Chapter 6- What a 'sweet' dream

Please read A/N

"Souls of Sync. Created by XxInsaneGirl12xX. P.s next time I go bring a gift for Frisk." Seems like a nice AU. I shut the book.

I'm tired, I'm bored, I'm hungry, I'm losing my shit, I have mixed emotions.

I lie on my bed tired. I then hear a sound coming from my window. I walk to it moving the curtains. I then push the window up. As I peek my head out a rock hits my face. *bonk*
It hit me straight on the forehead. "What the fuck!" I yelled. "Sorry!" Called the voice. That voice is so familiar. I peek my head over the window. It's Jason.

I smile. I go downstairs. My parents aren't home yet. Good.

I shut the door behind me leading to Jason. "Hey Y/-" I push him and grab him by his shirt. I was engulfed with rage. "You told her didn't you!" He shook his head. "So you didn't tell Trinity! Then who did!" He shrugged a bit. I put him down. "Sorry I just,....sorry" I say. "Na it's fine I kind of expected that response. But if I find out I'll tell you." I lean to the side. Sassy mode on.

"Oh really?" He nods. "What if it's someone from your group." I say. "Then I'll tell you." I stand back up. Sassy mode off. "Ok let's stop for now. State your purpose."

Jason stands there. "Ok so I wanted to ask you somethi-" "Stop right there are you asking me out?" He shakes his head. "No no no no.. I need your permission on something." He said nervously. "I wanted to ask......Frisk out." He said blushing a lot.

I laugh a bit. Then give him a death stare. I hold him by the shirt again. "You hurt my little girl I swear to god I'll slap you so fucking hard you'll be half way to Albuquerque." I say. He's sweating. "I won't I promise."

I set him down. I nod. "So is that a yes?" He asks. I nod. "But I'm watching you." I say. We say our goodbyes and he left. I walk back to my room. I sigh. I'm so hungry. I sigh again. Something about Jason seemed wierd when we were talking he sounded very suspicious but why? Oh well I'll ask him later.
I yawn. I'm getting sleepy.

Yawn. Yawn. Yawn. Sleep.


I finally arrive at the dreamscape. The only place I can enter dreams. I grin, now to find her. Some humans fall asleep at noon so hopefully she's asleep. I walk around until I find her dream. I find the dream she's in. Time to pay a sweet little visit.

I teleport myself into her dream. So far seems nice........disgusting. When ever I visit dreams I like to add my own personal touch. I walk a bit and find a golden flower. "This place seems full of life.......ughh." I touch the flower. Wilting it turning everything around it black more black more. I walk until I see a bright light. Found her.

It was so quiet. Really quiet. Perfect.

I chuckle a bit. The laugh rings around the area. "W-who's there!" she shouts. Welp it's now or never. Her back was turned. A easy target. I send a tentacle wrapping around her. I clench my fist. Making the grip tighter. I pull her back to me. She's struggling. I turn her around. "Hello there sweety." I say sinisterly. "Let me go!" she yells. "Don't be brash now we can do this the easy way or the hard way." She struggles again. "Ink! Dream!" she shouts once more. I squeeze tighter. "They can't here you. No one can." I say and chuckle. "What do you want from me!"

"You know exactly what I want." I growl. "N-no I don't now let me go!" she says struggling again. I pull her close. "Now give it to me or the consequences will be bigger then they already are." I respond. Seems like i lost my grip a little and her arm escaped. She slapped me.

The tentacle drops her to the ground. I look down in shock. I assume she's running. I grin wickedly. I look up. I see her bright light. "Aww leaving so soon?" I say chuckling. I send my tentacles after her as I walk. Sooner or later I feel them tighten. I pull her close. "Please let me go!" she was crying. I don't cry. She can cry all she wants it won't change a thing. "Shut it! If you won't do things that way then..." I smile and wrap a tentacle around her mouth. "Let's do it the hard way." I hear a noise.

"Let her go Nightmare!"

Jello sorry I haven't been updating it's just that I've been busy with things. And I've gotten pissed a lot. So my other chapter the Nekojin one got erased so I needed to rewrite it. And the original chapter for this also got erased. So I was in a pickle. So yeah I was updating from my tablet and phone thats why so now I'm going to update on my laptop. So I wanted to ask you something. If you guys want to. So I was thinking that every time I update I will have a chance to talk with you guys which means every update one of you will have a chance to speak with me. So I wanna know if you guys want to do this. Tell me. The results will come at the end of next week. so yeah gtg see ya'll later.


Word Count: 937
