Chapter 14- What a bunch of Bull

Please read A/N

I get up and look around in panic. "Nightmare?" I say still looking around franticly. My lights turn off and the only light that shows is the moonlight. "Leave!" I scream. The room was silent. I look around again and notice the light of the moon being covered.

I slowly walk to my cabinet and open it. I take out a flashlight. I flick it one. I glance around. There's no one here. "Nightmare come out." I say. I walk out in the middle of the room. There's no one here. I make a full turn looking at the window. I stare at it and turn being faced with Nightmare. "Boo." He said. I back up swinging the flashlight. He backs up before I can hit him. I turn around heading to the window I peek out and open my mouth.

A tentacle wrapped around my mouth cutting me off. One around my legs, one around my arms, and one around my body. "Shush now. You don't want to get hurt now do you?" He said getting close to me. "Mmmmffhm!" I try screaming. He backed up a little. "Here you want to talk to me then we can talk just not here, or he'll hear you." He said snapping his fingers and teleporting to a room. A room made of stone. There wasn't really anything in the room but a stone throne that's all cracked up at the top with a crest moon on it. I feel myself being let go. "What do you want from me!" I yell. He looks at me for a few seconds. "I just want to talk to you." He said. "About what?"

This is a good chance. I can use this as an opportunity at this Nekojin thing.

"Your friend." He said. "My friend? Jason?" I say. He shook his head. "Who?" I question. "Ink." My face went pale. There was silence for a few minutes. "I thought you were going to talk about the book." I say. "Oh don't worry we are. It's just that you know I want it but it's completely impossible to get my hands on it with you in the way. But I know what you want." He says taking out a scarf with his hand. His scarf. "I'll bring him back if you give me that book."

I step back. What did he just say! Bring Ink back for the book! "I-I." I was stepping closer to him as I talked. "I want him back really bad..." I walk closer. "But Ink was my friend." I walk completely in front of him. "And as a friend I would do anything for him." I place my hand on his slightly up. I look up at him he was grinning. "But Ink wouldn't want that he puts his life last then everyone else's." I lower our hands down half of a hand shake.

"So Nightmare I..........
REFUSE this offer for Ink." Immediately I rise our hands in a full hand shake but I put both hands on them and grabbing him tight and bring him up in the air and back down, but before he touched the ground he teleported away.

How did I do that! Oh shit.

Wait! I break myself from my thoughts. Where's Nightmare! I look around and don't see anything. I step back and feel something slimy. My face turned pale. Oh shit. "Hi sweet heart." Immediately two tentacles got my feet and threw me in the air. He got a hold of me by one of his tentacle. "And I thought you were a Nekojin. Aren't Nekojins supposed to be useful?" He threw me again this time summoning spikes from the ground ready to pierce into my body. I gasp a bit. I'm really close to the spikes. I curl myself into a ball frightened. I hug my knees tight scared of death.

Nothing happened.

I open my eyes and found myself in a glass rose. I smiled really big. This is so cool. "What the hell?" I heard Nightmare say with a frown. I look at Nightmare with a grin. "You a Bitch, you can't get me!" I yell childishly.

He looked surprised. Then I see him smirk. He raises his hand as four tentacles rose from the ground near me. He immediately formed his hand into a fist. The tentacles aimed at me. Surrounding me. Two of them formed a X and tighten trying to crack it. I smile. "You can't break me bitch!" I shout. Now I just wanted to annoy him. Instantly I hear cracking. I look up and the rose was cracking. "Pfffft hahaha. You stupidass! Did you really think I was going to give up that easily! Hahaha! Wow I should probably kept you as a jester!"

The cracking got louder. The top of the rose was broken that goo was starting to spill in. "Oh no." I whisper under my breath. "You get really cocky." The cracking grew louder as the cracking grew lower to the bottom. Pieces from the top were falling of. Tiny tentacles sprouted in. My face turned pale. The rose was breaking faster then before.

I started to try and break the glass from the bottom where I can escape from.

No hope. I was stuck.

A tentacle got a hold of me. I start pulling. "Let me go!" I scream. "Like I said don't get so cocky." He said while I struggle. "Stop struggling. I'll end this quick." He said as he pulled me to him. Soon as I was close enough he summoned my F/C soul. I see him pull me close. "You know Y/N." He stopped for a moment. "I really like useful people. ~"

Then I feel his grip tighten. "You want to know what I do to useless people." I see him place his hand on my soul. Then I feel him touching it. "I get rid of them." Immediately his hand starts crushing my soul. "Ahhh!" I yell this is so painful. "Please stop." I say in pain. I see him give an evil grin. "I like it when people beg." He said sinisterly.
"You disgusting fuck!"
Then I heard a crack. My soul was starting to break. I started crying. It cracked again.

Instantly I see strings grab my soul and a red black bone cut the tentacles grasp. I fall to the to floor with the tentacle on me. Blue strings surround me as I feel myself being lifted up. What the fuck is happening?!

Nightmare looks around not giving a shit about what happened to me now. "Error! This bitch is mine!" Then I hear a laugh. "YyeaAH rrRigHtt." I heard Error. "AnnyWWaAays I'll ttAkkE it FfrOm herRe."

"I just want to get some sleep." I whisper to myself. I look at Nightmare his face expression, he was pretty pissed. But he still had a hold of my soul. Nightmare got my soul with both of his hands this time and started pulling it in half. "Ahhhhh!! The blue strings tighten keeping them together. "Error get me out of here!" I yell with pain. The blue strings pull me up to the ceiling. The strings place me in a glitches portal.

Then the strings pull my F/C soul. So does Nightmare. They keep pulling. I start screaming, "Ahhhhh!"


I'm done! So all questions will be answered next chapter. So I won't be updating anytime soon after this one because I'm going to work on the Asriel X Reader and yeah. Anyways see you guys later!!!


Word count: 1274
