Chapter 7 : Sense of Sorrow

March 19th, X524 (3:20 PM)
Magnolia city gate, Capital of Fairy Tail Kingdom

"Erza-san, the gate is closed," Meredy told Erza, as soon as she saw two guards at the closed gate.

"I'll check it first," Erza said, as she got down off her horse and walked towards the guards, her right hand was still holding her horse's rein. "Miss Erza," the guards greeted, "Royal Highness ordered us to close the gate until you and your group came back." They bowed slightly to the blond girl, whom they assumed Sabertooth Princess Lucelia. "Please open the gate," Erza said before she noticed the look of hesitation on the guards' faces. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Young Princess is angry because we didn't let her go outside the city," the guards informed. "Don't worry. I'll take her back. You guys did a great job," the red-haired knight replied. After the doors were opened, they went into the city.

"Erza-neechan, are you okay?" 11-year-old Princess Wendy Dreyar ran towards Erza and hugged her happily. Her blue hair reached down to her waist, with two bangs framing her face. Her simple dress with blue and yellow wavy stripes adorned her cute appearance. Around her arms and legs, she wore wing-like attachments. A boy with dark purple hair followed her behind, his outfit was a long sleeveless red jacket with a sash tied by a knot around his waist, green pants and brown laced boot. He was Romeo Conbolt, the son of the Royal Envoy Macao Conbolt.

     Erza smiled at her and nodded, "What're you doing here, Wendy?" Wendy gave her an anxious look, "We saw a giant ice wall and concluded that the escort group might be in danger. Romeo-kun is also worried for his father. When we arrived here, the gate was closed."

"Erza-san, is my father alright?" Romeo asked worriedly. "Where's he?"

"Sir Conbolt went back to Magnolia yesterday because Jellal-kun summoned him for an important mission," Erza replied quickly, using a simple lie. 'What did Sir Conbolt lie to us? It was clear that Lady Conbolt wasn't sick.'

      Knowing that changing the topic was the best way, Erza smiled at them, "Wendy, Romeo, please greet Princess Lucelia and her friend Juvia," Erza introduced them. Wendy looked at the blond princess who returned her a smile. It was warm and comforting, a smile that she had never received from a stranger before. 'She's very beautiful,' Wendy thought. Her future sister-in-law was very gorgeous like an angel. "Hello... I'm Wendy Dreyar, pleased to meet you, Lucelia-neechan and Juvia-chan."

"Lovely to know you, too, Wendy," Lucy replied sweetly, "You're so cute." Juvia simply waved her hand at the younger bluenette, "Juvia is glad to meet princess, too."

"Wendy, you should go back to Royal Highness. I've to go to Scarlet Manor with Princess Lucelia." Erza said with a smile. The red-haired knight didn't want to stop the girls' conversation, however, it wasn't right to talk near the city gate, this place wasn't entirely safe.

       Wendy nodded in agreement, "Then see you later, Erza-neechan, Lucelia-neechan and Juvia-chan." She waved her left hand happily before leaving, followed by her friend and guards.

• • • • •

       Meanwhile, Meredy got down off the white horse and looked up to face Lyon who was steadily looking at her. "200 Jewels," he said quickly before the girl had a chance to say something. "Huh?" She looked at him in question.

"For my horse," Lyon continued unhappily, "I can't let you ride my horse for free." Hearing this conversation, Gray burst out laughing, "You're killing me bro." Even Juvia, who was standing not far, who accidently heard this conversation couldn't help but smiled. Of course, after hearing a heir of a wealthy family asking for money despite his reason, Gray's laughter wasn't exaggerating.

      The white-haired mage looked at his best friend annoyingly as the latter ignored his glare and signalled the horse to move. "I'll leave you guys and your horse renting issue alone. Bye, Meredy-san," Gray said, through his laughter, before walking his horse.

       Meredy smiled at the older ice mage's reaction. She knew that he was displeased because she basically stole his horse, but she didn't expect him to ask for the payment. She knew of Lyon Vastia's reputation; talented, rich, smart, popular, and the Grand Tutor's beloved son. But now he was acting childish, asking for the money for his horse, and it was kinda amusing. Although she wanted to argue back, she gave up on that idea because she had to buy some herbs from the shop since the herbs that she collected were destroyed during the fight. It was lucky that she brought her purse along with her. She took 200 jewels from her purse and gave the money to Lyon, "Thank you, Lyon-sama." She touched the white horse's head gently and whispered loud enough that Lyon could hear her, "Your master is generous, 200 Jewels for such a beautiful horse like you. Next time, I'll bring you to Magnolia Garden. Until then, be a good horse and obey your master, cutie. Bye."

"What? Next time?" Lyon asked confusingly. Meredy didn't reply, she simply waved her hand, "See you later, Lyon-sama," leaving the dumbfounded Lyon behind.

• • • • •

4 PM
King Makarov's Manor

      Standing in front of a grand house, the pink-haired girl sighed with sadness. The place in front of her was King Makarov's Manor, and her grandmother was his Royal Physician. Since the dethronement, his majesty stayed inside the manor and never went outside. It was rumoured that he got a severe illness. The manor was protected with powerful spells so that the strangers couldn't invade this place. Only the two princes and loyal high-rank officials could enter the place. Meredy hadn't seen her grandmother for five years, and she missed her very much.

"Meredy, you're late," A friendly voice broke her thought, and she saw the familiar middle-aged man with short brown hair. The man was wearing a black shirt, brown pants and a brown long coat. He was Wakaba Mine, Royal Advisor of the previous king. Despite his strong and cool look, he was talking to the pinkette very friendly.

