Chapter 12 : Sacred Celestial Village

Previous chapter

"Guess the item inside the box,
Unlock the box with a spell,
Cast the spell with your magic,
You truly are a chosen mage."


March 20th, X524 (11:45 AM)
Magnolia downtown

"OMG, my dear pegasus, I failed to protect you," Ichiya shouted while claiming that the ice duo should arrest the criminal who killed his pegasus. Lyon sweatdropped at the man's dramatic action and whispered to Gray, "His pegasus isn't a real animal. Besides, how can we arrest Leo when he was a spirit? We can't arrest Princess Lucelia. Ichiya-san is over-reacting."

"Let him be. He'll stop when we mention Titania's name," Gray replied.

      Meanwhile, two inquisitive maidens were busy solving the riddle. "Maybe there's a powerful weapon in the box," Evergreen said, as she handed it to Cana.

"Give it back to me," the poor lion shouted as he jumped and tried to take the box back, but failed.

"I got it," Cana said, "I guess we can open the box with our magic. Let me try it," she smiled confidently before putting the box on the ground. She threw one of her cards to the box, "Card magic: Fire!" A continuous stream of flame emerged from her card and hit the box. Seeing that the box wasn't burnt, Cana stopped. "Well, I think I was wrong, haha."

'Whoever created this box, thank you so much,' Leo praised quietly. "You can't open this box with your magic. This box is sealed with celestial spirit magic. Only the celestial spirit mages can open it. A golden key is in this box. That means both the box and the key belong to my princess," the lion explained, "Juvia can you please carry the box?"

     Juvia nodded before holding the small box.

"Hey, human. I'm sorry for your pegasus. I had to destroy it to get this box. Thanks," Leo said before transforming into his little form again, "Com'on Juvia, let's go. I'm hungry, want some meat."The little lion left, and Juvia followed him, leaving the two ice mages, two brunettes and the crying Ichiya behind.

• • • • •

11:35 AM
Prince Laxus Manor

'I hate flying,' Lucy thought as she closed her eyes, holding the lightning dragon slayer's furry coat tightly. Although the electrical current didn't harm her, she didn't dare to move. She wasn't afraid of height, just she didn't like moving in the air inside the electricity.

     Laxus transported himself and blondie to his manor, hoping that they could settle the fake princess issue before the wedding ceremony. They landed in a beautiful yard filled with green yard plants.

"Open your eyes, blondie. You're scared like a bunny," Laxus stated amusingly, "I heard that your brother is a white dragon slayer. Don't you fly with him?"

"I don't like flying. Besides, not every dragon slayer can transport in like you, Prince Laxus," Lucy replied quickly, "My brother has his exceed to fly with him." Lucky for Lucy, Madam Irene told her that Prince Laxus and Princess Wendy are dragon slayers.

"Follow me," Laxus ordered, without saying anything more. He led her to a beautiful white gazebo. Lucy followed him silently, her mind telling her that he would ask her questions regarding why she was in downtown. 'It'll be fine. Don't be nervous.'

      Lucy sat on a chair while Laxus leaned against one of the brick pillars, facing her. "Why're you in the downtown? Don't tell me Madam Irene let you go outside of her manor."

"I sneaked out. I don't think it's a problem, Prince Laxus. I want to visit Magnolia."

"The assassins tried to kill you yesterday, yet you want to wander around the city today. Such a brave girl."

"I appreciated your comment, your highness," Lucy replied with a smile.

"Fairy Tail is split into two sides. Do you know that?" Lucy responded with a nod. "Marrying me means you'll be in danger at any time any place, just like yesterday," Laxus continued. "My side also doesn't trust you fully since we don't know your true intention."

"How can I have other intentions, Prince Laxus? I lost my freedom and came to Magnolia. Do you think I'll assassinate you?" Lucy asked calmly.

"Interesting, You can try if you want blondie," Laxus replied amusingly. Lucy gave him an annoying look, "I'm joking. you know, your highness."

      Laxus continued, "Ivan Dreyar and August Strauss are allied with the dark guilds. If we don't destroy these guilds first, they will become a threat to us one day. You, as my princess consort, have to join the battles."

"Excuse me, Prince Laxus. You don't need me to join your battles against dark guilds. Besides the three clans are really powerful," Lucy retorted, "All I want to do is stay in this manor peacefully."

"Want to stay in my manor peacefully after getting a lot of money from King Eucliffe. Isn't your life so easy-going?"

