Chapter 48- The Lies

The dust covered arena started to disappear. Everyone was still.

"Whoa!" The chirp of a small girl was heard. "Look at us! Look at dad!" The girl cheered. Jason was covered in fire serving as a shield. He was slowly getting up from the debreeze. Y/N was lying down next to a huge pink crystallize rose. Then Nightmare, well he's another story.

I'm just a coward who can't face the truth.

Four thick, black tentacles curled around him and his brother. Slowly placing his brother down.

"Now you've decided to show your true self?" Nightmare slowly got up. His tentacles twitched with impatience. Nightmare slowly turned around. With his right hand he gripped his left wrist and proceeded to move his wrist in a circular motion.

"My true self?" Nightmare lowered his hands. He proceeded to smile. Nightmare laughed lightly. I'm leaving Dream to you two. Nightmare looked up. His gaze cold. So familiar. "We've only scratched the surface."

I hope you know what you're doing. Y/N thought while she groaned getting up. She was struck on her side but it wasn't a big wound. There was a vine wrapped around he stomach and a pink flower on the wound. The vines were slowly healing the wound. "Mom." It was Midnight.

"Hello." Y/N leaned onto the Glass shield. Using it to hold herself up. "Missed me?"

"Mommy!" Shouted Jupiter, Phoenix following behind. 

"Hi there sweety." Y/N continued to cough out thin black substance, but she didn't take note of it. "I'll get you four home safely." Y/N legs shook a little. 

"Mom..." Comet followed her siblings. "Wha-"

"You guys lied to us." Muttered Midnight. She stood away from her siblings looking at her father. 

"N-no that's not wh-" Y/N trailed off as she became exhausted. Slowly falling to the ground. Out of panic the three children pounded on the shield crying out to their mother. Midnight meanwhile was having an internal conflict. Comet swiftly turned around  to her sister.

"Midnight!" She started to shake her. "Respond!" Comet's eyes became watery. Giving up she went up to the shield, facing the direction of their father. "Dad! Dad! Help mom!"

Nightmare's gaze crossed over to them. For once he didn't worry about his lover. Nightmare wanted to settle this. 

"Comet don't mind dad...right now we need get mom out of here." said Midnight gripping onto her shoulder. Comet looked over to her sister. 

"Now you respond." said Comet roughly pulling her shoulder away. Midnight's excuse because she was still processing it, she's just mad about the whole situation. Everyone knew that, especially Nightmare, he is going to take that as an advantage. 

Comet and Midnight made their way to their mother. With their siblings they continued to pound on the shield. "Mom!" they cried out to her.

Jason quickly proceeded to get to Dream. Getting near the still body he touched him and covered him with his fury fire. Oh god. 

Nightclaw cocked his head to the side. "Tell me Nightmare, are you actually going to try?" Nightmare grinned. "You want to have a fair fight I'm amusing?" Nightmare's smile became wider. To the point that there was goo oozing out his eyes.

"Absolutely not."

Nightmare teleported near his throne where Nightclaw was waiting. Nightclaw had shape-shifted into a smaller version of himself. With an actual body, tall, muscular. "Fighting for the throne I see?" Nightmare proceeded to launch three of the four tentacles. Then Nightclaw also sprouted four. Charging them all to him. The three tentacles coiled around three while the last one continued. Using the unoccupied one Nightmare used it to push himself up, so that the tentacle missed. Quickly he placed himself down, Nightclaw retreated his little friends from the attack. 

He's weak. Perfect. Nightclaw isn't as strong as before. Which means those little cat friends, are doing well. That's why he retreated into using his regular form. Nightmare crouched down as he looked up, the smile still plastered over his face. Nightmare barely touched the ground as it turned black and gooey. It started to bubble. Nightclaw seemed confused he didn't know what this attack is. This time Nightmare cocked his head to the side and teleported out of there.

Nightmare teleported near his lover and knelt down. Using his tentacles to shield them both. When Nightmare carried her he felt how cold he was. She was unconscious. Oh dear. Thought Nightmare to himself. You're to clumsy my dear.

Quickly the ground sprouted up with spikes. Avoiding Nightmare and his allies. Nightmare stood up and approached the shield his kids looking at him a little terrified. He slowly waved his hand. "I didn't mean to spook you. I couldn't help myself." With that he coiled his tentacles together and continued to stab it into the shield. "Your mother's shield is quite strong, hitting it won't get you anywhere. You just need to force it open." Slowly trying to dig them in to create a opening. As it started to crack open. When the hole was big enough he knelt down and slid her in. I'll be quick.

Removing his tentacles from holding it open it snapped shut. He quickly turned around. "Dad! Dad!" Shouted Jupiter. Looking back he saw Jupiter looking up at him. "Are you okay?" Nightmare smiled.

