Chapter 24- The Sleepover


As we start reaching the gates of mansion I look out the window. MTT seemed to isolate herself from everyone. Seems odd. I look up ahead. The mansion was huge, like huge. As we reach the gate the window goes down. Luis seems to be talking to the man in the gate box...thing. (idk what's its called) The gate opens and the limo drives in. As it slowly parks over a fountain we start unbuckling our seat belts. When the car stops we get off and I get stuff. Metta went up ahead. She stood at her door steps. Soon as we reached her she turned around and opened the door. "Welcome home!" At this point Rose was back in the locket...i asked 'Politely'

I dropped my stuff, and me and Frisk run into the place, it was beautiful and huge, like wtf! Mtt comes to us with my bag. "Don't drop this next time." She said setting it down next to us. "Now lets go. To the room." The room. Boi sounds weird. I get my stuff and follow Metta.

As we walk through the hallways, the many doors and rooms, we end up at our room. The door bursts open. Our room was a big room with what seemed like a white coffee table in the middle and a pink u shaped couch around it. Behind the couch were steps leading to the beds. There were six beds, with the same design, but different colors and imprinted with names. Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Frisk, Y/N, and Mettaton. The very top of the ceiling was a glass ceiling with a golden rim. The sunny sky was clear in view.

With the sunshine coming through it was a beautiful room. I drop my stuff. I run and jump over the couch, up the steps and jump onto the bed. All the beds were like a princess bed, but with different colors. The sheets on the top and wrapping around the thin pillars and the sheets were F/C. I lay on the bed. I start rolling in it. It was so comfy. I see Frisk walk to the bed on the right her sheets were a blue. She sits on the bed. I look at Frisk and give her a smile. "Don't you think you might have gone over board?" asked Frisk. Mettaton looked at her still as she got my stuff and started making her way to us. "Why of course not." She said started to make her way up the steps. As she walked her arm extended and was at my bed she lets go of my bag and then brings her arm back. "Y/N honey please don't leave your stuff there again or I'll throw it out the window." My face turned pale. "Wtf?!" she shrugs with a smile.

I roll my eyes with a smile. "Anyways can I ask you something?" I say to Mtt. "Yes darling what is it?" I get up and sit on my bed. "Why is most of the room white? Normally its like pink vomited everywhere?" Mettaton gives me a glare and smiles. "That will be revealed la-" Then music started playing (Spear of Justice). It was coming from Frisk. I see Frisk raise her hand her watch was flashing a blue and red color. The music continued to play. Frisk presses a button. Then a small tube appears at the top of the watch. It was a small projector. The projector turned on and showed Undyne. "Hey Punk!" Frisk smiles. "Hi."

I run to Frisk. " Hi Undyne!" I yell. "Hi punk." said Undyne. It seems like she's in a car. Mettaton starts walking up to us. "Hey Frisk think you can call Mettaton she isn't answering her phone." said Undyne. "I'm right here darling. I was wondering how much longer it was going to take for you three to get here." said Mettaton with a questionable expression. "About that....your security isn't letting us through." she said looking to the side. Then there was mumbling. "Shut your mouth!" it was silent. Then I see a spear. "U-Undyne!" it sounded like Alphys. "Undyne?! Put that spear away!" and that sounded like Toriel. "I'll show you who's a bitch you little shit!" Undyne was about to through the spear. "Wait! Undyne! Try talking to him!" yells Frisk frantically. The spear disappeared. "Pfft. Same old Frisk, but I already tried that."

Mtt got up and walked to where her bed is. She bent down and grabbed a chainsaw from under the bed. She got up and walked to the wall. There was a small speaker. She pressed a button near it. "Daniel...." there was silence. "y-" "Open the god damn gate sweetheart before I make you!" she yelled holding a chainsaw, while it was on. "Y-yes Mettaton." Mtt's face lit up. "Why thank you darling." she pressed the button once more.

She puts her chainsaw away. "Well I'll be right back I'm going to get the rest of our guests." Mettaton hopped to it and left the room. "Mtt is on her way." said Frisk ending the call and turning it off. I look at Frisk. "Hey Frisk?" She looks at me. "Hm."
"How was the Underground?"

She stood silent.

"Why don't you ask my family."

