Chapter 22 : Light Vs Dark

April 19th, X524
Northern battlezone

     While the defenders were fighting their opponents in the central zone, Geoffery dispelled the barrier spell which blocked the way to the North part. He smirked because the dumb villagers indirectly showed him that the sword was in the North. He summoned a flying carpet and flew to his destination. He killed ten guards who were guarding the entrance. Geoffery waved his hand to dispel the blood-barrier spell, but he failed.

"It's a blood-barrier spell," Rob said, as he stepped into the battlefield, in his hand was a long sword. The village head dashed and slashed the Phantom Lord master who dodged and then sent a black sphere to him. Rob knew that it was an impossible fight, he was facing one of the strongest dark guild masters without magic, but he didn't have a choice.

      As the combat battle continued, of course, Master Rob was at disadvantage. A small robin flew away and was directed to the western battlezone, where Kagura and Lucy were.

• • • • •

Central battlezone

"Impossible. The ancient memory lost spell can't be broken so easily," Erigor said with a disbelieving tone, as he looked at the red-haired girl in armor. "You underestimated Erza," Jellal said calmly.

• • • • •

Western battlezone

"Be careful, Kagura-san," Lucy warned, as she didn't see the earth mage near them. A few seconds later, two rock statue-like features raised from the ground then they took the appearance of the two girls, "Attack them." Sol ordered.

     The living statues launched attacks on the real girls. Taurus stopped the harm, he smashed the statue with one punch. Kagura used gravity change, focusing on her counterpart to sandwich between the ground and her magic. The bull spirit swayed his scythe to crush the stone Kagura.

     Meantime, a small bird rested on Kagura's shoulder and chirped something into her ear. The girl's eyes became widened, and she stopped the fight at that moment, not seeing three flying big rocks coming to her. Lucy quickly wrapped the rocks with her celestial wrap. "What is going on Kagura-san?" The blonde asked worriedly, they had a short time to chat because Taurus was in a fight with Sol.

"My master is facing Geoffery," Kagura begged, "he can't use his magic anymore. Your Highness, I have to find Master. Please let me go."

"What do you mean he can't use magic?" Lucy asked with anxiety, "Why didn't he tell us in first place?"

"He didn't want to burden everyone," Kagura replied, "Please."

"Go. Kagura-san. I can handle this fight alone," Lucy smiled at her, "We will come to you as soon as we finish the fight."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Kagura replied before whistling aloud. A brown horse ran towards her, the gravity mage climbed onto her horse quickly and went to the place where her master was duelling with Geoffery.

• • • • •

Central battlezone

"Rainbow Fire," the fire mage shouted, creating a small rainbow-colored sphere in his hand. He threw it towards Jellal and Erza who were standing side-by-side a far distance from him. His range attacks were more powerful when he was away from his foes. The small fireball was getting bigger and bigger as it travelled in the air, colourful whirls radiated from the centre.

      Erza quickly changed into her Flame Empress armor; a dark red armor, with orange flame-like armorplates, and black parts which resembled the reminiscent of dragon limbs. Black dragon-like wings were attached to the armor. Her red hair was tied into a pair of high long ponytails by clips. Erza waved her long sword, which was dark red in color, and blocked the fire sphere which then dispersed into very little flame dust.

      Before Erza could counterattack, she heard Hibiki's voice through telepathy, "Laxus-sama, Lucelia-sama, do you hear me?" She looked at Jellal who also looked at her. What was the archive mage calling the two blonds urgently in the middle of the fight? Both of them thought worriedly.

• • • • •

Western battlezone

"Open Gate of the Lyre," Lucy extended her silver key forwards, "Lyra!" A young girl with long blonde hair appeared in front of Lucy. Lyra was a cheerful girl in a long dress and a pair of brown leather boots. A pair of small white wings was attached to her back and she was carrying a large harp. "Lulu-chan, I'm glad that you summon me." The harp spirit claimed happily.

"I'm counting on you, Lyra," the celestial spirit mage said. The spirit smiled knowingly, as she started singing a song while playing a beautiful melody with her harp.

