Chapter 33 -Making amends

"Where are you going?" asked Y/N. I sat at the edge of the bed putting on my shoes. 

"No where important." I say getting up and walking to the door. 

"Alright whatever you say." she said wrapping herself around with a blanket. Everyone is still in their rooms so I had a chance to leave. I walk to the fridge and grab a pack of pocky sticks. I shut it and walk out. I shut the door behind me. I look down disappointed. I'm not using my car. I look up at the dark velvet sky. I got to hurry before things get worse. And till Midnight gets home. She's still out with her friends.

I groan. Hurry up! Just go. I frown. I close my eyes.

Then in second My footing got weird. I open my eyes to find a house. Small and cozy. My breathing became ridged. I can't do this.

I turned around to walk away. "Unclemare! I had a feeling you were here." Shit.

I turn back nervously. "H-Hello." I saw a towering figure look at me. Lux. 

"Do you need something?" she asked curiously. Then she face palmed herself. 

"Sorry my manners, here come on in." she said moving away from the door. 

"Thank you." Nightmare you idiot! I scolded myself. 

"Take a seat. Would you like something to drink too?" she said concerning. I took a seat on the couch. I shook my head slightly. 

"No no I'm fine thank you, and...what's up with the manners I didn't teach you that?" I say looking up at her with a smile. She smiled and laughed.

"You got me in trouble to many times." 

"Lux who is that?" Dream. I groaned quietly and started sweating. Dream had appeared from the hall way with Cross behind him. 

"Oh it's you." said Cross. I just gave him a glare. I get up and looked over at them. 

"I want to talk with Dream if that's alright." Cross gave me a stare. Full of hate, hilarious. 

"Make it quick." He said. 

"Excuse me?" Dream looking up at Cross. He stared back at me. 

"Lets go over here." Said Dream looking over to me. I pull my phone out and place it on the coffee table. No distractions. I walk over to him as I pass Cross. 

"Do something to him and I break you." I smile. Break me. I scoff at the statement.

I follow Dream into a small room. Bright, yet simple. A bed was in the middle of the room covered in a light blue cover. The walls were covered in stars. On the opposite side of the room was a frame of a flag...he still had it.

I closed the door behind me. 

"I'm sorry."

Dream's face became mellow. "What." he said softly.

"I'm sorry.

I started walking towards him. He looked worried. He was scared and cautious. I felt it. For once I was disgusted of it. I rejected it. He shouldn't be feeling like this. 

D R E A M 

I stared up at Nightmare. He knew what I was feeling. I looked down. I started to tremble. My legs started to shake. "But..." I looked down at my hands. "But..."


I stood at the roots of the tree stump, so short and simple. Tears formed on the corner of my eyes. The tree of feelings was gone. Everything, my purpose, my brother. I'm alone. I escaped the stone prison and came here. Back home, whatever was left of it, after the invasion there wasn't a single soul left.

I already know what's going to happen, my brother's looking for me. I know he is, my brother Nightmare. He's looking for me, Dream.

But he's not here yet. When I was at his castle he watched me, patiently. I stop my thoughts and look around. There's negative energy nearby.

He's arrived. Good.

I turn around, I summon my staff. I held it tight then loose my grip. A shimmering light appeared around it and changed it into a bow. I pull it out it out as I scan the area. Where is he?

Then I see thick, slimy, black tentacles squirm their way towards me. My eyes widen. I loosen my grip as the bow transforms into a staff. I raise it up high. A golden outline of a circle surrounded me and the tree stump. The golden outline made a shield around and over me. Like half a circle. I stood my ground a stared at the four strings of goo. They make a direct hit onto the shield.  

The tentacles spread like water. Then sprouted back having some type of physicality. They hovered clueless then were dragged back. Was he checking if I was here? The shield slowly collapsed. I held the staff and stared off into the distance.

I see a goopy figure walking up the hill. It had a big grin on it's face. I squint my eyes. I start hearing a menacing chuckle. Again my staff transforms into a bow. I took a deep breath and held out the bow. Pulling the string back ready to through arrows if needed.

The goopy figure appeared at the top of the small hill. Nightmare. As his face became more visible I started feeling sick. I can't stand looking at him. Not because he looks disgusting or scary, but because he reminds me of everything. A arrow starts to appear on the bow, barely visible. There's so much negative energy here, I'm weak.

I let go the arrow charges. Nightmare smiles. Then a hand caught it right in front of him. 


The arrow disintegrated. No affect. I clench my teeth. I expected it yet I'm surprised. I lower my bow. "Dream."

"Nightmare." I scoff 

"How long did it take you to get here." I say sternly. 

He shrugged and smiled casually. "Honestly I thought you went around some other universe, so it took me a few hours, not so long." he stated without a care.

"With your stupid creations you would've found me hours ago."  Nightclaw was taken back. He started to growl. Nightmare gave him a signal causing him to stop. Nightclaw sighed. He looked around and twitched his ear. Black puddles started to surround me. Nightcrawlers. I took a step back and touched the stump. 

"I'll protect you." I say looking over at them.

"What?" I hear Nightmare say. 

"You heard me." I say taking my bow out staring back at him.

"You have nothing to defend, it's all gone, everything in this universe."  I clench my teeth.

"Your wrong. As long as this universe stands I'm going to protect it no..matter..what!" I can feel my voice rising. I see Nightmare frown. My bow started to summon an arrow.