"What do you mean?"

     Laxus looked at Lucy intensely, "Didn't King Eucliffe reward you money after you agreed to be a fake princess?"

      She was stunned for a while before standing up angrily, "What do you mean a fake princess? I'm Lucelia Eucliffe."

"Why don't you drop this act and have a serious talk? You should know that denying makes things worse.. Lucy Heart," Laxus continued, "Do you think I will marry Sabertooth Princess without investigating or I'll believe that King Ecliffe will let his daughter as a hostage to this Kingdom? I also have my way, blondie."

      Lucy was unable to speak because of the blond-haired prince who was so sure that she was a fake princess. She didn't want to reveal her identity on the second day living in Fairy Tail, but she was unlucky. She was afraid if she could pretend any longer under his intense gaze.

       Seeing the silent blondie, Laxus couldn't help but smirk again. How could she come to Magnolia when she didn't know how to tell a lie properly? "Don't worry, exposing your identity did mean no good for me. Ivan Dreyar will start the kingdom war again. Then all the efforts for peace-making will be wasted," He continued, "In this situation, even if I know that you are a fake princess, I don't have a choice but to keep it a secret. Only Macao, my assistant and I know the truth."

"So, what do you want, after telling me all of these?" Lucy asked simply before sitting down again. She had better admit than deny. Anyway, she had a feeling that the blond prince had other reasons that he would spare her. If not, he won't talk with her from the beginning.

"Your identity as Lucelia Eucliffe is still useful to me," Laxus said coolly, "Besides, as I explained earlier, I don't want to expose your identity. Join my side and do as I order."

"So, are you asking me to help you?" Lucy asked, hoping to confirm her suspicions.

"Are you kidding me?" Laxus raised his voice, "I'm using your fake identity to blackmail you. Do as I say or Die."

"So, you would rather accept me as your ally than blame me for deceiving you. Well, it's so nice of you," Lucy breathed a sigh of relief, "Look like I don't have another choice but to help you, do I?"

      Laxus sat down on a chair nearby, "Don't be too happy. You need to learn how to lie and how to survive in Magnolia, Blondie."

     Lucy nodded before asking him a question she wanted to know, "Your Highness, Why would you trust me? After all, I'm a girl from Sabertooth." Laxus stared at her for a few seconds, and she became uncomfortable under his stare, "It's not trust, but use, blondie." Laxus replied, "Since we have the same enemy, why can't I help you hide your identity? However, the moment you betray me, you'll die."

• • • • •

1 PM
Scarlet manor

      Lucy was in her room, sitting on a chair, and staring at her new silver key Horologium. It was the key she decided to buy before she and Natsu got captured by the Redfox clan. She didn't know how this key ended in the hand of Prince Laxus, but he gave it to her.

"Is Lucy okay?" Juvia asked her best friend as soon as she opened the door. Lucy smiled, "I'm fine, Juvia." The water maiden gave the blonde a small wooden box, "Leo said there's a golden key in this box, and that Lucy can open it with her magic."

"Really?" Lucy asked, her eyes sparkled with excitement, and checked the small box. "Where's Leo? I thought you two will come back together."

"He returned to the spirit world after eating a huge amount of meat in a restaurant. He yawned and said that the meat made him sleepy," Juvia replied with a light chuckle.

"Haha, I'll talk to him later," Lucy said, "After staying in the human world for almost two hours and eating meat until he's full, he might be exhausted and sleepy."

      Juvia didn't ask her friend how she get back here because Cana told her that Prince Laxus would send the princess back. The bluenette saw a new silver key with a clock symbol in Lucy's hand. "Lucy got a new silver key?" Lucy nodded, "Prince Laxus gave me. Actually, this key was from Crocus, the key I couldn't buy because I was captured by the Redfox clan."

"Then why is it-"

"Juvia, He knows who I am," Lucy stated, "Laxus Dreyar knew that I'm not Lucelia Eucliffe."

Juvia looked at the blonde with wide eyes' "Then what did he say? Did he hurt Lucy? Did he say that he will reveal the truth?"

"NO. he said he will keep it a secret as long as I follow his order. He wants us to help the three clans in destroying the dark guilds."

"At least, Lucy is out of danger now," Juvia replied with relief.

"Laxus Dreyar is a good tactician he knows how to take advantages. Do we have other choices?" Lucy sighed. Juvia shook her head slowly, "Don't worry. Juvia will protect Lucy," the bluenette smiled.

