
  After realizing this, she quickly threw it away, a trace of discomfort flashed across her face, and she coughed:

  "That's right. If I lie to Your Majesty, I will be struck with lightning. Your Majesty can also ask if there is a princess named Lu Xuan in the Northern Kingdom. Lu Xuan and Lu Xuan even have the same pronunciation, so it shouldn't be difficult to find out."

  Jiang Beiyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Since she is already dressed as a man, why would she tell you this? Are you familiar with her?"

  "I don't know about that. Who knows what's wrong with her?" Qin Wan shrugged.

  "This matter is of no trivial importance. I will not forgive you until I have investigated it thoroughly!" Jiang Beiyu snorted coldly, still with a gloomy face, closing his eyes and not looking at her in the carriage.

  Lu Xuan looked at the carriage going away, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of her lips.

  After Jiang Beiyu returned, he asked An Wushang to investigate the matter.

  Just like the Northern Kingdom has spies in the Jiang Kingdom, the Jiang Kingdom also has spies in the Northern Kingdom and other countries. Those spies go back and forth between the countries, so it is not difficult to investigate this matter.

  The results came out the next day.

  Qin Wan was called to his study early in the morning.

  "You are right. There is indeed a princess named Lu Xuan in the Northern Kingdom."

  Qin Wan breathed a sigh of relief: "I told you, she is a woman!"

  But Jiang Beiyu's face was still tense, as if a dark cloud was covering the city.

  "This is her portrait. Take a good look at it yourself."

  A scroll was turning and opening on his desk.

  Qin Wan took a casual glance and was stunned.

  The smiling woman in the portrait didn't look anything like the Lu Xuan she had met!

  She originally asked Leng Ying to inquire about the identity only and had not seen the portrait.

  "Where did the emperor get this portrait? Is it reliable?"

  Jiang Beiyu's face darkened: "Leng Qingqing, even now, you are still trying to argue with me. I am so disappointed!

  From today on, you are confined to the palace. You are not allowed to leave your own palace without my permission!"

  Qin Wan was unwilling to give in: "Your Majesty! There must be something fishy going on here. Please investigate further."

  "Still not backing off?"

  The dog emperor with fish lips!

  Qin Wan had no choice but to curse in his heart and returned to Ronghua Palace.

  She thought this was rather strange, so she called Leng Ying over again and wanted to see Lu Xuan's portrait.

  Leng Ying said: "We need to send someone to the North Country for this matter, and the round trip may take a long time."

  Qin Wan said: "It's okay, I just want her real portrait."

  Anyway, the Dog Emperor has already put her under house arrest, and there is no worse outcome than the current one, so she can just wait patiently.

  That is, Ma Shushu originally found wifi in Leng Mansion and said that he would be able to chat with her even if she was in the palace in the future, but now it is likely that they can't chat.

  She could only give the phone to Leng Ying and ask him to go around the Dog Emperor's bedroom late at night. He would naturally receive the message when the WiFi was automatically connected.

  The same applies when you want to send her a message. You have to wait for an Internet connection to send it.

  Ma Shushu received her message and learned that she was under house arrest.

  In order to use the internet for free, she now climbs up the maple tree every day, sits on the branches, reads novels, watches videos, and has an auntie smile on her face.

  In the study room not far away, Leng Leng was dealing with documents, and when he looked up, he saw her grinning foolishly on the tree.

  She is a pretty girl, but unfortunately she is stupid.

  He always remembered that when Qingqing first introduced herself to him, she said that she had a bad brain since childhood, so he didn't care.

  He investigated according to the emperor's order and did not find anything suspicious about her, but he also did not find her parents or relatives, let alone the country she mentioned.

  She was like a person who appeared out of nowhere in this world.

  When eating, I don't know if she felt embarrassed about living under someone else's roof, she ignored the delicious fish and meat and only ate a little bit of vegetables.

  It's all kinds of vegetables cut into shreds, just like feeding rabbits, with a little bit of shredded chicken breast added. Eat it in small bites, just focus on the vegetables you have.

  He couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so he picked up a big chicken drumstick for her and said, "Eat whatever you want. You are Qingqing's friend. Since you live here, we will take good care of you for her."

  Ma Shushu looked at the big chicken leg that fell from the sky, her mouth twitching, but she couldn't bear to refuse the kindness, so she said, "Thank you, you are a very nice person."

  After being praised, Leng Leng continued to work hard and picked up a big meatball for her with a cold face: "Eat!"

  On this day, Ma Shushu was watching the Internet and videos on the tree as usual like an owl. He just yawned when he suddenly saw a dark shadow coming out from the cold study.

  "Quick, catch the thief!"

  She shouted, jumped down from the tree nimbly and chased after him.

  Leng Leng then chased out from the study.

  Ma Shushu was in front, doing parkour all the way, and after a few jumps, she stopped the man in black.

  The man in black had a stick in his hand, and taking advantage of the fact that she was a weak woman, he hit her directly.

  Ma Shushu rushed forward with her bare hands, and a stick hit her hard on the back of her hand. She didn't even frown, and took the stick from his hand, and then took back the stolen things.

  The man saw Leng Leng chasing him and ran away.

  All the guards in the mansion went to chase after him. Leng Leng walked towards Ma Shushu. Ma Shushu naturally changed his hands and handed him the box-like object that he had snatched back.

  Ma Shushu then returned to the tree.

  Not long after, Leng Leng walked towards her and threw her a brown paper bag of sweet dates, the same kind of sweet dates dipped in icing sugar that she loved to eat before.

  "You know martial arts?"

  "Yes." She took the sweet dates, put one directly into her mouth and started eating.

  When she was a child, her family enrolled her in taekwondo, boxing and fencing classes, and it was there that she met Qin Wan.

  "Girls, you must learn some self-defense skills."

  Leng Leng was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He always felt that there seemed to be something dazzling on the back of her hand. He took her hand and saw that the back of her hand was red from being hit with a stick by the man just now. There was a very obvious stick mark on the back of her thin and white hand.

  "Why don't you say anything?" he said.

  "It will be fine in a few days, it's okay." Ma Shushu said nonchalantly and continued to eat sweet dates, but he frowned, grabbed her wrist and went to the study.

  "Go get some medicine."


  The bag of dates fell to the ground just now, and she went back to pick it up, leaving his hands empty.

  When they arrived at the study, he sprinkled medicine powder on the back of her hand. She said nothing, which made him unable to help but look at her one more time.

  Leng Leng explained: "I gave you some blood-activating and blood-stasis-removing medicine. There are many important meridians on the back of your hand. Don't underestimate this injury."

  In fact, this injury is nothing compared to the ones she suffered during training and parkour as a child, but it's always good to have someone care and look after her.

  She raised her head and smiled teasingly: "Brother, I didn't expect you to be so caring. Brother, you are such a nice person."

  Leng Leng raised his head and looked at her pair of bright and cunning eyes. He suddenly felt a little at a loss and didn't dare to look at her.

  The medicine needed to be rubbed to dissolve the blood stasis. He lowered his head, held the white and tender little hand with both hands, and rubbed it on the back of his hand.

  Leng Leng was a martial artist. Ma Shushu could only feel the calluses on his big palms scratching her skin, making a tingling sensation.

  Ma Shushu likes to see decent people embarrassed by her flirting. As Qin Wan said, she is a female enchantress.

  "Brother, just apply the medicine, why did you even touch it with your hands?"

  She looked straight at Leng Leng. Although on the surface he looked as cold as his name suggested, the tips of his ears were already slightly red.

  "This won't work if you don't rub it in. Just be patient."

  "I'm not uncomfortable, I just feel that my brother's hands are so warm. I feel safe when they are held." As she said this, she turned her little hand over, held his, and gently rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb.

  "I don't know who will be so lucky to have a brother in the future..."

  Leng Leng quickly withdrew his hand and stood up: "It's ready, please go back, girl."

  Ma Shushu curled the corners of her lips: "Thank you."

  She returned to her room, thinking that a rabbit does not eat grass near its burrow. After all, he was her best friend's adopted brother, so she should say hello, otherwise she would feel guilty.

  She immediately sent a text message to Qin Wan: "Your elder brother is so cold and pure, can I flirt with him?"

  There was no internet in the room, only a red exclamation mark. The only way to send a message was to walk under a tree. Ma Shushu was too lazy to go out, so he thought about going back in the evening. He rolled over on the bed and took a nap.

  That night, Qin Wan was still under house arrest. Leng Ying took her cell phone and went to the emperor's bedroom as she instructed. When she came back, she received a message from Ma Shushu.


  In her last message, she told her miserably that she was put in solitary confinement by the dog emperor. In her next message, she wanted to flirt with her brother, regardless of her life or death.

  She replied: "You are such a dog that can't change its nature!"

  "The Queen of the Sea has no oars and relies on the waves. You will eventually be eaten back by the waves!"

  "I advise you to think twice! With his physique, he can kill you!"

  Because she was so angry, she asked Leng Ying to run again and pass the message to her.

  At this time, Jiang Beiyu was reading a book in his bedroom.

  He hadn't looked at the black box for several days. He missed it a little and even felt a little empty, but he would never lose face and let that woman get lost!


  Whenever he thought of that day, he got angry! Until now, he felt like there was a green light on his head!

  Suddenly, his ears moved slightly and he felt something moving on the roof.

  The footsteps are very light, but there is a slight sound that can be heard if you calm down and hold your breath.

  He remembered the last time, the woman stepped on his roof just like that and then fell from the sky.

  Could it be that she slipped out again?

  Ma Shushu was under the tree, just about to leave, when she saw the reply to her message and replied:

  "Hehe, I'm looking forward to it even more..."

  "Your dog emperor doesn't look like a thin dog..."


  Qin Wan was so angry that he vomited blood again when he saw Ma Shushu's reply.

  "Shut up, he's just a thin dog!"

  "Thin dog, thin dog, thin dog!"


  Since there was no internet, she couldn't send emoticons, so she could only find an emoticon to express her anger.

  When Leng Ying ran to the roof of the emperor's bedroom for the third time, he was caught by An Wushang who had been waiting on the roof.

  He was still holding his cell phone at that time, with a certain messaging app open, sending her a message.

  Because Qin Wan had tried it several times before and found that the unsent messages could not be sent in time when he was away from the Internet for too long, he set his phone to a long-on state and asked Leng Ying to open a certain message and click on the message again to resend it.

  It was at this time that he was caught red-handed.

  He was no match for An Wushang, so he was brought to Jiang Beiyu with his cell phone, and the cell phone was placed on Jiang Beiyu's desk by An Wushang.

  Looking at the chat records above, Jiang Beiyu was thoughtful:

  "Skinny dog?"

  Chapter 41: Did I ruin it?

  Looking at the chat records above, Jiang Beiyu was thoughtful:

  "Thin dog? What does that mean?"

  Looking at the villain who seemed to be cursing, he knew that it was not a good thing.

  He picked up the small black box, opened the app that he usually used to watch videos with her, and clicked on the search bar.

  She remembered that in the past, whenever she encountered something she didn't understand, she would look it up there.

  He can't type, but luckily there is a voice icon on it.

  He clicked and tried to say:

  "Thin dog."

  Soon, the search results popped up...

  On the other side, Qin Wan's right eyelid suddenly began to twitch wildly.

  After waiting for a long time, Leng Ying still didn't come back.

  "Strange, with his speed, he should have returned long ago."

  She secretly wondered, could it be that he secretly beat the King while lying on the dog emperor's bedroom?

  "My lady, this is bad."

  At this time, Xiao Zhima hurried towards her.

  "Just got the news that Guard Leng was captured by the Emperor!"

  Hearing this, Qin Wan's head suddenly exploded.

  When Jiang Beiyu saw the search results, his face turned pale and his hands shook with anger.

  "Cold, clear, clear!"

  He was in no hurry, and did not even summon her to see him.

  Anyway, her secret guards are with him, and her treasures are also with him, so she will definitely not be able to sit still.

  However, she is still under house arrest, and he refuses to see her, wanting her to experience this heart-wrenching feeling.

  Upon hearing the news, Qin Wan couldn't wait to go out, but was stopped by the guard at the door.

  "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, the Emperor has issued a house arrest order for you. You cannot leave without the Emperor's permission, otherwise we will lose our heads."

  Hearing this, she stepped back again.

  There's no need to embarrass those guards.

  She went to the backyard, moved the weeds aside, and prepared to go out through the dog hole. Unexpectedly, there were two guards guarding outside the dog hole:

  "My lady, you are not allowed to go out here either. Sorry."

  "Jiang, Bei, Yu!"

  Qin Wan roared in his heart.

  I really want to crush him to death.

  He has a perfect grasp of her.

  And it must be intentional!

  What to do. The phone is full of her innocent information!

  She is the kind of person who, if accidentally hit by a car while walking on the road, will use her last breath to delete all the records in her mobile phone before dying. Now that her mobile phone falls into the hands of the dog emperor, how is she going to live?

  Also, how are the nine clans going to survive in such a lonely place?

  Now she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Her brain was spinning so fast that her CPU was about to smoke. Finally, she had an idea:

  "Got it!"

  at this time.

  Jiang Beiyu looked at the small black box expressionlessly.

  His mood had changed from initial anger to calm.

  He began to study the small box in front of him carefully.

  There are many icons on the screen, and I usually see her clicking on that one. What will happen if she clicks on the others?

  With a solemn look on his face, he tried to click on a tomato-shaped icon.

  "Free good books, all on Tomato?"

  "Hmm? Reading a storybook?"

  He flipped through it casually and was dazzled.

  "It's amazing how so many books can be put together without using paper or ink!"

  Then I exited and clicked on another one. Well, it was a shop selling bags. The appearance of these bags was very different from those seen on the streets of Beijing. Looking at the prices, there were tens, hundreds, or thousands of them. I don't know how many zeros were added.

  He frowned slightly, showing no interest, and cut it out again.

  He saw a daisy shape and an icon named Photo, and took a sip of tea.

  Just as I was about to click in, my phone suddenly made a strange sound: "Your uncle sent you a video invitation."

  He clicked on it out of curiosity and saw a magnified cold face on the screen. He almost spit out his tea.


  "Why are you in my box?"

  You still dare to call yourself my uncle?

  Leng Lie said, "Your Majesty, I have something important to report. I am afraid that going into the palace at night will disturb Your Majesty, so I can only do this."

  Leng Leng was sitting on a tree branch at this moment, and mosquitoes kept biting his legs.

  Half a quarter of an hour ago, Qin Wan suddenly came up with an idea.

  That is to let her brother make a video call to the emperor.

  I still remember that there seemed to be only two bars of battery left before, and as long as the battery was used up, the phone would automatically shut down!

