
Chapter 121: Step Over My Dead Body

The secret guards of Ronghua Palace discovered him, but did not dare to stop him. He quietly pushed open the back window...

With a "creak" sound.

While there was no one around, he quietly prepared to climb over the window. A slender and upright figure like a sword seemed to stand in front of him, with his back to him and a sword tilted in his hand.

"Your Majesty, please go back. Your Majesty has already rested."

Jiang Beiyu snorted coldly: "Even if I have already rested, why can't I come to my concubine's palace?"

Leng Ying said: "I will not let you in until the queen agrees to see you. As the king of a country, it is disgraceful for you to climb through the window."

Jiang Beiyu said, "This is my palace. I am free to go in and out from anywhere, whether by climbing through the window or entering through the door. I can go wherever I want. How dare you stop me? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Leng Ying still stood straight: "Your Majesty, I am sorry for the insolence, but my master is Concubine Leng, and I only obey her orders. If you must come in, you have to step over my dead body."

At this moment, a lazy female voice suddenly came from the room: "Where is the noise coming from?"

Leng Ying said: "Your Majesty, the Emperor wants to see you."

Qin Wan raised her voice and asked: "Jiang Beiyu, have you lost your memory at such a young age?

I have said that in the next twenty days, what I say is what it means, and what I tell Your Majesty to do is what you must do. If you disobey me, there is no need to talk about forgiveness.

The emperor broke his promise within a few days, what is he doing here?"

Jiang Beiyu whispered, "Wanwan."

He said helplessly, "I have no choice. Don't I want to go with you? If I don't let you go, I will be more sad than you."

Qin Wan said, "Ok, then you can be sad. I won't go. Of course, I don't really want to see you during this period. If there is anything, let's talk about it when you come back from Qiushou."

On the second day, the rumors in the palace became more and more intense.

Since she returned to the palace alone yesterday, the rumor spread like this: "She originally went back to the general's residence out of spite, expecting the emperor to coax her, but the emperor didn't go, so she returned dejectedly."

Her name was still not included in the Imperial Household Department's autumn hunting list.

Her bedroom, which kept the air conditioner on every day, was also rumored to be inhabited by evil spirits. It was filled with gloomy air all day long, and cold air came out from time to time.

Everyone kept away from Ronghua Palace, but there was only one person who came at this time.

Concubine Qi.

She held the white glutinous dumpling in her arms and walked into her palace.

"Qingqing, Pudding has had diarrhea these past two days. Do you have any antidiarrheal medicine for dogs?"


Qin Wan turned around and took it. It was the medicine bottle she bought from Modern, and handed the whole bottle to her.

"There are instructions on it, so pay attention when you feed it."

Then he smiled faintly and said, "It has diarrhea, and you still dare to hold it in your arms?"

Concubine Qi lifted its two legs to show her: "The palace maid made a cloth bag for it." Then she put it down.

Xiongba smelled its scent and came out of the doghouse. The two dogs wagged their tails at each other and started playing together.

Seeing this, Qin Wan said, "Would you like to come in for a drink?"

Concubine Qi followed her in.

Concubine Qi was surprised to feel the coolness in the room.

"It's really cool here."

Qin Wan brought over two cups of coffee, one for her and one for Concubine Qi.

"Everyone says there are evil spirits here, how dare you come in?"

Concubine Qi said, "If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. They are just jealous of you. In the hot summer, who doesn't want a comfortable and cool house?"

As he said this, he took a sip of coffee and frowned because it was so bitter.

This should be Concubine Qi's first time drinking coffee.

Qin Wan observed and took a sip: "Aren't you afraid that I'll poison you? You'll drink whatever I give you?"

Concubine Qi said: "With your intelligence, you are not the kind of person who would poison other concubines in your own bedroom. Besides, I have no grudge against you, why would you poison me?"

Then he took another big sip.

Qin Wan smiled faintly: "Come to see me, what's the matter?"

Concubine Qi said, "Just borrow the medicine. You have already given it to me."

Qin Wan blew into the coffee cup and smelled the aroma of coffee rising with the steam.

"Nothing else?"

(Next chapter September 22, 18:00)

Chapter 122 Qin Wan, even if you turned into ashes, I would recognize you.

"Nothing else?" a casual question.

Concubine Qi raised her head, hesitating to speak: "If I were to say it, there is more..."


Concubine Qi said, "Also, I want to advise you not to be depressed. The emperor's personality is fickle, and we concubines are supposed to be like tigers when accompanying the emperor. If you are not allowed to go this year, then don't go. There is no need to be angry with the emperor."

Qin Wan was stunned and started laughing.

"Okay, thank you."

She invited Concubine Qi to come in for tea , intending to observe her. Obviously, she failed again this time.

This Concubine Qi was either really simple-minded and generous, or she was extremely cunning and good at disguising herself.

The day for the autumn hunt has finally arrived, and the large team sets out from the capital in a mighty manner.

In order to prevent her from stealing the painting, Jiang Beiyu secretly ran back to the modern world. Before leaving, he took the painting with him and loaded it onto the carriage...

With flags waving and the entire procession of carriages and horses looking like a long dragon, the annual autumn hunting is always grand.

Jiang Beiyu stretched out his mobile phone from the carriage to take pictures of this scene, and planned to make a video of the autumn hunt and release it when the time comes.

the other side.

Qin Wan put on another human skin mask, changed into the clothes of a palace servant, and successfully blended into the team.

The King of Qi had given her a total of two human skin masks of female characters. The one she wore when she met the Dog Emperor at the Wanwan Hotpot Restaurant had fallen off, and this one was one the Dog Emperor had never seen before.

She was lost among the crowd, and she didn't believe he could recognize her!

She disguised herself as a palace maid accompanying Jiang Nange in his palace.

In other words, in the entire palace, Jiang Nange was the only one who knew that she had followed him secretly.

Because she was disguised as a palace maid, Qin Wan walked on the road, following the side of Jiang Nange's carriage, sweating profusely.

Jiang Nange couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so he whispered to her, "Sister-in-law, why don't you come up."

Qin Wan wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and said, "It's okay. Just exercise more and consider it as losing weight."

Jiang Nange felt distressed, but at the same time he secretly wanted to eat melons and said, "Guess when my brother will find you?"

Qin Wan said: "I don't know, let him be."

She thought to herself that she had to at least leave the capital, otherwise he would send her back to the palace in no time.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu was sitting in the carriage. On the table in front of him was a pot of jasmine tea and a plate of iced grapes.

Everything on the autumn hunting trip last year was still vivid in his mind. At that time, she was still by his side. Now, the carriage and the scenery outside the window were still the same, but he felt empty in his heart.

The sun was already high outside, and he thought she would be up by now, so he sent her a message:

"Wanwan, I'm on my way. Today I asked the imperial kitchen to make you mango lasagna and snail noodles. This is the first time the imperial chef has made snail noodles. I wonder if it suits your taste."

He tried to send her the message, and to his surprise it was sent successfully.

Is he out of the blacklist?

After thinking about it, after all, he went on a long trip, and I was afraid that I would not be able to contact him if something happened, so I let him go. He is worthy of being Wanwan.

He sent another one:

"Don't be angry with me, I miss you outside too (*/w\*)"

"Take good care of yourself in the palace. When I come back, I will take you back to the modern world."

The last one is an emoticon of a loving heart.

Qin Wan, who was walking behind, heard a ding dong sound on his cell phone, and he received a message the next moment.

She opened her phone, took a look, and said "Huh".

Jiang Nange asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "Nothing."

She did not respond to the message.

After a while, he sent me another video of the scenery along the way. The mountains were green, wild geese were flying overhead, and hares were flashing through the grass.

Qin Wan turned around and saw the same one.

Naturally, she did not read this message and did not reply.

Although Jiang Beiyu was reading a book in the carriage , he felt inexplicably anxious. He checked his phone from time to time, expecting her reply.

But every time I open it, I see a green...

After thinking about it, he sent another message:

"Wanwan, do you like white fox fur? Wait for me to go to the paddock and catch a few white foxes for you and make you a fox fur coat?"

This time, Qin Wan replied: "I don't like it!" with an angry expression.

Seeing that she finally replied, Jiang Beiyu finally felt relieved.

At noon, when it was time to eat, the large group found an open place and stayed for a short while.

During the autumn hunting trip, most people ate dry food, such as flatbreads, steamed corn bread, etc. Qin Wan took out two mini buckets of instant noodles from his backpack.

This was mixed in with the bag of snacks when she came back last time. She wanted to satisfy her craving, but she never ate it and just happened to take it with her on the road.

She handed Jiang Nange a bucket and asked her to boil a pot of water in the tea stove

While no one was paying attention, Jiang Nange said to Qin Wan, "Sister-in-law, come up quickly."

Qin got into the carriage at night and lowered the curtains on the windows.

The water in the tea stove

Jiang Nange looked curious: "Sister-in-law, what is this?"

Qin Wan said: "It's delicious."

After about three minutes, Qin Wan opened the lid and was overwhelmed by the aroma that hit her in the face.

The two of them each had a bucket, and they used the plastic fork in the bucket to eat the noodles in big mouthfuls while hiding in the carriage.

Jiang Nange even drank up all the soup.

She said, "I have never eaten anything so delicious in my life! It tastes better than what the imperial chef in the palace cooks!"

At this time, a palace maid lifted the carriage curtain and she smelled a fragrant aroma.

She held a tray in her hand and placed the food on the tray at the door of the carriage: "Princess, it's time to eat."

Jiang Yunge said casually: "I understand, let's go down first."

Jiang Beiyu , who was sitting by the window in the carriage, sniffed and faintly smelled a strange and cunning fragrance in the air.

He looked at the century egg and lean meat porridge in front of him, which was served with a plate of side dishes and a plate of smoked ham slices.

Who else eats food that tastes better than him?

Jiang Nange crawled over and brought the tray over.

Her food consisted of a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, a boiled sweet potato and a boiled egg.

She was still hungry after eating the instant noodles, so she pushed her food to Qin Wan: "Let's eat together."

Qin Wan took a boiled sweet potato.

The team stopped for a while and then set off again.

Seeing that they had already left the capital, Qin Wan was too lazy to get off and sat in the carriage with Jiang Nange.

The team stopped again until dusk fell, chose a forest near the lake to set up camp, and prepared to make a fire and cook.

Smoke was rising. Some palace servants were setting up tents, while others were building bonfires. Everyone was busy.

Jiang Beiyu once again took out his mobile phone to record a video, recording the daily life on the autumn hunting route.

The sunset in the sky was gorgeous. Qin Wan picked up a kettle and walked to the lake to fetch water.

Jiang Beiyu , who was recording a video, accidentally broke into the camera and felt that he saw a familiar figure in the camera, and exclaimed, "Huh?"

He turned his gaze to reality and looked carefully, but he couldn't find the figure.

There were many palace maids coming and going.

He went back to watch the previously recorded video and saw that a palace servant had set up a tent behind her, blocking her figure, and she then disappeared from the screen.

This is just a back view.

Perhaps, this is just a palace maid with a similar figure to her?

After a little thought, Jiang Beiyu turned on his mobile phone, clicked on "Settings", and then clicked on the wireless LAN.

Since he came back last time, he and Leng Leng both bought pocket wifi for the convenience of using the Internet when they go out.

As long as people are within 50 meters, the signal can be searched.

In addition to his own signal, the signal of "Cold General 888" in the list is the cold wifi signal.

"Missma" should be his wife Ma Shushu.

There is another signal that has not been named. It is a string of strange characters, which should be the original name of wifi.

Could it be her?

The signal source was very weak, proving that it was several dozen meters away from him. Just as he was thinking about it, the signal suddenly disappeared again.

He immediately got off the carriage and searched for the signal. When it appeared again, he looked at the signal grid and walked towards the place with a strong signal.

At this moment, Qin Wan had already fetched water and returned to Jiang Nange's carriage.

She took out two bags of instant coffee, boiled water in the tea stove Jiang Nange.

The rivers in ancient times were unpolluted and crystal clear, with only some microorganisms, and could be drunk after boiling.

It was getting dark, and Jiang Nange saw a blue light flashing in her purse. He pointed curiously and asked, "What is that?"

Qin Wan looked down, took out his portable wifi, suddenly thought of something, and turned it off immediately.

At this time, Jiang Beiyu had already found the vicinity of the carriage with his mobile phone. The signal just reached full bar and then suddenly disappeared.

He was confused and looked around, but didn't see him.

At this time, a eunuch came running over and said, "Your Majesty, there is an urgent message from the Northern Kingdom."

Hearing this, he turned around and went back to his carriage.

In the carriage, Qin Wan and Jiang Nange sat around the stove. The water boiled and was poured into a cup sprinkled with coffee powder. The aroma immediately filled the air.

Jiang Nange said: "How cool! I never thought I could drink coffee outside!"

Qin Wan smiled and said, "It's not as delicious as freshly ground ones, but it can satisfy your craving."

Jiang Nange said: "I am really enjoying life with my sister-in-law. No matter what new tricks or delicious food my sister-in-law comes up with, she never forgets me."

Qin Wan felt a little guilty.

She never let her touch her cell phone.

After all, she was a woman from ancient times, and she was afraid that exposure to the open and colorful world would have an impact on her and change her ideas.

After all, this is her era. She is not an ordinary woman. She is the princess of Jiang Kingdom, and she cannot be taken to the modern era.

Women in ancient times, even princesses who were high up in society, were actually imprisoned in a cage by feudal ethics.

When it was impossible to take her out of this shackles, opening a window was a sin, because before the light came in, she was unaware of the shackles on her body and lived a relatively innocent life.

