Chapter 27 : Just a little bit of Romance

May 13th, X524 (10:45 AM)
RedMaple Inn, IceFlask City

"Titania, Gray, how's the situation in the forest?" Lyon asked immediately when he saw his friends open the door of the inn. "We met an enemy who used sand magic. He's very powerful," Carla explained, "We retreated."

"Both the kidnapper and the sand mage are very strong. I think they're the same team," Erza replied before she sat down on a chair. Gray sat on the opposite side of Erza.

"They're from Oracion Seis," Lyon replied.

"What?" Erza asked in disbelief, "No way. Oracion Seis is the most silent guild among the dark guilds around Fairy Tail. We didn't get any report about them."

"We met two girls from that guild and fought them. They mentioned their guild name," Lyon replied.

"Did you win?" Gray asked. "No. We retreated too." Lyon replied shortly, not explaining the whole battle.

      Meredy exited her room to join the group, she greeted Erza and Gray. "Mere-chan, are you OK?" Erza asked the pinkette because the latter seemed like she had cried earlier.

"I'm fine now, Erza-san. I wan't stable because I was hit by my sensory blade," Meredy forced to smile. Before she sat down beside Erza, the group heard a gentle knock on the door, "Erza-san?" the familiar voice asked.

"Lucelia-sama!" Meredy called the blonde's name as she walked quickly to open the door.

"I'm glad you guys are alright," Lucy said happily, hugging her pink-haired friend. Lucy was followed by Jellal, Laxus, Juvia, Kagura, and the yellow exceed.

"I assume you guys know that Wendy is kidnapped by Oracion Seis members?" The red-haired maiden asked. 

       Jellal nodded, "That's why we all are here."

"Have you got their location?" Laxus asked while leaning against the wall, facing the group. Lucy was standing beside him. Juvia and Kagura sat down on a nearby bench, listening to the conversation silently. Jellal took a seat beside his girlfriend.

"No," Erza answered, "We've encountered them this morning, and we retreated."

"Sometimes, taking a step back is a better choice than moving forward," Laxus stated as he folded his arms, which was his usual style.

"Are they too strong?" Lucy asked.

       Erza nodded. She was the one who fought both Cobra and Ajeel, and she wasn't sure that she was able to defeat them in a 1vs1 fight if the previous battles didn't stop.

"Don't tell me you guys are distracted because of the reason that they're too strong?" Laxus asked, looking at Erza, Gray, Lyon, and Meredy, "What happened to my fellows who had defeated many dark guilds?"

"I'm not distracted. I'm worried about the whole situation because we have to win upcoming battles. We have to win.. to save Wendy. It's like going to the battlefield blindly."

"I'm still wondering why Wendy-chan is kidnapped," Meredy said.

"Madam Irene said that they wanted to revive the legendary dark wizard," Jellal explained, "They need sky dragon slayer and celestial spirit mage. We guess Lucelia is their next target."

"And you guys bring her here?" Erza asked, glaring at the lightning dragon slayer.

"She volunteered herself to come here," Laxus replied, giving an intense glare to the red-haired beauty. "Do I have to lock her up in my manor so that she can't get out?"

"Yes, it's the right thing you should do," Erza replied immediately.

"Laxus-kun, Erza-san, please calm down," Lucy said, holding his arm and telling him to stop the argument.

"There's a celestial spirit mage in their guild," Meredy said. Juvia looked at the blonde with worried eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" Laxus asked, noticing that Lucy's expression became fierce and the blue-haired girl looked worried about something.

"There are twelve zodiac keys in the world. Juvia heard that the celestial spirit mages killed each other to get the keys in the past," Juvia explained, "If the loser refused to give up her keys, the winner has the right to end her life."

"Are you kidding me?" Gray asked in surprise. To him, what the bluenette said was totally unbelievable.

"Juvia said the truth," the water mage replied.

"I'll never abandon my keys.. Never," Lucy whispered, causing a moment of silence in the room. Everyone in the room knew the blonde's attitude. Her situation was like another danger had been added up to the previous one. That was why all of them decide not to let her engage in the battle alone.

       However, they didn't know that they couldn't interfere the battles of the celestial spirit mages.. the battle which the zodiac keys holders' pride depended on.

• • • • •

11:25 AM

"You're here, Erza," Jellal said while walking towards his girlfriend who was standing on the balcony and thinking something seriously. Erza smiled... a smile that he knew it was a weak smile.

"Don't worry so much," he said, his left hand overlapping her right hand which was placed on the balcony railing, "Everyone will be fine."

"It's not that I'm not confident in others," Erza stated, "I trust them. I trust their strength. I was wondering if something bad turned out-"

"Trust me Erza. Everyone will be fine, including Wendy."

"I hope so," Erza smiled, placing her left hand on his left hand, "Thank you, Jellal-kun." One small act of love from him comforted her and guided her to become stronger. That little action.. was enough.

• • • • •

11:30 AM

🎵Just because you tumble once,
it doesn't mean it's not worth giving it another try.
Don't think you're not good enough
'cause it's a lie
Realize that it's your time to shine," It was Meredy's singing. The pinkette was walking slowly along the corridor🎵

🎵Even when you happen to get caught in the rain,
Take your time, let it wash away all the pain,
The words 'You're not alone resound right inside you,
And turn into courage again🎵

       She turned the corner, not noticing someone.

"Just like a blooming flower AHH" Only then did she realize that she bumped into someone.. more specifically, Lyon-sama. And he prevented her from falling... That meant he hugged her. He freed her from the support as she balanced herself. Meredy looked at him like she was suspecting him. Then she averted her eyes and continued walking, passing through beside him.