  Although this phone has solar charging function, it is night time now.

  After shutting down, even if it automatically charges after dawn tomorrow, the Dog Emperor doesn't know how to turn it on.

  Even if he figured out how to turn on the phone, he still didn't know the password to lock the screen.


  Therefore, he can only trouble his unjust brother.

  Ronghua Palace has always kept carrier pigeons to facilitate her to communicate with her family. Since they are both in the capital, the pigeons can reach the Leng family in less than a cup of tea.

  In the letter, he asked his brother to find Ma Shushu as soon as possible and show her the note.

  Leng Lie felt a little embarrassed to knock on Ma Shushu's door late at night.

  However, since it concerns his sister's safety, he can't care so much.

  Ma Shushu took the note.

  Qin Wan told her that her cell phone was taken away by the emperor, and asked her brother to send a video to the emperor.

  Ma Shushu understood instantly.

  Jiang Beiyu's face darkened slightly, and he said "hmm", thinking, in the middle of the night, isn't it enough to disturb me? I'm almost scared to death by you!

  But on the surface, he said: "My dear Leng, please report if you have anything to say."

  Leng Lie was a man of few words to begin with, and he was drafted here tonight, so he could only bite the bullet and rack his brains:

  "In the past few days, the envoys from the Northern Kingdom have contacted my father, wanting to buy a large number of copper and iron pots at a high price. My father refused...

  I suspect they might want to use these copper and iron to make weapons."

  Jiang Beiyu said "hmm".

  "The northerners are cunning and shameless. You must not sell these materials that can be made into weapons to them privately. Report any situation to me in a timely manner."

  "I know."

  After saying that, the two grown men looked at each other in silence.

  "General Leng, do you have anything else to report?"

  Leng Lie didn't expect that the conversation would end so quickly. After hearing Ma Shushu say that they had to talk until the other party ran out of energy, that is, suddenly disappeared, he began to rack his brains again.

 "Your Majesty, the moonlight is beautiful tonight."

  "That's right, but why is General Leng in the tree?"

  "It's...cool in the tree."

  Ma Shushu, who was standing under the tree, was digging the ground with her toes instead of him.

  "General Leng, do you have anything else to report?"

  Seeing that the other party was about to hang up, Leng Lie suddenly had an idea and shouted again: "Wait!"

  "Your Majesty, I have thought that the Northern Kingdom has developed many advanced weapons in the past two years. We almost suffered a loss when we fought them last time. Should we also reform our weapons?"

  "That makes sense."

  When it comes to military reform, Leng Leng speaks eloquently, like a flood that has been opened. He also talks to him about suggestions for weapons reform.

  Jiang Beiyu yawned and felt a little sleepy, but he could only try his best to keep his eyes open and listen to him patiently.

  Ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes passed, and he was still outputting, and Jiang Beiyu couldn't bear to interrupt him.

  After all, there are not many ministers as diligent as Lord Leng! This is a blessing for the country, the country, and the people.

  Leng Leng kept talking, and finally, all of a sudden, the screen on the opposite side disappeared.

  The phone is out of battery.

  Seeing the other party disappear, Leng Lie breathed a sigh of relief, but Jiang Beiyu was confused.

  He picked up the black box and looked at it carefully: "Why is it black?"

  "Did I mess it up?"

  His heart subconsciously skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered what Leng Fei had said before, "The power is running out." He guessed that the "electricity" should be the energy to keep the black box running.

  Suddenly, he understood.

  This damn, scheming woman!

  No wonder this Leng Leng, who is usually so quiet, suddenly came to chat with him tonight and talked about all sorts of nonsense with him?

  It seemed that the woman was very afraid that he would check the black box.

  What is the secret here?

  The second day.

  Qin Wan is still under house arrest, and the black box is still in the hands of the Dog Emperor.

  The news of her being put in confinement must have spread throughout the palace. I wonder how many people were secretly feeling proud, thinking that she had finally fallen out of favor.

  Qin Wan thought, let her fall out of favor, let her fall out of favor quickly, return the phone to her, and let her be beautiful alone.

  After leaving court, Jiang Beiyu did not review any memorials and started thinking about the black box again.

  Because it had been daybreak for several hours, even though it was not exposed to the sun, it had at least absorbed some light. He pondered for a while, found a small switch on the side, and pressed it.

  There was no response at first, but after he pressed the button for a while, the phone lit up again.

  He was still somewhat happy, but when the phone turned on normally, he found that he was prompted to enter a password, so he just pressed a few numbers at random.

  The phone vibrated and displayed that the password was wrong.

  He tried her birthday, his birthday, and Leng Leng's birthday, but all of them showed errors, with an extra line of information on them:

  Six chances left.

  If you enter the wrong password again, your phone will be locked.

  After thinking for a moment, he called out, "Someone come."

  "Send a message for me."

  Not long after, a young eunuch ran into Qin Wan's palace.

  "Your Highness, the Emperor asked you for the password to the black box. He said that if you give him the password, he will release your guards. Otherwise, you will be treated as an assassin."

  Qin Wan smiled coldly, suddenly walked into the yard and jumped into the well.

  The young eunuch panicked:

  "Someone come quickly! The queen has jumped into the well!"

  Qin Wan jumped into the cold well water and thought, trying to control her, bah!

  She had used this well to conduct experiments before and knew very well how deep the water was.

  But she ignored the fact that the depth of the well water was different in the morning and evening.

  When she sank to the bottom and found water gurgling through her nose, she realized that she was doomed.

  There was chaos outside, it was already a mess...

  "Qingqing, Qingqing."

  Suddenly, she seemed to hear someone calling her, and the voice was very friendly, but her eyelids were heavy and she couldn't open her eyes at all.

  She felt her mother calling her.

  Wait, it was clearly the voice of a strange woman, why did she think it was her mother?

  "Qingqing, come here, these are the new clothes and shoes that mom bought for you."

  It turned out that she was wearing a brand new riding outfit.

  "Our Qingqing is the bravest and most beautiful girl in the capital."

  "Mom, Mama, Qingqing is scared." She said in a baby voice.


  She felt herself being carried to a high horse. Her hands and feet were shaking, but someone handed her a rope and asked her to hold on to it.



  Someone whipped the horse hard with a whip from behind, and the horse started to run fast, but she fell off the horse, her head hitting the ground. After a dull pain, she looked at the blue sky and a few birds flying by, and lost consciousness.

  Some people say that time is actually an illusion. When a person is on the verge of death, there are only a dozen seconds left, but the person can quickly replay his or her entire life in his or her mind.

  Many things flashed through her mind briefly, almost reviewing her entire life, until that night when she went downstairs to get some water and appeared in front of the painting again.

  She realized something and forced herself not to look. She ran upstairs quickly, but she felt as if she was being sucked in by something, and was drawn into a vortex with no escape...

  "Your Majesty, the Queen is out of danger."

  An imperial physician nearby said to the person beside him after taking the pulse.

  Gradually regaining consciousness, she realized that she was lying on the bed, but she closed her eyes tightly and did not want to open them.

  "Everyone, step back." Jiang Beiyu ordered.

  People in the room filed out.

  "Leng Qingqing." She heard a cold voice in her ear.

  "You are quite cruel. You are so cruel to yourself. Do you think you have lived long enough?"

  Qin Wan didn't want to pay any attention to him and simply didn't open his eyes.

  Jiang Beiyu knew that she was awake. Her breathing frequency was different when she was unconscious and pretending to be asleep.

  The next second, he reached out and pinched her nose.

  She thought to herself, what a dog this emperor is! Finally, when she couldn't hold her breath any longer, she opened her eyes.

  He withdrew his hand and snorted coldly. Qin Wan also quickly turned around and faced away from him.

  "The emperor doesn't trust me, so I can only die to show my loyalty."

  Jiang Beiyu sneered sarcastically: "I didn't believe you when you were alive, but now that you're dead, I believe you?"

  Qin Wan said: "It was the Emperor who forced me to do this. He made me feel chilled time and time again!

  Anyone with eyes knows who is better looking, Lord Lu or the Emperor. The Emperor is tall and handsome, and is many times better than the malnourished Lord Lu. Since I already have the Emperor, how can I be interested in that thing?"

  Those words were clearly spoken in anger, so why did Jiang Beiyu feel they sounded so pleasant?

  "Besides, even if I want to eat what's in my bowl and look at what's in the pot, I should pay attention to the occasion. Am I the kind of person who doesn't have a brain? Holding hands with another man at the gate of Leng's house, where do my parents and brothers stand?"

  Seeing that the dog emperor's expression had obviously eased a lot after her words, which seemed to be venting but were actually flattery, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  But he was seen with his hands behind his back, with an expression of serious thinking, and suddenly frowned:

  "That's not right... Am I not a thin dog?"

  "What does Xigou mean? I'd like to trouble Concubine Leng to explain it to me."

  Chapter 42 How dare you climb on top of me? Get down!

  "That's not right... Am I not a thin dog?"

  "What does Xigou mean? I'd like to trouble Concubine Leng to explain it to me."

  Qin Wan's body froze, and he didn't dare to look back!

  Her eyes widened as she explained, "Xigou is an exaggerated word, which means that the emperor is very powerful!"

  "Overflowing, beautiful, words?"

  Qin Wan seemed to hear the sound of the dog emperor grinding his teeth behind him.

  "Leng Fei, you know how to praise people."

  Jiang Beiyu's face became more and more grim, and he thought,

  I don't trust you! If I hadn't checked it myself, I would have been deceived by you.

  Little liar!

  At this time, the voice of a palace maid was heard outside the door.

  "Your Majesty, the medicine is ready."

  "Send it in."

  The maid put the medicine on the table and left. He stared at her back:

  "Get up and drink the medicine."

  Qin Wan suddenly felt like, "Da Lang, drink the medicine." She still had her back to him, trembling and not daring to move.

  The man's voice sank a little: "Leng Qingqing. Do you really need me to feed you?"

  But she snorted: "How could I be so lucky as to drink the medicine given by the emperor?"

  Then he simply pulled the quilt and buried his head in it.

  Jiang Beiyu was angry and helpless:

  "Drink it quickly, or it will get cold. It's very cold at the bottom of the well, you have to force the cold out, otherwise you will catch a cold."

  The little ball huddled in the quilt was motionless.

  After a moment, he heard the sound of medicine being stirred with a spoon. He pulled the quilt above her head, but found that he couldn't pull it up. He said in a tone that was half doting and half helpless: "Why are you still like a child?"

  Qin Wan snorted: "If you return my shadow guard to me, I will drink obediently."

  "You still dare to negotiate terms with me?"

  "I dare, will the emperor agree?"

  "That secret guard of yours was very capable. I caught him, but he escaped on his own the next day."

  Upon hearing this, Qin Wan stood up, took the bowl of medicine from his hand, and drank it all up in gulps.

  Jiang Beiyu, who was holding a spoon in his hand and scooping a spoonful of medicine, looked a little stiff and awkward.

  After drinking, Qin Wan wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smiled brightly. His smile was so sweet, as if he had just drunk honey.

  Jiang Beiyu's eyes were a little dazed. He took the empty bowl from her hand and put the spoon back.

  "I'll come see you later."

  Her cell phone is still in the hands of the Dog Emperor.

  However, the Dog Emperor has not been able to crack her password yet, so she is safe for the time being.

  Leng Ying had indeed escaped. He appeared after the Dog Emperor left and immediately knelt on the ground:

  "I'm sorry, it's my fault!"

  "It's not your fault. It's dangerous in the emperor's bedroom. I won't ask you to do such dangerous things next time. Get up quickly."

  Leng Ying was still kneeling upright, saying, "It was because I didn't show up in time that the queen almost lost her life!"

  Qin Wan said, "I jumped into the well by myself. What does it have to do with you? It's over. Don't waste your time on it. It's a blessing that you can come back safely."

  Since childhood, Qin Wan was taught by his family to look for the reasons in himself and not to blame others too much.

  Leng Ying still felt guilty and said, "It's just that the queen's treasure has not been returned. I will go and steal it back for her tonight!"

  "No need." Qin Wan smiled confidently, "I have a way to get it back for myself."


  The dog emperor has not yet lifted her house arrest, but the concubines from all the palaces can come to her.

  When they heard that she was confined to her room by the emperor and nearly died by jumping into a well, all the palaces took action.

  Qin Wan drank the medicine and was about to sleep for a while when he heard a sarcastic voice:

  "Hey, look who this is? From a distance, it looks like a drowned dog, but when you get closer, it turns out to be Leng Fei."

  The person in front of me is Shu Fei, and the one standing beside her and smiling with her is her maid Xiao Su Bing.

  Oh, it was Shu Fei whose face was bitten by poisonous insects while hunting some time ago. Her face is healed now and she came out again. Looking at Qin Wan sitting on the couch with a pale face, she looked very satisfied.

  Her maid was carrying a basket of fruit and was pretending to come to visit her, so the guards at the door let her in.

  Her maid also echoed in a sarcastic tone: "My lady, wasn't she very proud and arrogant before? Look at her now, she is really miserable."

  Qin Wan looked at her with a smile: "Oh, it turns out to be Sister Shu Fei. Is your face completely healed? Come over here and let me see."

  Shu Fei's face had been kept white and tender by her recently, and it was glowing with water. She proudly moved her face forward.

  "Look, there's not a single flaw..."


  Before she could finish showing off, Qin Wan raised his hand and slapped her with a loud slap, leaving a red slap mark on her fair face.

  Shu Fei covered her face, in disbelief: "You hit me?"

  "Hasn't anyone taught you to knock before entering someone else's room? I beat up the thief who broke into my room."

  "I'll fight you!"

  Shu Fei was not one to suffer a loss, so she immediately rolled up her sleeves and went up with her maid Xiao Su Bing.

  Xiao Zhima, who was standing nearby, immediately stopped Xiao Su Bing, and Qin Wan easily grabbed one of Shu Fei's hands and bent her wrist:

  Shu Fei's screams of pain, like a pig being slaughtered, resounded through the sky.

  "You only have so much strength. You'd better not learn to be a bad girl like others. Ten of them are not enough for me to fight. It just so happens that I'm in a bad mood today, so you can come up here to cheer me up."

  Qin Wan let her go and kicked her, and she crawled out. She kicked the master and servant out of the door like kicking a ball. Xiao Zhima was holding a basket of fruits they had just brought and threw it out. The apples and pears rolled all over the floor and some even hit them.

  "My queen, it feels so good!" said Xiao Zhima.

  Qin Wan said calmly: "Go back."

  On the other hand, after feeling wronged, Shu Fei immediately ran to the imperial study and cried.

