Chapter 22- Nothing wrong here

My eyes fluttered open. I could only see white. Am I dead? I thought to myself. "Hmph. Dead? Nah. Just because you see white doesn't mean your dead." That sounded like Jason. "Jason?" I ask shakily. "Yeah?" I smile it was Jason. I look up a bit. Jason was sitting at my side. Tears were streaming down my face. Why was I crying? Was it because I was alive or in pain? I then look down. Something was around my wound a vine, a stem, roses, flowers? I couldn't tell. Then there was a small pink figure on it with some thing glowing at it's paws. Se seemed like she's concentrating. Then I see a orange figure on my face. He glared at me. "Are you sure she's cut out to be one of us?" he said looking back. "Yeah she is. It's just she needs training." he replied

"Jason can you help me up?" I say. "Nope. Rose is healing you. She's concentrating." He said. He then looked at me. "Collide get off her face." he said with a bit of sarcasm. Collide hovered over me a bit, and then turned to ashes. Then back to Jason. "Where's Ink and Dream?" I ask. "They aren't here right now." he said looking concerned. "Where are they?" I ask.

He had a emotionless face. "They went to look for Nightmare or Error."

"W-wh-" "Miss Y/N!" yelled a small adorable figure.

"Pj?" I say. Then someone was hugging my neck. "Miss Y/N! I missed you!" he yelled. He stopped and looked at me. "Hi Pj." I say. "Hmm." said Rose. Pj looks back at her. "What's Rose doing?" he asked me. "She's healing Y/N." Responded Jason. Pj looked surprised. He looked back and saw Jason. "I didn't ask you." he said with attitude. "Who are you anyway?" said Pj.

"My name is Jason nice to meet you." he said with a smile.

Pj just grunted. Pj looked back at me. "Did you see where my dad went?" I smile. "Since when did you call Ink your dad?" I ask. "Since he brought me here. I like it here in the Doodle Sphere it's fun to play here." Doodle Sphere? "You mean the void?" I say. "The Void? No dad calls it the Doodle Sphere." When I first came here I heard Error, he told me it was called the Void. Now I'm confused, the Void or Doodle Sphere? I shrug it off.

"I'll catch up with you later!" yelled a brown figure far away.

Pj gets up. "Dad!" he yelled. He ran to him. Hugging him. Ink picks him up and puts him on his shoulders. They walk up to us. "Sup." I say. He smiles gently. He picks Pj up again and sets him down. He sits down next to me. "You feeling better?" he said in a childish manner. "I'm lying down doing nothing while a tiny pink cat is healing me and a weird plant thing over my stomach....... yes I'm feeling better thank you."

He smiles. The glowing coming from Rose stopped. She opens her eyes. "I think I'm done." she says standing up. "Hmmm." she hummed as she looked around. Then she notices. "Oh." she got off my stomach and the plant...thing disappeared. "There." she said.

I roll my eyes. "Can I get up now?" She nods. "But be careful. It probably still hurts." I nod in response. I sit down. I'm not going to get up just yet. Ink looks down at Pj. "Can you go get me a sheet of paper?" ask Ink. Pj nods and waddles off. "Ink are you sure that he can find his way around here?" asked Jason. Ink scoffed. "He won't I'm sure. It's just so he gets distracted for a bit while I talk with you guys."

It was silent for a moment. "Y/N I'm sorry about what happened. We should have never went." I stayed silent. "It's not your fault. She hasn't got any probably is." Good job lighting the mood there Jason. "Yeah I know it's just that....We need to train you two hard. The truth is those things or class 6 Nightcrawlers, known as Shadows are the weakest ones even though they're just blobs." Class 6? "Ink wh-" I was cut off. "Ink! Her mom is looking for her! She's starting to call the police!" It was Dream! Ink gets up. We all get up. "I'll talk to you later." he said pointing at me. "For now." He takes out his paint brush and slashed across the floor. A portal started opening up. "You got to go home and sleep."

I look down. "Dream's going to be watching you so that nothing happens.....that sounded better in my head." said Ink. WTF?! I'm so confused. I ignore my thoughts and jump in. Rose was resting on my shoulder. I look up. The portal was closing up. I stretch. "I'm going to sleep like nothing happened and I'm a normal girl trying to get some sleep." I whisper to myself. I slip on some F/C pj's. I yawn. I'm so fucking tired. I lie down. Wait! Before that..........."Mom!" I yell. I hear footsteps running up the stairs. Rose goes and hides behind me. She bust through my room. "Where the fuck were you!"

"I was in the bathroom." I say. "I was yelling your name like a lunatic! How come you didn't answer!" she said walking up to me. "Probably fell asleep." I responded coldly. She face palmed herself. She walked off. The door slammed shut. Rose settled down on my shoulder. I lie down on my bed. I curl myself around my blanket. "Rose." I say. "Hmm." she said playing on my pillow. "Go to sleep."

~Da Tem Skip~

My eyes bolt up to find myself on the ground. "Y/N! Get up your going to be late!" yelled my mom. I groan. School.

I get up and dress, brush my teeth, do my hair, and head down stairs. "Y/N it's 7:30 you better be going." she said appearing from the kitchen she had a paper plate with pancakes. "Eat theses on your way I don't want you to be late." I nod. I hug. I walk out. "Love you mom!" I yell before shutting the door. Then I feel something something crawling up my back. "Rose stop." I muffle while eating a pancake. It had banana.

The crawling continued. "Rose!" I muffle once more. Then something was wriggling in my sleeve. Rose popped out of my sleeve near my hand. "Sorry. Its just that I wa-" My phone started ringing. I look at the number I couldn't recognize it, FABULOUS-546-2476. I wonder who this is....

I answer.

"Darling! I hope you haven't forgotten what day is it today!" I instantly move the phone away from my face. I slowly move it back. "Friday?" I hear a gasp. "Not just any Friday! Today is the day of my FABULOUS sleepover with the girls!"

Oh, Fuck. I forgot to tell my mom.

Word Count: 1166
