
Chapter 166: While looking at each other, he leaned forward and kissed her lips

He decided to secretly measure her while she was sleeping...


Qin Wan is a very sound sleeper, and has been the same since he was a child, so he is easier to control.

The waist circumference is easy to measure because she has a thin waist. When she lies on her side, there is a hollow section below her waist, so I can directly pass the tape measure through and then wrap it around, and then I can measure it easily.

Jiang Beiyu carefully used the flashlight on his mobile phone to check the value, and then wrote it down in the phone's memo.

Next is the hip circumference.

He placed the measuring tape flat on the bed behind her, and then waited for her to turn over and lie flat on the tape.

Jiang Beiyu supported his chin with his elbow and waited and waited until she fell asleep. Finally, when she turned over, he immediately got up, carefully passed the tape measure over the top and connected it to the other end, then shone the flashlight on it.


He whispered something to himself and wrote it down on the memo again.

There is one last bust left.

The tape measure was pressed down by her. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, Jiang Beiyu held his breath and pulled it up with lightning speed.

Fortunately, she was wearing burgundy silk suspender pajamas today, enjoying the silky smoothness, and the tape measure was quickly pulled to her back.

This time, Jiang Beiyu held his breath again and measured carefully.

Because it was a sensitive area, Qin Wan's eyeballs moved slightly under his eyelids, and Jiang Beiyu was so scared that he didn't dare to move.

After a while, seeing that she seemed to have fallen asleep again, I dared to continue measuring.

Just like before, he measured with a tape measure in one hand and turned on the light in the other. Just when he was about to see the number clearly, Qin Wan's eyes suddenly opened below him.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Wan subconsciously sat up and raised his hand. When he saw that it was Jiang Beiyu, the slap did not fall on his face.

Jiang Beiyu felt a little aggrieved. It was just the last step, so why did she still wake up?

Qin Wan looked down and saw the small measuring tape slipping off his body. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you measuring?"

"Three...three measurements."

"Is the mouth for decoration? Why don't you just ask me directly?"

Jiang Beiyu: "......."

"That's not right. Why are you measuring my measurements?"

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Jiang Beiyu said, "Make a wedding dress for Wanwan."

"Wedding dress?"

Qin Wan finally reacted and felt touched.

But after thinking about it, he said, "No, you don't have to worry about the hotel or the wedding dress. After all, you are not very familiar with this era and your resources are limited. I have entrusted these matters to specialized people."

Jiang Beiyu's eyes dimmed.

"I know you're thinking about me, but as your husband, I still want to give you the best I can within my ability."

Seeing his lost expression, Qin Wan didn't want to hurt his feelings, so she finally softened her heart and said, "Okay. I'll let you arrange the wedding dress for me."

Jiang Beiyu then raised his eyes and looked at her without blinking.

He stretched out his hand and placed it on her cheek. His slender fingers gently rubbed her face. As they looked at each other, he leaned forward and kissed her lips...

The next day, Jiang Beiyu reported Qin Wan's measurements to W over the phone.

The other party seemed to be puzzled and said "Huh", but didn't say anything else.

"When is it convenient for us to meet? Some things can only be explained in person. Tell me your request."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Okay."

He made an appointment with the other party to meet in a cafe at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Jiang Beiyu browsed through many photos of wedding dresses worn by celebrities, socialites, and royal families of other countries, and sent them to Qin Wan, asking her to pick out the style she liked and save them on her hard drive.

The next day, he carefully packed the plain gauze dress and put it into a gift box, intending to give it to the designer "W" as a meeting gift.

First, it is out of courtesy, and second, after giving such a precious gift, I hope the other party can design Wanwan's wedding dress well.

On a sunny afternoon, Jiang Beiyu, wearing a British-style khaki coat and carrying a briefcase in his hand, pushed the door and walked into the cafe.

The moment he saw the "w", he was suddenly stunned.

"It's you?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 20)

Chapter 167 Jiang Beiyu: "What if you have it too?"

The moment he saw the "w", he was suddenly stunned.

"It's... it's you?"

The person opposite is an acquaintance.

The bright and beautiful woman with delicate features opposite also smiled when she saw him and recognized him: "Jiang..." The name was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't remember it.

He said, "Jiang Beiyu."

The two had met once and had a barbecue together in Ma Shushu's yard. He knew that she was a mutual friend of Qin Wan and Ma Shushu.

The last time they met was almost half a year ago. Meng Jiaojiao still remembered that when she first saw him, she asked Qin Wan who he was. When Qin Wan answered that he was a "friend", he lowered his eyes with a lonely look.

At that time, I felt that there was something between these two people, and sure enough, not long after that, news of their marriage came.

The two sat down, Meng Jiaojiao looked at him generously with her bright and delicate cat eyes, and said politely:

"In fact, I've heard Wanwan and Shushu mention you over and over again. The wedding dress I mentioned for my friend was actually designed for Wanwan."

She picked up her coffee and took a sip. "Originally, I had almost finished the design. Yesterday, she suddenly called me and said that you had found another designer and asked me not to design for her anymore. At that time, I was a little angry."

Jiang Beiyu's heart was shocked.

So, the wedding dress she said she was designing for a friend and asked him to wait for was Wanwan's? !

For him, Wanwan rejected the design of her good friend, a famous designer?

He really, he cried to death...

"That's true. I'm sorry." He said, "I can only say that it is destined that you are Wanwan's wedding dress designer."

He took out the hard drive and the gift from his bag and pushed them across the table to her: "This one contains the wedding dress that Wanwan picked out in her favorite style. This one is a plain gauze Chanyi, a small gift for you."

Meng Jiaojiao directly pushed the two things over: "I know Wanwan's taste better than you. In fact, I have almost finished designing the wedding dress for her. Susha Chanyi's gift is too expensive. I can't accept it."

Jiang Beiyu said nonchalantly: "It is expensive, but I can have as many of these as I want. You are Wanwan's friend, so I should give them to you. If you don't accept them, you don't consider me a friend."

Since that was what she said, Meng Jiaojiao took the gift box in a casual manner: "Okay, I'll take it, but..."

Her pair of smart and clever eyes narrowed slightly.

"Before you bring her to see me, don't tell her that the designer you are looking for is me."

Chou Wanwan values ​​women over friends, so naturally she has to play a trick on her to see how she reacts, humph.

"Ah? This..." Jiang Beiyu hesitated.

Meng Jiaojiao stood up and said, "Okay, that's it. If you want to, I won't do it. I'll go back first. I'm free all week next week. You can bring her over to my house whenever you are free."

After saying that, she left with her bag in a casual manner.

Jiang Beiyu also stood up, thought about it, and drove to Qinchuan.

Her office was empty. I asked Little Bee and found out that she was in a meeting with senior executives again.

Jiang Beiyu sat in her office waiting for her. He took out a bag of potato chips from her drawer, opened it, and ate while waiting.

I got bored of waiting, so I just curled up on the lazy sofa and watched the live broadcast.

General Leng was broadcasting live in an ancient town, surrounded by passers-by. The atmosphere was joyful.

"Is the reason for the four seasons in a year due to the rotation of the earth or the revolution of the earth?"


"How could it be because of rotation? Next one!"