"I'll train hard so that I can protect myself and you, Juvia," Lucy smiled brightly.

• • • • •

March 20th, X524 (3 PM)
Crocus downtown, Sabertooth Kingdom

"Excuse me, sir, can I ask you some questions?" Sorano Aguria, a young woman in her early twenties, with a long slivery hair, asked the shopkeeper of the magic shop. Her short white dress was made up of white feathers, and two feathery wings hang from her back.

"How can I help you, young lady?"

"I'm a celestial mage. Do you know any information about zodiac keys?" Sorano asked, giving him an attractive smile.

"I don't have any golden keys right now," the shopkeeper replied. 'Of course, I know that, you dumb old man.' Sorano thought.

"I mean, other zodiac keys owners? Who owns which keys?" Sorano hinted, looking at the man with her curious and pleading eyes. "Please, I want to know."

"Princess Lucelia has three zodiac keys, and there's another girl named Lucy Heart. she owned four zodiac keys."

"Princess went to the Fairy Tail Kingdom, right? Where's Lucy Heart? What does she look like?"

"I heard that Lucy went back to her village. She has short brown hair, and she worked at Dragneel manor. She's a kind celestial mage." the shopkeeper replied. Sorano smiled again, "Thank you so much, sir. Byebye." She waved her hand before walking out of the shop quickly.

      She raised her hand, reaching up to the sky, "Mother, Yuki-chan, wait a little longer. I'll revenge for you," she smirked. 'First, hunt the brunette down and get her keys. Then, kill Lucelia Euliffe in Magnolia... or should I say, Lucy Heartfilia.'

• • • • • • • • • •

(17 years ago)
July 7th, X507
Celestial Village, Sabertooth

"Mages, Defend the village!" A blond-haired man in his early thirties, wearing armor, shouted. "Young children and old people. please evade to the mountain quickly!" He was Jude Heartfilia, the head of the village. "Please help each other!"

      Everything was in chaos, the peaceful celestial village was under attack by masked men from a dark guild. The celestial village, which was the lovely home of about 340 people, was located southwest of Sabertooth Kingdom, and very far away from Crocus. The defenders who were the mages from Heartfilia Clan were outnumbered as they were overwhelmed by evil forces. Several houses were on fired, villagers ran away from the attacks, and the mages, including Lord Jude, lost their lives while protecting the village.

      5-year-old Sorano Aguria was standing on the mountain, and looking at the flame-covered village, tears flowing down her face. She heard that everyone defending the village died, including her mother Hannah Aguria and her sister Yukino. Gripping three golden keys that her mother gave to her, she swore that she would revenge for everyone one day.

     Her mother gave her three golden keys before she let her evade with other villagers. She told her to take care of herself and live well. Young Sorano witnessed that her mother carrying her one-year-old sister left her alone right before her eyes. While running, she heard from other escaping villagers that the village was attacked because of Lucy Heartifilia. She realized that the path her mother went led to the village shrine, to meet Madam Layla Hearfilia and one-year-old Lucy Heartfilia. Yet, Sorano didn't know why her mother took Yukino to the shrine.

      Staring at the destroyed village, she imagined if her mother and her sister also came with her, but it was an impossible daydream. If they hadn't gone to the shrine.. If Madam Layla hadn't summoned her mother.. If Lucy Heartfilia wasn't existed. or If Madam Layla had sacrificed Lucy Heartfilia in exchange for over 300 lives.. Everyone would have been alive..

      All because of Lucy Heartfilia, people were killed. But she had survived the attack, was adopted by her aunt Queen Anna Eucliffe and lived peacefully in the grand palace, with no clue about what had happened to her real mother and the Celestial village.

     It was unfair for both the remaining villagers and the heroes who died in that battle for her.

      That was why Sorano Aguria vowed to kill that disgusting blond girl.


So, let me conclude the ages of the young generation! Year X524 (present)

Lucy Heart (soon 18), Lucelia (soon 18), Lisanna - 17
Juvia, Meredy, Natsu - 18
Gajeel, Sting, Rogue - 19
Gray, Lyon, Evergreen, Elfman - 20
Erza, Jellal, Freed - 21
Laxus, Bickslow, Mirajne, Ultear, Sorano - 22
Bacchus - 24
Mest - 25


Sorano Aguria

Jude Heartfilia, Head of Celestial Village, Leader of Heartfilia Clan


Layla Heartfilia, Second-in-command of Heartfilia Clan

