Chapter 35 : Gate of the Phoenix

DeepTree Forest (outside)

"Do you know how to destroy it?"

"The only way to stop Nirvana is to destroy six lacrimas inside at the same time."

"It's easy," Natsu shouted, raising his fist, "I'll destroy them all."

"Shut up, Flamehead," Gajeel frowned at him, "You can't destroy all of them at the same time."

"We still have time," the black exceed said, with his arms crossing tightly.

"We'll go there and check the situation first," Gajeel nodded, "I'm sure Fairy Tail mages will come soon."

"It's the only way we can think now. Let's go." Then Rogue looked at the blue-haired maiden, "Sorry, Levy-san. It turns out our exceeds can't carry two people."

      Levy sighed, knowing that they were right. For the reason that they shouldn't get delayed because of her, she replied, "I know. Don't worry about me. I'll find my way out. Just go there first."

      Three exceeds carried their masters and flew towards the spider-like giant weapon with the highest speed.

• • • • •

DeathValley Cave

"Meredy-san," As soon as Meredy heard a familiar shout, she turned around to see young princess coming towards her. The sky dragon slayer sat beside her and started healing Angel. Meredy was relieved, as she canceled her sensory link, stood up slowly, and walked.

       After three steps, the sensory mage was unable to keep herself balanced, thus she collapsed. A certain white-haired mage caught her and let her sit down, as he also knelt on the ground, "You ok?" The girl could only give him a weak smile before passing out in his arms.

"Great job, Meredy. Thanks to you, she is saved," Lyon whispered as he picked her up, and walked to the nearby pillar. He put her down, placing her leaning against the pillar. Then he studied the fight as well as guided Wendy and Meredy.

• • • • •

"Open the gate of the golden bull! Taurus!" Lucy extended her right hand in front, a vertical golden magic circle appeared at the tip of her golden key.

      The giant humanoid bull appeared immediately, before jumping high and landing in front of the dark mage. With immense strength, Taurus swayed his labrys to attack the latter. Kagura also charged forward in an attempt to strike and slash her opponent, launching a perfect dual offense with the celestial spirit.

       As the labrys and Archenemy attacks became more intense, the Oracion Seis leader couldn't keep his feet from his spot, thus he dodged and teleported quickly. He reappeared in the air, quickly created a powerful tornado of darkness magic, and aimed at his opponents. Kagura and Taurus dodged the attack swiftly.

       The moment Brain landed on the ground, he was attacked by the princes. Laxus used his lighting dragon's fist to punch the dark guild leader, while Jellal created a fire tornado for an offense. Oracion Seis leader could avoid the attack by jumping up, but his move was predicted by the blond guy who punched him. Being unable to dodge, he took the first blow before teleporting again to land on the ground.

       Brain growled in annoyance since these kids were attacking him in a group. "Dark Rondo," he cast, several long streams of black and dark-green darkness magic with horror-stricken faces on the tip emerged from a large magic circle. These ghosts, which seemed to be alive, flew in the air before parting their directions to attack Fairy Tail mages.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest

"Gajeel-senpai! Rogue-senpai!" Juvia called them in surprise as she saw them blocking their way. She also saw Natsu and other exceeds.

"Juvia-chan, Frosch misses you!"

      Looking at the strangers (except Rogue whom he met once), Gray questioned, "Why are you here?"

"We don't have time to explain," Natsu answered recklessly, which made the Fairy Tail mages displeased.

"Do you have any idea about that walking stone?" Rogue asked, trying to bring up the peaceful talk.

"No!" was Erza's short reply.

"It's a powerful magic," Rogue continued, "It will fire massive beams to the entire mountains and forest.. fifteen minutes after activation. Now, we only have eight minutes left. We have to destroy six lacrimas inside each leg at the same time."

"So you mean, all of us have to climb the legs to get inside, destroy the lacrimas at the same time," Erza concluded, "Then we have to work together."

"Remember this, we will destroy them at countdown 3:00," Gajeel said.

"Gray, Juvia, you two will go to the nearest ones," Erza ordered. "Roger!" Then they all separated for their urgent quest.

• • • • •

SouthHill mountain range

      Laxus and Jellal stepped backward as they defended from Brain's attack. However, the darkness streams could easily break through Laxus's lightning dragon's punch and Jellal's fire embers.

      Kagura rushed to Lucy as she stood in front of her. As the ghosts were getting nearer, Erza slashed them speedily. Bleeding, the ghosts fell down and disappeared.

      Three ghosts bit the blond prince's arms, damaging him with darkness magic. Lauxs quickly smashed their head immediately before attacking the remaining. Knowing that he shouldn't spend a long time to defeat these ghosts, he quickly summoned a long sword made of lightning and destroyed them as he could sense that it was the fastest way Kagura used earlier.

      A purple aura of darkness magic engulfed the crown prince, as he created the dark purple streams with spearhead-like ends, destroying Brain's darkness spell.

      As all of the ghosts disappeared, Fairy Tail mages stood cautiously, knowing that the time they took for destroying the previous spell might give enough time for their enemy to cast another spell. An evil smirk on Brain's face and a large magic sphere in front of him indicated that their guess was right. 

