Chapter 42 : Unexpected Help

May 18th, X524 (12:30 PM)
Wilville town, 90 miles South of Magnolia

It was lunchtime, thus the restaurants, and food stalls were very busy. At the front of the 'Heaven restaurant, a petite figure with her lilac-colored long hair with a half-up twist was about to open the door but she was halted for a reason.

As soon as she opened the door slowly a moment later, she was greeted by a young waiter. "Miss, there is an empty spot at the left corner. Please follow me."

"I'll go upstairs," the girl answered. Her blue eyes meant nothing more than coldness. Though she wore a long dark blue hoodless cloak, her elegance showed that she was a girl from a rich family.

She took a quick look at the table near the main door which made her stop opening the door. There, a pink-haired boy was eagerly eyeing the three bowls of noodles and a place with a big fish on his table, and a blue cat was meowing beside him.

The waiter nodded apologetically as he led her to the private room upstairs. Since everyone on the ground floor was busy eating their lunch, no one paid attention to her.

"Lisa-sama, you don't have to come to this shop personally," the bald tall man who was the owner of Heaven greeted her with a grin, "It's our honor." He reached his hand to grab the girl's hand to kiss her hand for greeting.

"Is my order ready?" the girl, named Lisa, replied with a fake smile as she folded her hands to avoid contact.

"Of course, Of course," the man answered in a honey tone, "Please wait a minute."

As the man left the room, the girl rolled her eyes at his back, "What a nuisance."

The man returned a few minutes later, followed by three male servants who were carrying two middle-sized boxes each. They left after placing the boxes on the floor.

"Oh, look like you did your job well," the lilac-haired beauty said in a bossy manner.

"Of course, I'm your servant, Lisa-sama," the man praised, his grin becoming wider than normal, "the potions my brother made are top standards."

"Yes, I know. That is why my medical center always orders your potions. Your potions are 25% more potent in healing injuries."

'What is she talking about?' The man looked at the girl to ask her what she meant but was shut up by her cold glare.

The girl touched her white chain bracelet, and a violet hole appeared on it. She sent the boxes into her storage space through her bracelet. She stood up, "Don't send me out."

She walked slowly and passed the ground-floor customers. Just before she exited the door, she glanced at the pink-haired boy again.

'He eats quickly. Did he finish three big bowls within ten minutes?' A smile appeared on her lips, as she exited the restaurant, 'I'm sure we'll meet again.'

• • • • •

3:30 PM
Southern Magnolia city gate

"Natsu, look. The security is tight. How will we enter the city without them noticing us?" Happy whispered to Natsu, there was a slight worry in his little voice. They were standing at a small candy stall near the Southern gate, pretending to buy candies while secretly studying the situation.

Last time two weeks ago, when they arrived in Magnolia with Gajeel, Rogue, and Levy, they met a girl named Sherry who helped them pass the gate without difficulty and arranged for them to meet Lord Fullbuster. Then, after a series of discussions with Lord Fullbuster, they left Magnolia easily and made their journey to IceFlask City.

"Just walk through the gate."

"Natsu!!" Happy sweatdropped, as he looked up at the fire dragon slayer who was holding him. Unlike him, the latter seemed relaxed.

'Of course, he is in disguise,' the blue exceed thought helplessly. His master's outfit was a normal attire of a boy who just left his hometown to set his new life in the capital. To make up the story more realistic, he bought some clothes and a bag and placed these clothes and some money in the bag.

'Meanwhile, I'm pretending to be a cat,' the exceed growled. Currently, his Natsu was carrying him, but when he was on the ground, he had to... crawl...

"But we don't have the gate pass," Natsu said. he seemed free of worries, but he hadn't made a move yet. If the guests sensed something suspicious of him, he would end up in detention, which blew all his efforts away and caused him unable to meet Luce secretly.

"Then come with me, I'll help you," a sweet voice appeared from behind.

Natsu looked around to see a girl with a weird hair color, wearing a long white dress and a cloak. She seemed younger than him. Her scent.. the familiar scent of rose.. and her voice hinted to him that he had met her before. 'Right.. she is the girl who went to the VIP room in that restaurant.' Though Natsu didn't glance at her appearance at that time, he couldn't block his dragon slayer hearing sense and smelling sense. Since most customers on the ground floor were discussing their random staff, Natsu, with his bad habit, couldn't help but secretly listened to the conversation from upstairs.

'She owns a medical institution. That means she is a kind person, and she can help us."

"I'm Natsu," he greeted, "and this is my cat Happy."

"Can I hug him? He is so cute," the girl giggled, "My apology, I should introduce myself. I'm Lisa."

"We're from Viridian City. I'm looking for a job in the capital."