"Such a lovingly song," one of the Phantom Lord subordinates said, as he was influenced by the harmonious music. "I want her voice," another woman said with a dreamy voice.

      Lyra's sweet melodic voice completely bewitched the nearby dark mages, including the squad leader. They stopped the fight and lined up a far distance in front of her. Lucy smirked, as she started reciting the celestial spirit magic spell that she had been learning for the whole month.

"Survey the heavens, Open the heavens...
All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine.
Oh Tetrabiblos...
I'm the ruler of the stars...
Aspect becomes complete...
Open the malevolent gate.
Oh 88 stars of the heaven...

     The dark mages became the target, as spherical 88 stars of constellations came from the sky. Lucy aimed at the opponents, the spheres attacked them with very powerful attack, enough to defeat all the dark mages.

"Way to go, Lu-chan, You're the best," The yellow exceed chapped his hands and cheered happily.

     Suddenly, both Lucy and Sparky heard Hibiki's voice. "Laxus-sama, Lucelia-sama, do you hear me?"

• • • • •

Southern battlezone

      The airspace mage used teleportation and emerged behind the lightning dragon slayer, with his palms facing each other. Two purple magic circles, which were inclined and faced each other, appeared near Laxus and enveloped him in a large dome. The blond prince groaned in pain as he felt his magic dramatically drained from him. The force from the airspace magic spell sent Laxus away, as he hit the ground. The drained magic floated in the air and was trapped inside the small sphere.

      Laxus stood up quickly, to continue his fight against Phantom Lord mage. Two-thirds of his power was affected by the opponent's spell, so the blond prince had no choice but to bet his life on his remaining magic. He needed to defeat the dark mage with one last spell. He raised his fist and chanted, the electricity surrounded his raised hand.

"Resounding through the air,
the roar of thunder,
plunge from the heavens
and reap destruction... RAGING BOLT..."

      A massive blast of lightning descended from the air and hit the paralyzed Sol. The airspace mage was immobilized due to the influence of Laxus's raging bolt spell, and the side sequence of his own Metsu spell that he was also exhausted from his most powerful spell. The small airspace sphere was also destroyed by raging bolt spell, thus Laxus got his captured magic back. The dark mage lay on the ground defeatedly.

"RUN!" The remaining Phantom Lord fellows started screaming and ran away immediately as soon as they saw the lightning dragon slayer win a one-versus-one fight with their commander.

"Laxus-sama, Lucelia-sama, do you hear me?" Laxus heard Hibiki's voice all of a sudden. "What's it Hibiki?" He replied. "I heard you Hibiki. What's wrong?"

"There's something important. The signals show that the village will be destroyed twenty-four minutes later. The cannon was activated a minute ago. It takes twenty minutes to restore the power. The location is on the GoldBridge Town gate wall."

"They will cannon us from the city to here? Impossible," the pink-haired city guard stated.

"We have 23 minutes left."

"I'll go there now," Laxus said. "I'm on the way to the gate," he heard Blondie's voice. He smirked, knowing that Blondie had defeated her opponents.

"I'm counting on you guys," Erza whispered, secretly telling them that she was back and joined the battle. Then the telepathy was shut down by Hibiki again.

• • • • •

Northern battlezone

      Master Rob was levitated in the air, as the rope made from darkness magic restricted his moves. "I'll kill you later, Rob." Geoffery laughed as he cut his palm. Blood flowed down from the cut as he splashed the blood on the barrier, as a result, the barrier disappeared.

"The humiliation I've suffered for ten years. It's because of you, Rob." Geoffery said, "Now, I can get my revenge. Hahaha." He laughed evilly as he stepped into the tunnel, along with the village head who was under his control. They reached the place where the sword was kept. Geoffery glanced at the Archenemy, "Finally the legendary sword Archenemy is in my hand."

• • • • •

     Ten years ago, when Geoffery ordered Phantom Lord to destroy Rosemallow village because he suspected that the Archenemy was hidden in that village. The dark mages killed all innocent villagers, except Kagura who was saved by Master Rob. Rob single-handed defeated the dark mages, as he engaged in a duel with Geoffery. He used an incomplete ancient spell Heavens Ray and defeated the Phantom Lord leader. On the other hand, his fate was determined that he would die if he used his magic next time.

