Chapter 5 : Garou Knights Part 2

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At the moment, two purple flowers emerged from the ground and ejected yellowish spores. Without a doubt, these were poisonous.


March 19th, X524 (2:36 PM)
River Cloud Forest, near Magnolia

      Lucy covered her mouth and nose immediately.

"Beautiful... You can't escape from my lovely poison, Princess Lucelia," it was the pink-haired assassin's voice. "Nice one, we can finish our job perfectly, hahaha!" this creepy laughter from the assassin man was so disgusting. Lucy heard Juvia's scream of "LUCYY!"

'I need to get out of here,' Lucy thought anxiously while hitting the barrier with her fist again and again. Suddenly, she heard a loud glass shattering sound. With a surprise, she turned around to see blue transparent medium-sized swords passed through the paper dome. She dodged the swords fast as these swords passed and split the front barrier, thus breaking the illusion spell. Taking this as a chance, the blonde jumped out of the dome.

"How can that be possible?" the black-haired woman asked in surprise after she had seen that someone broke her unbreakable spell. "My magic," a beautiful girl holding a wooden basket replied simply as she stepped into the battle zone and stood the same line as the two girls, "can destroy any spells with sense and emotions... including your illusion spell."

      Lucy looked at her savior curiously. This girl, around sixteen, was wearing a red knee-length dress, a blue cape, black stockings and brown boots. Her pink hair was tied in a wavy ponytail. The pinkette smiled at her sweetly, "I came in time, right, Princess? My name is Meredy Lindsey. Nice to meet you... Your Highness."


      The assassin leader dashed with high speed before attacking the ice mage with his scythes. Gray created a large longsword for melee combat quickly, seemed as he could predict his enemy's attack. The ice mage dodged the slashes rapidly and carefully as the masked man attacked him aggressively. Kama jumped into the air and swung his two scythes. Gray blocked the scythes blades with his sword and gripped the right scythe handle, causing a large mass of blue-colored ice covered the scythe at a great rate. Kama released his scythe unthinkingly. Gray smirked and dropped the scythe. Soon, the ice-covered scythe fell onto the ground and shattered into pieces.

      The assassin leader was angry to see his metal scythe was broken into pieces inside the ice, "HOW DARE YOU DESTROYED MY WEAPON?" He shouted angrily and looked at Gray, only to find out that that brat was standing in close range, with multiple swords, which were connected which a large chain, circling around him.

"Ancient Blue Ice Spell.. It can shatter anything inside the ice," Gray said. 'Although this spell drained my magic,' he thought, 'I need to finish him as fast as I could, or everything will be ruined.' He swung his arm backwards, sending the swords towards his opponent who couldn't move because his surrounding was frozen by the ice magic.

       Kama blocked the swords with his scythe, however, his movements were slowed down because of his weaponless right hand and his injured left shoulder. Within three seconds, the swords hit the man rapidly. In addition, Gray rushed towards him and slashed the assassin with his sword as the finishing move. The Garou Knight leader fell backwards, exhausted, then he was trapped in a large rectangular ice cage.


      Purple spheres made of corrosive acid appeared in front of Neppa as he ordered them to rush towards Lyon. Lyon created ice wings fast and flew upward, avoiding the acid spheres. "Ice-make : Eagles." Several eagles flew to the enemy from the sky. Neppa created an acid wall, "It's useless," he shouted. A smug look was obvious on the man's face as he waited for the time when these birds would become the meal for his acid wall. However, the eagles avoided the acid wall and struck the acid user with full force. Not wasting the time, Lyon made a medium-sized tiger that ran swiftly towards the large man. The tiger bit the assassin's arm causing the man to scream.

     Lyon landed on the ground behind the assassin quietly and kicked his back. The acid mage turned around and punched the ice mage, who dodged to the left side and punched his abdomen. Lyon shifted quickly to the left again and kicked the man double before kicking him across his face. These continuous kicks managed to knock pit the acid user as he fell to the ground unconsciously.


      The area-controlling mage raised his hands to the sky, creating water waves in the area around the three girls. The water level was rapidly raised, engulfing the three girls, then water was slowly transferred into water tornadoes. The girls struggled to get out of water waves, however, it was useless and they found themselves underwater. Juvia tried to control water to break the spell, 'Juvia can't control water,' she thought worriedly.

       Lucy held her breathe underwater, hoping that her best friend would find a way quickly. It was when she thought a good idea, 'If there is water, I can summon Aquarius.' She took her water bearer golden key and summoned Aquarius. Soon, a blue-haired blue mermaid appeared in front of the blonde.

       Aquarius glared at the blonde behind her, "Still causing trouble, brat?" before waving her blue vase. Water tornadoes started fading slowly, then her jar absorbed water in the form of a stream until there was nothing left. The three girls landed on the ground safely as the mermaid remained in the air. Aquarius sent a torrent of water towards Uosuke, knocking him out and sending him away. The said man was hit by a big tree behind him. Lucy closed the water bearer gate before kneeling on the ground in exhaustion.

       Meredy created a pink string, the sensory string went towards the assassin man and tied him to the tree. "One down," the pink-haired girl said happily.

"I can sense that they are exhausted now," Meredy whispered to Juvia. "So Juvia too," the water mage whispered back.

