Chapter 43- His Work

The streets were flooded with people. Everyone was running. The authorities are helping people evacuate as soon as they figured out that they have no chance of killings those creatures. Everyone was screaming.

It's was all my fault too.

What have I done?

Jason had already arrived. We already discussed the plan.

Everyone we know that is able to go against them is helping the people flee. Cross, Error, Ink, PJ, Lux, Dream, even Frisk is, well Chara and Asriel as well. It was few years ago when they were given physical bodies from and flower and ghost to actual bodies.

We do talk to them it's just they have their own lives. Though the kids really enjoy their company.

Speaking of the kids...

I looked over to Y/N and Jason. Jason was in his Nexojin form.

I had already asked Y/N that she isn't suppose to. She accepted with the condition of us telling them the truth, but she did have her gloves removed and her locket on. She also wore a black cloak with a black mask covering half her face. As well as that annoying cat.

We had our mics in already to contact Ink or anyone else helping us.

"You two ready?"

They looked over to me. Their faces told me everything. They're going to demolish them.

"Alright then. First course of action. We need to get into my research room. And luckily for us it's underground. There's a way to get in without being caught. I'll be going in first. Then Y/N you'll use Rose to find the track I left behind they won't be able to sense it. Follow it, stay low. Got it?"

They both nodded, but of course Jason had to have a question. "Quick question." He leaned back to pick up the curtain slightly and peeked out. "How do you think we're ever going to even get through the gates. They're surrounding the castle."

"I'll be taking care of that. I'll communicate through Y/N of anything that you need to know." He leaned forward and closed the curtain.

"Alright then."

"Then how do you presume to get in there?" Y/N stated pulling up her black mask.

I smile. "I'll see you later." My fingers became sticky. My body became disfigured. Melting into a puddle. And like that I slithered out the doors crack and onto the streets I continued around the the city where it was deserted. Working my way through the alleys. Having to go around the hill too, by a great distance. When I was behind. I moved through a window from the side that was not guard. The window is big enough for a person. It would work. As soon as I was in, the room was completely empty. Again I turned all goopy. Slithering through the corridor. This area was empty. I slithered through the ceiling. I went all the way around, until I reached near the center of the castle. Now in this area it was flooded with guards. But of course I was not spotted. Up in the ceiling I faded through the cracks. Then I reached the center. This block was hollow. This was that room. The entrance was completely blocked off. Just four walls a roof and floor. The floor though. Had a gigantic symbol. I start to reform myself. I take a breather. Holy crap that actually stressed me out. Y/N coast clear.

There was no response but I knew she heard me.

They were on their way.

I leaned against a wall.

Shit. Shit. Shit! I really fucked up this time...

I put my hands behind my head. "I fucking hate everyone."


I was interrupted. What. I say yawning.

We followed your trail. But there's a dead end.

I remove my hands from my head. I didn't want to do this. It might give us away. Oh well.

Up in the ceiling the wall close to the them started to melt a bit. Enough for them to see me. They slowly crept in. As soon as I noticed them in it closed.

They quickly stopped hovering and jumped down to me. "Wow a secret room?" Said Jason.

"This room is surrounded by the halls kinda like a pillar and the best part it's shiftable. If it wasn't, you two would have never been ever to get in." I walked to the center of the room. Right on top of the symbol. Now I just got to activate it.

I crouched down. I touched the carving on the ground. The four circles on the outside stayed still.

I groaned. Of fucking course it didn't wo- then it spun around. I stood still keeping my balance. The smaller outside circles had eyes that popped open. Leaving purple, almost blue fire rushed out. "Nightmare!" Called Y/N. The fire surrounded my body. As if I was on fire. Of course I wasn't I was just fine.

I can feel Y/N panicking.

I walked a little forward near the edge, still covered from the fire. I take my hand out to her and then I just wave it.


