Chapter 45 : Broken Hearts


   Natsu didn't say a word... he neither apologized to her nor said a goodbye. He turned around to look at Happy. "Let's go!" he breathed deeply.

     Happy carried the dragon slayer and flew away from the sight of the blond couple. When they were away from the manor, Natsu told his exceed that he wanted to be alone for a while.

• • • • •

May 23rd, X524
Prince Manor

     The celestial spirit mage was staring silently at the empty spot where the fire dragon slayer was standing. Her eyes were red because of crying earlier, and she was still shaking.

"You know Blondie, don't take his words so seriously." He wasn't good at handling the crying Lucy, because this vulnerable side of hers was the first time he had ever seen so. All he could do now was to comfort her.

      To his surprise, Lucy let out a painful ha, like she was mocking the world. With her teary eyes, she stood face-to-face with him, "Your Highness, you heard my confession, didn't you? Why do you act like nothing happened?"

      He remained silent... At that very brief period of time, he didn't know how to reply... No, he didn't want to reply.

      Lucy saw that he pursed his lips to be silent... It was the moment she realized his answer... that he couldn't return her feelings. She was just his teammate, his subordinate.

      He clenched his fist, withstanding a sudden stab of pain in his heart. Even despite his strong character, his voice was slightly shaky, "Romantic feelings are forbidden here, Blondie." His reply was simple, very simple, and he hoped Lucy would understand what he meant.

       In the game of politics and life-and-death battles, he, as a cornerstone of their plan, shouldn't have any weakness, especially when the said weakness was a girl who had the biggest secret that could endanger her life at any time. They weren't meant to be together.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, Please don't mind me." Tears once again fell from her eyes. She turned around so that he couldn't see her tears. She couldn't tell if she was hurt whether because of Natsu's words or because of His Highness's rejection, or maybe because of both. All she knew was, it hurt very deep.. like hell. She slowly retreated.

      Laxus sighed as he looked away from her retreating. Repeating again and again in his mind that 'Blondie is strong. She won't skip her duties just because she is emotionally unstable,' he walked away.

      In such a situation, there was still nothing he could do... being unable to confess how he felt right now... unable to stop the way he was using her... unable to give her the freedom she wanted... Being guilty and suppressing his true feelings, he continued walking the same wrong path he chose since the first time he met her even though he was aware that it was unfair to her.

     Natsu Dragneel was right... that he, the Laxus Dreyar, a noble prince of Fairy Tail, used a girl by blackmailing her weakness.

     At first, he just wanted her "Lucelia Eucliffe" identity, to obey him...

      However, he forgot one thing.. that she was a girl with emotions, and he, too, was a man with feelings.

      How could he not notice her good sides? Her innocent manner... her bright cheer... her kindness... her hard work. She treated him like a master, or a friend, though he basically imprisoned by her. She helped him beyond all his expectations.

      Why did he pretend not to notice her brighter smile when she looked at him? Why did he choose to ignore his feeling when he secretly enjoyed her accompany?

    Did he have a right to embrace her?

     He was the one who dragged Blondie into their complicated kingdom affairs. After everything was over, she would surely divorce him and regain her freedom which she always wanted... And, as for him, he planned to resign from his status and follow her.

      Right now, their romance had to be stopped here. It was his selfishness or heartlessness, he had to force themselves to end their feelings. It was what he had been thinking for the past few weeks.

      The problem was... not only did he hurt Lucy and made her cry, but also
his actions backfired and hurt him in return. At the moment, he couldn't help but feel hopeless.

• • • • •

       Slowly walking away, Lucy mindlessly returned to her room. As soon as she closed the door, she leaned on the door and sat down on the floor.

"Do you think Laxus will forgive you when he found out that you are a fake?"

"Don't forget who you are, Lucy. Besides, a nobility like him won't love a servant girl like you."

       Why was she crying? She had accepted the result since the moment she realized her feeling for him...

      So why was she hoping for his love?? She was just a servant girl... an orphan.

     So why was she upset about the fact that she was rejected at her first confession?

     If that was the case, she had to be stronger... At least she wouldn't be a burden to him.

     She wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

• • • • •

      A golden light appeared beside her... Her brown eyes met Leo's hesitating eyes. Lucy smiled at him.