  "Your Majesty! Is there still law? Is there still justice? You must make the decision for me!"

  Jiang Beiyu was already annoyed by the pile of memorials, and he became even more annoyed when he heard a woman crying.

  "What happened again?"

  Shu Fei cried and said, "Your Majesty, I repay evil with kindness. I heard that Sister Leng Fei fell into the well and was very worried. I immediately went to visit her with fresh fruits..."

  Before she finished, Jiang Beiyu interrupted her: "Why did you go to provoke her again?"

  Shu Fei said: "It is true that I and Leng Fei had some unpleasant experiences in the past, but that is all in the past. I just wanted to take this opportunity to mend my relationship with my sister Leng Fei. Who would have known that Leng Fei would use me as a tool to vent her anger? Your Majesty, look! I can't even lift my hands now!"

  Jiang Beiyu frowned: "You can't lift your hand, so you should go see the imperial physician. What do you want to see me? Can I help you heal your hand?"

  Shu Fei was stunned for a moment, then she cried out "wow" and cried even more sadly.

  Jiang Beiyu pinched his brows and said, "Someone, send Concubine Shu to the Imperial Hospital as soon as possible."

  Qin Wan didn't know about this little episode. She had just been disturbed by Shu Fei and couldn't fall asleep. She asked Xiao Zhima to find her a new storybook: "The Emperor Exposes His Daughter's Body, the Abstinent Regent Has a Nosebleed", and she leaned against the head of the bed to read it.

  At this time, the guard came to report that another concubine had come to see her.

  She was speechless. After jumping into a well, her bedroom became like a zoo. She would have to charge admission next time!

  The guard spoke incoherently, and she didn't hear who it was, so she said, "Let her in."

  As a result, when the door opened, the person standing in front of her was Concubine Qi, no, now she was called Concubine Qi, and next to her stood her new maid Ertao.

  Qin Wan found it funny: "Are you here to ridicule me too?"

  Concubine Qi said, "No. Although I don't know what happened, and although I don't know how things turned out like this between you and the emperor, I can't believe that you really jumped into the well."

  Qin Wan said lightly: "Jumped."

  Concubine Qi looked surprised.

  Xu Yu asked: "Is there anything I can help you with?"

  Then he continued, "Although it is said that the palace is ruthless and there is no true love in the harem, I don't know how you see it, but I really do regard you as a friend. Although, until now, I have not found evidence to prove my innocence."


  Qin Wan hardened his heart.

  "I'm fine, don't worry about me, really. Thank you for your concern, but I'm really fine."

  Concubine Qi put the food box in her hand on the table.

  "This is the red date gingerbread I made myself. It drives away the cold and calms the nerves. I hope you recover soon."

  After saying that, she followed her maid out.

  Qin Wan sighed softly and said to Peanut, "Tell the guards outside that no one who wants to visit me in the next two days will be allowed in. I'm tired."


  That night, Jiang Beiyu finished reviewing the memorials and studied the small black box again. He found that he still couldn't open it, so he tapped the table with his slender fingers, as if thinking about something.

  He turned the phone sideways and looked at the screen in the candlelight, originally wanting to see if she would leave any clues when entering the password, but he discovered another mark.

  Right below the black box, in the middle, there is an oval mark, like the result of multiple overlapping fingerprints... Yes, that is a fingerprint!

  Fingerprints are used for signatures and seals in government offices, because everyone's fingerprint is unique. Perhaps this is how this small black box recognizes its owner?

  He suddenly had an epiphany and felt a vague excitement in his heart.

  No wonder, it seemed that he had never seen her enter the password to unlock it, as if this black box could be used directly in her hand. It should be, in fact, she would lightly press her fingerprint on it every time before using it. Because this action was too subtle, he always ignored it!

  The corners of Jiang Beiyu's lips curled up with interest.

  "I want to see, is it true?"

  He put the small black box into his sleeve and walked to her palace.

  The evening breeze was cool. Qin Wan had just taken a bath and was chewing a large green jujube while reading a storybook. He was so excited that he

  Just as she was grinning with an auntie smile on her face, she suddenly heard footsteps. She looked up and saw the Dog Emperor, dressed in a light orange uniform, walking in from outside.

  "How do you feel, my dear?"

  He put his hand on her forehead:

  She replied: "Much better, I am fine now."

  She felt something strange.

  Why do I feel that the Dog Emperor looks weird today, especially that half-smile on his face. I always feel like he is up to something bad.

  "Oh? Let me feel your pulse."

  She was curious: "The emperor also knows how to take the pulse?"

  The dog emperor said seriously: "I know a thing or two."


  She was caught off guard and reached out her hand to him, not noticing the cunning ripples in his upturned phoenix eyes.

  Jiang Beiyu held her wrist.

  At first, the Dog Emperor was taking the patient's pulse seriously. Suddenly, a black box quietly emerged from under his sleeve.

  Based on the gestures she used when playing with the black box, he guessed that it was her left thumb that unlocked it.

  When she was not prepared, he pushed her thumb upwards with lightning speed!

  Qin Wan felt something was wrong with her hand. By the time she reacted, she saw her phone screen light up in his sleeve and was successfully unlocked!

  I'm giao! Dog emperor!

  Qin Wan's face changed, but he saw that the dog emperor withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened and said with a smile:

  "My beloved concubine is indeed fine. I am relieved now. My beloved concubine, have a good rest. I am leaving now."

  After saying that, he stood up, turned around and walked out quickly.

  "Your Majesty, wait a minute!"

  Qin Wan immediately stood up and hurried after him, only to see that the tall and straight figure had already passed through the courtyard full of flowers and trees without stopping at all.


  Qin Wan jumped up and landed directly from behind him onto his tall back, with her legs clamped around his waist.

  "Give me back my treasure!"

  She was furious and pulled at his sleeve where he hid her phone with both hands. Jiang Beiyu had never expected her to do this.

  "How dare you! How did you climb on top of me? Get down!"

  She clung on like a koala.

  "If you don't return my treasure to me, I won't come down!"

  The last time she turned off the phone, she had set it to long-on mode, so once he successfully unlocked it, he could play with it until the battery ran out!

  That way all her past would be exposed.

  The man's eyes dimmed: "Where is the treasure on me?"

  "They say a gentleman never jokes, but you lied! It's hidden in your sleeve, you liar!"

  "I don't have any."

  Qin Wan climbed onto his shoulders and continued to rummage through his sleeves. He simply opened his sleeves to let her search.

  With a smile in his eyes, he said slowly: "Leng Qingqing, if you can find it on me, I will return it to you. But if you can't find it, you have to lend me your treasure for three days. How about it?"

  Qin Wan searched, but that sleeve was not there, and neither was the other one... ?

  how come!

  She jumped off him angrily and walked around to the front. He opened his arms generously and let her search him with a barely visible smile on his face.

  How could this happen? She had just seen it all!

  She was unwilling to give up, so she carefully searched his body again, even under his belt.

  "Leng Qingqing." A clear cough came from above my head, and a slightly hoarse but teasing voice sounded:

  "I asked you to search to prove my innocence, not to let you take advantage of me. Where are you touching?"

  Chapter 43: It doesn't work to tease her, she gets angry! ╭(╯^╰)╮

  "I asked you to search to prove my innocence, not to let you take advantage of me. Where are you touching?"

  Qin Wan thought to himself: "Bah! You better save your breath, you dog emperor! You have no innocence at all!"

  Then it dawned on me.

  Why did the Dog Emperor suddenly let her search so openly? The reason was that the phone was not on him at all!

  He had let her see it on purpose, knowing that she would chase him out. In fact, he had left the phone secretly with her, waiting for her to chase him out, and then his father-in-law would take it away.

  This move is called luring the tiger away from the mountain.

  Too much, too much!

  "Your Majesty, you are indeed innocent. It was I who misunderstood Your Majesty."

  Qin Wan's voice was cold and sarcastic, and he took a step back.

  "You go back and see the emperor off respectfully. I will not see him off."

  Jiang Beiyu was surprised.

  This is not like her. Why isn't she angry?

  He reached out and rubbed her furry little head.

  "My beloved, you should also rest early, huh?"

  you win.

  She didn't get angry but smiled: "Yeah."

  She felt hopeless all the way, and when she returned to the bedroom, she saw Leng Ying handing her the cell phone with the glowing screen.

  She was surprised: "You got it back?"

  "I didn't steal it. It was left here by the Emperor."

  "Huh?" Qin Wan was surprised.

  Dog Emperor, has your conscience finally come to you?

  So, he was just teasing her? !

  It doesn't work if you tease her, she gets angry!


  The second day.

  After getting up, Qin Wan stood at the door of the bedroom and stretched as usual, and found that the guards guarding the door had been withdrawn.

  The Dog Emperor lifted the house arrest on her?

  She tried to walk a few steps outside, and sure enough, no one stopped her.

  I finally understand why the heroine of the novel has Stockholm syndrome. When he suddenly treats her so well, she actually feels that the image of the dog emperor in her heart has become taller and more majestic?

  Well, Qin Wan, you are awake, it must be an illusion.

  Thinking that the decoration of the milk tea shop outside her palace should be almost completed, after lunch, she took Xiao Zhima and sneaked out of the palace again.

  Autumn had begun to fall in the capital, and a few early yellow leaves floated past her carriage window and fell gently. She lay at the door of the carriage, looking at the bustling market outside.

  The carriage drove to an intersection in a busy city and stopped. Ma Shushu, wearing a pink dress, was already waiting at the intersection, looking around.

  She snapped her fingers, and after noticing it, she grinned and ran towards her carriage.

  Just before leaving the palace, she sent a message to the Leng Mansion by pigeon. The pigeon letter was delivered to Leng Lie, who then informed Ma Shushu to go out.

  Suddenly I remembered that in modern times, she drove a pink Lamborghini and often took her to go shopping and to see the sea.

  At that time, she was wearing sunglasses, the car slid up to her, a lollipop in her mouth, and she whistled at her.

  Ma Shushu got into the car, holding a kraft paper bag in her hand. Inside was the sweet dates she brought from the Leng Mansion. Leng Leng had stuffed them into her pocket for her to eat on the road before she left. She naturally took one out of the bag and put it into Qin Wan's mouth.

  "Are you used to staying in the Leng family?" Qin Wan asked.

  "It's OK. It's just a little boring that I can't live stream. Did your dog return your phone to you?"

  "Please remove the words 'my family', thank you, there is no such person in my family." Qin Wan's face was cold.

  Thinking about yesterday, she got angry that he actually played a trick on her.

  Ma Shushu gave her a teasing look.

  "Just wait for the day when you get slapped in the face. I'll help you save up the money first."

  "Save it, you immortal board, you old man, how do you save it?"

  Little Zhima, who was sitting nearby, didn't dare to say a word.

  How come when she went out, she could recognize the words of the empress separately, but she couldn't understand them together? What is live broadcast? What is Xigou? What is a mobile phone? What is Laoliu?

  Xigou understood what was said, and based on the context, it should be the emperor, but what does this mean?

  No matter what, Her Majesty must have her reasons for saying so, huh!

  Ma Shushu picked up a date, looked through the hole in the middle like looking through a telescope, and said nonchalantly: "Last time a thief broke into your house, I happened to see it, and your brother thought I was pretty good at fighting, so he asked me if I was willing to work for him.

  One month, five ounces of gold."

  "Oh oh oh. What kind of job is this? Is it serious?" Qin Wan teased from the side.

  Ma Shushu rolled her eyes at her and said, "Why are you so frivolous? You must know that your groom earns two taels of gold a month! Your family is really rich, extremely rich! Tsk tsk."

  Qin Wan said: "I really don't know. If it's five taels a month, that's 250 grams. The current gold price is 400 yuan per gram, which is 100,000 yuan.

  A monthly salary of ten dabuluo, do you want to earn this money?"

  Ma Shushu glanced at her and said, "I made money. I'm saving this for you."

  The carriage passed through the downtown area and stopped in front of a two-story house. This was the shop Qin Wan bought that day.

  The decoration is basically completed. There are two signs upstairs and downstairs. The downstairs milk tea shop is called "Uncle Milk Tea." The upstairs hot pot shop is called "Wanwan Hot Pot."

  Xiao Zhima was arranged by her to go shopping on the street. The two walked into the shop together. Qin Wan said:

  "Actually, it's okay if you don't want to work for my brother. I originally planned to let you run this shop. It's inconvenient for me to come out of the palace, so you can be the shopkeeper and we can split the profits 50-50. If you decide to work for my brother, I will find someone else."

  Ma Shushu seemed to be thinking: "Only children make choices, adults have to choose both. Even if I work for your brother, I can help you run the shop."

  Qin Wan was delighted: "Really?"

  "Of course." Ma Shushu raised the corner of her mouth.

  Qin Wan continued, "The milk tea shop has a large customer flow. We sell iced drinks in the summer and hot drinks in the winter, which can attract people. When people buy milk tea, they know there is a hot pot restaurant upstairs. They smell the aroma and will go upstairs after a few visits. The milk tea shop has stairs that lead directly to the second floor."

  She led her through the shop:

  "The shop also has a backyard with two wells. One is for drinking water and the other is for making ice. The two wells cannot be confused."

  "Make, ice?" Ma Shushu's eyes widened.

  "Yes, we can still take advantage of the tail end of summer to make ice drinks to attract some customers. When winter comes, we can use ice to make ice-cooked lamb hotpot. Lamb cooked with ice is especially tender and can be used as the signature dish of our store."

  Ma Shushu was full of admiration: "It has to be you!"

  "Come, follow me upstairs and I'll take you to a nice place." Qin Wan blinked at her mysteriously.

  She took her upstairs to the hot pot restaurant, which had a lobby and several private rooms. She took her straight to the corner of the corridor and pushed open an unremarkable cabinet door on the wall, revealing a new world inside.

  Inside was a small studio in Nordic style, with a sofa, a coffee table, a wardrobe, and a wine cabinet. Everything was designed in modern style. Ma Shushu thought she had traveled back in time.

  Qin Wan was in high spirits: "This can be used as our secret base. It is an excellent hidden place and also a refuge. If anyone commits a crime in the future, they can hide here. I guarantee that no one will find them."

  After taking her to visit the shops, the two of them took a carriage for a tour around the capital, shopping and eating until it was almost dusk when she sneaked back to the palace.

  During this period, she was actually secretly worried that the dog emperor would suddenly visit her, and then find out that she was not there. When he came back, he quietly asked the palace servants, and she was relieved when they said that the emperor had not been there.

  The Dog Emperor seems to be busy recently?

 Jiang Beiyu was sitting in the study at this moment.

  He had finished reviewing the memorials. He held the scroll in his hand and occasionally looked up at the yard outside.