     He took Kagura to his Rosemary village and accepted her as his second students. The villagers never went outside under his order. Until that day, Kagura went to the GoldBridge to buy some herbs to cure some of the ill villagers, and saved Erza. The deactivation of the main barrier spell for the second time caused Geoffery easily spotted the village location. It was his fate, after all.

• • • • •

Central battlezone

     Shocking that one of his most powerful spells was handled easily by the girl, Totomaru used his ultimate range attack. As he extended his hand, an enormous fire tornado was created and again directed to Jellal and Erza.

     The red-haired beauty jumped into the air before she spread her wings and flew towards the dark mage. Jellal created a golden flame in his hand, Flame of Rebuke, which was a spell combined of his heavenly body magic and fire magic. He sent it forwards. The golden flame covered the Flame Goddess in the midway.

     When the fire tornado was getting nearer, Erza cut it with her flame sword, and passed through it. Still in a golden flame aura, Erza raised her sword and released a blade-like flame in red and golden from her sword towards the frozen dark mage who was still thinking about how his spell was destroyed. The flame blade hit Totomaru, a moment later, Erza was near the fire mage and slashed him as her finishing move.

• • • • •

Northern cave

"You shouldn't underestimate me, Rob, I can dispel your magic barrier within a blink," Geoffery smirked, "By the way, let me tell you a good news. After twenty minutes, your precious village was erased forever."

     Suddenly, the ground near Phantom Lord was shaking, and he was pulled by a strong gravitational force, due to Kagura's gravity magic. Cursing, the dark guild leader dispelled the gravity change. Kagura dashed towards to slash the Phantom Lord leader with her teacher's sword that was picked up at the entrance of the tunnel.

     Even though Kagura had learnt Belserion Clan's sword techniques for years, she was still lack of duel experience, especially with a strong opponent. To Geoffery, her moves were rather like sword plays by a child. Kagura was getting anxious as the battle prolonged.

• • • • •

GoldBridge Town Gate

     Laxus arrived at the gate first because of his lightning body transport. The blond prince saw the familiar man standing near the giant cannon. Jose Porla was half-angry and half-terrified to see Laxus Dreyar who defeated him last time. The man was in a recovery state, that was why Geoffery ordered him to stay in GoldBridge and give the most important mission, which was to activate Grand Cannon.

"Lightning Dragon's Roar."

"Dead Wave."

     Laxus's lightning roar and the dark mage's darkness spell crashed each other in the midway, resulting in a loud explosion.

• • • • •

Northern cave

     The Phantom Lord leader kicked the girl as she was thrown backwards. Then Geoffery walked towards the magic barrier. Laughing evilly, he extended his hand to dispel the magic wall. However, he was stopped by Master Rob who held his arm and punched him in the face. The rope which tied Rob was burnt by his fire magic. Geoffery kicked him hard, and summoned two black waves immediately. Darkness magic was his secondary magic.

     Before the dark waves reached the village head, a large spiral fire wheel appeared in front of him and reflected the darkness magic.

'Master, you can't use magic.' Kagura panicked as she struggled to stand up. She saw her master duelling with the dark guild leader. "Run, Kagura, Run" she heard his shout.

'No. I won't run away like a coward anymore,' she thought. She gathered her strength, stood up and picked up her sword before walking slowly towards her destination. She touched it, only to be greeted by strong electricity.

Enduring the shock, her hand passed through the barrier, worst for her, the electricity became more and more intense. Kagura broke the barrier, as she stepped to the other side and knelt on the ground, her body was in pain.

"Kagura, what are you doing?" Master Rob shouted.

      Of course, she knew exactly what she was thinking. She decided to destroy the archenemy before Geoffery got it.

      With her remaining strength, she stood up again, this time she felt more tired. Gripping her sword tightly, Kagura approached the stone pillar. She swayed her sword to destroy the Archenemy, with one full strike. She expected that the long sword would be destroyed, however, in reality, her sword was broken instead.

"GO AWAY!" Kagura heard a fierce feminine voice.