"All those souls lost! All those happy memories! All those people! Those good people! Even our mother!" As my voice rose so did the light of the arrow becoming more visible. 

"You hurt so many people. Even the person you mostly cared about!" Nightmare was taken a back by this.

"You hurt her! You killed her! You killed Chrome!" I immediately let go of the arrow as it rushed towards him. He used his tentacles as a shield. As the arrow grew closer the tentacles were being burnt away. His eye widen. Then a wall appeared between him and the arrow. The arrow grew in impact. A small dust cloud was blown away to reveal the arrow had done no damage. Nightclaw shape shifted into a wall. Nightclaw moved from the position of being in front of him and moved next to his creator. Then I was able to see Nightmare clearly.

He was really pissed off. His tentacles were twitching aggressively. The Nightcrawlers started gurgling and hissing. "You have no right to speak of her that way! You have no id-"

"I warned you about her. Her reasons, everything." Then a loud scream pierced through my head. The two tentacles were squirming towards me. I held out my bow as it turned into my staff and creating a shield around me. Again they smeared like water. Being pulled back and stabbing the shield. Nightmare was being raised by the other two. Continuing to stab it. His pain, his hate is getting to strong. The shield started to crack, but as it cracked light flashed back. Nightmare's face was almost unrecognizable. His mouth was melting together.

"I'll kill you!" He yelled as the light grew brighter. His actions are causing this. Only light can hurt him. He's hurting himself. The more he attacks the more light. 

"Why don't you just die!" This time he coiled his two tentacles together. He charged them and pierced straight through. I dropped my staff and jumped back. I landed on my side. I looked back at the tentacles. They separated and started to stab into the ground. I shakily get up and run off. Summoning my staff. I was unable to see due the dust everywhere. The floor stopped shaking. He stopped. I took a breather. I looked around as the dust cloud disappeared. I was behind the stump. The ground was a mess. He unleashed his rage. 

What am I up against.

I stood up tall. Nightmare panting. His tentacles were around him. He was looking down. He slowly rose his head. He's frowning. Then we made eye contact. He started to laugh, a wicked smile grew across his face. "Haaaahahahaaa....oh Dreeeam."

He looked up at the red sky. "I hate you."

He then vanished. The ground I remind myself. I look down. Where's his stupid puddle! Then all the Nightcrawlers looked back. "Kill him." Now he sounded disappointed. 

The Nightcrawlers stared back at me. Crap! "The soul?" Asked Nightclaw.

"Bring it me afterwards, its an order.

"With pleasure." Nightmare teleported away. 

Nightclaw looked at me. His eyes were craving a fight. "Alright boys its time to play some fetch!" They all vanished. There was just a big black outline of a circle around me. It started to grow smaller. Then a small line flashed towards me springing up. It towered over me. Nightclaw glared down at me. 

I was going to die, alone.


I stared up at Nightmare. I was kneeling down. He was standing up. I looked at his arms stretch out waiting for a hug. I stood up. My lips quivering, my eyes watery. I take a step forward. "Please."

I ran into his arms sobbing. I hug him tight. "N-Nightmare!" I say crying.

"Hmph. Dream." It was silent. We depart. I looked at Nightmare as he gave me a caring smile. He held my hands gently and looked down. 

"Dream can I ask you something?" I nod as I wipe my tears away.

"Do you accept what I'm saying?"

"Accept your apology?" I asked questioningly. Nightmare smiled gently. Caring smile. 

"No." I tilt my head in confusion. 

"What I've done is unforgivable, I do not accept an apology I don't deserve it. I'm asking for my brother back. I want to be your brother again."

I got all flustered, I started to cry again. I pull him into my arms. He taken a back by the sudden action. Then he hugged me back. "Oh Nightmare." I say. 

"You've always been my brother."

Then I felt tear drops on my head. He was crying. 

"Unclemare!" The door bust open. 

We had let go. He looked over at Lux. "Yes."

"It's cousin Midnight, Midnight's in the hospital!" She said frantically as she held out a phone. Nightmare's phone. It's Y/N. He grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. I went up to Lux. 

"Aunt Y/N called for him but you guys were talking and well, I needed to butt in to tell him." I looked at her pleading eyes. 

"It's alright, how about we go visit you cousin then." I say reassuringly.

"I'll go ask your da-" A loud thud was heard behind me. I looked back Nightmare dropped his phone. I heard Y/N's distant voice calling for him. Nightmare stood there shocked. 

"I need your car." He said staring at us with horror in his eyes. 

"Why don't you just teleport-"

"No. I'm not exposing my power in front of them. I just need your car.

I looked over at her. Then at him. "Then hurry up."

We all rushed into my car. Having our seat belts on we rushed over to the hospital. On our why there Nightmare was really irritated. What did she tell him that's making him like this? 

As soon as we arrived. Nightmare bolted out of the car. Heading in we followed. He passed through the halls looking for his partner. When he finally found her, she was crying, her eyes were swollen from the crying. "Nightmare."

She pleaded as she walked up to him and hugged him. "How bad is it."

Y/N and Nightmare chatted for a bit. "I wanna go see her.

"I don't know if we can." 

Nightmare looked off frustrated. He's getting worried. He then perked up. What is he thinking. Nightmare what are you planning?

Whaaat a chapter in two days shOOk. Well here you go. Also thanks to those who have patients with me and that have so read so far I really appreciate it. You get a gold star. I'll try work on the next one.

~The Oreocookie

Word Count: 2234
