Chapter 10

Past and present,
Are real enemies since then.

Chapter 10

“I hated them...because they makes people poorer and poorer.” I said trying to find an alibi. I don't want to talk about my past.

“That's it?” Giljean's said—totally not convinced.


“You're telling lies. Base on your comments about politicians awhile ago, I guess you really have an issue about them. Plus your recitation last, last week.”

I sighed as a sign of being defeated. There's no way but to tell her the truth.

“When I was 9 years old, my mom ambushed together with her boss. She was working as a personal guard and a secretary of the Governor at the same time.

I remember how the reporter or the media blamed all things to my mom even she was the one who died in that ambushed.

People said that my mom planned to kill the Governor and she's connected to those gang who ambushed them.

The Governor was still alive but still in coma that's why the Governor can't give any statement.

I remember how media destroy our life. My dad also fired up when he was about to complaint to those politician that he was suspecting. But again, media showed that my dad was about to get revenge to those colleagues of the Governor.

I waited for the Governor to wake up from coma– still hoping that he will correct those police in their investigation. But it didn't happen. When the Governor woke up, he never give any statement.

Because of that incident, my happy family before was ruined.

My ate Serene needed to stop from schooling because no one will going to provide our needs. She need to work hard just to save us.

All of my life I wanted to got revenge by proving and revealing to everyone that my parents are innocent even they are already dead.

I really hate those family of politician because for me, they are just the same. The blood that runs on their veins are the same. They are all evil.

I also wanted to show how politicians paying those media's just not to broadcast their wrong doings.

That's why, I decided to be a journalist.

Because I wanted to be the witness and to be the one who will correct their articles. I wanted to show to people how merciless they are.”

I took a deep sigh again to calm my self. The pain from the past is like a fresh wound again.

I look at Giljean who's now is crying. My brows furrowed because of what she acted.

“You're so ugly when you are crying.” I commented trying to change the atmosphere.

I saw she wipe her tears and made face.

“You're really rude, tsk!” she said and stand up.

“I need to go.” she added.

“I'll accompany—”

“Good night and take care.”

My lips parted when she left me hanging.

What's wrong with that girl? Tsk!


“What with that face?” Ate Serene said when I enter the door.

“Nothing” I replied. Good thing ate didn't tried to ask me again.

I was about to enter in my room when I notice her dress. I looked at her from her head down to her feet.

“Where are you going?” I asked while my eyes are still on her dress.

She's wearing a blue simple dress partnered by 4 inch heels. She also wear the necklace that owned by my mom before. The necklace suited to her dress that makes her more beautiful tonight.

This is my first time to see her again in a formal dress after ten years.

“On a date?” Ate said while flipping her hair.

“Who's that guy?” I asked in a threaten way.

“Oops, I thought you want—”

“Psh! Tell him to consult to his doctor. He badly needed that. Dating with this ugly girl? Huh! So cheap!” I said in disbelief act way. I'm just trying to tease her.

I saw how her lips parted.

“Ahuh? Excuse me, this is Serene Kaye Haldane and I am your the most gorgeous ate! PSH!” Ate said. I know she's getting  pissed now.

“Still ugly, psh! Take care! Call me if you are already in a police station.”
I said while slowly walking to my rooms' direction.

“Psh, how so sweet my brother. And you don't have to worry about me, I know how to defense for myself. duh!” she said while trying to show her muscle.

“You're too slim to have a muscle girl, don't be so trying hard. Just go. You don't know, what if you came late and then he would find someone new on the place where you're about to date and then...” I didn't finish my line when I heard the door banged.

But I wonder who is the guy? Should I ask her later, right?

I hope he saw how the best my ate is. She's the most precious girl I only had and no one girl could exchange her position in my heart.

I am just acted in that way to her, but God knows how much I love her more than to my self.

It was 11:30 pm when I finished my study. Since I am still not sleepy, I decided to open my Facebook account.

I rarely use social media accounts since there's nothing important here. I only open it when I am bored.

345 Friend Request
28 Messages
431 notifications.

I only check those messages. Most of it are GC's while some are just saying hi .

I am scrolling on my feed when a message popped up on my phone.

1 message request

I open it since I have nothing to do. My lips parted when I saw who is it.

Hey! Good evening!
Sorry If I  walked out hehe :>
Peace :>

My lips are automatically curved while reading her message.

Good evening too. BTW, it's okay.

Why you're still awake?

A few seconds I saw a three dots which means she's typing.

Because I can't sleep.
She replied.

I'm still thinking of you.

I was about to reply when I saw she removed her second message.

I can't stop to laugh because I already read the message that she sent.

“So you're thinking of me?”
I replied, trying to tease her.

Ooh, did you read?

No, of course not. I'm just guilty, that's it.
She replied quickly.

Defensive girl? Hmm...

Don't worry, I am also thinking about you.
I said.

Her reply.

“Yeah, I am thinking if I can borrow some money to you, I need money now eh.”

My replied. I imagined what would be her reaction, haha.


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She blocked me.
Tomorrow, face the real hell Benj.
