Chapter 5

Chase  the game,
Not your enemy.

Chapter 5

My dad once said, always give an stunning first impression to everyone. Because that is one of the easiest way to gain everyone respect that can be last longer.

“What a wonderful discussion. ” I almost jump-off when Giljean abruptly appears.

“It was so stunning. You made me think too.” she said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, obviously annoyed on her presence.

“I already have a first dare for you.” she vigorously said.

“What is it?” I asked, hoping isn't about money.

“I will go to the mall.”

“So I am the mall?”

She rolled her eyes. “I want you to help me.”

“I have no money.”

“Psh, I'm just asking you to carry those things that I needed to buy.” she said. Obviously annoyed.

We are almost an hour here in the mall and she's still picking and wandering in the mall.

Why girls are like this? Why they can't buy directly those things that they really need to buy? Why they need to sail every angle of the mall?

“Aren't you going home early? It's already 6:11 in the evening.” I complaint.

“Psh, that's your punishment for losing the deal.” she said then slowly curved her lips.

“But is this not enough? Look, I'm overloaded with this bullshit!” I said while raising my hands whose now are fully loaded.

“I still need to buy 10 books—.”

“What!” I almost shout.

“Hehe, peace” she said while gesturing a peace sign.


I hope you got a stomach ache here!


“Benj, how's your day?” Ate Serene asked.

She looks so tired again. I know how many extra jobs that she need to accept just to support our needs.

“Ate, sorry.” sorry you need to be  tired like that just because of me.

“Sorry for what? Don't tell me—”

“It's not like of what you're thinking. Tsk” I said; preventing her hands that was about to hit me.

“Let's not talk about that, let's eat.”

“Have you been fell in love, ate?” I asked out of the blue.

“I have no time for love. It's just a waste of time.” she said and continue to eat.

I was about to eat when I saw how Ate Serene change her reaction.

“D-don't tell're in love?” she asked while her brows are furrowed.

I bumped my spoon on her head. “I'm just curious if did you ever tried to be in love. You are already 25, and at your age, you are suppose to have a partner already.” I said and continue to eat.

“Why? I have already a partner. And that is you.” she poutedly said.


“No buts!” she said, as she cut me off.

“Okay, then. But if there is any by chance, if once you fell in love ate, please choose to be. I want you to feel being loved by someone. I want you to have a man who will look at you as his Queen. A man who will always told you how lucky he is for having you—like you are the best thing that happened in his life. I wish you get that kind of man who will love you unconditionally through thick and thin. A man who will make you laugh with all your heart. I am always praying that for you. Because ate, you deserve to get the most out of it.”

If I only have one wish in life, I will wish that, hopefully, my sister will get the happiness that she refused to had for so long.

“Good Morning, Benj!” Peji greeted me when I go out from our house.

“Good Morning, Mr. Peter Jin Agoncillio!” I said while my face lit up with impish glee.

I know how Peji hated to be called on his full name.

“You, bastard!” he said, obviously annoyed.

“How's the feeling of being the student of  ‘maroon fighters?!’ ”he said, emphasizing the word maroon team.

“I'm still coping up with the ambience of the school, but yeah.. I can do it!”

I know my journey in college will not be easy as I used to be before during my high school life.

“Of course, you are Benj Zedrick Haldane. No one can mess up with you.” he said with an action like as if he was about to fight.

“You're really learning about fencing huh.” I said.

“Of course.” he confidently said then acted like he's fixing his neck tie.

“So Kudos for Peter Jin Agoncillo!” I laughingly said.

“Hey! Stop calling that, jerk!” I heard he said.

Peji is now taking the course of Criminology. He is studying at Philippine Military Academy. I wonder why he is still here. Baguio isn't near here in Quezon City.

But it made me wonder also about Giljean's course. She didn't mention anything. Do I need to ask her later?

Argg! No, you will never do that Benj! She might misunderstood that. What if she will assume that you are interested to her?

But, it's just a course. There's nothing wrong about asking that, right? Right Peji. You can ask her that.


Girls are complicated and sometimes assuming. Better not to ask Gilj, that's safer thing you can do.