Once the light shines on her body, she will discover the shackles on her body, but she will be unable to take them off, which will instead make her fall into hardship and pain.

The tent is set up.

Qin Wan and Jiang Nange got off the carriage together and stayed in her tent.

Their tent was nearly a hundred meters away from Jiang Beiyu's tent.

Only when it was late at night and everyone was asleep would she dare to secretly turn on her portable wifi.

To be on the safe side, she changed her wifi name to "missma", the same as Ma Shushu, and turned her phone to silent mode.

On the other side, Jiang Beiyu finished his work, lay in the tent, and clicked on the wireless network search again.

This time the source of the signal was only himself.

But he didn't give up. He took his cell phone, stood up and walked out of the tent.

He looked around the empty campsite full of tents and felt something was strange.

Why are there two Ma Shushu's wifi signals?

After a moment's thought, he chuckled.

"You're so cunning, let me see how I can catch you."

General Leng and Ma Shushu are together, so the strength of their signals is about the same, while the signal of the other "missma" is obviously weaker.

Jiang Beiyu followed the signal until he found that the signal was the strongest, and then he sent her a video invitation.

He pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the sounds in the evening breeze.


The cell phone began to vibrate. Qin Wan pressed the phone under the quilt, looked up, and saw the tall figure outside the tent.

Because there was a campfire behind him, his shadow was cast on the tent, getting closer and closer.

Finally, a slender hand with distinct joints opened the curtain.

"Royal brother?"

Jiang Nange sat up from the couch and looked at him puzzledly.

Jiang Beiyu's eyes looked around.

"Where are the others in your tent?"

Jiang Nange laughed and said, "There is no one else, only me."

"It's just... you." As he said that, he quickly lifted her blanket.

"Ah!" Jiang Nange screamed and said angrily: "Royal brother, you are a hooligan!"

A pillow hit him hard in the face, but he stopped it with his hand.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

Where are the people?

There is clearly no place to hide in this tent.

Little do we know that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Just now, Qin Wan was standing at the door of the tent, standing close to the tent.

When he drew aside the curtain, it blocked his view to the right, so he did not see her.

Just now, taking advantage of the opportunity when Jiang Nange hit her with a pillow, she quickly ran out of the tent.

"Hoo, hoo~"

Finally she slipped out of the tent and breathed a sigh of relief. However, before she could take two steps, a figure stopped her, and the voice sounded a little helpless:

"My queen, please stop playing hide-and-seek with the emperor."

He is Jiang Beiyu's secret guard, An Wushang.

As soon as he finished speaking, Leng Ying, who was standing behind him, knocked him unconscious with a big stick.

Qin Wan curled up the corners of his lips: "Good job, I'll give you a raise next month."

She returned to Jiang Nange's carriage and sat down, feeling the cool night breeze mixed with the fragrance of unknown wild flowers blowing in from the window, caressing her cheeks.

The cold moonlight was like frost falling all over the ground.

Received a message from Jiang Beiyu: "Wanwan, I admit defeat. Can you come out? I asked you to participate in the autumn hunt."

Qin Wan slowly raised a question mark.

He took a screenshot of the video he shot today, circled the back view, and sent it to her.

Looking at the back of the man carrying the water bag, Qin Wan's heart was shocked.

Jiang Beiyu continued: "I know, this is you."

"Wanwan, even if you turned into ashes, I would recognize you."

(Next chapter September 23, 18:00)

Chapter 123 The real cold concubine has been assassinated by the emperor

"I know, this is you..."

"Wanwan, even if you turn into ashes, I will still recognize you."

When Qin Wan saw this, his brows furrowed so much that they could pinch a fly to death.

How presumptuous...

She replied: "If you want me to turn into ash, then the emperor will have to wait a while, just go to bed."

After sending this message, she turned off her portable wifi again.

She took out the sleeping bag she had prepared in advance from the secret compartment under the carriage seat, spread it directly in the carriage, slept in it, and zipped it up.

The night passed quietly like this.

After being exposed next to Jiang Nange yesterday, Qin Wan could no longer appear next to her today. He followed an unexpected person.

Lu Xuan is also on the autumn hunting list this year.

Because she had just married, she was not familiar with the people in the palace yet, so she would not think much about it even if she looked unfamiliar.

Because of her special status, she was served by palace maids from the Jiang Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom.

If the palace maids from the Kingdom of Jiang in her palace found her unfamiliar, they would think she was a palace maid from the Kingdom of Bei brought by Lu Xuan; if the palace maids from the Kingdom of Bei in her palace found her unfamiliar, they would think she was a palace maid from the Kingdom of Jiang.

In this way, she got through the whole morning without any trouble, and even got a bite to eat at mealtime.

During the lunch break, she sat beside her carriage, leaning against the wheel, eating the bread she was given. She heard voices coming from inside the carriage.

"Fortunately, that bitch Leng Fei didn't come. Otherwise, this journey would have been a mess again."

The one who spoke was Shupin, who had just come up to her carriage to have dinner with her.

Lu Xuan was unhappy: "We are eating, why are you talking about that unlucky thing?"

Shupin said, "I'm just a little curious. Sister is well-informed. Do you know why the emperor didn't take her to the autumn hunt this time? Why did she fall out of favor for no reason?"

Lu Xuan smiled and said, "No flower stays in bloom forever, and the emperor's heart is inherently cold and indifferent, so isn't it normal for him to fall out of favor?

This harem is like a revolving lantern, everyone is subject to rotation, and this favor is naturally passed from sister to sister. You will get tired of eating the same dish all the time, let alone a man. "

Lu Xuan grew up in the palace since she was a child, and the father she saw was like this, so she has a very clear understanding of the harem.

Outside the carriage, Qin Wan couldn't help but smile when he heard these words.

Shupin thought it made perfect sense: "When will it be my turn to receive this overwhelming favor?"

Lu Xuan said unhappily, "It's not my turn yet, when will it be your turn? Go to the back and queue up!"

Shupin was angry in her heart, but because the other party was a princess of the Northern Kingdom and one level higher than her, she dared not speak out and could only secretly poke her lungs:

"Actually, something like this happened last time, but it was a joint effort between the Emperor and Concubine Leng to uncover the traitor from the North who was hiding in the court...

I'm afraid this is just another act, so we shouldn't be too happy too soon."

Lu Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry. This time, even if it's just an act, I have a way to kill Concubine Leng."

Qin Wan outside immediately became alert.

Shupin asked: "Sister, do you have any good ideas?"

Lu Xuan looked confident: "Just wait and see..."

the other side.

Jiang Beiyu asked An Wushang to secretly search around Leng Leng and even around Concubine Qi, but found no trace of her.

There were more than several thousand people in the autumn hunting team, including palace staff, ministers and soldiers. Finding one person was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But this is a good thing. Even he can't be found, let alone the people who secretly want to harm her? They don't even know that she has come out, so let her blend into the team and have fun slowly.

This time, even Ma Shushu and Leng Lie didn't know that she had followed them secretly.

She and Leng Leng were eating in the carriage and felt bored.

Originally, she was very happy to learn that she could also follow Leng Lie to the autumn hunt. She thought she could travel with Wanwan, but the Dog Emperor didn't let Wanwan go at all.

She was shocked when she heard the news, but there was nothing she could do.

I sent a message to Wanwan yesterday and she replied, but she didn't reply today.

Just as they were thinking about it, they saw Jiang Beiyu, who was wearing a black robe, walking towards them.


In ancient times, etiquette was still observed and both people stood up and saluted at the same time.

Jiang Beiyu stretched out his hand and made a gesture of "no need to be polite", and the two sat down again.

"General Leng is still eating?"

Leng Leng said, "Hmm."

Jiang Beiyu sat down and said in a low voice: "Wanwan has also come with us, and is right around us."

Observing secretly, both of them looked at each other with a bit of disbelief.

This was a tentative statement. Just based on this statement, Jiang Beiyu knew that the two of them didn't know either.

Ma Shushu asked: "Where is it?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I don't know either. I almost found her yesterday."

Leng Leng said in a deep voice: "Since the person who wants to harm Wan Wan is in the dark, it's good that Wan Wan is hiding in the dark. Since she doesn't want to come out, don't look for her. If she wants to come out, she will come out by herself."

Qin Wan continued to follow Lu Xuan in the afternoon.

She was very curious about what means she would use to harm herself this time.

But I saw her eating all the time this afternoon.

Grape skins flew out of her car window from time to time.

"The grapes from Jiang Country are so sour, not even half as sweet as those from the North Country. Ugh!"

The palace maids of Jiang State rolled their eyes when they heard this.

Qin Wan glanced into her carriage and was a little surprised.

Most of the grapes on her plate were green, unlike the ones she had eaten before, which were purple, big, and sweet.

Things in the palace were of different grades. Even if she was a princess from the Northern Kingdom, she would still have to eat sour grapes if she was not favored after marrying in. However, she was unaware of this and actually thought that the grapes from the Jiang Kingdom were sour...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

At dusk, the carriage stopped.

The large army stopped by a lake and prepared to set up camp. Lu Xuan called a young eunuch, gave him a few instructions in a low voice, then took out a piece of silver from his sleeve and secretly handed it to him.

The young eunuch hesitated a little, but after weighing the silver in his hand, he turned around and left.

Qin Wan felt a little excited when he saw this scene.

She's going to cause trouble.

In the carriage, Lu Xuan curled the corners of her lips as she watched the little eunuch walking away.

She said that the way to put Concubine Leng to death was naturally to expose her identity as an impostor in front of General Leng.

It was inconvenient to meet General Leng in the palace, and this autumn hunt was the best time. She had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

That little eunuch was the one who delivered the message on her behalf.

As soon as Leng Lie got off the carriage, he saw a young eunuch walking towards him hurriedly, but his face looked a little guilty.

The young eunuch whispered, "General Leng, the emperor... the emperor wants to see you about something, and wants you to go to the big locust tree by the lake to discuss the matter."

Leng Leng felt a little strange.

Ever since the emperor got a cell phone, people would send him a message when they needed something instead of asking the eunuch to notify him.

But he still went over, just to see what the other party was doing.

Lu Xuan got off the carriage.

The other palace people were busy setting up the tent. She looked at Qin Wan who was a little free nearby.

"You, come with me."

Qin Wan happily followed her.

Under the locust tree, Leng Leng saw that the person standing there was indeed not the emperor, but Concubine Xuan, so he stopped at a distance, with a distance of ten steps between them.

Concubine Xuan said, "General Leng, I need to talk to you. Can I have a moment with you?"

Leng Lie remained motionless and said, "It's not very convenient."

Concubine Xuan said, "If, I say, this matter concerns General Leng's most beloved sister, what about Concubine Leng?"

He gave her a cold look.

The reason why she chose the locust tree was because it was some distance away from the camp and the locust tree had lush branches and leaves, which provided good cover.

Seeing that he didn't move, she took the initiative to walk towards him.

"It won't take up much of General Leng's time, but this incident is enough to make General Leng feel overwhelmed."

She stopped three steps in front of Leng Lie and said, "First, I have to tell General Leng a sad news. General Leng, your biological sister, the real Concubine Leng, has been assassinated by the emperor."

Hearing this, Qin Wan behind her almost staggered.

But Leng Leng's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at her expressionlessly.

She continued, "Ever since Concubine Leng first slept with the emperor after being banished to the cold palace, the real Concubine Leng was no longer with him. She was replaced by the emperor. And the emperor concealed the news of her death in order to keep General Leng loyal to him."

Leng Lie asked: "How did you know?"

Lu Xuan said: "Because I couldn't bear to see General Leng being deceived, I kindly helped General Leng to investigate this matter.

That day, the guards in the emperor's bedroom did not see the cold concubine being carried into the emperor's bedroom. Why did the cold concubine appear in the emperor's bedroom?

Moreover, since then, Concubine Leng's personality has changed drastically. General Leng, didn't you realize that your sister was switched?"

Leng Lie couldn't help but sneer.

"How could I not recognize my own sister? This one is my sister."

Lu Xuan was a little surprised. She didn't expect that he didn't doubt it at all.

"It seems that General Leng has also been deceived too deeply. But what is true is true, and what is false is false. I am just here to remind General Leng. If General Leng does not believe it, he can check it himself."

Leng Leng smiled coldly: "No need to check, my sister is mine, I know myself. You are the emperor's concubine, but you are trying to sow discord between the emperor and his subjects. What do you want to do?"

Lu Xuan was very annoyed.

How come this is different from what she thought?

I originally thought that General Leng, a military man who loved his sister dearly, would be very angry when he heard about this, so I could take the opportunity to reach a cooperation with him.

But today General Leng was too calm and would not be persuaded by any persuasion.

She said: "If General Leng doesn't believe it, then forget it. Sorry for bothering you."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Qin Wan followed behind Lu Xuan, feeling mixed emotions.

Lu Xuan exposed to Leng Leng in front of her that she was fake?

It turned out that Lu Xuan had already known about this matter. This was the method she came up with to put her to death?

If she had not confessed to Leng Leng in modern times, she would have been extremely panicked just now. But things were so dramatic that she just now was like a spectator, eating her own melon.

After walking for a while, Lu Xuan suddenly stopped and said to her in a cold voice: "When you are working in the palace, you should say what you should and shouldn't say. Do you know?"

She whispered, "I know."

Lu Xuan said, "Okay, if I find out you said something you shouldn't, be careful with your tongue."

Fearing that Lu Xuan would kill her in the middle of the night, she found an opportunity to slip away after returning home.

As night fell, everyone had set up their tents. She quietly got on Jiang Nange's carriage parked on the side of the road and took out her sleeping bag.