Immediately as those words were said I see Undyne run pass the door. Alphys waddles behind. "Undyne I think it was over here." she said looking to her right. "I'm coming!" she yelled. She must've ran pass quite a few rooms. "Come on in darlings.~" said Mtt. Alphys walks in and waves, "H-hi." she said walking to her bed. Then Toriel walked in. "Hello children." she said nicely. Mtt was holding the bags their bags. "I'm b-" "Hi punks!" yelled Undyne as Mtt fell to the ground and was being crushed by Undyne. "D-Darling!" she yelled. "Huh?" she mumbled looking down. "Oh shit sorry!" she said getting off and helping her up. "Here." she said. getting the bags and places them to their rightful owners. "Ugh." groaned Mtt as she got up. "What time is it?" she said. "5:30." said Frisk. "What!" she said panicking. "Aaron get the crew ready!" she yelled into a phone. There was mumbling. Then he hanged up. "Ok people we gotta go!" she yelled.  Then she clapped her hands. Trap doors appeared under us as we fell. "What the hell Mettaton!" there was screaming for a moment. 

I groan. I feel heat and smell steam blowing on my face. "Ugh" Mettaton's robotic feet where in front of me. Fucking robotic feet.

I look up as a bright light shown down on me. Mettaton was looking down at me with a smile. "Up, up, up. We can't waste day light." I struggle to get. I look around me. Undyne was helping Alphys up, Frisk was getting help from Toriel. And then there's me.

I look around we were in an arena. "Wtf?" i say. "Mm~ mm~ mm~ This is a family friendly show watch your language.~" I give a confused face. "Alphys your in charge of my crew!" She yelled while she pointed at Alphys. "W-what?!" "You heard me!" She stopped floating and walked up to her. Slowly tugging her. "Now now lets go." Undyne gets all flustered. "H-hey! Don't do that she can fight along side me!" Alphys stops Mettaton and looks at Undyne. "N-No I-ts fine, I d-don't real-lly fight." Undyne looks at her. "Are you sure?" she nods. "Then I'll fight for our love!!!! The burning passion I feel for you will fuel me in battle!" Alphys smiles. "I-if you s-say so." Alphys walked off with Mettaton.

As I get up I see Mettaton talk to Alphys then walk to me. "Y/N honey you're going to be on that side with Frisk, okay?" I look at her. "Sure." I walk to one side of the arena. I wait there patiently. "Y/N darling please come here!" said Toriel." she stood in front of me and Frisk. "You will not put these humans to play your ridiculous games! They can get severely hurt!" Mettaton rolls her eyes. "Oh lighten up darling~ why do you think I invited you! Ms. Toriel please assure that these two are going to be safe. besides don't you miss being young and lively." she said. "Look I know what your intention is but please I don't want anybody to get hurt." Frisk tugs her dress. "Please mom you can be with us to make sure we are fine." Toriel hesitates. "Uh, Frisk I don't know." "Please." It was silent. She hesitates. There was a pause.

"Alright! But can I change first."

Mettaton perks up. "Why of course." "The exit is over there just head to your room and your things should be there." Toriel nods.

~Le Tem Skip~

When Toriel came back she was a whole new person. Instead of a dress she had a purple cropped shirt showing her belly button. Ms. Toriel isn't chubby nor skinny. She also wore some blue shorts. "Ooooooh Tori look at you!" said Mettaton. "Yeah you look nice!" said Undyne. "Mom looks pretty." said Frisk. I gave a thumbs up and smile. "Why thank you!" she said with a smile. "Alright!" yelled Mettaton with a smile. "To our places."

Frisk, Toriel, and me were on our side while Undyne and Mettaton. Mettaton walked to the middle of the Arena and faced the camera. "And action!" she yelled. "Welcome beauties and gentlebeauties! Today's episode will be a Dodgeball Showdown! The way this game works is like this!" she extended her arms like in a pose. Two small box shaped Mettatons appear with a ball and cone. They placed the cone down behind us and the ball on top of it. "My small friends will be there to protect the cone. The first team to drop the ball from the cone wins." There was a pause. "Haha but there's a catch, there will be dodgeballs coming down from the cieling for a short period of time. If a person from either team gets hit they're out until someone catches a ball from their team, the ways to win are by everybody getting out, or if someone drops the ball." there was another pause. "With that said let's begin." she did a small bounce and headed to her side. We all went to the end of our sides and touched the wall. "Everybody ready!" yelled a crew member. We nodded. "Go!!!"

