Chapter 10- Nice to meet you

Please read A/N

I feel a rough but smooth substance repeatedly touching my nose. I was still asleep at this time. The touching stopped and heard a faint purr. This was really soothing. Then the substance started touching me again. "Ughhhh." I groaned I said flickering my eyes from the morning light. As I did I saw a small figure staring down at me. It was Rose.

"Your awake sleepy head!" She exclaimed. "Oh it's only you Rose." I say yawning. "You ready for training?" She asked tilting her head a bit. "Training?"

"Yeah you promised me yesterday remember." She says with a small wag. "Oh yeah." I say sleepily. Rubbing my eyes and ears.

Wait ears?

Ears! Instantly I get up. I start touching my ears. "I have ears! What the hell!" I scurry from my bed and look in the mirror. I start touching my ears. They were the same color as my H/C hair. Then I hear a gasp. "You have your ears!" She says squealing. "I thought that I could only get my ears and tail from you!" I yell. "Nope! You can activate them just by yourself!" she squealed once again.

"That doesn't make any sense!" I yell. Then I hear footsteps. "Honey are you alright? I heard yelling!" It was my mom! I start panicking. What am I going to do! "Well you can make those ears and tail go away." Said Rose calmly. Tail! I look down. My tail was between my legs. "My tail!" I said putting my hands on my head. I hear footsteps. Oh no. "Honey?" The footsteps got closer. I ran to my door and locked it. Wait! I don't have a lock. Fuck it! I ran to my bed and covered myself with the covers and pillow. Then I hear a knock. My mom! I scream in my head.. Wait where's Rose! I yell once more. I poke my head out of my covers. My ears perked up.

I look around my room trying to find her. She was looking at herself in the mirror. "Rose get over here!" I whisper yell. Her ears perk up and she looks at me. I signal with my hand demanding her to come. She finally notices and hovers to me. She opened her mouth to protest until I quickly snatch her and cover her mouth. I pull her under the covers with me.

The knob moves. The door slowly opens. "Y/N are you alright?" She said sweetly. I shiver. "She's probably still asleep. Probably ended up yelling in her sleep too." She said with a sigh.

I move a little. Showing that I'm asleep. "Honey!" She whispered to my ear. "Honey wake up! You're going to be late for school!" She raised her voice a bit. I fell my body turn cold. School! I forgot about school! The suspension is over. How could I forget! My moms warm hands were placed on my back. She started moving me. "M-mom I'm awake you can stop." I say sleepily trying to convince her. "Oh. Sorry. is ready." She said getting up and walking out.

Soon as she left I bolted up from my bed and looked in the mirror. "How do I make these go away!" I wailed. "Just deactivate them." Responded Rose. "I can't do that!" I shout. "OK um just put something on to cover them up!" Said Rose cheerfully. "Just for now then until we find a solution."

I put on my F/C sweater and lower my ears. It felt weird. I move the hoodie up covering my ears. I put on some dark blue pants and a F/C shirt. I then tucked my tail in hoping it wasn't visible. "Rose can you tell?" I say. She shakes her head. "You sure?" "I'm positive."

"Y/N! Your food is getting cold!" Yelled mom. "Coming!" I yell back. I walk to the door. As I place my hand on the knob I her Rose say something behind me. "W-wait the book!" I look back Rose was pulling the book from under the pillow. "Why?" I say. "Just to make s-sure th-that its safe." She said struggling to carry the book. I roll my eyes and smile. "Here." I say picking up the book.

I slowly place the book in my backpack and open the door. "Rose hide." I whisper. She jumps into my pocket of my pants. *inhale* *exhale* Time to head down stairs.

I start walking down stairs, slowly. I peek my head down to the living room. My parents weren't there so they're probably in the kitchen. "Come on! We don't have all day!" Whispered Rose. "OK ok just try not to be loud." I whisper back to her. I enter the living room and then the kitchen. I stiff up and walk. My dad wasn't there. He had to leave early today. My mom was eating by herself.

"Hi mom." I say. " It took you long enough." She said playfully. "Heh yeah." I say. I walk to the table and sit down. The plate had pancakes. Blueberry pancakes.

~Tieeeem skip~

As I finish the last of the pancakes something was nipping my side. "I want some too!" Whispered Rose. "Hmm did you say something Y/N?" I shake my head in protest. I hear a burp. "Whoops excuse me." She gets up from the table and picks up her plate and walks to the sink. "That was a good breakfast. Now off to work." She says grabbing her keys. I get my plate and put it in the sink. I hear a creak from behind me. "Honey wasn't Frisk going to give you a ride?"

Oh fuck!