"Let's end this fight with our next counterattack. I think it's the best way."

"Juvia thinks so too."

"STOP MURMURING," the paper mage shouted aggressively. "Projectile Fruit," the plant mage cast the spell, numerous spiky tree trunks grew from the ground and surrounded the three girls.

      Meredy checked the tree cautiously and saw that the red small fruits began sprouting simultaneously and getting bigger. Meredy smiled and summoned her swords which circled around them. She released her blue sensory swords which then went towards the trees and cut them into pieces. After the blue swords combined into a single grey sword, the sword disappeared. It reappeared in front of the pink-haired assassin and stabbed her in the abdomen before disappearing completely. The wound didn't bleed, however, Cosmos pressed her abdomen in pain. The pain was so intense that the the plant mage couldn't stand anymore. She laid down on the ground while whimpering.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" Kamita asked Meredy angrily. The paper mage was frightened now, the situation was rapidly changed from 'three versus two' to 'one versus three'. And she didn't know how to defend herself from the pinkette's magic. She could hope that her other teammates would help her sooner.

      Juvia raised her right hand and shouted "Water Nebula," two waves of water started rotating around each other in the helix form, and rushed towards the zoned out paper user. Water waves blasted her into the air with strong force. "Ahhh. Juvia. Why did you throw her away? We should send her to the jail," Meredy asked confusingly. Juvia looked at the pinkette with wide eyes, "Juvia forgot that."

"It's okay. I've already sent my bird to catch her," Lyon said proudly. He placed Neppa, who was on an ice cart, near the pink-haired woman who passed out due to her pain. Lyon saw the assassin man who was tied to the tree. "So we defeated four assassins," he commented.

"Five," Gray shouted as he walked towards the ground, pulling a cage that the assassin leader was in.

       Gray asked Lucy, "Princess, are you okay?" The blonde nodded before looking at the pinkette kindly, "Meredy, thank you for your help."

       Meredy waved her hands in denial, a sheepish smile crossed on face, feeling shy that the royal Princess Lucelia Eucliffee just said 'a thank you to her.' "Princess, you don't have to. You are our princess consort. It's my duty. I'm very glad that you're safe."

      Lyon glanced at Meredy suspiciously, "Who are you? I feel like I've met you before." His question made two Sabertooth girls surprised since they thought that Meredy was one of the Fairy Tail guards' acquitances.

"What are you doing alone in this forest?" Gray asked quickly. Wasn't this girl acting suspicious by wandering around in the forest alone? No matter how she had saved the princess, it was still unclear if she was an ally or an enemy.

      Meredy smiled at them, not bothering at the guys' action. She answered slowly, "I'm here... to kidnap our beautiful princess consort. I don't expect that other assassins would show up. I can sense that you guys are very tired from your previous fights. So, I could snatch her away from you guys easily."

"Stop it, Mere-san. Your jokes are boring." Erza interrupted her. The red-haired knight was carrying the unconscious pink-haired swordswoman over her shoulder before putting her on the ground. Shw looked at the ice mages and explained, "She is Meredy, granddaughter of Madam Porlyusica. I think she's in the forest to pick up the herbs."

"Erza-san, you aren't funny." Meredy laughed. Suddenly, Erza kneeled on her right knee in front of Lucy, "Your Highness, I apologized for my failed mission. I failed to protect you. I put you in danger. Please punish me."

"Erza-san. It's not your fault. You protected us," Lucy tried to raise Erza but the red-haired knight was still kneeling. Lucy also had to kneel down and hugged the older girl to stop her from apologizing. "Because of your warning, we could escape before the cart had been destroyed. Thank you Erza-san. You don't have to kneel to me."

      Erza was touched by Princess's words and her light embrace. However, she felt sad because such a kind-hearted princess would be in danger anytime in Fairy Tail. It was too unfair for her. She wanted to protect her. "I'll try my best to protect you, Princess." Meredy smiled widely, "Your Highness and

      Erza-san, I want to hug you," before joining the girls' hug.

       Juvia smiled, thinking that it was good to start like this. Her blonde friend was very cheerful and nice. Everyone would definitely love her after they had been close to her, they would see her good points no matter what their kingdoms were different.

"Isn't it impolite to hug Princess Lucelia?" the black-haired mage asked with a dumb expression. "No. Princess hugs Erza-san first," Meredy replied quickly. The girls ended the group hug a few seconds later.

"My buddy is coming back," Lyon claimed and the group saw a giant ice eagle in the sky. The eagle bit the unconscious Kamita's cloth. "Good job, everyone," Erza said, " Let's rest here for a few minutes. It's good that Mere-chan is here. You can heal our injured guards."

       Meredy nodded in agreement, "I can't cast healing spells now but I can give them my healing potions," She walked towards the guards who were resting near the group. "Everyone, please drink a sip of this healing potion. It can heal you faster."


      Little did they know, a small green owl had been sitting on a branch of one of the trees in the forest and observing a certain blonde since the beginning.


Hello is part-2 of "FairyTail warriors vs Garou Knights assassins."

And I skip "Erza vs Ikaruga" fight in this chapter.

Q: Who is the owner of the green owl?_


Meredy Lindsey

Madam Porlyusica, Royal physician, Meredy's grandmother