     The orange-haired spirit embraced his master, repeatedly telling him that he was sorry because he was late.

"Leo, I want to be stronger," she whispered.

      Leo didn't question why, despite the uncertainty Lucy wanted to train because she felt vulnerable in front of the guys or to heal her broken heart. "Don't worry, Lucy. We will help you," Leo replied immediately, as he comforted his sisterly figure.

      The lion spirit sighed silently, his heart was heavy with so many worries for his master. He was also aware of Laxus Dreyar's hesitated feelings, only Lucy didn't notice. He knew that the blond prince ​did this for Lucy's sake.

      As Lucy's spirit, he deeply hoped that Laxus and Lucy could end a happy ending.
As a friend, he also hoped that Natsu would move on from this impossible love.

      There was a saying in the human world, 'Time will heal the pain'. Thus, he wondered how long a broken heart took to heal.

• • • • •

       Gajeel and his exceed landed on the ground a few moments later. They didn't say anything, as they looked at the fire dragon slayer sadly.

'Natsu, why did you dig your own grave?' The iron dragon slayer thought silently.

      His idiotic friend was very good at hiding, probably because of the potions they used that he couldn't sense though they all were in Magnolia. After one day search, and when Gajeel had no clue about Natsu's whereabouts, he saw a lightning flash crossing in the sky. So he followed the lightning.

       The closer he got to his destination, the clearer he heard the conversation inside. Bunnygirl and Happy were begging Natsu. When he reached the entrance of the big manor, he heard Natsu's shout of 'Fire Dragon's roar.'

      Gajeel didn't blame his best friend. To lose control of his mind and to attack the girl he loved heartlessly, the mental blow Natsu had received wasn't mild.
      Who would be the blame? His Majesty Eucliffe? Uncle Igneel? His father? Or himself? 'It was part of my fault, Natsu, I'm sorry,' Guilt built-in Gajeel's mind, regretting that months ago when Lucy was held captive in his manor, he didn't even try to rescue her because of his father. Due to his negligence, his best friend suffered so much.

• • • • •

1 PM

       Withstanding the bright sun in the sky, a certain salmon-haired guy was walking silently along the road with a dull expression, unaware of the busy people in the streets. A few distances behind him were the black-haired guy, the blue exceed and the black exceed.

       Natsu didn't know how long he had been walking... His mind was dumb, his heart was heavy, and his life seemed meaningless. Various complex emotions were pressing on his heart, guilt was mixed with anger, and the remaining sympathy and love for her resurfaced.

       But he no longer cried...

       She betrayed him, But why... why wasn't he crying?

      The moment he discovered that she had betrayed him, his mind was snapped out of control and he hurt her.

      His cruel words made her cry...

      Her inferiority... her suffering...

      Her expression... her panic.. her disbelief... her weak plea... every clear image of her was imprinted in his mind...

      The way she looked at him with fear...

      Her stunned reaction made her unable to dodge his attack...

      Her relieved expression when Laxus Dreyar saved her...

     The way she looked at Laxus Dreyar with so much reliance...

      Her words "I like Laxus Dreyar" were still ringing in his ears again and again... no matter how many times he drove them away. Those three words were... as powerful as a dagger slicing his heart.

      Yeah.. it hurt so much... it indeed hurt him very much...

      Did he do something wrong?

      He looked up at the shining sun with golden color rays... as bright as her cheerful personality... as warm as her smile. Back then, they were very carefree and happy... only three of them... him, Happy, and Luce.

      He wished his Luce return to him... He just wanted his Luce back...

'Why doesn't Lucy come back to me? Whyy?'

• • • • •

East Gate, Magnolia

"Halt, you can't leave the city unless you show me your pass," one guard said to Natsu as he blocked the gate.

     Gajeel finally caught up with his friend. He looked at three guards standing in front of them. All of them were in their early twenties. "We're from Sabertooth," he grinned, "we're here to sightseeing."

"How do you go in here? Tell me your names," the second guard said.

"-" Gajeel, too, didn't have a token. He got help from an old grandpa who helped him entered the city because he helped him by carrying a big fruit sack.