"Y-Yeah." I gulped. "Sorry I forgot my purse so decided to remind you. See you later love!" She yells before bolting out the door. I rush to the door, put my backpack on, and get my skateboard. My dad gave it to me a few years ago when I was into skateboarding but now I kind of lose interest. But since I'm in a rush better off to use it then leave it.

I get on the skateboard and ride off. I get my phone and check the time. 7:40

My eyes widen. I'm going to get us late. I turn the curb and get off and run to Frisk's place. Soon as I reach the door step the door flew open.

"You're late." Said a small demonic yellow flower. He was on a wheelchair. Alphys probably made it. "Where's Frisk?" He narrows his eyes. "She left." He said in his raspy voice. I roll my eyes. "Flowey I'm not playing around where is she." I say calm. He sighs before continuing. "She's in the garage." He said before slamming the door. I walk to the garage and see Frisk already in the car. Soon as she spotted me she called after me. "Hurry! We're going to be late!" I rush to the passenger seat and sit. "Ready?" I buckle me seat belt and nod. "So Y/N I was super excited to show what Alphys has made for me." She puts the key in the slot and and twisted it. Instantly a bunch of buttons appeared in the middle of us. She pressed a glowing, big, red obvious button. The tires from the car were side ways and glowing blue. The car was off the ground. "She made it fly!" I exclaimed. "Oh yeah she did!"

The car bolted out of the garage and we were in the sky. I look down everyone looked like ants! "This is so cool!" I shout.

We were in the air for about ten minutes until we reached school. As the car came down Frisk smiled. "That was awesome wasn't it!" Says Frisk full of excitement. "It was more then awesome! It was Fabulous Darling!" Said a voice aside of me it was Mettaton but she was wearing a blue cloak. Frisk eyes widen. "MTT!" Frisk took the keys off and bolted out. She went to hug her.

"Keep your voice down Darling we don't want to start a crowd." Says MTT. "Wait what are you doing here?" I say.

"Well today I'm doing a presentation on responsibility." I see Frisk roll her eyes. "Why would Asgore pick you? Aren't you busy?"

"He ran out of ideas and besides I have an announcement to make to the school."

"Oh." Says Frisk. I tap on Frisk's shoulder. "We're going to be late." I whisper. Frisk nods.

We tell Mettaton bye and walked off. As we entered the school many people were looking at us and whispering to each other. Frisk looked down upset then looked back up at me. "Hey um Y/N what happened on the day of the fight? All I remember is that Tritiniy punched me."

She doesn't remember?

My ears started twitching. I try to force them to stop but it won't. "Hey Frisk um I'll answer your question after I go to the restroom." I say nervously. Frisk lifts up her eyebrow. "I guess but I'll meet up with you at lunch." I nod in agreement.

I walk to the bathroom and look around to see if anybody else is there. Nope coast is clear. I breath and take off my hoodie. My ears pop up. I grunt. I open my mouth to talk to Rose but the bell rang. I grunt again. I pull my hoodie back up and walk out. First period marine science. I walk to my class but before I put my hand on the knob someone one touched my shoulder. Jason.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Hey." I respond coldly. "Hey um I wanted to ask where did you get that necklace?" I turn around. "Why do you care?" I say giving a cold. "I just wanted to know where you got cause it looks neat and I wanted to give Frisk something!" He says. "Hmph."

I turn around and continue. I open the door and sit at my lab table. Jason was my partner in that class. He went to sit next to me. As the class started I looked around. My nose was twitching. I smelled something familiar.

Then everything turned white. My eyes were blur I couldn't see. I look around. I see two dots. Well I think they were dots it was a brown dot and a blue one. The brown disappeared and blue did too. All of a sudden everything was blue.

My vision was back to normal. I look up and see Dream. "Dream?" "Miss Y/N! How are you?" I smile. "Good."

"Sorry we came to see you like this but I have someone I'd like you meet!"

"We?" Then a figure came behind him. A women she wore a white lilac color gown reaching to her ankles, crystal clear blue eyes, and a star like figure on her forehead. "Hello there dear child it is a pleasure to meet you."

I reach hand out for a handshake she did the same and we shook our hands. "Nice to meet you as well Miss..."

"Oh I'm the spirit of the tree......"


"Y/N wake up!" Shouted Jason. "Wh-what?" I look up. I fell asleep. "Miss Y/N you have detention after school!"

Hi finally I updated I know its been a while but bare with me ok. So the last was confusing but I did it on purpose just to confuse you guys. So I wanted to ask you guys to flood me with questions like a Q and A so every time I update I'll answer one of the questions you or someone asked. So flood me with questions. Anyways sorry for not updating sooner I'll try. Oh by the way temmie won't stop letting me put tieeeeme see she replaces it with tem. Anyways see you guys later bye!!!

~The OreoCookie

Word count- 2001
