Chapter 8

Your real talent is lose me from my sanity.

Chapter 8

It was three days ago since Giljean and I went to her hometown. I used to be with her for almost 2 days. Good thing I already finish those paperwork's I had before we go there.

I remember my first night with her. It was fun to be with her actually. I knew a lot of things about her, like she can sing too.

"You know how to sing?" I asked when I saw her holding a guitar. We are here on a cottage since Giljean don't want to see the ambience of the crowd with the sad faces.

"Aha" she said while nodding.

"You know the song Spirit Lead Me by Hillsong?" she asked while she began to stringing the guitar.

"Yeah, I used to sing it in our church." I replied. I saw that she nodded.

"Spirit lead me when my trust is without borders,
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever you would call me." as she began to sing.

"Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander,
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my savior ."

I don't know how many times she repeated those lyrics but her voice quality has a power to makes everyone calm. Her eyes was closed the whole time she was singing. I grab that opportunity to stare at her face.

Giljean has a long eye lashes. Her dark blue eyes were beautiful too and these are my favorite part of her. This is the most beautiful art I'd saw eversince.

It has a lot of metaphors when you began to examine it. The happiness, sadness and loneliness are all there.

"You know what" I panicked when she abruptly open her eyes. " I stop singing because my tone quality of voice ain't for a constest." she said while putting the guitar on her right side.

"People keep saying that I have no space for singing industry. They always telling me to stopped singing because I am different than those singer who has a high tone quality of voice." now she was pouted.

I get the guitar on her side and began to strung.

"Crowded hallways are the loneliest places
For outcast and rebels
Or anyone who just dares to be different
And you've been trying for so long
To find out where is your place is
But in their narrow minds
There is no room for anyone who dares to do something different

Oh but listen for a minute."

Now she's staring at me. I can't see any emotions on her eyes.

"Trust the one who's been where wishing all it was
Was sticks and stones
Yeah, the words that cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone
And you're not invisible

Here me out,
There's so much more than life what your feeling now
Someday you'll look back and all this day and all this pain,
Will is gonna be invisible.

Oh invisible.

So your confidence is quiet,
To them quiet look like weakness
but you don't have you fight for it
'Cause you're strong enough to win without a war.

Every heart has a rhythm,
Let yours beat out so loudly
That everyone can hear it,
Yeah, I promise you don't need to hide it anymore
Oh, and never be afraid of doing something different,
Dare to be something more!"

I keep staring at her while singing those lyrics. That is one of my favorite song. A song entitled, 'Invisible' by Hunter Hayes.

That song telling that you don't need to be afraid for being different. But dare to be something more instead.

"Heyy Benj Zedrick Haldane! Wake up dude!" I heard Kuen's voice trying to wake me up.

I didn't notice that I fell asleep while waiting him here in a food court-still part of the cafeteria. We both agreed to do here our project. The project was only good for two members. And since Kuen is my only friend in our room, I picked him as my partner.

"I waited you here for almost an hour ago." I said complaining about for making me waited for almost an hour.

"Sorry" he apologetically said.

"Let's do this. It's already 5:23 pm." I said while I motioned my gaze into the whole cafeteria. I sense that there's someone's staring at me.

My eyes are automatically stopped when I saw a girl wearing a white crop top shirt. She's also wearing a high waisted blue ripped jeans partnered by white FILA shoes.

"What's with the two of you?" I heard Kuen's asked but I didn't bother to answer him.

She is now slowly walking in my direction. As she walks, I saw that she's biting her lower lip. I shook my head trying to bring back my sanity.

I get frozen and speechless when she finally reach the place that where I am. Her presence makes my heart beat so fast. The butterflies on my stomach are now starting to flutter their wings.

Damn! What would she do to me? She's just the Giljean that I know.

But I can't deny that her new looks makes her more beautiful and attractive.

"Are you going to stare at me the whole time?" she made face but the annoyance couldn't evident.

I shook my head again trying to bring back my sanity again.

"Sorry, I know you're busy. We just really need your expertise. " I mouthed.

"Nah, it's okay." she replied. I stand up but when my hand was about to pull a chair for her, I touched her hand whose about to pull the chair too.

"S-sorry." I said while scratching my head because of another dumbness.

She only gave me a smile and continue to pull the chair, then she sat there.

"So what can I help for you guys?" she asked.

"Ah, Gilj... this is Kuen." as I introduced Gilj to Kuen.

" Kuen, this is Gilj-"

"I already know her since she's the topnotcher of our batch. " Kuen said as he cut me off.

"Good then."

I actually asked a favor for Giljean since she's taking Computer Engineering course, so she really can help us on this project.

Our project is we're going to make a broadcasting video. Me and Kuen are already took a videos, we are just about to edit it and make an effects on the video just like a reporters doing on air.

"Ahh.. I'm not that artistic at making an effects but I know how to make and edit." Giljean said while her eyes are now on the monitor.

"I can teach you, don't worry." she added.

"Hmm... Benj, what do you want-"

"I want you." I said out of the blue.

A little seconds passed by when I realized what I said.

She was staring at me now.

"Pardon me?" she asked while her brows are furrowed.

What the heck Benj Zedrick Haldane! What are you talking about!

Sanity, my sanity please bring back now!
