Chapter 14 : A Flame Shining Brighter than Gold

March 20th, X524 (5:00 PM)
Summerhill Forest, Fairy Tail Kingdom

🎵While chasing my dreams
I got lost it seems
Within a forest deep in my heart
A mirror like spring
Reflecting clearly
A smile like a broken star
With every tear that fills my eyes
To gold and silver, they'll never compare
These ordinary tears of mine
I bet no god will hear my cry🎵

     It was Meredy's singing. The pinkette swung her legs slowly while sitting on a large tree in Summerhill forest. Her pink hair was tied into two loose side pigtails and her new outfit, which was a pink rabbit hoodie and light-coloured shorts, made her look more childish. She gently stroked a brown wild squirrel which was sleeping on her knee. Seemed like the sensory mage met her new friend on the tree.

🎵So I'll keep on chasing, chasing,
My dream and I'll soar,
Like no one's ever than before,
Then I'll keep chasing, chasing,
My dream til I'm sure,
It's burning through my soul,
A flame shining brighter than gold🎵

     Meredy smiled, as she looked downwards at Erza-san and Bisca-chan who were sitting on a blanket nearby. Erza-san seemed like she was lost in thought, and Bisca-chan was polishing one of her guns with a small piece of cloth. Since her grandmother left her in the care of Madam Irene, she was close with Scarlet clan's disciples although she wasn't a member. Bisca-chan, or Bisca Justine, the younger sister of Freed-san, was a senior student of the Scarlet Clan, and she was a year older than her. Bisca-chan's magic was guns magic, and she was one of the impressive snipers.

🎵I close my eyes to dream
And hear a voice faintly
Calling out to me again
But I'm standing alone
Much too far from home
I gaze into that lonely sky🎵

They weren't on a picnic by the way. They just finished defeating a weak dark guild, thus they were taking a rest now. Jellal-sama, Freed-san and Alzack-san were checking the surroundings just in case there were still a few enemies hiding in the woods. Fifty-five mages whom they had defeated were taken by the Summerhill guards.

Freed-san was Prince Laxus's right-handed man and Alzack Connell, Alzack-san, was Crown Prince's assistant. She wasn't close with Freed-san, but she was Alzack-san's main helper. He was 21 years old, and had short spiky black hair. He used Guns Magic, and most importantly, he had a crush on Bisca-chan. Meredy liked match-making her friends.

🎵I gotta leave and live my life
No more bitter poison and strife
A world of flowers growing high
Yeah that's the future that I'll find
Starting now I'm
Changing, Changing,
I swear that I'll soar🎵

     Everyone was dressing like commoners, which was different from their previous styles. The guys were wearing simple shirts and trousers, no one would know that they were the Crown Prince and the assistants of the two princes. Bisca-chan's outfit was a brown top and dark pants. Erza-san was more feminine with her purple knee-length sundress. They bought their new outfits before meeting the town's mayor. All of them hid their identities and claimed that they were sent by Lord Fulllbuster from the capital.

🎵Like no one's ever done before
The future's changing, changing,
My wish and yours
But soon we will behold
A light shining brighter than gold🎵

• • • • •


      After she had delivered the herbs to Sir Wakaba, Meredy met Erza-san and the gang on the way back to her house. The group was waiting for her because they needed a healer or someone who could perform healing spells. She joined their mission, and the group left Magnolia immediately. They passed two villages and the farmlands, then they stayed at an inn in a village named Lightwood for a night. The next early morning, they continued their journey and reached Summerhill after six hours of travelling. They travelled in such a hurry because the royal wedding was in two days.

• • • • •

🎵Na na na na na na na Oh
Na na na na na Hey Hey
Na na na na na na na Oh
And I will rise a hero🎵

      Not having the strong mages in Summerhill, the mayor requested help from the capital's officials in order to eliminate a dark guild, named Hill Beasts, which often invaded the city and frightened the locals. The mayor informed them that these dark mages were very powerful, and had more than fifty members. But his information was wrong, they defeated the dark guild very very easily.

