Chapter 20- The Crown

Please read A/N


My heart was pounding out of my chest. When did Ink come back! I ended up escaping Y/N while she ran to catch up to Ink and Dream earlier today so I'm going to have to wait it out. I slither through the shadows of the lockers unnoticed. There's nothing I can do now with them watching her back. I groan in complaint. I guess I should head back for now. I slither away into the shadows of the town to find an old alley to teleport back. Welp soon enough I get to an alley way. I slither to the back. I form myself as I crawl out of the darkness. I stretch. I snap my fingers.

Back to my castle.

As I start making my way to my throne room I start to hear yelling.

"You dip shit! He'll KILL you when he gets back!" yelled Dust

"Ooooh now it's my fault!" yelled Cross

"You two stop fighting! I swear I only came to talk to Nightmare!" yelled Killer.

I teleported to the door I touch it before entering and listen. "You literally broke his crown!" yelled Cross. My eye shrank. I push the door open with force. My tentacles twitching behind me. "Who touched it!" I yell at the top of my 'lungs'. I see Killer sitting on a couch. Since when did he bring a couch? Anyways, I see Cross looking at Dust, he had half the crown in his right hand. While Cross had the other half of the crown in his left hand. They all looked at me slowly. "Sup Nightmare." said Killer while chewing some popcorn, he already knew what was going to happen and was going to enjoy it. He gives a shitty eating grin. "I said who touched the crown..!" I say angrily. Cross and Dust pointed at each other! Then they both started talking. "Jfdguhfgdjwctvmmdffwvmn-." "One at a time!" yelled Killer. "Can't you see the boss is losing his patience."

I look at Cross giving him a death glare. He hesitated. "I-I'm sorry Nightmare I didn't mean to break it. I was trying to get it back from Dust and we ended up breaking it I'm sorry." said Cross. I roll my eye to Dust. "I was coming back from the bathroom and Cross came and was holding your crown and I was trying to get it back and then it snapped." Said Dust straight out. I then look at killer. "It was Dust. I saw the whole thing." he said swallowing his popcorn. I glance at Dust. He gulped and Dust started sweating I was already marching towards him as Cross ran off. Dust started backing up. He summoned his bones and his gaster blasters. I smirk evilly. "I should of killed you when I had the chance." I say sinisterly. I see Dust put his hand over his chest while his shirt dropped down a little showing bandages. Cross must've healed him after our fight yesterday, which means that he's weaker. "Seems like your still healing...." I smirk evilly I teleported next to him. "Then you should be an easy kill!"

Immediately his bones fired at me. I just smirked. After the impact the bones were stuck into me. The goo around my body absorbed the bones. "W-what!" shouted Dust as he teleported away. I hear Killer spit out his popcorn. Cross just gasped. I never really have done that, since a couple years. His blasters shot me. I teleport away near my throne. "Nice try." I say looking at my throne. Then I look at him. My eye shrank. I give a evil smirk. "Guess it's my turn!" The floor turned black. This time tentacles sprang up. Small tentacle sprang up near Dust and got a hold of his feet. He tried teleporting away but was pinned down by some other tentacles that also appeared. I extended my hand. The tentacles pulled. "Ahh!" he screamed. I lowered my hand and brought it back up. The tentacles lowered and roughly threw him in the air. Dust teleported away. I looked around.

I clenched my fist the tentacles turned back to goop and shrank towards me back into me. I get off my throne. I walk down the steps. I go step in the middle. I stretch. I feel something....irritation. From behind me. I didn't bother to look. "Ahhh!" Yelled Dust behind me. I slowly looked back. I grin evilly. Dust was on the ground with a tentacle through his chest, while the end was separated and holding his soul. I kneel down making my face a little higher then his. I put my hand under his chin and lift his head. He turned away. "Look at me." He stayed quiet. "Nightmare I think you can stop now." said Cross hiding behind the couch. "Shut up!" I scolded. "Hey Night I think Cro-" "I said shut up!" I yell as tentacles wrap around them covering their mouths.

I look back at Dust. "I said look at me!" I shout as grasp his skull with my other hand and pulling his face to look towards me. "You shouldn't have touched my crown." Instantly the tentacle crushed his soul. His HP was lowering quick. The tentacle let go and vanished. I let go of his head and threw him to the ground. "Don't ever touch my things again! Understand?!" He looked at me with pitiful eyes with blood coming down his eye and mouth. He nodded slowly.

I get up.

I look at Cross and Killer. They were struggling to break free. I snap my fingers. The tentacles disappeared. Cross was quiet. Killer spoke, "Hey Night I-" "Killer get that couch out of here and get Dust. Cross I need you to stay here." I say looking down and pick up the crown. I look back up and walk to my throne. Killer teleported the couch away and then left with Dust.

Cross was in the middle and stood there like a statue. He was surrounded in fear I can feel it. "N-Nightmare can I ask you a question?" I glance at him. "Why did you hurt him for that crown." I just sigh and stretch my hand out. He already knew what I wanted. He started walking until he reached me and handed me my crown. He quickly got down from the steps. "Nightmare can you forgive me?" he says. I glance at him and smirk. "You also need to be punished." Then black goo appeared under him and pulled him into the darkness. "Nightmare!" were the last thing he said. "Enjoy your time in the dungeon."

I then grabbed both pieces and put them together. I just stared at them thinking of what I did. "Why can't I let go.....why can't I forget about you." I throw the crown at the ground shattering it. Tears sweeping down my face. I favored that crown because it was the last thing I had that reminded me of her. It was something that I used to keep sanity, hoping I don't go mad. Guess it's to late. I could've killed one of my Allies and yet I still like that feeling of killing someone. What the hell's wrong with me!

What the hell am I doing?! I wipe the tears away. I need to concentrate. I take a deep breath. I straighten myself up."Killer!" I yell. A few seconds pasted before he arrived. He knelt down. "Yes boss?" He got up. I was shocked he near knelt down before. He only does that if I really frighten him like this. I just rolled with it. "I need you to bring me Error." He looked shocked. "Y-yes Nightmare." he said. "But how do I find him?" he said. "I don't know....just bring him here." I said blankly. "Y-yes Nightmare." He vanished. I know it's going to take Killer forever so I'm going back to my main mission and that's with that girl.

Heyyyyyyyy keep reading these spams :3 You're welcome. This is gift from me too you. Thanks for the spam so now I spam you! Hahaha.

~The OreoCookie

Word Count: 1371