Immediately fire balls surround us. "Y/N darling catch~!" cooed Mettaton and threw a bomb. It had a + sign, I threw it, it started blinking. Frisk pushed me. There was an explosion. It exploded in a +. "My turn!" yelled Undyne. She lifted her arm and spears appeared, she points at us. "BYeeeee!!!!!!" Frisk looks up. Her soul turned green. She raised her arm. A shield appeared. As the spears launched at us I looked at Frisk. "The cone!" There was dust (no not that kind) everywhere. "Don't worry the Mtt's got it!" The little box shaped Mtt pulled out a umbrella and protected the cone like as if it was raining. The dust started dieing down. As Frisk pulled her arm down and the shield slowly faded I saw Toriel standing there giving them a death glare. "Children stay back."

She went to the middle of the Arena. She slowly rose her hands. Fire surrounded her. Fire was appearing from the ground then it started surrounding the Arena. She cupped her hands, "This showdown doesn't start until I say so." Immediately she separated her hands and the fire started burning the Arena, well the Arena was being consumed. "Burn."

The camera man started yelling, so did the crew. "A-aah!" yelled Alphys, I look at Undyne. She was panicking. "Hey Tori your going to far its actually burning!" she yelled. Toriel clenched her fist, the fire near the crew flew up in the air and hovered over us. "Do you not like the way I play?" she said with a glare. "Or is it that your too afraid." Undyne perked up "Is that a challenge?!" Spears spawned in the air. "Naaaggggghh!!!!!!!!" Spears charged at us Frisk's soul again turned green, but something else protected us. Fire.

A banner of fire hovered in front of us and created a shield. "It wasn't a challenge." she paused as the fired cleared away and she pressed her hands together. She quickly opened her hands as a row of fire appeared. "Its a fact." immediately the ground started shaking and towers of fire burst from the ground. The fire surrounded the cone. "How about we play that again?" said Mtt. Everything around his started going backwards as if in a movie, we just looked around. Then everything stopped when Toriel was going to make the banner of fire. "Frisk darling you've always told me you wanted to be a star!" then a ball, like disco ball shoot out blue and orange beams. "Y/N don't move when it's on blue you can move on the orange!" she yelled as a blue beam shoot at her and one blue one at me. They faded away as white beams started appearing. One was getting close to me. I backed up a little. "Y/N!" yelled Frisk she jumped onto my back as I fell she held me down as the beam zoomed past. "Don't let those things touch you!" my eyes widen.


Nightmare's footsteps were the only noise along these halls it was very off. "Nightmare do you even know where we're going?" He stops in front of me. "This is my castle right?" I shrug. "I don't know is it? Is that why there's no life here?" I say sarcastically. "Haha real funny." he said. We started walking again. It was quite for a moment. "Nightmare do you know where they are?" He sighs. "I hope I know where they are." he said. "Nightmare what if they're hurt or ev-" He stops once more. "And I'm supposed to be the negative one around here." he said. "If it makes you feel better I told Ink and Cross to inform me if they see them." I nod. "I guess it helps." I say, we continue walking. The clinging sound of my swords wouldn't stop. "Nightmare what if they see us? Did we break our promise." "They won't see us, we made this promise to ensure their safety." he said as we started passing by what seemed like glass, tainted glass. "If they find out we need to tell them everything, no we will tell them everything. What we are, what we've done,.................... all of it." Nightmare stops. "You don't control my decisions." he says giving me a glare. "If this is how it needs to be for me to stay as a calm per-" "How many times do you need to lie to yourself! You out of both of us know what you really are, and how cruel you can get! So stop acting like the person you aren't!" "Shut up." he says. "You don't tell me when to be qui-" he immediately covers my mouth and puts me in a head lock. "Listen." It was quite, then I heard it, small taps coming from the ceiling. I slowly look up, then there they were. Dark Crescents, three, (I'll show a picture in other chapter.) "Don't move." he says. "Don't let them touch you they can kill you in an instant. That's what they do, they collect souls." he whispers. In that instant one looked down at us. Shit.


I nod in approval. Then I got thinking it's happening again. I just hope it won't continue as it did a few days ago. I pick myself up as the laser disappeared. "I'll try harder next time? Ok?" She smiles softly. "Alright!" She says as she helps me up. "We got each other!" She yells. Then a sword and shield appeared. "If we can hit the cone we win! We don't necessarily need to get them out." She charges forward. "Y/N! Go on the other side and attack from there!" I nod. As i walk there Toriel was using her fire magic. Ok Y/N you got this you can do it just don't go all crazy with your powers.....yeah that's it just don't freak the fuck out.

