

Upon hearing this, An Wushang took it down.

Jiang Beiyu said: "Lu Xuan, you have reached an agreement with me. As long as you pass the test, I will release you and make you and her happy. Now, you have passed the test, and I will fulfill my promise to her."

An Wushang was completely stunned and even suspected that he was dreaming.

Jiang Beiyu called out, "Lu Xuan, come up."

Lu Xuan was paunchy and was supported by Matcha to get on the carriage. She punched him with tears in her eyes: "Stinky guard!"

Even a man of steel felt a lump in his throat when he saw this scene, and tears flowed uncontrollably again.

The sun was shining brightly today, shining through the car window. Jiang Beiyu looked at this warm scene indifferently with a lazy expression.

"She is willing to marry you, and you want to marry her. You both asked me to grant your wish. Now is the right time. I can grant your wish, but after all, Lu Xuan is still my concubine. If we want to be together legitimately, there is still one last step."

Lu Xuan looked at Jiang Beiyu.

Jiang Beiyu said: "I cannot expel you from the palace because you and the guards are living a life of debauchery. Otherwise, you and An Wushang will be stabbed in the back for the rest of your lives, and your children will not be able to hold their heads up.

It just so happens that Concubine Leng was caught communicating with the King of Qi of the Northern Kingdom. All you need to do is admit to me that it was you who communicated with the King of Qi and that Concubine Leng was wronged. I can use this as an excuse to expel you from the palace.

You are originally from the north, and you are the uncle and nephew of the King of Qi, so even if this crime is committed on you, it does not matter. "

Lu Xuan turned her head and looked at An Wushang, who nodded at her.

Lu Xuan said: "Okay, I promise you."

Jiang Beiyu looked at An Wushang and said, "Go ahead, go back to your house outside the palace, take a good bath and have a good sleep."

Then he got off the carriage, fanning himself with a folding fan.

Today, the execution platform at Caishikou was surrounded by three circles of people inside and outside, making it more lively than in previous execution days.

They all come here to eat melons.

It has been spread a long time ago that today is the day when the guard who cheated on the emperor will be beheaded. The emperor always said that the child in Concubine Xuan's belly is his own, and there is no guard who cheated on him. Isn't it a slap in the face for the guard to be beheaded today?

Everyone was very curious about what the guard who cheated on the emperor looked like. It was said that he was young, tall and handsome.

However, after waiting anxiously, a tattered prison van drove up, carrying a dozen men, women, young and old, dressed as palace servants, all with shackles on their bodies.

These were all found out. Among the Empress Dowager's descendants left in the palace, Nanny Sun was one of them. Her old face looked weathered.

She had been demoted to a lowly slave in the Xinzheku because of the Empress Dowager's rebellion, and had been cleaning toilets for several months. She was implicated again because of this incident.

The people were whispering, why didn't it happen as announced? It was agreed that the person to be beheaded was a handsome guard.

The dozen or so palace maids were taken to the execution platform, lined up, kneeling with their heads lowered.


At the executioner's command, the signs behind the people were pulled out and thrown on the ground. The executioner raised his knife and the heads rolled to the ground like watermelons.

In the entire palace, all those who had ever been involved with the Queen Mother were thoroughly investigated, and all the palace servants who were still secretly communicating with the Queen Mother were eliminated.

After the execution, the people finally dispersed dejectedly.

Lu Xuan sat in the carriage and followed An Wushang to his house outside the palace.

The courtyard with three entrances and three exits is kept clean and tidy.

Since he lived in the palace most of the time, there was only an old man guarding the yard and an old maid cleaning the house.

The moment he opened the door and saw him, the old man guarding the house was shocked and burst into tears: "Young Master is back? I thought, I thought..."

An Wushang smiled at her and said calmly: "Uncle Fu, I'm fine, go boil some water."


Although the house is not as prosperous as the imperial palace or the prince's mansion, as the emperor's close guard, he receives a lot of rewards on a daily basis, so naturally it will not be bad, and it is better than that of ordinary wealthy families.

An Wushang said to her somewhat embarrassedly: "This is my house in the capital. I'm afraid that I have wronged you."

Lu Xuan looked around quietly.

