Chapter 62- Moving on Isn't an Option

Hi Mom,

It's been two years. We're all doing good, better at least. I graduated and proceeded to stay home, I declined the scholarship to Ebott University ,I had to stay home with my family. Graduation was a surprise, I invited Frisk and Jason with the little ones, obviously Ink, Error, Dream, and Cross went. Dad was the only absence. It's been like that ever since you left. So I've been taking the role of guardian seriously. Helping Comet start school in the community college around here. The twins have grown a little and started training with us. They're learning how to use soul magic by the caretakers. Of course we're there to supervise while they learn by us. They don't seem to be having trouble though, good thing they started to learn at a young age.'

"Midnight! Midnight!" Called a voice nearby. Jupiter walked over holding a yellow rose crown. She carefully placed it on top of her head. "I made this for you." She said softly.

"Thank you." She said with a smile. Jupiter smiled and walked away with more flower crowns around her arms. Midnight looked over at her then to the shadow nearby.

Luna came over and bowed. "Good morning young mistress." Midnight waves her hand.

"Good morning Luna. How are you?" Midnight said adjusting herself at the tree roots of the apple tree.

"I'm doing quite well this morning thank you." She said with a smile. Midnight returned the smile. "The flower is blooming again." She said looking down at the crystal rose that was planted by Midnight's feet.

"I probably shouldn't sit here." She started preparing to move.

"I don't think it's necessary, I think your mother wouldn't mind." Midnight looked at the rose. I guess she wouldn't. Midnight sat back down. "I'll get out of your way, I seemed to be interrupting something."

"Don't sweat it." She said reassuringly as Luna walked off towards Jupiter. Midnight sighed as she lifted her pen up again.

'Other then their training they started 3rd grade. Jupiter is picking art from Ink she seems to really enjoy it. While Phoenix is looking into astronomy. Surprisingly for a young kid. Comet on the other hand has started to take track at MECC (Mt. Ebott Community College). Its a great college and all but, she also declined a scholarship to stay home. We got into an argument about. I don't know if it was a better decision or a stupid one. She seems to be doing good, she said she'd love to go pro. We'll just see what happens.'

Midnight set her pencil down. Looking up she saw Jupiter reaching up to place a flower crown on Leo, who was bowing down for her to reach, Jupiter tip toed as she placed a white rose crown on his head. Leo only blushed, making himself look more vulnerable. Comet laughed seeing him with it on. On the other hand Mars was tossing his blue rose crown around and catching it. Phoenix would grab it and toss it around with him. "Hello!" Exclaimed an enthusiastic voice from a nearby corridor. Everyone looked over to see.

"Ink!" Jupiter ran over almost tripping before Luna caught her.

She jumped up at him and hugged him. She quickly observed her arm, grabbing a crown for him. She quickly picked up a rainbow colored one she plopped it on his head as Ink adjusted it. "Its lovely! But by chance do you have more? I kinda brought a few more guests." From behind him came the rest of the family. Dream, Error, Cross, Pj, and Lux. Jupiters eyes lit up.

"Yes!" She wailed with excitement. She hurried off to Luna. "Luna we gotta make 5 more!" The skeletons looked at Jupiter then to Midnight. Midnight got up and greeted them.

"Thanks so much for coming." She said as she gave Ink a hug.

"Of course why wouldn't we? It's a beautiful day to spend time with family." He said with a swift wink.

"Th-Aat'S a NiiiiCer wAyy to Say, 'SoRry YyoUuur mmMom dIeed, ButT lEt's CcelLeBrate Thhhe Gggood TtIiimes.'" Said Error with a scoff. Ink looked over to him.

"I swear to god Error I'm going to rip your fingers off if you don't shut your mouth." Ink smiled nervously. "Sorry about that." Ink said looking over to Midnight.

"No, its okay. No harm done." She said with a smile. Peering over she saw Dream. He looked tired, exhausted. "You okay there Dream?" Dream nodded. "Here let's sit over here by the tree stump." Midnight walked over and sat down. As everyone joined, the rose petals became bigger. The crystal rose reflecting the light like a mirror.

"It bloomed!"

Midnight hummed. "It blooms all the time." Dream gave a confused face as Cross helped him down. "It stays as a bud normally, but whenever someone is out here it blooms."

"Why?" Asked Cross.

Midnight shrugged. "Well we're normally happy when we're out here." She said softly to herself.

"She must be happy with you." Said Dream leaning against the tree. Midnight smiled, as if that sentence was more reassuring then anything she's heard. As Midnight set her hand down, her palm hit the letter she was writing. She picked it up. She wanted to finish it. "Were you busy?" Said Dream worried.

"Oh no. I was just writing something for mom that's all. I can finish it later."

"You should finish it now, just like art, if you lose your inspiration then you'll be stuck." Said Ink referring to himself.

"You don't mind if I do?" They shook their heads. "Thank you." She said grabbing the pencil once again.

