Chapter 48 : The Calm Before The Storm

June 6th, X524 (10 AM)


      Leaning the frame of the window of a luxurious room, a golden-haired girl with a simple single braid, in a lime-colored dress, had been sitting in the chair since morning. Her emotionless eyes instantly stared into the broad blue sky.

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      In his study room, a blond-haired young man wearing a brown attire walked to and fro down the length of the room... without stopping... without resting... he lost count of how many times he sighed.

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       On the training ground, a young man with long black hair was exchanging blows with a younger man with short black hair. A green cat-like little cutie was cheering for his master. Beside him, was a black one eating a small green fruit.

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       Downtown area... in front of a magic shop, was a blue-haired girl wearing a yellow midi dress and a bandana. She just came out of the shop. A satisfied smile crept on her lips as she gripped a silver key in her hand.

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"Fire Dragon's Roar!!!" If the whole area wasn't protected by the barrier which restricted the fire, his fire dragon's roar was very powerful to destroy the wall, and even damage several meters past the wall. Everyone in the Dragneel Manor could see that their young master was changing.... but, his sudden change was a good turn. Unlike acting a spoiled kid after he had lost his favorite maid, his personality became more mature, and he become stronger.

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      A girl with long blond hair tied into a high ponytail was holding two golden keys which formed an obtuse angle in between them. A giant humanoid bull spirit and a dark-skinned man with a scorpion-like tail came out of their gates. At the opposite side, an orange-haired young man with a black suit was standing calmly, as he fixed his left sleeve length, 'This gonna be a good good fight.' He smiled.

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      Inside the private room of Lamia beverage shop, a handsome blond-haired young man was drinking wine silently, sometimes letting out a quick sigh of worry. A yellow exceed was sleeping sound on the table.

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       In the study room of Crown Prince's Manor, the blue-haired crown prince was reading a report paper that contained information about the member of a dark guild that they would destroy next.

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      In one of the rooms inside the Scarlet Manor, a girl with light-purple hair was writing the phrase 'The sun is shining in the sky'.

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      In the training ground of the Scarlet Manor, a girl in a cerulean-colored kimono, with her dark-purple hair tied into a low bun, was practicing the sword skills alone.

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      In a room inside Alba Manor, a brunette wearing a brown top and a pair of black trousers was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed. Several cards were spread on the table in front of her.

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      In the yard inside the Fullbuster manor, a young man with long blue hair, wearing black attire, was found searching for his pet. He sighed, not knowing where his pet might be hiding.

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      A young woman with long raven hair, wearing a lilac-colored sundress was picking the purple irises in her small garden. A brief movement from beside her caused her to turn around. She found a familiar fox in between small green plants, "Hey there little fox," she greeted before touching the pet gently.

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      The days in the prison were rough for them, yet the formed Oracion Seis members accepted their fate and had been staying in the prison without causing trouble, astonishing their wrongdoings.

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      On the outskirts of Magnolia, where there was a magical animal farm owned by a well-known business family, a young woman with long silvery hair was playing with small animals with fondness. Even though she was living with her magic being sealed, her new life was peaceful.

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       In a forest named Sprite Forest, which was located twenty miles away from the capital, a red-haired maiden wearing a pink fairy armor was smiling victoriously... she was holding a pair of coral-colored beautiful swords, each had a pair of seraph wings, and a spherical gray jewel in center. A gigantic mountain-sized brown lizard was spotted a distance beside her... Undoubtedly, she killed it single-handedly.

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      A girl with pink wavy long hair wearing a dark-pink dress dragged a blue-haired girl in a dark-blue dress excitedly, as they enjoyed their leisure time in the local festival of Fantastia town, where they stopped to rest during their return back to the capital, after their mission. In the same city, a young man with black hair was collecting any necessary information from the locals, while a young man with white hair was visiting the biggest magic shop in the town.

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      In the wide compound of the Strauss manor, a white-haired petite girl elegantly brought her cup to her mouth, before taking a sip of iced tea. She had a smirk on her pretty face, 'Perfect,' she whispered.