She had been used to a luxurious life since she was a child, so she naturally felt that this place was a bit plain, but she was afraid of hurting his self-esteem, so she said, "It's OK, not bad."

An Wushang said to her shyly: "Then I'll go take a shower, you sit here and rest for a while."


Not long after Lu Xuan sat down, Aunt Liu came over and served her tea. She looked at her with a happy smile on her face.

This is the first girl their master brought back, and she is quite pretty.

The tea was ordinary Longjing tea. Lu Xuan took a sip and put it down.

An Wushang took a shower and tidied himself up. He looked much more energetic and walked out wearing a light blue robe.

"Sorry for the long wait."

Lu Xuan's eyes lit up: "This is the first time I see you wearing clothes of a different color."

An Wushang said: "Before, it was necessary for duty. Black can be more concealed in the dark, and even if you are injured, the other party will not see the blood on your body."

Lu Xuan suddenly felt a little distressed.

An Wushang continued, "By the way, An Wushang is not my real name, but a code name. Starting from the previous few generations, the people who took charge of the secret guard organization for the emperor were called this. My real name is Li Zhi."

Lu Xuan was even more surprised.

She said, how could someone have this last name? So, the stinky guard's last name is Li?

An Wushang said: "However, from now on, you should continue to call me An Wushang. This is what I will call you until the emperor takes back my position."

Lu Xuan was a little disappointed: "Will you continue to serve beside the emperor in the future?"

An Wushang said, "I have to support my family. What else can I do if I don't continue to serve the emperor? Don't underestimate this guard. My rank and salary are about the same as those of a third-rank official. Only by continuing to serve in the palace can I guarantee that you, the child, and our family can live a decent life in the capital."

Lu Xuan nodded with a heavy heart.

After having a simple meal with An Wushang, Lu Xuan returned to the palace.

After returning to the palace, she knelt in front of the imperial study and said loudly: "Your Majesty, a few months ago, it was me who secretly had an affair with the King of Qi of the Northern Kingdom. Concubine Leng was framed by someone. She has no relationship with the King of Qi."

The palace servants were confused by this trend and were all shocked. Soon, a circle of palace servants surrounded her.

She continued with great force:

"In the past few months, I have been feeling guilty and unable to sleep at night. Seeing that Concubine Leng is about to give birth, she is misunderstood and treated coldly by the Emperor. I feel guilty and have come to the Emperor to tell him the truth. I also want to do good deeds for the fetus in my belly."

Then, she kowtowed to the door of his study: "I know my crime and I have come to confess it. Please, Your Majesty, clear the name of Concubine Leng!"

The palace servants suspected that they were too excited, or that Concubine Xuan had gone insane.

Even a dog in the palace knows that Concubine Leng and Concubine Xuan don't get along, so why would Concubine Xuan come and take the blame for Concubine Leng?

Lu Xuan knelt upright, feeling contented, thinking that as long as she took the blame for this crime, she could leave the palace and be free.

Jiang Beiyu finally walked out of the study.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 12)

Chapter 189 Returning to the Modern Times to Give Birth to a Child

Jiang Beiyu finally walked out of the study.

"Empress Xuan, why are you making a noise in front of my palace?"

Lu Xuan repeated what she had just said.

Jiang Beiyu's expression was indistinguishable from joy or anger: "Xuan Fei, is what you just said true?"

Lu Xuan said: "Really, it's absolutely true."

Jiang Beiyu's face then turned colder and colder.

"Empress Xuan, you and the King of Qi are uncle and nephew, so it is normal for you to contact him. But since you have married into the Kingdom of Jiang, you should know your limits. You should know that you are a citizen of the Kingdom of Jiang now. You should inform me and contact him with my permission.

Otherwise, it would be hard for me not to doubt your purpose and motive for coming to Jiang State. And whether you have ever leaked Jiang State's secrets to the North State."

Lu Xuan was not a fool, so she naturally said, "I didn't, only this time."

Jiang Beiyu said in a deep voice: "Having an affair with the Northern Kingdom once is enough! While violating my relationship with the Northern Kingdom, you let Concubine Leng take the blame for you and suffer injustice. This is an even greater crime!"

After a pause, he softened his tone and said, "Since you took the initiative to confess and are pregnant and about to give birth, I will spare your life. When you give birth to the baby in the palace, you will be demoted to a commoner according to the law and expelled from the palace!"

