Chapter 41- Fear

"You two go with your father. Phoenix and Jupiter can come with me." I state grabbing both the kids hands on both my left and right. 

"Alright yeah we can do that." He looked over at the teenagers that were eagerly waiting for him at the entrance of the mall.

"Hey Dad can we pass by Hot Topic?" Asked Comet.

He looked over at her. "Fine. But just so you know I'm not some money tree."

"Yeah Comet!" Snapped Midnight.

"Alright then I'll leave you guys me and these cuties are going off to the book store." I say with a smile starting to walk away.

"What about me? Aren't I a cutie?" He said with puppy eyes.

"Dad! Eww!" Shouted Midnight to him. He laughed. He turned towards them and started walking to them.

"I'm joking!"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on you two the books are waiting!" I say cheerfully. Though they are just 8 year old they enjoy looking at books. Mainly because Nightmare would tell them a story every now and then. They really did enjoy them. I'm just going cause why not. I mean there's a cafe and I like the coffee there.

"Mom look!" Cheered Jupiter. I looked over. The window of the book store had a sale going on. "Can we get two?" She added.

"Yeah, so we can be even smarter." Said Phoenix pulling me.

"Calm down you two! Haha! Don't pull!" I say happily. We walked into the store. "Ok you two, im going to go get my coffee you two should go look at the books." I say pointing towards it. The kids section was right next to the cafe SooO it was easy to keep an eye on them.

They smiled at each other and ran off to the section.

I walked up to the cashier. "The usual." Said the young man. I nodded

"You should know me by know." He laughed. He went ahead and put the count in.


I handed him the cash. I sat down by a  table and looked to the side where I can see them. I sighed. I'm so tired. I heard whispers. Whispers?

I looked up. Two women where talking among each other. I wouldn't be caring if they weren't looking at me. I growled. These types of people.

Of course this whole town knows that I'm married to a, correct me if I'm wrong, a monster and then started a family AND we all know that people are like oh sHiT tHeY fUcK, and there are very how do you put this annoying people out there that shut themselves out from the world.

"Hi ladies." I say sarcasticly.

They flinched a little. They looked at each other and proceed to laugh. "Are you Y/N? Y/ N L/N?"

I looked over to my left and saw them awing over a cat book. Them I looked at the ladies. "Yes is there some type of business you have with me?"

One of the ladies started to bite there lip. "Actually..." She starts to snicker. "How many times did it take for the air to go in the hole?" She burst out laughing. That's not even funny?! I just played along.

"Fast. Real fast honey.~" I cooed.

She gave a disgusted face. "Just thinking about it grosses me out, eek, especially having those abominations would. Eww oh my goodness." By this point she started talking to her buddy.

"Excuse me ma'am?" I laughed. I got off my seat and started to approach her. I looked over to my kids. Then at her. "You see those two small children?"

She still seemed disgusted.

"They are my kids okay? You get close, open your mouth, or even look at them." I pull her shirt towards me and  had her close to me. "I'm not gonna be the one taking care of you alright honey? So-" I let her go. "Do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut." I smile. Then I heard my number be called. "Bye loves!" I yelled after them grabbing my coffee and heading towards my small kiddos.

"Mommy look!"


"Dad! Pleeeease this is a different version of him. Look this All Might glows in the dark." comet shoved he box in my face.

"Comet shoving a box in my face isn't going to change my mind." i say muffling slightly as I push it away. She sighs.

"Okay." she said in defeat. She walked away and put the box away. 

"Hey dad." I looked to the side. It was Midnight. "I got my glove."

"Alright we'll just wait for Co-"

"Im back. Look I got a Steven Universe shirt." I looked down at it. I grabbed the price tag, 24.50. I growled. I shook my head. "Ugh fine ill just get a pin." she said storming off.

"Why won't you get it for her?" Asked me Midnight. 

"Because-" I took out a box of pocky sticks. "I already got that for her birthday. You think I don't know what my daughter likes." I took out a stick and bit into it. "Also because it's expensive here." I look over at Comet who was at the cashier. 

"Okay y'all I'm back." said Comet returning with a plastic bag. 

"Come on then lets catch up to your mom." I say walking to the exit. "You guys want some?" I say handing them the box. They both denied. 

"Hey dad how did you and mom meet?" asked Midnight with a twirl of her new glove. I stiffen up.

"Well uh um that's a question you should ask your mother." I say a bit nervously. I look up ahead they we're already outside. "See she's right there go ask her." I say with a wide smile. She's going to kill me. 

"Hey mom!" called Comet out to her. She ran pass me to meet up with her mother. "How did you and dad meet?" she asked curiously. 

Y/N's face went blank. "Well sweetheart that's a story for a another time alright." she said nervously. "Can you two go up head with your brother and sister?" She asked quietly. They nodded and walked off with the little kiddos. She looked at them as they trailed off and then she looked over to me. "There's two sluts in that goddamn book store that need to be given a good lesson." She stated sternly. 

I looked at her with a blunt expression. I hummed to her a little confused. "What.

She sighed. "Forget it, Karma's gonna bite them up the ass anyways." She grabbed my hands and pulled me as she walked. 

"Wait I'm still confused." I say looking over at her. 

She sighed once more. "Nightmare are you alright? You've been a little on edge lately."

I stopped walking. "I'm just worried. I've been feeling some type of presence a not very good type. I'm starting to fear that, that battle is coming sooner then we thought.

She looked over at me. "Then if it's a ass whooping they're looking for then that's what they're going to get. Besides since when has the king of Nightmares, the bringer of chaos and doom for crying out loud ever been scared?"

I pout. "Never." She smiled.

"Exactly." She hugged me. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Ewwww you guys!" Yelled Comet from down the entrance.

I laughed. "Watch when she gets a man."  I looked over to her. "Oh yeah! Just watch when you get a man!" Comet expression faded.

Oh shit.

"I'll go see." Said Y/N.

"I fucked up." I whispered to myself. Good job Nightmare, good fucking job Nightmare. I walked to them. "Sorry didn't mean to offend you." She smiled slightly.

"It's okay." She said walking to the car.

"Nightmare you're an idiot." Y/N said slapping my head. "Don't even try protesting you deserve it." She said holding my hand again.

"Y/N come on." She laughed.

"No." I laughed. This is all scaring me. I need to protect my family. It's getting closer and I have no idea of what to do. I'm starting to panic.

Yo beans follow my art account on Instagram. It's j._3973 yes a self promote. Just something short for y'all nothing big. To keep y'all reading.

~The OreoCookie

Word Count- 1400
