Chapter 11

Roses are red
Violet are blue
Tell me what to do,
Because I am starting to
fall in love with you.

Chapter 11

“If you would be a part of the ball point pen, what is it, and why?” our professor asked one of my classmate.

Sir Tria is the most terror prof. here. Even me, I can say how strict he is. But I can't deny that he's really good in teaching. He was like a living Einstein.

“If I would be a part of pen, I would be the ink. Because this is the most important part of the pen.  All parts are useless if without it's ink.” Jacob answered.

Everyone are clapping, except the professor.

“Basic answer." The professor commented.

The professor began to shuffle his cards again.

“Ms. Demichiva.” as he read the surname of our classmate.

I motioned my gaze to look at her. I could sense her nervousness.

“Same question with Mr. Jacob”

The professor is now staring at her; patiently waiting for her answer.

“I would be the pen case.” as she began to answer—still trying to cover her nervous.

“ Because I can serve the people like how the pen case serve the ink to not spread.” she added.

The professor only gave her a nod.

“How about you Mr. Haldane?” I didn't expect to be called since he's still didn't shuffle his index cards.

I stood up and cleared my throat.

“If I would be a part of the ball point pen, i'll choose to be the pellet.” I get my pen and raised it.

“Have you ever guys notice the pellet of your pen?” I asked casually.

I motioned my gaze in our room to see the answers on their faces. I saw that most of them are shaking their head. Probably, they didn't.

“Look at the end line of your pen.” Now, everyone are looking at their pens including our professor.

“I chose to be the pellet because even this is the smallest part of the pen, it is really valuable. The whole system of the pen wouldn't function properly without it. The case will be useless for protecting the inks, because once a pellet lose, the inks will be spread, so the whole part will be useless.

It is also a reflection of mine. That even I am in the lower part of this society, I am still worth it. I may be that smallest thing that no one could dare to look at me, at least I am still able to do my purpose in life.

The pellet in our pen symbolize that even you're the smallest kind of people in your society, you can still able to show to those people that these small, can make the world a better place.

Everyone know that pen has made a lot of incredible marks in our history and even as of today, any types of people are using it. Look, small things are really incredible, right?” I explained.

Everyone are now clapping but the professor was remain silent.

“That was my first time to hear that. You really made me think about pellets purpose, huh.” he complemented.

“Yeah hoooooooooo” Kuen shouted when the professor exited.

“You heard those guys, that's my friend, ho hooooooo” I shook my head because of what Kuen said.

I decided to go outside since our next subject will be on 3:30pm. It's just 2:30pm now, so I have still one hour.

I was about to turn right when I saw Giljean's walking in a hallway with a frowning face.

“Pssst! Giljean.” I saw how Giljean motioned her gaze.

She rolled her eyes when she finally saw me.

“Psh! Jerk!” she mouthed.

“Sorry about last night. I'm just teasing you.” I said when I finally go
on her side.

“Don't worry, those message I remove was a wrong sent. Stop thinking any kind of assumptions.” Giljean said, still frowning.

“Okay. But mine, I really meant those words I said last night.” I said—trying to avoid her gaze.

“Y-you meant those?” she asked in disbelief.

I nodded.

I saw her mood change. Probably thinking about what we'd talked about last night.

A few seconds passed by when I saw how her lips parted.

“Y--you? You really meant those? Even the words, ‘I am also thinking of you’? Giljean said while a shocked on her face was evident.

“You're just kidding me right?” she asked.

“I invoke my rights against from self–incrimination.” I said, copying the line of Janet Lim Napoles.

“Pshh... Is this one of your teasing way right?” she asked again. Maybe she's still not convince.

“You don't want to believe? ” I asked, trying to longer my patience.

She shook her head as a response.

“You really don't want to believe? ” I asked for the second time.

“Still didn't.” she answered.

“Ms. Giljean Abando, can I get your permission to court you?”