Another person came up and asked, "What's your last name?"

"Surname... Surname Leng?"

There was laughter all around. General Leng smiled and pushed him away: "I'm asking about the old man! (third tone) son. Take him away, take him away."

Another person came up and asked:

"What flower is the one in 'watery ash'?"


He found that General Leng had become much more cheerful in the past few months as a broadcaster, which was completely different from his previous cold and icy appearance when attending court. If the other ministers in the court saw General Leng now, their jaws would probably drop to the ground.

In just three months, General Leng's fans have reached nearly 10 million. In these three months, he has traveled all over the country, taking his fans in the live broadcast room to experience the local customs and customs of all parts of the country, and giving away no less than ten mobile phones every day.

In addition to randomly picking passers-by to answer questions and giving them gifts, he also often provides support and help to people living at the bottom of society. For example, he replaces electric bikes for poor deliverymen, pays tuition for street vendors' children, and pays medical bills for old ladies.

This overwhelming arrogance and sincerity has earned him countless loyal fans. When people see him again, they will no longer subconsciously think that he is Ma Shushu's cheap husband, but a high-quality anchor like Ma Shushu, "General Leng."

As he watched, he couldn't help but join in the fun. With a simple click, a carnival began. However, the various gift special effects at the bottom of the screen kept bombarding him and never stopped.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me the Carnival. I thank you for your grace."

At this time, the automatic glass door of the office opened, and Qin Wan and Special Assistant Jian walked towards this side while talking. Although they were wearing light pink suits, they had a strong aura.

After entering the office, she saw Jiang Beiyu waiting inside, and said to Assistant Jian, "You go back first, and write a PPT for me directly later."

"Okay, Mr. Qin."

After Assistant Jane left, she looked at the little puppy who was waiting for her obediently, and her aura suddenly subsided, with a sweet smile on the corners of her lips.

He was wearing a cream-colored turtleneck sweater, khaki overalls, and a tasselled shirt, and he looked as well-behaved as a college student who had just finished class.

She walked up to him, propped one hand on the side of the lazy sofa, slowly leaned over, lifted his chin with one hand, and smiled:

"What's wrong? Why did you think of coming to see me today?"

At this moment, she seemed like a domineering president possessed her, and Jiang Beiyu had long been accustomed to such reversals.

Qin Wan looked at his fair skin and delicate features and felt that he looked more and more delicious. With his long eyelashes drooping, he looked like he was easy to bully.

Just when Jiang Beiyu thought she wanted to do something, she just took a chip from his bag of chips and left.

Jiang Beiyu thought for a moment and said, "Your wedding dress has been designed. The other party asked us to take some time next week to go to her house to take a look."

"So fast?!"

Qin Wan rubbed her fingers, a little bit unbelieving. How come the design was completed just one or two days after she hired someone to do it? It was even faster than the wedding dresses purchased on Taobao. Could it be that they were doing wholesale business in the wedding dress market?

"Who is the designer you are looking for?"

Jiang Beiyu remembered what Meng Jiaojiao had said before, that she didn't let him tell her, which made him very worried.

"You'll know when you come with me..."

"Okay." She sat down casually next to his sofa and calculated with her fingers: "Today is already Friday. I don't think I will be free on the working days next week. Then, let's do it next Saturday."

"Okay." Jiang Beiyu said, "My beloved concubine has the final say."

Qin Wan turned around and looked at him with a smile, and suddenly found that he seemed not to have called himself "I" for a long time.

"Jiang Beiyu."


"Do you think it's more fun to be an emperor or to be here?"

"you guess."

Qin Wan narrowed one eye and looked at him: "Become the emperor?"

Jiang Beiyu did not answer.

"I'll tell you the answer to this question later."

Finally it's next Saturday.

It was a sunny winter afternoon. Jiang Beiyu drove a red Ferrari and took Qin Wan to the designer's house.

The journey took about twenty minutes. The closer Qin Wan got to the destination, the more familiar the road seemed to him.


"What's wrong?"

Qin Wan thought that he was overthinking and said, "Nothing."

It was not until the Ferrari was about to drive into the familiar gate of the residential area that she confirmed her judgment:

"The designer you are looking for is W?"

Unexpectedly, he was guessed right at once. Jiang Beiyu was so embarrassed that he dug his toes into the ground:

"I asked W to design your wedding dress. I wanted to give you a surprise. Who knew she was actually your friend? When we met, she told me that she was already helping you design it. You had just rejected her the day before."

"Stop!" Qin Wanren was stunned. "Why didn't you say so earlier? Back off, back off, back off."

The railings at the entrance of the villa area were opened, and the Ferrari braked suddenly and then backed up.

Jiang Beiyu turned to look at her: "You're not going?"

Qin Wan said, "Go ahead. She has two kids! Let's go to the supermarket next door and buy some snacks before going."


Qin Wan actually wanted to take advantage of the time to buy snacks to calm himself down.

How embarrassing...

How should I face her later?

The two came out of the supermarket, carrying large and small bags of snacks.

The Ferrari drove into the community again and stopped at the gate of a courtyard. The two got out of the car carrying snacks.

Standing at the door, Qin Wan let out a long breath and thought to herself, I don't know how Meng Jiaojiao and Ma Shushu will make fun of her in the future.

Jiang Beiyu reached out and pressed the doorbell.

The courtyard is full of lush flowers and trees, and is bathed in the gentle and lingering afternoon sunshine. Through the fence, one can see an elegant figure tending to the flowers and plants in the yard.

Hearing the doorbell, a big ostrich that had been taking a nap under the cherry tree stood up at lightning speed and ran over to open the door.

Jiang Beiyu felt very amazed: "This ostrich?"

Qin Wan was already used to it and was embarrassed, not knowing how to greet her.

Finally, I bite the bullet and say, "Hi~"

Meng Jiaojiao curled the corners of her lips and turned to look at her: "Are you here?"

Qin Wan said "hmm" and walked over. She saw a little pink snake coiled on the table beside her. When it saw her, it raised its little body and opened its mouth, as if trying hard to shout, "Auntie."

"Hey, little Yiyi." Qin Wan enthusiastically reached out and rubbed its pink and tender little round head.

Jiang Beiyu was shocked.

What kind of family is this? They raise both ostriches and snakes.

At this time, a little boy, about three or four years old, with a delicate figure, ran out of the house and called to Qin Wan in a baby voice, "Auntie."

He glanced at Jiang Beiyu again, hesitated for a moment and called out, "Uncle."

Jiang Beiyu took out a huge lollipop from the bag, bent down and handed it to him, saying, "What a good kid."

Only then did Meng Jiaojiao put down the scissors she was using to prune flowers and trees.

"Okay, go in."

In the spacious and bright living room, there is a model stand covered with snow-white organza.

As if nothing had happened, Meng Jiaojiao turned on the projector, which showed several hand-drawn line drawings of wedding dresses, with men's suits and women's wedding dresses placed together.

"Here are a few drafts of my designs. Take a look and see if there are any styles you like. Also, are there any details that need to be modified? Are there any elements you would like to add?"

Qin Wan looked at each set carefully, his face full of surprise.

"You really understand me..."

She liked every set here and was about to become indecisive. She turned to look at Jiang Beiyu:

"Beibei, what do you think?"