        Brain gathered a large amount of purple Darkness Magic in front, ultimately, unleashing it as a wave of countless phantoms that seek to strike fairy tail mages' legs and engulfed them rapidly.

      Jellal, Laxus, Lucy, and Kagura were unable to avoid the attack, as they were separated by the flow of waves of human skeletal-like ghosts. Their legs were sunk in the darkness magic pool.

"BOOO" Taurus shouted as he tried to cut the ghosts with his axe, but he failed.

"Force gate closure!" Lucy said quickly as soon as she had seen her spirit struggling in this magic pool. Soon, the golden bull key shone brightly for a moment, Taurus faded away, returning to his spirit world.

       The dark purple-haired maiden tried to summon her sword spirit but the latter didn't respond to her. The blond-haired prince attempted to erase the phantoms with his lightning magic, but he, too, failed. The blue-haired crown prince used his darkness magic to counter, however, the result was the same with others.

       Lucy let out a soft cry from pain and discomfort, the darkness magic reached from her legs to her abdomen to her neck speedily. Seriously, she was swallowed by her enemies' magic twice today. She saw her teammates were also in trouble. 

      Struggling in danger, she reached into her key pouch for her spirit keys by force of habit. She opened it, and stopped for awhile to think about what she should do. Based on the discovery that the weapons weren't useful, she couldn't summon Cancer. Leo was tired from the previous battle, the same as Virgo who was defeated by Angel. Her silver keys spirit? No no.

      While deciding for a good strategy. She heard a soft whisper which she heard before she entered the cave. 'Summon me,' the voice said.


       However, she heard nothing after that and she didn't know which spirit was talking to her. She grabbed one of her new keys, the red one which she placed in the fourth hook, which was by her instinct sensing that she might be correct.

'The red key... Symbol of wings... is it a red bird? Eagle? Falcon?' She closed her keys to recall what the red key looked like. 'Spreading wings.. and a tail? Could it be?'

"OPEN GATE OF PHOENIX," she shouted, concentrating her magic to summon the new spirit.

• • • • •

SouthHill mountain range

       While holding her swords together, Erza gathered light energy at the tip of the sabers, pointed at the giant globe, and fired a powerful energy blast. Immediately after the light sphere hit its target, blowing it away.

"Water Cyclone," Juvia raised both of her arms in front, and a blue magic circle appeared vertically. Creating a circular torrent of water from the magic circle, she released a powerful water cyclone to destroy the lacrima. A massive wave of water hit the magic thing, and destroyed it successfully.

"Ice-make : Cannon," Gray crafted a small, ornate cannon from ice, creating multiple cannons. He fired at his target continuously til it was shattered into pieces.

"Iron Dragon's Sword," Gajeel transformed their arm into a large, jagged iron blade with spikes along the blade's edges. He jumped as his iron sword's length lengthened to reach the lacrima. The sword pierced the glass lacrima before breaking it into pieces.

"Shadow Dragon's Roar," Using his favourite attack, Rogue released a large burst of shadows from his mouth and hit the lacrima quickly.

"Fire Dragon's Roar," Natsu quickly gathered and released a large flame from his mouth at his target. Fire Roar hit the target, burned it, and disabled the lacrima.

     All six attacks from six mages destroyed the lacrima at the same time, as a result the mobile stone stopped itself and crumbled to the ground into pieces. Erza smiled, "We did it."

• • • • •

DeathValley Cave

       The key sparkled for a moment, opening a large reddish magic circle above the surface of darkness magic pool. Lucy could feel her magic drain dramatically since summoning this spirit took too much magic from her, one minute of summoning felt like fifteen minutes.

"Kyaa!!" A sharp scream was heard as a giant red bird, with firey orange feathers and a tail, emerged soon. The bird spirit ascended then stopped in the air, spreading his wings in a V shape and flapping them. Small flames released from his feather as they rained down before touching the darkness waves, resulting in completely eradicating them.

       With red aura surrounding them, Fairy Tail mages could feel that their injuries were started healing by the flames and that their magics had been recovered and enhanced. Jellal sighed in relief since the problem they were facing now was gone.

       During the summoning, Lucy used all of her remaining magic to keep her phoenix spirit in this world til he finished healing them. She began to tremble, as she tried to maintain her posture from falling.

      When the red bird finished his job of healing, he went back to his world. As soon as the spirit was gone, the shaking Lucy began to fall to the ground as she blacked out. Laxus ran to her and caught her just in time before she hit the ground.

"Kagura, guard her," he looked at his subordinate who was approaching them. Kagura nodded, "Roger, Your Highness."

• • • • •

"DARK GRAVITY!" Brain shouted, the ground in the cave started shaking and the gravity was manipulated by him. Strong gravity force pulled all the mages in the cave down, resulting in every mage being crushed by solid ground easily, except Brain, who was the spell caster, and Jellal, who summoned his Meteor right before the gravity was activated.

       Jellal summoned five layers of Magic Seals, each layer of gold, light green, dark red, dark blue, and purple respectively, on top of his enemy, which released a powerful concentrated beam of heavenly body magic power directly below the seals, attacking the dark guild leader. Ice was quickly created by Lyon who lay on the ground with his hand extended forward to cast a spell.   The ice floor anchored the ground below Brain so that the latter couldn't move.