There was a small bucket of instant noodles left in the bag she brought out. She was already starving, so she lit a small lamp, boiled a pot of water, and ate some instant noodles.

She opened the lid of the instant noodles, and the aroma spread quietly. She picked up a big mouthful of noodles with a white plastic fork and was about to eat it, but at this moment, a bony hand quickly lifted the car curtain:

"I knew it was you when I hid here and ate instant noodles!"

Qin Wan was startled and almost choked on his noodles.

"No, Jiang Beiyu, what's wrong with you?"

The man's eyes were filled with teasing, a hint of doting, and suppressed surprise:

"You don't want to eat good food, stay in the tent, but play this game of hiding from me like a mouse. You hide here in the dark and eat instant noodles. Is that fun?"

Just now when he passed by, he smelled a little aroma of instant noodles and knew that it came from modern flavors and seasonings, technology and hard work.

The first time he was just suspicious, but this time he wouldn't miss it again, he caught him red-handed!

Qin Wan's expression gradually became as calm as a capybara. He even picked up the noodle bucket and drank a mouthful of soup. He said lightly:

"When I don't want to be discovered by the emperor, I won't be discovered by the emperor. I originally planned to find you after eating this bowl of noodles."

"Do you think I believe in you, or do I believe that I am Qin Shi Huang?"

This is a popular internet meme, and I didn't expect him to put it to good use.

Qin Wan rolled her eyes at him.

He took her instant noodles and took a big bite with a fork: "Don't eat instant noodles, I have delicious food. Just now, I shot a pheasant in the forest and asked the palace maids to pick some fresh wild mushrooms to make soup."

Qin Wan swallowed helplessly and was pulled off the carriage by him.

In the darkness of the night, he held her instant noodles in one hand and pulled her back to the tent.

After drinking a big bowl of chicken soup, it was so delicious that it made my eyebrows drop. The wild mushrooms were smooth and refreshing, and the chicken was so tender that it melted in the mouth. In addition, there were soft and glutinous mountain chestnuts in the soup, which were sweet and soft. After a bowl of soup, I felt full.

On the table, there was a large bowl of large purple iced grapes. After drinking the soup, Qin Wan picked a few at random. They were sweet and refreshing.

Qin Wan said, "Go catch another one tomorrow and try roasting it."

Jiang Beiyu hummed, then said, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs has not prepared a tent for you. You will stay here with me tonight."

She sneaked out without any palace servants, so she had no choice but to live here.

Jiang Beiyu said: "For safety reasons, you should still dress up as an ordinary palace maid and stay by my side."

Qin Wan said, "Lu Xuan saw me today and thought I was from her palace. Find me a set of eunuch's clothes and I will dress up as a eunuch tomorrow."

Hearing that she did not refuse to live in his tent, Jiang Beiyu was secretly happy.


Qin Wan picked up the sweet grapes on the table and continued to eat, then said: "Lu Xuan went to investigate that matter. She exposed me in front of General Leng today and said that I was a fake."

(Next chapter September 24, 18:00)

Chapter 124 "You are not allowed to peek at me." (*/ω\*)

"Lu Xuan went to investigate the matter. She exposed me in front of General Leng today and said that I was a fake."

Jiang Beiyu said calmly: "I know, General Leng sent me a recording."

Qin Wan: "666."

Unexpectedly, Leng Leng, who kept silent at the time, actually had some skills.

Jiang Beiyu said: "The people of the Northern Kingdom are cunning, and they just want to sow discord between General Leng and me. Lu Xuan married into the Jiang Kingdom in order to secretly win over some people to form an alliance with the Northern Kingdom. I will deal with this woman sooner or later."

For some reason, perhaps because she had read too many modern romance novels, she couldn't help but think of something wrong when she heard the word "clean up".

"Why does the emperor need to take action?"

That night.

After dinner, Qin Wan had changed into the clothes of a young eunuch, still wearing the human skin mask on his face.

Two young eunuchs brought in a large bathtub from outside and poured in buckets of hot water from the bonfire outside.

The emperor is the emperor. Even when he is away from home, he will not suffer any grievances.

The other two young eunuchs brought towels and bath oil, ready to help the emperor take a bath, but he drove them out and asked them to guard outside the curtain.

Jiang Beiyu said to Qin Wan: "Wanwan, you wash first."

But this huge tent doesn't even have a screen. Apart from the bed, there is only a desk.

As if he had figured out something, Jiang Beiyu picked up a book, sat on the couch, and turned his back to her: "Wanwan, wash up first. I'll read for a while."

After all, it is summer, and it is indeed uncomfortable not to take a shower after being stuffy in clothes all day.

Qin Wan blew out the light, took off his clothes, and climbed into the bathtub.

Jiang Beiyu had his back to her, and when he heard the sound of water dripping behind him, he could not help but feel distracted. He closed his eyes.

"Jiang Beiyu."

Qin Wan suddenly shouted.


She said, "The bath oil in the palace doesn't work. Do you remember the one we used when we lived in Fushu House? It's available in the capital. Let's change it."

Jiang Beiyu said without hesitation: "Okay, change."

Qin Wan smiled secretly, and while washing, she said to him: "You can also spread the method of making instant noodles to the imperial kitchen. Next time you go on a long journey like this, you can replace part of the dry food you prepare on the road with instant noodles. It is convenient to store and tastes good."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Okay."

Qin Wan couldn't help but smile again: "Why do you agree with everything I say?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I promised Wanwan that I will listen to her."

Qin Wan said, "Then spread out a mat and sleep on the floor tonight."

After hesitating for a while, although he felt a little disappointed, Jiang Beiyu still said, "Okay."

After a long time, I didn't hear her voice, and then I heard:

"Jiang Beiyu, bring me my pajamas."

Jiang Beiyu was stunned.

Although she blew out the lights in the tent, the moonlight was still bright, and its glow shone through the white tent cloth above her head.

She buried her whole body in the water. The steam and mist that rose up were continuous. The ripples around her body made everything vaguely visible. Her skin was as white as snow.

A hand stretched out from the water and took the pajamas he handed over.

Not daring to look at her any longer, he subconsciously held his breath, his earlobes red as if bleeding, and he turned his eyes away after handing her over.

Qin Wan suddenly felt that the young dog emperor was somewhat cute.

She covered her chest with her other hand, got out of the bathtub, put on her pajamas, and fastened the belt as if nothing had happened.


Jiang Beiyu didn't show any disgust at all. He took off his outer robe and prepared to wash.

"You are not allowed to peek at me."

Qin Wan sneered: "Who wants to see you?"

She was leaning comfortably on the couch playing with her mobile phone, but with such a beautiful woman in front of her, it would be a shame not to look at her.

The moonlight fell on him, his cold white skin, his full and beautiful muscles, he looked like a handsome man emerging from the bath.

Gradually, he changed into a posture of supporting his chin with one hand and curling up the corners of his lips.

Jiang Beiyu discovered that he was being spied on, so he reached out and splashed water on her.

After washing, he ordered the eunuch to move the bathtub away and bring a bundle of mats.

While the eunuchs were cleaning, Qin Wan quietly hid under the quilt. After the eunuchs left, he secretly poked his head out from under the quilt and found that Jiang Beiyu had really spread a mat on the ground.

After all, she was the cuckoo occupying the magpie's nest. Qin Wan patted the couch beside him generously and coughed.

"Xiao Beizi, come up~"

The second day.

Qin Wan changed into the clothes of a young eunuch and followed Jiang Beiyu.

She sat in the carriage and took pictures of the scenery outside. Jiang Beiyu was sitting next to her, and on the table, Jiang Beiyu had specially asked the imperial chef to fry a plate of potato chips for her and gave it to Ma Shushu.

Ma Shushu was surprised and delighted: "Wow, you really followed me secretly?"

"I can go hunting with you on horseback!"

"I knew you couldn't stay here and would sneak out."

Qin Wan: →_→

"You know what? Yesterday your dog emperor secretly cheated us. He thought Leng Leng and I knew you sneaked out, and he wanted to find out where you were through us."

Qin Wan turned and glanced at him.

It's just the routine operation of the Dog Emperor.

At this moment, a young eunuch suddenly ran over:

"Your Majesty, Concubine Shu has suffered from heatstroke."

Jiang Beiyu held the book in his hand without even raising his eyelids.

"You're going to the imperial physician for heatstroke, why are you looking for me?"

The young eunuch said, "The imperial physician has already given the empress Huoxiang Zhengqi water, but he suggested that the empress stay in a cool place to recover. The empress said that she has an unwelcome request and wants to stay in your carriage for a while."

Among all the carriages, only the emperor's carriage was equipped with ice to reduce the heat, making it the coolest.

"Since you know it's an unreasonable request, how dare you ask it to me? You're so delicate, let someone send you back to the capital."

Qin Wan knew that the real purpose was not to drink, but those concubines were trying their best to win favor secretly.

But Qin Wan wanted to watch the show at this time, so she winked at Jiang Beiyu and said, "Why is the emperor so cruel? Since she is sick and wants to come to relieve herself, then let her come."

Jiang Beiyu glanced at her leisurely.

Not long after, Shupin came. As expected, she looked pale because of heatstroke and was only wearing a thin gauze.

Qin Wan stood obediently beside Jiang Beiyu, playing the role of a eunuch serving tea and grinding ink.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Shupin was so frail, like a willow swaying in the wind, that she wanted to kneel down to pay her respects, but because the carriage was shaking, she had to crawl at his feet. Her collar was pulled low, and because she bent down, her plump and soft breasts could be seen.

Qin Wan took a quick glance and secretly clicked his tongue.

Jiang Beiyu's frown could kill a fly: "Get up."

Shupin didn't dare to sit with the emperor. She couldn't sit or stand in the carriage, so she said, "Just let me lie here for a while and relax."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Then lie down further away, don't get close to me."

After saying that, he didn't even glance at her.

Shupin didn't expect that the emperor would remain unmoved. She bit her lip and leaned further away, but she was unwilling to give up.

Taking advantage of the shaking of the carriage, she pounced on him again, hugged his calves and buried her face in his knees.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I can't lie down steadily. Please let me lie down for a while, okay?"

There was a hint of coquettishness in her soft and weak voice as she hugged him tightly. Jiang Beiyu kicked her far away.


"I took pity on you because you were ill, so I allowed you to rest in my carriage for a while, but you tried to seduce me while you could!"

"I think you are fine. Come, drag him away and give him twenty heavy beatings!"

Shupin was startled, as if awakened from a dream, and quickly stood up, knelt down and kowtowed:

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! Your Majesty, please forgive me! I didn't mean to seduce you. I just couldn't help wanting to get closer to you. I won't dare to do it again! Never again!"

How can she look like she has heatstroke now?

Jiang Beiyu's thin lips were pursed into a line, and his face became increasingly cold. Soon, two guards came up and dragged Shupin away.

He turned his head and saw Qin Wan looking at him teasingly.

"I didn't mean to seduce the emperor. I just couldn't help wanting to get closer to him~"

Qin Wan imitated Shupin's behavior just now, and Jiang Beiyu's face darkened slightly.

"They think you have fallen out of favor, so someone wants to take your place. I just let Shupin come up to serve as an example to her.

If Shupin doesn't deal with it, many people along the way will follow Shupin's example and stir up chaos."

Qin Wan turned around and saw outside the car window that Concubine Shu was dragged to the side of the road by the guards and pressed on a cart.

In full view of the crowd, he was beaten with one stick after another, and screams were heard one after another.

That night.

The large group continued to look for a place to set up camp.

Jiang Beiyu remembered what Qin Wan said yesterday, and asked someone to go to the woods to hunt a pheasant and make it into a roast chicken.

Some wild animals caught along the way were distributed to each palace. The tents of several concubines were put together, and everyone ate together under a campfire.

When it comes to Shupin's matter, everyone falls silent.

Concubine Liu said puzzledly:

"In the past, the emperor kept us at a distance because he favored Concubine Leng. Now that Concubine Leng is gone, why is the emperor still so difficult to approach?"

Lu Xuan said casually: "That woman must have cast some kind of spell on the emperor."


Several concubines were very surprised.

Lu Xuan fiddled with the bonfire. "I just said it casually. It's a kind of insect that can drill into the human body. There is a male and a female. You take the female one and put the male one on the man. If you get infected, you will be obsessed with that person forever, just like being cursed."

Concubine Zhang stared at him silently.

"I've heard that this kind of bug does exist in the North. If Concubine Leng really put a poison on the emperor, then she must have colluded with the people of the North."

After hearing this, everyone was shocked again.

Concubine Mu asked curiously, "Is there an antidote for the poisonous insect?"

Lu Xuan said: "I just said it casually. I have no evidence. Don't take it seriously."

Concubine Qi said nothing.

Concubine Zhang said, "Who will bring some food to Sister Shupin later? She is lying in the tent and can't move at all."

Lu Xuan said, "I'll go. My tent is close to hers."

Zhang Fei was a little surprised: "You're going?"

In her impression, this spoiled, arrogant little princess was not so kind.

But thinking about the fact that they had a good relationship and often ate, drank tea and strolled around the garden together, she didn't think too much about it.

After the bonfire went out, the concubines returned to their tents. Lu Xuan walked into Shupin's tent, carrying a bowl of porridge made with venison.

Shupin was still lying there, crying out in pain.

Lu Xuan was a little annoyed: "You must be hungry, get up and have a drink."

Shupin supported herself on the couch with one hand and struggled to stand up. Every time she moved, she burst into tears due to the pain.

She took out a small tin box from under the pillow and handed it to her: "I failed. I almost took the bug out secretly and put it on the emperor's lap, but the emperor kicked it away."


