Chapter 58- In Between

"We have a lead." Comet turned her head, facing her father. She motioned him to come over. He walked over quickly. "Look." It looked to be surveillance video from a nearby house. As the video started, Comet pulled up some other videos as well. She positioned herself back and pointed to the top of the screen. "You can see the tires roll up to the school." Then she got up and pointed to another monitor. "The school surveillance shows, you talking to the receptionist." A few minutes later Jupiter appears. He gives the thanks and walks out with her. She points back to the camera footage from the house. The car had drove off. "Dad you got a look-a-like."

"Is there more?" Comet nodded. She gently pushed herself to the side as the chair rolled along with her. She pulled up surveillance video that was at the nearest intersection. 

"Well I found this." The choppy video showed cars turning into the other street. Comet squinted her eyes as she grew closer to the screen. She quickly paused the screen. "Look." She pointed at a van that was turning. "Look at the wheels." She circled her finger around the wheels rim. "They're red." She again pushed herself and and went to the other monitors from earlier. She replayed the video till you were able to see the car's wheels. "See." 

Nightmare intensely stared at the screen. He held his chin, examining the screen. He got up and walked to the other screen. The wheels are the same. He looked at the side of the van. Barely making out what the words says. Red Sleeves Company?  He looked behind. "Red Sleeves Company, look it up.

"On it." Comet typed into the computer. Nightmare walked over to her. Leaning in as he watched. "It's a plumbing company." She said looking up at him. He hummed to himself. "They have a website, but it seems like generic stuff about them and their services." 

"I got an idea." He took out his phone. "Give me their number.

"Um, wait they have two numbers." She typed something on the screen. "Let me check them out real q-"


"It's coming through the main system." Said one Nightshade from behind. 

"Answer it." The Nightshade poked at the monitor as the line was picked up. It was quiet for a moment before a low raspy voice spoke.

"Hello." Nightmare stayed quiet. "I hope this message finds you well." The man paused for a moment. "I believe you already know why I'm calling." the voice kissed their teeth. "My time is money. I ask for 1,000,000 before the end of the day tomorrow, that is if you want her alive and safe. If not well, I get to keep her." Nightmare clenched his teeth. "24 hours, clocks ticking." 


It was quiet, way to quiet. "I got the location of the number." Comet continued to type. "3 hours outside the city." Nightmare looked over to Comet. "I'll send you the location." She said with a nervous smile. She realizes his rage trying to ignore it.


"Dad he's not going to hear y-" 

"Yes, Master?" Nightmare turned. 

"You said you wanted a gathering, no?" Leo stood there, surprised. "You're getting one." Leo gave a confused face. "I want three gathering squads by tonight. Call off the search party." Leo nodded. He looked over to Comet. "Get your siblings, you're stay with your mother until this is over."


"I'd rather you not see the mess I'm going to make here. It's going to get too chaotic for you. Besides she'll be wondering where everyone is. Keep her company."

"Can't Midnight and I go?"


Comet got up from the seat. She unplugged her laptop and closed it. "Fine if you need me I'll be with mom." She sighed and left with her computer. 

Nightmare turned around. Leo was gone. He turned and looked around the room. I need to hurry this shit up. He walked out the room. 


"Hey mom how are you?" said Comet closing the door behind her. The three of them have went to her mothers room. 

Y/N looked up. Her face was paler then before, lips dried. "I'm doing just fine and what about all of you?" They gave a thumbs up. Phoenix proceeded to climb onto the bed. "And your sister?"

Midnight and Comet looked at each other. "Playing!" They said together.

"In the garden!" The both nodded. Agreeing to go with that story. 

"Okay?" She said a little confused. "And your father what's he up to? He hasn't come by in a few hours." 

"Nothing!" Exclaimed Comet.

"No idea!" said Midnight.  

"You two are so jumpy." She looked down at Phoenix. "And how are you my little fireball."

He shrugged. "Bored, I haven't seen Jupiter all day." The two started to panic. Not knowing what to do. Midnight kicked Comet's leg, trying to tell her to say something.

"So, mom! What going on with you? How's your wound getting any better?" She said hesitantly.

Y/N gripped her side. Looking away from them as if dazing off. She smiled lightly. "I don't know how much time I have left. Your father didn't want me telling you, but...I have too." She looked over to Phoenix, "You deserve to know. If you don't then you all would be wondering so many things." She sighed. "Overall I'm just being patient and trying to get through the most I can. Though it sucks to be enjoying my last days here in a bed." She laughed lightly. 

They were silent. "Don't worry mom, we'll stay here for as long as we have too." said Phoenix cuddling up to her. Midnight and Comet sat on the bed, looking at her. 

"If only the other two were here this would be even better." Midnight looked over to Comet.

"Mom." said Midnight. Y/N hummed lightly. "Dad didn't want us telling you this either, but...we think you should know." Y/N got comfortable, shifting here and there. 

"Jupiter's been kidnapped." said Comet calmly. Y/N stayed still. She covered her eyes and groaned.

"That wasn't the reaction I was expecting." said Midnight confused. "I thought you'd be yelling and trying to leave."

"Bullcrap!" Both daughters looked at each other. "I'm worried very worried, but I know your father already found her."

"Mom, Dad didn't want us telling you, please don't tell him." screamed Comet.

"I won't." 

Midnight hugged her. "I'm sorry. He said he would take care of this." 

"I know he is." she smiled softly. "They messed with the wrong family." She started to weep. Her tears flowing down her cheeks like a stream. Midnight and Comet hugged her as Phoenix followed. "I just wish I had more time."

Ello bois. Another chapter this week. I know that it seema a little choppy but it's something small before we continue on. Besides i need to give myself an extra week. I'm working on a drawing for the last chapter and idk how long it'll take. Remember stay safe stay healthy. Love yall.

~The Oreocookie

Word Count- 1198