  Her ban has been lifted, will she come to him on her own initiative?


  "The beauty is coming."

  Jixiang in the cage nearby was happily cracking corn kernels and jumping up and down in the cage to tease him.

  "My heart is filled with longing, I long for the beauty in the sky."

  He got tired of listening to it, so he asked someone to find a rope and tied up Jixiang's mouth.

  There were several food boxes piled on his desk, one contained the mung bean cake sent by Concubine Shu, one contained mango sago sent by Guiren Liu, and one contained mint mung bean soup sent by Concubine Zhang.

  The more I look at it, the more upset I get.

  She was released, but her legs were not long enough? Other concubines were delivering desserts and snacks, running back and forth several times, but what about her?

  She talks sweetly and keeps saying how much she loves him, but I never see her taking any action.

  Humph, you little scumbag! You little liar! You are all deceiving him!



  At this time, a young eunuch hurried in. He was delighted and asked, "Is Concubine Leng here?"

  The young eunuch said, "No! Your Majesty, something terrible has happened! The envoy from the Northern Kingdom, Lord Lu, has suddenly become ill and is now losing consciousness!"

  Jiang Beiyu frowned fiercely.

  He almost forgot that there were these two depressing things in his palace.

  After being left alone for a few days, how could he still get sick in his palace? What bad luck!

  o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

  "What's wrong? Have you asked the doctor?"

  The young eunuch said, "The imperial physician has not made a diagnosis either. Lord Lu's condition looks quite serious. The Imperial Hospital has asked us to report this to you as soon as possible."

  Jiang Beiyu stood up and walked quickly towards the palace with a sullen face.

  This person is an envoy from the Northern Kingdom. His safety concerns the peace between the two countries, so he has to go.

  When we arrived at the place, we saw Lord Lu lying flat on the bed with his eyes closed, his face pale, his whole body shaking and talking nonsense. Several doctors from the Imperial Medical Bureau were standing beside him, each with their heads lowered, looking at a loss as to what to do.

  He asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

  "Your servants are incompetent and failed to diagnose Lord Lu's illness."

  Xu Guangyi, another Northern Kingdom envoy standing by, said solemnly, "Lord Lu may have been poisoned! This symptom... seems to be the same as the poison that the Northern Kingdom's soldiers were poisoned with on the battlefield some time ago!"

  Hearing this, Jiang Beiyu's sharp phoenix eyes suddenly stared at him.

  "What does Lord Xu mean? Do you suspect that we were the one who poisoned Lord Lu?" The speaker was Leng Leng.

  He also rushed to the palace after hearing the news, because he was responsible for the reception of the envoys from the Northern Kingdom and was also responsible for their safety.

  Xu Guangyi responded bluntly: "The symptoms are indeed the same! I am just suspicious. You can't diagnose the disease, so why don't you let people find a solution?"

  Lord Lu was in good health on weekdays, with no hidden illness at all. He lived in your palace just fine, how could he suddenly become like this? This must be poisoning, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

  Jiang Beiyu glanced at him and said in a nonchalant tone, "Master Xu, it seems that you have concluded that Master Lu has been poisoned?"

  Xu Guangyi knelt down in front of him and said, "Your Majesty! Please save Lord Lu. Please use the same method you used to save our soldiers to save Lord Lu. Even if it's just a try! Your Majesty! Human life is at stake, Your Majesty!"

  Jiang Beiyu looked at the doctor calmly: "Have you tried it?"

  The imperial physician said in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, we can't detect what kind of poison Lord Lu has been poisoned with, how dare we try it? Lord Xu keeps saying that this poison is the same as the one that the Northern soldiers were poisoned with on the battlefield, but we are not the ones who developed the antidote for this poison, and we don't know how to solve it!"

  Xu Guangyi said anxiously: "Who developed the antidote? Let her come over and take a look and we'll find out!"

  Jiang Beiyu's face was as gloomy as a pool of water, his pair of black eyes were deep and dark, and no one could tell what he was thinking at the moment.

  After a moment, he said slowly:

  "Send the cold concubine."

  Qin Wan arrived soon after and heard the news on the way. He felt shocked and outrageous.

  And on the battlefield is a poison???

  Haha, her spear was stained with shit on the battlefield. Did she dig up shit and eat it?

  She quickly came to the palace and saw the person lying on the bed.

  Chills, rapid breathing, high fever, confusion...

  All of these are indeed symptoms of sepsis.

  She reached out and felt her pulse.

  In fact, she didn't know how to take a pulse, but she had to pretend. Her face was calm, but her little head was spinning rapidly at this moment.

  She couldn't admit that she was "poisoned" because in the eyes of the northerners, this poison was only found in Jiang State. If she admitted it, the poison would have been cast by the people of Jiang State, and Jiang State would have to take the blame.

  The fact that the Northern Kingdom's envoy was nearly poisoned to death in the Jiang Kingdom was a serious matter, so we must bear the brunt of it. We cannot admit that it was poison, and we must insist that it was a disease!

  Moreover, she did not poison the Northerners at the beginning. She just made them sick. The Jiang people still haven't figured out what kind of poison it was, because it was not a poison at all!

  But, what happened to her? Why did her symptoms match those of the soldiers on the northern battlefield? Could it be...

  She glanced at the person on the bed thoughtfully.

  "It's not poisoning." She said lightly.

  "But I can cure it."

  Xu Guangyi immediately said: "How do you know it's not poisoning?"

  She glanced at Xu Guangyi with a pair of eyes, "Do I understand or do you? If you don't believe me, I won't treat you."

  Xu Guangyi immediately became like a quail.

  To grasp.

  At this moment, Jiang Beiyu also looked at her, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to raise the corners of his lips.

  Xu Guangyi asked, "How do you plan to treat it?"

  "Give me three days." Her eyes were bright, and her delicate face looked radiant because of her confidence.

  "During these three days, you don't need to ask me what method I use to treat you. After three days, the disease will be cured."

  Chapter 44: Undressing Her Layer by Layer

  "During these three days, you don't need to ask me what method I use to treat you. After three days, the disease will be cured."

  After hearing these words, the smile on the lips of someone who was originally snickering suddenly froze.

  Three days?

  Need to treat for three days?

  In other words, is it legitimate for her to stay with that pretty boy for three days?

  But, she was his concubine, how could she treat this foreign man?

  She agreed so readily, didn't she? This was exactly what she wanted, right?

  Thinking of this, the face suddenly turned dark and chilly, so dark that it almost looked like ink was dripping out.

  Qin Wan had other considerations in mind.

  She is now basically certain that this is a conspiracy.

  Aren't they doing this just for the formula of her antidote? They can also blame Jiang Guo for this.

  Therefore, this Lord Lu was either acting, or he was really a Wolf Slayer, who used the weapon that they had previously "poisoned" to pierce his own skin, causing his blood to be infected, and he had the same symptoms as the previous soldiers!

  See how she finds out their true colors!

  If it's the first case, you're going to act? You're done for if I stab you, and in the end, let's see who wins the award.

  If it is the second situation, she will counter it and insist that it is a disease and not a poison. After all, she is the one who cured it, so let her say whatever she wants, but don't try to let them take the blame!


  But after some thought, she suddenly realized——

  Since when did she assume that she was a Jiang citizen and stood on the same front as Jiang Beiyu?

  "Thank you, my lady, you are so righteous!"

  Xu Guangyi immediately thanked him and said in a 'considerate' way:

  "It's just that your Majesty's status is special, so it's a little inconvenient to treat Lord Lu. Why don't we let our accompanying medical officer assist you in the treatment? Your Majesty, tell our medical officer the treatment method. We can minimize contact and touching with Lord Lu. Having a third person present can also protect your reputation."

  Jiang Beiyu's expression eased slightly, but she immediately said in a clear voice, "No need."

  Qin Wan thought, look at this mouth, he is worthy of being a diplomat!

  Low EQ: "Steal the recipe."

  High EQ: "Protect the queen's reputation."

  She said leisurely: "Every doctor has his or her own unique set of techniques, which cannot be replaced by others. I am used to doing it myself.

  It's like acupuncture. It seems to be inserted in one place, but the depth and intensity of the needle have an impact on the efficacy. A slight mistake can lead to a huge error. I believe that Lord Xu does not want to gamble with Lord Lu's life."

  "As for my reputation, thank you Lord Xu for worrying about me, but there is a precedent in Jiang's ancestors of doctors becoming concubines. Even after becoming the emperor's concubine, they still practice medicine and continue to treat illnesses and save lives. For many years, it has been a good story among the people.

  In terms of medical skills, I think I am not as good as that famous doctor, but I have always admired her noble character, so I am willing to help save Lord Lu."

  Then, she looked at Jiang Beiyu with a smile: "I believe that with the emperor's temperament and mind, he should understand and won't care about it."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her with a pair of cold eyes, and she seemed to hear the sound of him grinding his teeth.

  After a moment, he said, "I don't care."

  Seeing Jiang Beiyu said this, Lord Xu didn't know what to say. There was a hint of worry in his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking.

  Okay, everyone is happy.

  Qin Wan ordered, "Come here, prepare an empty room and carry Lord Lu over. Everyone go away."

  She still had to go back to the palace to make some preparations, so she left first. On the way, an arm suddenly pulled her, and she met a pair of angry phoenix eyes:

  "Cold and quiet!"

  "Who allowed you to agree to rescue Lu Xuan without consulting me?"

  When Qin Wan saw that it was the Dog Emperor, he was so angry that he came to stop her.

  "But, in the situation just now, do I have any other choice? If Lu Xuan really gets into an accident, Jiang Kingdom will be to blame, and the two countries that have finally calmed down may have to reignite the flames of war. The people of the two countries will suffer."

  Jiang Beiyu gritted his teeth and said, "You are a righteous man. I think you saved him because he is Lord Lu. And, three days???"

  He approached her and said, "Why do I remember that I only needed to give him medicine? Why do you want to treat him alone for three days?"

  These words were so infuriating, and she was so jealous that she could have explained to him that she was deliberately trying to trick her, but when she remembered how he had played a trick on her last night, she smiled and said in an ambiguous way:

  "I have said that she was not poisoned, so naturally she was not treated according to the method I used at that time."

  "You think I'm stupid."

  Jiang Beiyu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and a huge sense of oppression came over him.

  Qin Wan crossed his arms, feeling confident and not afraid at all.

  Anyway, Lu Xuan is a woman, what can he do? She just wants to make him angry, and in the end he finds out that he is jealous for nothing, hahahahahaha.

  Finally, Jiang Beiyu took a deep breath and whispered in her ear:

  "If you dare to cheat on me and do something to let me down, the entire Leng family will be buried with you."

  After saying that, as if as a warning, he actually bit her little ear viciously.

  Qin Wan:!!!

  Is this a dog? Why does he bite people?!

  Qin Wan packed up and took some tools to the room prepared by the palace maid for Lu Xuan, and asked everyone to leave.

 Of course, she knew that there must be people watching her in secret, and Leng Ying would solve these problems for her.

  Looking at the pale, motionless person lying on the bed, she sneered.

  You were twitching just now, shaking like Ke Yun. Can't you act anymore?

  Oh, there are fewer people now, only her, and she is not happy to perform anymore.

  She walked up to her and the first thing she did was reach out and untie the straps of her skirt.

  The body below trembled noticeably.

  Qin Wan sneered and continued to unbutton her clothes layer by layer like peeling an onion.


  Chapter 45 She leaned close to his ear and said, "I want..."

  Qin Wan sneered and continued to unbutton her clothes layer by layer like peeling an onion.

  Except for the initial moment, she remained motionless.

  Qin Wan was amused. They were about to strip her naked, but she still didn't wake up? I still remember that she was still dressed as a man. Really, she wasn't afraid at all?

  However, it would be pointless to expose her too early. Qin Wan stopped when he had stripped her down to a thin white inner robe.

  She smiled:

  "Someone, bring me my silver needle."

  Xiao Zhima immediately took out a needle bag and asked curiously, "Madam, do you know acupuncture?"

  "No. I just learned it."

  She studied acupuncture not to learn how to insert needles, but how to avoid fatal points.

  At this moment, she was possessed by Aunt Rong.

  Qin Wan took out a silver needle and stabbed it into the person lying below.

  Because of the pain, her upper body was visibly arched. Qin Wan stuffed the prepared rag directly into her mouth so that no one outside could hear her sound.

  She turned to Xiao Zhima and said, "Look, this is actually having some effect. The person who was motionless just now is now moving."

  Little Zhima, who was watching from the side, seemed to understand, but not quite. He nodded thoughtfully: "My queen, you are so amazing!"

  "so so."

  She picked up the medical book beside her and said, "Next needle, next needle, let me see where to insert it... Yongquan, the sole of the foot!"

  The person lying down shuddered again.

  Another injection was given, but she still held it in and didn't move. Qin Wan got angry when he saw her.

  Isn't it because they are in Jiang State that Jiang State is responsible for their life and death? You can decide whether I stab you or not.

  She pierced the sole of her foot several times. Xiao Zhima beside her asked curiously, "Hey? Madam, I see that most people who do acupuncture will leave the needle there. Why didn't you leave the needle there?"

  "Oh, sorry, I forgot."

  She really thought of herself as Aunt Rong.

  "Come again."

  The person lying on the bed finally couldn't bear it anymore, and began to shake violently as if in protest, trying to stop her from giving him the injection.

  Qin Wan took a look and thought, oh my god, she is the best actress! If she traveled to the modern era, she must have won many Oscars.

  Moving so much does affect the acupuncture. She narrowed her eyes and smiled:

  "It seems that Lord Lu is allergic to acupuncture. I can only try another method. Someone, bring me my medicine jar."

  Qin Wan gave an order.

  At this moment, a palace servant immediately brought a medicine jar.

  The palace maid was puzzled. Didn't she usually order the boiled medicine to be brought? Why did she bring the jar as well? However, the queen had her own reasons for doing so.

  Qin Wan wrapped the food in gauze, opened the lid, stirred it with a spoon, and asked Xiao Zhima beside him.

  "Do you recognize these medicines?"

  Little Zhima tried hard to look into the steaming pot: "I think I saw a scorpion, a cockroach, a centipede, and another thing I don't know what it is."

  Qin Wan said calmly: "Placenta."

  "What is placenta?"


  The person lying down obviously moved again.

  "Come, help me lift her up and pour it in."


  Xiao Zhima first poured the medicine out of the medicine jar,

  He was surprised and asked, "Oh, Madam, why is this medicine green when it is poured out?"

  Qin Wan said: "Green is better, green is healthier."