"They're suspicious," the third guard whispered to the first and second, who was nodding to his comment...

'Why ain't they helping us?' It was what Natsu and Gajeel thought at the same time. They could sense the familiar scents in the nearest building.

      Seeing two boys hesitated to answer, the guards frowned at them. "Sorry for the offense but we have to arrest you...for trespassing the capital," one of them drew his sword from the sheath.

'What the heck,' Gajeel cursed, he eyed at the guards, clenching his fists. He was ready to counterattack the guards started attacking him.

"Stop-" A voice interrupted them.

      They saw a black-haired guy wearing a black shirt and a pair of brown pants walking toward them.

"Fullbuster-sama" they greeted the ice mage.

"I know them," Gray said, "Let them go."

      The guards obeyed, clearing the way. Before he left, the iron dragon slayer looked at the ice mage, "Can you deliver a message for Princess? That we apologize to her."

"Okay," Gray replied, "Have a safe journey."

• • • • •

GoldLight café, East Gate, Magnolia

       When the dragon slayers and the exceeds were out of their sight, Gray walked quickly and entered a nearby cafe. Going upstairs, he saw his blue-haired teammate standing near the window and looking in the direction of the city gate.

     When they were having their lunch in the city guard building, Bicks-san visited them and gave a letter, saying that it was for him and Juvia. The letter said 'Dragon slayers from Sabertooth are in Magnolia. I want you two to help them leave the city safely. Wait them at East Gate.'

     At first, Gray didn't know why it was addressed to 'him and Juvia'. However, after seeing the pink-haired dragon slayer, he realized the reason... Juvia was the dragon slayers' close friend, and he was tight-lipped compared to Lyon and Meredy. One could see clearly that the pink-haired guy was heartbroken.

"The fire dragon slayer likes Lucelia-sama," Gray said, ​as he sat down on a chair. It was a comment rather than a question.

      Juvia turned around, "Natsu and Princess are not dating."

'Right now Lucy is 'Princess Luelia'. Juvia has to defend Lucy.'

"I thought they returned to Sabertooth. It's shocking to see them here," Gray said.

"Natsu ran away from Gajeel-senpai, and Rogue-senpai. Juvia should've known it earlier."

"Juvia, are you from the Redfox clan?" It was the first time he asked her past.

"Gray-sama can say like that. Master accepted Juvia as his direct disciple. Gajeel-senpai and Rogue-senpai are Juvia's seniors.

"Do you resent Sabertooth? Do you resent us?"

      Juvia froze. "Why is Gray-sama asking?"

"I just want to know... You're a direct disciple of Lord Redfox. You have your bright future in Sabertooth, yet you came to Fairy Tail."

"Juvia doesn't have a right to disobey the royal order, Gray-sama. Princess is Juvia's savior. Juvia will follow wherever Princess goes. In fact, Juvia is happy in Fairy Tail. Juvia has her new friends."

Gray smiled, "You can count on me, Juvia."

• • • • •

      Unbeknownst to the sabertooth gang, a white falcon had been soaring in the high sky all the time. The bird followed them, from the Prince's manor, along their walk, to the city gate. When the group of four passed the gate, it rested on the roof of a cafe for a while before it flew back to a big manor with the fastest speed and landed on the ground inside the yard.

      The white falcon transformed into a form of a young lady with short white hair wearing a purple dress.

      She was clenching her fist with anger. When she saw the lightning body of Laxus Dreyar, she transformed into a white falcon and followed him with pure curiosity.

      When she reached Prince Manor, still flying, she saw that the familiar pink hair guy was facing the blonde couple. She watched him walk slowly... his cute and bright expression was now gone.

"The fire dragon slayer loves Lucelia-sama."
"But Natsu and Princess are not dating."

      These two sentences were enough to make her explode. She rushed back to her manor without eavesdropping on further conversation.

'Why it has to be Lucelia? Why does Natsu like her? What is special about her?' She pushed the nearby ceramic flower pots. The shattering sounds echoed in the yard.

      'Lucelia stole my nee-chan's lover, and the guy I fancy also likes her.'Why does everyone like her?'

       She stopped storming for a moment. "Then I'll make everyone hates her," A smirk crossed her rosy lips.