Jiang Beiyu looked at her eyes shining as she looked at those wedding dresses. It was obvious that she liked every one of them. He said generously, "How about getting one each?"

Meng Jiaojiao: "!!!"

Qin Wan: "......."

"Everyone wears a wedding gown. Why do you want to tire me to death by wearing a different gown?"

Jiang Beiyu said aggrievedly: "The rest can be worn everyday."

Qin Wan turned to look at Jiang Beiyu: "No, you don't know how expensive the wedding dress she designed is, right? You thought the inlays on this wedding dress were glass, right? They are all diamonds!"

Meng Jiaojiao was laughing secretly.

Jiang Beiyu didn't care and whispered, "It's not that I can't afford it. At most, I can shoot a few more dramas and bring a few more double-sided embroidery to sell. As long as Wanwan likes it, I want to give it to her..."

Meng Jiaojiao coughed and glanced at Qin Wan with a half-smile, her eyes seemed to say, so this is the color you like. Tsk, why is there both milk and tea?

Qin Wan suddenly felt embarrassed and said to Jiang Beiyu seriously, "Hurry up and choose a set seriously. Just one set will do."

Finally, after discussion, the three of them unanimously chose a fishtail dress with a shoulder strap. The lining was mulberry silk, and the outside was a combination of silk satin and lace. The waistline was covered with sparkling diamonds like a galaxy. The style was simple and elegant, suitable for Qin Wan's style.

The dress is purely hand-sewn and the production cycle is one month. Only after one month can the first version of the sample be seen.

When leaving Meng Jiaojiao's house, Qin Wan had already begun to look forward to it and was full of longing for the upcoming wedding.

On the way back, she drove the car. While turning the steering wheel, she said to Jiang Beiyu in high spirits:

"Don't underestimate her youth. She is a disciple of a world-renowned designer. Two months ago, she designed a birthday dress for Princess Mehtan, and she was praised by many people on the Internet.

People who are not very familiar with her don't know her identity at all. She has been working part-time as a designer for big brands to earn extra money since high school. "

Jiang Beiyu thought, it turned out that she had rejected the designer who designed wedding dresses for other princesses for him...

Fortunately, he was invited back.

Qin Wan continued, "Earlier, she had agreed to design wedding dresses for Ma Shushu and me. Originally, she wanted to design one for Shushu first, but now Shushu is pregnant and can't have a wedding for the time being, so she designed one for me first."

Jiang Beiyu murmured softly: "What if you have it too?"

A large truck happened to pass by, and Qin Wan didn't hear clearly for a moment: "What did you say?"

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 21)

Chapter 168 Staring at the pregnancy test results

A large truck just happened to pass by, and Qin Wan didn't hear it clearly for a moment: "What did you say?"

Jiang Beiyu was too timid to say anything. He said, "Nothing... No, why does her family raise both ostriches and snakes?"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Don't worry about it."

Jiang Beiyu asked again: "Didn't you say she had two children? Why did I only see one?"

Qin Wan glared at him: "Why are you talking so much?"

Jiang Beiyu was so confused by the stare that he asked weakly, "Where are you going back today?"


Before Qin Wan answered, she saw him pick up the phone, silently switched the navigation, and put it back.

The navigation led her to the beach villa.

In winter, the weather is cold and the wind is strong at the seaside, making people dizzy as soon as they get off the car.

Fortunately, the whole house is equipped with floor heating and a full set of smart home appliances. I turned it on with my mobile phone twenty minutes before leaving home. After entering the door, a warm feeling hit me in the face.

"This is better than putting ten charcoal braziers in the bedroom before." After entering the room, Jiang Beiyu couldn't help but click his tongue.

Qin Wan stepped into the furry lambskin slippers. Jixiang, who was lazily combing his hair in the living room, immediately became energetic and jumped up and down in the cage:

"Beauty, beauty is coming~"

This shout brought me directly back to Jiang Guoyu's study in my dream.

However, it is no longer the parrot in the imperial study. It is a parrot that has ridden in a Ferrari, visited film crews, eaten fried chicken, and can broadcast live.

Qin Wan recalled watching Jiang Beiyu live broadcast during a break in filming. He was reading a script, and Jixiang stood proudly on his shoulders with his hairy little chest puffed out, occasionally reciting a line or two of ancient poetry to everyone.

"When the sun is at its highest, I hoe the field, my sweat drips down to the ground. Who knows that every grain of rice on the plate is the product of hard work?" [Note: These lines are quoted from Li Shen's Poem of Pity for the Peasants]

People in the comment section were joking that if you send the parrot to General Leng to answer questions, you could win a mobile phone.

Then, the next day, Leng Leng posted a video of him visiting the store and feeding the parrot with popcorn chicken. He also played a meme and taught it to say, "Charcoal grilled my second uncle, the taste is 666."

Qin Wan rubbed Jixiang's head and replaced its water and millet. It jumped up and down in the cage with joy and shouted, "TV, TV, turn on."

The TV in the living room turned on automatically. It was the children's channel. It flew out of the cage, stepped on the sofa pillow and watched it with relish, just like a little child.

There are also some small toys scattered around it, such as plush bananas and pink piglets.

There are also some dolls and toy trucks on the TV cabinet.

Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something.

She went back upstairs to the master bedroom to change clothes. As soon as she opened the closet door, a pile of diapers and baby clothes fell out of the closet. She immediately came down with the diapers and asked:

"What did you buy this for?"

Jiang Beiyu didn't dare to look at her and said, "The goods that Ma Shushu brought last week looked quite cheap to me, so I bought them."

Qin Wan expressed disbelief.

"I think it's quite cheap." These words should not have come out of his mouth. An emperor would not buy something just for the sake of cheapness. With Ma Shushu's popularity, there is no need for him to compile data for her. There must be other reasons.

Qin Wan glanced at him and said, "Jiang Beiyu, if you confess, you will be treated leniently, but if you resist, you will be treated severely. Tell me, what on earth are you doing?"

In metaphysics, this is actually to attract babies. When the baby sees that mom and dad have prepared everything, he will come. Jiang Beiyu didn't dare to say it.

He was afraid that because the child did not grow up in his world, it would be difficult for Qin Wan to conceive his child in Jiang Kingdom, so he hoped that she would be pregnant before leaving this time.

General Leng's baby is about to be born, and he is almost dying of greed.

"I didn't lie to you. I just want to keep it for now. Could it be that I have other children outside?"

Qin Wan took two steps towards him, put her hands around his neck, looked up at him, and suddenly smiled: "Want to be a father?"

Jiang Beiyu didn't look at her directly, but said "hmm" lightly.

Qin Wan smiled slyly and winked at him: "Then you should try your best tonight."

Jiang Beiyu:!!!

The pair of beautiful phoenix eyes lit up instantly, with surprise flowing in them: "Are you willing to give birth to a child for me?!"

Qin Wan reached out and flicked his forehead: "Guess."

Jiang Beiyu looked depressed and whispered, "Aren't you taking medicine to avoid it?"

"You mean this?"

Qin Wan took out a bottle from her bag.

Only then did Jiang Beiyu see clearly the two big words written on it: "Folic Acid".