  Xiao Zhima helped Lu Xuan up. Qin Wan took the medicine bowl in his hand, took out the gauze stuffed in her mouth, and was about to pour the medicine into her mouth when the person in front of him suddenly started coughing violently, twitching as she coughed.

  Qin Wan thought, what a burst of acting skills, come on, continue, let the acting skills soar even more!

  "Someone come." she shouted.

  "Tie up her hands and feet. She's moving too much, so the medicine won't go down at all!"

  Several palace servants came to the scene and really tied her hands and feet with ropes. Lu Xuan was now certain that she was deliberately treating her in a disorderly manner and it was impossible to give her her treatment method and antidote, so she suddenly opened her eyes.

  Just as she was about to speak, Qin Wan took this opportunity to pinch her jaw and gulp the medicine into her mouth. After that, he stuffed the rag in her mouth to block it.

  "Hmm! Hmm!"

  Lu Xuan struggled loudly, wanting to vomit but unable to, holding back with a rag, and looked at Qin Wan with resentful eyes.

  Little Zhima exclaimed: "My lady, your medical skills are so great! She just drank the medicine and she is already healed!"

  Lu Xuan glared at Xiao Zhima fiercely, and looked at Qin Wan with even more resentment.

  Is this little maid blind, or is she doing this on purpose to flatter her majesty? Can't she see that she's almost dying? This woman doesn't care about life or death at all!

  (ノへ ̄、)

  Qin Wan looked at Lu Xuan and said with a wicked smile, "It's not healed yet. It's just the beginning. We need to continue with the consolidation treatment. It will take at least three days to fully recover."

  Lu Xuan looked terrified and tried to speak, but her mouth was blocked by the rag again.

  Three days! How is she going to survive these three days?

  Seeing that the emperor cared so much about her that day, she originally thought that he would never agree to her treating "him" alone, and would ask her to pass the treatment method to someone else, so that her spies would have an opportunity to take advantage.

  Even if she treated her personally, as long as she pretended to be unconscious, she could silently write down the treatment method and then have someone secretly collect the medicine residue to infer the formula.

  Unfortunately, she was wrong.

  Qin Wan knew that the reason why she was so fearless was that she was sure that she was an envoy from the Northern Kingdom. She didn't dare to touch her, and even if she found out, she would still be polite to her.

  Unexpectedly, she just has no martial ethics.

  She hit a wall.

  (* ̄︶ ̄)

  Lu Xuan tried to ask her to stop and end it all, but her mouth was covered tightly and she couldn't make any sound.

  She couldn't stop it just because she wanted to.

  Qin Wan stretched and called a few palace servants:

  "I'm going to have lunch now. Please watch carefully. The first phase of treatment has shown initial results. The patient has woken up and needs consolidation treatment in the next phase. This is a secret treatment and no one is allowed to visit."

  Several palace servants said in unison: "Yes!"

  As soon as I came out, I saw the Dog Emperor not far from the door. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and standing in the corridor.

  "how's it going?"

  "Don't worry, Your Majesty. The man has regained consciousness."

  As they walked side by side in the corridor, he asked, "Why did he suddenly become ill? Have you found out?"

  She smiled and said, "Why did he suddenly fall ill? Doesn't the emperor know?"

  She gave him a look and he understood.

  At first, the incident happened suddenly and he didn't think about it carefully. Just now, when he returned to the study and calmed down, he indeed found that there were many strange things about this incident.

  The other side insisted that he was poisoned by the same poison used on the battlefield, but what they used was not poison at all! Only the northerners always thought that they were the ones who poisoned him.

  Now everything is clear.

  The other party is either pretending to be a victim in order to get the prescription.

  "You also figured out that it was fake?"

  Jiang Beiyu frowned and thought,

  "However, they are now in Jiang Country. Even if we understand their motives, if they continue to pretend to be sick, we will be helpless."

  Qin Wan raised her lips and smiled: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will handle it. When facing a rogue, we must use methods that are more rogue than the rogue."

  "Thanks a lot."

  She suddenly turned her head, and looked at him expectantly with her watery fox eyes: "Thank you for your hard work... Will the emperor give you any compensation?"

  His ears turned red: "What compensation do you want?"

  With evil intentions, she stood on tiptoe, leaned close to his ear, and said with a sweet breath: "I want..."

  Chapter 46 Why do you feel wronged after being kissed by me?

  With evil intentions, she stood on tiptoe, leaned close to his ear, and said with a sweet breath: "I want..."

  "I'm going to your bedroom..."

  His heart moved, and his phoenix eyes lit up until he heard the last few words.

  "Connect to wifi."

  The light in his eyes suddenly went out.

  He thought she wanted him.

  Unexpectedly, what he could not stop thinking about was the illusory signal in his bedroom.

  What was he compared to those virtual signals that could make her happy?

  Qin Wan was just thinking that she had a quarrel with him some time ago and had not been to his bedroom. It had been a long time since she had gone without wifi and she was living like the Yuanmou Man.

  Now I just want to watch some Tik Tok and some TV series and relax.

  Otherwise she would really break apart.

  Although he felt very disappointed, the sadness in his eyes was only fleeting, and he said, "You go, I am in the study during the day, not in the palace."

  "Okay, thank you, Your Majesty."

  Qin Wan really went there.

  She found a place with the best signal in his bedroom, put a small table there, and took out a cell phone holder that Leng Ying had made for her out of wood a few days ago.

  She put the phone on the stand.

  For lunch, I asked the imperial kitchen to make a bowl of spicy hot pot, which was medium spicy and spicy. It came with beef rolls with pork chops, mutton rolls with pork chops, as well as meatballs, fish balls, tofu, vermicelli, and quail eggs. It was a big bowl with both meat and vegetables and was very satisfying.

  In addition to spicy hot pot, she also asked the imperial kitchen to make her a cup of sour plum juice with osmanthus and ice cubes.

  It is really satisfying to watch TV series, eat spicy hot pot and drink iced plum juice at the same time.

  She also sent photos of her spicy hot pot and mobile phone holder to Ma Shushu.

  Ma Shushu replied immediately: "6."

  She replied: "Are you still sitting on that tree branch watching videos? Aren't you on duty?"

  Ma Shushu replied: "Lunch break, I'll go in a while →_→"

  Ma Shushu: "I am a rich and beautiful girl in modern times, and I am not even happy to go to my family's company. But in ancient times, I became a miserable worker.

  (﹏). "

  Qin Wan: "6"

  An hour later, Qin Wan went to the room where Lu Xuan was lying again.

  Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Lu Xuan's body shrank suddenly. She wanted to sit up, but her hands and feet were tied.

  A perverted smile appeared on the corner of Qin Wan's mouth.

  She was scared.

  There were only her and her in the room. She walked over to her and pulled the rag out of her mouth. She immediately spoke:

  "What do you want?"

  Qin Wan smiled charmingly and said, "I should be the one asking you this question. What do you want, Princess?"

  Her eyes were empty: "Don't shout, who is the princess? I only told you that I am a woman, but I never said I am a princess."

  Qin Wan stuffed the rag back again:

  "Oh, you're not... Sorry to bother you. I was originally worried that you were a princess of the Northern Kingdom, so I might get into trouble. Since you're not, it's easy. Let's continue."

  "Woo! Woo! Woo!"

  Seeing her pick up the silver needle bag again, she tried to talk to her, but her mouth was covered. She could only make such sounds and looked at her in horror.

  Qin Wan slowly opened the silver needle bag, as skillfully as an experienced surgeon, and with her slender, beautiful fingers she picked out a long, silver needle that suited her needs.

 "I gave you a chance to speak nicely, but you didn't and told lies. I'm sorry. You brought this upon yourself."

  Lu Xuan felt a thousand regrets in her heart. When the familiar pain came over her again, she knew that she was facing a madman.

  "You are not a princess, but you dare to call me by this name? How brave are you? You deserve to die...

  If you were a princess, why would you run to Jiang State to cause trouble instead of being a good princess? You deserve to die..."

  If her plot had not been discovered, someone else, having encountered her cunning, might have exposed the formula of the antidote.

  Once the Northern Kingdom obtains the formula for the antidote, the Jiang Kingdom will no longer have the bargaining chips to curb their ambitions, and they will continue to launch a large-scale attack on the Jiang Kingdom.

  What Qin Wan hates most is the kind of people who can't even live a good life in their own country and are always thinking about invading other countries, so she will never be merciful.

  After a few injections, she was already pale and had sweat dripping down her forehead, soaking her temples.

  She took off the rag that was blocking her mouth again and moved closer to her face: "Isn't it good to be alive? Why do you have to pretend to be sick, huh?"

  "I won't pretend anymore." She was still breathing heavily.

  "Let me go. I'll tell them that you cured me, and let this matter be forgotten. How about that? After all, I'm an envoy of the Jiang Kingdom. Killing me won't do you any good, right?"

  "Oh, you can threaten people now."

  The silver needle in Qin Wan's hand gently scratched her cheek, and he whispered in her ear:

  "You play games like a child, and you can stop playing if you want to, and go back to your own home and find your own mother? But Jiangguo is not a place where you can come and go as you please...

  Besides, you promised me now, but what if I let you go and you bite me back? I am a coward and I dare not promise..."

  "Then how can you let me go?"

  "What? Let me think about it..."

  Qin Wan yawned, pulled out a chair and sat down next to him, saying lazily:

  "I'm too tired to think about it. Why don't you think about it yourself and give me some leverage so that I can threaten you and feel safe enough to convince me to let you go?"

  Lu Xuan:!!!

  Is this still a human being? She is asked to take the initiative to offer something that can threaten her, and she is also asked to think about it herself?

  After being stunned for a while, the familiar pain came over her and she was stabbed in the leg by another needle.

  Qin Wan said with a gentle smile on her delicate little face:

  "Have you thought about it? Let's continue."


  At dusk, Lu Xuan was carried out.

  Qin Wan agreed to let her go, and the bargaining chip was one thousand taels of gold she had deposited in the bank, plus a secret.

  She deposited this money in the Northern Country Bank, but she could also withdraw it in Jiang Country. Here we have to mention the former regent of Jiang Country, that is, the husband of the former empress of Jiang Country, Quan Jiuzhou.

  The regent's family was originally in the business world. Of course, becoming the regent did not affect his inheritance of the family business. Power and money combined together made him a very powerful figure.

  Later on, he opened money houses in various countries. As long as the money was in his name, it could be withdrawn in other countries. The prerequisite was that the money had to be withdrawn three months after the deposit date, because the information of each deposit and withdrawal needed to be manually synchronized between countries.

  This is off topic.

  In short, Qin Wan withdrew the money with his private seal that afternoon, and released the person after putting the money in his pocket.

  Although this Lu Xuan repeatedly denied that she was the princess of the Northern Kingdom, Lu Xuan, but she was so rich, who would believe that she was not a princess?

  Qin Wan took the silver note to the gold shop and exchanged it for a glittering gold pillow.

  That night, Qin Wan was admiring her big golden pillow in her tent when she suddenly heard a message from outside:

  "The Emperor has arrived~"

  She quickly covered her big golden pillow with the quilt, wondering why this dog emperor always came to her for no reason?

  Jiang Beiyu walked in from outside wearing a casual, light yellow robe. Although it was made of simple material, it looked noble and extraordinary. He stepped on the fallen golden osmanthus and silvery moonlight in the yard.

  After entering the house, he sat down and said:

  "Lord Lu has 'recovered', and they have decided to set off back to the Northland tomorrow."

  "Oh. Congratulations, Your Majesty. You now have one less thing to worry about."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her with deep eyes:

  "That Lord Lu told Lord Xu that it was you who 'cured' him. Qingqing, it was you who shared my worries."

  Under the light, the handsome face with delicate features was clearly outlined, and she suddenly dared not look directly into his scorching gaze.

  "Well, as a concubine, isn't it my duty to share the worries of the emperor?" She smiled, and it was time for her daily job of "flattering the dragon" again.

  Little Zhima came in with her head down, holding a cup of tea. When she came in, the door of her bedroom was open, but when she left, she actually closed her door?!

  When the door closed, both of them felt a little awkward.

  Jiang Beiyu took a sip of the tea, then put it down when he found it was a little hot. He said, "My beloved, are you still resting?"

  Qin Wan said: "I'm just about to take a break."

  She thought to herself, just as she was hugging her big golden pillow and getting ready to go to sleep, he suddenly came.

  He said, "I just came back from the palace and passed by your place. I have reviewed too many memorials today and I am a little tired now. I want to rest for a while."

  As he said that, he walked towards her bed.

  Qin Wan's heart was filled with alarm.

  You don't want to stay and sleep here?

  The emperor would choose to have his concubines sleep in his bedroom, but he would also visit them on a whim when he passed by their palaces. There were no strict rules in this regard, but in the palace, it was normal for him to stay and sleep today.

  Seeing that he was about to lift the quilt, Qin Wan shouted, "Wait."

 She gritted her teeth and said awkwardly, "My bed is small, will Your Majesty be uncomfortable sleeping?"

  Jiang Beiyu said: "It's okay, I can overcome it. I'll rest for a while." Then he sat down on her bed.

  Fortunately, the quilt was not lifted, and Qin Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

  The Dog Emperor patted him on the spot on his body.

  Qin Wan hesitated for a moment, then sat down reluctantly.

  After all, her character is the concubine of the Dog Emperor, and she loves the Dog Emperor very much.

  But as soon as she sat down, the Dog Emperor suddenly stretched out a hand and held her hand.

  She froze instantly.

  His warm, dry hands held hers. His hands were long and beautiful, soft and smooth. He held hers gently. It was not that she disliked it, but rather that there was a strange feeling.

  I feel like there are several small reptiles crawling in my heart.

  He said seriously: "After seeing through the opponent's counterattack, you were able to retreat unscathed. Qingqing, I admire you very much. It is my blessing to have you.

  If you need anything in the future, you can come to my bedroom at any time to use the signal. I have already told the guards not to set up defenses against you, and you don't need to report to me."

  Qin Wan was delighted: "Really?"

  Jiang Beiyu said: "Only for you."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  From now on, I can come and go freely in Jiang Beiyu's bedroom. This is very convenient. I can go online whenever I want and watch TV series easily.

  After the excitement, Qin Wan realized that he was hugging someone's neck, and because she was hugging him, the tips of his ears were already turning red.

  So she quickly let go and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

  "It's not disrespectful."

  Jiang Beiyu frowned slightly: "You are my beloved concubine, what's wrong with you hugging me?"

  "Your Majesty...I'm afraid that the Emperor won't be used to it," she explained.

  "You'll get used to it if you hug her." As he spoke, he had already reached out and held her in his arms, looking down at her, staring at her lips.