I laugh as the fire died down. "I'm alright it was opening that's all. But-" I walk off the symbol. It slowly rose up, uneven. The four circles spun a little while the bigger one split into four then it slide into the floor leaving an open dark hole. I leaned over. I looked behind me and smiled. I made a full turn. Then I let my body fall into the dark abyss. But if course, there was no damage. I landed perfectly fine. Stand up and looking at the darkness of the entrance. "Aren't you two going to come down? We don't have all day!" Swiftly and quickly they jumped down.

They landed near me. Looking around cluelessly. "You two." I say my eyes glowing a tad, the purple tender color glowed amongst the darkness.

"Oh I found him." Said Jason. "Nightmare your eyes they're whack. I can seeeeeee them. Woah!" I can see Y/N slap her forehead.

She slaps him behind the head. "Right now isn't the time to be UwUing over someone's eye color!" She said scolding him and little jokingly.

"Okay you two. Let's go." I say turning around walking off to the side to a hallway. The hallway was dark, cold,... dark? Well yes, it continued to lead to a room. My research room.

"Nightmare why is it so dark!" Scolded Y/N.

"Because I enjoy it like this. I'm the King of Nightmares after all?" I laughed.

"I swear you're so weird." Said Jason all annoyed.

"You guys shut up. We just reached the room, also-" reaching the door knob I put my back to the door. "You touch anything, break anything, look at anything, do anything irresponsible. I swear I'm going to kill you so fucking slowly the maggots will be crawling into your skin devouring every organ inside your body. I will not tolerate it." Then I smiled. Turned the knob and pushed it open with my back. "So come on in."

They hesitated a little bit. But either way they marched right in. This room was the size of a classroom. It was dark of course but having the right wall from the door were bookshelves full of thick books. Y/N awed. "That's a lot." She squealed a bit.

"Nightmare! It's so dark!" Wailed Jason.

"Oh shut it you!" I say reaching a desk at the end of the room parallel to the door. "Here if this makes you feel better." I snap my fingers quietly. The small light in front of me appeared. It was a lavender scented candle. The fire was like a night light. It wasn't very bright or big.

I leaned over to my desk. It had books on the right about eight stacked together. On the left we're what looked like test tubes. Though they seemed empty. And everywhere else were papers on the desk. It was a mess.

"Now help me look for the God forsaken notebook. It's where I kept all my research of them." Y/N and Jason started to look on the bookshelves.

On the other side of the desk on the left wall was a table, like a buffet table, full of test tubes, flask, beakers. I had forgotten what this was all used for or what I was researching at the time.

I looked over there.

I bend down. There were papers in the table I picked them up. One of them read. 'REMINDER, get a messenger to retreive the formaldehyde.'

This is just a note.

The notebook should be around here.

I get up and place the papers on the table.

At the end of the table was another shelf it was smaller then the one on the wall. It contained glass jar. With what seemed like? Things inside. I walked closer to take a look.


It was preserved creatures. There was also a heart. A human heart. Perfectly preserved untouched perhaps?

I slowly and carefully moved the jars around trying to find or see if I left it here. God where is it?

"Hey Nightmare?" Asked Y/N near the desk.

I looked over to her.

"I think we found it." Jason added from behind her. I place a jar back that I was holding and make my way to her. I peered over and see her flipping through. She stops and hands it over.

I looked at the cover.

It was all dusty and shredded there was even blood smeared over it. I couldn't read the cover of it. I flipped open. 'Entry #1.' I scanned my eyes down. Around the end was the only thing I can really read, 'one way or another, this world is falling into my hands.'

Jason and Y/N were leaning over my shoulder.

I flipped a few pages.

This time it was actually visible. I read a few lines. 'Entry #36, first designs for what I refer to as 'Nightcrawlers'. I've tested many elements yet none stabilize with the discord factor of the taint I'm covered in.' the writing cuts off to what looked like a drawing a sketch. It was of course early designs of all the classes. Looking like different disoriented animals.

Then the writing continued.

'If the bodies can't with stand it, then I'm going to retreat to actual bodies, people if I have to, I generally don't care, I'm going to take whatever survivors are left from that wretched place.'