In fact, Qin Wan started taking folic acid every day some time ago.

She knew that even though the Queen Mother had been overthrown and the traitors in the court had been dealt with, it would not work for him to have no children.

What's more, Concubine Xuan has a child in her belly, and the child is in an awkward situation. Born as the "eldest prince", if Jiang Beiyu doesn't have his own child, then it's hard to imagine how Lu Xuan will use this child.

In the evening, Qin Wan ordered a hot pot.

Although Jiang Beiyu's "imperial kitchen" was right next to him and the waiters came at his call, Qin Wan still found it a bit troublesome. In the middle of winter, the dishes brought from the restaurant were cold, so it was more convenient to just cook something for himself.

The electric hot pot is ready-made. You just need to place an order, buy a bag of hot pot ingredients, and some vegetables.

Fresh cut beef, add the inside, fresh cut lamb, add the inside, oysters, add the inside, big black tiger prawns, add the inside, quail eggs, add the inside, and some bok choy, perfect.

Large chunks of fresh and plump oysters were all shucked. Jiang Beiyu watched her put in one plate after another and secretly sent a video to General Leng:

"Does your sister like oysters so much?"

Leng Leng responded with a meaningful, sideways smile.

"Your Majesty, those are all cooked for you, eat them."

Jiang Beiyu: "......."

That night, Jiang Beiyu finished his shower first, then sat on the bed, holding a book in his hand pretentiously.

Qin Wan changed into a black velvet suspender nightgown and walked into the room, pulling the floor-length curtains.

There was only a dim, warm yellow bedside lamp left in the room, making his profile particularly distinct.

Today he still had his hair parted slightly, with his black hair scattered on his forehead. He wore a black satin nightgown, exuding an abstinent and sexy aura inexplicably.

The two slender legs under the black velvet nightgown were long, straight and dazzlingly white. Before Jiang Beiyu could come to his senses, she had already sat astride his legs, with a faint fragrance in the air.

She reached out and touched his cheek with her slender fingers, felt his chest rise and fall, and then kissed him.

In fact, this wasn't their first marriage consummation. More than three months ago, when he had just joined the crew, he was framed by the former male lead of that little drama, and she went over to settle it. That night, he rolled around like a little puppy to get her to stay, and then he took out the little bottle in the middle of the night like he was offering a treasure...

Later, she would visit the store every once in a while, and every visit went smoothly, except that her belly was always still.

After eating so much mutton and oysters in the evening, Jiang Beiyu knew that he should work hard, so he took the initiative and pressed her under him.

The sound of the tide and tidal waves constantly washing onto the shore outside the window tried to cover up the sounds in the house...


Next, Qin Wan continued to be busy with the company's listing, while Jiang Beiyu ran his own workshop. He would take her to his villa by the sea on weekends, and the two would walk on the beach and cook dinner together.

Perhaps because he was too tired recently, Qin Wan fell asleep on the table during his lunch break at the company. He vaguely heard someone shouting, "Mother, Mother~"

She walked over following the sound and saw a little kid of about three or four years old, wearing a prince's dragon robe, sitting on a golden chair, with chubby little hands, holding a bottle of "Wa Hei Hei" yogurt.

"Mother, can you help Lin'er open this?"


She wondered when she had a child that big, but she still walked towards him, helped her poke the yogurt with a straw, and handed it to him.

Little Milk Bag took it and drank it, and smiled sweetly the moment he drank it. His beautiful phoenix eyes were like stars, and he looked exactly like Jiang Beiyu. His cunning and smart facial features were also very similar to his own.

She couldn't help but reach out and rub the little baby's head, and asked curiously: "Little baby, what's your name?"

Little Milk Bag said strangely: "Mother, have you lost your memory? How come you even forgot Lin'er's name? Lin'er's name is Jiang..."

Qin Wan almost heard the following words, but the scene in front of her eyes suddenly became blurry. She woke up and found that Little Bee had gently covered her with a wool blanket.

It seemed that he had unexpectedly woken her up. Little Bee was startled and whispered, "Boss Qin, you will catch a cold if you sleep like this."

When Little Bee came to deliver documents, he saw that she was only wearing a thin sweater and covered her with it.

"It's okay, thank you." Qin Wan felt a little disappointed, but it was not easy to blame him.

It's strange to say, I saw the face very clearly in the dream and thought it was a pretty little baby bump, but after waking up, I forgot what the little baby bump in the dream looked like.

Qin Wan picked up the phone and told Ma Shushu about this.

"It's outrageous... I just dreamed that I had a son!"

No one replied for a long time, and suddenly I remembered that she might be live streaming.

Now, Ma Shushu's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and she comes to the company less and less often. Leng Leng has also suspended the outdoor live broadcast and started to concentrate on staying with her every day.

When Ma Shushu is at home, she will live broadcast her pregnancy care in the yard, showing her fans her daily pregnancy routine. She usually posts photos of her food, and her life looks comfortable and easy.

General Leng also occasionally appeared on camera, coming to bring her supplements, snacks, cut fruits and so on.

The two of them occasionally bring goods together, all of which are baby products, such as milk powder, diapers, and bottles. The things sponsored by the brand are piled up in the house, filling up the whole room, and they can't use them all.

Now, seeing them in the same frame, the public opinion is different from before. Ma Shushu's fans have gradually recognized this big brother, and General Leng's fans also hope that Mrs. Leng will give birth soon so that General Leng can return to the outdoors as soon as possible and continue to deliver mobile phones.

Qin Wan was watching Ma Shushu's live broadcast in the company, and suddenly he began to envy her for some unknown reason.

Thinking back to when they were in college, they were afraid of marriage and having children, saying that they would never get married or have children in their lifetime. Thinking about it now, they are slapped in the face.

Although she doesn't have a baby in her belly now, she feels a sense of happy anticipation when she thinks that there is a little life related to her by blood waiting to meet her in a few months.

This sense of anticipation will produce an inexplicable power that overcomes the fear of childbirth.

Just as I was thinking about it, I received a message on my phone. It was Ma Shushu's reply: "What you think about during the day, you will dream about at night. (#托脸)"

"It's cold tonight and I'm making dumplings. Do you want to come to my house and eat dumplings?"

Qin Wan thought that from the perspective of metaphysics, this might be a way to get some "pregnancy energy", so he replied: "Come on!"

When I got there, I found Jiang Beiyu was there too, with two mobile phones standing upright. The two of them were playing PK and live-streaming a dumpling-making competition. The small dumplings that looked like ingots were made by them and arranged in rows, looking delicate and beautiful.

Ma Shushu told her: "The brand gave me a box of Spanish mackerel, which I couldn't finish in a week, so I thought, why not make some dumplings with it."

Qin Wan said, "The Spanish mackerel is so fishy, ​​did you have any pregnancy reactions after eating it?"

Ma Shushu said: "No, I have a good appetite now. I can eat anything. My kids love to eat and they don't make trouble."

Qin Wan was immediately envious.

Leng Leng said to them, "The brand also gave us a can of herring. I made a herring dumpling today. Let's see who gets to eat it in the end. The one who gets to eat the herring dumplings will have to wash the dishes."

It was the kind of canned herring that is recognized as the stinkiest in the world, and it was the spicy and smelly version. I just scooped a big spoonful of it and wrapped it in the dumplings with the soup.

