Chapter 45- His heirs

“You’re his what!” All of our tourist guides stopped in there tracks.

“Heard me loud and clear, we, us four are his children! Somehow.” stated Comet fixing her braid. They looked at Jupiter and Phoenix, “Even the human looking ones.”

“Yeesh! Didn’t know his interest went two different ways.” said Leo approaching. He started to sniff her.

“Hey watch it!” She scolded him, gripping onto his muzzle and pushing him away.

He pulled back and growled. He then looked over to Luna. “I can smell his scent on them now that they mention it.”

Luna looked at us with her cool gaze. She bowed her head. She looked over to the rest whispering something to them. Without hesitation they gave a look of realization. Then the other three also bowed their heads. “I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier young mistress.” calmly said Leo.

It was silent.

“What the hell! Wha-what the heck! Why'd you call me that?” The four looked up to us again.

“You are his heirs, are you not? We can only treat you with respect.” Said Dusk.

I broke the small tension. “Sorry, be we are no such thing as royalty.”

“Our father is just a normal monster, a skeleton.” said Comet. She looked at me then at our siblings. “I won't question anything about what you think or anything but I for sure know my father is no type of royalty.”

Luna bowed her head. “We will take your thoughts into consideration young mistress.” Comet face became confused.

“Can we continue? It's getting really cold.” Said Jupiter shivering. Luna looked at her and nodded.

“Then we will, small mistress.” Jupiter found it funny at the name she was called.

“Danger. Lots of danger.” Said Mars who was started to go ahead. He started to growl.

“Leo go up with him and see what's up. Dusk and I will keep watch of them.” Leo nodded and walked off with Leo. It was silent for a moment.

“Okay it's clear.”

As we walked there was goo everywhere on the floor. With what looked like stained glass. There was no noise. How have they already taken them out with little noise.

Luna grazed her cold menacing look around the hallway. “Looks like this block was the only one sent here.” Then was a scream. It was Jupiter.

Something was around her leg. One didn't get destroyed. “Let go of my sister!” Phoenix went trying to aid his sister. In a that moment Dusk had gone to their aid. Grabbing the object and pulling it off like ripping paper. Pulling open exposing what looked like a heart. With his foot he crushed it. The object turning into goo streamed down his arm.

Jupiter and Phoenix looked up to him. “Thank you.” Said Jupiter. He nodded and smiled softly.

“Anything for you small mistress.” he said lightly. He walked away back to the assembly line. His vibe compared to the others was much more calm, more prepared kinda like he was at peace, some type of monk vibe.

“Let's get going.” said Luna. Leading the way, sandwiching us with two in the back and two in the back. Leo and Dusk in the back, Mars and Luna in the front. Luna's ears perked up, I looked anxiously at them. We stopped walking near a corner. Comet was trying to hear what they were listening to. The twins were holding hands, trying to be brave. I was being quiet. Small taps could be heard on the ceiling. Tap tap tap.

I looked up.

From behind. Big spider like creatures crawled their way up on the ceiling, their face didn't looked like any face, it looked more like a flower. Like a flower going to bloom. When I opened my mouth to say something it started to move.

Immediately, the petals opened up reveal a dark empty void, with what looked like two piercing white eyes looking back at me. It started to hiss and draw closer with two others behind.

I heard Luna whistle.

Leo looked up and started to growl, I heard Dusk take a breather, and Mars started to pant with excitement. “You four come with me. These three can handle this.” As we were pulled away I could barely see the small glowing light of their eyes.

“But why are all of them staying? It didn't take long last time.” asked Phoenix. His expression was simple minded, curious, confused.

“Because small master, this time is not like last time, this time… it's like murdering a country. There was a swarm, it started to manifest for a while, i'm just ashamed i wasn't able to sense it. Forgive me.” She said as she continued to to guide us through the halls quickly.

“It's okay. We all make mistake, especially when we're all worried and scared.” Said Jupiter. The young girl spoke softly with a gentle harmonic voice.

“Thank you small mistress.” She said adding a heavy gulp.

Jupiter smiled as in content with what she said. There was silence for almost what felt like a decade. “Here. Come, come we'll wait here, until the boys get back.” She said leading us to a room. As we went in first there was only one window piercing into the dark room.

As the door slowly closed, we all took a seat near the window. Luna kept her back on the door. “How do you know my dad?” Said Comet getting comfortable on the cold dark floor.

Luna stayed quiet for a moment. She glanced up to the window and sighed. “Your father, is the man that I was made to serve, he is the reason I live to take every order, to respect every word. He made me, he made all of us.” I looked off for a second. Comet blushed.

“Are you implying that we're sisters!”

She looked off for a second then with sudden realization she shook her head violently. “No no no. I would never, I couldn't never be on your league! H-how do you say this. It's like some type of creation. Like an art project.” She said trying to covering her embarrassing feelings. With sudden realization we all nodded. “Would you like me to continue.” We nodded intrigued. “We were made to spread our masters agony, pain, sorrow throughout the world then to universes, we worked under his word, his belief, we did it for him. Your...father, he a creature feared by many, known as the king of nightmares, the name suits him very well. He doesn't show mercy, he only shows the truth of the world.” She paused for a second. Before she continued, Comet cut her off.