"Damn Nightmare you have some issues." Commented Jason. I growled and shut it.

"I'd rather look at it without you two hovering over my shoulder." I say turning slightly. "You two can look at something else while I look through."

"Well don't we need to know about them?" Asked Jason leaning towards me.

"You became even more disgusting over the years. Besides if there is anything here I'll tell you two." I say looking at him. He gets away from and sighs.

"Fiiine." He said walking to the door. Y/N was more curious about the jars her and Rose were looking at it. I looked away and opened it.

I flipped a little more. 'Entry #56, God fucking damn it!' it proceeded with a bunch of scribbles. 'That stupid fucking element is fucking rare to find! I don't have that kind of time! Those stupid....AAAAAA' it proceeded with more scribbles. 'I need to start the experiment I can't be wasting anymore time.' the entry ended.

I flipped a little. 'Entry #60, It's working. These creatures, they don't have a big self control. I managed to create a few replicas of them. But they don't seem have any sense to do anything they don't understand. So I've pretty much gave them a body.' the. It proceed with ingredients and instruction or process of how the were made.

I flipped a few more. 'Entry #64, the hearts been completed. They're made of the same essences of a souls vessels. As well as glass. Or well the silicon dioxide. It's part it takes in other organisms and quartz stones stabilizes the energy from the Astatine. But the Astatine needs something to run it, like some type of pump moving it around to stabilize the body, like fuel, like a soul perhaps? Possibly can work. That just means getting one.' then it was cut off.

I sighed I continued. 'Entry #65, I have gathered as many as 20 different souls. That includes monsters. With the prototypes completed I built the corrupted heart around the soul. It works completely. Now the results are almost to my liking. They have more mobility now but they don't say or do anything I tell them too.'

I yawned I gotta hurry and read faster. 'Entry #66, it requires self control. A soul, a spirit. I had taken some of what was left of the of the few ghost town around here. Turns out they're attracted to light. But it was rather easy to catch a few. The heart also worked like a trap like a mouse trap. The light administrated by the heart would draw them in. Heart would trap it inside. So it was like some type of carrier. I carried the corrupted heart to that ghost town. So I returned with the trapped spirit and broke the heart inside the body. Immediately getting recaptured inside the other heart that already had a soul. That's when the discord factor kicks in. But further more, I've completed one, only one. It's body is more of a dog. The spirit confirmed it's gender, he was huge. When he looked at me he seemed relieved yet confused he doesn't recall his existence. Of course he belonged to me. He understood it though I had not opened my mouth to him. But either way I made it clear I made the rules around here. He seemed more then happy to collect some spirits for me. Though I stopped caring about it now I needed to, I wanted to, make more of these, but they're all going to be different. Six classes to kept it simple. Now this process needs to come much much quicker.'

Yeesh that was a lot. I skipped a few pages. From what my memory recalls it was about the colonies and mines that were made to create them and yatayatayata how the population grew and how weapons and everything else was involved but, I kept going until I reached an entry with drawings. "You two come here."

"Finally!" Wailed Jason. They both approched me quickly. They again hovered over my shoulder. 'Entry #86, Test Subject #1. Nightclaw. The first one ever created. The only one in his class, the only Nightclaw existing. The one that was the most and strongest of the materials provided. Highly intelligent, uses manipulation as a way to torment others, can shape shift for longer periods of time. Physical attacks do not hurt him. Only whatever hits his heart will sting but not kill him. Only whatever gets injured inside his heart can kill him. His heart is a little more packed together which causes small eruptions making the heart dismember it's self as it pumps the Astatine. Feeds of the soul magics purity to grow in strength and size.'