  Qin Wan felt her heart beating rapidly, and could also feel his chest rising and falling and his breathing becoming rapid.

  Before she could react, her lips softened.

  I hadn't had time to change my breath just now, but now it was blocked. I didn't dare to change it or push it.

  Asking is particularly panic.

  Am I going to lose my virginity tonight?

  The pillow had just been replaced with a gold one and was too heavy to be moved. She couldn't move it at all. Besides, even if she turned into a Barbie doll and picked up the pillow to throw at the Dog Emperor, he would be smashed to death!

  Just as he was thinking about this mess, the dog emperor moved his lips away and ordered, "Breathe."

  She almost suffocated. After taking a deep breath, the Dog Emperor covered her with his soft lips again.

  Ah, this...

  What a bastard!

  She really wanted to cry but had no tears, until he moved his lips away again, looked at her and said:

  "Why do you feel wronged when I kissed you?"

  Then he started laughing to himself like a child and seemed to be in a good mood.

  "I'm leaving, go to bed early tonight."

  He reached out and scratched her nose, then stood up.

  After taking two steps, he seemed to remember something and said:

  "There's no need to hide the big golden pillow. You earned it with your own ability. I won't fight with you for it.

  The gold one is too hard and hurts your head. It's better to put a layer of soft cotton cloth on it."

  Qin Wan:!!!

  No, how does he know everything?

  Later I thought, ah, the money house opened by the regent Quan Jiuzhou is still active in various countries, and the child he had with the empress was the next emperor of the Jiang Kingdom...

  So, was Quan Jiuzhou's money house eventually passed down and secretly operated by the royal family of Jiang State?

  Thinking of this, she took a breath secretly.

  So, Jiang Beiyu should have known about the huge change of 1,000 taels of gold in the money house this afternoon?

  It turned out that he just found out why she was hiding it, and he was secretly laughing at her, huh!


  The next morning, the envoys from the Northern Kingdom left as expected. Out of courtesy, Jiang Beiyu took several ministers to see them off and escorted them out of the city.

  At this time, Leng Ying also hurried in:

  "Your Majesty, last time you asked me to look for the portrait of Princess Lu Xuan of the Northern Kingdom, I have already got it. Please take a look."

  Since the man had already loaded the carriage and ran away, there was actually no point in looking at the portrait at this time. However, the man had worked so hard to get it, so Qin Wan still unfolded the rolled up portrait.

  When she saw the person in the portrait, her face was full of surprise and astonishment.

  "How...how could this be?"

  Chapter 47: Hoarse voice: "When have I ever disliked you?"

  "How...how could this be?"

  The person in the portrait actually looked exactly like the person that the Dog Emperor had spent a day getting and showing her.

  Although it is not the same portrait, it can be identified from the facial features that it is indeed the same person. The woman in the portrait has a sweet smile and beautiful eyes. Her deer eyes are lively and graceful, and she looks bright and beautiful. She is much more beautiful than that Lord Lu.

  Could it be that she is really not the Princess of the Northern Kingdom?

  No wonder, last time she told the Dog Emperor that she was Lu Xuan, the Dog Emperor looked at her as if she were mentally retarded and refused to believe what she said, that Lord Lu was a woman.

  So who is that Lord Lu?

  She is too lazy to care.

  She finally had some free time recently, so she took her cell phone and ran to the Dog Emperor's bedroom.

  Now the guards were indeed not on guard against her. When she came in, they all looked straight at her, as if they didn't see her at all.

  She saw a small table placed in the bedroom with the best signal location. On it was her wooden cell phone holder, as well as prepared fresh-cut fruits, tea, and snacks.

  Oh, the Dog Emperor knew she was coming and even prepared food for her.

  She sat down, picked up a bright red cherry, put it in her mouth, and took a bite, and her mouth was filled with sweet juice.

  She took a photo of the table and sent it to Ma Shushu.

  Ma Shushu didn't reply, probably because she went to work miserably.

  In order to prevent autumn floods, Ma Shushu has been following Leng Leng in patrolling the river these days. He didn't bring any sunscreen, so his face was tanned.

  Leng Lie has two guards around him, a man and a woman. The man is called Jian Feng and the woman is called Hua Ling. They have followed him for many years. Recently, Ma Shushu has also been learning martial arts from Hua Ling.

  There are some differences between ancient martial arts and modern martial arts. Ancient martial arts have a stronger sense of martial arts, while modern martial arts are a bit fancy. Hua Ling taught her ancient martial arts, she taught her boxing, Hua Ling taught her Qinggong, and she taught Hua Ling parkour.

  She also asked Leng Leng to find a blacksmith in the military camp who made weapons to make her a skateboard. She would skate on the skateboard while on duty. Sometimes she was faster than a horse by combining parkour and skateboarding.

  Qin Wan opened TikTok and unexpectedly saw Ma Shushu's new video. Since she was paying special attention to it, the first video she opened was hers. The background music sounded: "Like picking flowers in the south of the Yangtze River, facing the spring breeze and red candles..."

  She was wearing a maroon outfit, with her long hair half-covered and a cool headband. Like an ancient female knight, she somersaulted onto the skateboard.

  In the video, Leng Leng was wearing a white robe and riding on a horse, showing his profile, and said impatiently: "Hurry up, keep up!"

  She asked Hua Ling to help record the video. During her patrol, she searched for a weak wifi signal: "Yunzhong Yuehan Egg-Filled Pancake".

  Published after the code was cracked using the Master Key.

  Don't be fooled by her cool appearance in the video. At first, she was indeed very capable, but because the river was very long, the patrol section stretched for more than ten kilometers, and the round trip was more than thirty kilometers.

  By the time she returned, she was exhausted like a tired dog. She walked for a while, stopped, and gasped for breath.

  Seeing that the distance between her and the accompanying team was getting longer and longer, she simply gave up, sat under a big tree on the side of the road, fanned herself with her hat, took off the water bag from her waist, and drank it all up in a gulp.

  I'll take a taxi back later.

  No, find a carriage and go back.

  But where is the carriage?

  This was ancient times, and there was not even a ghost to be seen in the desolate wilderness.

  Looking into the distance, I could only see the end of a small dot of the team, and a huge feeling of loneliness swept over me.

  So, why would she, a modern rich girl and internet celebrity, come to this place?

  There shouldn't be any wolves here!

  As she was thinking about it, she heard the sound of wind blowing through the grass. She became scared and hugged her knees and buried her face in them.

  After an unknown amount of time, a voice came from above my head:

  "I told you to ride a horse but you didn't. Get on!"

  She raised her head and saw a big hand reaching out to her. She was immediately delighted, and her beautiful eyes sparkled.

  "General Leng, you came to see me?"

  Leng Leng said angrily: "One person is missing, how can you not come to look for him? How big are your heart? Come up!"

  She immediately mounted the cold horse.

  Just as she was imagining the romantic plot in ancient idol dramas where a man and a woman rode on the same horse, her hand that was about to hug his waist suddenly disappeared.

  Leng Leng jumped off the horse and walked towards her skateboard.

  Ma Shushu: ???

  He stepped on it and looked up at her: "Why are you standing there? Why don't you ride it faster? Don't you know how to ride it?"

  Ma Shushu looked at him pitifully: "No, I can't ride..."

  Ma Shushu and Qin Wan had the same equestrian teacher and learned together. She said the reason she couldn't ride was that she still wanted him to come up and ride with her.

  Leng Lie thought for a moment and said, "If you don't know how to ride, then get off. I'll tie a rope around you and pull you along."

  Hearing this, Ma Shushu whipped his horse whip without hesitation and rode away in a cloud of dust.

  "Hey! Hey! Ma Shushu!"

  The one who was chasing after him was Leng Leng. He found that this thing looked very fast and smooth, and it seemed very simple to slide on. But when he stepped on it, he found that he didn't know how to slide at all. He stepped on it a few times quickly and fell into the grass ditch.

  After a while, Ma Shushu, who had ridden away on his horse, came back, stretched out a hand to him, and looked down at him condescendingly: "Come up."

  At night, Ma Shushu climbed up the tree branch and complained to Qin Wan about all this.

  Qin Wan listened and laughed so hard that she shook with laughter.

  Straight men really are the same today and in the past.

  She was chatting and laughing with her when the bedroom door was pushed open and the Dog Emperor came in.

  Qin Wan glanced at the sky outside. It had gotten dark without her noticing. She was chatting too much and didn't notice it.

  Hey, that's not right. The dog emperor used to arrive at his bedroom between 1:15 and 2:15 of the evening, which is around 9:00 p.m.

  It seems to be only the Xu time now, which is a little after seven in the evening.

  "I won't tell you now." She lowered her voice and said to Ma Shushu, "We can talk about it tomorrow. I have to go back to the palace."

  Ma Shushu guessed that it was the dog emperor who came back, so she hung up the call without asking any more questions.

  "Who are you talking to?" Jiang Beiyu walked towards her.

  Last time, in order to use up the battery in her mobile phone, she asked Leng Leng to call her via video. He already knew that this little black box could be used to communicate with people.

  Qin Wan didn't intend to hide it.

  "That friend of mine."

  "Is that the friend who broke into my bedroom last time?"


  Jiang Beiyu had already changed into a thin, yellow silk pajamas. He had a tall and straight figure, and the outline of his full muscles could be vaguely seen under the thin pajamas.

  He sat on the couch and said, "I remember you told me before that your 'treasure' was something you found by chance and it is rare in the world. Why does your friend also have one?"

  Qin Wan knew that with his intelligence, he would definitely ask her this question one day, and sure enough.

  "Otherwise, how can I be friends with her?" Qin Wan smiled and put away her phone. "It's getting late. I won't disturb the emperor's rest. I'll go back first."

  As soon as I stood up, I heard the man leaning on the bed say, "Where are you going?"

  "come over."

  He frowned: "Am I poisonous? I've attracted you so much, but you're leaving as soon as I come?"

  Qin Wan said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, I just don't want to disturb His Majesty's rest."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at her unhappily and said, "If I get tired of you, I'll naturally ask you to step down. You don't need to be so self-conscious."


  This was clearly not her first time on his bed, but for some reason, ever since he kissed her last time, she felt inexplicably a little nervous.

  She took a deep breath, sat down, and smelled the scent of ambergris coming from him after his bath.

  Suddenly, she had an idea, and she stood up and said, "Ah, I haven't bathed yet, and I'm afraid of dirtying the dragon bed. I'll go back to the bedroom and bathe now."

  "sit down."

  The man's voice was slightly deep.

  "If I think you stink, I'll let you take a shower. You don't need to be so self-conscious. Besides..." As he spoke, he grabbed her wrist with one hand and pulled her onto the couch, his voice hoarse:

  "When have I ever disliked you?"

  The villain in Qin Wan's heart was screaming wildly.

  Which Mary Sue's old-school male protagonist's lines are these referring to?

  If she were reading a storybook at this time, she might drool and say, "I am a local dog and I love to read."

  But at this moment, she just wanted to shout for help.

  Although, he is handsome and has a good figure.

  And he is the emperor, which is the best configuration in time-travel novels.

  Moreover, he seemed to be a nice guy. So far, there was nothing about him that made her feel disgusted. He was dark, intelligent, and still an unopened little puppy...

  But he was an ancient man after all, and an emperor at that, so she couldn't have any real feelings for him.

  She just wanted to go home now, back to the era she belonged to. If she developed real feelings for him, given her personality, she didn't know what kind of devastating disaster she would face.

  Ma Shushu said she had a heart of stone.

  In fact, she has never lacked suitors since she was a child, especially when she was in college, a senior even jumped into the river in order to force her to confess his love.

  But she remained calm when she saw the man in a suit and holding flowers being sucked into the vortex. Because she knew that love is not something that happens on a whim.

  Her heart of stone either stays still, or once it moves, it will be crushed to pieces...

  Jiang Beiyu stared at her with his beautiful phoenix eyes. For some reason, he felt that her expression suddenly became sad.

  His mind was extremely delicate and sensitive, so he naturally noticed it.

  The hand holding her wrist loosened, and his expression changed from initial expectation to loneliness:

  "If you don't want to stay with me, then go back. I don't like to force others!"

  At this moment, her cell phone suddenly rang:

  Your uncle sent you a video invitation?

  Qin Wan was puzzled.

  Didn't I already tell her that she had gone back? Why is she calling me on video?

  Although he was confused, he still connected the call. When he clicked on it, he saw Leng Leng's handsome face.

  "Qingqing, is the emperor here?"

  She glanced at Jiang Beiyu and handed over the phone: "Your Majesty, General Leng wants to see you."

  Jiang Beiyu took the phone and his expression turned solemn in an instant.

  The Leng Leng on the other side seemed a little strange.

  There were also times when there were urgent matters and when she had an emergency audience with the emperor at night, every time she met the emperor, he would wear his pajamas tightly and wrap himself neatly.

  It's already autumn, why are you still wearing such thin silk pajamas?

  However, Jiang Beiyu didn't know what Leng Leng was thinking at the moment, and still looked at him seriously:

  "What happened to your face?"

  Leng Leng looked embarrassed: "Uh, I fell accidentally."

  Qin Wan, who was standing by, remembered that Ma Shushu said he fell into a ditch while skateboarding today, and couldn't help but smile.

  Jiang Beiyu said in a deep voice: "What do you want to report?"

  Leng Lie said, "Your Majesty. My master observed the stars tonight and estimated that there will be heavy rains in the Jiangnan area in the near future, which may cause floods. I hope Your Majesty will ask the government along the river to dredge the river, build dams, and evacuate the people in low-lying areas as soon as possible!"

  Jiang Beiyu said: "Is the news accurate?"

  Leng Leng said: "That master is very good at predicting the future and can predict the future with 90% certainty."

  Jiang Beiyu said: "I understand."

  Next, Jiang Beiyu got up and went to the study, summoned several ministers, and Qin Wan returned to the bedroom.

  But her brother's words just now fell into her ears.

  So there is a master in the General's Mansion? Does he know how to get her back?

  A few days later.

  The capital city has entered the cool autumn. The whole city is filled with the fragrance of golden osmanthus and the sound of firecrackers. Wanwan Hotpot and Uncle Milk Tea opened at the same time.

  Qin Wan changed into men's clothes, a nobleman's elegant green robe, and left the palace with a paper fan in his hand.

  A flower basket made of golden barley was placed at the door, and she asked someone to distribute small candies at the door, attracting many people to stop and watch.

  Ma Shushu was in charge of everything before the opening. The most important part was recruiting people. For other things, like the opening promotion, the two of them communicated about the details on the phone.

  There are many teahouses in Beijing, but you need to go inside to drink the tea. This is the only one that allows you to drink the tea in bamboo tubes and take it away.

