Chapter 7

I can be that stupid one,
If in that way, I can make you smile.

Chapter 7

I was distracted the whole week. I am so busy on my paperwork's. We're just in a second week of school year but it looks like we are already in a finals.

After that day talking with Giljean, I never saw her again. I wonder why, but I chose not to think more about her. She said to stop my assumptions, then fine!

I smile when I saw that finally, I finish it. "Hooh!" I really feel so relief.

"You really seems so happy." I don't know, but this time I didn't shocked when I heard Giljean's voice.

"Yeah, I finish it finally." I said while my eyes are still on the monitor of my laptop.

"That's good then." she said. My peripheral vision saw that she pulled one steel chair. I am here again in a lounge of the cafeteria.

"I have a dare again for the 3rd time." this time I look at her and give an asking looked.

"I am going to our province this weekends. And I want you to come with me. That's my 3rd dare." she said and left me hanging.


'Welcome to the municipality of Delacadejas'

After 6 hours of road trip haha. Just kidding. We can't call this as a road trip since me and Gilj are just arriving to her hometown.

She said, Delacadejas is the name of her town. So maybe a few minutes from here we can already reach her house.

"Five minutes" she said. Actually, I am always asking her if we are already near since we start arriving. We also had fight awhile ago because I keep asking her with the same question.

"We're here." she uttered then quickly go out from the car.

"Hey, wait." I ran towards her side.

I was about to talk when I notice her teary eyes. I also look on the direction where she was staring at.

Now I get it.

I saw there's a coffin over there. I want to ask if she's related with the family of the dead but I keep to be silent.

"She's almost a family to me. A mother to be exact." she said trying to wipe her tears.

"Since when I was 9, I used to be with her because my dad can't do that for me. She's our maid but my dad decided to turned over me with my yaya after that incident ten years ago.

He keep sending money's just to support my needs. He used to be with me only when there's an occasions, like birthdays and death anniversary of my mom. My dad keep saying that he's really sorry because he can't be there with me at all times. I understand his reason and I'm still thankful to him because Yaya Merin never failed to make my life complete. " she's telling those words while trying to hold on her tears. I feel so bad for her.

No words wants to get out from my mouth. I know Gilj is a strong and intelligent woman. She already know what she will gonna do, she just need someone to cry on this time.

"Giljean! Come in" the old man said. I think he's already in the midst of 60's. He's also wearing a plain black shirt. If I am not mistaken, he is the husband of what Gilj called yaya Merin.

"Condolence Uncle Roger." she abruptly hugged the man she called Uncle Roger.

"Shh...don't cry baby, your Auntie Merin will be sad if she saw you crying." Uncle Roger said trying to give a comfort for Gilj.

"Come in first." Uncle Roger said when Gilj finish to cry.

An hour ago when Gilj asked me to go out. It's already 9:30 in the evening. She said she need a fresh air.

We are now in a seashore; still silent and no one wants to talk. I miss the old Gilj who's always talking a lot of things. I used to like her talkative side than seeing her with this kind of silence.

"Are you okay now?" even it's obvious that she's not, I still tried to asked just to broke the silence.

Sometimes asking someone if they are okay is really comforting. Because knowing that there is someone who care on what you feel can really motivate you to be strong and fight again. It may be a simple question, but really motivating for me.

"I'm not." she said.

"What is your dumbest experience in life?" she asked. Maybe she wants to made herself happy.

"Hmm.. I have so many dumbest things I did in life." I said and began to reminiscing those.

"Can you please tell it to me?" she asked while her eyes are still on the sea.

The breeze is getting cold now and the moon is now smiling on us. The sea is now silent, it's like the ambience of the sea are now cooperating on us.

"When I was in Junior high, I used to asked my friend if their mother's are still virgin-"

"Pfffftt" she cut me off of her laugh.

"I'm still young and clueless how stupid that kind of question before." and now we are both laughing.

"And another one is when I was still a Cadet. Military Parade that time and all of us are on the line. Our Platoon Leader was currently giving a commands." I stand and gesture like I am still in a Military training.

"Our platoon is giving a command and everyone answering ahoo!" I said and put my hand on my back and showing to her our proper posture in military.

"The platoon stop giving a command, but because I am not in my sanity I shouted alone 'Ahoo!'-" I looked at her who's now is laughing.

"I can endure being embarrass with my co-platoon, but knowing that we are in the line together with the other school's who are that time are also laughing because of my stupidity; I thought I really can't. God knows how many times I wish to swallow by the land from where I am standing at." I said still remembering how embarrassing it was. Of course I shouted alone, everyone heard that.

"Thank you." she said, which makes me stop from laughing.

"You're always welcome." I replied.

I didn't know that this time will came that my dumbest things I did will make someone's happy.

Now, I didn't regret that I did those stupidity before. Because it makes her laughed.