After saying that, he turned around and went back to the study.

Lu Xuan also slowly stood up with the help of Matcha.

Looking at his back, she realized that this was a smart move on his part.

Not only did it make Concubine Leng innocent, but it also made it difficult for the Northern Kingdom to get angry.

Otherwise, as a princess of the Northern Kingdom, if she was expelled from the palace by him, her brother Lu Yan would definitely not let it go, and it would affect the peace between the two countries.

The news soon spread to Ronghua Palace.

Jiang Beiyu quickly issued an edict, finding out that Concubine Leng was framed and it had nothing to do with her affair with the King of Qi from the Northern Kingdom. Concubine Leng was restored to the title of Imperial Concubine Leng!

For the first time in more than half a year, the door of Ronghua Palace was opened wide. As if to express his pride, Jiang Beiyu went to visit Concubine Leng soon, and the two seemed to be reconciled as before.

Concubine Zhang, Concubine Shu and Noble Lady Mu, who had gathered together to laugh at Concubine Leng, looked like fools when they got together again.

"Could it be that this Concubine Xuan has been bewitched by someone?"

Shupin looked puzzled.

Zhang Fei's eyes were deep: "People in the north are good at using Gu. The Gu insects all come from the north. Who can put a Gu on her except herself?"

Shu Fei sighed, "The Emperor is just teasing us. Didn't he say that he would not favor her anymore? Then the sisters in the harem will never get another chance again!"

Lady Mu also curled her lips and sighed and said, "No flower stays red forever. It turns green for one day, and then blooms again on the one hundred and first day."

After hearing what the two of them said, Concubine Zhang was so angry that she almost bit her teeth.

"Let's wait and see. Not to mention the cold concubine, even the emperor has not had a peaceful life for a few days..."

The other two looked at her: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Fei's eyes were full of meaning. "The Northern Kingdom is about to attack, and then the Southern Kingdom will follow suit... The entire Jiang Kingdom is about to face disaster."

These words made Shu Fei and Mu Guiren feel a chill.

Although they were jealous of Concubine Leng, they were all Jiang people and palace concubines, so they still hoped to live a peaceful life in the future.

After all, if the Jiang Kingdom was gone, they would be like lost dogs. Not to mention fine clothes and delicious food, and having people to serve them, even Concubine Xuan couldn't compare to them.

Lady Mu asked, "Are you serious?"

Zhang Fei said calmly and nonchalantly, "Just wait and see."

Concubine Shu and Concubine Mu looked at each other.

On the other hand, Lu Yan received a letter from the envoy, in which he learned that the princess refused to come back and wanted to stay with the guard in Jiang State forever. Then he heard that the princess was about to be expelled from the palace, and he was immediately furious.

Since he didn't gain any advantage from this marriage and even lost fifteen cities, don't blame him for turning against her.

He continued to write a letter to Jiang Beiyu, asking him to cancel the engagement, send the princess back, and return the princess's original dowry, fifteen cities.

Jiang Beiyu naturally refused.

Those fifteen cities were not valued in the north, and the people lived a hard life. After returning, he invested a lot in farming and agricultural production, repairing bridges and roads, planting fruit trees, building schools, etc.

People's lives are just beginning to get better, but he wants to take everything back. Is this realistic?

In the court of the Northern Kingdom, the King of Qi and his party were secretly inciting, and after the Kingdom of Jiang refused to return the city, the Northern Kingdom was completely ignited.

Ten days later, the Northern Kingdom launched a massive attack in the name of taking back the city.

Counting the days, Qin Wan was about to give birth, and the entire Ronghua Palace was in a very tense moment. The midwife and the carefully selected wet nurse were in place and settled in Ronghua Palace, ready to be on standby at any time. At this time, a palace servant hurriedly reported to Qin Wan:

"My queen, it's bad. The border is in danger. The Northern Kingdom is fighting us!"

Qin Wan held her belly and stood up with the help of Xiao Zhima: "Where is the emperor?"

The palace servant said, "The emperor is discussing matters with several military ministers. General Leng is about to go to war, and he wants to see you again before he leaves."

Qin Wan asked: "Where is General Leng now?"

