Chapter 17

Let's not allow the religion to deprive someone's liberty.

Chapter 17

The noisy crowd ambience of the gymnasium awhile ago are now turned into silence. Everyone are waiting to begin the battle. Megan will be the first who will speak then followed by Giljean.

I could sense the tension between the two opponents. I know Giljean can do this, she's also a woman with wisdom.

“The Battle Begin!” I heard the emcee announced.

The girl who named Megan stepped forward on her mic.

The crowd are cheering her before she started.

“Having a universal religion or beliefs will be an advantageous. Because if people has the same beliefs, they will understand each others situation. The discrimination when it comes to the beliefs will lose and all people can be friends.

They don't need to fight for their believing beliefs because people already understand their side. Remember the Marawi Siege War? Some Christians got killed by those terrorist once they said that they are Christians. It shows that, having a different religion is still matter to some people.

And if ever that our world could have a universal religion, probably our world could be at peace.” The girl who named Megan confidently said.

The crowd now are clapping their hands because of what Megan said.

I know about that Marawi War,  according to some people, terrorist asked them what is their religions. Some people fake their identity. They said, they are Muslims too, because once they said that they are Christians, they will kill them without mercy.

Now, this is Giljean's turn.

“Having a universal religion couldn't be the solution to make our world at peace. Have you ever notice that even Christians to Christians, Muslims to Muslims, are still fighting? Look, they are both believing the same beliefs.

Maybe having a universal religion can lessen the discrimination but it can't still make people be at peace. Religion is just a guide but the actions and the decisions will be remain to it's believers.

If people don't know how to lower their pride; if they don't know how to be contented in their life, or maybe  how to stay calm, to be kind and how to respect each and everyone, then our world couldn't be at peace. Stop saying that religion can make our world be at peace when even people who has the same beliefs are still fighting. ” Giljean said.

Kuen and I are now clapping. “Actually, I was about to agreed with Megan's points but my mind change when I heard what Giljean said.” Kuen said while still clapping his hands.

Now, it's Megan's turn again.

“But let us be practical, people always choose to be friends with those people who they has the same beliefs. And if all people here in the world had the same beliefs, then people don't need to experience being discriminated because of their own beliefs.

Religion isn't just a guide, but also a way to change people's mindset.
People can learn how to stay calm, how to lower their pride, and how to respect each and everyone through the guidance of their religions. Because once a believers learned how to follow what their believing God's wants them to be, they will do it wholeheartedly.

Stop showing like people don't need to have a religion just to make our world at peace when in fact, religions here in the world has a big impact to it's believers mindset.”

I took a deep sigh when I heard Giljean's opponent opinions. I know it could be hard for Giljean, her opponent is really wise.

“I don't know where I will believe on the two opponents. Their opinions are both valid.” Kuen commented.

“Do we really need to have the same religion before to learn how to respect, to lower our pride, to be contented, to be kind and to be stay calm? Huh?” Giljean asked sarcastically.

“Religion really has a big impact on us, but do you think this is the solution to make our world at peace? Because for me no, people needs first to learn how to respect everyone without any connection to someone's religion. Let us not allow religion to deprive someone's liberty to believe on what they wanted to believe. Learn how to respect instead.

Like what I've said awhile ago, even people have the same beliefs, they are still fighting. We can't make our world a better place when people didn't even know how to give someone's value.

Because if people really wanted to make our world be at peace, they will start it in their own lifestyle. People in the worlds don't need to believe the same beliefs just to learn how to be kind and how to respect people.”

The ambience of silence awhile ago was exchange into a tension now. Everyone are thinking  to the both opinions.

This is the real match.
