Chapter 21

My favorite liar.

Chapter 21

It was like the destiny wants to play with me. When I found the reason to fight; it decided to gives me a hundred reasons again to give up.

Almost in my life, I am longing for the justice for my parents. I am asking my fate what I did wrong to make me suffer from this. I wanted to know the fucking reason why, why me, why us? What I did wrong in this world?

Tell me how to fight, when the person who gives me reason to hold on, is now my enemy.

Please tell me how to be not hurt,
because I'm tired now.
Tired from everything,
I'm tired to cry,
tired from those metal breakdowns every night,
tired from every kind of pain.

Please, tell me how to be vanish in this world,
promise I am a fast learner guy,
I can learn that, just...just tell me how please...

“Time death; 11:11 pm.” I heard my sister Doctor said.

I can't feel any kind of pain.

I guess I'm numbed now.

Maybe the universe heard my wishes. I can't cry. No one tears dare to fell from my eyes. I'm numbed now, I feel like I am a lifeless.

Everyone are crying except from me. I saw Kuya Ivan screaming and shouting on the doctors and nurses.

“Fuck! Tell me that you are lying! That's not true fuck! She's not dead! It can't be!” Kuya Ivan is now crying.

“The second operation on her head didn't succeed. Sorry, but we did our best.” I heard the doctors said.

His words still not functioning on my instincts. I didn't even notice that I am kneeling now on the Morgue's room.

I kept staring on my sister's lifeless body.

“I thought you will be forever on my side.”

“I thought, you will going to witness all of my success. ”

I was like a stupid here because I am talking to a lifeless body.

“I thought we will going to travel the world?”

“I thought we will going to watch your favorite boy band's concert? BTS, right?”

“I thought we will eat a lot of Korean foods?”

“But you leave me too... Ate, you know how weak I am without you, right? You didn't even taught me how to be brave without you. ”

“Please take me with you. I wanted to be vanish in this world too.”

Now, I let to cry those burden pain on my chest. I thought I am already numbed, but I was wrong...I can't stop to be hurt.

I don't know how many hours I have been in this position. I am kneeling and crying for so long. I can't even move my body to stood up, until a familiar girl hugged me.

The pain on my chest wanted to explode. I felt another kind of pain again.

“Please leave me alone.” I said in a cold tone.

“No, I can't. You are crying and screaming here for 3hours. You need to take a rest.” Giljean is now crying too.

“I badly wanted to take a rest Gilj, the kind of rest like my ate did now.” I can't stop to mourn now.

“No... Please, hold on. I'm still here.”

I sarcastically laugh when I heard what she said.

“How can I hold on? When the only person who once give me a reason to fight, betrayed me.”

I saw Giljean's paused for a moment.

“But at least I'm here.” she said.

“You're here, but kept lying on me.” I saw how Giljean's shocked on what I've said.

I handed to her the envelope that prof. Teng gave to me.

Giljean's open it while her hands are  shaking.

“Aren't you going to tell me everything? ” I said coldly.

I stop now from crying. The pain that I felt awhile ago turned into hatred now.

“I...I tried to say those—” Giljean is now crying in front of me.

I cur her off, “Does the evidences are still in you?” I asked.

I saw Giljean's nodded.

“But...don't worry, I will turned in my Dad into a jail.” she said, her shoulders now are shaking. Her hands now are covering her face while crying.

“Why did you kept those?” This is what I can't understand. Why she needed to kept those?

“I-I'm just a nine year old little girl that time when a police officers came in our house. I told them to wait my dad because he just go somewhere like what he told me. Their leader that time told some police men to get back on their office, but their leader patiently waited. I have an idea that day about what they will gonna do to my Dad. I called dad to not go there because there's a police here who patiently waiting for him. I saw the police browsing some papers on the envelope that he's holding for so long. Until the police received a call from someone, he's panicking that time and he left those. I decided to kept those because it looks so important to the guy. The guy went back, but I didn't gave it.

I am afraid that time to be alone. I am a daddy's girl, and my dad is my favorite person. I know police are arresting someone if they did a bad things, and I am believing that my dad was innocent. He's so nice to me that I couldn't even think that he can killed people. ”

Giljean tried to wipe her tears. We are still in our position—kneeling on the floor while both crying.

“Why you didn't tried to tell those to me? You know how much I am longing for my parents justice, right? Tell me Gilj, why?
Did you know how we suffered because of your dad?” Giljean keep nodding.

“Gilj, you keep those evidences for so long and you didn't even tried to turned in your dad? Gilj, damn! I can't imagine how you can endure to handle those... even you are aware how evil your dad is?”

“I know... I know... You can hate me as long as you can... I can understand you. Hate me forever, because that is what I deserve.”

Fuck! Lord please, stop torturing me.

“How can I hate you...if...if it's you?” I asked while trying to hold on my tears.

“I lied on you, and I deserve to be hate by you. I...I steal those evidences... M-my dad ruined your family, look, you can hate me, and I know you're just controlling your self to not shout on me or to not hit me... Just hate me, please...hate me but don't leave me p-please.”

We are now both crying. We don't know how many minutes we stayed silent while we are both trying to hold on our tears.

“Did you know that I really hate liars?” Giljean nod her head.
“But, in all those liar people I've met in my life, y-you are the greatest. ” I saw how Giljean got paused because of what I said.

“You are the greatest liar... that I couldn't hate.”