Then it hit me. What am I suppose to use. "Rose?!" I whisper. The locket started jingling. "Wait no! Don't come out!" It slowly died down. I sigh in relief. "Can you help me summon something small?" I asked. The jingling started again. "W-wait!" Then something was hopping in my hand. I look down and open my hand. It was a small ball. I drop it as it bounced. It bounced back up, but when it did about waist high it turned into a knife. I looked at it. It looked different then a regular knife.

It was smaller like a pocket knife, but it looked much fancier. The middle part had three hollow designs. The handle small and stubby with a decorative rose and the bottom of it had a hole that seemed to fit one finger. It was cute.

I look back up Undyne was trying to knock down the cone and Mettaton was trying to distract Frisk. I was confident on this, I was confident that i can win this for us. I place a finger in the hole and start to twirl it. What am i doing?!

Then out of no where it flew out of my hand and straight at the bot.

The small mechanical bot shot its umbrella. The knife reflected off. Then some more started bouncing at my feet. More?! About three or four jumped near my breast. They formed themselves and hovered there. Are they waiting for my command? i slowly pointed at the bot, they charged like lightning. Zig zagging their way then about half way there they started to multiply. The bot's screen glowed red in alarm.

It struck its umbrella out towards the knives. About four or five went on both directions, left and right. As they flew some of the knives flew up. Then down the bot was distracted on blocking the rest of the knives. The ones on the top charged with a F/C aura. The knives struck through the bot, ball, cone and a bit of the ground. There was an explosion. The camera man slowly moved it to the opponent's side. Undyne and Mettaton looked back.

We won.

"Y/N! You did it!" Frisk ran to me and gave me a hug. Everything disappeared, all the weapons. "Uhhh oh my is it over?" Asked Toriel. "And there you have it folks! Here are our winners!" Mettaton took a step to the middle of the arena. Mettaton looked at Toriel, Frisk, and me. We walked to the middle of the arena. "Anyways that is all for today! Thank you all so much for watching. As always beauties and gentlebeauties may your day be beautiful. Bye darlings~." The camera turned off and then the crew sighed in relief. "You guys ready to head to our room." she said with a smile. "Metta you look like shit." I say. "Excuse you! I look fabulous." she said with a laugh. Her hair was looking like a forest except the part covering her eye. That bang is always there. "Actually wait." she said walking up to the crew. Alphys walked to us as Metta kept talking to the crew. She came back to us. "Ok i got everything sorted out now we're off."

As we walked to the room Toriel gave out a pleasent smile. "My that was fun!" she said. "Yeah but not the part where you burned us!" objected Undyne. "What." Toriel said back looking away a bit. "You got scared?" Undyne tensed up. "W-what! No! It wasn't far!" she yelled. "Mhm~?" said Toriel jokingly. "Ok you two." Said Mettaton breaking it up. As we entered our sanctuary I got all hungry. "Hey metta? Do you have snacks?" I asked. "Oh yes." she said clapping her hands as a bowl of chips and pizza and spider donuts appeared on the table. Yesssss! I ran to the table Frisk joined in. "We are animals!" yelled Frisk. "Very much so!" 

"Darlings join us over here for a second, will you?"

Frisk bounces over there. I waddle over there. "Yes?" we say together. "I have something for you 5." she said pausing. She put her right hand on the knob on her left part of her chest. She turned the knob and a bunch of steam appeared everywhere. Her bangs were up and a pink symbol showed there and was glowing, her left arm had a laser, while the other one seemed more normal, a upside down heart where here stomach is, her body has levitating from her legs, there were shoulder plates I think coming from her back, with blurring lights coming from them. 

We looked in confusion while Frisk looked at her with fear, terrified. "Wrong turn!" yelled Alphys in alarm. "Oh my. Excuse me." she said turning it once more. Then again all the steam appeared and when it faded away. Mtt was holding sharpie's. Our favorite colors. "Here you go." she said handing them out. "You two asked why the room was white? well here you guys go." I look at the F/C marker. "For the walls?" I asked. Mettaton nodded. "Why?" asked Undyne. "So we can write our memories. So we don't forget....forget of our family and friends...." It was silent. Frisk ran to the bathroom. We looked at he door.

 "Frisk darling?~"

 "Frisk my child are you alright?"


"Hey kid! You ok?"

