Chapter 20

The missing pages

Chapter 20

The next day Kuen called me that Professor Teng wants to talk to me. I also need to report to our professors for leaving on their class.

I asked ate Serene best friend to check and stay here for awhile while I am not around.

Ate Serene doctor said that she needs to undergo a second operation. They examine my sister back head and they saw that there's internal bleeding there. I am still hoping that she will going to survive  all of this.

“Good morning, Prof.” I said when I entered on his office.

The professor just nodded and stood up then he lucked the door.

“I'll tell you a secret that I kept for almost 11years ago.” I have this strange feelings that it has a connection on my family ten or going to 11 years ago from now.

“I am one of a journalist in one of the biggest broadcasting network ten years ago.” The prof paused for a bit and took a deep sigh.

I let him to talk.

“And I am one of those journalist who assigned to scoop about the incidents of the Governor where your mom was involved.” as what I expect.

“My brother is a police and he is the one who assigned to investigate that incident too. But before that incident happened, he already keep his eyes on the Governor.

While I am trying to make an article that night about the issue, my brother told me everything he knows.” Prof. Teng paused and tried to look for something.

He handed an envelope on me. I didn't doubt to open it. It was a photo copy of a finger prints and a plastic sachet.

“That's the Governor finger prints on the plastic sachet of a poison that he used to your mom.”

I turned my gaze to him. I thought my mom died because she also hit of a bullet.

“B-but I thought —”

“Look at the another paper.” he said as he cut me off.

I followed him.

My hands are trembling when I read  the autopsy report of my mom death.

“Laurencia Guadalope Haldane” as I read my mom whole name.

So it's real.

“My brother admitted to me that he was spying the Governor alone that day in a casino. While he was spying, my brother noticed that the Governor put some powder on the wine glass. My brother keep his eyes on it. The Governor put a wine on the glass then he give it to a woman who looks in the midst of 30s.

My brother get some tissue and he looked at the Sachet that the Governor threw on the trash bin on the right edge part of the casino.

When he took the sachet he notice that this is not a drugs like what he thought but a poison powder.

He was about to came back that time on the tables, and  tell your mom what he discover when he notice that the people here are in chaos.

The Governor opponents on the casino are cursing his name. He decided to follow them, and as he go near and nearer, he notice that your mom had begun to feel dizziness.

You're mom already have an idea about what happened. My brother saw that she's trying to get her gun and ready to click it anytime. But your mom still manage to serve the Governor to enter to his car together with her.

My brother followed them until there are armed people who ambushed the Governor car. He found out that the Governor cheated on the game in casino, and he said, his looking for this as one of the reason why there are armed people ambushed them.”

I didn't notice that I already crumpling the envelope that I am holding now.

“And your dad, before he went to the Governor's office, he also went to our house that day before he died. He begged on me to help him to broadcast to everyone about what my brother's know.

He also said to us that your mom once told to your dad that she knew that the Governor are doing some illegal transactions and his also a corrupt. But your mom caught by the Governor that she's looking at those papers on the Governor's table.

Maybe that's the reason why the Governor wants your mom to be shut up forever. ”

I am still shocked on what he revealed. I can't even speak now, it was like I became froze on my position right now.

The Governor is really evil!

“I just wanted to say sorry to you because I didn't do what your dad wanted me to to. But promised, I really tried go broadcast it but when I talked to my bosses, they tell me to not to. They don't want to revealed the truth.

My bosses said that if we aired what I gathered some informations, the governor's supporters will be bash our network because in other network news are your mom is the one who accusing who caused that incident. They already accused your mom that she has a connection to those gang that ambushed them.

They said, if we aired those, no one will believe on us. And it's delicate for us to broadcast those.

I also tried to talked to our broadcasting President that day, but he told me to keep secret these missing pages of facts as exchange of a higher position.

I am just 23 that time and I am newly hired on my position but I chose to leave the broadcasting industry because I can't take it.

The broadcasting network where I am working are keep promising to all Filipinos that they will always not be bias. Yes, they are not bias, but they are a broadcasting network who always play safe.

I tried to give it to my friend whose working in the other network company, he published it, but there's a lot of missing pages. ”

Professor Teng is now being emotional. I know it's also hard for him that time.

I remain silent while waiting him to talk again. I don't want to be emotional again. Haha, I guess I kinda like the way I numbed all the pain.

“My brother tried to send a warrant of arrests to the Governor after he became conscious. He has a lot of these evidences.

He went to the Governor house that day with his man. He also photocopied a lot of this paper's that you had now. He also photocopied those pictures that he took that day in casino. He also get the wine glass where your mom drunk. His evidences are already completed when he went to the Governor's house.

But he only saw a nine year old little girl in their house. The girl let him in, and tell him to wait his dad. The girl really looks so innocent.

But when the sun settling down, my brother decided to go back to our house because our dad called him. Our dad has a heart disease that's why my brother got panic. He didn't notice that he left the envelope that has a lot of evidences.”

“What happened after? Did he get the evidences?” I tried asked.

“My brother go back there but the little girl said, he has nothing left here. But he know that the kid was lying. He can't do anything but to go back to our house. A few weeks ago, when my brother also died because he got a hit and run but i have these instincts that there's a foul play happened.”

I was shocked because of what he said.

“Sorry.” I said out of the blue.

But I didn't expect what the professor said next.

It was like my, not just heart... But my whole life got devastated.

“I am the one who needed to be sorry here. Sorry because I let you to be close more on the little girl before.

Giljean Hacinto Abando... Is the daughter of Gov. Victor Hacinto. The Governor who ruined your family. And I have this thought, that the evidences are still on her.”