“That's not my dad, my dad has standards, not only that but he isn't that kind of person you're describing, my father is kind...most of the time, the most important thing in his life is his family, he doesn't care about whatever you said.”

Jupiter got up for a second. “Dad's nice and kind. Are you lying?” Luna face became cold.

“No no! Of course not! That's the way I knew him, people change small mistress.” She said reassuring.

Then there was a knock at the door.

It was quiet.

Luna whistled a small tune. There was a response. She slowly opened it. It barely opened up but somehow they fit through just fine.

As they...uh... they melted in like a water. When they were all in Leo was talking with Luna. Mars the more excitable and loud one was sniffing the room. Dusk headed over to us asking if we we're alright. Jupiter was admiring his ears and snout. Dusk being polite, took at seat in front of her and let her admire him.

Eventually, they rest headed to us too.

“May I talk with you two for a second?” Said Luna looking down at us.

I got up with Comet. We followed her to the door. “They figured out we've escaped, which means actually getting out of here will be much more difficult, but that isn't why we're worried, they didn't even try to scratch them they just wanted to get past, they have no interest in us, but you four.”

“And you figured that out by the information Leo told you?” Said Comet unconvinced.

Luna nodded, “The swarm that was being gathered was part of Leo's section, I rather not go into details but to keep things simple, he can communicate with them more personally.”

I looked back at the twins. “Then if that's the case.” I looked back to her. “I'll be the one to set the distraction so you can get them out.”

Luna's face went cold. “Young mistress under no circumstances will you be putting your life in danger. The master wouldn't be please if something were to happen to you, to any of you.”

“Then what are sup-” I was cut off.

“Luna! Luna!” Barked a peppy voice under us. Mars the one on all fours. “Master! Master Nightmare was here! The scent was a little fresh which means he can be here! There was also the smell of Like flowers, and the smell of burnt coal.”

Flowers? Burnt coal?

Luna kept her serious face, but you can see the small smirk. “Most likely he came to get you four with some help.”

I sighed. If that's the case then we might actual be able to get out. With whatever help he's getting. Highly doubtful it's mom, he's to overprotective when it comes to her, Frisk or Jason, nope they're just ordinary humans…

My thoughts trailed off. “Then what do you suppose we do?” Asked Comet.

“I’ll send Leo and Mars to go retrieve the master while, Dusk and I stay here.” Luna nodded and then crossed her right arm across her chest and bowed. She approached the other three and told them of her idea they all seemingly agreed without a question.

Leo and Mars left as fast as they appeared, gone.

Dusk was with us and Luna was near the door. “Miss Luna?” Mumbled Jupiter. Luna's ears perked up from the door.

“Yes small mistress?”

“Can you tell us more about my dad?” Whispered Jupiter. Luna nodded.

“Well, I don't ever recall him having some sort of love interest, well one, but she's a lost cause. Back on track, your father gave us life and gave us purpose, he was our savior, our Lord. Your father was frightening very, to the reason being, his mind being toyed, hurt, depressed. He wasn't happy back in his old home. They hurt him like he was nothing. They hated him.” Luna paused. We listened quietly. “When we were created, he had no mercy, he used us to feed his rage. Taking advantage of his new form, as well as us he planned an invasion. It was very successful for his case at least. He murdered his whole home, the same people that hurt him, I was more than happy to be by his side.”

“Hold up.” Said Comet holding her hand out. “So you're saying that my dad is a murderous killer?” Luna simply nodded. “Where's the proof?”

Luna shrugged. “That is something I cannot provide young mistress.” Comet pouted. “You can only take my word.” Comet looked to the side annoyed. She didn't want to believe what she was being told. Neither did I. “Your father had that same look too...but it was more impatient.” Said Luna trying to lighten the mood.

It went quiet after that.

Very quiet.

It was very awkward.

“How about you tell us about your parents hmm? If it's alright with you young mistresses.” Said Dusk still being admired by the twins.

“Well...they've never really told us how they met specifically but I do know, that they met on good terms, they've know each for thirty years now. Um my dad's a teacher at our high school, my mom owns a family business. Um…” I trailed off. What else was there? Then for the first time ever it made me realize, we really don't know their past.

I think Dusk realized my face, because he smiled gently. “It's alright if you don't know.”

“What about you? Tell us about yourself.” Said Comet growing impatient.

“As you wish young mistress.” Whispered Dusk.

“My name is Luna, the co-advisor, general for the first faction. Out of the four generals the most superior if you may, the only female of my class, I'm very forward to orders, I take my job very seriously…” She slowly closed her mouth. “That's all I can really remember ever since my… reincarnation, I don't remember anything before that.” Luna gaze became warm, upset even.

“I presume it's my turn.” Said the calm wolf. “Well I'm the third general of the group, much more loose, there isn't really much importance with me besides my soft fur.” He laughs nervously. Comet and I looked at each other.

Phoenix came into our view, “I want to go home.” I smile softly.

“Soon don't worry.” I hope.