The dumplings were cooked, and everyone got a big bowl and ate around the table.

Who would have thought that everyone ate them in silence, and in the end, no one knew who had eaten the herring dumplings.

In the end, no one washed the dishes. Leng Leng looked around and said, "The Emperor will wash them."

Jiang Beiyu thought he had misheard, so he glanced at him and said word by word, "What did General Leng just say?"

Leng Leng remained calm and said, "Just now, I won the PK against the emperor."

Jiang Beiyu said: "But I am better at making dumplings than you."

Leng Leng said confidently: "However, what the emperor and I are competing for is the PK result. The emperor made more dumplings than me, which may affect the fans' votes, but my popularity vote is indeed one vote higher than the emperor's!"

Jiang Beiyu gritted his teeth and finally carried a pile of basins and bowls to wash them.

Qin Wan and Ma Shushu looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Ma Shushu asked Qin Wan in a low voice: "Did you eat it?"

Qin Wan said: "No."

Then he asked Leng Lie, who smiled, winked and shook his head. Then everyone turned their eyes to Jiang Beiyu who was washing dishes at the sink.

So Leng Lie covered his mouth, bent down and laughed even more happily, whispering: "So the emperor just swallowed the herring dumpling raw without saying a word, thinking he could escape washing the dishes, hahahaha."

Leng Leng was laughing when he felt a chill on his back. Jiang Beiyu put a pile of washed dishes on the table with a gloomy face.

Time flies, and soon, it is time to make the wedding dress.

One day, Qin Wan had just finished a meeting and was sitting on the sofa when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen...

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 22)

Chapter 169 Jiang Beiyu: I'm going to be a father! .

One day, Qin Wan had just finished a meeting and was sitting on the sofa when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

A few days ago, her period was supposed to come, but it didn't come. She thought it was delayed because she was too tired recently. Thinking it was finally coming, she rushed into the bathroom with a sanitary napkin, but found that her panties were clean.


With a vague guess in her mind, she sat on the toilet and ordered a box of pregnancy test sticks on her mobile phone.

Don't panic when you encounter anything, just stay calm.

More than half an hour later, when the box was handed to her, her hands began to tremble involuntarily.

This is the first time I use this thing in my life. How do I do it?

Qin Wan studied it for a long time, then she took the box into the bathroom in the office.

Ten minutes later, she stared at the results of the pregnancy test stick in a daze.

There is a faint gray mark on the pregnancy test stick.

"Could this be the legendary mother's ash?"

I originally wanted to send it to Ma Shushu alone, but accidentally sent it to the group.

"What do you mean by mother's gray? This girl is obviously pregnant!"

Jiang Beiyu replied to Qin Wan's picture: "Whose is this?"

Ma Shushu replied to Jiang Beiyu: "Guess?"

Leng Lie made an expression of eating melon.


Jiang Beiyu's hands were shaking as he typed: "You...your?"

Qin Wan covered her face, opened her fingers, and saw another line of words appear on the screen: "Wan Wan, I'll be right there."

Qin Wan felt sweet and a little sour in her heart. Although she was prepared, she still felt a little sudden and panicked when she saw the result.

Is she going to be a mom?

A red Ferrari was speeding through the traffic. Jiang Beiyu came here from his workshop, a journey that usually took more than half an hour in just twenty minutes.

He appeared in front of her, panting, holding a bouquet of bright red roses in his hand.

The straight male aesthetic is that of a simple red rose wrapped in black paper. When he saw her, he said nothing, put down the flower, put his arm around her waist and kissed her.

Qin Wan was suffocated by her kiss, as if his hesitant and wandering heart was filled. The moment he came, his whole body calmed down.

"Wanwan, thank you. I'm finally going to have a child..." He was as happy as a child, holding her hand, his voice trembling slightly.

Qin Wan is a cautious person. She said, "I'm not sure yet. The line is very shallow. We still need to go to the hospital to draw blood and read the report."

Suddenly remembering something, she said with a smile: "We are going to Meng Jiaojiao's place to try on dresses this week. If she knows this news, she will probably explode."

Jiang Beiyu said, "How could that be? She is your good friend, and I am so happy for you. The wedding is still two months away, and the baby should be two or three months old, so she shouldn't be showing yet."

Qin Wan said "hmm".

This afternoon she decided to go to the hospital to have her blood drawn. Jiang Beiyu took her to the hospital and the test results came out in half an hour, confirming that she was pregnant, about three to four weeks.

Looking at the report, Qin Wan felt a subtle feeling in his heart.

Thinking back to the milk ball she had dreamed about some time ago, was it the guy named Lin'er who came to find her?

Jiang Beiyu was so happy that he felt dizzy. He immediately took a photo of the report and sent it to the group. When he went back, he stepped on the brakes for a long time but the car didn't move.

Jiang Beiyu said excitedly: "If I were still in Jiang Kingdom, I would definitely grant amnesty to the whole world now!"

Qin Wan said, "Don't do that. Have you forgotten that your traitorous queen mother's virtuous king is still in prison? He was arrested just a few minutes ago and then pardoned. What a joke."

Jiang Beiyu: "......."

What Qin Wan is most worried about right now is the wedding dress.

That night, she received a message from Meng Jiaojiao, asking her to go to her house to try on clothes on the weekend.

The moment Qin Wan saw the message, he trembled, but still replied: "Okay."

On the weekend, Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu went to Meng Jiaojiao's villa again. This time, it was still the big ostrich that opened the door.

As I entered the house, I was greeted by a strong aroma of red wine. Meng Jiaojiao was cooking red wine with sliced ​​oranges, cinnamon, apples, strawberries, and mulberries. The wine was bubbling.

"The wedding dress is in my studio on the first floor. Go take a look first."

She said to Qin Wan, asked Jiang Beiyu to sit down first, and scooped a glass of wine with a wine spoon and pushed it to him:

"Come, have a drink first to warm yourself up."

Jiang Beiyu had drunk red wine of this era, but had never drunk it hot or boiled. He tasted it curiously and found it sour and sweet, with a faint taste of wine on the tip of his tongue.

Meng Jiaojiao got up and went to the studio to help Qin Wan change clothes.

Jiang Beiyu waited while drinking hot red wine, with a hint of anticipation in his heart, until someone in the room called out, "Beibei, come here~"

He immediately put down the cup and walked over.

It is hard to describe the shock I felt when I saw the scene in front of me.

He was a man from ancient times, and his aesthetic taste was different from that of this era, but when he saw the wedding dress she was wearing, he was still conquered by its beauty.

The studio has a French window, and the sunlight from outside comes in. The fine silk sheen presents a light and luxurious light golden color under the sunlight, shining brightly. The perfectly cut fabric irons the milky white back, wrapping her up, outlining the beautiful waist and back curves, like a mermaid in the deep sea.

What he saw was a back, but just a back was enough to suffocate him.

He picked up his phone, secretly downloaded the photo, and used it as his screen saver.

Meng Jiaojiao crossed her arms and asked her, "Is there anything else that needs to be changed?"

Qin Wan looked at herself in the mirror with a satisfied look on her face: "This is a 1:1 reproduction of your design draft. I am very satisfied and don't think there is anything to change."