       Lyon quickly turned around, "Look Meredy. I apologize," he said, "I was angry because basically, we lost the battle. I shouldn't talk to you like that. I'm sorry." The pinkette turned around to face the white-haired guy.

      A moment of silence.. Lyon was waiting for her response..

"I will forgive you after you treat a meal in Magnolia," Meredy replied, "I think it's fair."

      Lyon smirked, "Are you asking me out Pink?"

"Who asked you out?" The girl retorted, "You apologized earlier, so I'm giving you a chance to redeem. I like food, flowers, and clothes. If I ask you for flowers or clothes, it'll be awkward and I'm sure you won't agree. So I'm asking you to treat me a meal. Don't overthink, Lyon-sama."

"Okay then. Deal," Lyon replied with a smile, "We'll talk about meal when we reach Magnolia."

"LYON, WHERE ARE YOU?" Gray's shout interrupted their pleasant atmosphere. Lyon shouted back to tell him to wait for a moment. "He's calling me for his training," Lyon explained.

"But we'll leave within one hour," Meredy replied.

"He wants to train for a few minutes," Lyon replied as he started walking away.

"Good luck on training, Lyon-sama." Meredy said before she continued singing.

🎵Just like a blooming flower, your dream opened for me, spotless, forever and always.
Everything is for you, for you. So let's chase the sunlight, We'll never let it fade away🎵

• • • • •

11:45 AM

"This is the first time I saw you zoning out this," the lightning dragon slayer said as soon as he entered the room. The blonde was sitting on a chair and staring at her golden keys which were placed on the table.

      Laxus sat on a chair, facing her, "You can team up with me if you're worried for your keys so much, Blondie. Titania will go with Jellal."

     Lucy shook her head, "I'll go with Erza-san, Your Highness. Besides, rescuing Wendy is more important. I can deal with the opponents."

"Sparky will join your team," Laxus said, looking at the celestial spirit mage.

"But Your Highness-"

"Don't try to argue Blondie."

"You can't win in the debate, so you stop me before the argument starts," Lucy retorted.

"I can't win against you in a debate? Blondie where does that little confidence of yours come from?" Laxus smirked.

"I'm always confident."

"Really? From what I remember, you weren't confident when you met me for the first time."

"You're mean, Your Highness. I'm worried about something earlier, and now you're bullying me."

"Haha, it's funny though," Laxus stood up, "Take a nap, Blondie. Our mission will start at 12:30." Laxus gave her a half-smile, then ruffled her golden hair, "Don't worry too much. See you in next thirty minutes." He said before leaving the room.

• • • • •

12:45 PM

        DeepTree forest... was located outside the IceFlask city, and surrounded by the mountains. The path also led to the SouthHill mountain ranges and MistyHill Valley. Laxus told the group that their destination was caves in the area of the valley.

It was 12:45 in the afternoon, the hot sun shone in its glory in the bright sky. Laxus, Jellal, Lyon, and Meredy were directly headed to the mountains while the rest went into the forest.

"Be careful!" Laxus warned as soon as he sensed the strange presence from a distance. "It's him. The red-haired kidnapper and his snake."

"Leave it to me," Jellal said, "I'll end this fight quickly and follow you. Find Wendy first and send signal bro."

"Take care," Laxus replied as he and his two fellows continued their path, leaving the blue-haired prince behind.

"Isn't it Crown Prince Jellal?" The cold voice that belonged to a certain poison dragon slayer said, "It's such an honor to battle you. Piece of warning, neither you can end our fight quickly nor Laxus Dreyar can find the little girl so easily. You can't face Oracion Seis with a childish strategy." 

       The blue-haired prince saw a red-haired guy wearing a white coat over a red shirt, and brown trousers. His opponent was riding a purple snake which was looking down at him and hissing angrily. "You can't tell our strength until you see it personally," Jellal replied, as his body started to glow a bright golden light.

• • • • •

      Meanwhile, Erza's group; Erza, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Kagura and the exceeds, was stopped by a certain celestial spirit mage. The Fairy Tail team couldn't deny their surprise to see their enemy who was facing them alone. Kagura stood in front of the blonde as she crossed her sheathed Archenemy, blocking Angel. "Everyone please back off," Lucy requested calmly.

"Lu! No!", "Lucelia-sama! It's dangerous!", "Lu-chan, please follow Erza-san's plan!", "I promised to Laxus-sama that I won't let you fight alone," were the denial from the group.

"Back off. This is my order," Lucy raised her voice, the determination on her face showed that she won't change her mind no matter what. "I can't say I'm not stronger than you all. But I've to fight this battle." She walked towards the front of the team then she turned around, "Leave this matter to me and head forward. Our goal is to save Wendy, not to protect me. Sparky, you follow Erza-san, too." Her right hand rested on her chest as she swore, "I promise that I'll win, a celestial spirit mage never breaks her promise."

"Titania, what'll we do?" The black-haired ice mage asked. Erza thought for a moment before answering, "We'll go forward." Lucy smiled at the red-haired leader before smiling at her blue-haired bestie, "Don't worry Juvia."

       After the group had left the two celestial spirit mages behind, Angel gave a frowning smile, "I don't believe that you're brave and strong."

"I'm not. I'm relying on my luck," Lucy said calmly.

      That reply made Angel snap out of her anger, glaring at the blonde like she wanted to kill her right now. "Luck, your stupid luck. You survived seventeen years ago because of your damn luck. Let's see if you can escape this time. I'll defeat you and watch you suffer little by little until you die."

"What do you mean.. 'seventeen years ago'?" The blonde asked back.