'As for me. Just trying to help everyone through. Especially Dad. He's been absent since the funeral. Locked himself in his room and hasn't come out from what I've heard and seen. There's been a few times from when we try to persuade him to come join us in anything, we always get the same thing. Nothing. We leave cake, gifts, and other small things that we think will get him up. He never does, the Eclipse normally picked it up after a day or two. I don't know where they place it, but I know that they don't throw it away. I can't just put it in the room. The door is locked. The only ones that enter are the caretakers. Whenever we can we ask them to give him something. They normally returned with the gift. The lousing around he does caused him to lose the teaching job. I've been working as a personal trainer for these elderly women, I don't mind though, they seem enthusiastic about training. At times I get home in the evening, and pass your room. It always gives this aura, I already know what it meant for fairly obvious reasons. Recently though it's been feeling, violent. I've been thinking about getting a therapist to come see him or call him. I just want him to be the Dad I knew. The one when you were still here. I just want him to be happy again. I know he misses you a lot, but we miss you just as much. We needed to continue on, just like you did.

Love, Midnight

(P.S. don't haunt me for sitting on top of your grave. I like the view it gives. Thank you for the Crystal rose btw, it's really pretty)'

She set the pencil down. She folded the paper and placed it in an envelope. She neatly closed it and set it down. She looked beyond the Garden. Everything was at peace outside. The whole family was enjoying themselves. Well, almost all the family. Midnight looked at the crystal rose. It shimmered as the light touched. She looked at the envelope. Then to the crystal rose. She set her rose crown down. Midnight got up. "I'll be right back." She said passing them.

"Where are you going." Said Dusk from the tree top. He was a little cat. A basket hanging from one of the branches. The basket was full of apples.

"To see if Dad wants to join us." Dusk nodded as he looked up and started to rip one of the apples off. Before she left Jupiter caught up with her.

"Can you give this to dad?" Midnight nodded. Jupiter smiled went back over to the rose bushes.

Midnight marched off into the castle, holding the rose crown. They were a purple. She proceeded through the hallways until she reached the North East of the castle. She proceeded, following the red carpet. She looked at the doors as she pass until reaching the only set of double door. Two guards stood in front, they were playing rock, paper, scissors.

It's giving that aura.

She slowly approached the door. The two guards stiffened up. They used their spears to block the door. "I'm sorry young Mistress, the Master doesn't want to be disturbed." said one of them. She looked up to them.

"I just want to talk, I'm not going inside." she said showing them the crown. They looked at each other and nodded. They removed their spears out of the way and stepped aside. Midnight approached the door cautiously. She lightly knocked. "Hi dad." she started. "Um I came to give you this rose crown that Jupiter made for you." she said looking down at it, gently stroking the petals. "And I also came to ask if you wanted to, um, come outside? Everyone's here Ink, Error, Cross, Dream..." she started to trail off. There was shuffling, then it was silent.

The sound of vomiting. It sounded mild at first, then it resulted to very aggressive vomiting. The aura shifted from violent to terrorizing. She started to pound on the door. "Dad!" she hit it harder. "Dad!" The guards pulled her back. "W-wait something's wrong, he needs help, Dad!" As Midnight was being pushed more she noticed something leaking from under the door. Black goo. She gave this horrified look. She pushed away from the guards. I need to get help.

She slowly backed away as the door started to pound. Goo leaking from all crevasses of the door. She walked back slowly until it burst. The doors flung open. The guards moved away so they wouldn't get hit by the doors. The doors stood open for moment there was no movement.

Slowly four tentacles curled out. They hooked themselves onto the door frame and wall. A black boney hand reached out and grabbed the door. Midnight gave a terrified face. She swallowed a lump of fear as a bright blue eye came into view. The skeleton held a wide grin. He let out a low chuckle as he watched her. Without thinking she turned and booked it. Tears started to flow down her eyes. She held onto the crown tightly. Now I've lost you. She was interrupted by her thoughts as she heard barking. She took a quick peek behind, the two guards were chasing her. Fearful she stopped and turned.

Quickly her form changed. Blood dragged down her right cheek. Her eye split into three and her hair rigid. She raised her hand that was glowing blue. She quickly lowered it stars appear and crashed down at them. She quickly changed back and ran again. As she ran she heard the explosion that the stars made. She continued as she saw the light. She ran into the garden seeing everyone there. Everyone was huddled in a circle while the Nightshades were talking amongst each other. Dusk saw Midnight come into view. "Young Mistress I've retrieved the apples just as..." he trailed off as she frantically approached.

"We need to go-" she started catching her breath. Everyone gathered around, most being worried by her state. "I-It's dad. He-" She pointed from where she just came from. A tentacle came into view and grasped onto the wall. Everyone looked over.

Nightmare's bright blue eye was the only color distancing him from the walls. He didn't move for a moment. Dream looked over to him. He opened his mouth to speak for Nightmare to talk first in this cold dead voice. "Get them."