"Alright I'm going to turn it." I flip the page this time it was a smaller version of Nightclaw. 'Entry #87. Test Subject #2. Nightshades, weaker then Nightclaw, they can be hurt physically, can summon weapons from the patterns ingraved on them. The more creativity and purity their souls have depend on their what their weapons are and their strengths of that weapon. They can slither around just how I can. They can shape shift but only small bodies or if it's a huge entity only for a limited amount of time. The strongest four are the generals for my army. They each control a faction of colonies. Though have more advantages they were originally Nightshades. They have a special tattoo on their shoulders that actually, when they fuse together the tattoo is complete and powers the souls inside their extra pouch. Unleashing overwhelming power. In that form they are effected easier through light and less with physical attacks.' I flip the page.

This picture looked like a spider. It had about 7 legs. There were four legs on the bottom, like a cat or dog. Then the other three around the chest area. The body was slender lean, tall. The face was kinda circular kinda like a bean shape. Then around is what looked like petals neatly closed together leaving the rest of the face not visible. Along the backside of the head and the part where the neck connects to the body had small spikes. The bottom part also where the neck ends had what we're shaped like leaves. The hind legs of the creature had holes like a bee hive. Having the factions carved on the hind leg. 'Entry #88, Test Subject #3. Dark Crescents. Spider like creatures. They climb through walls. They are about 6 ft tall. They don't have a spirit. At least a human spirit. They have a spirit of a wolf. Canines then. They follow orders very well. They hunt in packs. Yes they hunt, there are two different versions of these, they are separated by color one is a light blue and the other a dark one. The darker ones are used to gather spirits even though the hearts can do that. They are designed to capture their bodies are made of the same thing. Now the whole interior of the Crescent captures up to 50 spirits. The lighter blue color capture souls. Both of them capture one or the other through the face the petals open up and either draw or approach the entity and as soon as it's in range the petals quickly snap down and capture it. As soon as it's full they would be emptied out in side incubators for the colonies. Their combat ability is sealthy and quiet. As soon as they have touched you or any living organism they are immediately attached and will proceed to piercing your heart though I don't really know why.'

Then again I flipped the page. This time a almost like deer body and shown. It was a sketch of a deer torso the arms went down over the stomach. But the hooves weren't shown it was covered by what looked like cloth. At the side was a hoof and a cat paw floating next to it. The other half of the torso had a ghost like appearance like mist. The face left eye was scarred and the right was bright res. The antlers we're big looming over to the side. The left antler had circles. The right was more pointy also had a pattern of stripes. 'Entry #89. Test Subject #4. Eclispe. They are like house wives. They clean, cook, care, they are more to that standard. They are still created inside the colonies. But they are immediately sent here. They are loyal but generally follow orders of the person in charge. Their combat powers are not as strong as the other three but stronger then the other two, surprisingly. They can, how do you write this. Their combat mode is highly advanced just in case something goes wrong.' The next sketch was an actual deer though the legs now we're shown disoriented sharp. The cloth was off. The paws were amputated. The paw and the hooves we're in graved to the side of belly having liquid dripping down from it. The antlers curled upward getting stuck into each other. The deer had fangs, as well as an extra month under the jaw. They we're both unhinged. The eye with the scar was open but white looking liquid was squirting out. The ears were flattened back. Having the letters and number from whatever faction its from.

I sighed. Alrighty, I flipped the page. I yawned. 'Entry #90, Test Subject #5. Nightfangs. Disease is a academic that I enjoy. That's why they were created. They spread like maggots. It's amazing. They can disguise themselves as anything that they've seen. Their fangs can either spread a disease or immediately kill. They're fangs can changed the type of venom. To the flu to Coronary Artery Disease they can unleash the proper cells or virus as well a tint of Astatine. It'll back down anything remedy of any sort and make it worse. They too have antidotes, just in cause. I had to insert some of my healing magic. They can easily be hurt by anything physical. That's what makes them so weak. As well as light, they get very weak with light. But they can work miracles too I suppose.' next the picture of a snake large and hissing. The eyes narrow but large. Having letters and a number carved on the back.