  It is very convenient for nobles and ladies to buy a cup while shopping. They can drink while walking, and the price is not expensive.

  The most important thing for opening a restaurant is popularity. She spent one hundred taels of silver and found one hundred people to line up at the beginning of the opening. She also asked more than twenty good-looking girls to dress up as ladies from wealthy families. Each of them held a cup of milk tea in her hand and was responsible for strolling back and forth in several crowded markets nearby.

  In addition, there are also opening tasting events.

  Every citizen who came to support the event could get a lottery ticket as long as they brought two friends along.

  This stick can be used to draw a free milk tea of ​​a random flavor, a small gift, or silver as a reward. The more people you bring, the more chances you have to win a prize.

  In front of many onlookers, the first person who drew the lot won a free cup of bamboo tube milk tea.

  The sweet-looking waiter immediately handed him the reed and milk tea.

  Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the first person to try the drink took a sip and made an excited voice:

  "It's ice! It's ice!"

  The people watching were amazed.

  Although it is autumn now, the weather is still a bit hot and it is too early for the moat to freeze. Where does this ice come from?

  Ice cubes are only used by high-ranking officials and nobles. Can ordinary people also drink ice in summer?

  The man took another sip:

  "It's icy and sweet. Just take a sip and it's refreshing. It's really refreshing!"

  When the people heard this, they rushed forward to try the drink and see what it tasted like.

  Qin Wan and Ma Shushu were sitting in a carriage not far away, watching the excitement and smiling, saying, "This guy performed well, reward him!"

  Chapter 48: Twenty lashes of the board, kiss me and it will be offset

  "This guy performed well, reward!"

  Ma Shushu said: "Your trick is amazing. You must win by using modern thinking to do business in ancient times."

  Qin Wan was in a relaxed mood and said casually, "It's a piece of cake. If possible, my next goal is to open chain stores in all the major cities of Jiang Country, and then all the surrounding countries."

  Ma Shushu looked at her with a worried look on her face: "Wanwan, aren't you going to go back?"

  In each of their hands, they held a cup of bamboo tube milk tea, one with vanilla snow topping and osmanthus, and the other with mango snow topping and cherry.

  Qin Wan took a sip of milk tea and shook it: "If you want to go back, of course you have to go back... But no matter where you are, you can't move forward without money. Let's make some money first, and then we can take it one step at a time."

  Ma Shushu said, "Yeah," "Just like I thought."

  She picked up the bamboo tube and clinked the cup with hers: "Let's work hard to make money first. Even in ancient times, we must become rich, ride a BMW, and live in a villa~"

  Qin Wan remembered something: "I heard that there is a fortune teller in the general's mansion who can observe the stars at night and predict very accurately. Is there such a person?"

  Ma Shushu nodded: "It seems like there is. But he doesn't show up often on weekdays. Leng Leng often has secret talks with him."

  Qin Wan thought for a moment, "Then I'll go back with you later."

  She changed back into women's clothes and went back to Leng Mansion for the second time. She saw some of the women in the family smiling and drinking their milk tea in their hands, and they bowed to her when they saw her.

  Qin Wan raised her hand with a smile: "It's our own home, no need to be polite."

  She went straight to the cold study, but there was no one inside.

  "Where's the General?"

  "Accompany the emperor on an inspection tour." A servant from the Leng Mansion said to her.

  Qin Wan thought: That's really unfortunate, but the dog emperor also left the palace today?

  She went back to her room for the time being, thinking that since she was already here, she would have lunch before leaving, and she estimated that he would be back by lunchtime.

  Sitting in front of the deserted dressing table, she opened the drawer out of boredom and saw some small toys.

  The small stones used for hopscotch, the small sandbags, and the small pine cones that my brother picked on his shoulders when I was a child, I actually kept them all.

  Wait, this is clearly Leng Qingqing's memory, why does she feel so familiar with it?

  At this time, Jiang Beiyu was walking side by side with Leng Leng. He was wearing a dark black robe, traveling incognito, while Leng Leng was wearing a white one.

  The breeze blew the willows as they stood on the river bank, patrolling. Eunuch Xi, who was also brought out incognito, ran over with two bamboo tubes in his hands.

  "Your Majesty, General Leng, you must be thirsty, drink some water."

  Jiang Beiyu looked at the bamboo tube and felt that it looked very familiar. "Where did it come from?"

  "A new tea shop opened in the city."

  He bought two cups because they were easy to carry. They didn't have snow on the top, but were filled with hot Longjing tea.

  Jiang Beiyu looked at the bamboo tube in his hand thoughtfully.

  It was almost time for dinner, and Leng Lie said politely, "Your Majesty, this place is close to my residence. Would you like to have dinner there?"

  If it were usual, he would definitely refuse, because in the past, the emperor had always refused.

  Unexpectedly, this time, Jiang Beiyu put his hands behind his back and looked at him with a deep look in his eyes: "Okay."

  Leng Leng felt shocked and confused, but did not show it.

  Jiang Beiyu was actually thinking about going to see the place where the woman had lived since she was a child. It seemed that he had never seen it before.

  The two of them got on the carriage together and headed to Leng Mansion.

  "Your Majesty, please."

  After getting out of the car, he respectfully invited him down.

  The people in the Leng Mansion did not recognize the emperor, but seeing that their arrogant general was so polite to that man, they naturally knew that the man was not a simple person and they were very respectful to him.

  "My lord, the queen is back."

  Leng Leng was surprised and turned to look at Jiang Beiyu.

  Jiang Beiyu stood with his hands behind his back, a hint of interested smile appearing in the corner of his eyes.

  Leng Lie asked tentatively: "Does the emperor know that Qingqing is coming today?"

  Jiang Beiyu said casually: "I don't know, she sneaked out by herself."

  Leng Leng was shocked.

  Jiang Beiyu added: "This is not the first time she has done this."

  She thought she was being completely unnoticed, but in fact he was turning a blind eye to her.

  When it was time for dinner, I finally heard from people in the mansion that the general had returned.

  Qin Wan walked towards the dining room with anticipation. After stepping in, he saw the person in front of him who was chatting and laughing with Leng Leng, and his movements suddenly froze.

  "Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me..."

  She muttered to herself and retreated quietly.

  Just as he was about to disappear silently and leave the room, he heard someone shouting from inside the door: "Qingqing."

  The one who called her was her good brother.

  Qin Wan could only bite the bullet and walk in awkwardly.

  "What a coincidence."

  Jiang Beiyu had a barely perceptible smile on his lips and looked at her meaningfully.

  "Am I dazzled? My beloved, why are you here?"

  Leaving the palace without permission is a serious crime and the offender will be punished by beating.

  "Your Majesty..."

  Qin Wan lowered her head and bit her lip:

  "I miss the emperor... wherever the emperor goes, I want to go there too."

  Jiang Beiyu obviously didn't believe it. He had seen that this woman liked to tell lies when she felt guilty.

  But it's a rare occasion when she feels so guilty, it would be a shame not to tease her:

  He smiled and said, "Then how do you know I'm here?"

  "Yes..." She looked even more embarrassed and whispered, "This is telepathy between you and the emperor."

  "Heart, electricity, sense, response?"

  "It means that we are in sync with each other, huh!" Qin Wan explained sincerely, her beautiful fox eyes sparkling.

  Jiang Beiyu deliberately scowled and glared at her, with an expression that said, "I'll settle the score with you when I get back to the palace." "Eat first."

  Qin Wan thought, who cares? If an enemy comes, we will fight him. If a flood comes, we will block it. Do you have the guts to turn against her in front of her brother?


  After she sat down next to him, the maids from the Leng Mansion filed in and began to serve the dishes.

  Leng Lie, like Qin Wan, likes to eat meat, so all the dishes served were hard-core ones, such as meatballs with four joys, pork elbows in soy sauce, braised prawns, braised pork ribs, sweet and sour pork ribs, and goose stewed in an iron pot...

  Jiang Beiyu naturally picked up a big goose leg and put it in Qin Wan's bowl.

  Leng Lie was not idle either. He picked up a shrimp the size of a palm and peeled it while continuing to discuss political affairs with Jiang Beiyu. He quietly placed the peeled shrimp meat in Qin Wan's bowl.

  He knew that the emperor had been trying to win him over recently and wanted him to become his confidant, so he had to be nice to this silly sister in front of him so that he would pay attention to her.

  Jiang Beiyu naturally understood that Leng Leng had doted on this sister since childhood. In order to make him close to him and loyal to him, he had to make him understand that he and Qingqing had a close relationship, so he also condescended to try his best to peel shrimp for her.

  After a while, the food in Qin Wan's bowl was piled as high as a small hill.

  You can't finish it. You can't finish it at all. Destroy it.

  In line with the principle of not wasting food, after she had finally finished eating, the two of them each scooped a bowl of pork ribs and lotus root soup for her and brought it to her at the same time.

  Qin Wan: "......."

  Does she look like a glutton?

  One is a brother, the other is a dog emperor, they must be treated equally!

  She glanced at the two of them, exchanged the soup bowls they had scooped, and handed them to each other.

  After the meal, the dog emperor looked at her with a smile in his phoenix eyes: "Qingqing, I see you are a little full, shall I accompany you to walk around the mansion?"

  Qin Wan was thinking about it and wanted to ask his brother about the Taoist priest, but the Dog Emperor was there today and it was not easy to go find him.

  "Your Majesty, I will accompany you."

  Hearing this, Leng Leng was afraid that the emperor would secretly blame Qingqing for leaving the palace without permission, so he followed them with his hands behind his back.

  The Leng family has a large lake full of green lotuses. The lake surface is sparkling. At this time of year, there are only a few lotus flowers here and there. The rest are lotus pods as big as bowls, held high, swaying in the breeze. Under the sun, the scenery is extremely beautiful.

  There are only a handful of mansions with lakes in the entire capital. The entire mansion is designed in Su-style garden style, which is poetic and picturesque.

  Qin Wan suddenly remembered something: "I remember when I was a kid, this place wasn't in our mansion yet, and the lotus pond wasn't that beautiful. My brother and I often came here to catch shrimps and pick lotus pods. When we were kids, we came back with our trouser legs covered in mud, right?"

  Jiang Beiyu, who was standing with his hands behind his back, suddenly turned his head and looked at her with a subtle expression, and no one knew what he was thinking.

  Leng Leng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: "It's been so long, you still remember? But I remember that for a while, didn't you forget everything about your childhood?"

  Hearing this, Qin Wan felt as if someone was holding a string and plucking it near her ear. Her head buzzed as if something exploded.

  Her head felt dizzy at the thought, so she tried not to think about it anymore.

  Walking further, she saw a man fishing in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

  This person should not be a servant in the mansion, because how could a servant in the mansion dare to fish so leisurely?

  "Brother, who is that person?"

  Leng Lie said this to Jiang Beiyu: "Oh, Your Majesty, that is the gentleman in your mansion who is good at fortune-telling that I mentioned that night."

  This person was dressed in fluttering white clothes, and he looked otherworldly.

  Leng Qingqing couldn't help but look at the man carefully, but she couldn't see his face clearly because of the lake.

  Jiang Beiyu also looked at him, observing his expression coldly: "Your Majesty, do you want to see him?"

  But Jiang Beiyu shook his head: "Just like watching chess in silence, disturbing others fishing is also very rude."

  After saying that, he left.

  And the man in the center of the lake happened to pull up a big fish from the lake after he left.

  Qin Wan instinctively felt that he was an expert and should know something, and perhaps could give her some advice on how to get back.

  On the return carriage, Jiang Beiyu looked at her:

  "Why do you look absent-minded?"


  He looked at her teasingly: "How many dog ​​holes have you dug today?"

  She said subconsciously: "I didn't crawl through a dog hole!" Only after she said that did she realize that he was tricking her.

  "Oh? Then how did you sneak out of the palace?"

  Qin Wan pursed his lips, lowered his head and said nothing.

  Jiang Beiyu knew she was pretending and was trying to control her. He was a little annoyed, but he couldn't bear to see her look so pitiful: "I haven't punished you yet, why are you feeling wronged?"

  Qin Wan's little mouth pouted even more: "You can punish me if you want. I accept it."

  Jiang Beiyu knew that he was reluctant to punish her, but he still deliberately said in a cold voice: "Will you accept being beaten with a stick?"

  "Admit it!"

  "There is a way to counteract that."

  Jiang Beiyu looked out of the car window, his indifferent eyes watching the scenery passing by. The wind blew the white car curtains up one by one.

  "any solution?"

  His voice was very soft, floating in with the wind:

  "Twenty lashes of the cane, kiss me once and it will cancel it out."

  Qin Wan laughed at first.

  Then she glanced at the perfectly crafted profile leaning against the window and walked towards him.

  one time.


  Three times...

  The soft kiss on that handsome face was like drops of tung oil poured on burning firewood, making my throat boil.

  When the sixth blow came down, he could no longer restrain himself, so he held her on his lap and kissed her fiercely.

  The Dog Emperor pried open her lips and tongue, and from the initial awkwardness to becoming more and more self-taught and skilled in control, it seemed that he wanted to drag her into the quagmire and sink together.

  "Qingqing." He called her name, his voice magnetic and lingering.

  Qin Wan was scared.

  She was afraid that one day she would be trapped in it, but she didn't belong here after all, and it was impossible for her to entrust herself to this man.

  Jiang Beiyu felt his face was wet, as if there were tears, and was surprised. She pushed him hard, tears in her beautiful eyes, and she looked at him stubbornly on her face.

  She wiped her lips with the back of her hand: "The emperor said that he doesn't like to force others. Now...what is he doing?"

  Jiang Beiyu was shocked at first, and then a chill ran through his heart.

  A chilling guess gradually came to his mind.

  In fact, she didn't like him? Everything in the past, and her love words, were all false.

  "Leng Qingqing, you are my concubine."

  He said in a deep voice, "Even if I want you in this carriage today, it's nothing wrong, understand?"

  Qin Wan lowered her eyelashes, her long eyelashes stained with tears flickered, but her little face with pursed lips looked so stubborn.

  Jiang Beiyu felt hopeless at that moment.

  "You said you loved me. I didn't touch you before because I didn't like you yet, or not to that extent. Now I like you and am willing to touch you...you are trying to play this trick on me?"

  "How have I treated you badly? How have I ever let you down? Why do you... dislike me like this!"

  Seeing his lost look, Qin Wan also felt upset.

  "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. Today, I am not in a good state."

  Although she couldn't continue the performance, she didn't want things to become too awkward.

  But Jiang Beiyu, who had already figured out the answer, restrained himself, calmed himself, and looked at her calmly:

  "You once told me that love is meaningful only when it is mutual, and you are willing to wait until the day when I like you too. Are you lying to me?"