No one moved.

The Nightshades looked over to the group then to Nightmare. Nightmare didn't move, Luna stared into his eye, immediately getting the message. She looked back at the group with hostile eyes. The other three looked over. Mars began to growl, his tail up as he started to approach on all fours. "Stay behind me." Said Dream holding up his staff. It shimmered as Mars drew closer. The other three waited quietly.

Cross looked back at the group. "Lux, Pj, Error you two helped them get out of here. We'll take care of the rest." he whispered quietly. Lux and Pj looked at each other, they nodded, Error rolled his eyes, but agreed. Cross looked over to Ink and Dream, he nodded at them. Dream held his stance. Mars leaped Cross teleported in front and swung his knife. Nightmare's grin became wider, he gave a sharp whistle, the other three were now approaching. Nightcrawlers started to appear. They were going to get surrounded. Mars bit down on the knife as Cross struggled to get it away. "Hurry up Error!" He yelled.

Nightcrawlers started to surround the group. Error placed his hands under his eye sockets. As he pulled them apart, blue string was being pulled from under the eye sockets. He aggressively pulled them back and lifted the children up. He started to open a portal as Leo came into view. Error looked up to him. He used his other hand and cut through him only for Leo to reform. This left Error an opening to grab the heart. He pulled it out and tossed it into the air. Leaving a little time for Error to open a portal. He tossed them in and got the other three. He was only able to get Dream into the anti-void before the portal closed again.

Dream looked around.

Nothing but an empty space. "W-where are we?" Said Comet looking around frantically.

"The anti-void." Pj said quietly.

Dream detangled himself and got up. Everyone look up at him. "We need to get back there." Said Midnight getting up. Dream shook.

"We can't." Midnight gave a face of disbelief.

"What do you mean we can't! Your brother, our dad needs help!" Dream looked away from her.

"Your father is lost!" protested Lux. "Nightmare is found." said Lux sternly. She peered over to Pj.

"The only thing you can do is keep distance. Right know he only wants you. It's plainly obvious, not good intentions." The kids looked at each other. Pj sighed and grabbed his skull. "I'm sorry."

"What about Ink, Error, and Cross. We need to get back." Lux and Pj gave each other disapproval looks.

"They should be fine. They won't die easily." muttered Pj. "Besides I don't want to risk my bones for them, they can make it and besides Dream can't get back there." He stuffed his hands into his pocket. "The negative energy there has set a barrier around the place he can't get in without positive energy."

Midnight groaned. "Then we're going to wait? While who knows what's happening back there." Midnight started to stress out.

"We left mom behind." said Jupiter quietly. Everyone was quiet. Not knowing how to respond to that.

"Incoming!" wailed a voice from up top. Everyone looked up a portal opened Ink falling first to his feet, then Error, and Cross on his face. "So how's everyone?" he said cheerfully. Error gave him this stern look. "Too early?" Cross groaned as he got up.

A few glitches were around his arms and ribs. Ink was untouched. Error on the other hand had a crack from his left eye to the side of his skull. Dream walked over and placed his hand over it. Dream slowly healed it as Error sat down. "ThhaAAnKS." Everyone was quiet. "It's BetTTTer if WEEe dooNN't iNTterFfere wiTtHh hIm."

"We can't stay still for too long." said Cross getting up.

"We can't leave either." added Dream. "He'll find us no matter what."

"Not necessarily." Said Ink leaning into his paint brush. "They are billions upon trillions of Universes to exist. There's bound to be places he can't reach." Dream lightened up.

"You're right." Dream sighed. "As long as he can't reach a universe neither can they." Dream approached his nieces and nephew. "We're staying on the move. We're finding a new home." said Dream reassuring. The group felt tense, Dream smiled at them, letting his positivity flow and relax everyone. "I promise you that we'll be safe soon."

As the group stood in the anti-void with only the white area keeping them company. On the other side of the portal laid a purple rose crown. Next to it was a crystal rose, that never bloomed again.

The end of their happiness.

The end bois, the ride has been so long. I really do thank and appreciate all those of you that have decided to read all 62 chapters, it's crazy. From the bottom of my heart thank you so so much. This may be the end of the road of this book and the reader, but not for this family. I'm planning on doing a sequel, but I'm curious, should it be a story like this one or a comic? What would you guys prefer? Depending on the overall votes/ responses, depends on the time of the sequel to be coming out. I also want to thank one of my biggest supporters, or in other words my other half my sister, she's been supporting me in this story and the development, so as a thank you please PLEASE go check out her Dancetale book, I'm reading it and it's coming out awesome!

Before I end this A/N for the last time, I want to just breathe, the adventure of making this book as been amazing with amazing readers and supporters. Thank you so much again, I love you all! And once again...This is The Oreocookie signing out...for now.

~The Oreocookie

Word Count- 3075