I flipped it once more. "It's the last one, so read quick." This time it was a blob. Just to keep it simple. 'Entry #91. Test Subject #5. Shadows. They get what ever is left over. They can't hold any physical bodies that's why they're mush. They do as they're told, even though they can't communicate to the other classes or me they can communicate amongst each other. They are the most common ones, and doesn't say much for the rest. They too have a good stable population but Shadows are more common to find. They are part of the front line. They group up or go alone and charge. They don't really have a certain ability but fuse together and grow bigger. They don't gather anything, they just do their job. It's fairly easy to put your hand inside one and yank out the heart.' Soon as we finished I immediately shut it. "That's all you need to know."

I tossed it on to the table. I stretch then I head to the door. I grab the knob. "Wa-" Y/N's voice was cut off.

"Hey you three." It was Ink.

"Speak." It was silent.

"They're retreating back to the castle." I looked down for a sec. "They're gathering around it and going in."

Then I realized.

"Cross, Error and you need to get here with us. We're going to need your help." I say pressing down on the mic.

"How do you assume for them to get here?" Asked Y/N.

I ignored the question. "Is Error on the line?"

"Should be." Said Cross. "I have no idea where he is."

I looked up. "Error! Where the fuck are you!" There was silence.

"WHaT thE FuuUcK Do YouU wAnTtt!"

"For you to respond! Shit." I say frustratingly. "I'm going to tell you the where this place is. Hopefully you teleport here in one go." I looked around thinking how I can describe this place. "About two blocks north from the throne room. 26 ft below ground." That'll be enough for them to be in here.

Then a small light and static like noise was heard behind me. He managed to get here.

The three skeletons passed through and came in. "WHeEre thE fUck ArEe wE?" He stepped out. He looked around. "dDidN'T kNoWw thIs RooOm ExIStEDdd." He closed the portal.

"Hmph. None of you did." I lean against the door. "But now," I look up to them. "We'll have no choice but to find and kill him. As well as get our kids out of here without exposing Y/N or I." I look at my desk. "That's my main priority."


The twins were asleep. It's remarkable how they're able to sleep through it. We were home soon after Mom and Dad left.

I look over to Comet, she was on the other side of the cell. She was trying so hard to see there was some type of secret entrances or escape route. "Comet, you can stop now." I say getting a little more comfortable.

She looks over at me. "What do expect me to do? Rot in this cell?" She grunted and sat down. "Face it Midnight, we're dead meat if we stay here any longer. We don't even why we're here!" She looks away. "Don't you ever feel like Mom and Dad are hiding something? I don't really know, never mind." Now she started hugging her knees.

"Come over here. I don't like seeing you like that." I say having my hands out even if the twins were sleeping on my arms. She shook her head.

"No, I'm not." She hugged her knees tighter. She didn't want to look like some weak shot.

"Are you su-"

"Do you guys ever stop talking?" A young shallow voice was heard from across the room.

Comet looked over so did I. "Mind your own business!" Called over Comet.

The bars from their cell we're a navy silver color. Their hands popped out and gripped on the bars. Their snout squeezed between the bars. "You want to go short stack? I can rip out your intestines right here right now!"

"Oh really! Come at me you over grown mutt!" I hear the monster from the other side growl. "Aww what a cute doggie!" Taughted Comet.

"Comet quit that!" I say looking at her.

"He started it!" She said looking back at me.

"I'm sorry about that sir." I say apologetically.

"Don't apologize, he never knows when to shut up." It was a female voice coming from a cell on top of that one. She looked like him, a dog.

"What did you say!" The male dog on the bottom cell looked up. "I swear when I get out of here-"

"You'll what? You can't lay a single finger at me."

He stayed quiet. "Luna's right." It was another male voice.

"Dusk! Where's Luna?" It was another voice. Another guy.

"I'm up here Mars." Said Luna. I hear him awe.

I looked over at Comet we were both a bit confused. The other two male voices appeared from the darkness of the cell. They appeared close enough where we could see them. They all looked like anthropomorphic dogs.