The palace servant lowered his head and said, "General Leng is not convenient to come to the inner palace. He is waiting for you in the pavilion beside the lake in the Imperial Garden!"

In front of him was an unfamiliar palace maid. Qin Wan looked at her with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Just now, when she heard that the two countries were at war, she felt tense and anxious for a moment. When she heard that Leng Leng was coming, she subconsciously wanted to go to the Imperial Garden.

But just as she took a step, her mind suddenly turned.

Even if the situation was urgent and Leng Leng had to go to war, or wanted to come and see her, he would not leave her without sending a message and let a palace maid come to pass on the message.

She glanced at the empty phone screen from her sleeve and immediately shouted, "Someone, take her down!"

In order to protect her, many guards were originally arranged in Ronghua Palace. Upon hearing the words, several guards immediately stepped forward and took down the palace maid.

She then calmly sent a message to Leng Lie: "Where are you?"

Leng Leng replied: "In the emperor's study, discussing matters with the emperor."

"What's wrong?"

Qin Wan sneered instantly.

In front of him, the palace servant still had an innocent look on his face. "What's wrong? Your Majesty, why did you arrest me?"

Qin Wan said in a cold voice: "General Leng was obviously discussing matters with the Emperor, why did you lie to me that I was in the Imperial Garden?! What was your purpose in leading me to the Imperial Garden?!"

The palace servant's expression changed instantly.

She didn't know why she could instantly know that General Leng was not in the Imperial Garden. The ancients still lacked knowledge of modern technology.

Realizing that the palace servant had accomplices, Qin Wan took out his phone and @Jiang Beiyu in the group chat: "Immediately send secret guards to search the pavilion by the lake in the Imperial Garden."

Jiang Beiyu quickly replied with a "1."

Soon, the well-trained secret guards came to the imperial garden and found the killer lurking near the pavilion.

Just now, if Qin Wan had gone there, he would have been ambushed by the killer and then pushed into the lake.

She was pregnant and about to give birth, and could not stand any harm or stimulation. If she fell into the lake at that time, even if she was rescued by chance, the fetus in her belly would definitely die.

Her brother, General Leng, is about to go to war and will inevitably be affected by this incident. This move by the other party is very vicious.

Jiang Beiyu was furious and sentenced the palace maid and the assassin found in the imperial garden to be executed by slow slicing.

Qin Wan felt scared when he thought about this incident.

Fortunately, she came to her senses in a flash. If she had been too concerned and gone directly, the consequences would have been disastrous.

That night, Jiang Beiyu asked Qin Wan to move to his bedroom for protection.

What happened today just happened to make him make a decision.

The current situation is chaotic and there are hidden dangers in the palace. It is time to return to the modern world to take care of the baby and give birth. If General Leng goes to war in a few days, it will not be convenient to go back with him. It is better to go back now.

In the group, he summoned Leng Leng and Ma Shushu into the palace.

"I have decided to take Wanwan back with me to prepare for the birth of her baby. If you have anything to bring, please prepare it. We will set off tonight."

An hour later, Leng Leng and Ma Shushu arrived. Everyone gathered in his bedroom and he dismissed his attendants.

The moon is bright tonight and the stars are sparse. It's a good time to go back.

Ma Shushu stood by the window, bathing in the moonlight, operating the bronze mirror skillfully.

A dazzling white light lit up, and everyone walked into the light and returned to the sofa in Qin Wan's living room.

Just like Ma Shushu last time, the accumulated morning sickness made her feel her stomach churning instantly. She quickly rushed to the bathroom and retched.

Jiang Beiyu followed closely behind and patted her on the back.

Qin Wan turned on the faucet of the bathroom sink, scooped up water to rinse his mouth and wash his face, then pulled the large pillow tied to his stomach and threw it far away. He instantly felt relaxed.

The pillow I needed to hide under during the late pregnancy was very big. Although the baby in my belly was not that big, it was not easy. Fortunately, I didn't have to pretend anymore when I went back this time.

But this time when she came back, she was really pregnant. She had to endure the whole process of carrying the baby in her belly from more than two months to more than nine months before delivery. By that time, her belly would really become this big. It was really not easy just thinking about it.

Jiang Beiyu handed her a napkin and asked with concern: "How is it?"