He turned to look at Jiang Beiyu: "What do you think?"

Only then did Jiang Beiyu see the front clearly.

The difference between the front and the back of this wedding dress is that there is an extra diamond galaxy on the front waistline, which is brilliant and perfect embellishment, making the whole wedding dress lively.

Jiang Beiyu nodded: "I think it's good too, so leave it as it is, no need to change it."

Meng Jiaojiao also looked at her work with satisfaction. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it, with a smile on her face.

Qin Wan admired her in the mirror long enough, then he looked at her expression and said to her: "Jiaojiao, I want to tell you something..."

"Ah? Go ahead."

Meng Jiaojiao was still immersed in her satisfaction with her work.

Qin Wan whispered: "I'm pregnant, just one month..."


Meng Jiaoyang didn't come back to his senses for a moment, and then, a sharp explosion was heard!


Qin Wan felt guilty: "I checked, and the gestational sac of a two or three month old woman is only the size of a walnut, so it's not obvious that she's pregnant."

Meng Jiaojiao collapsed: "But due to the influence of hormones, you will become thinner or fatter! God knows what you will look like in two months!"

Qin Wan glanced at Jiang Beiyu.

Then he said to Meng Jiaojiao:

"It's okay. I will strictly control my body shape and keep it the way it is now. I won't gain any weight. I promise you!"

Meng Jiaojiao still wanted to stick out her tongue.

Qin Wan knew that she was striving for perfection and made the clothes with no difference in size, which was why she had achieved her current success. In order to make her clothes look the best, the model dared not even drink water three days before wearing them. Unfortunately, she now had the biggest variable, pregnancy. She must have been very upset when she got the news.

Meng Jiaojiao's eyes were blank, and she finally said, "I don't care. It's up to you. The baby in my belly is the most important. Do whatever you want. If the dress gets deformed on the wedding day, don't say it was my fault."

Qin Wan reached out and hugged her, then pulled Jiang Beiyu away.

Jiang Beiyu drank red wine just now, so Qin Wan will drive this time.

Jiang Beiyu happily sent the photos he had just taken to the group.

Ma Shushu came out first: "Wow!"

"Good evening!"

Leng Leng: "Is this something I can watch?"

After all, he is a man from ancient times, and this wedding dress has only a tube top in front, which in ancient times would be the same as wearing nothing.

Ma Shushu replied coldly: "You are old-fashioned. This is what Wanwan will wear on her wedding day. So many people will be watching. It's okay."

Leng Leng: "Are you going to dress like this then?"

Ma Shushu: "Yes."

Leng Leng: "I won't allow it."

Jiang Beiyu directly used Qin Wan's phone to mute the group.

These two are always chattering and showing off their love, it's so annoying.

He posted this photo so that they could praise Wanwan's beauty, not to listen to their complaints.

At this moment, Qin Wan's cell phone suddenly rang, and Qin Wan picked up the phone and answered it.

After answering the phone, I said to him, "My parents are coming back."

The wedding is in two months, so it's normal for the parents to come back.

Just hearing this news, Jiang Beiyu felt inexplicably nervous.

"Have you told them that you're pregnant?"

Qin Wan said, "Not yet. I was afraid they would come back as soon as I told them. I'll tell them when they come back."

Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

The next day, he and Qin Wan went to the airport to pick up the two elders.

Although Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi had a special driver and assistant to pick them up at the airport, going to pick them up in person showed sincerity.

As the adopted son of the Qin family, Leng Lie naturally went with him. Although Leng Lie had not yet obtained a driver's license, he had his own exclusive driver. Ma Shushu was pregnant and it was inconvenient for her to come, so she did not come.

A group of people stood in a row, waiting at the airport entrance. Jiang Beiyu was wearing a gray handmade wool suit coat and stood straight. Leng Leng next to him was wearing the same black one. The cold and domineering aura of a general was still inadvertently revealed.

The two handsome men in coats who were over 1.8 meters tall standing together were particularly eye-catching. People passing by couldn't help but take a second look. Someone recognized them: "Hey? It's the Emperor and General Leng!" and took pictures.

Qin Wan lowered his head to play with his phone. Standing between the two of them, he felt particularly safe. He saw the message on his phone and said to them, "Here I come."

The two men looked up and saw a gentle and elegant middle-aged man and a slim woman in mink walking towards them from afar.

"Dad, Mom." Jiang Beiyu called out shyly as he approached. Seeing how cute and well-behaved he was, Ge Manqi smiled and praised him, "Beiyu looks even more handsome than the last time I came."

General Leng called out in a low voice: "Uncle and Aunt."

Ge Manqi still smiled and responded: "Xiao Leng is becoming more and more pleasing to the eye. How long will it take for Shushu to give birth?"

"More than two months."

Qin Xiao had a serious look on his face.

In fact, he is an easy-going person, but he looks serious when thinking about problems. Moreover, having been in a high position for a long time, it is inevitable that he has an aura that makes it difficult for people to get close to him.

Qin Xiao asked: "How are the preparations for the wedding going?"

Qin Wan said, "Uncle Feng has been taking care of it all along. The hotel and wedding arrangements have been made. We are just waiting for you to come back and send out the invitations."

Qin Xiao nodded and said, "I heard that your company is going to go public?"

Qin Wan said: "Dad is still well-informed."

Qin Xiao snorted: "You still want to hide it from me. One day I won't even know if you sell the company."

Qin Wan said, "I don't want to either. The people below me are too hardworking. You know, I used to work three days and rest two days, and the company didn't like me. Now they are almost forcing me to become a model worker. If they have any ideas, they will call me at 1 a.m. to hold a meeting."

Qin Xiao couldn't help but laugh. Ge Manqi said, "So miserable? Oh, my little darling, it's been hard work."

When they arrived at the car, Jiang Beiyu opened the door for them like a gentleman.

Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi got in the car, followed by Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu. Leng Lie sat in the passenger seat.

Ge Manqi said, "We came here this time to ask you if you would like to hold your wedding in a foreign country. We looked at the hotels your uncle Feng showed us, and to be honest, we were not satisfied with any of them. Your father and I bought an island in South America more than two years ago, and the climate is just right now. Do you want to hold your wedding on the island?"

"Island?" Qin Wan was stunned. She had never heard that they bought an island.

Ge Manqi said, "The main thing is that your father's current business partners and connections are all there, in China. It's too far to come here. It's close to North America, and you can go on a honeymoon after you get married."

Qin Wan turned around and glanced at Jiang Beiyu.

Ge Manqi continued, "Bei Yu hasn't been to North America yet, so I'll just take him there for a walk."

Jiang Beiyu said: "I have no opinion, everything depends on Wanwan."

Qin Wan thought it didn't matter where they did it, so he said, "Okay then."

After returning home, she told Ma Shushu about this.

"Damn, he bought an island!" Ma Shushu's surprised voice hit my eardrums.

"No, your family is becoming more and more arrogant now. Go ahead and have a wedding on an island. How romantic!"

Qin Wan said, "I'm just worried that it will be inconvenient for you to come. Your belly will be so big by then, and you'll have to take a flight for more than ten hours."