Lisa smiled, "I heard that you are talking to yourself. This is your first time visiting the capital, isn't it? I will take you inside. The security in Magnolia is tight these days," Every citizen and the merchants had the token to pass the capital gates.

"Then help us, Lisa," he grinned, as he handed the blue cat to her. The girl held Happy in her arms. Happy who was pretending to be a normal cat meowed.

Natsu, Happy, and Lisa walked to the gate and were stopped by the guards. "Give me your identities."

"I'm Lisa Ellis, from Wilville town," Lisa said, as she handed her identity token to the guards, "I'm a merchant from Wilville."

The guards checked the token before looking at the pink-haired boy.

Seeing this, Lisa gave a bright smile, "He is my cousin. This is the first time he visits the capital. You know his parents are really strict." Natsu couldn't help but grin. This girl was handling this problem very well that even he believed her story. She was smart, taking advantage of the close resemblance of her pale-purple hair color and his salmon hair to make the others believe that they were cousins.

"I'm kinda introverted," Natsu rubbed his hair sheepishly, "That is why my parents finally let me visit Magnolia with my younger cousin."

Natsu was infamous in Crocus as THE 'Troublemaker' HEIR of the Dragneel Family. Still, the young ladies from Crocus fell for his cute and charming appearance. Natsu Dragneel was, no doubt, one of the most handsome guys in Crocus. Even now, the guards believed his acting because of his looks.

The guards let them pass the gate, being certain that a cute young man, and an innocent young lady carrying a cat... won't bring any harm.

"Thank you," Lisa smiled gorgeously, as she took a step, followed by Natsu.

"Thanks, Lisa," Natsu said when they reached a spot out of the guards' sight. "You're welcome," Lisa replied with a smile, as she stoke the cat fur gently. "I hope to meet you again, Natsu... Happy."

"Haha, I'm glad to meet a friend like you, Lisa," Natsu spoke, as he grabbed Happy. Just before he could ask her how could he repay her, he sensed an unfamiliar presence with a hostile aura.

"Ha... I wonder what you're planning for, Lisa-sama?" the unfriendly tone greeted them. Natsu and Lisa looked in that direction. They saw a man wearing a dark-blue fitting plain cloth and a pair of extremely baggy loose dark pants which were tucked inside a pair of light armored greaces, a tight hood, and a metal visor. Seven wooden things were floating in the air beside him.

"Shit," Lisa cursed with annoyance. Of course, Natsu could hear it easily. He looked at her to see her trembling a bit.

"I'm not stupid to fall for your tricks. Haha. Lisanna Strauss, you are so bold to wander in Magnolia with basic-level transformation magic."

"Lisanna Strauss?" Natsu looked at her in disbelief. The girl who helped him was... from the Strauss Family?

"What I do is none of your business," the girl smirked, as she changed back to her normal appearance. Her long wavy lilac-colored hair was changed to her short white hair. "Too bad I like this hair color very much," she sighed.

Then she glared at the helmeted man with aggressive intensity, "You should mind your own business, Bickslow." She quickly sprayed some powder towards the latter. Then, she transformed her arms into wings and her lower body into a body of a bird, while retaining the rest of her human features.

Lisanna in her animal soul bird form grabbed Natsu's shoulder with her claws and flew away.

• • • • •

Magnolia Garden

"Why are you kidnapping us?" Natsu said angrily while narrowing his eyes at Lisanna. They were now in Magnolia garden, and Natsu glared at her, 'She lies to him.'

"If I ran away alone, that guy had already caught you two for entering the city illegally. I save you twice, Natsu."

"You lied to us," Natsu retorted. He couldn't believe that he was fooled by a girl from Strauss Family... He didn't know much about Fairy Tail.. but he did know two things... first - 'General Strauss was the one who slayed thousands of Sabertooth soldiers in the war.' and second - 'The Strauss Family is against Fairy Tail's Crown Prince Jellal Dreyar and Prince Laxus Dreyar.'

"I just told lies to those stupid guards. I didn't lie to you. I said 'I'm Lisa,' Lisa... Lisanna. Got it?"

"But you concealed your appearance."

"My transformation magic was on me even before I met you, Natsu," Lisanna smirked, "What about you? You lied to me that 'you are from Viridan city.'"

"I'm from Viridian City."

"No... You're from Sabertooth," she smiled, before stepping forward. She leaned closer to him and whispered, "A dragon slayer... Happy is not a cat, he is your exceed. So we're even, ain't we?"

"What're you talking about?" He acted to be clueless. 'How does she know of my identity?' During the whole journey, Natsu and Happy were in disguise. That was why Natsu couldn't understand how Lisanna discovered his identity.

"Drop the act, Natsu. I couldn't help overhearing your conversation with Happy when you're in Heaven restaurant."