Lu Xuan scolded.

"It's useless even if I give you a chance. If you fail once, it will be difficult for you to get close to the emperor next time."

Shupin said, "Sister, you should use it yourself. I'm afraid it's not my turn to receive this overwhelming honor."

After saying that, he handed the tin box in his hand to her.

But Lu Xuan opened the box in front of her, took out a pair of tongs, put the insect on the candle flame and burned it to death.


Shupin looked surprised.

Lu Xuan smiled and said, "I am the only one who enjoys it. What if I am favored by the only one and you become jealous of me and expose me? See for yourself, the poisonous insect has been burned to death."

She had previously tricked Concubine Shu into casting a curse on the emperor, and gave her a male insect. After the deed was accomplished, she would give her a female one.

A male insect can mate with more than one female insect. If she succeeds, the two of them can swallow two female insects together and both can gain the emperor's favor.

It's a pity that Shupin failed.

Shupin looked at the insect being roasted by the candlelight until it was charred and smoking, and said:

"Sister, you misunderstood. I am not that kind of person. Even if you succeeded, it was because of your own ability. How could I be jealous and expose you? It's a pity to lose this priceless insect."

The bug eventually turned into a ball of ash.

Lu Xuan came here just to destroy the body, and now that she has successfully done so, she can naturally retire.

She stood up: "Okay, you should have a good rest."

Little did he know that in the darkness outside the tent, a pair of eyes saw exactly what was happening inside.

Leng Ying walked up to Qin Wan and whispered something.

Qin Wan thought for a moment, "I see."

She felt that Shupin was a little abnormal today, so she asked Leng Ying to wait outside his tent to see who would come to see her and what they would say. Sure enough, she saw her.

This Concubine Shu is extremely brave. A poisonous insect?

The bug was given by Lu Xuan. It was obvious that Shupin was being used as a gun. Lu Xuan burned it in front of Shupin just because she didn't want to be caught by her. It doesn't mean that she has no more evidence.

Therefore, she is likely to look for an opportunity to attack Jiang Beiyu again.

Qin Wan immediately told him what he had heard.

Jiang Beiyu was stunned and angry.

Fortunately, that kick today was hard enough, otherwise I would have almost been hit. The women in his harem are really crazy.

At this moment, a young eunuch outside the tent came to report: "Your Majesty, Concubine Xuan wants to see you."

Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan looked at each other.

It's here already?

Jiang Beiyu thought for a moment and said, "Let her in!"

He wanted to see what she was up to.

Qin Wan stood silently beside Jiang Beiyu.

The curtain was lifted and Lu Xuan walked in from outside.


When she looked up, for some reason, she felt that the little eunuch standing next to the emperor looked somewhat familiar?

(Next chapter September 25, 18:00)

Chapter 125: A Fait accompli


When she looked up, for some reason, she felt that the little eunuch standing next to the emperor looked somewhat familiar?

But her mind quickly flashed through the men and women palace servants she had met during this period, and not one of their faces matched the one in front of her.

Forget it, I won't think about it anymore. I must have admitted my mistake.

She looked at the young, handsome, fair-skinned man in front of her and offered the thing in her hand:

"Your Majesty, this is the kneepad I embroidered for you. It took me three months to embroider it for you, and I finally finished it today. I hope that when you go hunting in ten days, you can be as brave and as powerful as a god."

Jiang Beiyu looked at her but didn't reach out to take it. He smiled:

"Thank you for your hard work, Concubine Xuan. But according to you, I am wise and powerful only if I wear the things you embroidered. If I don't wear them, I am not wise and powerful?"

This was a sarcastic remark, but to Lu Xuan it sounded like he was teasing her.

Lu Xuan lowered her head and smiled shyly, but saw Jiang Beiyu said seriously: "But I have a knee pad."

Then he casually threw it to An Wushang who was standing beside him:

"I give it to you as a reward."

Lu Xuan's pupils trembled.

Although this knee pad was just a prop to her, it was embroidered by her own hands as a princess. How could she just give it as a reward to a guard?

Jiang Beiyu stared at her indifferently: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Lu Xuan's nose was about to smoke with anger. She knew that he did this on purpose. He was still brooding over the fact that she had forced him to marry him, and he deliberately humiliated her and wanted to humiliate her!

But she knew that a little impatience would ruin a great plan. After all, they were now on the territory of Jiang State, he was the emperor and she was the concubine, so she endured it deeply and even smiled:

"It's alright, I'll take my leave."


Jiang Beiyu stopped her.

"I think your handicraft is good. Why don't you work harder and embroider a few more so that I can reward the eunuchs in my palace? What do you think?"

Lu Xuan clenched her fists tightly, pinching her palms with her nails.

"Your Majesty, my energy is limited. I am afraid I cannot embroider so much. There are several palace maids in my palace. Their embroidery skills are better than mine. I embroider for Your Majesty out of my heart. For the eunuchs, I will let the palace maids embroider."

Qin Wan looked at her dimly.

It was amazing that a spoiled little princess like her didn't lose her temper.

Jiang Beiyu said: "That's fine. You can go back."

Qin Wan was worried that there might be poisonous insects hidden in the knee pads, so he immediately asked An Wushang to throw the two knee pads on the ground, cut them open with scissors, and carefully inspect them inside and out.

After the final check, there was nothing. This should just be a means for her to win favor and get closer to the emperor. I don't think she would dare to be so blatant.

We travelled peacefully for a few days until the road became less and less populated, the woodland became more and more vast, and we got closer to the paddock. From time to time, we could hear the sounds of wild animals coming from the woods.

At this time, someone in the team spread the news that Concubine Leng was about to rush over from the palace.

Qin Wan was confused after hearing this.

She is here. Did she come from the palace?

"It was I who released the news. The person was a female secret guard of mine who is similar in appearance to you and disguised herself. I estimate that she will catch up with us in two days."

Jiang Beiyu said calmly.

"You are not in the palace now, so it is easy to be exposed. Using this fake one can divert attention. You can also use her as bait to make those who want to harm you show up. This is the best way to protect you.

Originally, you were in the light and the other person was in the dark, but now you are both in the dark."

Qin Wan's heart moved.

"Xiao Beizi~"

"Hmm?" Jiang Beiyu responded subconsciously.

"How clever."

Before he could react, she kissed him on the side of his cheek.

In the carriage, the two played around, and outside the carriage, she was just an inconspicuous little eunuch beside him.

Since the news was spread intentionally, Qin Wan heard many people along the way talking about the news that Leng Fei was coming.

Naturally, the concubines had the biggest reaction.

"This little bitch, Concubine Leng, is so shameless. She is not on the autumn hunting list, yet she still has the audacity to come here. I'll see how the emperor will deal with her!"

Even though Shupin was beaten with a stick, she still didn't let it go. She leaned on the window of the carriage and talked to Noble Lady Liu and Noble Lady Mu sitting opposite her.

Originally, she should have been sent back to Beijing because she was beaten, but Jiang Beiyu wanted to use her as a warning to others, so he let her continue to follow him along the way.

Lady Liu said angrily:

"That's right. When it comes to the art of seduction, who can compare to her? She has made the emperor so confused that he treats us like decorations.

I thought that since she didn't come this time, the other sisters would have a chance, but now it seems that everyone should just go to bed. Once she comes, everyone will have to give way."

The carriages of several concubines were parked side by side. Concubine Xuan at the back said in a sarcastic tone:

"Sister, you can't say that. Maybe she and the emperor are true love, and the sisters are just accidents?"

This sentence successfully attracted the hatred of Concubine Leng and everyone else, and Lu Xuan felt somewhat complacent.

Concubine Zhang and Concubine Qi were always the quietest. Their conversations were carried into their carriage. They didn't even lift the curtains, but their expressions were unpredictable.

That night.

Jiang Beiyu was reviewing documents in the tent when he felt sleepy.

Qin Wan also yawned and picked up the kettle to fetch some water to make some coffee. Just as he stepped out from behind the curtain, a shiny silver ingot fell into his palm.

Qin Wan suspected that he was being too excited. He took a closer look and recognized that the person in front of him was Eunuch Zhang from Lu Xuan's palace, who came from the north with her.

Eunuch Zhang looked at her with a smile and said, "Eunuch, can you please help me? Tonight, no matter what you hear or see, don't say a word."

Qin Wan was slightly stunned, then calmly put the silver into his sleeves, looking like he was blinded by money, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, tonight, I am blind and deaf."

Then he walked away carrying the kettle.

Eunuch Zhang had been standing outside the curtain and made a gesture into the darkness.

A blowpipe was quietly inserted into the tent, and wisps of smoke were blown in.

Soon, the lights in the tent went out, and in the darkness, a figure wearing a black cloak and a hat sneaked into the tent.

Lu Xuan took off her hat, untied her cloak, and walked towards the figure lying on the bed.

She knew that the emperor had a secret guard with great martial arts skills lurking around him. However, the high-concentration incense just now could make even an elephant unconscious. At this moment, the guard must have been knocked unconscious along with the emperor. Therefore, she could do whatever she wanted in the tent tonight.

She pulled out an iron box from her sleeve, took out a tiny insect from it, put it on the man's neck, and watched the tiny insect burrow into the man's skin.

The man underneath moved his body, as if awakened by the incense. He suddenly turned over, pressed her under him, and began to follow his biological instinct.

This pair is the real poisonous insects. In order for the plan to succeed, she has already taken the mother insect in advance.

She knew that perhaps the Leng Concubine would come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and she had to seize the last chance to put a curse on the emperor before she came.

When she arrives, she will find that the emperor has become obsessed with her, and she has suddenly fallen out of favor. Thinking of this, she feels very proud.

It hurts. A sudden surge of pain made her subconsciously clutch the sheets. She knew clearly what she had paid for, and this pain was the symbol of her victory.

The moon tonight was only a crescent, the light was dim, and the tent was pitch black. Lu Xuan placed her hand on the man's face and tucked his scattered hair behind his ears. Only then could she vaguely see his face. At that moment, the blood in her body suddenly stopped.

"Who are you?"

Just now, she saw him wearing bright yellow pajamas and sleeping soundly on the dragon couch. Although she didn't see clearly, she didn't think he was another man. But now, when she completely recognized that the face was that of An Wushang, the guard beside the emperor, she was suffocated.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

She pushed him away violently, but under the stimulation of the insect, it launched a fierce attack on her.

Just now, Qin Wan took a few steps and secretly sent a message to Jiang Beiyu with his mobile phone.

At that time, An Wushang was the only one by his side, so he could only let him put on his clothes and lie on the couch instead of him.

At this time, he and Qin Wan were staying in General Leng's tent. His plan was to take advantage of the situation and make it a fait accompli for them.

Nothing could make Lu Xuan feel more humiliated than for a legitimate princess like her to devote herself to a guard...

The moonlight was dim. Lu Xuan put on her torn clothes, put on the black cloak she wore when she came here, and staggered out of the tent. When she stepped on the gravel, she stumbled and almost fell.

Not long after, An Wushang appeared beside Jiang Beiyu, with cool water vapor from his bath on his body.

He washed himself in the river before returning to report.

Jiang Beiyu asked: "Is it over?"

An Wushang uttered "hmm".

Jiang Beiyu said, "Thank you for your hard work. I will find someone to clean up the poisonous insects in your body after we go back."

An Wushang said: "It doesn't matter."

Then, he hid in the darkness again.

Leng Lie on the opposite side was staring straight at the top of his head with a teasing look.

Jiang Beiyu knew what he was thinking and glared at him coldly.

Just now, he could have sent someone in while they were in the process, but in that case, although Lu Xuan could be captured, An Wushang would also be implicated, and he would have an extra hat on his head out of thin air.

We are about to reach the territory of Mongolian Khan. If this matter gets out, I am afraid that the Mongolians will laugh their heads off.

So, he let it all happen in the dark. And what happened tonight would be a knife hanging over Lu Xuan's head, which would be much more effective than taking her down directly.

He would not arrest her, but would make her panic and heartbroken.

On the second day, due to weather reasons, the large force continued to stay here for a short time.

When he saw Lu Xuan again, he gave her a meaningful look with a half-smile in his eyes, but she didn't dare to look at him at all. She lowered her head timidly, her hands shaking constantly.

Then, explosive news came from the main force.

The "Cold Concubine" is here.

In the drizzle, Qin Wan saw a small team catching up with him. The driver drove a spacious and gorgeous carriage and said, "Gee!"

In full view of the crowd, the carriage passed through everyone's sight and went straight to the emperor's tent.

Qin Wan saw several familiar figures getting off the car. Little Zhima, Little Peanut, Little Guiyuan, and Xiongba, they were all here.

The last one to come down was herself, the "Cold Concubine".

As expected, she was a master of disguise. She couldn't see any clues at all. She just walked up to Jiang Beiyu and bowed.

"Your Majesty~"

Jiang Beiyu once again transformed himself into an Oscar-winning actor and glared at her: "I told you not to come, but you came anyway?"

The "cold concubine" said delicately: "I miss the emperor."

Qin Wan: ???

Would she say that? Could Jiang Beiyu have done that on purpose?

Next, the "Cold Concubine" was taken into the tent by Jiang Beiyu.

One by one, heads popped out of the tents to watch the fun, and then shrank back in.

She thought that she would be punished for disobeying the emperor this time, but she was not. Not only did the emperor not punish her, he was very happy to see her and treated her as usual!

In the afternoon, the sky cleared and the large group set off again.

Concubine Leng's carriage followed closely behind the emperor's carriage, and behind them was General Leng. I wonder how many concubines were envious of him.

What a great honor it is to be so close to the Emperor!