Suddenly Luna's ears perked up. “Dusk,-”

“Understood.” Dusk placed Jupiter with us. “Young mistresses if you may hold them two.” We gently held them one on each, Phoenix and Comet, Phoenix and I. “You do have magic correct?”



The door started to pound. Hissing, gurgling. “They've found us.” Whispered Comet. Thanks Captain obvious.

“If something were to happen to me, please retreat to your magic.” he said reassuringly. Then he started to melt like a puddle it was a little unsettling so I closed Jupiter's eyes as well as Phoenix.

Our bodies became cold. We're surrounded by a ball.

“Dusk?” Asked Jupiter. There was no reply.

“The children, give me the children!” The voice was almost unrecognizable it switched between female and a male pitch. “Luuuuunaa!”

Then I covered their ears.

I closed my eyes tight. I'm scared.

I can feel the tears of the kids flow down my arms.

I want to pee.

“D-Dusk.” Luna's voice was shallow and weak. “A li….little. L-longe-” she went silent.

“Run!” It was Dusk. Suddenly the heat that surrounded us had disappeared. The ball once surrounding us was surrounding that creature that burst through the door.

“Dusk!~” The creature started to aggressively pound along the rim.

Comet picked up Phoenix. I did so to Jupiter. Carrying them both we ran past what it was a body I want going to look down. I held the head of Jupiter down so did Comet. As we cluelessly ran down a hallway I started to believe everything that Luna had told us. All I wanted was to go home. How much longer. How much fucking longer.

“Mom!” Cried Jupiter.

“Dad!” Cried Phoenix.

But they're nowhere in sight. Then I realized they're crying out of fear.

“Mistresses!” That sounded like Leo. He had appeared from the corner of a hallway. “Why are you so far away from the room?”

He stared at his for a moment. I heard him curse under his breath. “Mars, do you remember where we saw those ‘Intruders’ if they're going against… us then please take them to that direction, or get the attention of one of them. Those traps are attracting to many of us. Do be careful please.” With that he slithered off. Into that small place. Mars looked up at us then started to pant.

He turned around and started to run. We went ahead and chased after him. He started to bark like crazy. “Hey hey! Look who I got!”

He suddenly stopped and took a seat in front of us where we also stopped. Turning the corner I saw two figures at the end of the hall. There was this small circular object in the corner. Mars slowly peered his head over a little then whistled. One of them turned around. Their eye was a piercing bright red with an unforgettable scar. Cross.

“Hiya!” Cheerfully chirped up Mars.

Cross vanished, he teleported. Like some sort of witchery he had appeared ho eeing over Mars. Then a large bright red light shone in his hands. A large knife appeared in his hands as he gripped it tight and stroke down to pierce through his head. Mars whimpered and opened his mouth. Quickly snapped his head up and as soon as he was going to strike down Mars bite down on the knife. It shattered.

Cross teleported again in front of him and brought his hand up. Mars quickly started to move as bones crawled up the ground.

Mars then slithered off just like Leo. Appearing behind Cross, but this time he was on two. But before he could make a move Ink appeared behind him with a gigantic brush at hand. Mars disappeared. Causing Ink to fall on Cross. “Ink!”

“Ahaha! Sorry!” Ink said with a huge smile, then helping Cross up. “Now.” Ink looked over to our direction. “Hi kiddos.” He said reassuring.

“That was fun! Can we do that again?”

Ink and Cross looked behind themselves. “I swear to God.” Whispered Cross.

“Hey hold up! We're fine! He was taking us to you two. Don't worry he's been trying to keep us safe.” I say coming out if the corner. Mars nodded proudly.

Cross and Ink examined him a little. “Well with that out of the way-” he looked over to us. “Your parents will be happy to know you're safe.”

“Mom and Dad are here?” Cross's lighten up a little. Don't question it Midnight.

“Absolutely, they'll do anything for you guys.” Said Cross a little reassuring. Ink suddenly hit him at the back of his head. “Hey what was that for!”

Ink gave him a cold stare not needing to explain what was churning in his head. Cross shrugged stopping himself from continuing on.

“Here if it makes you feel any better I'll be contacting them in a seco-”

The ground started to shake violently. This bright S/T/C cut between us and Cross. Black goo sprouted up from the light and created a wall. Another sound appeared behind us too, another wall was also created. We were trapped. Again.

“Now now. This time you're not leaving my sight.”

The walls started to glow a slight S/T/C. Then it felt like we fell a few feet. I couldn't tell. We let them go and set them down. As soon as we did, the walls turned transparent. We were able to see through. I looked up and saw a big black creature over this block we we're stuck in like some toy. He smiled from the gurgling triumph from his throat. Turning around I saw a big stairway leading to a throne crumbling to ashes. Up ahead was a big door, he must be waiting for someone.

Jupiter hugged my waist.

I hope dad and mom hurry up.

Yes it may have spelling, Grammer, whatever mistakes I'm sorry just really want to get something out to you guys. Thanks so much for reading so far! :) I'm working on it, hehe I still got to type the next few chapters TuT.

~The OreoCookie

Word Count: 3196
