Chapter 49- What Secrets Hold

Nightmare swallowed hard.

Nightmare still held onto his weak beloved.  "You..." Nightmare's eyes widen. He gripped onto her.

"Me what?" She said turning her head around. "Is there a problem?" Everyone was still looking at her.

"Who the fuck are you!" Shouted Comet, a little irritated. The girl rolled her eyes clearly annoyed. Jupiter continued to hug her brother.

"It's the lady...the scary lady." Phoenix looked down at her a little confused. Chrome faded away slowly. Reappearing behind Jupiter.

"You remember me?" Jupiter jumped and back away to her sisters. Chrome just laughed lightly, then again faded away. Jupiter tightly gripped onto the waist of Comet. "She's yours?" Chrome appeared once more behind Nightmare.

Nightmare shivered as she leaned closer to him. He stood still. "Get away from me!" Screamed Nightmare turning around only to find Chrome gone again.

"Why are you being so brash? We finally see each other again and this is the welcome you give me?" She had started to reappear again, near Jason this time. "I mean what else did I expect right? I kinda hurt your brother a bit." Jason just stared at her. She squatted down and looked over to Dream. 

"D-Don't let her near him!" Quickly Nightmare placed Y/N down and teleported near his brother. Go back to her. With that said Jason quickly jumped his way over there. 

"I haven't seen your brother in ages! At least let me say 'hi'!" said the girl pouting. The girl crossed her arms and groaned. "First you replace me, then you don't even let me talk to your brother?! What next, you're going to try to kill me? I'm a little disappointed." Said the girl turning around having her back turned. 

She had appeared right after Nightclaw had disappeared, she was the one charging his body. But that wouldn't mean she'll have the capability to fully control him unless...holy shit. Nightmare then realized. Her soul isn't only strong, but she also has a spirit. Having those two in a body, in a Nightcrawler's body, don't mix. At least for Nightmare. The body becomes the host for the parasite to live in. That's how he had become aware, that's how everything had started. 

She wants something, but what?

Chrome had looked back at him expecting a response. Nightmare stood silent. Not knowing how to react. Chrome was growing inpatient. She wanted him to say something to her, about her. She wanted his attention, she knew clearly that he didn't want anything to do with her, she was just wanting a soul to latch onto. "Nightmare!" she faded away and reappeared near him. "I missed you." 

Nightmare shivered. "I didn't." Chrome frowned

"You're killing the conversation." she stated. Nightmare looked at her with a hostile glare. "Sheesh fine. I guess I'll have to bring up a new topic." She faded away and reappeared near the throne. "I'm not very good at this kind of stuff." She said as she knelt down and touched the ground. The arena glowed a mist color of S/T/C. It became so bright no one was able to see, but when the light dimmed.

The place did not seem familiar to anyone besides Nightmare and Dream.

It was home.

Except it was all red, dark, unpleasant. Chrome turned her back to the individuals that seemed clueless. "You remember this day!" She smiled sweetly. "It's the day I was no longer able to feel anything." She looked at the other individuals. "You can all see the Nightmare I experienced." She turned back and faced him. "This'll get you talking."

She faded away.

Nightmare stiffened. The invasion.

Nightmare hugged Dream as a loud cry was heard from the village, it had started.

Dream was wandering around in the village as he heard a cry for help. Being the well known creature he was he sought out to find the voice. Dream stopped as he heard the sound of what was, crunching?

Dream turned his head it was an alley. Dream slowly walked down it. He couldn't see anything, at least not until he turned the corner. A body, and a spider? The spider like creature appeared to be stepping on the body. It's face digging into the head. Dream pulled out an arrow, its glimmering light ready to pierce in at any moment. The arrow pierced into the body as the creature hissed and gurgled. As Dream had approached the creature it turned to goo, and a soul had flew out and disappeared. Dream was quite confused, he didn't know what it was. He knelt down to touch the goo-


Dream looked back. Panicking as he had appeared from the alley way. Dream looked around frantically. Everyone was running and crying for help. Dream looked to his left to see creatures some similar others different from the one had just encountered. The thing that frightened him the most was that the one in the lead was Nightmare.

Dream stepped to his right and started to run. Telling people to run. Some hid in their homes. I can't run forever. Dream stopped and turned around. "Everyone run to the nearest village they should be able to help you!" Dream ran towards the mob that had already dispersed. He needs to get people out of here. So he turned around to the crowd and continued to run.

Meanwhile the town was becoming a farm for these creatures, they were having too much fun. Gathering what they needed. Nightmare had it ordered for them to do as they pleased as long as it regulated under the simple fact that it benefited him. Nightmare was relaxing on the roof top of the village central. Where people that hurt him the most were being held, he wanted to deal with them, personally. He looked down, seeing people cry for help others already losing their lives, he felt at ease. He's been starving for a while.

Nightmare looked around a beautiful sight. Nightmare frowned to himself. I wonder where she is? Nightmare teleported away, back onto the ground. He looked around seeing many bodies luckily none of them were her. Nightmare continued to walk around towards her home, still hopping over the bodies. "Get away!" Nightmare flinched. It was her. Following the voice, he appeared in front of her home, Nightclaw near her. He didn't look so hostile, Nightmare had requested for her presence, he was taking too long. 