       Unable to teleport or dodge, Brain got hit by the magic beam since he didn't want to cancel his magic spell. He received certain injuries, but these didn't cause him to be defeated. Ice that frozed the ground and his legs launched a tower of ice spikes to strike him. The gravity effect disappeared, as Brain broke the ice tower to escape, and jumped high. Unfortunately for him, he found himself trapped in the yellow pillar of seal no matter how high he jumped.

       Lauxs smirked in satisfaction. When Brain was busy defending himself from Lyon's attack, he stood up against the earth force and summoned six lightning swords which pierced the ground around Brain, thus trapping him inside a hexagonal lightning seal.

       Lighting bolts danced in the pillar and started electrocuting the dark mage along the height not giving him the time to use his damage-reflect magic. Brain cursed, he made a mistake. He shouldn't underestimate these kids, last two attacks could kill someone who wasn't on par with them. Withstanding the attack, he was forced back to the ground. However, luck wasn't on his side as these brats' spells attacked him one after another without even a second gap.

     A giant ice ape emerged from a white ice magic circle that appeared behind the Oracion Seis leader. The ape punched him, but he quickly dodged to the side before catching the ape's fist with his right fist. "Shit" he cursed, after sensing that a familiar roar from lightning dragon slayer was near to him, from his left side.

      As he planned to dispel the lightning magic first then the ice-made ape later, Brain extended his left hand, and block the Lightning dragon's roar with his damage-reflecting magic, but the yellow beam was much stronger than the previous one. The ape pulled its fist before hitting him with another hand. Losing his posture, Brain received the punch before summoning a darkness sphere and destroying it.

"Altairis!" Jellal crossed their arms above their head and cast another spell as soon as Lyon's ape started attacking Brain. All nearby shadows were drawn towards his hands, forming a small black orb that rapidly grew in size. The blue-haired magic then unleashed the giant orb which attacked his foe from the left side. A tremendous amount of shadow globe crushed Brain, and later by lightning dragon roar. Two intense powerful forces hit the dark guild leader, resulting in an explosion.

       The mages saw their opponent standing on his feet, without moving, red eyes staring at the space in front. Laxus, Jellal, and Lyon waited for the clear result, ready to defend since they were also exhausted by continuous attacks. Except for one girl who took this situation as an opportunity to attack the dark guild leader.

      Kagura swiftly dashed towards her enemy, using her highest speed, and sliced him with her flame-enhanced sword whilst going past then she turned around. She circled her Archenemy to slice him again before stabbing him in the upper left chest completely. Then she pulled her sword.

      Massive blood was pumped out of the hole in the chest due to the torsion of the major artery in the wounded region. The dark guild leader fell, unconsciousness took over him, and within three minutes, Brain, one of the most fearful veteran dark mages, lost his life.

• • • • •

Six minutes later,
DeathValley Cave(entrance)

"I wonder what happened to Nirvana," Jellal said to his brother who was carrying the unconscious celestial spirit mage. After they looked around the cave for further evidence and important things, they exited the cave, "Erza's team destroyed it, right? He didn't hear any explosion from outside, so he assumed that the weapon was also destroyed.

       Other were resting outside of DeathValley cave. Meredy, who regained her consciousness a moment ago, leaned against a nearby tree. Kagura and Wendy were beside her as the young princess didn't stop healing Angel. Sparky and Carla who stayed outside the whole time were standing beside the girls now. Midnight, still unconscious, was lying on the ground, and Lyon was sitting beside him while guarding the dark mage.

"Just say your girlfriend saved us," Laxus replied with a slight smirk. He could sense his three fellow. His smirk turned into a frown when he sensed some strangers and three cats similar to Sparky and Carla. 'Exceeds? So they're dragon slayers from Sabertooth.'

"They are here," The blond prince said, he didn't know why he was bothered by their presence... Was it because dragon slayers also played a role in faking the princess?

      Laxus sighed without others noticing him. He had to welcome them properly because it was a part of his duty of being a prince. Besides they helped Erza. He put Lucy down, and let her lean against him, her head resting on his shoulder, as he hugged her side to support the unconscious girl. Greeting the guests while carrying a girl in his arms wasn't appropriate even though she was his wife.

      A moment later, the fairy tail mages saw Erza in Heavenly Wheel Armor, and Gray and Juvia on a large flying sword landed on the ground. Three guys and three cats also landed beside them. They also heard horse gaits that was getting near. A blue-haired girl wearing a yellow bandana and orange dress pulled the rein and stopped her horse before getting down off it.

"Levy-san?" Juvia asked in disbelief, looking at her eldest senior. Bringing a know-it-all girl to Fairy Tail, not to mention she was the real princess's best friend, wasn't a good idea.

"Guys, they're from Sabertooth," Erza started, "They just helped us-"

"HEY! LET GO OF HER!" An angry voice shouted.


A/N : Oh my Kagura, you're "Dark guild leaders slayer." 🤣 Sorry, the story turned out like this.