🎵Na na na na na na na Oh
Na na na na na Hey Hey
Na na na na (Oh) na na na (Hey)
A flame shining brighter than gold

Na na na na na na na Oh
Na na na na na Hey Hey🎵

'Hey, where is Bisca-chan?' Meredy wondered as soon as she saw Erza-san sitting alone. Meredy looked at the surroundings and saw the blue-haired crown prince walking towards Titania. 'Bisca-chan, you should call me at least. I don't want to be a third wheel.' she sighed. She saw the crown prince and the scarlet-haired beauty talking.

      This stubborn couple, Jellal-sama and Erza-san, He liked her and she liked him, but none of them made a move yet. If she had acted as a cupid for them, they would have been a couple for so long. She couldn't blame them though, as they had no time for romance. Right now, Jellal-sama's priority was to destroy the dark guilds.

      Meredy let the squirrel rest on the big branch before jumping down from the tree on the other side. She intended to leave quietly, wanting to give the couple some time for privacy, but she was stopped by Jellal's voice. "Meredy, haven't you healed Erza yet?"

• • • • •


      Erza approached Garou Knights' swordmaiden with extreme speed, as she launched her two-swords attack on her opponent. The pink-haired woman raised her magic katana to deflect the red-haired knight's blades out of the way. Ikaruga pushed the two swords up to the air and swayed her sword, as she moved swiftly to slash Erza's right side. Erza span around in half-circle, as she brought her right sword to block the attack. Erza kicked Ikaruga but the latter retreated backwards to a short distance at her highest speed.

      Meanwhile, Erza closed her eyes and calmed her mind down for two seconds while summoning her powerful magic kanata 'demon blade benizaura', which was floating in the air. When she opened her eyes, her two kanata started flying towards Ikaruga. Erza picked up her single sword and ran towards Ikagura, focusing all of her magic power on her single kanata. Taking the opportunity that the pink-haired assassin was busy with the two flying swords, Erza unleashed a full-powered blow on Ikaruga, who blocked the attack with her sword again. However, the red-haired knight's final attack was so intense that Ikaruga failed to defend it with her sword, as she fell to the ground and her kanata was shattering into pieces.

• • • • •

'Ikaruga is an expert in using kanata. Normally, she can kill her enemies within one or two slashes. If I hadn't learnt telekinesis and multiple-sword summoning, I would have been defeated by her in that battle,' Erza thought, 'I should train harder with Clear Heart Clothing.'

"Erza, is everything all right?"

     Erza was recalling her fight with Ikaruga, so she didn't notice the blue-haired prince approaching her.

"I feel fine, Jellal-kun. I was lost in thought," she replied with a smile. This handsome crown prince was six months older than her, and she had been calling him "Jellal-kun" since she was a kid. He was very considerate of his friends, not to mention he was always kind to her. She always admired him. "Where's everyone?" she asked.


      Erza stood up quickly, "Let them rest. I can guard instead."

"You look tired, Erza," Jellal replied with concern. "I told you to stay in Magnolia, but you didn't listen to me. Meredy, haven't you healed Erza yet?"

        Erza turned around to see Meredy who just emerged from behind the nearby tree. The pinkette greeted them aas she grinned, "Erza-san is very well. Those weak mages didn't have a chance to lay a finger on her. Don't worry so much, Jellal-sama."

"Meredy!" Jellal called her name, which was a hint that she should stop talking and started healing Erza. The two girls walked a few steps away. The pinkette took out a small brown bottle to Erza, "Drink this energy potion, Erza-san."

       The red-haired maiden took a sip, only to taste a sour flavour. She looked at the younger girl and whispered, "Isn't it lemonade?" Meredy giggled and nodded, "You don't need healing, right? But someone might punish me if I neither give you healing potions nor cast a healing spell."

"In this case, lemonade is better than healing potions. Thank you, Mere-san," Erza replied, smiling.

      Meredy turned around and looked at Jellal, "Jellal-sama, can you give me a position at the city guards department? a job like Healer?" She asked like a child with big pleading eyes.

