Chapter 3- I'm surrounded by puns and determination

Please read A/N

"The what?" I say getting my focus back. "The void." Said a pitched voice. Then I feel heat. Frisk gave me a hug. "I'm so glad you're OK." "Frisk?" I felt so dizzy. I then see Frisk and some other Frisk? "What the!" I said shocked. I looked around and saw more Frisks but with different clothes and more Sans but with clothes as well. "What the fuck! So many....."

"Let me explain." Said Frisk.

~Tem Skip after explanation ~

"So there are other universes of us and come here once a year just to hangout peacefully?" Frisk nods. "Frisk, Sans. Can I speak with you?" Said a Sans with a lab coat and glasses. "S-sure." She said as they both walked with him. "Another human!" Shouted a voice from across me. He wore gray armor like clothes, blue boots, and a blue scarf. He came up to me and offered a hand. I got up. "Well let me introduce myself. My name is Sans! But everyone calls me Blueberry and I'm from UnderSwap!" He said cheerfully. He turned around. "Aren't you all going to introduce yourselves?" They stayed quiet. He sighed. "Ok not everyone is here yet so I'll introduce you who is here." He looked around. "OK let's start. That over there is with the stars in their jackets is OuterTale Frisk and Sans.

"Over there is Echofell Sans and Frisk. They're the tall ones with red. Anyways with them is Echotale Sans and Frisk."

"You see that big group over there?" I nod my head. "Well that's HungerTale, Underfell, Reapertale, Katanatale, StoryShift, Swapfell, Oceantale, Altertale, littletale, Wartale, Underlust, Flowerfell, Aftertale, Horrortale, Underfresh and Mafiatale. So far hopefully everyone shows up." He says quickly
(Comment more AUs)

That's a lot. "Heh DId yOU ForGet SOMeonE?" I hear a voice say. "uP HeRE." I look up and see two Sans. One was black, red,yellow, looked glitchy, and had lots if error on him. While the other one was completely black, with 4 tentacles on his back outlined by blue, and one blue outlined eye. "Oh sorry tha-" he was cut off. "I COuld IntROducE MySELf." He said looking at Blueberry. "I'm Error SAns frOm ERRorTalE. ANd ThiS iS," he looked at the other sans. "Nightmare Sans from Dreamtale." He said giving my a cold stare.

I hear footsteps. I look behind me and see Frisk and Sans. "Can I speak with you." Says Frisk. We walk. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I say. She looks down then at me. "Well that other Sans, Science Sans, is well a scientist and well he was talking to us about you." Your eye narrows. "About me?"

She nods. "Yeah well turns out that you can't be here for long. Like not that I don't want you here but your body isn't stable enough to be here for a long period of time."

She pauses. She continues. "Me and Sans can be here because, well its very hard to explain. But you can't you are different. So right know Sans went to look for Ink or Dream so one if them can bring you back home." Ink, Dream? She finished as we started walking back. When we got there Blueberry came to us. "Frisk we can't find Ink anywhere!" He said frantically. "Dream?" She said quickly. "Him too!"

"Oh no." She started pacing. She stops. "Wait Error! Can yo-" "HeLL nO." "Error please!" "NO!"

Frisk looks down. Then back up. "Nightmare?" He shakes his head. "But she'll die!" Shouted Frisk. "sO." Said Error. "So! Ughhh!" Yelled Frisk. "We need to look for Ink or Dream! Please don't be these little dickheads! Please!"

They nodded they were going to help. "ThE SmaRtESt WAy tO Do iT iS by BRIngiNg AlL OF yoU Back." Frisk raises a eyebrow. Nightmare rolls his eyes. "What he means is that he'll send you back to your AUs and so you can go look for them." He said in a raspy voice. "Why don't you just send her back!" Yells Frisk. "YOu WanT InK Or DreAm TO Do IT rIGht?" "Yeah but-!" "BuT NoTHinG!"

He snaps his fingers. Everyone was gone. Except him and Nightmare. I sit down. I hear something. Far away I see a figure. He had a black and white scarf, white crosses on him, a white eye, a red eye, and a heart locket. Who is that? "ThaT's CrOSs." I stood silent. Now he can read thoughts, great. I see Cross disappear I look around. "Up here." He said as I looked up. I look at them. "It's rude to stare." I immediately look down. After a while I look up a little. Nightmare is staring at me. I look down. "How long have you had that mark on your hand?" I give a confused face. I look at my hand there was a mark on my hand. Its a heart up right and another heart upside down. I shrug. He disappears. I look back down. I see a black figure in front of me.

I scan him until I see his face. "Give me your hand." He says pulling his hand out. I tuck my hand in. "I won't repeat myself." He scared me. Nu uh. I ain't giving some stranger my hand. I look at him. He seemed annoyed. He sighs. I then feel something on my hand. One of his tentacles wrapped around it. He pulled my hand closer to him. I pulled back.
He looks at me grinning.

Instantly two tentacles charged. The bottom ones. One wrapped around your leg and the other one around your free arm and body. The last tentacle one wrapped around my neck, tight. I couldn't breath.

He pulled me close examining my hand. I start to struggle showing I couldn't breath.

I feel myself fall. I take big chunks of air. He walks a bit and looks back at me. Then poof he disappeared. Then I hear a voice. "Error!"

Jello again.... Yass. Hopefully you're enjoying it so far. I have so much things planned. Hehe. Well gtg I'm sleepy......meep



Word count: 1026