However, they didn't know that the real Leng Fei was even closer to the emperor than the fake one. She had been sitting in the emperor's carriage, eating strawberries, potato chips, and iced lychees!

I felt bored and was watching Douyin while resting my head on Jiang Beiyu's legs. Long distance travel is so tiring!

She was craving for snacks, so she took out her phone, picked out a bunch of snacks, and placed an order for one-hour delivery. The next time she went back, she would be able to get the snacks shortly after she got home.

She was also wondering if she could sneak back once and get some snacks.

But then he thought that the painted concubine was in the palace, so he didn't bring up the question.

Two days later, after more than half a month's long journey, they finally arrived at the autumn hunting ground.

The endless grassland before my eyes was waist-deep, and the grass surged when the wind blew.

The sky was cloudless and had a light blue color, while at the horizon, there was a setting sun that looked like a salted egg yolk and was 1.5 times larger than usual.

Seeing the scenery again, Qin Wan was still conquered by the magnificent scenery, and Jiang Beiyu also took out his mobile phone to take a video.

In front of them was the Mongolian Khan who came to greet them, and he brought some Mongolian nobles to welcome them in.

She and this Meng Khan were old acquaintances. When he saw her, Meng Khan politely said, "Lady Cold Concubine", but he was referring to the "Cold Concubine" next to Jiang Beiyu.

Among so many concubines, Meng Khan only greeted Concubine Leng: "Madam Leng is still beautiful!"

The "cold concubine" smiled politely.

Meng Khan said to Jiang Beiyu enthusiastically: "Welcome to the beautiful grassland! Your Majesty, I have prepared a whole lamb banquet tonight to entertain Your Majesty and welcome everyone!"

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

He was invited by Mongolian Khan to talk in his tent, and the large army began to set up camp.

Revisiting the old place, Qin Wan walked to the lake to get some fresh air, and suddenly saw a familiar figure passing by...

(Next chapter September 26, 18:00)

Chapter 126 You are a princess, how can you come here to serve a man?

Revisiting the old place, Qin Wan walked to the lake to get some fresh air, and suddenly saw a familiar figure passing by...


That was the maidservant that Concubine Qi had used at first. Last year, after that incident, Concubine Qi was caned and demoted to a concubine. Chu Tao was also beaten to the point of having only one breath left and was expelled from the palace.

I didn't expect that I could see her here again this year.

This Chu Tao was wearing Mongolian clothes and wandering by the lake, as if waiting for someone.

Qin Wan watched secretly until he saw Qi Yunxuan hurriedly walking over there.

Leng Ying was not around at the moment, and she was about to follow when suddenly, she heard a voice behind her.

"Young eunuch, can you help me carry this?"

A little palace maid asked her to help carry a shelf, so she had to help.

When she finished carrying the things and went to the lake, there was no trace of the two men there.

That night, Meng Khan held a full lamb banquet to entertain Jiang Beiyu and his concubines and ministers. As the favorite concubine, "Leng Fei" naturally sat next to Jiang Beiyu.

As a young eunuch beside the emperor, Qin Wan could only stand by and serve.

Jiang Beiyu was very meticulous. He used tongs to remove the mutton from the bones, put it on a plate, handed it to the "Cold Concubine" beside him, and sprinkled pepper on it considerately.

For some reason, even though it was clearly given to "himself", Qin Wan felt inexplicably jealous?

Even the Mong Khan on the other side laughed out loud when he saw this: "Hahaha, the Emperor and His Majesty are such a loving couple!"

Jiang Beiyu said to the "little eunuch" Qin Wan in an imperative tone: "Wine."

Qin Wan picked up the wine jug with a depressed look and poured tons of wine into Jiang Beiyu's glass.

Drink! Why don't you drink to death!

How could the "cold concubine" dare to eat the meat cut by the emperor? She just symbolically took a small bite with chopsticks.

Qin Wan's stomach was growling with hunger.

It's a pity that only concubines and ministers eat meat here, and the servants can only stand by and starve.

At this moment, a plate on the table suddenly fell to the ground.

Qin Wan squatted down to pick it up. Under the table, Jiang Beiyu picked up the lettuce, wrapped a piece of meat in it, and stuffed it into her mouth quickly without making a sound.

Qin Wan:!!!



But this big piece of meat almost choked her to death. After Jiang Beiyu finished feeding, he continued to look normal and raised his glass to Meng Khan opposite him.

Finally, the whole lamb banquet was over and Qin Wan returned to the camp.

Jiang Beiyu asked the palace servants to bring a portion of grilled lamb chops, and brought the barbecue rack and seasonings into the tent.

"Your Majesty, have you not eaten yet?"

"This is what I called you."

Jiang Beiyu turned the grill himself to make the meat roast more evenly. Along with the sizzling sound, the aroma of the meat filled the entire tent.

"I suddenly remembered that we roasted snakes under the campfire last year."

Under the candlelight, that chiseled face looked as if it had been cut and polished, with jade-like bones and an icy appearance. I finally understood why there is a description for a young man who is as white as jade.

He was concentrating on grilling the meat on the grill. In fact, it was already half-cooked when it was served. He grilled it a little longer to maintain the heat and make the meat more charred and fragrant.

He sprinkled the seasoning and sesame seeds evenly on the barbecue, and then used a knife to shave the meat off the bones piece by piece. After shaving one side, he waved at her lovingly:

"Wanwan, come and eat."

Tomorrow, the autumn hunting will officially begin.

As a young eunuch beside the emperor, Qin Wan followed closely beside Jiang Beiyu when he was hunting.

She learned the horsemanship here because her previous riding style was too distinctive, so now she rides using the here posture.

The sky here was blue and the trees were lush and green. She followed him into the woods and saw him shoot down the goshawk in the sky, the hare in the grass, and the elk in the mountains.

For a large animal like an elk, a normal person would need to shoot several arrows to kill it, but hitting the vital point with just one arrow is enough. This requires very high archery skills, because the elk moves at high speed when running, so you have to be fast and know how to predict. The vital point is just a small spot, and there are grass leaves in the forest to block it.

In short, it is very difficult to kill with one arrow. Qin Wan observed for a long time and found that Jiang Beiyu always shot anything with one arrow and never used a second arrow.

The grass leaves swayed, and there was another sika deer in front of him. It looked to be about half grown, with a pair of big dark eyes opened in panic.

Seeing her staring at him closely, Jiang Beiyu thought she was itching to shoot, so he handed the bow and arrow to her, but she shook her head.

I remember she once said that she was afraid of blood, but it wasn't true. She just didn't want to hurt these small animals. Only after she died did I understand that those were protected animals.

She had been taught to love small animals and live in harmony with nature since she was a child, so she naturally couldn't do it. But she didn't stop him either, and she was trying her best to adapt to his times.

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said to Qin Wan, "Wanwan, the animals in the enclosure are all artificially raised. They are allowed to reproduce and then thrown into the mountains. The purpose of raising them is for the annual autumn hunt. Every year, the court spends a lot of manpower and resources here. Look, there is feed scattered on this mountain."

Qin Wan took a look and saw alfalfa for feeding rabbits.

"The deep mountains and forbidden forests outside the enclosure are the real wilderness. It is very dangerous there."

At this moment, there was a sudden noise coming from a distance, and several palace servants rushed over in panic.

"Oh no! The princess was bitten by a snake!"

Qin Wan vaguely heard this and immediately pulled Jiang Beiyu over on horseback.

When the two of them passed by, they saw Jiang Nange being supported by a palace servant and sitting under a tree. His face was pale and blue. A few meters ahead, a meter-long snake was lying on the ground, and it had been chopped into two.

Next to her, Qi Yunxuan had already rolled up her trouser legs and was sucking out her poisonous blood mouthful by mouthful.

Her wound was on her calf, with two deep blood spots. Qi Yunxuan took a breath, spit out, and finally fainted.

Fortunately, the imperial physician arrived in time with a medicine box.

The scene was very chaotic.

Someone tried to check the broken snake on the ground, but Qin Wan shouted, "Don't move."

She took a long stick and tentatively placed it next to the severed snake's head. The dead snake, which had been chopped into two pieces, suddenly jumped up again like lightning and bit the stick tightly.

"This is a seven-step snake." The imperial physician recognized it.

As the name suggests, the seven-step snake will fall down after taking seven steps if bitten, which shows that the snake is extremely poisonous.

He took out the medicine powder from the medicine box and poured it on Jiang Nange's calf. Jiang Nange's eyes began to gradually blur.

The doctor said: "Fortunately, after the princess was bitten, a large amount of poisonous blood was sucked out in time, so the poison was not too serious... But this one is troublesome."

Both of them were carried away on stretchers by palace servants. In order to facilitate the detoxification and care of the imperial physician, they were placed in two adjacent tents, only ten meters apart.

When Mong Khan learned about this, he immediately sent the best anti-snake venom.

He is a local here. He sees snakes more often when he goes out than he sees the sun in the sky. Fortunately, he has all the medicines prepared.

The two men took the medicine but remained unconscious.

Qin Wan felt that something was fishy.

"Since the emperor said that this enclosure is artificially controlled, why did such a venomous snake appear?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "People in the enclosure do patrol every day and spread some snake-repellent powder, but it is inevitable that snakes will slip out of the forbidden forest. After all, the enclosure can enclose the animals, but snakes are creatures that can get in through any hole and are really hard to prevent. Every year, people are bitten by snakes during autumn hunting."

Since Jiang Beiyu said so, she didn't say anything else.

She went to the tent to check on Jiang Nange. She was still unconscious, with her long eyelashes drooping, and she looked very obedient.

I reached out and touched her forehead; it was still a little hot.

The poison has been removed, but ancient medicine is not as effective as modern medicine. We can only wait for her fever to subside.

When Qin Wan came out of her tent, she saw Concubine Qi coming out of another tent.

Lying inside was Concubine Qi's brother, Qi Yunxuan.

In order to come and visit Jiang Nange, she changed into her cold concubine outfit.

Concubine Qi saw her and nodded as a greeting. Just as she was about to leave, Qin Wan asked, "Would you like to chat?"

Concubine Qi was a little surprised, but still followed her.

The two walked to the lake, and Qin Wan said, "I saw Chu Tao."

When this name was mentioned, Concubine Qi's face obviously froze.

Then he said, "Yes, I saw it too. She came to me, knelt down and said she was wrong, and begged me to take her away."

"Last year, she was driven out of the palace, beaten until she was barely alive, and thrown into the wasteland. They wanted to feed her to wolves and let her fend for herself. Later, she was rescued by a Mongolian peasant woman, who took her home to nurse her back to health for three months. After she recovered, she was forced to marry the peasant woman's son.

She said that the son of the peasant woman was a drunkard who beat and scolded her on weekdays, and that the family was poor. She knelt down and begged me to send her away. I refused. The relationship between her and me as master and servant had ended. I would not help her anymore.

Qin Wan said: "So, she was indeed the one who did what happened last year?"

Concubine Qi pursed her lips, said nothing, and stared into the distance. Suddenly, she stared at one place with a look of a little fear.

"What do you think that is?"

Qin Wan followed her gaze, but it was too far away to see clearly. He looked closely and saw a floating corpse.

The body was salvaged and it was Hatsumomo.

Qin Wan was shocked, and Concubine Qi also looked astonished. She covered her mouth with a handkerchief and took two steps back.

The death of a person who had been expelled from the palace would not cause much stir, but the matter became more and more confusing.

The moment Concubine Qi saw Chu Tao's body at the scene did not seem to be fake. If she was really faking, then even an Oscar-winning actress would have to give in to her, because her expression at that moment was too complicated, showing fear, surprise, and regret and sadness.

After all, Chu Tao had been by her side since she was a child, grew up with her in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and became a maid who accompanied her when she married into the palace. Saying that the relationship between master and servant was over was just an angry remark.

Since Chu Tao had been expelled from the palace last year, no one in the palace cared about this matter. Qin Wan asked Leng Ying to check it out. The cause of Chu Tao's death was that she was hit hard on the back of the head with a blunt object and her body was dumped after death.

Unlike Leng Qingqing who drowned, her body was dumped after death and there was air in her lungs, so she floated up quickly.

"Do you suspect Qi Yunxuan is the murderer?"

At night, Qin Wan changed back into his eunuch attire and stood beside Jiang Beiyu.

She told Jiang Beiyu what she had seen in the past two days, and Jiang Beiyu was also thinking about something.

"But why did he kill her?"

Qin Wan said: "One is a young and high-spirited young master in the Xiangfu, and the other is a young and beautiful maid who grew up in the Xiangfu."

Jiang Beiyu smiled and said, "You mean, there is something going on between these two people? Where is the evidence?"

Qin Wan said, "Nothing, why go to see him privately? Now, Qi Yunxuan wants to be a royal consort. Naturally, he has to clear away some of the past."

Jiang Beiyu said: "What you said is just your conjecture. You said that she also looked for Concubine Qi and wanted to leave here. As a maid in the prime minister's mansion, it is not impossible for her to ask the former young master for help. Of course, it is also possible that Chu Tao's current husband learned that she wanted to escape, and was angry and killed her in a rage."

Qin Wan was stunned: "Are you making excuses for him? Just because he saved Nan Ge, your attitude towards him changed?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "No, I am helping you sort out your thoughts. When you suspect someone, the person's crime has already been established. Often, something will be overlooked."

Chu Tao's body was taken away by local authorities, and the next day, the authorities arrested the peasant woman and her family.

Early in the morning, Qin Wan and Jiang Beiyu went to Jiang Nange's tent to visit her, but found that her tent and her bed were empty.