"I'm sorry, sir. I encountered some problems in the forest," Meredy explained politely, "My basket was destroyed. So, I've bought some herbs from a small shop. Don't worry, I bought other herbs for skin health too. I'll go to the forest again tomorrow."

       Her duty was to collect some herbs that her grandmother wanted and deliver them to the manor every week. However, she couldn't go inside and her granny never came out to see her. The last time she saw her five years ago, the old woman told her to obey Madam Scarlet and Sir Wakaba, and not to investigate further into the elders' jobs. Meredy had learned herbal medicine from Porlyusica since she was young. She knew that some plants in the lists were the ingredients for magic enhancing potion which only her granny could create in the world. However, she didn't know what some special herbs were used for.

"Be careful, Meredy," Wakaba said as he gave her a small folded paper, "Here is the new list for you." Meredy took the paper and glanced into the manor, the reaction which she usually did before she left. Being discontent, she said goodbye to the man before taking a leave. Unbeknownst to her, Madam Porlyusica was watching her from the house, "Forgive me, child. You'd better not see me for your safety," she whispered sadly.

• • • • •

8 PM
Scarlet Manor

      The night in Scarlet Manor became the most comfortable time for Lucy and Juvia. After being followed and observed by four servant girls for the whole evening, the two girls had a peaceful discussion in their room. Lucy didn't blame them because they followed their madam's order to take care of Princess Lucelia. She was just uncomfortable since she wasn't used to this situation. She wasn't a real princess after all.

      Erza-san went to the Crown Prince to report about the assassins after they had reached the Scarlet Manor, and she hadn't seen her since then. Madam Irene told her that Erza had a task to do. Lucy had a small talk with Madam, mostly about her Sabertooth family, her carefree childhood life and her magic. Madam Irene Scarlet was a mature version of Erza-san. She was a beautiful and kind woman with nobility and high standard. Although the woman was cautious in talking to her, it couldn't hide the fact that she welcomed her warmly and gave her kindness. Lucy wondered if that kindness was actually a pity for this hostage Princess or an intention to test the Sabertooth Princess's real purpose. She knew that Madam Irene didn't trust her completely even though she would become the princess consort of Prince Laxus in a few days.

"Lucy.. Lucy.." Juvia called her, "Does Lucy hear Juvia?"

"Sorry, Juvia. I was lost in thought." The blonded replied, "What did you say?"

"Juvia thinks that there'll be other assassinations until the wedding day. Lucy, please be careful."

       Lucy nodded in agreement, "I think so too. We better stay in the manor. The group we had encountered today was really strong."

"By the way, can Lucy tell Juvia what happened inside the mirror spell?" Hearing Juvia's question, Lucy slapped her forehead lightly as she realized that she still hadn't checked her spirits yet. "Juvia please give me a few minutes," Lucy said hurriedly. The celestial spirit mage gripped the lion's zodiac key, closed her eyes and talked to Leo the lion through telepathy. Out of her four zodiac spirits, only Leo got a severe injury during the fight.

       After five minutes, Lucy looked at Juvia with relief, "Leo got a headache after he had seen his human form.

"Human form? "

     Lucy nodded, "I think he lost his human form and some power after he had an accident. He didn't remember anything since then. He said he is fine now and needs some rest," Lucy grinned at her blue-haired friend, "Juvia, let's go to the magic shop tomorrow. I want to check if the shops in Magnolia sell celestial keys."

"Juvia knows. But Lucy should tell Madam Irene before going out."

"Roger My lady," Lucy replied energetically, as she winked at the bluenette playfully.

      Juvia chuckled at the blonde's joke. 'A long way to go, Lucy,' she thought, Deep inside, the water mage was worried for her best friend. Moreover, she was certain that this was just the beginning of the dangerous path they chose, and there was no turning back.


This is a summary for the appearing characters' positions (from chapter 1 to 7)

Fairy Tail Kingdom

King Makarov Dreyar - Previous King
King Ivan Dreyar - Current King, Makarov's Son
Prince Laxus Dreyar - Ivan's eldest son
Crown Prince Jellal Dreyar - Laxus's younger stepbrother
Princess Wendy Greyar - Jellal's biological younger sister
Lord Sliver Fullbuster - Grand General
Lord Alex Vastia - Grand Tutor (additional character as Lyon's father)
Lord Gilarts Cliver - Marquis Alber
Madam Irene Scarlet - Defence Minister
Lord Macao Conbolt - Royal Envoy
Lord Wakaba Wine - Former Royal Advisor
Madam Porlyusica - Former Royal Physician
Lord August Strauss - Military Marshal
Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbust, Lyon Vastia - City Guards
Freed Justine - Laxus's assistant
Meredy Lindsey - Physician


Sabertooth Kingdom

King Weiss Eucliffe
Queen Anna (Heartfiilia) Eucliffe - Former second young lady of eliminated Heartfilia Clan
Sting Eucliffe - Crown Prince
Princess Lucelia Eucliffe - Adopted Princess, the Queen's beloved niece
Igneel Dragneel - Prime Minister
Metalicana Redfox - Military Minister
Harrison Cheney - Cheif Counselor
Rogue Cheney - Head of Royal Guards
Natsu Dragneel - Young master of Dragneel Clan
Gajeel Redfox - Young master of Redfox Clan
Happy - Natsu's exceed
Panther Lily - Gajeel's exceed


Four Golden keys in Lucy's possession - Leo, Aqurius, Cancer, Taurus

Three Silver keys - Lyra, Nikora, Pyxis


Makarov Dreyar, Previous King of Fairy Tail

Ivan Dreyar, current King of Fairy Tail Kingdom

Irene Scarlet, Defence Minister, Leader of Scarlet Clan, King Makarov's loyal disciple

Wakaba Mine, Royal Advisor