Qin Wan wiped the water from the corners of his mouth and hands and said, "When I first came here, my reaction was quite strong, but now I feel better."

She took a deep breath and smelled the mixed aroma of shampoo and shower gel in the bathroom.

A familiar, long-lost scent.

When I came out, I saw Ma Shushu and Leng Leng still sitting on the sofa, looking upset and seemingly discussing something.

Jiang Beiyu asked: "What's wrong?"

Leng Lie said: "I forgot to bring the baby."

Jiang Beiyu said, "Why take him with you? The little guy is still breastfeeding. He won't grow up here anyway. For him, you have only been away for an hour or two."

Ma Shushu said: "But we would think, Wanwan is only two months pregnant now. After she gives birth and returns from confinement, it will take nine months before we can see her again."

Jiang Beiyu shrugged indifferently: "Then let's go back again. Can you bring it with you?"

Ma Shushu and Leng Lie looked at each other.

Thinking of those endless days of feeding, changing diapers, and the baby crying at night, Leng Leng said, "Hey, hey, he won't grow up anyway, so let's not bother with it. He's still so young, let him stay in the mansion."

Ma Shushu glared at him fiercely, and Leng Lie immediately said, "Then I'll go back and bring it back?"

She thought about it and decided to give up, pouting and saying, "Forget it."

To be honest, taking care of children is very tiring. Now that I'm here, I'll just treat it as a vacation for myself.

The two eventually got up and went home.

Qin Wan immediately went upstairs to take a shower and changed into loose and comfortable pajamas.

When I got home, the familiar morning sickness came again. It was the middle of the night and I suddenly felt hungry. I wanted to eat something sour and spicy.

Jiang Beiyu went to the kitchen to cook a bag of snail noodles for her. He remembered the dragon robe "Subject Three" video he had shot before. While cooking the noodles, he edited the work and sent it out.

After the noodles were cooked and served on the table, he called upstairs, "Princess, please come downstairs and eat some noodles."

Then she took off her apron and went upstairs to take a shower.

Qin Wan went downstairs and sat at the dining table. He put his phone on the stand and slurped noodles while watching videos. As soon as he opened it, he saw the subject three video he had just posted. He almost choked to death on the chili oil.

This video of a man wearing a dragon robe and performing the third subject dance is shocking enough, but who would have thought that after the dance there would be a transition, with one hand supporting the ground, revealing his abdominal muscles!

This man really holds a grudge.

As soon as she saw it, she remembered the video she had posted in the group before. She didn't expect that he had secretly filmed one and posted it as soon as he arrived.

As he is very popular now, the popularity of the video is soaring at a rocket-like speed. In one minute, the number of likes and reposts increased by tens of thousands.

Based on this ratio, at least hundreds of thousands of people saw his abdominal muscles every minute!

It really made her angry and weird. In the past, she enjoyed watching those male Bodhisattvas showing their abdominal muscles and thought it was nothing. But why is she so disgusted when it comes to her own man?

She was so angry that she threw down her chopsticks and yelled upstairs: "Jiang Beiyu!"

Jiang Beiyu was washing his hair and taking a shower. He closed the door and ran the shower so no one heard him. After more than ten minutes, he wrapped a bath towel around his waist, wiped his hair, and came down slowly.

When he came down, he saw Qin Wan looking at him unfriendlyly, his eyes shifted from his face to his abdominal muscles, and he became more and more angry.

He asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

She pursed her lips and hooked her finger at him, motioning him to come over.

Jiang Beiyu didn't understand what was going on, so he walked up to her. She lowered her head and opened her mouth to bite his abdominal muscles.

A scent of fruity shower gel mixed with the faint scent of ambergris on his body wafted into my face, tasting better than a good ribeye steak.

"Hiss~" Jiang Beiyu was bitten and took a breath. He was angry but dared not say anything: "Are you born in the year of the dog?"

She then raised her phone and angrily asked him, "Who allowed you to post like that? Where is your male morality?"

In less than half an hour, the video had received over 200,000 likes.

Jiang Beiyu's eyes lit up, his expression teasing, as if smiling:

"You can look at other men, but I can't?"