Qin Wan was startled and looked at her maid Nangua, who was serving her with her head down, as if she wanted to say something but stopped herself. Suddenly, she understood.

She pulled Jiang Beiyu to the side, into Qi Yunxuan's tent, and sure enough, she saw Jiang Nange sitting beside Qi Yunxuan's couch, taking care of him.

Feeling the curtain being lifted, Jiang Nange turned his head and saw Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan. Their eyes met, and a look of fear and guilt flashed across their faces.

Qi Yunxuan hasn't woken up yet, because he helped her absorb the poison, and the snake venom he was infected with was deeper than hers.

Looking at Jiang Beiyu's livid face, Jiang Nange slowly put down the sweat towel and medicine bowl in his hands.

Jiang Beiyu said in a deep voice: "Come out."

Jiang Nange lowered his head and followed them out.

Jiang Beiyu said:

"Jiang Nange, you are a princess, and you are not well yet, how can you come here to serve a man?"

Jiang Nange whispered, "Brother, sister-in-law, I know you don't like him, but he saved me...just give him a chance, okay?"

Jiang Beiyu stood with his hands behind his back, his back to her: "This forest is so big, with so many people, how come it just happened that he saved you?"

Jiang Nange lowered his head even lower, and even the tips of his ears turned slightly red. He whispered, "It was me...it was me who secretly followed him."

"That day I saw Master Qi hunting, so I followed him out of curiosity, wanting to see how good his skills were."

Qin Wan felt a black screen before his eyes when he heard this and he put his hand to his forehead.

These brother and sister have the same love-brained personality!

Jiang Nange started crying as he spoke.

"My brother doesn't like him, and my sister-in-law doesn't let me see him. I was very restrained. I didn't contact him and didn't give him any chance. I just wanted to observe him secretly...

Who would have known that later I encountered a snake in the woods. I shouted for help, and Master Qi in front of me heard it and came over immediately.

He killed the snake for me and even sucked out the poisonous blood without hesitation, saving my life..."

She slowly raised her head and looked at them with tears in her eyes: "Brother, sister-in-law, can you give him another chance because he saved my life?"

(Next chapter September 27, 18:00)

Chapter 127 What if I took that painting?

"Brother, sister-in-law, can you give him another chance because he saved my life?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "Okay."

Qin Wan looked at him in surprise.

Even Jiang Nange himself was surprised. He opened his big watery eyes, forgot to sniff, and stared at him blankly.

"Did my brother agree?"

Jiang Beiyu's eyes were calm: "I agree. You can try to get along with him, observe him more, and understand him."

"Thank you, brother!"

Jiang Nange was so happy that she wanted to rush over and hug him, but she restrained herself when she thought that she had grown up and her brother was already married.

Like a happy little deer, she turned around and wanted to go back to Qi Yunxuan's tent, but Jiang Beiyu coughed loudly behind her, and she stopped again.

She turned around and saw her brother staring at her and said meaningfully:

"You must always remember that you are a princess."


Jiang Nange turned a corner and returned to his tent.

Jiang Beiyu and Qin Wan also turned and left.

Qin Wan was a little worried: "You just agreed to it?"

Jiang Beiyu said: "I didn't agree. I just let her observe and discover for herself when they are together. I understand Nan Ge. Suppressed love will be rebounded more passionately.

The more unattainable a person is, the more beautiful a filter will be added to them, so I let her get along with Qi Yunxuan freely."

Qin Wan had to admit: "You even know the word 'filter'?"

Jiang Beiyu said seriously: "During the live broadcast, Ma Shushu taught me that adding it would make people look better, right?"

Qin Wan said: "Yes."

So, she never let the dog emperor get her. Did she put a beautiful filter on his heart?

When she is really with him and becomes his true cold concubine, will they still be like this?

After returning, Leng Ying came to her side. She had just returned from the local Mongolian government office.

He said, "Madam, I have inquired about it. According to the results of the autopsy by the government coroner, the government has initially concluded that Chu Tao's death was caused by her current husband. Therefore, Chu Tao's husband Lu Bu and his mother Cai Yinhua were both arrested by the government."

Qin Wan's eyes darkened: "It is true."

"What do Lu Bu and Cai Yinhua do?"

Leng Ying said, "Lu Bu is a drunkard. He occasionally helps the butcher in town to slaughter pigs and sheep. Cai Yinhua usually makes a living by mending clothes for others. Some neighbors heard that Chu Tao had a fierce quarrel with her husband yesterday."

"Where's the murder weapon?"

"It was a club. It was found in the backyard of Lu Bu's house. The government determined that the murder took place in the backyard of Lu Bu's house. Lu Bu had strong hands, and the club was enough to accidentally kill Chu Tao, but Lu Bu refused to admit it. In addition, I found another suspicious point."

"you say."

Leng Ying said, "I discovered that Lubu's home is located downstream of that lake. According to the direction of the water flow, if Lubu killed someone and dumped the body, the body could not have swum to that place. Unless Lubu went upstream to dump the body, but who could carry the body and walk such a long way to dump it upstream?"

Qin Wan thought for a moment, "That's right. Even if it was true, Lu Bu actually killed someone upstream and dumped the body, so how could he bring the murder weapon back home? So, this is obviously a frame-up."

In the afternoon, she went to the place where Jiang Nange was bitten by the snake again.

The poisonous snake had been cleared, but there was grass all around and it hadn't rained in the past two days.

If this was not an accident and the poisonous snake was lured here, it would inevitably leave traces on the grass and soil, such as medicine powder, footprints, etc. However, there was nothing.

She felt very strange.

"Why, there is nothing?"

In fact, after the accident that day, Jiang Beiyu asked someone to secretly investigate here. If he really found something, he would not let Qi Yunxuan see the sun the next day.

Today they went into the mountains to hunt as usual. Qin Wan did not go with them, but "Leng Fei" went, still alone.

This is a perfect opportunity for the other party to take action.

However, after the sun set, she returned safe and sound, bringing back a lot of prey.

Qi Yunxuan also woke up.

The imperial physician said that after lying down for two days, he should walk around when he wakes up. Jiang Nange accompanied Qi Yunxuan and took a walk along the lake.

The two men were wearing red and white, Qi Yunxuan was wearing a white hunting suit and Jiang Nange was wearing a red riding suit.

The setting sun shines on the lake, making it sparkle. Around the lake are sedges, each one thin and long, green, swaying in the wind.

"Why did you save me then?" Jiang Nange turned his head and looked at him.

Qi Yunxuan lowered his head and smiled softly, as innocent as a teenager: "At that time, I didn't think too much, I just knew that the princess was in danger, and I didn't care about anything else."


Jiang Nange looked at his white deerskin boots. When he walked, the grass leaves would gently scratch his boots.

After a while, Qi Yunxuan suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

Jiang Nange was very surprised: "Why do you want to say sorry to me?"

Qi Yunxuan said: "Before, the princess has always been reluctant to see me. I guess she hates me, but I did something so presumptuous to the princess. I really deserve to die!"

As he said this, Big Mouth was about to slap himself in the face.

Jiang Nange quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him, and explained anxiously: "I don't hate you! I don't hate you! Really not!"

Qi Yunxuan then smiled brilliantly: "Really?"

Under his scorching gaze, Jiang Nange nodded shyly: "Yeah."

Next, the hand that she was holding was held by him.

"That's good... I thought the princess hated me. You don't know how I managed to get through those days..."

That night, Qin Wan put on his nightgown and went to the prison.

Rube was imprisoned inside.

After being beaten and tortured, his body was covered with scars from sticks, and he sat in a corner of the cell, covered in dust.

It was not until Qin Wan stopped at the door of his cell that he slowly raised his head.

The man in front of her was indeed a burly, rough man in his thirties or forties. He was wearing a coarse cloth shirt with a pudding texture, his hair was very messy, and he had a beard on his face. A delicate and beautiful maid like Chu Tao would definitely feel wronged if she were to be paired with such a rough and barbaric Mongolian man.


Qin Wan called out his name.

"Who are you?"

Qin Wan smiled and looked at him: "I am the one who can rescue you, as long as you tell the truth."

Rube said, "Don't try to trick me into confessing! I didn't kill that woman! God knows how she died!"

Qin Wan said, "I want to believe you, but the neighbors all said that she had a fierce quarrel with you before the accident. How do you explain this?"

Lu Bu said: "I didn't kill her, I just slapped her a few times! This woman used to be a maid in the palace. Even after being expelled from the palace, she was restless. When she heard that the palace people were coming for the autumn hunt again, she ran away from home in a hurry, wanting to find her former lover!"

"A lover?"

Lu Bu said, "She had a lover before, but she lost her virginity to him before me, and she still can't forget him. I heard from her that it was the young master of the mansion before, and several maids followed him."

Qin Wan frowned slightly: "Okay, I understand. Let me ask you one last question, have you ever touched the murder weapon that the government found?"

Rube shook his head and said, "No."

Qin Wan left the prison.

After returning to the tent, Qin Wan told Jiang Beiyu what he heard from Lu Bu.

"You now suspect that the young master that Lu Bu was talking about is Qi Yunxuan? Not only did he sleep with Chu Tao, he also slept with other maids in the Prime Minister's mansion?"

Qin Wan said: "Let go of your suspicion. So, I think it's very dangerous for you to agree to let Nan Ge get along with him!"

Jiang Beiyu continued to reason: "So, you think that Qi Yunxuan killed Chu Tao and put the blame on Lu Bu. Why did he kill Chu Tao? Because he wanted to be a prince consort and was afraid that the affair between him and Chu Tao would be known to others, but he should have killed all the maids who had had contact with him. So, there must be something else behind Chu Tao's death."

Qin Wan said: "The government directly sentenced Lu Bu to murder and he will be executed in fifteen days. But Lu Bu did not even touch the murder weapon.

As long as I can get the murder weapon, using modern technology, I have a way to prove Rube's innocence and find the real murderer. It's a pity that the painting is not with me now and I can't go back."

Jiang Beiyu smiled slyly: "Who said I can't go back? What if I took the painting with me?"

Qin Wan suddenly felt happy.

They planned to go back tomorrow night, so they went to General Leng's tent, because after they went there, their modern timeline would also change, so they needed to be notified in advance.

Leng Leng said decisively: "Then the emperor and I will go back together and come back together."

Anyway, his Rolls-Royce had not been fully paid for yet, so he could take this opportunity to secretly sell the ring, and the car would then belong to him.

Jiang Beiyu didn't want to bring these two light bulbs with him this time. He wanted to get his driver's license secretly without telling General Leng. He looked at Qin Wan inquiringly.

Qin Wan said, "Then let's go together. Shushu is Qin Chuan's pillar and can't be absent for too long, otherwise people will think she's missing. General Leng's live broadcast account has just started to pick up, and if it stops for too long, fans will drop. All the work before will be in vain."

Having said this, Jiang Beiyu didn't know what to say, so let's all go back together.

After returning to the tent, he continued to practice the test questions for Subject 1.

On the way here from Beijing, he used his mobile phone to practice questions whenever he had free time, and he has basically finished more than 2,000 questions.

Qin Wan poked his chin with the capacitive stylus and continued to use the mind map on the tablet to try to sort out these things.

Last year she was led into a tiger's den and attacked, Chu Tao was exposed, this year Jiang Nange was bitten by a snake, Chu Tao was assassinated, and then Qi Yunxuan saved Jiang Nange...

"These things seem unrelated, but they all have similarities. The tiger and the venomous snake are both wild beasts. Using wild beasts to attack, Hatsumomo..."

She muttered to herself, circling the key words "Chu Tao", "Beast", and "Qi Yun Xuan".

How to connect them?

As she thought about it, she became more and more sleepy, and she fell asleep on the table.

Jiang Beiyu carried her back to the couch.

The second day.

The large army went into the mountains for autumn hunting again. Qin Wan got up early for a rare occasion. He walked outside the tent and saw a shepherd grazing sheep on a hill not far away.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp~"

The shepherd grunted a few words and a sheep came to him obediently. He took out something from his bag and fed it to the sheep. After the sheep finished eating, he patted the sheep's head and the sheep ran away happily.

He sat down leisurely beside a tree stump. At this time, another fox came and stood upright in front of him.

He whispered something, and the fox ran off into the woods.

Not long after, the fox came back with some medicinal herbs in its mouth. He took out a piece of meat from his bag and gave it to the fox.

Qin Wan walked over there and saw the fox had left. He felt a little bored, so he took off his hat, which had been blown stiff by the wind, and rubbed it.

Qin Wan asked curiously: "Were you talking to the fox just now?"

The shepherd said, "Yes, my sheep are sick, so I asked the fox to go to the mountains to find some medicine. When he finds it, I will give it some dried meat."

"How do you make a fox listen to you?"

He said as a matter of course: "Ah? This is animal language."

"Beast language..."

Qin Wan suddenly had an epiphany when he thought of something.

No wonder, no wonder there is no evidence.

Everything suddenly became clear, and she turned around and ran in one direction.

In the forest, Qi Yunxuan and Jiang Nange rode side by side, hunting together.

Jiang Nange said: "My arm strength is not good, and I have never shot a swan in the sky."

Qi Yunxuan smiled and said, "Then the princess will definitely be able to hit the target today."


As soon as she finished speaking, she felt his body move closer, and his horse was extremely close to hers.

He held a bow and arrow in his hands. He held the bow in one hand and held her left hand. He held the arrow in the other hand. He walked around her from behind and held her other hand. Then, he raised the bow and arrow and pointed it at the sky.

Jiang Nange suddenly became nervous, because she had never been so close to a man before. She could even hear his breathing in her ear. Although they were in a forest with few people around, she was still nervous and worried about being seen. Her heart was beating like a deer.