"Absolutely fine." Before he left he knelt down and places his hand onto the shield. Jupiter placed her tiny hand on it. Nightmare's tentacles made a little heart behind him. "I won't be long. Be safe okay?" Jupiter nodded. She opened her arms and hugged herself. Nightmare did the same. Slowly he got up, he sighed. Please.

"Don't get to distracted... friend." Nightmare, not having much time to react, teleported away. Nightclaw missing his hit, hit the shield slightly cracking it. Turning his head to Nightmare, who teleported closer to the middle of the room. Nightclaw slithered behind him, Nightmare quickly turned around. Using his arms to block his punch.

"Your hits have become weaker." Nightmare removed a hand and upper cutted him. Nightclaw quickly dodged it. "I'm quite enjoying this whirlpool of suffering you've put yourself into." Said Nightmare taking a step back. Nightmare stretched casually. Looking up at Nightclaw he smiled and teleported away behind the throne, he is going to wait patiently for Collide and Rose to finally take action in the heart.

"You're one to talk." snapped Nightclaw. "Everyone that associates with you has a terrible down fall." Nightclaw vanished his tentacles away. Nightclaw grinned. "Just like her." He took a seat behind the throne. "Because of you she died, you murdered her, yet you loved here. Tsk." Nightmare listened. He knew that everything that was being mentioned was true. "You loved her yet you betrayed her?" Footsteps tampered away at the silence. "When is the time going to come when you betray your so called 'family'?" Nightclaw turned around facing the throne. Grinning as he made his way over to him. Nightmare stood up. Nightmare opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by a figure behind him. Nightmare quickly jumped back. Nightmare seemed a little hesitate. "Unless they decide to betray you."

Nightclaw summoned two tentacles, charging to him. Nightmare summoned all four.  Two coiled around them and the other two charged over to him. Nightclaw groaned. Nightmare smiled.

Growling Nightclaw teleported quickly. Nightmare looked around for a moment, Where is h- Ack! "You get distracted easily." Nightclaw held him in a choke hold. Nightmare gripping onto the arm, laughed. Nightclaw relax a little. Why is he laughing!

Nightmare teleported away. 

He was in the middle of the room.His tentacles weren't out. His legs were separated his knees bending inward. His left arm dangled to the side while his right arm was placed on his face. Nightmare continued to laugh. Nightmare gripped his head with his hand as a wide small smile peeked it's way out. "Hahahaha!" He looked down for a second. "The pain, the temptation, the's so good." Nightmare lifted his head up and cocked it to the side. Black goo running down his eye sockets and mouth. His clothes and and hands started to turn black. "Hahaha! I-it's.....Hahaha!" The black goo squirted out his mouth. "You're going to regret having my family in your mouth." Nightmare looked at himself, dark, gooey, cold. Nightmare's eye glistered out to him. He chuckled lightly. Nightmare's tentacles burst out of his back. They curled up in the air. 

Nightmare teleported away. Nightclaw completely off guard was going teleport away as well when Nightmare stopped him. 

Nightmare had stuffed his arm into Nightclaw's chest, in his hand, a dark black heart, with glowing light blue veins around it. Nightclaw was stunned. No one, ever, was able to do that, even when they first fought, this isn't supposed to happen. "" Then what looked like vines sprouted out of it. Smoke was flowing out beside them. 

Nightclaw's eyes became light, with emotions not like before."Y-you're making a mistake..." He coughed a little. "That wasn't me...this whole time." A stream of blue liquid dripped out of his mouth. Nightmare just smiled.

"Too late now." He let go of the heart as it exploded. 

The goopey figure that stood before him melted away. The glass heart crumble in his hand. He tilted his hand as the pieces fell. "Hey!" A high pitched voice was heard to his left. "Sorry we took a while." squeaked Rose.

"Should be." Nightmare stated, sighing. 

"My apologies, we were having a little bit of trouble. The soul was being a bit of a hassle." Spoke Collide. Nightmare looked over to him. A Soul being a problem? 

"What are you refe-" Nightmare was cutoff by a scream.


Nightmare looked to the direction, Y/N. 

Nightmare teleported to her on the other side of the shield. The kids were calling out to her trying to calm her down from the sudden shock. "N-night..." the shield was starting to crumble. He came closer to her as his form was dispersing. "'s her....she's-"

"Well that ruined the fun now didn't it?" Nightmare looked to where the voice was coming from, the throne. Nightmare's eyes widen. It was her. The girl was lying down on the seat. "Hi Nighty."

It was her.

It was Chrome. 

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I'm so tired. Hi y'all I have no idea if this is good but, it's here and read. Well I  hope it was good enough just a few more before the book closes. :)

~The OreoCookie

Word count: 1761