(Maomao has been maliciously given a bad review. If you like this book, please give it a five-star review. Everyone, please help Maomao. We will support it. Hum╭(╯^╰)╮

Next chapter: December 13, 18:00)

Chapter 190 The cold paternity test results

Jiang Beiyu's eyes lit up, his expression teasing, and he said quietly:

"You can watch other men's videos, but I can't post them?"

Hearing this self-righteous tone, Qin Wan became even angrier: "You are a man with a wife and children. How can you be the same as those playboys? Besides, you are the emperor of Jiang State, how can you do such a thing to lower your status?"

"Oh? Playboy? Are you lowering your status?" Jiang Beiyu supported the table with one hand and slowly leaned over. The more he spoke, the more interested he was in glancing at her:

"Isn't he a male Bodhisattva? What kind of double standard scene is this?"

Qin Wan's silence was deafening.

She finally realized that sooner or later she would have to pay for her misdeeds.

Before, she had secretly liked so many male Bodhisattvas, and her man would become the male Bodhisattva of so many n-th power sisters...

Forget it, just consider it as a benefit to my sisters.

Qin Wan said slowly and calmly: "As long as the emperor is happy, don't get carried away. You know, your guards also have access to the Internet. Some of them are smart and can use their phones. If they find you, then... Tsk tsk."

Sure enough, Jiang Beiyu's face turned dark and the corners of his mouth twitched.

She stopped there and didn't tell him that Nan Ge had seen his video. If Nan Ge had seen it, that would be a big deal.

Qin Wan smiled, threw the bowl into the dishwasher, and went upstairs to sleep.

Early the next morning, Qin Wan received two screenshots at the company.

One is the video of him performing Subject 3 in a dragon robe showing off his abdominal muscles, which has received over one million likes.

Another thing is that the last time she sent a video to Ma Shushu, that person only liked it over a hundred thousand times.

Qin Wan: ???

Jiang Beiyu said: "The purpose of my filming this is to let you see that the public has sharp eyes. If you eat so well, don't even think about looking at the outside world. It's simply unscrupulous.


Qin Wan:!!!

Eat...eat so well? Where did he learn these words?

Then, he sent another photo. He hid the video with a million likes and set a screenshot that only she could see.

Jiang Beiyu: "I hid it. You are the only one who saw it on the entire internet."

Qin Wan was both angry and amused, and her waist was sprained by his series of actions.

She replied: "I don't want to see it."

Jiang Beiyu: "If you don't want to watch it, forget it┑( ̄Д ̄)┍."

At this moment, Qin Wan suddenly received a message.

"Baby, we're back."

The person who sent the message was Ge Manqi.

Qin Wan flipped through the pages and discovered their previous chat history, which was the paternity test report she had sent him.

In ancient times, more than half a year had passed, and she had almost forgotten about it, but in modern times, it was only a dozen minutes...

So, their chat was just yesterday.

Ever since Ge Manqi got the paternity test, she bought a plane ticket and flew here in a hurry.

Qin Wan:!!!

"I'll send someone to pick you up."

Ge Manqi replied: "No, we will come back by ourselves. Let's go home first to adjust to the time difference and wait for you to come back from get off work~"

She replied: "Okay."

Then he immediately sent a message to Jiang Beiyu at home.

"My parents are back and just got off the plane."

Jiang Beiyu replied: "Received."

Then he replied: "Do you want me to go and pick it up?"

Qin Wan replied: "No, just stay at home. I'll let you know so you don't get unaware."

Jiang Beiyu: "Yeah."

At this time, Ge Manqi wore sunglasses and a flowing silk shirt and walked out of the airport, holding Qin Xiao's arm with one hand, and her assistant helped push the luggage behind her.

As soon as she left the airport, she saw a black Rolls-Royce Phantom parked. The driver came out, opened the door, and she got in.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang. Jiang Beiyu immediately went over to open the door and picked up two pairs of slippers and put them down on the ground.

As the king of a country, how could he have ever done such a thing?

"Dad, Mom."

He called out to the two of them stiffly.

After determining that he was a liar, Ge Manqi's expression changed subtly as she looked at him.

"Xiao Jiang. Didn't you go to work?"

It seemed like a casual remark, as if he was saying that he was a jobless vagrant.

Jiang Beiyu said: "I had an appointment with the director to discuss the script this afternoon, so I didn't go to the company today."

Ge Manqi said "hmm" lightly.

