Chapter 33 : Midnight's Angel

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DeathValley Cave

"What... do... you... mean?" Angel asked in a weak voice.


Seventeen years ago

"Where's the keys?" a black-haired man with puffy hair kept in a headband demanded as he entered the celestial village shrine. He was wearing a black robe and black hooded cape, even in the dark, his evil eyes reflected his cunning demeanor.

      Standing at the opposite of him was a blonde woman, Layla Heartfilia, leader of the Celestial Clan. Her condition was weak, but her determination gave her the courage to continue fighting. Beside Layla, was a white-haired woman wearing a torn dress, she was Hannah Aguria. The two celestial mages were facing their enemies without their keys.

"Are you here to die? Sadly, it's still too early for you to die. I still need your magic," Zoldeo laughed. Suddenly, Brain appeared in front of the blond-haired lady and stabbed her before stabbing another woman. The Oracion Seis leader laughed evilly, facing the man in a black cape, "There's no way I could let Grimoire Heart gain Incredible power. Hahahaha."

• • • • •

"Everything was according to my plan. At first, I tend to take the Heartfilia baby but she was well-hidden. So I arranged to get you as my disciple. As for the sky dragon slayer whom I needed, as long as there's a girl in the Dreyar family, she will inherit her grandmother's magic. Every effort I made was for this moment, to revive Zeref Black."

      Tears fell on Angel's face, not because of the pain, but because of what she had heard. In this world, she believed her master who saved the wandering helpless being like her, taught her how to get stronger, and gave her a home. Oracion Seis was her home, and Midnight, Cobra, Flame, and M were her friends.

     The saddest thing was... her master deceived her and she had been blaming the wrong person... for seventeen years.

      Angel didn't know how much blood she lost within one minute, the time seemed very slow, too bad that she didn't know any healing spells. When she coughed, she vomited blood. Her body was weak, trembling as unconsciousness wanted to dominate her. She closed her eyes unable to resist the dim light of the cave that hurt her eyes.

      Two-thirds of the magic circle rune was filled with blood, however, it stopped suddenly.

"WHAT!" Brain saw that the rune was dispelled within a second, and the sky dragon slayer was freed from the spell. The unconscious girl was carried by Midnight who then teleported to a space in front of the pinkette, and handed the bluenette to the latter. Meredy checked Wendy and told the group that the young princess would wake up soon.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest (middle)

     The distracted and angry dark mage waved his hand, creating several sand waves that attacked the swordsmaiden. With her left hand, Erza quickly summoned her Sea Empress Sword. Its sheepsfoot blade had scales with the pommel having the appearance of a fishtail and dull back edge. Erza swayed her blade,  water rippled along the blade, with drops of water coming off of the blade, the sand attack was cut by the sword.

     Immediately, Ajeel launched a vortex of sand, which was got rid of by Erza's Wind God Sword. Erza held her swords in front of her in crossed pattern, "Sand has so many weaknesses."

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest

"After three minutes of running to their destination, the ice mage and water maiden were stopped by a wave of strong air. "Yo folks, nice to meet you," They heard a voice, and at the same time, they saw a wooden stick blocking their way at a close distance away.

     If Lyon was here, he would shout 'A TALKING STICK!'. Yeah, the rod could talk, and it was ugly, had a human skull and a blue orb in its mouth.

"What is that?" Gray whispered to his teammate. "An enemy," the bluenette answered back.

"You can't defeat Oracion Seis as long as Master Brain remains," Klodoa said, "I warn you. You'll die soon- Ahh." The magic stuff was interrupted by Gray who grabbed it from behind.

"Shut up. I'm not here to listen to your nonsense," He repeatedly hit it with the ground, "I'm in bad mood after a long battle and now you're pissing me off."

      Somehow, the Oracion Seis member managed to escape from the ice mage's grip, "What a violent spoiled brat. You're so annoying," Klodoa said angrily while levitating in the air, much to the Fairy Tail's mages' surprise.

• • • • •

DeathValley Cave

      The black-haired guy faced his father, he smiled painfully. He knew his father would kill him and if it happened he couldn't survive the next attack because he used his remaining magic to free the sky dragon slayer. But, it was worth it, he was willing to betray his father and do the right thing, at least for the last time.

      He walked slowly toward his father, "You said Fairy Tail is weak. You ordered us to kill them. It isn't true, they're stronger than us. They care for each other like we Oracion Seis members care for each other. Father, you didn't care about us. If they didn't spare our lives, all of us would have died. Is reviving Zeref Black so important to you?" he stopped walking, "To think about it, we've been blind for many years. But, everything is over now. All you deserve is your failure, Father."

"SHUT UP TRAITOR," Brain shouted angrily, then he extended his hand and swayed. A large darkness magic force hit Midnight forcefully from his side, sending him away until he was hit by the wall. Midnight whimpered in pain. The dark guild leader gathered up his magic in his hand, forming a giant magic sphere. "Be gone," he said emotionlessly, sending the sphere towards his son.
     To the dark leader's surprise, a yellow barrier appeared in front of the black-haired mage, thus protecting him. It was the blue-haired crown prince's spell. A few seconds later, a bright yellow aura surrounded Jellal then he flew towards his opponent.

"Lyon, protect Wendy," Laxus said, then he summoned his lightning body to attack Brain.

• • • • •

        Meanwhile, Meredy rushed towards Angel, knelt beside her, and started healing her. Although she knew that her healing magic couldn't save the dying girl, she didn't give up... not yet.. at least she could extend her life until Wendy woke up. A heart-shaped link appeared on the celestial spirit mage's wrist.

       Meredy used her magic to share some pain from Angel. A sharp stabbing pain greeted her, but the celestial spirit mage seemed relieved a bit, "Thank you," she heard a weak sob.