"Anyways. Why are you two monsters and those human children in here for? Nightclaw's got you in here for a reason." Said Luna.

"Pardon? I don't understand what you mean or who these people are." I shivered a bit. It was cold in here.

"This... man has you here for a reason. You have some sort of connection with him." She drifted off and looked to the side.

"Whose 'him?'" asked Comet as she made her way to me.

Luna's face was facing the cell's wall. "Nightmare." She stated quietly.

"Nightmare? What he's got to do with this?" Said Comet taking a seat at the back of the cell.

Luna looked over to us. She smiled. "So you do know him?" She looked away. "What are you allies of his?"

"That information is not up for sale." Said Comet.

"Hmph. Suit yourself." She continued to stretch after that statement.

"Who are you to him?" I asked her. She ignored my question and continued to retreat to the back of the cell.

"Luna isn't like that. She trades with you. You give her information she returns with the same reward." Said the male from earlier.

I'm curious, very, but I don't know if it'll be worth it. But if we're both on the same side maybe they can help us out of here.

"We-" I was cut off by the sound of a door opening. The door to my left opened. Two more dog like creatures came through the door. One of them closed the door. I moved to the back with Comet. I placed them next to Comet. I went to the front of the cell.

They approached our cell. They yawned.

"What do you want?" I say sternly. One of them laughs.

"Nothing sweetheart we were ordered to come check on you four." He moved a little to my right to look over at the three. "Seems like they're still asleep." He looked back at the other one that came in with him. They we're whispering I couldn't make it out. The one that approached us looked back at me. He turned around and walked out with the other one. When the door closed Luna appeared from the darkness of the cell.

"Alright then how about we make a deal?" She looked over to me. "You tell me who you are help us out of here, and we provide you a safe route out of here." She said with a smile.

"H-Hey! We never agreed to this!" Said the male from earlier.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Shut it Leo." She looked back to me. "So we got a deal?"

"B-but why all of a sudden. Especially after they left." I say.

She smiles and scoffs. "Let's just say from what I heard, I do NOT want Nightclaw to get his way."

I looked over to Comet. She nodded. "Alright then," I looked back at her. "It's a deal."


The remaining body of the Shadow was spilled everywhere. The heart was erupted and crumble along the ground. The soul was gone. I looked up.

"Can nobody do anything right around here!"

I paced back and forth on the steps of the throne. The situation's getting tighter and tighter.

Those stupid excuses. They- They just-
I cut myself off. "AAAAAAH! Eclispe!" I called.

It quiet for moment.

The door creaked opened. I looked over to her. Small, fragile. "Y-yes sire."

"What are the guards doing!" I say as I put my arms on my head and faced the through.

"Th-they are preparing for the invasion. The actual one at least." My tail snapped upward.

"Lies!" I yell as I turn around I start walking down the stairs. I noticed she looked down as soon as I yelled. "Those idiots!" I continued to walk down with heavy steps. "You want to know how long it had taken me to take a body?" I say with a peircing cold voice. I smiled. She started to back up a little. "Oh no no no. You stay put." I say clenching my teeth.

She looked up and then down to the floor. "Yes sire."

"Three decades. Three fucking decades!" I got down the last step. I stop walking. "They're in this castle, he is in here! I don't care who you send or what but find them and bring them to me dead or alive!" She flinched and nodded. "Dismissed." Immediately as those words were said she sccured out. I started to growl. This body I shared is not going to hold for much longer. My chest started to sting. I looked down at my chest. "Don't like me, little mutt." I smile. "Of course you don't." The sting became heavier stronger. A light S/C aura twirled around my hands. "Your failure satisfies me, no matter how hard you try you'll under my control...I have you right where I want you."

Nothing big just a chapter. Hehe. And yes, I made a small gif it's not very good, Wattpad didn't let me upload it. heeeheeeeee but um yeah just for the fun of it. But yeah I'm working on the next one which will be a filler. ^-^; anyways sorry for the wait my computer was not my friend.

Word count: 5272