At this time, Qin Xiao, who had just changed his shoes and passed by him, said leisurely: "You dance well..."

Jiang Beiyu:!!!

When Ge Manqi went upstairs, she said calmly: "Call and ask Aunt Liu to come to work. You have Aunt Liu's phone number, right?"

Jiang Beiyu gritted his teeth and said, "Yes."

Qin Wan didn't like having an aunt at home, so when she was alone at home, she let the aunt rest except for cleaning.

Jiang Beiyu called Aunt Liu.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi went back upstairs to sleep and ignored him.

After the aunt came, she made him a meal at noon. Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi did not come down.

Jiang Beiyu was waiting for them to eat. Aunt Liu smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. They're coming back from a long-distance flight. If they don't come back, they'll have to sleep until four or five in the afternoon. Go and get busy."

Jiang Beiyu then went out to meet the director.

While in Jiang Guo, he had carefully read all the information sent to him by the director and producer in his mailbox, and carefully selected a new movie script.

Now that I'm going to be a dad, I naturally have to work harder to make money and raise my kids.

He has several criteria for choosing scripts, the first of which is that there are no kissing scenes.

The second is that the shooting location is in Shanghai, so we can take care of Wanwan.

This script just meets the requirements. This time the actor is the male lead and it is a modern drama.

After a brief meeting with the director and a screen test, the role was confirmed and the next step was to wait for filming to start.

He glanced through the tentative cast list the director gave him and saw a familiar name.

It was already evening when we got home. Qin Wan had returned home from the company. Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi had also taken a nap, and the family was eating around the dining table.

Jiang Beiyu inexplicably felt that the atmosphere at the dining table was weird and strange.

Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi looked at Qin Wan, then at Jiang Beiyu, and neither of them said a word.

Qin Wan took the initiative to speak and said to Jiang Beiyu, "Did you go to the audition this afternoon?"

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

"went well?"

"It's settled."

"How long will it take?"

"About half a year, four to five months if it's fast. This will be filmed in Shanghai, so I can go home during normal times. I've told the director that if it's during the days when you give birth, my scenes will be moved to later, and I'll take a leave when the time comes. But I estimate that the filming will be almost finished by then."

Qin Wan said "hmm".

No one spoke after that.

Adhering to the principle of not talking while eating and not talking while sleeping, Jiang Beiyu did not say much. Until they finished eating, Ge Manqi gave Qin Wan a look.

"Wanwan, come upstairs with me."

Qin Wan was pulled into their room.

After entering the room, Ge Manqi immediately closed the door, then took out two paternity tests from her bag and handed them to her.

The results page had been taken and given to her, and this one was complete. She had come a long way to bring it to her.

"My dear, take a good look at this. This is a certificate of identification issued by the most authoritative organization in the world. We used the hair you left on the pillow in the castle to make it. That's your current hair, right? The result shows that you are our biological daughter! Therefore, there is no such thing as Jiang Guo. He has been lying to you. You must wake up!"

Qin Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Mom, although I was also surprised by this result, I am also relieved at the same time. This proves that in another parallel world, I am also your daughter. This makes me very happy."

Ge Manqi almost fainted.

This child is deeply poisoned!

"Do you know that there is a kind of deception called hypnosis in this world? It uses hypnosis to make you feel that you have experienced it yourself. He may have found such a hypnotist to pua you, to create this world for you, to create a life experience for himself, to deceive you, huh?"

Qin Wan was helpless. Mommy's imagination was amazing. Some things were hard to explain, but she knew she was doing it for her own good.

Ge Manqi took her hand and said:

"We, the Qin family, are willing to accept a young man with nothing, but we cannot accept a liar who may have ulterior motives. Now the appraisal report is in black and white in front of you. Think about it carefully and make a choice. Fortunately, the baby in your belly is still young. If you are deceived, we will have an abortion."


For the first time, Qin Wan felt that he had no way to defend himself. He could only say:

"Xiao Jiang really didn't lie to me. I know that there is such a world, and I am determined to choose to be with him. Moreover, I am with him not because of his identity, but because of who he is."

Outside the door, Jiang Beiyu was shocked when he heard these words.

Originally, she saw Ge Manqi's cell phone left on the dining table and wanted to help her return it, but unexpectedly, she heard such a conversation inside.

