
A heart that left shattered

And a tragic fate

Once destiny against,

there is nothing to be save.


A rising sun cast pale golden light in to my bare skin when I open the glass window of our office. I took a deep breath while letting the cold breeze to envelop my body.

I couldn't imagine how I ended up in this kind of profession. Profession that I used to hate before.

My whole life almost revolved into hatred and blaming. Hatred for those liars who messed my life and blaming them why my life became so cruel.

I didn't notice how many minutes I have been in this position while reminiscing my life way back then.

The office is still quiet. Only the hums of the birds and the tick-tack of the clock I could've heard.

A few moment pass by, when I decided to slowly go back on my chair and decided to play some music.

I was busy at searching my phone because I forgot where I put it , when I heard the door sound-sign that there is someone's coming

I already have an idea who is it. I could feel his gaze turned into my direction.

"Good mornig, Senior Benj!" He greeted as I expected.

Kuen is always doing that. Most of the time his mouth doesn't have limits. As long as, there is a story that he could tell, he will tell those without any hesitations. No doubt why he became a journalist, he's really talkative.

Instead of greeting him back, I decided to continue what I am doing. Because if I talk to him, expect that we will ended up wasting our time because of his nonsense story.

"Your phone is here." Kuen said and then he held my hand to help me to hold it.

"You're still using your phone even you're in that kind of condition, ha." Kuen laughed because of what he said.

"Psh, of course. But only if there's someone is calling. I can't even text here, haha. Just in case of emergency too, anyway." I said, and now, we are both laughing here.

Kuen and I are now working in a typical radio station. Kuen is the one who's broadcasting news while I'm the one whose in the entertainment time since this is the only thing that can suited in my condition.

I am known as , 'Senior Benj' here because I am the one whose giving an advice's to those broken people here. Since I had a lot of experience in life, I became a good adviser. I am also applying my talent here. I am dedicating a songs to my listeners.

All of my life, I never thought that my tragic experiences can give a courage to everyone to continue to live. It makes me realize that your own experience will be the best story that you can tell to anyone.

That no matter how many stories in the books you will read, it can't surpass your own story.

That's why, as long as you could live, make it memorable. Though your life has more downs than ups, always find a way to be happy.

Don't be like me who almost spend my whole life from being stock from the past. The one who do nothing to save himself from sadness and letting the time to goes without enjoying it.

I don't even know if I had a happy moments during my high school life before. People said, that high school life is the most happiest part of our life, but I couldn't even remember myself became happy that time.

And if I could turn back the clock,
I will still choose what I did before. Did you know why? Because I believe that if that's your fate, that will going to be happen to you still. Mabye fate is just challenging us to learn how to make our future better than the past.

And did you know the biggest dare on us?

Is to love our fate.
