Chapter 4

Things may seemed as a proof,
But sometimes, proof couldn't be an ally.

Chapter 4

My whole life messed because of a politician and a reporter.

My mom was working as a personal guard of our Governor. I remember how the reporter blamed all things to my mom even she already died in that ambushed.

People said that my mom planned to kill the Governor and she's connected to those gang who ambushed them.

I remember how media destroy our life. My dad also fired up when he was about to complaint to those politician that he was suspecting. But again, media showed that my dad was about to get revenge to those colleagues of the Governor.

Because of that incident, my ate needed to stopped schooling because no one will going to provide our needs.

Some of our cousins tried to help, but it didn't last longer.
That is how began to be a miserable my life is.

The reporter and the Politician, they ruined my life.

“ You're viewpoints are right. But you will understand that situation in the future if you became one of them too. Media and Politician's are still not alike. We—the journalist, our mission is to always revealed facts. ”  professor said.

“Then if that case, I'll give you an hypothetical situation”

Everyone now are became curious.

“According to the news, there's a girl who found dead on the village. According to her family, she was wandering on the village that day together with her dog. According to the beggar — who serve as witness, before that crime scene he saw a man that day at the village whose exercising. Now, he said that he saw a dog who's barking and looks so terrified. He saw a man who was running that time and stopped and touch the dog. After a minutes, the man goes into somewhere.” I said while my gaze is still on the professor.

“Now, who is the possible suspect at the given example.”

“Of course the Man who's exercising. ” my professor said.

“HAHAHAHA” I laughed.

“Did I said  funny thing?” he asked while trying to controlled his annoyance.

“Didn't you find a beggar as a suspicious one?” this time, I made him think.

“I guess, he's not a suspicious one. Why he could be? He's just a beggar. ” as he said.

I shake my head—totally ain't convinced.

“I will continue the situation.”

“During the investigation, they found a dog leash together with the victim. The fingerprint on the crime scene and the suspect's finger print was match to the finger print that found on the leash. The investigators get the CCTV footage on the village but it is too far from the crime scene, so that the killer face couldn't recognize . But the CCTV footage captured a dog near from the crime scene and the family's victim confirmed that the dog was owned of the victim.”

“Now, my question is, do you think that the finger print on the dog leash of the suspect is enough as an evidence to get him in jail?”

“Yes. Because finger prints can't lie.” he said.

“That is my point of view here. Some things may look telling the truth, but isn't. Everything has a story behind. People think they really know what is the real happening, but the fact is, they are just a dumbed one who's easily can be fooled. They are too quick to believe into something without thinking.”

“Hmm.. I got it now. So what about the news said?” he asked.

“ The media reported about the crime scene and said that the beggar is the real suspect. Not the man who's exercising. ”

“WHAT!” everyone was surprised.

As I continued.

“The citizen bashed the media because they said that they are just duping the details. They also bashed the police because they feel pity for the beggar. Citizen keep saying that they deprived his liberty.  Because the beggar can't fight for himself because he has nothing compared to the man in the village.”

“They are right.” he said.

“Sorry, but in that case, the media and the police are telling the truth.” They stared at me, trying to figure out if I'm serious.

“The beggar is the suspect. Number one reason is, if he is a real beggar, then thevillage guard will not allow to enter him in the village. It is a private place. So it's clear that his just deceiving us and absolutely, using his condition as a beggar just to get the sympathy of everyone and to make himself as a hero in everyone's eyes.

Second, the dog are terrified because he saw his owner unconscious. The man knows the dog, so he touched it and loosen the dog leash. The dog asking for help, but the man thought that the dog will be okay soon, so he decided to go.

Since the man choose to left and neglect the dog, the dog went again on the body of the victim. Since the man touched the dog, his fingerprint stayed on the dog leash.”

“Ahhh” everyone said while nodding.

“I hope sir, you get what my point here is. That sometimes, no matter how pitiful the person is, always choose to look for the both side. Because sometimes, there are things that seemed so right in our eyes, but if you tried to analyze it, you will get the hint of real happenings. ”

“Magnificent! ” the professor said while clapping his hand. “What a wise man.” He complemented.

“That is what I want to be heard here.”

“We—the journalists, we are the one who know how media and politician's can ruin someone's life. But let us chose to be that someone who's not bias.

Not because you believe that there are something wrong, you will go to give a quick judge to them.

I'm also an activist; I fight for what is right. But I am always looking for the pair side. And that's the main responsibility of a journalist—being fair. Not because someone's look pity, you will give your support to them. Remember that people can also play as a victim.

And if you really think that there is really something wrong, then be wise to know what is the real happening. That is what you mean Mr. Haldane right?”

I nodded as a response.

“That's all for now. Class Dismiss!” our professor said before he left.