When I turned my head to look at him, he was just staring at the sky intently, his eyes were deep and steady, as if no one could affect his hunting.

She didn't know how he did it. He held her hands and the bowstring trembled.


An arrow hit the swan in the sky.


There was a huge surge of surprise and sweetness in her heart because she was still in his arms.

Qi Yunxuan suddenly smiled embarrassedly, withdrew his hand, and put the bow and arrow back.

"The princess did it."

He drove his horse back to the distance they had just been at. Suddenly, Jiang Nange felt a little disappointed.

"Is this the first swan that the princess shot down?"

Jiang Nange lowered his head and said "hmm".



Qin Wan ran all the way to Concubine Qi's tent, panting, and opened the curtain.

"Hatsumo, do you know animal language?"

(Next chapter September 28, 18:00)

Chapter 128 Your Majesty! Your Majesty, why are you in this box?

"Hatsumo, do you know animal language?"

In just a short moment, the expression on Concubine Qi's face changed unpredictably.


She finally said.

Qin Wan felt relieved.

Everything is clear now.

She sat down and Concubine Qi poured her a cup of tea.

"In fact, you have always known that Chu Tao is Qi Yunxuan's person. Last year, even though you were beaten and demoted to a concubine, you did not say a word, because you knew from the beginning that the person who assassinated me was from the Qi family."

Concubine Qi didn't say anything, but this was tantamount to her consent.

Qin Wan continued, "Last year, you told me that the Qi family wanted your sister to enter the palace. At that time, you had already been regarded as an abandoned child by the Qi family, and it didn't matter even if you were demoted to a concubine.

But later, you were suddenly chosen to sleep with the emperor, and the Qi family saw hope in you again. Later, Qi Huaijue made a fool of himself at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, which disgusted the emperor, so they gave up the idea of ​​letting Qi Huaijue replace you. "

Concubine Qi was surprisingly calm: "What do you want to say?"

Qin Wan's chest heaved.

Why did Qi Yunxuan want to kill him? She was terrified when she thought about it carefully. It must not be him but the prime minister who was behind this. According to the inference at that time, killing her was to provoke the relationship between Leng Leng and Jiang Beiyu, so as to help the Northern Kingdom erode the Jiang Kingdom...

She had long known that the court was treacherous and that those who colluded with the Northern Kingdom held high positions of power in the court. Unexpectedly, they had reached the position of prime minister.

Qin Wan said: "I didn't quite believe it was you at the time, but even if it wasn't you, you were still condoning your father and brother to commit treason. Do you know that this is a road of no return?"

Concubine Qi smiled bitterly: "Do I still have the right to choose?"

Qin Wan said: "Yes, you have the right to choose your own life and death."

"Your brother, Qi Yunxuan, instructed Chu Tao to use animal language to attract poisonous snakes to harm the princess, and then killed Chu Tao to silence her. Now, Qi Yunxuan has deceived the princess, and I need you to expose the truth."

Concubine Qi picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"I don't know about what you are talking about."

"Then say you knew about it."

Qin Wan stared at her: "Before, Qi Yunxuan had affairs with many maids in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Chu Tao is not the only one, right? I need you to tell the princess about this. In the future, if something happens to the Qi family, I can save your life."

Concubine Qi put down her teacup and said, "What if I don't plan to intervene in this matter?"

Qin Wan said: "Then the golden medal of immunity from death is gone."

Concubine Qi said, "Aren't you afraid that not only will I not agree, but I will also tell Qi Yunxuan about this?"

Qin Wan took out his cell phone and asked her to look at Jiang Beiyu's face.

"Then just tell Qi Yunxuan about this."

It turned out that she had been on a video call with Jiang Beiyu since the moment she entered the tent. Jiang Beiyu heard everything she said to Concubine Qi just now.

"Princess Qi." Jiang Beiyu in the video shouted.

Concubine Qi was shocked and her face turned pale. She knelt down quickly, but was shocked and terrified: "Your Majesty! Why are you in this box?"

"Don't worry about it!"

Jiang Beiyu was too lazy to explain and continued in a deep voice:

"Concubine Qi, I already know about this matter. Concubine Leng has begged me for a long time. If you are willing to cooperate, let me show you mercy. I hope you can cooperate with Concubine Leng."

Then, a group of soldiers came in from outside the tent and guarded her to prevent her from contacting the outside world.

Concubine Qi sat there in a daze, looking bewildered.

Is the huge Prime Minister's Mansion about to be destroyed?

No, the emperor wants to destroy the Prime Minister's Mansion, and he needs evidence. Even if he knows, last year's Qiushou assassination of Concubine Leng was actually done by the Qi family, and this year's princess's distress is also closely related to Qi Yunxuan, but Chu Tao is dead, and there is no evidence. The emperor has no evidence now. He can only put her under house arrest to prevent her from talking nonsense.

Her mind was spinning rapidly, and she was never lucid for a moment.

Concubine Qi quickly said, "Okay, I'll cooperate with you."

Qin Wan said: "Okay, wait a moment, I'll bring the princess over."

Then he stood up and walked out.

Qin Wan went to Jiang Nange's tent, but there was no one inside. Nangua said that the princess had gone into the mountains to hunt early in the morning.

"She went there alone?"

Pumpkin hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Qin Wan already had the answer in his mind, and a nameless anger surged in his heart.

She called Jiang Beiyu and whispered, "The princess went hunting with the scumbag in the mountains. Send someone to find her. I'm afraid she's been cheated."

Jiang Beiyu said: "Okay."

By noon, Jiang Nange had not returned yet, and the small group of guards who were sent to the mountains to look for him came back and said that they had not seen the princess.

Qin Wan felt anxious.

Jiang Beiyu sent more soldiers to search the mountains, and even suspended the afternoon autumn hunt. Everyone went into the mountains together to look for the princess.




The whole mountain was filled with the sounds of searching.

He asked Xiaobai to go out and look for him. Xiaobai circled around the top of the mountain again and again, but could not find any trace of Jiang Nange.

Qin Wan said: "Could it be that he went to the Forbidden Forest?"

"That's troublesome. However, I think Nan Ge has participated in the autumn hunt since he was six years old. He is very familiar with the enclosure and should not be confused to this extent."

When Mongolian Khan heard that the princess was missing, he also sent a group of Mongolian guards to help search for her.

However, again, nothing was found until dark.

Because of Nan Ge's disappearance, the two men suspended their plan to return to the modern world that night. Of course, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, they did not take the murder weapon from the government office.

Jiang Beiyu was anxious.

After such a fuss about searching, if we don't find her tonight, and when we finally find Nan Ge, we discover that she is with Qi Yunxuan, then everyone will know that she and Qi Yunxuan spent the night outside, and that will have a great impact on her reputation.

He now regretted why he had agreed to this in the first place. The queen mother left him only one sister, but he didn't take good care of her!

Qin Wan walked out of the tent and saw him sitting alone outside the tent. The sky above his head was full of stars, making his back look lonely.

She sat beside him silently and said:

"Don't worry. Qi Yunxuan, that old fox, wouldn't dare to do anything to Nan Ge, unless he wants to bury the entire Prime Minister's Mansion with him.

He went hunting with Nan Ge early in the morning, and he didn't know that we had seen Concubine Qi. He did this simply to let everyone know that Nan Ge had been outside with him all night, and wanted to use public opinion to send him to the position of the prince consort. "

Jiang Beiyu said: "We are alone outside, and Qi Yunxuan is an old hand, how can I not be worried? If Nan Ge really has something with him tonight, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life!"

Qin Wan sighed softly. She didn't know what to say. She just hoped that Nan Ge could work harder.

At this time, Jiang Nange and Qi Yunxuan were also looking at the starry sky above their heads.

They and their horses fell into a hunting hole. They were not in the mountains, but in the meadow behind the camp. At that time, they were all going back to the camp. Qi Yunxuan said that he saw a large field of wild strawberries over there, and Jiang Nange wanted to pick them. Unexpectedly, the two of them fell into the pit.

Everyone thought they were in the mountains, and no one expected them to be here, so they didn't meet the people who were searching.

From noon to night, the dry food they brought with them had been eaten up, and Qi Yunxuan made a fire with the leaves and dead branches that fell in the cave.

The pit was nearly ten meters deep, with some geckos occasionally crawling on the walls. Qi Yunxuan shot a few with a slingshot, picked them up, stuck them on tree branches, and roasted them over the fire. When they were roasted, he passed them to Jiang Nange who was standing beside him.

"Princess, eat something. Don't be afraid. Someone will come to save us."

Jiang Nange sat by the fire with his knees hugged, saying, "I'm not afraid. I've never been afraid of anything in my life. This place is not far from our camp, so they should be able to find us. I think this experience is a bit strange."


"Qi Yunxuan. Do you know? I don't know why, but I feel like a long time has passed in these few short days. Maybe it's because I've experienced many things I've never experienced before, and I've also had feelings I've never had before. I'm very happy when I'm with you.

Even if I fall into this dark hole, I don't feel unlucky or scared. Instead, I think it's quite interesting. Do you understand how I feel? "

Qi Yunxuan stretched out his hand and pinched her little face, and said with a smile: "Silly girl."

Perhaps it was because he was standing by the fire, and could see the sparkle in his eyes. Jiang Nange thought of an adjective he had seen in a storybook: "bright as stars."

She looked at him, then looked at the sky, and said, "Qi Yunxuan, your eyes are brighter than the stars."

Qi Yunxuan smiled and said, "You can't pick the stars, do you want to touch them?"

Jiang Nange subconsciously reached out her hand to him, and he closed his eyes at her touch.

She said, "You close your eyes and the stars disappear."

"What about this?"

The next second, he put his arm around her waist and suddenly pulled her closer.

Those bright eyes are so close.

When their eyes met, she was stunned and her breathing quickened subconsciously. Then, her lips softened and she was kissed by him.

Jiang Nange had never experienced anything like this before. His mind went blank and his breathing became more rapid. Then, he felt a hand unbuckling her belt.

She suddenly remembered what her brother had said to her: "You must always remember that you are a princess."

She pushed him hard: "Qi Yunxuan, you've overstepped the limit!"

Qi Yunxuan quickly said: "I'm sorry, Princess, I can't help myself."

Feeling a little uncomfortable, Jiang Nange stepped aside, hugged his knees and said, "Qi Yunxuan, if you really like me, try to get my brother to agree to let you marry me, and then, have me carried into the house in a sedan chair."

Qi Yunxuan was immediately delighted: "Princess, are you willing to marry me?"

Jiang Nange wanted to say yes, but he also felt that it would seem worthless to say these two words in just a few days.

So, he turned his tongue and said, "It depends on your performance."

Early the next morning, Jiang Nange woke up slightly and heard a voice calling her from afar.

She sat up and found that she was covered with Qi Yunxuan's outer robe. About one meter away from her, she saw Qi Yunxuan lying curled up due to the cold, wearing only a snow-white undershirt.

She hurried over and pushed her excitedly: "Yunxuan, someone is here to save us!"

Qi Yunxuan opened his eyes slightly and said, "Princess, you go up first and then quietly find someone to save me, otherwise, it will ruin your reputation."

At this time, she had already made up her mind that she would marry him in the future. She pulled him up and said, "What are you afraid of? Just come with me and see who dares to say anything!"

The two of them shouted for help loudly, and soon someone came and pulled them up.

The two of them finally returned to the camp together, covered in dust and dirt.

Jiang Nange found that when she and Qi Yunxuan were walking through the camp, the people around them looked at them in a special way.

Because when the two disappeared together yesterday, a lot of people were mobilized and it caused a lot of commotion.

Considering that she was a princess, no one dared to say anything, but the looks were enough to make her feel guilty.

She lowered her head.

After Jiang Nange came back, he was taken to Jiang Beiyu's tent.

He didn't sleep the night before and his face looked weak and tired.

As she entered the tent, her heart began to beat fast, and then she felt extremely guilty.

He called out in a low voice: "Royal brother."

Jiang Beiyu's voice was weak: "Did you have fun yesterday?"

Jiang Nange knelt down and said, "It's not that I didn't mean to stay. I was planning to go back to the camp yesterday afternoon, but I fell into the pit behind the camp."

Jiang Beiyu knew that she was also being tricked, and could not bear to blame her. He said tiredly, "Get up, your sister-in-law. She has something to say to you. Go with her."

Jiang Nange was a little curious, but still stood up.

Qin Wan was dressed as a eunuch at this moment and brought her to Concubine Qi's tent.

Knowing that Concubine Qi was Qi Yunxuan's sister, Jiang Nange no longer had any hostility towards her and even smiled sweetly at her.

Concubine Qi poured her a cup of fruit tea and said to her, "Princess, you have been deceived. Qi Yunxuan is a hypocrite."

Jiang Nange's smile froze instantly, and she looked at Qin Wan, who was standing beside him, in confusion.

Qin Wan gave her a look that indicated he wanted her to continue.

Concubine Qi said calmly: "Any maid in the mansion who is a little bit pretty has been deflowered by him, because he thinks he is the young master of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and those maids are slaves sold to the Prime Minister's Mansion, so it is understandable for him to sleep with them.

Some of them only slept with her once, and if they met someone they liked and felt good about, they would continue to sleep with her. If they gave her a little money, bought some rouge and powder, or bought a hairpin on the street, they would be willing to do it. With his decent appearance and his status as the son of the prime minister, no one would make a fuss. The first peach floating on the river a few days ago was his person. "

Tears were already welling up in Jiang Nange's eyes. She shook her head in disbelief: "No, this is impossible..."

Concubine Qi was helpless and shouted, "Two peaches."

