Chapter 9

Love didn't make people blind,
But a deaf one instead.

Chapter 9

"I want do the decision in making on it. That's what I mean.” Good thing I find an alibi.

“I want you,
Having you near me
Hoping you hear me

I want you to stay
I'll never go away." I heard Kuen's sang it while emphasizing the word, I want you.

I turned my gaze and gave him a threaten glare. But the jerk really had this high confidence to smirk at me.

Giljean just nodded and began to teach us how to make it. She gave a lot of suggestions too to make the broadcasting video interesting.

It was around  6:15 pm when Kuen bid a goodbye. His mom told him to went early because they will be having a family dinner.

“Dude, sorry I need to go early. ” he said while a teasing on his gaze and lips are evident.

I gave him a nod and turn back my gaze on my laptop.

“Gilj, Benj, I'll gonna go. Thank you Gilj.” he said. “Welcome” Gilj replied.

It's all right,
Hoping you hear me
I want you to stay
I'll never go away.”

I clenched my fists—trying to control myself to not to shout on him. He's still singing those lines while taking his paths to go out in the cafeteria's food court.

"How about you?" I heard Giljean said. I turned my gaze into her.

“Huh?” I asked–still didn't get what she's talking about.

“I mean, how about you? Aren't you going to your home early? ” she asked and began to scan her laptop.

“Ah..I'll finish this one and then I'll go home.” I said while still typing.

“It's almost finish. You can go home first if you want.” I added.

“No. Actually I don't want to went at home early. I'm just alone there.” she said and took a deep sigh.

“Do you want to go somewhere?” I asked—hoping she will accept my offer.

“I really don't get why people are keep rallying. They just wasting their time and efforts. It's just useless, governments are didn't heard their side, anyway.” Giljean commented when we saw a lot of students who are rallying out side.

“Never say that words again. That rallying are useless. Remember that the future of our country is in our hands. And if we didn't tried to fight for our freedom, then you are just giving a satisfaction those greedy people to keep doing their devilment. ” I saw in my peripheral vision that Giljean are staring at me now.

“Sometimes, it's okay to be look like a stupid one for fighting for your rights than be that someone who looks decent but a fooled one.

Never let yourself to not give a care about politics or anything that has a connection to your country's reputation. Because if you once did that, that's your biggest mistake that you will ever did for your country.” I saw how Giljean's lips parted.

“Y-you had this side? I mean, I thought you're one of those people who's only focusing on their lives.” she said in disbelief.

“You know what?” I said as I began to sit on a bench which is still part of the campus. Giljean's did the same.

“There are three types of people in our society for me.” Giljean and I are now staring at each other. Giljean is still listening; the curiosity on her face are evident.

“The first one is what I called, the numbed people. They are the type of people that as long as they could live freely, they didn't get involve themselves to the society's issues.

Most of them has this kind of mindset, ‘As long as I can still eat and live a life that I want, that was fine with me. Why would I get involved myself on the things that in have nothing can do?’

The Second one are those people who has a bandwagon mentality. They are those types of people who loves acting like they really care especially if the issue are controversial. They are those people who are posting shits on their social media's like as if they really know what the exact happening. And sometimes, fake news are starting to spread because of that kind of people.

The third one is, the Meticulous people. They are the types of people who's rare to find. They are those type of people who are very careful in every details. We can also called them as a perfectionist. They are the one who's willing to fight if they saw things that ain't appropriate on the government system. They are the one who wants to get involved themselves if it is about the government reputation or fot our country's sake.”

I saw Giljean's nodding.

“I think you're belong to the third type of people.” Giljean's commented.

“You think so?” I asked. “I think you are belong to the first one.” as I added.

I saw how Giljean made face.

“I know. Tsk!” she replied.

“But you can still change your mindset if you want.” I complemented.

“Can I ask?” Giljean said.

I became curious if what it is all about, so I nodded.

“What type of people you hated the most?” she asked. “not base on what you said awhile ago.” she added.

I took a deep sighed before I speak.

“Of course those Politicians and Reporters.” I said trying to avoid her gaze.

I really hate this kind of topic. It's really devastating me.

“May I asked why?” she asked– curiosity is now evident.

I shook my head “I invoke my rights against from self incrimination.” I said like as if I am in a court.

“Then that's my fourth dare” my lips parted when she used her card.