'Telepathy?' Meredy thought. "Don't worry, you'll be okay," she gave the Oracion Seis mage an encouraging smile.

"Please save her," the maguilty sense mage heard a faint voice through telepathy. She knew it was Oracion Seis young master talking who was lying on the ground some distance away.

"You can kill me, but please let Angel live," the pinkette heard another unfamiliar tomboyish voice. [Deep in the forest, a crying black-haired tomboy who just gained consciousness whispered, pleading for her friend's life. She stood up weakly and she started walking slowly to the cave which was so far from her location. But she didn't care about the distance, she just wanted to meet her friend.]

"Angel, do you remember... you still owe me a meal. So don't die until you pay your debt."
[Somewhere in the mountain, the lying poison dragon slayer said, tears falling from his closed eyes.]

"Hang on, Angel," Racer said in a weak voice.

"Don't die, Princess."

"Angel, do you know... right now, the sun is shining brightly. You're the only one who like to watch this beautiful scene with me. So don't you ever leave us alone... Please don't die Angel." [Somewhere in the forest, Flame, who was leaning against the ice pillars of the ice prison, looked upward at the bright sun, and recalled their happiest memories. With Angel almost dying, her friends were on her side. They didn't escape like cowards this time. Al of them decided to redeem their sins.]

"Thank you everyone. I love you all." It was Angel replied.

"I love you Angel. I really love you."

      Tears fell down uncontrollably on Meredy's face as she heard every single word from Oracion Seis gang through Angel's telepathy. She sobbed, Angel's sadness and guilt was so much unbearable, and their friendship, made her cry harder. Of course, they were also human, they had emotions, too.

     The sensory mage's head and arms were covered with sweat, and her hands were shaking. She knew she would collapse within one or two minutes.

"It's okay," Meredy heard Angel's voice through telepathy. The sensory mage knew that Angel ended group telepathy because she didn't hear other voices except Angel's, "You don't need to force yourself to heal me. Thank you so much for letting me talk with my friends a little longer."

      Meredy looked at Angel who was smiling at her, "Don't give up." But her words didn't help the silver-haired girl much, as the said girl closed her eyes slowly... "ANGELL." she cried desperately.

• • • • •

'Don't die, Angel. Don't leave me in regrets,' Midnight could only say these words in his mind. Withstanding the heartache he felt right now while ignoring the pains from his injuries, he closed his eyes and let the tears wash away all his pains.

• • • • •

      On the day he first met her seventeen years  ago, he was following his father to somewhere he didn't know... In the middle of the forest, he suddenly stopped. It was her scream that made the little him notice. He saw a little girl running fast in his direction... she was running barefoot... Three giant foxes were following her... Her clothes were covered with dusk and dirt...

     When she passed him, she stared into his eyes, asking for help. Her eyes were filled with tears... She was pitiful... At that moment, he wanted to save her. He looked at his father, who didn't care what he was thinking. He knew he couldn't ask his father for help.

     He stepped forwards as he raised his hand, creating four small air slashes, and releasing these toward the hungry animals, sending them away. However, his attack wasn't strong enough to make them retreat. A moment, the angry foxes were approaching nearer and nearer, then the next moment, all of them were killed... by his father.

      To his surprise, his father took her as his disciple, she became his junior sister. He was happy because he finally had a playmate. They were together all the time... when they practiced magic and when they played... Their training place was the dark forest that surrounded their guild. They escaped from the dangers together... He helped her every time she needed help...

      Eleven years passed by so fast... They grew up together... New friends joined the guild... He had mastered dark magic, air magic, and reflector magic. And he realized that his feelings for Angel weren't the same as before... Little did she know, he had fallen for her... But, all she cared about was 'revenge'...

     He knew she had been training so hard, both in physical combat and magic. She could open two gates at the age of fifteen. But her problem was her insecurity that made her think she wasn't strong... "I'm still weak, I can't defeat the descendant of the Celestial Clan," she always said. He lost count of how many times he told her not to think such nonsense. Another problem was that they couldn't find other golden keys, because they weren't allowed to go out of the forest.

     Then, his father ordered his disciples to form new teams for the missions of finding magic weapons. He didn't form a team with her. Because of his good excuses, his father ordered her to lead and train her junior girls; Flame and M. It wasn't that he didn't want to go on missions with her... it was just he didn't let her do evil things such as harming or killing innocent people.

       He wanted her to stay in the Oracion Seis base peacefully. He knew she didn't like his father's decision because staying in the Oracion Seis base was like staying in the prison... but she didn't complain.

      In every missions, he always searched for the golden keys for her, which made his teammate Cobra laugh. He called him a coward jokingly and asked him why he didn't confess.

      Why? Because he knew she would reject him without hesitation... He knew her too well, that she wouldn't waste her time dating... Besides, he didn't want to destroy their friendship... For him, it was enough to stay beside her.

• • • • •

"I want you to leave Oracion Seis after you get your revenge, Angel."

"Give me a reason... why should I leave my home?"

"Don't forget why you joined the guild," he replied, "The deal is over after Lucy Heartfilia dies."

"If you still regard me as your friend, don't tell me to leave Oracion Seis." was her fierce reply, "Don't make me mad at you."

'If you choose to leave, I'll follow you. I leave my status behind. Being a dark mage isn't good. You deserve a happier life.'

• • • • •

       His silent apologies weren't enough... He was ashamed of what his father did to her village, to her family, and to her. The saddest thing was that he was the one who took her to Oracion Seis... to her sufferings...

If he had known the truth, he would've stopped his father... However, he knew he couldn't change the past. Everything was too late...


Hannah Aguria

[This photo isn't from Fairy Tail]