I walk to the door and knock, "F-Frisk can I come in?" I asked. "Y-eah." she said quivering. I open the door and look at everyone else. "Wait here." I whispered to them.  They nodded in agreement. I turn around as I close the door. Frisk was sitting on the toilet. I sit in front of her. "Boop." I say as I booped her nose.

"Hey Frisk come on." She smiled. "Sorry. I just got thinking about something I'm sorry......I'm sorry I hurt you." I looked at her. A small part of her bangs was covering her left eye. I have no idea what's going on. I rolled with it. "Frisk...." I move her bangs. Her eye was glowing a bright red. Her eyes roll up to me. "Y/N...." her arms wrap around me. "I love you." she says. I smile. "Love you too." We depart. "Ready to go back out?" I ask. She nods. "Ok...let's go." I say helping her up. I open the door. "Frisk my child are you alright?" "Hey where did you run off to?!" "F-Frisk?!" "F-Frisk darling?~" I look at them. "It's ok she's fine." i say. "Come on Darling let's go take a seat. " says Mettaton as we head to the U shaped couch. "Wanna talk about it?" Asked Mettaton. Frisk shook her head. "It's fine, I'm ok don't worry."

I smile. She's fine. "So what are we going to do now?" I ask. "Have a girl's night talk enjoy the night." she says. I look at the time 7:34. I look out the window it's starting to get dark. Mettaton claps her hands. The coffee table started shifting. A bowl of chips, bowl of fruit, nail polish, medicure things, cups with drinks and a remote. She then claps her hands once more. The cover off the dome was moving away and showing the night sky. My eyes lighten up. "It's beautiful." I here Frisk say. "I still can get enough." said Undyne. "The night is so dark." I hear Alphys say. Toriel was smiling and looking up. Mettaton was still setting up things. I was glimpsing my eyes into it. "The stars are pretty." My eyes widen.


I was looking around the house and looking for Phoenix. He came home pretty sad and then around 7:00 he vanished. "Phoenix! Phoenix!" I yell. Midnight and Comet were outside looking for him. Nightmare was telling Dream, Ink, Error, Cross, and Killer. It was complete chaos. As I was going along the hall to go into the next room I hear tiny footsteps. "Mom! Mom! I found Phoenix!" said Jupiter. I turn around. I kneel down. "I found Phoenix!" she squealed once more. I smile. "Where is he?" I say. "On the roof." she said bluntly. "What!" I yell. I start running for it. "Phoenix!" I yell. I make my way the stairs leading to the attic. "My baby." I say. I take a sharp turn as I see the window open and he's sitting on the roof. He looked up. Then I noticed, Nightmare was there. 'Ni-" I was cut off by them talking. I could hear it clearly. "What are you doing up here?" Nightmare asked. "I wanted to look at the stars. They're pretty." he said a bit shakily. "Are you sure? You seem upset." Phoenix nods in approvement. "Something happened at school today." He said looking down. "Some kids were making fun of me again, they started saying things about Jupiter. I started talking back and they started beating me. They got in trouble." He paused. I flinched back. He never told us. Nightmare looked at him. He clenched his teeth. He quickly pulled Phoenix into a hug. "They don't deserve your pity. They'll only step all over you." Phoenix looked down as their hug departed. "I try dad i really do, but...nevermind you don't understand." Nightmare smiled. "I don't understand? You want to know how many times I've been beaten up simply because they don't like me?" Phoenix looks up at Nightmare. "You were bullied?" He asked astonishingly looking up at him. He smiled. "We all got those jealous types." He said. Phoenix laughed. "They need anger ma-ma-man-nag-ge-" Nightmare smiles. "Anger management?" He nods. "Yeah that." It was silence. Phoenix pulls Nightmare into a hug. "I love you dad." he said. Nightmare seemed shocked. Then he smiled and completed he hug. "I love you too." Then there was an explosion. I perk up, a firework. "Woah." said Phoenix looking up. "That was cool!" he said. "Sure was." I walk to the window. "You two coming in your am I going to eat the rest of the ice cream." I say. "Mom!" said Phoenix looking up at me. "Oh....I found Phoenix." I pick Phoenix up and place him next to me. "No really?!" I say with a smile. He rolls his eyes. Phoenix ran passed me and went down. Nightmare was slowly walking passed me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Love you bun."