Qin Wan sat on the sofa, frowning and thinking, when suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

"Let me put it this way. I have a biological brother in that world. His name is Leng Leng. You know him, he followed me here too. If you don't believe me, let him do a paternity test with me and you. Then you can talk after seeing the results.

You must know whether you have given birth to another child or not. If the test result shows that he and I are siblings, then it proves that I did not lie."

Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi looked at each other.

Qin Xiao asked: "Then is the child willing?"

Qin Wan said, "Yes, of course." Then he called Leng Lie directly on the sofa.

Leng Leng and Ma Shushu are broadcasting live in the yard.

As a result, all that popped up on the screen was:

【Want to see the cub~】

[Where is the baby? Bring it here for us to see. ]

[Okay, okay, you won't show it to us, right? I won't buy anything. ]


Ma Shushu was so embarrassed that she dug her toes into the ground and remained silent.

At this time, Leng Lie received a call from Qin Wan and stood up to answer the phone.

Although it was unexpected, Leng Leng agreed immediately. He always kept his word when it came to his sister.

the next day.

He immediately went to the identification center with Qin Wan and Leng's parents.

We went to the same institution, the most authoritative medical identification center in the world, where all data are accurate to four decimal places. This is their branch in Shanghai. Professional medical staff used tweezers to collect samples from everyone, put them into sealed bags, and then put them into a large brown paper bag. This paper bag will be airlifted to the headquarters for identification this afternoon.

The results will be available within a week, and the report will be sent via international express within two days.

By this calculation, there will be results in eight days.

After Qin Wan finished the appraisal, he went back to work.

She was strolling around the company in a slim-fitting suit, as efficient and effective as usual, and no one could tell that she was pregnant.

The listing matters were basically settled by her father when he came back last time. It's good to have a capable father. She just sat back and reaped the benefits, and her net worth increased several times.

There is basically no pressure now. I just have meetings with shareholders and executives every day, and I can watch some videos when I have free time.

Yesterday, Jiang Beiyu's video was very popular. The sudden hiding at the highest point made people confused, and fans didn't know what happened.

Someone even posted a video: "Does anyone know why the emperor's latest video is no longer available?"

This incident is like an eternal mystery, and fans have flocked to his other videos to ask questions.

Some people also asked him to record another one.

The fans who didn't have time to record the screen were crying and shouting, asking everywhere if anyone had saved it. Then some people who were selling videos and fishing for information said that they had it, and they would sell it privately for 50 cents or 1 yuan.

Qin Wan just watched the fun.

At this time, I received a message from Jiang Beiyu: "My phone has been almost blown up by calls these past two days."

She replied with a "?".

Jiang Beiyu made an expression of covering his face.

"A bunch of endorsements for men's underwear brands."

He doesn't have an agent yet, so calls were made directly to his cell phone, but he rejected them all.

He showed her a screenshot of a private message in which a well-known national brand offered an eight-digit price.

Jiang Beiyu: "I won't shoot it."

Jiang Beiyu: "I must observe male ethics!"

Jiang Beiyu: ╭(╯^╰)╮

Qin Wan rolled his eyes in response.

Jiang Beiyu said happily, "But I have received an endorsement for a cookie commercial. The filming will start next week. I will be out of town for a few days. When the time comes, I will bring some cookies back for Wanwan."

Qin Wan replied: "Go ahead."

She saw the word "typing" appear at the top several times, and then finally just a "kiss" emoticon was sent.

Although the filming is next week, he returned to his beachfront villa today. He said he wanted to go back to prepare some clothes and then take care of the beachfront restaurant in the next two days.

Qin Wan knew that he felt that they doubted his identity. In front of them, he felt like a liar and was uncomfortable staying there.

However, she believed that everything would become clear and the identification results would come out in a few days.

In fact, she was also very curious about what the identification results would be between her and Leng Leng, and between Leng Leng and her parents.

She, Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi were identified as biological children. That might be because she was cold and lonely, and her genes were exchanged during one of the two exchanges. She was ready, cold and lonely, and it might be the result of her genes not matching.

At worst, I can take them to Jiang State personally.

After waiting for a few days, finally, the appraisal report came...

(Next chapter before 18:00 on December 14)
