Chapter 19

Let's fight.

Chapter 19

The doctors are still on the Operating room and keep doing an operation to my sister. It's already 9:30 in the evening and I am almost 6 hours here in the hospital.

“I'll gonna get some coffee.” Giljean said before she go.

A few moments ago when the Operating Room opened, it burst a doctor who's still wearing his P.P.E

I stood up quickly, “Doc, how's the operation? ” I asked; the nervousness on my voice are evident.

“The operation was successful and the patient is still unconscious. But I will be honest to you sir, that there's still doesn't have any assurance that she will survived on that three bullets. One bullet was hit her chest, and it's really delicate. It's better to pray for her.” the doctor said before he left.

I almost fell on the floor after hearing those. But at least the operation was successful, that was a bit relief to me.

I don't know how minutes I have been in this position when I feel that there's someone's tapping my shoulder.

I only get back my sanity when I saw that it's Giljean.

She got shocked when I hugged her so tight. I did not even notice that I also cried on her for so long.

“Tell me what I did wrong in this world to make me suffer from this kind of pain...tell me Gilj, what's wrong on me?”

I feel that Gilj shook her head, “No, there's nothing wrong on you baby. This is just a challenge to you, and you can conquer it, trust me.” she replied.

“If...if this is one of a challenge of this world, can I give up now?  I feel so the point that I am wishing to be vanish now.” I said while still crying.

“Please don't say that please...I know I will be sounded selfish, but how about me? I can't lose you, Benj. Let's fight, okay?”

How I wish that fighting against the world could be that easy.

It's been three days since the incident happened. The police are still investigating and still no have any progress.

Ate Serene is still unconscious. She's still doesn't have any progress since after the operation.

Giljean keep visiting here after her class. She's also the one whose making my paperwork's and writing some notes on my notebook.

She's sleeping here too for a short period of time then she will go to her home to bath then she will going to her school, and then vice versa.

That's what she became routine for the past three days.

“You don't need to do that for me Gilj, it's okay if I got a failed grades this sem. I can take it on next year. ” I said when I notice that she's almost not sleeping too.

“It's okay. We will pass this semester okay? I can do this and I'm fine, don't worry.”

I know how tired she is, but she keep trying her best to smile in front of me.

I caress her face, “Thank you for staying when I needed you the most.” Giljean hold my hand and gave me a smile.

If it is not because of Gilj, maybe I will never doubt to take a suicide now. I really feel like a lifeless. But Giljean keep giving me a reason to live. She made me realize I have still have Giljean and my sister is still fighting... And I also realized that I need also to fight on my own battle.