"Y/N hun~?" asked Mtt. I shake my head. "Wha-what? Im fine." I think. "Alright good I was getting worried." Mettaton once more clapped her hands. Then six cup holders popped onto of the table with cups. "What would you like to drink?" she asked. "Some tea." said toriel. "Golden flower tea." said Undyne. "Water." said Alphys. "Star parfait if you please." said Frisk. "The same as Frisk." I say. "Alright then." she said. She got up and walked to the button. She walks back. "They're on their way." she said with confidence. "Now what." said Undyne. "I know." said Toriel. "Y/N how did you and Frisk meet?" she asked. "Oh my you never told us." said Mettaton surprised. I smile and start laughing. "Omg that story." I look at Frisk, "You wanna tell them."

"Heh, sure."

"So I think this was about 10 years ago. Right?" I nod. "So I think we were in like 1st or 2nd grade and some girl stole my rainbow stickers away! My poor rainbow stickers. So back then Y/N and I were like eh about each other we didn't talk to each other but we knew each other. Anyways I caught the girl that took my stickers and I took them back with all her stuff. It's funny cause that girl was Trinity. She was nice and stuff but then was a complete....bitch...sorry mom. It makes sense she is bipolar. Anyways sh-" "What!!! She's bipolar! I didn't know that!" Frisk looks at me. "Didn't you know?" I shake my head. "The more you know."

Wtf?! I'm confused. "I'm very easy on her." said Frisk with pride. "Anyways somehow everything in my backpack was stolen and I needed to get the person that took it. So I found clues and it all lead to this hoe." she said pointing at me. "Excuse me?!" I say all in a fancy way sarcastically. "Anyways i remember telling the teacher and their was a whole parent teacher thing....even though mine didn't bother to come.....because.....where was I oh yeah, my things got returned and Y/N and I were terrified of each other. We thought one of us was going to take some one else stuff. The next day my lunch box went missing. Y/N had it. I asked her to give it back. And then she started yelling at me, that I took this and she took that. Turns out the teacher took it to teach us a lesson. He were stuck in a room during recess. She kept giving me a glare. So did I. Then at one point I went to apologize she did too. We never found our things again."

"What a lovely story." said Toriel. "Kinda." she added with a worried expression.

"Anyways how did you guys meet Frisk?" I asked.

Then Frisk burst out with laughter. "That was about 5 years ago?!"

Mtt started smiling. "W-where are my cameras on the human!?" cried Alphys with a smile. "My child go back to your room." said Toriel with a friendly expression. "As long as your green you can't escape! Engrade!" said Undyne getting up from her seat. "Ready for an essay question?!" They all burst out laughing. I don't get it?! I look around in confusion I don't know what's happening.

 I look around in confusion. I have no idea what's happening. "Oh sorry Y/N darling, I thought you needed a refill on what's happening." said Mettaton. "Well when Frisk fell in to the Underground I was their care taker for a while. Until they left...good thing it took her so long to change her mind." said Toriel with a smile. "Go ahead and ask Papyrus and Sans about Snowdin, but waterfall. Oh god I chased them for so long until they fought me, they kept running away though! Until they reached hotlands so did I...I turned into sushi then this kid gave me world was turned upside down."said Undyne with pride then looking back at Alphys. 

"H-Hotland, well um you see I never fought with Frisk I just escorted them through hotlands, until Mettaton came along." she said with a worried, flustered face. "Oh yes Frisk really helped me sky rocket my popularity. All credits to you!" she exclaimed. "You know what!" said Frisk she gets up and walks to the wall. She went to the right of her bed and started writing down. After she wrote she came back. "Whatca write?" I asked "Mamaries." she said purposely. "What 'Mamaries.'" said Undyne. "What just happened." said Frisk in response. Then it got awkwardly quiet. "So Undyne you and Alphys have already been married for 4 years now?" said Toriel breaking the silence.

"Heh yeah! I remember... Do you?" she said looking at Alphys. "W-why of course I do." she said nervously. "I-I tripped on my way out." said Alphys. "Well it wasn't your fault Darling~ The dress was to long." said Mettaton trying to make her feel better. "I carried you out afterwards." said Undyne. It was the best wedding I've ever been to. holy shit it was fucking fun.