"I'm sorry I can't do that, the master has requested for you." She stiffened stepping back hitting the wall.

"Your master." She squeaked.

"Precisely." Nightclaw looked back. Nightmare signaled him to step aside. Moving out of the way he looked down at her. "Thank you." She stayed quiet. Nightmare smiled sweetly. "You're not scared? I'm surprised." He got closer, holding her chin. "You seem annoyed? Irritated perhaps?" He let her go.

She scoffed. She placed her hands onto him. "I want you to get away from me!" She said pushing him softly. Completely ignoring his question. "Nightmare you've changed." She spatted into his face.

"Obviously." Nightmare grinned. "But so have you." He grabbed her hands. "You don't seem frightened, you seem rather pleased." Nightmare frowned. "Why?" He tightened his grip on the hands. She stayed quiet. She started to pull back. She was in pain. Nightmare again started to smile. "Answer me.

"I-I-" she looked around frantically. "I-I can't answer that." Her face gave a nervous expression. Something was up. Nightmare started to become suspicious. She knew he did. "Don't believe what Dream told you. Everything he said was a lie." Nightmare flinched a little. She gave him eyes that plead for forgiveness, at least that's what's she was trying to convey.

Nightmare saw through it. She wasn't acting like the usual girl he knew, at least the one he thought he knew. That look in her eyes he's never seen it, if anything it felt good to him, that look in her eye was that hostile. "Is that so?" His grip became harder.

"Aa- Nightmare! You're hurting me!" He grinned. "Nigh-"

"Be quite!" Nightmare's eye stared down at her. He started to laugh lightly. "You waste of space-" he inched closer. "You're nothing. That's how it s going to st-"

"Pardon me." Calmly stated Nightclaw. He reached over to the other side of Nightmare grabbing an arrow. It glowed brightly along Nightmare. Nightmare was staring at her. His grin wider then before.

Nightclaw slowly let go as it disintegrated. "Nightmare!" Dream spawned another arrow. Nightmare chuckled lightly. Turning his head over to Dream's direction. Nightclaw getting out of the way but still next to Nightmare.

"Hi." He stated calmly. Dream clenched his teeth. Again summoning another arrow. "Hmm?" He cocked his head to the side. He smiled.

"Nightmare I'm warning you!" He stated as he pulled back. This time summoning three arrows. Nightclaw flinched slightly. "Let her go!" Nightmare laughed.

"Or what?" Dream hesitate opened his mouth, but before he could speak Nightmare said something before. "You're going to shoot me with your arrows?" Nightmare looked back to Chrome. "You suddenly care about her?" Nightmare sighed. "What does she mean too you?"

Dream frowned. "She's a human. A living person that deserves a chance to live and be happy. Even if I don't agree with it, it's a duty I swore to protect." Stated Dream keeping his stance.

"Deserves..." he smiled. He lifted Chrome's chin.

Chrome flinched. "Dream save me!" She cried pleading for help. Nightmare was clearly enjoying this.

"Come on Dream. Be the heroine every wants you to be." Nightclaw went to Nightmare's right. Chrome started to struggle.

"Dream!" She stated as she started to kick. Nightmare hummed. He gave a soft expression.

Without saying anything Nightclaw charged after Dream. Out of panic Dream let go of the arrows, they flew straight towards him. Dream summoned the staff as Nightclaw approached.

While Nightmare looked at Chrome. He looked satisfied. "My apologies. I shouldn't be so brash." He slowly let go of her hands. Slowly placing his hand on her cheek. "Everything you said before, I'm grateful, very. I mean it but..." his hand traveled behind her ear. "Even if I regret this later." He gripped onto her hair pulling down.

Chrome's eyes widen. "N-Nightmare! You're hurting me!' she squealed placing her hands onto her hair. "Stop!'

Nightmare chuckled lightly. "It'll all be worth it in the end." Smiling sinisterly, he placed his other hand onto her cheek. His eye looked down at her.

Chrome clenched her teeth. "Why are you doing this! What are you talking about!"

"Why?" His eye gave a sad expression, but he still had that smile. "I want everything, everyone to feel that same sorrow I felt for years." He leaned closer. "And you'll just be getting in my way." A tentacle slowly curled out approaching her head, slowly.

"Nightmare you can't do this! You love me!"

He sighed as he let go of her hair. Placing his other hand on her other cheek. He placed his mouth on her lips. Tightening his grip on her cheeks. Slowly he departed from the kiss. "I know." The tentacle pierced through her skull. Nightmare let her go. Nightmare frowned, crying.

Her blood all over his face and tentacle. Nightmare sighed as he got away from the body that fell limp. "I know.

It was silent.

The scenary changed back to it's dark self. "What did I say? Nightmare is no more than a sadistic killer!" Chrome stated looking back at the individuals.