Ertao came over.

Concubine Qi said, "Tell me about you and the young master."

Er Tao lowered her head and said, "I was deflowered by the young master when I was fifteen."

Jiang Nange just felt a buzzing in his head.

Concubine Qi said, "Outside, he is the self-disciplined Master Qi, because he only eats food at home and thinks food outside is dirty. Also, Chu Tao understands animal language, so the matter of you being bitten by a snake is probably not that simple. Why did Chu Tao die inexplicably? Think about it yourself."

(Next chapter September 29, 18:00)

Chapter 129 Back to the modern times again~

"So the matter of you being bitten by a snake is probably not that simple. Why did Hatsumomo die inexplicably? Think about it yourself."

Concubine Qi said without any expression:

"Okay, that's all I know. I really can't bear to see the princess being deceived. Whether you believe me or not, I've told you everything I can say."

Jiang Nange became dazed. She pinched herself hard, hoping that she was dreaming, but the pain in her palms was so real.

"I see."

She stood up and walked out of the tent, and Qin Wan followed her out.

"Nan Ge."

She called her, and she stopped, looking at her with red eyes:

"Sister-in-law, is what Concubine Qi said true?"


Qin Wan said firmly: "Qi Yunxuan lied to you about all this, including saving you, in order to lure you into the game. He used Chu Tao to attract poisonous snakes to injure you, and then killed her to silence her."

Jiang Nange burst into tears: "But I really don't know how to believe it. You said that Qi Yunxuan killed Chu Tao, where is the evidence?"

"You need to give me the evidence."

Qin Wan looked at her earnestly.

"Nan Ge, I know it's hard for you to accept this all at once, but fortunately we can stop the loss in time. We all hope that you can be happy. If you don't believe it now, that's okay. You just need to find the truth yourself."

She spread her fingers and said to her, "Listen, each of us has fingerprints on our hands, and each person's fingerprints are unique. I now have a way to extract the fingerprints from the murder weapon that killed Chu Tao. If Qi Yunxuan's fingerprints appear on that murder weapon, does it mean that Qi Yunxuan is the murderer?"

Jiang Nange nodded, not quite understanding.

Qin Wan continued: "But I don't have Qi Yunxuan's fingerprints now. I need you to get Qi Yunxuan's fingerprints for me."

Jiang Nange nodded.

Qin Wan said: "You should treat him as usual now, and don't let him know about this."

Jiang Nange nodded.

Qin Wan returned to the tent and said to Jiang Beiyu, "It's done. Next, Nan Ge will get Qi Yunxuan's fingerprints. After getting them, we will bring the murder weapon back to the modern era. I will ask a specialized judicial agency to extract fingerprints for comparison."

Jiang Beiyu nodded.

He looked very tired these past two days, not only because of Nan Ge's matter, but also because he learned that the person who colluded with the Northern Kingdom was actually the prime minister...

Qin Wan walked silently to his side, they stood and sat, she hugged him to her belly and patted his head gently.

"If your Majesty feels tired, please take a rest."

Jiang Beiyu closed his eyes.

"Wanwan." he said.

"I was just suspicious before, but I just figured out some things in the past two days... No wonder the Prime Minister tried so hard to make it happen when the Northern Kingdom offered ten cities to marry Lu Xuan here."

Qin Wan said: "It's all over. Fortunately, we were not kept in the dark. Next, we will remove this nail from the court."

On the other side, Jiang Nange returned to the tent.

Although what she just heard made her feel like her whole world was turned upside down, she still tried her best to stay calm and restrained.

After she came back, she stopped crying, and even her personal maid Pumpkin didn't notice anything.

Just as my sister-in-law said, she needs to find the truth herself. If it is finally proved that everything is true, Qi Yunxuan is really a complete liar and murderer, she will definitely make him pay the price!

As she was thinking, she began to grind and wrote something down.

In the afternoon, Qi Yunxuan came to see him again, with his back to her tent, holding a basket of strawberries in a bamboo basket in his hand. He stood outside her tent, looking elegant and polite.

She said to Pumpkin, "You let him in."

Nangua immediately came out of the tent and said to Qi Yunxuan, "Master Qi, the princess wants to see you."

Qi Yunxuan came in carrying a basket full of red strawberries, each one fresh and big.

He smiled and said, "The strawberries that the princess didn't eat yesterday, I picked them myself today and they didn't fall into the pit."

Jiang Nange treated him as usual.

"You're thoughtful."

She asked Pumpkin to take the strawberries: "Pumpkin, take them to the lake and wash them."


Pumpkin took the strawberries out of the tent.

Knowing that he had deliberately sent the maid away from the tent, he understood and raised the corners of his lips.

Jiang Nange lowered his head, looking shy.


After Nangua left, Qi Yunxuan sat next to her.

Jiang Nange took out the paper he had prepared long ago.

"Yunxuan, when you return from this autumn hunt, you can propose to my brother, okay?"

Qi Yunxuan was so happy that he said "hmm".

The tent was very quiet, with only the two of them. Jiang Nange kept her head down and could feel that he was staring at her.

"Do you like me?"

"Like it."

Jiang Nange put the paper on the table: "In order to prevent you from changing your mind in the future, you must sign this."

Qi Yunxuan was a little curious, so he picked it up and saw that it said: "Three rules."

"One: You must always be loyal to the princess and never deceive her."

"Two: What the princess said is right. Submit to her unconditionally."

"Three: You must do everything you promised the princess. When the princess is unhappy, you must make her happy."

"If any of the above is violated, the princess will deal with it."

Jiang Nange said: "If you want to become my consort and marry me, you must sign this."

Qi Yunxuan smiled and thought to himself, little girls just like to play with these things, and they will be just a piece of waste paper after they get married.


He signed his name without hesitation and pressed his thumb on the ink pad to leave his fingerprint.

Seeing the bright red and clear fingerprint, Jiang Nange's heart trembled.

At dusk, when Qi Yunxuan left, she immediately took the paper to her brother's tent.

"I got it."

Jiang Beiyu took it and handed it to Qin Wan beside him.

Qin Wan took it and looked at it, his eyes lit up: "Well done."

She used her cell phone to notify Leng Leng and prepared to set off in half an hour.

Afterwards, Jiang Beiyu issued an order to have the Ministry of Justice thoroughly re-investigate the case, and at the same time ordered An Wushang to fetch the "murder weapon" - the hammer - from the government office.

He had specifically instructed not to touch it with fingers when taking it, so An Wushang carefully used chopsticks to put it into a silk bag.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

A golden full moon rose slowly from the grass, and Leng Leng and Ma Shushu gathered in Jiang Beiyu's tent.

The painting has been hung.

Jiang Beiyu dismissed his attendants, and Qin Wan lifted the cloth curtain that served as a window in the tent, holding a bronze mirror in his hand, reflecting the moonlight outside onto the painting.

A familiar light lit up, and a group of people walked into the painting...

But when Jiang Beiyu regained consciousness, he found himself sitting in the restaurant he had come from, with his suitcase next to him.

There was a plate of spaghetti in front of him, but he didn't have a fork in his hand...

(Turn back, there is another chapter today.)

Chapter 130: I'm dying of laughter. Which emperor is coming to film in modern times?

There was a plate of spaghetti in front of him, but he didn't have a fork in his hand...

He looked at his face, then at his empty hands, and was a little stunned.

"Waiter, can you bring me another fork, please?"

The waiter was a little confused.

He remembered that he was given a fork when the food was served.

the other side.

Qin Wan, Leng Lie, and Ma Shushu all returned to the sofa in Qin Wan's living room.

Several people looked at each other.

"Where's the Emperor?"

At this time, Qin Wan's cell phone rang.

Jiang Beiyu picked up the noodles with a fork and got to eat the tomato beef pasta he ordered when he came, which was still hot.

He said, "Wanwan, I'm back in that restaurant. I have an audition tomorrow. Please contact your friend who is a forensic expert. I'll come to you when I'm done here."

Qin Wan said, "Okay," and then hung up the phone.

Leng Lie asked curiously: "How do you say that?"

Qin Wan said, "It seems that this painting will return to the same place it left from last time. The emperor was not with us when he came back last time, so he returned to the place he came from last time. He has an audition tomorrow, so let's ignore him for now."

Leng Leng said: "Okay."

Anyway, twelve days is equivalent to one minute in Jiang Kingdom, so you can stay here as long as you want.

Returning to a familiar place again, I actually felt a little bit familiar.

Leng Leng and Ma Shushu didn't stay long and went home. The wedding photo frames and albums they brought last time were still piled in the living room. After returning home, they took them out and arranged them in the room.

Qin went upstairs in the evening, took a shower, and then received a call that the takeaway had arrived. It was two full bags of snacks and drinks that she bought on the way to Xingwei.

She brought in the snacks and sent a photo to Jiang Beiyu, making him very greedy.

Jiang Beiyu had just entered the room at this time. He took out his mobile phone, looked around the room, and reported to her.

"Wanwan, wait for me to come back."


"I'm going to audition tomorrow to earn money to support Wanwan."

Qin Wan replied, "Yeah."

After thinking about it, I felt that it was too cold, so I replied: "I wish you a successful audition."

The most attractive moment for a man is when he is working hard to make money.

On the second day, Qin Wan, Leng Lie and Ma Shushu went to the Forensic Identification Center together.

She submitted the evidence hammer, as well as Lu Bu's fingerprints and Qi Yunxuan's fingerprints, and asked for a comparison with the fingerprints on the evidence. She paid extra money and requested that a video be recorded during the evidence collection process and the presentation of the identification results.

It takes seven working days for the identification results to come out, and the rest is just waiting.

Ma Shushu said worriedly, "Wanwan, what if Qi Yunxuan didn't do it himself, but someone else beat Chu Tao to death with a mallet? Wouldn't there be no fingerprints on it?"

Qin Wan said, "Do you think that if he sent another killer to kill Chu Tao, the murder weapon would be a mallet? Your killer used a mallet to kill people?"

Then he analyzed: "Hatsumo's death place was near the lake. She was beaten to death and her body was dumped there. The club was thrown by the lake and was used by others to wash clothes. The two met in private. He decided to kill Hatsumo on a whim, so he did it himself.

However, he was a thoughtful person and was afraid that Chu Tao's death would cause more trouble, so he secretly had someone send the club to Lu Bu's yard to pin the blame on him. "

Qin Wan raised the corner of his lips as he spoke: "But how could he know that we have modern technology that can remove fingerprints from the hammer?"

Ma Shushu suddenly understood.

"Wanwan, you are very smart~"

It was lunchtime, so the three of them ate at a random roadside restaurant. Leng Lie was thinking about going to the jewelry store to sell rings in the afternoon. Poor worker Ma Shushu had to go back to work in the afternoon.

After dinner, Ma Shushu asked, "Wanwan, are you going back to the company this afternoon?"

Qin Wan thought of something and raised the corner of his lips: "I have something else to do, so I won't reply."

She drove directly to the neighboring city.

Jiang Beiyu's audition is in the afternoon.

It was a two-hour drive, and she navigated directly to the hotel where he was auditioning.

She knew the producer of this film. His family ran a long-established public relations company and he had dealt with most people in the circle. In addition, Qinchuan was now thriving, and many people were counting on cooperating with her company.

Qin Wan walked in wearing a BV little black dress and a pair of black sunglasses. Along the way, people who knew her were polite to her.

"Boss Qin."

"Boss Qin."

She also nodded in a low-key manner.

The audition was held in the hotel's auditorium, and the entire process was live-streamed online. A stage was set up, with the director and producer sitting below the stage, and the actors invited to audition went on stage one after another in order.

At this moment, Jiang Beiyu was sitting in the back, concentrating on reading the script. His slender fingers were turning a pen consciously or unconsciously, and he was muttering to himself, pondering the lines in a low voice.

He was a newcomer, unknown and no one paid attention to him. He just sat there quietly until he heard his name called on stage.

His excellent appearance, deep eyes, tall and straight figure, and innate imperial temperament are eye-catching as soon as he appears.

The director and producer looked at each other with satisfaction.

Qin Wan walked to the back door of the auditorium, to an inconspicuous position, folded his arms, and quietly stood there.

I thought he had superb acting skills earlier and secretly called him "Actor Jiang" behind his back. It would be a shame if he didn't win an Oscar. I didn't expect that he would actually make movies in modern times. I hope he really becomes the actor.

No, which emperor would come to film in modern times...

Jiang Beiyu was performing the scene in the script with great concentration on the stage. He had polished the three-minute performance more than a dozen times in his mind.

The pay for this movie is decent, much better than his current income from live streaming. He wants to get this role and save money to marry Wanwan.

He was concentrating on the performance when he suddenly caught a glimpse of that figure out of the corner of his eye.

My heart was inadvertently rippled, I was uncertain, but I was acting, I couldn't look at her, but I started to get nervous for some reason.

He gave his best performance until the audition was over and he left the stage.

He walked towards that direction and was sure that it was her, Wanwan came to pick him up!

Qin Wan looked at him and couldn't help laughing, still crossing his arms lazily.

"You came?"

When Jiang Beiyu saw him, he rubbed the tip of his nose with his fingers, feeling a little shy.

"Well, here I am. Good performance."

At this moment, someone in the auditorium leaned over to the producer's ear and whispered something, and the producer immediately stood up.

"I'm going to change my clothes first."

Jiang Beiyu turned around and went to the fitting room to change out of his prop costume.

Qin Wan was standing there leisurely. At this moment, producer Jiang Xianfeng came towards her and smiled when he saw her: "Hey, President Qin, what brings you here?"

(Wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family reunion~ Next chapter on September 30, 18:00)