Ma Shushu said: "I'm fine. At that time, I was still more than half a month away from my due date. In the past, some pregnant women would fly to North America to give birth when they were due. It's okay. What's the problem? I will come to your wedding even if I give birth on the plane."

"Pooh, pooh, pooh." Qin Wan hurriedly stopped him, but felt deeply moved.

In fact, she doesn't care where it is held. When she heard the news, her biggest concern was thinking of Ma Shushu. Now she seems to be very happy, and it would be nice to go and see the island.

Ma Shushu said: "Wanwan, now you have a new identity."


Ma Shushu was laughing so hard that she was out of breath: "The island owner's daughter, hahahaha."

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 23)

Chapter 170 Since he is Lin'er, let's call him...

Ma Shushu was laughing so hard that she couldn't catch her breath: "The island owner's daughter, hahahaha. I want to see what kind of island it is."

This is not teasing, but curiosity.

Qin Wan was also curious about what kind of island this was. They actually thought the top hotels in China were not good enough and wanted to hold their wedding on an island.

In the evening, she and Jiang Beiyu checked the globe according to the coordinates given by her mother.

The island belongs to South America, and is actually located on the border with North America, close to the equator and surrounded by the sea. By the time of their wedding, the climate there was the most suitable, about 27 or 28 degrees, just right.

And it has been developed for more than two years, so it shouldn't be bad.

While looking at the globe, Jiang Beiyu fell into deep thought.

It turns out that this world is so big.

Where in the world is his Jiang Kingdom?

Watching Jiang Beiyu moving the globe around to search, Qin Wan said, "Okay, I'm going to bed. You can study it slowly tonight."

Since his parents are back, he will stay in the guest room tonight.

Qin Wan was about to leave and go back to her room when Jiang Beiyu called out:

"By the way, have you told your parents?"

Qin Wan was stunned: "Oh? I forgot!"

Jiang Beiyu suddenly felt like a child who had done something wrong, and said with his head down, "You should have said it earlier."

"What did you say?"

At this time, Ge Manqi just came in with a humidifier, "The floor heating on the first floor is dry, use a humidifier to sleep comfortably at night."

"Thank you, Mom." Jiang Beiyu hurried over to answer it.

Qin Wan said: "I have it."

Ge Manqi staggered suddenly, but fortunately Jiang Beiyu supported her.

"What have you got?!"

"Baby." Qin Wan casually placed her hand on her belly.

Ge Manqi's voice trembled: "Is it true or not?"

"Really. Almost a month."

Ge Manqi couldn't help but yell upstairs: "Lao Qin, something happened."

Just when Jiang Beiyu was feeling uneasy, Ge Manqi added: "It's a happy event~"

Qin Xiao went downstairs immediately.

The family sat on the sofa in the living room, and Qin Wan took out the blood test report from the hospital.

"I originally wanted to tell you when I could find out the fetal heart rate and embryo. Beibei can't wait to tell you."

Qin Xiao took out his glasses and looked at it carefully.

"Is this one or two?"

Qin Wan said, "I don't know, maybe one. There's no history of twins in our family, so how could we be pregnant with two?" Only after she said that did she realize.

She was not their real daughter Qin Wan, she was Leng Qingqing. But the Leng family didn't seem to have a history of twins.

Qin Xiao said, "But there is only one person, not enough to go around. His family has a throne to inherit, and the Qin family also needs someone to inherit the company."

Qin Wan bit her lip and said, "I must take this child back to Jiang State. Beibei has been childless for three years and there is chaos over there. As for the Qin family, you are still young. Besides, there is me. I... can still give birth."

Qin Xiao and Ge Manqi looked at each other.

Jiang Beiyu didn't even dare to breathe.

Qin Wan knew that they had actually already planned to let her have two children, and this time, they were just forcing her to say it out loud.

Ge Manqi pushed Qin Xiao and said, "Let's wait until Wanwan's prenatal examination report comes out. Look at you, you are very happy. Why are you worried?"

The matter just passed like that. Ge Manqi told Qin Wan not to go to the company every day after she had a child, and asked her to take good care of the child at home, and then made Cordyceps chicken soup for her.

Qin Wan didn't dare drink recklessly. She started drinking in less than a month. She would be fat as a ball on the wedding day. If her beautiful wedding dress was torn, Meng Jiaojiao would kill her with a 40-meter machete.

Oh, yes, Meng Jiaojiao.

Qin Wan told her about holding the wedding on the island. Meng Jiaojiao was a little surprised, but felt it was understandable.

She wanted to say something but didn't say it in the end.

After Qin Xiao came back, Qin Wan felt much more relaxed.

She had no experience in company listing and had been overwhelmed by various audits before. Qin Xiao was very adept at these and solved everything as soon as he showed up. Even though she didn't go to the company, everything was going smoothly.

Qin Wan now spends every day taking care of her pregnancy with Ma Shushu and drinking afternoon tea with Ge Manqi. She is very leisurely.

The fetal heartbeat and embryo can only be detected after the seventh week of pregnancy. She decided to wait here until the seventh week prenatal check-up is over and then go to the island in South America to take a look.

Three weeks passed in a flash, and when she was seven weeks old, Jiang Beiyu took Qin Wan to the hospital for a prenatal check-up.

This prenatal check-up is very important because it is necessary to diagnose whether the fetus is in the uterine cavity, and to monitor the fetal development and whether there is a fetal heartbeat. In case it is an ectopic pregnancy or there is no fetal heartbeat, the fetus will die.

Before leaving the house in the morning, Jiang Beiyu specially lit incense and silently chanted: "May the ancestors of the Jiang family bless you!"

The scene of the last time General Leng and I took Ma Shushu to the hospital for a prenatal checkup is still vivid in my mind. More than half a year has passed and things have changed.

Qin Wan was extremely nervous as she stood outside the ultrasound door with the list in her hand, while Jiang Beiyu was waiting in the family area outside.

She looked back and saw that he had been standing in the corner, looking at her from a position where he could see her. She felt inexplicably relieved.

"Number 33, Qin Wan."

Hearing the sound, Qin Wan took a deep breath and walked in.

"Lie down."

Qin Wan lay down on it.

"Relax, don't be nervous."

Qin Wan felt a probe moving on his body and closed his eyes. It only lasted about thirty seconds before the other party said, "Okay."

After coming out, you can get the report form immediately, and Qin Wan also got his own form.

"How is it?!" Jiang Beiyu immediately stepped forward nervously.

Qin Wan handed him the list.

"Early intrauterine pregnancy, seven weeks gestation."

Jiang Beiyu read the words carefully:

"The echo of the myometrium is uniform, and a gestational sac can be seen in the uterine cavity, which is about 2.3x2.5x1.3cm in size. A fetal bud and primitive heartbeat can be seen inside, and the fetal bud is about 0.6cm long..."

Every word on this is surprising.

Jiang Beiyu stroked the blurry little embryo bud in the photo with his fingers, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "Prince, it's my little prince!"

A passerby looked at him strangely.

Qin Wan quickly pulled him away: "Shh, this is not Jiang Country, be careful that others will think you are mentally ill."

Jiang Beiyu was still immersed in the sky-high joy, staring straight at the tiny peanut on the ultrasound report, with the corners of his mouth harder to suppress than AK.