Hearing this, Natsu took a brief glare at Happy, silently telling him 'It's your fault, Happy.' Back then, after the waiter served the dishes on the table, Happy unintentionally shouted out 'Yayy, Fish' although he quickly shut his mouth the next second. Damn, these two words ruinned all of their efforts.

She smiled, as she took two steps back, "don't worry, I don't have ill intentions. I just wanted to help you. Happy, tell something good about me."

"Natsu, I don't think she is a bad person," the blue exceed whispered, touching Natsu's arm.

"Happy, you're very clever," the white-haired girl laughed, as she pinched the cat's cheeks happily.

"Natsu, I heard that you're in Magnolia for your business. How can I help you?"

"Why do you want to help me?" he asked, with doubt, if he could trust this girl.

"Don't you say that I'm your friend?"

"That's all?"

The girl nodded, her smile never disappeared from her face.

"I'm staying in Magnolia for a few days. I plan to stay in an inn." He replied. He didn't know why his anger was slowly washed away by her friendliness.

Lisanna didn't ask what was his true purpose of staying in Magnolia, "Then go to 'Ralia' inn near the Kardia Cathedral," she answered, "There is a Magnolia town map of famous buildings at the entrance of this garden."

He assumed that the inn she recommended was one of the Strauss Family's underlings. He also had to stay away from those city guards, so he agreed.

"Thanks... Lisanna."

"Oh, it's getting late. I've to return to my house," Lisanna grinned, "See you later. Natsu... Happy... Don't run away when I meet you next time, Natsu." She waved her hand before running.

"Bye-bye, Lisanna," the blue exceed shouted as he waved his little arm.

"You do like her," the pink-haired boy commented, before placing his exceed to the ground.

"Lisanna is kind and pretty," Happy grinned, "Maybe because she is an animal soul user, I'm attached to her." He walked on his four limbs to be looked normal.

"It's not something an exceed should say," Natsu retorted, as he started walking to find the Magnolia town map. He was glad that Lisanna didn't ask about his business. She was indeed smart and tricky, but she did help him a lot. Talking to her reminded him of Lucy; as both Lucy and Lisanna were cheerful and friendly.

'Lucy, I miss you,' he sighed deeply.

• • • • •

May 18th, X524 (4:45 PM)

"I hate vehicles," Gajeel closed his mouth not to vomit, his vision was blurred, as dizziness took control of him. He leaned on the frame of the vehicle to relieve his motion sickness which was caused by a carriage.

"Sorry, Gajeel. I can't fly all the time," the black exceed said, "Your motion sickness will be gone after we reach the next town."

"My fault... we... wasted... our time... to Iceflask... Blergh."

The duo flew to Iceflask nonstop and discovered that Bunnygirl's group hadn't departed Iceflask yet. Of course, they checked on them from a very very far distance to avoid the thunder dragon slayer. Realizing that Natsu might be on the way to Magnolia, the iron dragon slayer and his exceed set their journey the next morning. However, Lily could fly one day more, then he was tired. Gajeel didn't have his mount, so they walked on foot for half a day and reached a small village last night.

This morning, they met two traders whose job was to import rice to Magnolia. Luckily, they let them tag along, and since then... the black-haired dragon slayer had been suffering from his motion sickness... for nine hours.

"At least, we learned that the Fairy Tail gang is traveling very slowly. They're still behind us," Lily said, as he ate a kiwi that he bought in a fruit stall, "As soon as we reach Magnolia, we will find Natsu and Happy, and bring them back."

"That's... what we.. planned," Gajeel murmured, as he lay down on the carriage. He planned to buy a horse for traveling but Lily stopped him, telling him that they should save money. Because of Lily, his condition was now... so helpless.

"Natsu is getting smart, but he miscalculated. He should go to IceFlask instead of going straight to Magnolia," the exceed commented.

"When will... we reach... Magnolia?"

"After we pass three towns," Lily replied, before grabbing another kiwi.

"You got Kiwi... So start working tomorrow Lily... I can't endure it anymore."

"I told you to buy some sleeping potions from the shop, but you refused," the exceed said, giving a look of 'you're stubborn, Gajeel.' But after seeing his poor master, he added, "Don't worry, Gajeel. I've been resting for so long, I can fly tomorrow."

"I thought... the ride was only three or four hours." They were using the same route; from Magnolia to IceFlask, and from Iceflask to Magnolia. However, they were in the neighboring country with a secret mission, so Gajeel didn't memorize the landscape along the way.

"You can drink it, now. It's not too late."

Gajeel frowned at his exceed but said nothing.. because he was too tired to talk.
'Damn, dragon slayer's motion sickness,' he cursed silently.