  He was waiting for an answer. Even though he was already heartbroken, he had to hear her say it herself.

  Chapter 49 I'm Afraid You Can't Bear It

  He was waiting for an answer. Even though he was already heartbroken, he had to hear her say it herself.

  In the past, he had no feelings for her, and she only tried to please him in order to survive the difficult times in the harem. But now, Leng Qingqing knew that she could no longer lie to him.

  "Feel sorry."

  There were only two words, but they weighed a thousand pounds on his heart.


  Jiang Beiyu shouted.

  The driver stopped the car and Jiang Beiyu said, "Get off."

  Qin Wan jumped off the carriage.

  The carriage drove on without hesitation.

  Qin Wan turned around and went back to the general's mansion.

  Leng Leng was surprised to see her come back, but seeing that she looked unhappy, he didn't say anything.

  Qin Wan found Ma Shushu.

  Her cell phone was placed on the stone table in the yard to charge in the sun. She was brushing the horse in the yard. When he saw her, he had the same surprised expression as Leng Leng.

  "Why are you back? Did you have a fight with the Dog Emperor?"

  As expected of my best friend, she can tell at a glance.

  Qin Wan smiled and sat down.

  For some reason, a strong feeling of powerlessness surged in my heart:

  "It's all over between me and the dog emperor."

  She told Ma Shushu what had just happened, and Ma Shushu's face was full of surprise.

  "I feel sorry for the dog emperor for only three seconds. You deceived such a pure boy halfway and stopped lying. But you continued to lie! You are hurting his heart!"

  Qin Wan smiled bitterly: "If you keep lying, I'll get into trouble. It's like when you're driving and you see a ditch in front of you, will you continue?

  We are not people of this era, and we have never thought about leaving. It is time to stop before it is too late, and to be responsible for ourselves and others. "

  Ma Shushu blinked, looking confused.

  "Then you should take a rest for a while. I'll go get you a cup of tea."

  Ma Shushu walked into the room and poured her a glass of mint water. Qin Wan took a sip and thought of someone, the man who was fishing just now.

  She took Ma Shushu to the lake that was full of lotus flowers, but the man was no longer in the pavilion.

  She went to find Leng Leng, who said, "That gentleman has already left, just when you left."

  "When will you come again?"

  Leng Leng shook his head.

  "That gentleman has no fixed place to live, and his home is all over the world. He comes to the Leng Mansion only to stay temporarily, and it is common for him to travel. What do you want to see him about?"

  Qin Wan looked lonely.

  Leng Lie said quickly: "Don't be sad, you have something to do with him, I will send someone to look for him, or he may come back again."

  "Thank you, brother."

  Leng Leng knew that she had something on her mind, so he didn't ask and didn't care when she would return to the palace.

  Qin Wan lived in the lonely boudoir, and until evening, no one from the palace came to ask her to return to the palace.

  At this moment, Jiang Beiyu was sitting in the study with a pen in his hand.

  He found that since he came back, he had sat there for two hours without reviewing a single memorial.

  He put down the pen in his hand and asked Eunuch Xi who was serving beside him: "Go and see if Concubine Leng is back?"

  After a while, Eunuch Xi came back and said, "No, Your Majesty."

  Jiang Beiyu's face darkened again.


  Eunuch Xi continued to ask: "Do you need me to send someone to bring the queen back?"

  "No need."

  He said it was not necessary, but he accidentally broke the red pen in his hand.

  In fact, he once suspected that she had been secretly replaced by someone else.

  She used to be cold, dull, boring, cowardly and had low self-esteem, but her love for him was real. When she looked at him, her eyes were full of little stars, and even if he glanced at her unintentionally, she could get excited.

  Unlike her, she said sweet words and all kinds of words of love to him, but they were all false and hypocritical!

  However, today, when she visited the Leng Mansion with her and interacted with her brother, she talked about her childhood, and Leng Lie's natural reaction when he heard her speak, all proved that she was the original Leng Qingqing and had never been replaced by anyone.

  So, what exactly is the problem?

  The second day.

  Qin Wan went to his uncle's milk tea shop early in the morning.

  It turns out that a woman still needs to have her own career, otherwise, she won't even know what to do.

  Business is still booming today, with a long queue outside.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that some of them are "extras" hired by them themselves.

  Human beings' herd mentality has not changed from ancient times to the present.

  Qin Wan took a cup of milk tea, went straight upstairs to Wanwan Hotpot, and went to her secret room in the corner of the corridor.

  The hot pot restaurant will open a few days later due to food procurement issues, but there is no rush as it is still early to eat hot pot, so she spread out rice paper and designed the advertisement with colored ink.

  The painting she had made was small, and she planned to use a piece of white cloth and have the painter enlarge it and copy it when the business opened, and then hang it on the outer wall like a modern commercial street poster.

  The poster has three big characters: "Put on weight in autumn", followed by a cartoon of a bubbling copper pot hot pot, which contains two sliced ​​shiitake mushrooms, beef rolls, quail eggs, fish tofu, crab sticks and other tempting hot pot ingredients.

  Fish tofu and crab sticks did not exist in ancient times, but it doesn't matter. She can ask the chef to imitate them in the modern way. The ancients had never eaten these new things, so maybe they would like them.

  She painted until noon, stretched herself, sat by the window, and looked at the clear river and the people coming and going in the market below.

  In fact, it's pretty good to live in a place like this, it's comfortable and peaceful.

  Wait, what the hell is she thinking?

  Isn't her Dabieye attractive? Isn't her Lamborghini, Aston Martin and G-Class attractive?

  Is it that Birkin bags are hard to carry or that miumiu skirts are ugly?



  In the afternoon, she handed the finished painting to the painter and returned to the general's mansion.

  Still no one in the palace asked her to go back.

  He is such a proud person, he will definitely not be able to accept it.

  Maybe that's it between me and him.

  Leng Leng saw that something was wrong, but he didn't ask her why she hadn't returned to the palace yet. He just told her that she could stay as long as she wanted and this would always be her home.

  Actually, it's good to be able to maintain the current state, living in the general's mansion, without the intrigue, and can be with my best friends.

  That is, Xiao Zhima and Xiong Ba are still in the palace, as well as her big golden gate and big golden pillow!

  That night, after she had taken a shower and changed into her pajamas and was about to go to bed, her door was pushed open and Ma Shushu ran in. Without saying a word, he lifted her quilt and lay down on it.

  "Guess how much money we made in the past two days!"

  "How many?"

  Ma Shushu was in high spirits, "Except for the free ones, we sold more than 2,000 cups in total, 1,600 cups on the first day, 1,300 cups on the second day, a total of 366 taels of silver!

  Excluding the cost of about 60 taels, the wages of the three waiters in the past two days are about 3 taels, and the hiring of people to line up is about 35 taels. In the past two days, we have made a net profit of 300 taels!"

  "Of course, on the opening day, the milk tea we gave out and the cost of inviting people to come to the store was about 120 taels. Excluding these, we still had 180 taels. Of course, we don't give out gifts like we did on the opening day every day. On weekdays, we should be able to make 100 taels. It's really making a fortune every day!"

  Qin Wan smiled faintly: "We will also have a hot pot restaurant in a few days."

  Ma Shushu said: "But I heard from the staff that in the evening, several teahouse owners stood in front of our store and pointed and said, we seemed to have touched their cakes, will they come to cause trouble?"

  Qin Wan seemed to be thinking about something. "When you are on duty, take those people from the General's Mansion to the store more often, let them come in to rest, and invite them to drink tea. If there is a chance, take Leng Leng there more often as well. As for other places, I will take care of what needs to be done."

  The store was nominally owned by Ma Shushu, so she had to be the one to come forward.

  Ma Shushu nodded: "Okay."

  But they didn't expect that the next morning, just after they sold a few cups of milk tea, a few hooligans came in to smash and rob. Ma Shushu was still on duty on the street when she saw a girl running towards her crying:

  "Boss, our store was smashed. Someone said he had a stomachache after drinking our milk tea yesterday, so he brought a few people and smashed our store without any explanation! Xiao Jiang was also injured."

  Xiao Jiang is the only male clerk in the store.

  Upon hearing this, Ma Shushu immediately skated towards the store, only to see the floor in a mess. The milk tea she had prepared early in the morning was spilled, and there were bamboo tubes scattered all over the floor, some of which were trampled to pieces. There were also many fruits in the store scattered all over the floor, trampled into a mess. In the corner, a poor male clerk was sitting on the floor holding his stomach. When she saw this, she became furious.

  "Do you recognize him? Who brought him here?" she asked Xiao Jiang who was lying on the ground.

  Xiao Jiang said, "It should be the Wanfu Teahouse. It's the closest to us. The owner is the brother-in-law of Jingzhao Yin Guo. He is extremely arrogant and knows a lot of ruffians."

  "He told us to stay away, otherwise he would hit us every time he saw us."

  Ma Shushu said coldly: "Go report to the police."

  Leng Lie had gone to court and had not returned yet. She asked a shop assistant to help Xiao Jiang go to report to the police, and immediately went back to Leng Mansion to find Qin Wan.

  Qin Wan was still sleeping, and was woken up by her shaking.

  "Wanwan, something happened."

  When Qin Wan arrived, the government officials had also arrived. Without saying a word, they took away the remaining clerk who was cleaning up the store, and sealed the milk tea shop. Upon questioning, they found out that the two people who had just gone to report to the police were also arrested.

  "How can this be possible!"

  Qin Wan was so furious that he rushed straight to the government office.

  There was a grievance drum at the door. She had seen this thing in a TV series before. She took it down and beat it hard on the white cowhide drum:

  "Boom, boom, boom."

  After a few dull noises, the red door of the government office opened, and several officers and soldiers filed out.

  It was the rule of that dynasty that the court must go to court after the drum was beaten. Soon, she was brought into the yamen.

  A middle-aged man wearing a blue official robe and with a beer belly walked out lazily and sat in the court. That man should be Lord Guo, the Jingzhao Yin.

  "Go to court."


  A dozen or so yamen runners were hitting the ground with court sticks, just like what was shown in the TV drama.

  Mr. Guo looked up and said:

  "Who are you here? Why don't you kneel when you see me?"

  Qin Wan smiled and said, "I'm afraid you can't bear it."

  Lord Guo banged the gavel and said, "How dare you! Make her kneel down!"

  Several yamen runners came forward and tried to force her to kneel down.

  Qin Wan frowned and scattered a few pieces of gold on the ground. All the yamen runners squatted down and scrambled to grab the gold.

  Qin Wan folded his arms and stared at her: "My knees are not good, I can't bend them. I hope that the Lord of Heaven will understand."

  Seeing this man's extraordinary demeanor, he must be from a wealthy or noble family. Lord Guo could only frown and not care about it: "What is the matter with this man in the hall?"

  Qin Wan said leisurely: "I have a friend who opened a milk tea shop. This morning, he was smashed and robbed by a group of hooligans, who also injured the waiter in the shop.

  My friend reported the incident to the police, but why didn't the hooligans get punished? Instead, the government arrested the waiter and closed the store. "

  As soon as this matter was mentioned, Guo Changbin knew it. He said, "It's like this, you don't understand the whole story. Your friend's shop closed because someone got a stomachache after drinking the tea there. I closed the shop to assist in the investigation."

  Qin Wan sneered: "Who drank the tea and got diarrhea? Has the doctor checked? Is there any evidence that the diarrhea was caused by drinking the tea in the store? Have those hooligans who smashed and looted been caught? How does the lord plan to deal with it?"

  Lord Guo said: "It depends on the progress of the case. I have just accepted the case."

  Qin Wan had seen this kind of trick many times. It was obviously favoritism. Not only did they condone evil, but they also deliberately closed the milk tea shop just to teach her a lesson. If the shop was really opened by an ordinary citizen, the closure would mean life imprisonment until the milk tea shop was shut down.

  "Then can you give us a deadline for when the troublemakers can be caught? If the milk tea shop is finally proven innocent, who will bear the losses of the milk tea shop from the looting and robbing, as well as the losses of the milk tea shop being closed during the investigation?"

  It was rare to encounter someone with clear logic. Lord Guo was furious: "How dare you! Why do I have to give you a deadline when I'm handling this case? Who are you?"

  Qin Wan always uses courtesy before force when doing things.

  In fact, from the moment she entered the government office, she had been carrying her cell phone with her, facing the court, and recording the entire process.

  "I am just an ordinary civilian." Qin Wan said.

  "If you are paid by the emperor, you must be loyal to him. If you are paid by the people, you must help them solve their problems. Lord Guo, as the official of the capital, shouldn't you help the people solve their problems?"

  Lord Guo was a little afraid of her at first, but when he heard that she was just a commoner, he sneered:

  "You are childish. You are just an ant, and you still want me to help you solve your problems. There are hundreds of thousands of households in the capital, and I have to take care of everyone's affairs. Wouldn't that be exhausting? Leave the court and go to a cool place."

  When Lord Guo stood up and was about to leave, she smiled and said in a loud voice, "If Lord Guo feels tired, I will have to let someone who is not afraid of tiredness take his place."

  Anyway, the dog emperor's divorce letter hasn't been delivered yet, so I'll use this identity to deal with a parasite for the dog emperor for the time being.

  "What? This palace???" Lord Guo laughed, "He impersonated the Empress, insulted me, and caused a scene in the court. Come, arrest him for me!"

  At this time, Ma Shushu was standing outside the palace, anxiously waiting for Leng Leng to leave the court. After finally seeing him appear, he could not wait to run towards him:

  "General Leng, it's bad! My milk tea shop was smashed and looted by villains. Qingqing went to the government office to beat the drum to appeal for justice for me, but the official in the government office was in the same group as that group of people. I was afraid that they would not recognize her. She is a girl and she will suffer a loss!"


  Chapter 50: Little liar, come back and continue to deceive me...

  "I'm afraid they won't recognize her. She's a girl and it would be a disadvantage!" Ma Shushu said anxiously.

  Upon hearing this, Leng Lie immediately climbed onto the carriage.

  At this moment, Qin Wan stood proudly in the court.

  Several yamen runners followed Lord Guo's orders and stepped forward to catch her. A black figure jumped down from the eaves, stood tall in front of Lord Guo, and put an unopened sword against his neck:

  "If anyone dares to touch her, I will make you, Mr. Guo, see the King of Hell."

  "How dare you! Take him down now!"

  Lord Guo scolded, but in an instant, before anyone could see how he made the move, his sword had already been unsheathed. This time, the sword was sharp and could cut through iron like mud. It was in front of his throat, only a hair's length away from the skin of his neck.