Alphys was wearing the dress and Undyne the Tux. It had a cute little echo flower. The party was pretty great. "And you Mtt?" said Undyne. "What got you into being a star.?" asked Undyne with er arms crossed. "Oh you know the whole being a ghost thing didn't work out. So yeah its kinda complicated." she said a bit awkardly. "Ad you Tori?" said Mtt."You've really hit it off with the skeleton?" she said jokingly. "What?!"  she exclaimed. "Sans is my friend! That's all! I do not like him! I ... like someone else." she said irritated. "*gasp* Who?!" yelled Mtt. "Asriel starting to sail!" I yelled. It went silet. Dead silent. "What? Did I say something wrong?" I say. "Mom?" asked Frisk. Toriel was frozen as a statue. "Torie-" she got up and ran to the bathroom. "I fucked up didn't I?" I say. Frisk looked at me. "Asriel was the name of Toriel's and Asgore's son. He passed away when he was a child." said Undyne. "Me, Undyne, Alphys were just teens when he passed."

I bite my lip, "Sorry it's just their ship name..." They sigh. "It's fine." they said together. "But right now we need to check o her." said Mettaton walking to the restroom. "*knocking* Darling? You ok?" she immediately opened the door. "Yup I'm fine, really needed to piss." she blurted. "Um you sure Darling?" "Yeah you seemed very tuned." added Undyne. "No No I'm... fine just a bit drowsy that's all. It's all a okay." She said with  nervous laugh. "Ok then?" said Mtt slowly turning around to the beds. "Let's lighten up the mood a but." said Mtt as she grabbed a pillow.

 Undyne noticed this and smiled. "Hell yeah!" She yelled reaching for her bed. "Alphys come on!" she added. "I'm coming!" she yelled back heading for her bed. "i'mma join in too." yelled Frisk rushing to her bed. "I don't know..." said Toriel. I turn around and get Tori's hands. "Come on Miss Toriel it'll be-" "Fun!" yelled Mettaton has she started hitting Toriel with the pillow. Come on daring lighten up!" "Yeah!" yelled Undyne charging towards Toriel with Alphys on her shoulders. 

They started ambushing her. 

"Wait for me!" yelled Frisk. I managed to squeeze myself out of the fight and ran to the bed for a pillow and to Toriel's bed for one too. I tossed her one and charged in as well. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I say as I started pounding down Alphys. She was using her pillow as a shield. "Uhh!" she said worriedly. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look back.


Her expression was dark. "Ready?" she asked deeply. oh shit! She roughly grabbed me and threw me to the floor. "You bitch." she started wacking me with her pillow. Well it seemed more like her hand than pillow...but bitch did it fucking hurt! "Hey stop!" I yell. Frisk noticed this. "Dog pile on Y/N!" What! "I'm up first!" said Undyne sinisterly. She plopped all her weight on me. I lost my breath. Quickly my body was getting crushed. I started flapping around like a fish. Which meant I was slapping Undyne. "I-I c-can-n't b-re-atth!" I yell. "What was that?" asked Undyne. "I can-n't b-bre-eath!!!!!" I shouted. "Ok." she said. As she got up everyone else fell off. "You ok Alphys?" she asked. "Y-eah." she stuttered. "Now that was cheery wasn't it?" said Metta. "It was quite entertaining." said Toriel.  "Very entertaining." said Undyne sternly. 

"Mhm." I say painly in response. I feel old. I drag myself to my bed. So does everyone else. I start rolling myself in the confront of my blanket. This feels so good. "Hey metta?" I say. "Mm." she responded. "Why did no dodge balls fall out of the ceiling?" "I don't think they were going to fall yet." "On."

"Hey Metta ." asked Frisk "yes darling?~" she said sleepily. "I thought that you wanted some family time. and first thing you do is have a showdown for your show why?" There was no response. "Metta?" instead Alphys answered. "She ran out of batteries..let me charged her up." she said walking to Metta's bed. I decided to look at the time. 10:30. Wtf! time is flying by. "Im tired" 

I nod. I'm pretty tired too. My eyes were getting blurry. Ugh already. Damn. Oh well, see you guys inn the morning.

I'M SO FUCKING SORRY YOU GUYS FOR NOT HAVING TO UPDATE ANYTIME SOON FROM THE LAST ONE!!! Let me explain. Around May I was half way done with the chapter and SOMEONE couldn't keep their grades up. So I got grounded for 3 weeks. After I was getting back into it, but then I noticed that It was around the end of the year and Promotion heading to highschool and shit got me all what! Then I'm trying to figure things out for highschool and stuff. So basically I was busy. I'm so sorry.  I was also in a rush to finish the chapter so that's why the ending is crappy and there are no pictures I'm sorry.

~The OreoCookie

Word count: 6157