"But you're not a healer, Meredy. Besides, Sir Wakaba won't agree with this." Jellal replied, not considering the pinkette's request a second time.

"That's why I'm talking to you directly. I was thinking about this yesterday. I can cast healing spells. I want to join your department. Only you guys know my capability. Please, Jellal-sama."

"Any other specific reason?"

"I like someone from your department," Giggling, Meredy answered immediately, her comment caused Erza to cough lightly.

"Who is that someone?" Erza asked with simple curiosity. "Gray? Lyon? Mest?"

     Meredy held her index finger in front of her mouth, and spoke softly, "Top secret!"

     Jellal laughed, "There ain't no better reason. Join the city guards bureau as an intern healer. Starting from the day after the royal wedding. Do your best, Meredy."

"Aye sir!" The pink-haired maiden said happily, "Jellal-sama and Erza-san, IS THE BEST."

      Meantime, Alzack, Bisca and Freed came back and reported that all of the dark mages were arrested. Satisfying that they finished their successfully, Jellal ordered to go back to Summerhill, and then back to Magnolia. "LET'S GO!" Happily, Meredy led the way, as she sang the same song again.

🎵So I'll keep on chasing, chasing
My dream and I'll soar
Like no one's ever than before
Then I'll keep chasing, chasing
My dream til I'm sure
It's burning through my soul
A flame shining brighter than gold🎵

• • • • •

March 20th, X524 (Midnight)
West Forest, West region of Fairy Tail Kingdom

      Deep inside the West Forest, lay an enormous dark castle, which was the base of Oracion Seis. The castle was surrounded by spiky vines and dark fog spells within the West Forest, which was also known as a haunted forest that normal citizens didn't dare to enter.

      Oracion Seis was ruled by Master Brain. Besides Midnight, Cobra and Angel, there were other three powerful mages. Six of them were Elites of Oracion Seis, the most reliable members who were working for Brain and doing things as he ordered. Two hundred disciples were also under his command.

      In the centre of an empty and huge dark room, there was a large magic lacrima which was placed on a stone pillar. A middle-aged muscular man with neat silvery straight hair was standing in front of the pillar, looking at the orb. He was Brian, the leader of Oracion Seis. He was a bad-tempered man, and the straight black lines on his face made him look scarier. Beside him, was a floating dark wooden staff which had white bandages wrapping near the top half. At the tip of the staff was a white skull wearing a leaf crown with several extending upright leaves. It was Klodoa, a magic weapon that spoke the human language.

"Any process?" He asked, facing the orb. Inside the orb, he saw his son and his two underlings greeting him.

"We got the book, Father."

"Bring it to me within three days."

"As your command, Father / Master," Midnight and Cobra replied. The celestial mage waved her hand, "Master, can I stay a little longer in Sabertooth? I want to travel and search for the keys.. and the information about my enemy guild. I have to be stronger in case I've to face Lucelia Eucliffe in future."

"Five weeks. Return to Fairy Tail after five weeks."

"Thank you, master," Angel replied.

"That book is important for me, take care of it on the way," Brian said, before ending the call.

"Master Brain. What is that book?" Klodoa asked.

"The resurrection spell that my grandfather created fifty years ago, for the reason to revive the Dark Lord Zeref Black. Unfortunately, before the resurrection ceremony, he was betrayed and killed by his closest disciple. That bastard took the book and fled to Sabertooth. Twenty years ago when I was travelling in Sabertooth, I found out that he died, but there was no clue about the book. Luck was on my side. Five years ago, I heard that the book was fallen into the hand of the late Sabertooth. That being the case, the old Grand Tutor is the oldest official who is serving the two kings, and my guess was right. Soon, after I have retrieved the spellbook, the Celestial blood and the sky dragon slayer, I can revive Zeref Black... With his aid, I CAN RULE THE WORLD... HAHAHAHA."


The song lyrics, was Masayume chasing, Fairy Tail opening song 15, English cover by AmaLee.


The song lyrics, was Masayume chasing English cover by AmaLee.

Masayume chasing, song by BoA, was Fairy Tail opening theme 15.


Bisca Justine

Alzack Connell