"You're w-wrong." Chrome looked over to the voice. "Nightmare changed. That's something you'll never understand." Y/N coughed lightly before continuing. "Nightmare is a wonderful husband, brother, father, and if I really have to say it, guardian." Y/N slowly pulled out her bow. "But he's also my partner in crime."

Chrome smiled. "My what a turn of events!" She smiled over too her. "I never thought you'd be able to gain consciousness so quickly." She looked over to Nightmare. "She's the one you replaced me with?"

"That's none of your concern." Nightmare said with a frown. He sighed. "I don't want to kill you twice." He stretched. "Or should I leave it to her? Hmm?"

Y/N stood her stance pulling back summoning an arrow. Chrome looked over to her from the throne. She groaned. "Are you serious am I really really going to have to-" she was cut off by a tentacle sprouting upward in front of her.

Nightmare teleported behind her. "Boo." Chrome yelped and quickly faded away.

Y/N scanned the room looking for her only to find Chrome behind her. Quickly she turned around and launched the arrow. She disappeared again. Y/N summoned her shield around everyone. "Nightmare bring Dream over!"

Nightmare already got the token as he cared his brother bridal style. But before he could even move a person unrecognizable stood in front of him. This person was a lilac purple, his eyes glowing a S/T/C. The person lifted his hand up. A small orb was being formed.

Nightmare looked over to them. "Who are you." The figure stood silent. It lowered it's hand with the orb. Nightmare groaned. This person looked like Chrome, they were their soul color. Nightmare took his hand out. The person became black, the orb disappearing, S/T/C chains around the soul. Nightmare lifted the person and threw them aside. Nightmare teleported away. He knelt down as Y/N created a gap for Dream to fit through. Closing the shield they both looked up towards the throne where she was reappearing.

"Chrome! I'm telling you this right now. Either you give up or-"

"Or what? You'll kill me?" She looked down to them from the throne. "You'll be completely outnumbered." She said with a smile. She raised her hand up. "Listen to what I have to say! Rise." Chains appeared on her hand. She looked up at her hand and then to them. She tugged down as a what looked like almost 20 or 30 individuals popped out of nowhere. They all had different colors, they all have different traits. She was right we're completely outnumbered.

"Holy Christ." Y/N looked around. There were so many people. Chrome pointed at them, all the souls looked over their direction. "Nightmare what do we do?!" She whispered over to him. Nightmare looked around as well.

"I can only get one at a time." Nightmare scoffed. "They'll hurt you. You're more vulnerable." Y/N shrugged.

"We'll see." She said putting her bow away and summoning two swords.

Nightmare looked over to her. "Shall we?" He said handing out a gesture with his arm.

Y/N smiled. She flicked the gesture away. "We shall." Y/N charged to the nearby souls on her right. Nightmare stood still as his other form was looking down at them.

He laughed lightly as his tentacles slid out. Nightmare touched the ground. "I'll end this quickly." The ground bubbled with his goo. Spike like tentacles shot up some of the souls disappeared others created a shield around themselves. The souls seemed like zombies. Getting back up Nightmare wasn't very pleased. He was more confused.

They look terrible. Nightmare clenched his teeth. The chains. They're her chains. Obviously they're being controlled. How did she get to them. "Hey Nightmare you might want to focus on the objective here!" Said Y/N appearing near him. He looked at her.

"I'm a little distracted. My apologies." He laughed a little nervously. Y/N scoffed.

"Obviously." Y/N pulled an arrow out on her bow as she stood in front of Nightmare. "Also." She looked back him. "Don't look at my ass like that." Nightmare blushed.

"What are you talking about?!" He spoke nervously. Y/N flicked her tail and charged up to the nearing souls. Before Nightmare took action he noticed something. The chains became more apparent when she was closer. Watching his wife's movements he noticed she using light to break the chain then the soul would disappear. Giving it the illusion that she destroyed the soul.

She wasn't actually trying to kill these people. Nightmare scoffed. Y/N has this under control. He stretched. I'll just wait. Besides...Nightmare looked over to her. The view is amazing from here.

Suddenly Nightmare ducked as a sword flew towards him and hit the shield. "I can hear you." Nightmare sighed brushing himself off.

"Pfft." He looked up to her. "My apologies." He looked around with his eyes, he didn't see any ex. Where is s-

"Alright this is getting boring!" Chrome said irritated. She lifted her hand pulling back having her chains return to her. "I underestimated you. I really should've seen it coming." She lowered her hand and lifted her left hand. "I wonder who would you choose?" She twirled her index finger, as a chain appeared from the floor, a soul trapped in the middle. The soul was a mixture of orange and green. "Who is more important to you?" The soul slowly was forming a body. "The children? Or-" Y/N looked over at her with concern only fearing the worst. The soul became visible showing the same symptoms as the other souls.

Nightmare squinted as he noticed who it was. His eyes widen. Holy fu-!


Okay ik this is a little short nothing so spicy. I wanted to write more but I think I ended in a good spot, at least I think so. Hopefully I'll bring another chapter out soon enough then it'll be 50 ToT.

~The OreoCookie

Word count: 2938