This is his child! He and Wanwan's baby!

On the way back, Jiang Beiyu couldn't wait to post Qin Wan's ultrasound report in the group:

"all the best."

Leng Leng: "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Ma Shushu also released the ultrasound report from that time.

Jiang Beiyu: "My son is a little older than General Leng."

Then a proud little expression.

Leng Lie: (#rolling eyes) (#rolling eyes)

Jiang Beiyu was still excited. He said to Qin Wan, "Wan Wan, what do you think is a good name for this child?"

Qin Wan was not good at naming. She said, "You haven't even given birth yet, and you're already naming it so soon?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Think about it first, I have an idea."

Qin Wan thought for a moment and said, "I once dreamt about this child. It was a boy. His name seemed to be... Lin'er. I didn't hear his full name."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Lin'er? What a good name, what a good name!"

Qin Wan said: "Your royal family has a fixed name for each generation of princes, right? What will your son's generation be called?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Don't worry about the ranking of the ancestors. Since you have dreamed about it, let's call him Lin'er..." He said while thinking: "Since he is called Lin'er, then... let's call him... let's call him Jiang Wanlin!"

Qin Wan:!!!

"Has the name been decided yet?"

General Leng's baby is about to be born, but the name hasn't been decided yet.

"Hello Wanlin, let's call you Jiang Wanlin."

Jiang Beiyu was very satisfied with this name.

"Lin'er, Lin'er, you look very smart!"

The two of them went back and took the report back, and Qin Xiao rushed back from the company specifically.

Seeing that the report showed that everything was fine, Qin Xiao was relieved. However, seeing only a embryo bud, he was still a little disappointed. He smiled and said:

"It would be great if it were twins, so we can get everything done in one go."

Seeing that he was still obsessed with the twins, Ge Manqi said, "You think it's from novels or TV dramas. Twins are like wholesale. How can it be that easy?"

Qin Xiao said: "That's right, it would be good if this child could grow up healthily."

Qin Wan looked at Qin Xiao, then at Ge Manqi: "Dad, Mom, next, we want to go to that island to take a look."

Ge Manqi said, "Okay. You can go there in advance to check out the venue and stuff. Anyway, there's food and lodging on the island, nothing is missing. Here, your dad is here to support you, so go and have fun."

Qin Wan was immediately surprised.

It takes twenty hours to fly from China to South America. There is no direct flight to the island, so you need to go to South America first and then transfer.

Qin Wan started packing his suitcase after returning to his room.

It's summer there now, so just bring some summer clothes and sunscreen.

When General Leng learned that they were going to the island first, he suggested that they follow them. Anyway, they just wanted to be followers to the end.

The group agreed to set off the day after tomorrow.

If it were a normal international flight, the twenty-hour journey would have been very tiring, but Qin Wan had booked a special cabin in the first-class cabin.

The cabin is located in a private room, which is equivalent to a hotel suite, with a bed, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, mini KTV, and everything else. It is as comfortable as staying in a hotel.

Jiang Beiyu and Leng Lie were stunned when they came up.

In ancient times, this would have been considered luxurious even if it was placed in a carriage, but this was in the sky, and there was actually a bed on the plane! Before, Qin Wan's family's small private plane could be casually decorated, but this was an international flight!

Qin Wan and Ma Shushu took off their shoes and sat on the bed to watch the movies they had downloaded in advance on their tablets. It was obvious that they were used to sitting there.

The private room was also equipped with entertainment facilities such as chess and cards. Jiang Beiyu found the chessboard and sat down with Leng Lie to play chess.

This route flies over the Pacific Ocean for more than ten hours, and the plane is always over the sea. If you are bored, you can sit by the window, drink coffee and enjoy the scenery.

After playing a few games of chess, Jiang Beiyu stood by the window and looked down. He said, "The darker the water, the deeper it is. It is indeed so."

Below the plane was the turbulent Pacific Ocean, but upon closer inspection it was pitch black and gloomy, as if it could swallow up everything.

Leng Lieyi stood by the window and looked at the scenery on the sea. Suddenly he saw something and pointed:

"Look, a dragon is sucking water."

On the sea level, I saw columns of water rotating and pouring from the sea water into the clouds.

Jiang Beiyu was also shocked and quickly took out his mobile phone to record this rare scene.

But the plane was flying very high, and the picture I took with my phone was too small to see clearly, so I had to give up.

Leng Lie asked: "Your Majesty, do you think there are dragons in this world?"

Ma Shushu, who was sitting on the bed watching a movie with Qin Wan, said without even raising her eyelids, "A dragon sucking water is a normal physical phenomenon."

Leng Lie asked curiously: "What's the principle?"

Ma Shushu thought for a long time but couldn't come up with an answer, so he said, "When you need to use your knowledge, you will regret not having enough. The sea water is roaring up."

Qin Wan said calmly: "A dragon sucking water is a tornado on the sea. It is a tornado on the ground, but it is a dragon sucking water on the sea."

After a pause, he said, "But dragons are real, too."

Leng Leng asked: "Where is it?"

Ma Shushu said: "In front of you, isn't the emperor the true dragon emperor?"

Jiang Beiyu: "......."

Leng Leng: "Flatterer!"

After a day and night journey, the plane finally landed.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Beiyu and Leng Leng suddenly felt dizzy and didn't know where they were.

The sunlight in front of him was blindingly white, and he felt a brief tinnitus when he came down. Then he saw that the people coming and going around him were all blond-haired, blue-eyed strangers, speaking a language he could not understand.

Jiang Beiyu said: "General Leng."


"You know, it's broad daylight now, why am I so sleepy?"

Leng Lie yawned: "I am sleepy too."

Ma Shushu said: "Because, this is a normal time, but it's two or three o'clock in the morning in our place, how can we not be sleepy?"

Leng Lie was so sleepy that he was almost in tears. "You said, in this place, at two or three o'clock in the night, the sky is as bright as day?"

Ma Shushu said: "This is the time difference, because they are in the other hemisphere with China, one side is daytime and the other side is night. You haven't studied geography, so you won't understand even if I tell you. Now hurry up and find a hotel to adjust to the time difference, I am also very sleepy."

Qin Xiao arranged for someone to pick them up at the airport, and they were taken to a nearby five-star hotel as soon as they came out of the airport.

I slept soundly.

The next morning, when they gathered in the hotel restaurant for breakfast, Jiang Beiyu and Leng Lie still looked listless. They were like this when they first came. Qin Wan and Ma Shushu had basically gotten used to it.

Qin Wan said, "There are two ways to get to the island now. One is by boat, and the other is for my dad to send a private plane from the island. Which one do you want?"

Ma Shushu said: "It's all right."

Qin Wan said, "As for the plane, since the route will not be purchased until next month, you need to apply first to fly now, and you have to wait for a few hours. The speedboat is very convenient. You can go directly there after dinner. It takes about three hours."

Ma Shushu said: "Then let's go by speedboat."

The hotel is built on the seaside, near the port. After breakfast, the group got on the speedboat.

After three hours of sea trekking, we finally arrived at the island at noon.

Seeing everything in front of him, Qin Wan couldn't believe his eyes.

(Next chapter before 18:00 on November 24)
